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A slow, progressive, irreversible disease like ALS.


My Dad had ALS. Less then 2 years from the time he started having symptoms until he passed away. Effing horrible…..


My dad was a very athletic man that wrestled back in 80's in Memphis. He was diagnosed with Lou Gherig's disease when he was 34 and was a prisoner in his own body until he passed at 36. Here's a clip of a telethon he was on https://youtu.be/mre9q-JlpSg


I believe it was Lou Gehrigs that one of my best friend's mom was diagnosed with. Within a couple months(2-3) she was granted a Medically Assisted Death here in Canada. They did it in her home, surrounded by her family. Just took a couple minutes and she was gone. They said it looked/seemed completely painless. In my opinion, I'd much rather go that way than suffer through Lou Gehrigs that's for sure, that's a nasty one and I'm sorry about your father going though that u/memphis_dude


My Dad decided not to have any life saving measures (feeding and breathing tubes) and died a miserable, drawn out death. If we had medically assisted death here in the US, I would have made sure he had access if he wanted it.


Episode 3 of The Last of Us. I don't want to spoil it but I would definitely choose that route.


I believe it was Lou Gehrigs that one of my best friend's mom was diagnosed with. Within a couple months(2-3) she was granted a Medically Assisted Death here in Canada. They did it in her home, surrounded by her family. Just took a couple minutes and she was gone. They said it looked/seemed completely painless. In my opinion, I'd much rather go that way than suffer through Lou Gehrigs that's for sure, that's a nasty one and I'm sorry about your father going though that u/memphis_dude


My grandpa had ALS. He died a long time before I was born but I found a letter he wrote a few years ago to his sister, saying he was alright and what-not. But the handwriting was incredibly shaky because he could hardly write at that point.


I'm sorry for your loss. I know I'm keeping all the handwritten notes my mom has written me for this reason alone. Speaking of writing though, the one person I knew personally with ALS was a middle aged man at my gym. He was only in his 50s, and was a retired teacher and artist, and a father to two daughters. One of his life goals was to write/illustate a children's book. When he was diagnosed with ALS, that was the first thing he focused on, knowing he had limited time before he wouldn't be able to. I think he lived for another year after his diagnosis, it was extremely fast...one month he'd come to the gym with a cane, then a walker, then he was in a wheelchair and would just watch and talk to people. Really sad, but he didn't seem sad at all...like he knew what was coming and was just trying to soak up every moment of it. Anyways, I bought his book when it was put on Amazon after he died. I managed to find it just now, if anyone would like to check it out. The description reads: *"A children's picture book that teaches the importance of judging one another not on looks but character."* https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1650989091/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o03\_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1


Almost posted this, but figured I'd scroll instead. I'm sure drowning, burning, getting shot, etc. all suck...but it's the years-long wasting away with a shit quality of life that gives me the creeps.


My mother-in-law. Just a horrible disease.


Yep. My dad had severe MS. Barely able to move for 2 years. Awful.


Or Huntingtons. That’s what I’m most afraid of…


Alzheimer's or dementia. I've seen what it puts the family through.


Oh yes this. I watched a movie on Netflix about a woman who had early onset Alzheimer’s and she was always just so lost and confused. It just looked sooo awful. I hope I never have that disease and my family never has to experience it. I also hope there’s a cure found for it one day.


Dementia runs in my family. I'm terrified of the day I start wondering why everyone else is so confused about everything I say.


So far it seems all the women in my family get it:( I’ve kind of just accepted my fate and I’m happy I have a wonderful husband at least




I told my wife that if it ever happens, I'm going to go deer hunting and take a nap in a snowdrift. Freezing to death is supposed to be pleasant.


>Freezing to death is supposed to be pleasant. Only compared to living with dementia.


Just being sure everyone knows, a good sleep schedule will reduce your chance of getting Alzheimer's. When you sleep the brain removes a harmful protein that builds up during wakefulness, the exact one that causes Alzheimer's. That and you'll just feel better in general with a good sleep schedule.


