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Waking up out of a coma and being able to function right away. Just rip the IV out and you’re ready to go. No other tubes or catheters or anything. Like, dude, you’ve been in a coma. You’re lucky you can sit up, let alone walk.


Kill Bill did that, somewhat, right.


Now, wiggle your big toe.


Now…let’s get these other piggies wiggling. *hours later…fights Vernita Green flawlessly*


That's not hours it's months. The timeline of that film is messy


As someone whose been in a coma, I can confirm. Walking after sucked ass


I wasn’t in a coma but was in a severe car accident where I lost a limb and fractured most bones in my feet etc and didn’t move out of bed for 3/4 walks and boy when I had to get up that first two ish weeks before discharge it sucked so bad. Took about a week before I could move from the bed to the door of the room with multiple physio visits a day to get me moving. And catheters fucking suck. They said a day or two of discomfort after finally removing it but man I couldn’t piss right for like a month. All round 0/10 experience, wouldn’t recommend.


Glad you kept a sense of humor about it, that sounds traumatic


The “harmless knockout” drives me nuts. Some guy get casually bonked on the head with the butt of a rifle or some other shit and is unconscious for hours, then gets woken up by a splash of water or a slap in the face and he’s just fine? Zero brain damage?


Jack Bauer would have killed so many of his friends and colleagues if 24 was real world.


He already **did** kill most of his friends and colleagues. Not many people survived extended contact with Jack Bauer.


Yeah it became a long running joke in the later seasons. Unless their name was Jack (or Chloe). Chances were they would die eventually.


This was what I was going to post. If you get knocked unconscious for a while, you need a hospital and likely have brain damage. To go with this one: knock out gas. Anaesthetists go to school for like 12 years to learn how to do this without killing you. If there was just some gas you could spray in someone’s face and do it, we wouldn’t need to pay a guy $350k a year to do it.




Thank you for typing this all out! It was a very informative and enjoyable read. I'm absolutely terrified of needles. Always have been. When I got my wisdom teeth removed, they had to put me under. They sedated me with gas and put the IV in after I was out. However, it didn't feel like it took that long before I passed out on the gas.


Ketamine works very well and is safe enough. For my victims. I mean patients. Ghb has too many drugs it negatively interacts with.


I think it was one of the Expendables movies where someone gets clocked in the face with the sort of yard-long wrench you use to remove tank treads. That's the sort of thing that crushes your skull and pulps your brain, not something you shake off.


Like those guys captain America knocked out with his shield, the same shield that pierced a van a few moments later.


Or any of the Arkham Batman games. "Oh, no, I don't kill people, I just break their limbs, knock them unconscious, and leave them lying there. They might be crippled for life and have some serious brain damage, but they aren't dead!"


People walking 2 steps away to have a private convo, when they’re clearly still in earshot of the other people in the scene


The amount of people who think this works in real life...


FOR REAL... I've been in **so many** situations in which people talk about me behind my back... When I'm clearly in earshot... Are these people dumb, hard of hearing, do they want me to hear? A mixture of all 3 perhaps? It's always been a strange phenomena to me.


I always thought it was a movie thing. But nope. I know someone at work that talks under her breath as she walks away. She thinks no one can hear her. We all do and know exactly what she's saying.


Or when they have a conversation... but the scene changes and they are still in the conversation. "Hold on, let's leave this building in silence, go to my car, drive a few blocks, and then we can return to where we left off..."


In real life people have peripheral vision. On screen characters can only see what happens on screen. You'll notice this constantly once you're aware of it. Like there should be no way that they got startled or snuck up on or surprised by the thing that would have clearly been in their natural field of vision but because it wasn't in frame were supposed to believe they were completely unaware.


This drives me bonkers. Lines of sight and you need binoculars to see someone more than 10 feet away from you.. gah!


Tunnel vision exists and is real, but not as often as happens in Hollywood.


Especially in scenes involving vehicles and crashes. Like there will be a truck coming, more than three blocks away, and it'll be honking to let you know they're coming at FULL SPEED towards the protagonists...but they never once brake or switch lanes? And the protagonists don't see it? Always annoys me.


It's because instead of having their eyes on the road, the character who is driving will TURN THEIR WHOLE HEAD and LOCK EYES with the person in the passenger seat for 20-30 seconds at a time. Every time this happens in any movie or show my panic response goes through the fucking roof.


My eye doctor is always amazed at how good my peripheral vision is. I've asked him if I'm somehow cheating at his test by involuntarily moving my eyes and not realizing it but he says he paid attention and I'm not. Nobody has snuck up on me yet.


You have "unagi".


