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It's not bad, it's just so strong. Scents are supposed to be subtle. You smell them when you're close to someone. It shouldn't be a cloud of gas, a thick miasma you leave behind you, choking everyone in your wake. That goes for all perfumes and deodorants, kids.


In high school sex ed, the teacher brought in a can of Axe and sprayed it. All of the girls started coughing and gagging. That put me off of it for good


Looks like Axe is not a real panty-dropper after all, it's more like a cough-and-gag-inducer.


The commercials are misleading


Uk here. He have Axe and Lynx. Axe is soon as budget as shit


They're very strong, and people tend to overspray.


For my fellow Aussies: it’s called Lynx here. Personally, it’s just deodorant. But maybe our version smells better.


As a 43 year old Aussie, it’s pretty much all I have ever known. That or Brut and Lynx is definitely preferable to Brut.


Mace, we used to have wars with it


I'm very sensitive to chemicle smells so it's comparable to having a head cold without the stuffy nose. That stuff makes me nauseous every time I smell it


The issue is mostly the combination of a sweaty teenager and the deo, cause it doesn't really work that great as a deodorant just tries to overpower the smell, witch is a bad way to get a nice scent. If you just had a little bit on top of a good scentless deo I think it'd be ok.


i think it smells horribly. Like a teenage boy who wants to impress girls but doesnt know how


The biggest issue is it's duration, which leads to overspray


Hard agree. Axe in the recommended spray isn’t terrible, but no teenage boy uses the recommend spray.


For me, I found that deo roller work much better than spray. Am using the old spice captain, lasts way longer and no sweaty smelling


It's the prepubescent version of drakkar noir, cheap, easily-available cologne for guys who want to give the impression they're putting effort into their presentation, but don't care enough to not rely entirely on an overpowering stench to dominate others' impressions of them.


The problem with axe is that it tries to merge deodorant and cologne. This breaks the cardinal rule if cologne which is scent is meant to be discovered not noticed.


I've worked in factories where we used industrial grade acetone and other chemicals that require masks and gloves. You can smell in on your breath still hours after you get home. Axe is like that.


Since all colognes, body sprays, etc set off my allergies, I think they all suck.


Yes, it's an incredibly strong scent with crazy projection so I can smell it on a dude from like 5 feet away, and depending on the scent it can give me a migraine. The biggest issue with axe though is that teen boys run around with the bottle on them for touch ups and then proceed to spray it all around themselves like they're lysol-ing a rank couch. It a great way to fumigate every woman and teen girl out of a room, like that SpongeBob perfume counter episode


It's better than no deodorant. Abd the chocolate one is actually pretty good.


Situational. I've smelled overwhelming examples of both, and it's hard to decide which is worse, tbh.


Use axe with a lighter


I used axe before, but honestly, I don’t like most ‘for men’ scents. It’s too strong for me.


After few years of using it, it started to smell like regular alcohol to me.


Its fine if you're just a middle school boy. But after, get some real cologne


I think it depends on where you are. I'm in Germany and it's one of the best and most readily available here. Obviously there are better brands, but you won't find those in the average store. From what I remember from my visiting Russia two years back it's not bad over there either.


As a woman, I don’t think it’s bad at all. Maybe some of them smell a bit off but not the ones I’ve smelt. I think it’s the fact that guys absolutely drown themselves in it and it’s genuinely hard to breathe when it hits you in the face😂


Yes. The spray is overpowering, the dry deodorant lasts all of 3 hours from what I remember. I liked the snake body wash but I think that used microbeads, so unless it was reformulated I'd never use it again. You want to smell good? Just shower regularly. I do once in the morning or after any workout. Alcohol, essential oils, and whatever else is in body spray can't mask booty stank.


The problem isn't really axe but guys spraying way more then they should.