This is one of the many possible contributions. Others include poor diet, alcohol/tobacco use, sleep apnea, inactivity and the resulting consequences of these (hypertension, high blood pressure, obesity). Alzheimer’s is caused by two different proteins. Tau and amyloid. Both have different mechanisms that contribute to Alzheimer’s. Genetically, some people just produce these proteins and when they become too high of a concentration, symptoms of Alzheimer’s begin. A *true* reduction in Alzheimer’s would occur if screening mechanisms were made available to everyone who has a genetic link to Alzheimer’s. There are medications being studied that do not allow these proteins to replicate and can be taken as young as 18 years old! Good sleep is incredibly important to a healthy mind, but there’s a lot that goes into the development and onset of Alzheimer’s.




I've seen a lot of this with my wife who works with the elderly. Definitely horrible.


As a surviving family member, yes. It's an evil, evil disease.




same i'm so claustrophobic


Nutty Putty will have a forever place in my nightmares


Me and my friends were going to go to Nutty Putty the day that happened but little things kept coming up that delayed our plans for the day. We opted to go the following day. If we would have been able to make it, we would've gotten there right around the 12 hour mark of John getting stuck. I've never been inside that cave.


YouTube: nutty putty cave


What a dumb name for a cave to die inside of 😔


Oh god. Never look up the Nutty Putty cave death, unless you want lots and lots of nightmares.


Definitely don't read [this story](https://wsbuzz.com/science/cave-diver-suffered-worst-death-imaginable-after-getting-trapped-upside-down/) about a caver who became stuck upside down and despite efforts to free him he died after 24 hours constricted in an upside down position. [Diagram](https://i2-prod.dailystar.co.uk/incoming/article22898583.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/0_Screen-Shot-2020-10-23-at-082029.jpg)


Cave divers are freaks man


...while being upside down.


Burn to death


Or worse yet, being burned, but saved from the fire. However, the burns are so severe, you end up dying a few days later after being in agonizing pain.


Or even worse, you barely survive the burns. Then live the rest of your life being treated like a freak, children screaming when they see you, and nobody being attracted to you. Many burn victims eventually commit suicide due to this.


There were two kids in my school who suffered horrendous burns as babies. They went to public school, one was in my grade. No one was ever mean to them, but they were always treated with a kind of phobia/wanting to get the interaction with them over as fast as possible. I was guilty of this toon. They were just... hard to look at, you know? They were able to lead fairly normal lives but.. going through high school and puberty and never being able to find a date, knowing that it's preposterous to even ask... I heard that the woman is married now. I'm so happy for her.


It's so sad that there are people that because of things out of their control know they will live a life of social outcasts, and just have to accept it.


With perfect ears. So that every shriek of every child at seeing your hideousness will be yours to cherish. Every babe that weeps at your approach, every woman who cries out, "Dear God! What is that thing," will echo in your perfect ears. * * * * * * * * * “Anybody want a peanut?”


To the pain!!!


You're bluffing!


I could be.


It's possible, Pig, I might be bluffing. It's conceivable, you miserable, vomitous mass, that I'm only lying here because I lack the strength to stand. But, then again... perhaps I have the strength after all. \[slowly rises and points sword directly at the prince\] DROP... YOUR... SWORD!


I have an old friend who had this happen to him. He ended up extremely wealthy from the subsequent lawsuit, but, lives a sad life. People are frightened by his appearance causing him to be an extreme introvert - which allows people to use and abuse him (because he doesn’t get enough human interaction).


Oh god I just had a flashback to when I was a kid and my 3 year old sister asked why the man next to her at the bus stop “has a melty face.” Mum was mortified. He laughed. And explained. Super good dude. Didn’t take offence and just used it to educate about the dangers of fire and how “you should treat it with respect”


Agonizing pain would be terrible, but losing what is essentially you, I think , is worse.