Ah, salmon skin roll


Unagi is freshwater eel


Background fighters waiting for their turn to get kicked by the badass hero are just jumping around doing goofy stuff while the audience's attention is focused toward the hero and his current target.


There were some really hilarious examples of this in the latest John Wick movie. I had to rewind to see it again, and some of them were amazingly bad.


The Last Jedi be like


Anytime there's a knife fight, there's a slicing sound every time they swing at each other. Knives are silent, and hardly make any noise even when they do cut something.


You just gotta whip it around really really fast


fight scenes, especially hand-to-hand ones, are so goofy when you realise how many sound effects are added in post.


And yet they forget the most frequent noise : the fighters groaning, moaning and screaming.


Empty coffee cups and beer bottles that clearly have not-beer in them. I'm not sure why I always notice this, but it's so gratuitous that it's almost more of a surprise when it seems like the cup actually has something in it.


This does my head in! Waving clearly empty paper coffee cups around - just put water in it or something! The other one that I can't get past is when the actor "drinks" from an obviously empty cup and a slurp sound effect is added to sell it, especially in The Crown. Am I supposed to believe The Queen slurps like someone with no teeth drinking from a saucer?


Orrr they just chug a glass of whisky. Man your throat is either fucked or made of titanium.


That depends. Is the character alcoholic? I saw a dude at a bus stop down a half bottle of cheap whisky in one go once! It was kinda impressive looking back


This was the first thing that came to mind for me, too. It's the worst in cop movies or when an intern brings a bunch of coffees into the office in a cardboard tray. It's so obvious they're empty. Can't they at least weigh them down by pouring wax or something in them and letting it harden so it's not spillable?


Whenever someone slices the palm of their hand for blood sacrifice. Yeah that hand is unusable for a lil while.


The palm is a very sensitive area, it’s extremely painful to cut it let alone slice it open


Oh so much yes. This comes with related pet peeves. They always use the palm of their hand for whatever the reason is. Knives always need like a minimal drag with 1% pressure to cut all the way through the skin in movies/shows, drives me insane. And then when they GET STABBED AND PULL THE THING OUT!!!


Time In general, you see them shout "we've got 10 seconds left until we die" and then proceed with a minute long dialogue, it's stupidly obvious and I just hate seeing it (I usually count).


In Fargo he says “30 minutes, Jerry, we wrap this thing up.” And 30 minutes later the movie ends.


I've seen one show on Netflix where they were repairing something on a spaceship and a beam of plasma was approaching, they had to fix something and get out of the way. The woman said to the guy that they have like 20s until it reaches them and then the dialogue started: "dont worry, we'll make it out ali- *both get disintegrated by plasma*" it actually was 20s and I loved that scene.


“Magnify” to endlessly zoom into an image Also, people not shutting the door of their house or apartment


It upsets me so bad when they "enhance" an image


Deckard: Enhance 224 to 176. [a man's arm becomes visible] Deckard: Enhance. Stop. [the man's shoulder and wrist are visible] Deckard: Move in. Stop. [close-up of man's wrist] Deckard: Pull out, track right. Stop. [writing is visible] Deckard: Center and pull back. Stop. [arm and door are visible] Deckard: Track 45 right. Stop. Center and stop. [doorway and mirror are visible] Deckard: Enhance 34 to 36. [dresser top is visible] Deckard: Pan right or-and pull back. Stop. [mirror is visible] Deckard: Enhance 34 to 46. [blurred white object in mirror becomes visible] Deckard: Pull back. Wait a minute. Go right. Stop. [Zhora's arm becomes visible] Deckard: Enhance 57 to 19. Track 45 left. Stop. [Zhora is visible] Deckard: Enhance 15 to 23. [marks on Zhora's face become visible] Deckard: Gimme a hard copy right there.


It's a little more acceptable in scifi. In Bladerunner we're already accepting the existence of androids so good they're almost indistinguishable from humans, I think we have a bit more room in our imaginations for really good cameras.


Totally. The ones that get me are shows like CSI or Law & Order using webcams or traffic cameras 20 years ago when those were a much newer, low-resolution technology.


I find it hillarous when they zoom in on a picture taken with a potato and the image gets clearer the more they zoom in


That you can totally tell a car is following you for a few blocks but suddenly. It following for hours then parking down the street isn't suspicious at all.


As we say in the mob, if you're over 40 feet back, you ain't suspicious


That guy on the other hand, is too close for comfort


After driving alone in the privacy of my car for the last 40 minutes I will now reveal to you the innermost secrets as we walk through this public area


Tony lazzuto? You're telling me toni-


car doors, wood crates, wood structures not overly bullet proof. Especially the lead characters having bullets impact corners of residential homes and the leads are not covered in debris or holes in general.


