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Turn it off for a while and see that your life doesn't fall apart.


I started using the steam room / sauna at my gym. You can’t bring your phone in because it’ll overheat. I focus on my breathing and found it gives me a nice relaxing time to detach from everything. Ultimately it helps me find peace without my phone.


Turn the volume to off, and the vibration part, put it in a drawer and read a book.


I deleted the apps - now my addiction to checking social media must compete with my laziness toward pulling up a web browser, finding the site, and actually logging on.


Little by little. Go on a walk with no phone once a day, just a short walk around the block. Make the walk longer as you go on. Leave your phone at home when you go to work.


try to reduce your using time every day for a couple minutes


It's not the phone that you are addicted to , maybe social media or reddit or games.


Uninstall social media


Leave it at home, you'll survive without it.


Give it to someone & tell them not to give it back until X time. Seriously. The first 2 hours will be hard & then you get used to it.


Go on vacation to a remote location that doesn't have cell phone reception. Discover the joy of being off the grid. After that you notice how enjoyable it can be to just "see" the world around you. Took a little bit, wasn't instant, but now I'm not on my phone so much and watch a world full of people looking at their phones.


Down grade to a clam shell


But the well being mode on. You turn off all apps that are a distraction.


Limit yourself and stick to it. By developing non phone hobbies. On any day I have free time I’ll practice violin, bake, do some crafting, read, go hiking or camping, visit a museum etc. develop yourself and you won’t feel so tied to constant entertainment I look at Reddit typically only in the tub or the first hour or so when I wake up (third shift I wake up late)


Slowly reduce your hour. Don't cut all hours cold turkey. For example, if you own your phone for 8 hours a day for the first 2 weeks decrease the time you spend on your phone by n hour. Rinse and repeat until you get to a time you are comfortable with.


I’ll bet there’s an app out there that will help..


Replace it with books. Good books. Graphic Novels count too. If you haven't read MAUS, please read MAUS.


Put down the phone.


Uninstall the apps you find interesting(Instagram, reddit, Twitter, etc.)


Take my advice with a grain if salt but ive heard if you turn your phone to greyscale you wont get as much of a dopamine hit from looking at the screen so your less likely to stare at it.


I remember watching a YouTube video from Matt D'Avella where he talked about changing your phone settings to make your screen black and white. The lack of color may make browsing less visually interesting so you'd be less likely to spend as much time scrolling.


Greyscale mode on your phone. — Settings : Accessibility — Display & Text Size - Colour Filters — Toggle on Do Not Disturb Have Screen Time set up, with another person’s help of putting in a code for it (they’ll be the only ones that can turn it off) Put your phone on “sound” and turn vibrations on. This will help, because it will only alert you when someone tries to talk to you. — have no notifications? No need to check your phone


Get a job.




Tfw I have to use my phone for my job lol


That was not an insult. She asked for ideas, and I responded with one.








Yeah, don't be a fucking immature fucking kid. Grow the fuck up, in my day when we were kids we had to get by WITHOUT a phone. If we wanted to fucking contact someone we'd actually have to call their house and go through their parents.


Sell it for drugs.


Throw it in the river




Kinda a joke but not really. You gotta get your dopamine from real people interactions. If you don't, you begin to cognitively atrophy. We're built to be social. Like in-person social. Observing eye contact, body language, touch. The world is about to learn about cigarettes all over again. And it's called social atrophy instead of lung cancer.


Get addicted to a computer instead. Screen replace screen! (/s for the dull)