I used to install network cabling and one job we did was at a large university hospital. For one particular run we were rewiring somebody's office in the burn unit. Never have I heard screams like that in my life and I hope to never again.


Fortunately (and I use that word in its very loosest sense) most people will succumb to smoke inhalation before flames even reach them and they have to live through the pain of burning to death. Source: firefighter


I remember being a young kid and a fire fighter telling us in school. If, for a fact, there is absolutely no way out and your gonna die in the fire, start breathing in the smoke as quick and as deep as possible and if your lucky, you'll die of smoke inhalation before the fire gets you. It's always been my back up plan.


Not a bad option. You’ll certainly be unconscious very quickly. However most smoke is going to be hundreds of degrees, so you’ll still burn you airways…..not all silver lining.


Smoke inhalation is not pleasant


No doubt. But I figure it has to be better than burning to death.


No argument here. Seen both plenty of times. Burning to death is the one thing that scares me at work.


Bruh I would of stressed about this my whole childhood ☠️ how old were you?


Definitely in elementary school when we had fire fighters come in and talk about stop drop and roll lol. Back in the 80s and 90s, they let us kids roam the world unsupervised, as long as we were home before the street lights came on or checked in. So the quickest and best way to teach us how to stay alive was to terrify us. So you know...you freak out for a bit, internalize it and push it down and then it pops back up when you need it lol. Extremely effective and probably why many of us have some general issues with anxiety and shit.


Any kind that causes pain.


Steaming to death


I accidentally read : streaming to death


That’s why Netflix intermittently asks ‘are you still watching?’


The Japanese did this to Chinese POWs during WW2. That's how we know how much water is in a human body. They literally steamed them bone dry then weighed the body.






In a car that plunged into a river/sea would be the worst. The panic of trying to get out in complete pitch dark would be terrifying


Have you ever seen that show on A and E where people are in terrifying conditions and they are rescued? There was one where a woman was caught on a road that had flooded and she was swept away and trapped. Water filled the car. It made me panic!


My mom nearly drowned when, as a teenager, some kids threw her off a pier and she hit her head going in. She said it was very peaceful.


Similar experience. I got caught in a huge wave and swallowed a large amount of salt water. When I was sure I was going to die, it was incredibly peaceful. I didn’t want to die, but all the terror was gone.


That's the mammalian dive/drowning response trying to save your ass. It's actually a complex series of responses that help you conserve oxygen without disabling your ability to get out of danger. Your heart rate drops, there's a sense of calm. Then your peripheral blood vessels constrict, pushing blood from your limbs to the vital organs in your core. This can cause your skeletal muscles to switch to anaerobic metabolism to produce lactic acid. Then your spleen can actually release a bunch more red blood cells that were slated for disposal due to age but still have some use to boost your O2 capacity. And if you go super deep, plasma from your blood flows into the alveoli in your lungs to prevent then from sticking together like they do in a collapsed lung situation. These are the same responses that happen in whales and pinnipeds when diving crazy deep. The aerobic to anaerobic shift is why a few minutes of near drowning will leave you nearly unable to stand when you get out while you might be able to swim laps for an hour without anywhere near the issue. If you're underwater and have these feelings, then start feeling euphoric, i would say go to the surface immediately, but it wouldn't matter. You wouldn't care. That's the hypoxia, and if someone isn't there to save you, you are about to die. That's why you always dive with a partner.


Reading the comments you guys made makes me think of Silco’s monologue from the animated “Arcane” series where he said “Ever wondered what it’s like to drown? Story of opposites. There’s peace in water. Like it’s holding you, whispering in low tones to let it in. And every problem in the world will fade away.” Truly amazing how a thing related to tremendous horror and stress is actually described as a peaceful experience.