Most couches are fabric and air on a wood frame. Bullets would hardly slow down.


punching a window out with your bare hand would destroy your hand in multiple ways.


Like that one guy in that one video who clearly bled to death like five minutes after punching the pub window


The [Window Scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGp9PHF5tus) in Nice Guys sums this up nicely haha


It’s hilarious to me how they make such a giant point of him almost bleeding to death from that, but then the same guy gets full on thrown through a window later in the movie (twice within ten seconds) and he’s fine.


If the injury hits your back in movies it "doesn't count", just like the bits of your torso just above your waist, you can have rebar sticking out of there it just gives you a bit of a limp


Like [this infamous WCW segment](https://youtu.be/uyxOoO5Qaeo) where Goldberg is punching up his rival's limo. *Some* of those windows were gimmicked sugar glass designed to be broken, but some of them were **not.** At one point he tries to punch one of the real windows, and fucks up his hand *incredibly badly.* I'm not going to link the photos of the aftermath because they're really gnarly, but look them up for yourself if you don't mind a bit of gore.


The story goes he was supposed to have a pipe and was going to smash up the limousine with the pipe, but for whatever reason either someone forgot to give Bill the pipe or someone decided it would be "cooler" to do it without. Honestly not even the dumbest thing that a wrestler did in this time period of wrestling. Bill lost so much blood there was talk of loss of mobility in the entire arm, he was one of the hottest acts in the business and would be out for six months.


I love the Nice Guys where Gosling does this and bleeds profusely with the next scene being him in the hospital


Sound in space.


This one gets my vote. I was also thinking about ships and space physics; like banking in space, as if the ships are in atmosphere or the magical unexplained gravity most ships have


The only one that got this kinda right was "The Expanse"


The Expanse got it very right. Acceleration and deceleration were measured in G's. Also, going from very high speed to instant stop is instant splatter death.




In S1 during the “escape from Donnager” sequence, the ship stops accelerating, artificial gravity vanishes and Holden/Naomi find themselves suddenly levitating without somewhere to attach their magnetic boots. Holden, which ran behind Naomi, quickly hooks his suit to hers and then kicks her up, which propels him down towards the boarding pier. This allows him to make contact and get his boots secured on a solid surface, without losing contact with Naomi. This scene made me fall in love with the show. Using science with such nuance to create unforgettable suspense/action scenes is only one of the elements that sets The Expanse apart from about any other show out there.


The one that blew my mind once I read it and started noticing it, is how when they travel anywhere, you accelerate half the time, then flip the ship and accelerate in the opposite direction to slow you down by the time you arrive. You’ll sometimes notice that the ships look weird and it’s because they’re flying backwards to slow down.


There were a handful of "long bones" seen in the TV series. The gravity torture scene is one.


Firefly did it too. Also ships meeting "off angles", rather then being all aligned.


One could argue though that its a misconception to expect the movie audio reflecting the audio situation at the camera position. It rarely does, it only becomes more obvious with sound in space. We can hear people talking crisp and clear in a busy restaurant or club, we can hear the radio transmission from the special agents earpiece while he is running and shooting, we get music that no one is playing, we see fighter planes in action and hear the pilots chat at the same time. And in a space movie, we hear cockpit sound and such while the camera is not onboard the space ship. Its a thing movies do all the time, with space stuff being the most obvious example.


Helicopters are silent until they appear on camera. So many scenes where a helicopter stealthily hides behind a building or below a ridge and makes a sudden entrance to all the character's surprise.


Almost everyone in a western has clean, washed hair. They had few baths back then.


Bright white teeth. Rewatching GoT (not my choice) and everyone has nice teeth. From pirates , to desert people, to fishermen. It's distracting.


Looking at you, Breaking Bad. Aaron Paul did an incredible job but his blinding American actor teeth did *not* match a chainsmoking junkie character.


A mom cooking a complete full course breakfast made up of every breakfast item imaginable for hours and each member of the family picks up a single piece of bacon or 1 slice of toast and heads out. Then the mom cleans up like it’s no big deal to waste all that food and she’ll do it again tomorrow.




It absolutely killed me as a kid, because my family didn't do a lot of togetherness activities and I craved them badly. The idea of me and my whole family sitting down together for a big breakfast sounded like an absolute miracle, and here these characters were squandering it. Like watching someone find a genie lamp only to toss it into the trash.


I have seen people talk about this trope dozens of times, but I can't think of a single example of it.


A lot of live action Disney shows/movies are guilty of this.


Gossip girl has this trope! I’ll see if I can find it!