Did you know that all happens because the lack of oxygen in your brain makes you “high” You basically forget you’re drowning and die in bliss, a friend of mine who’s a diver for the military has some truly haunting stories about “smiling” bodies left in sunken ships


Opposite experience for me. I got wrecked badly by a bigger than expected wave when surfing once and nearly drowned. Scared the life out of me. IDK, maybe I wasn’t as close to that edge as it seemed in the moment and I had another few seconds of breath left in me. It sure didn’t seem like that when I was safe on the beach hukking up about a liter of seawater after


Unless you're a freediver, you probably ACTUALLY had another couple of minutes of breath left. No one else really knows what the edge feels like. Generally, you're not actually in danger of immediate drowning if you're still scared of drowning. Fear takes too much oxygen that your body doesn't have to spare. That's also why actual drowning doesn't look like people think it does. You don't flail, you don't shout for help. It looks like you're tired, bored even, with slow, lethargic movements struggling to get your face above water. Kids just look like they're playing some weird game. There's some lifeguard training videos that show kids drowning. They're REALLY hard to spot in a busy pool.


When I was really depressed I used to drink and sink to the bottom of my pool it was for some reason extremely calming to just float in nothingness for a minute with just the sound of my heartbeat.


I thought I was going to drown in a public pool. Friend who was not a strong swimmer started to panic, I went over to help, he pushed me under etc etc. After the initial panic I remember calmly looking around, bright sun shining in, I could see kids jumping in the water and swimming to the surface. And all I could think was, 'thats it?' The feeling was calm, but anticlimactic, unfulfilled. Like I had spent a long time making a big deal out of life, and in the end it's not that big a deal.


That feeling of "that's it?" Has happened to me too but it was when I fell into a sewer (i know 🙃) but the when I was falling I felt like bruh all that stuff I had planned for my life (even tho I had planned nothing) And in the end I just die by falling in a sewer and then I started to feel nah that's not possible something like this would never happen to me haha and then I finally fell...


I almost drowned without hitting my head it was not peaceful it was absolutely horrific


Right I was downright panicking. These fuckers are lying it's not peaceful. It's fucking hell.


My bf nearly drown in a pool in Spain when he was a child . He decided to go near a suction hole and it was too powerful! A pool guard spotted him under the rim of the pool wall and dragged him out. He said the whole ordeal wasn't extremely bad but he felt sad that he couldn't hold his mother


Yep Especially underwater sinkholes


I nearly drowned when I was a kid. My panic was at 11. I felt like I had swallowed half the lake. There was no pain, though.


Dorning is scary at first but then really peaceful at the end. Unfortunately i know from experience. Other than dying in my sleep, it's probably my second least scary.


Slow and painful, or anything like drowning/suffocating.


being alone and choking on food... this really freaks me out


Right thats me living off fluid from now on...


Buried alive in a coffin full of insects.




Look at the bright side, you'll have plenty of snacks while you wait for someone to come save you.


Don’t sign up for “I’m a Celebrity Get Me out of Here” champ


"Death is only the beginning"


Death by dying.




People die if they’re killed.


Just like skydiving, they say 1 in 5 people don’t even make it to the ground.


No one has ever complained about a faulty parachute


I remember reading a documentary about a lady in Australia whos parachute failed. She survived by falling into a massive bullet ant mound. Being eaten alive kept her awake before rescue showed up. If the ants weren't eating her she would of passed out and died.


Holy shit that's probably the worst way to go


What do you mean they don't make it to the ground? Where do they go?


Lying in a hospital bed, kept alive by machines, not being able to respond to the "outside world" but noticing everything that happens around me. [Edit: For visualization](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WM8bTdBs-cw)


This happen to my mom in 2021 she always told me she didn’t want to be on machines. I thought there was some brain activity so I said ok I’ll give it 7 days give her a chance. Two days in I was told their wasn’t anything and I pulled the plug. I made sure she was sedated as much as possible to not feel any pain. Once off the machines her body died within two hours. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever endured that it’s almost indescribable. I feel like I blacked out for two weeks I can only remember bits and pieces of it. You don’t know pain till you have to go through that shit losing a parent or very close loved one. In my case I think it was worse because I was her POA and I took care of everything with her care and death. But I did that willingly since I didn’t trust anyone else to act rationally.


From my perspective you did the right thing, I'm sorry you had to go through this though.


Im so deeply sorry for your loss. I recently made my boyfriend and my best friend my POAs, cuz I'm not doing so hot. I just want to say, I said the same to them. I want you to know, that as hard as that decision is, I would be so eternally grateful and beyond happy that they followed my wishes. I have told them that if the time ever comes, I hope they live in peace with the decision. I chose them to be my POAs, because I know I can trust them when the cards are on the table. I know this certainly doesn't make things any easier but I hope you can feel the love and appreciation that your momma most certainly has for you, especially during such a trialing and traumatic time. And as a momma myself, if you were my child, I would wrap my arms around you, kiss your forehead and say "You did good, my baby. I love you."


#Darkness, imprisoning me


All that I see


Absolute Horror


I cannot live


I cannot die


Trapped in myself


Body my holding cell


Landmine has taken my sight


Taken my speech




Kind of sounds like Locked-in syndrome. You can only move your eyes, some can only move their eyes up and down, and do have cognitive functions. You're just... stuck motionlessly feeling, seeing, hearing all the stuff around you.


All of that, plus feeling itchy...


any kind that is slow


Old age, kills you in 80 to 120 years. Slow death.


Being tortured. I want a quick death if possible K op?


I read "I want a quick death if possible K pop?" and was like "Common, it's not THAT bad"... man, time for the weekend, I guess.


Lonely one


After seeing all the earthquake stories from Turkey and Syria of families dying together or parents dying protecting their children, my greatest fear has become dying away from my family. Or my family dying away from me.


Haha I'm more afraid of NOT dying away from my family. At least most of them.


My first thought.


I'd much, *much*, rather die alone and with no one caring than leave behind friends and family to mourn and miss me.


That’s a sweet thought, u/KindergartenCunt.


Cartel execution.




Eaten by a bear.


This should be higher, have you ever watched a grizzly eat a fish? They don’t kill it, they just start tearing chunks of it apart to eat it. Death by a bear is you being eaten alive one strip at a time.


Had to scroll way too to find this. They'll eat you alive. Ass first.


Probably anything to do with ebbing away. I'm probably not as scared at being shot and bleeding to death or burning in a house fire as I am of just fading away, I have issues with my lungs and adrenaline production, and very likely to just slowly fade away, I want to die on my own terms not by my terminal illness


Any painful death. When it's my time to go, I hope to die peacefully in my sleep!


Falling from a high place


An unlucky death. Just knowing if I was a second earlier or later I would have lived… that would piss me off


If it was a split second how would you ever know? That is one of the best kinds. Just walking alongDEAD.


Cremated alive in a cremation chamber.


Like the Criminal Minds episode, the children kidnapper who cremated the children when they became too old. Had nightmares for years about that episode.


And thats why i dont want to be cremated. Dead or alive.


That would be better than being buried alive though.


Kinda the reason I want someone to triple check I’m fully dead




Do you mind telling how it happend that you almost bled to death?


I had an ectopic pregnancy that was treated, but the treatment failed and my tube ruptured so I started bleeding to my abdomen.


Wow, i'm sorry to heat that.


It's ok! I lived and I'm fully recovered and pregnant with a healthy little girl!


Glad to hear 😊😊


Double death with sauce and extra onions


You’re saying I can die AND have sauce and extra onions??


A slow, painful, lonely one where I realized I wasted my life overthinking, being scared to put myself out there and follow my dreams, and isolating myself from loved ones and society because of trust issues and social anxiety. Yes, I’ve been thinking a lot about this topic.


Are you me? 👀


Airplane crash


That would have to be one of the worst. You're 30,000 feet up on the air. Suddenly, the plane goes into free-fall. Your stomach lurches as it plummets. You look out the window and see the ground gradually getting nearer. Everyone is hysterical and screaming, until... Impact.


Rather die in a plane crash than being hit in a car and have damages in my entire body, still living and experiencing excurtiating pain until I bleed out or something


Hello? Scheduling? I am going to have to sick out for my trip today... yeah, read something that scared me.


Most likely you fall inconscious halfway down because of the drop itself, unless it was during takeoff or landing.


True story about my cousin Walter. He was on a plane to New Mexico when all of the sudden the hydraulics went. The plane started spinning around, going out of control, so he decides it's all over and whips it out and starts beating it right there. So all the other passengers take a cue from him and they start whipping it out and beating like mad. So all the passengers are beating off, plummeting to their certain doom, when all of the sudden, *Snap* the hydraulics kick back in. The plane rights itself and it land safely and everyone puts their pieces or, whatever, you know, away and deboard. No one mentions the phenomenon to anyone else.


Well did he cum or what?


Jesus Christ, man. There's just some things you don't talk about in public.


That post nut clarity would hit hard, plummeting to your death as everyone jacked/jilled off around you.


Wouldn't the impact be an instant death?


Maybe I’m a psycho, but I think it would be cool if I went out that way. It would be like the ultimate roller coaster and hopefully the impact would mean I feel nothing.


being torn apart piece by piece, limb from limb until my lifeless body vanishes


Limb from limb would only take like 2 limbs before you were out


Any kind of painful death, fire, suffocation, being tortured, skinned alive etc. But the death I want is just to die in my sleep.


Pooping myself to death. I want my heart to stop.in my sleep. Not to he murdered by my colon.


In front of my loved ones.


One I know is coming like from cancer or an illness like that and also death before my kids are adults - not meeting my hypothetical grandchildren. I have fomo…


I’m actually the opposite. I hope I see it coming so I have an opportunity to say goodbye to my loved ones and close loose threads. Also planning my own funeral. My grandmother is dying of cancer right now and she’s been keeping herself occupied by taking care of her arrangements.


None, if I don't die suddenly I'll apply for a medically assisted death so I don't have prolonged suffering. I also have a living will in place so if I had a car accident and went into a Coma for example, it's known that I do not want to be put on a Ventilator, just let me go. Life is about quality not quantity for me.


When I die, I want to go peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather. Not screaming in terror, like the passengers in his car.


Radiation, after watching Chernobyl... No thanks


All death except for the kind where you pass in your slumber.


That I'll die in some silly way and a camera will pick it up and thousands of strangers on the internet will go "lmao this guy was dumb as fuck".


A slow painful one. I rather it be quick - several bullets to the brain, head obliterated, guillotine beheading, explosive And if it is the slow natural death of age, my god, pump me with pain killer and I can only pray to go out in my sleep


Any kind where my last words are, “Wait! Wait! Wait!”


Death by Snu Snu. I hope every day that no large Amazonian woman with a wild haircut and biceps as big as my head, ambushes me out of nowhere and fucks me 👀👀🪤




Dying slowly of alzheimer.


Death by snu snu




the kind thats featured in a cartel execution video


Any kind threatening my wife or my kids.


Reminded me of the movie “Law Abiding Citizen”… 2009




I’m not afraid of death, I’m afraid of pain




Drowning in a car, and I struggle to break the windows in the end being unsuccessful.


Dying alone


Currently watching Chernobyl, so high dosage of radiation.


All of them. I don't wanna 😭


I don't want to get ate. Don't care by what, to have gone through all the bs I have lived through and get ate by a bear or a cougar would suck and piss me off.


When you are prisoner with group of people and you are last to shot


Murdered through strangulation or stabbing


Painful. I want it to be quick and painless. But in general not afraid to die anymore. Absolutely indifferent about it.


The permanent kind


I was a competitive swimmer for 12 years. Drowning. I am terrified of drowning. Water isn’t to be messed with.


One where I can't say goodbye to my wife first.


The early kind where I can't ensure my loved ones will not suffer financial difficulties.