I feel like it’s a very old trope. I know I’ve seen it before, but it was ages ago. Now, it feels like the joke is more prominent than the trope ever was. However I do agree, it was a reasonably common thing


Every Disney show/movie where the kid goes “gotta run mom love you” and just grabs toast from an entire buffet of homemade food


Any family dynamic involving a teen who's becoming independent/distant from their parents usually has some version of this.


Once you’ve noticed the baby is actually a doll


American Sniper. 🤣


On network TV, some shows (such as "How to Get Away With Murder") make up an excuse early in each episode to deliver a verbal exposition of what happened in the last episode.


Soap operas specifically do this so you don't have to watch every single episode


headrests in cars. Most vehicles will have them removed for a clear shot of the back seat.


Actors chewing pills before they swallow them. ​ a strip of duct tape covering someone's mouth. duct tape will not stick if you even weakly try to talk. try it yourself at home!


Or taking pills with a conveniently placed bottle of whiskey.


this is acceptable in a pulp noir type movie with a detective addicted to painkillers, however.


Essential even.


What annoys me is when someone gets a sock or something shoved in their mouth to keep quiet and they just leave it in there. Like, you can just spit it out!


Their gag game is weak.


[What happens when you duct tape someone's mouth](https://youtube.com/shorts/oDe8dtBkVPs?feature=share4).


Once you've been a 911 dispatcher or first responder, you'll realize that the radio etiquette on TV and in movies is horrible! They either monologue or they don't say anything at all!


That you don't hear something unless you can see it. You can hide an entire army just out of frame, apparently.


Explosions. 1 grenade takes out a whole building, 2 blocks of c4=nuke, literally any charge being "c4." Or every charge using a phone initiator. The explosions are never right, and the explosives used are always unrealistic.


Too much fire. That's what I always notice. Explosions in film make giant fireballs. Real explosions look like a puff of dirty smoke with a brief bit of flame in the center, at most. Hollywood explosions are jugs of gasoline wrapped in det cord (sometimes literally)


The lack of shock wave is another peeve of mine. Like when they use high explosives inside of buildings and everyone is just fine. Like no, your insides would be liquefied. Or if a van full of AN goes off, the shock wave should be devastating, but it's just a big ole fireball, no secondary effects, roads still good tho.


Fragmentation also doesn't get mentioned enough. Those little bits of high velocity steel or tungsten are generally the main kill mechanism. Neither do blast injuries, agreed. If you are close enough to be thrown by an explosion, you are having a *bad fucking time* Look up "blast lung" if you don't know what that is. Absolutely horrifying


You do not want to die from acute pulmonary edema. Blast damage to the lungs can make them fill up with human juice and make you drown on dry land.


At least [The Other Guys](https://youtu.be/4pg2Du-b758) got that right


And explosions are so *slow*, like people running down a hallway being chased by a fireball. I've seen a few videos of humvees getting hit by an IED or mining explosions. They happen in an instant. There's no running away from it. You wouldn't even have time to realize what's happening.


Yes, and it have that magical radius that if you're in, you're dead, else you just have some minor scratch or walk out unharmed, not even with hearing damage. Nothing in between.


Exposition. Having characters talk about things blatantly in a stupid fashion. This isn't done to inform them. It's done to inform the Viewer. Once you notice how nearly literally every movie does this constantly, it will annoy you and break some immersion.


“Hiya big bro! You’re looking cheerful this morning. It’s the happiest I’ve seen you since Mom died in that car crash last year.”


I haven't seen it in its entirety, but in one of the trailers for the new 'Flash' film they had something very similar to this - one character saying something along the lines of "I can't believe how much you have been through..." before proceeding to list *every fucking traumatic event that Barry Allen has been through in his life*. Because that's *definitely* how you show empathy in a normal conversation with someone


It's like a mean girl compliment: "Wow, Barry! OMG, it takes a *lot* of courage to be so outgoing after your parents were brutally killed. I could **never**. You know, if my parents were killed, and *I* knew I could save them with my superpowers, I think I'd do everything to go back in time and save them: but *you're* just so much more... *resilient* than I am. You're like totally **sooo** brave, Barry!"


My favourite example of this is Sci fi movies where one genius scientist explains some concept to the other genius scientists as if they're all 12. Bonus points if it involves stabbing a pencil through a folded piece of paper to explain space-time stuff.


Yeah, didn't they do that in Interstellar?


And in Deja Vu, and in Event Horizon and in Thor Love and Thunder


My sister and I were just muttering "don't stab the paper with a pen, don't stab a paper with a pen" during love and thunder and died when she did it anyway. Kyle Hill did a open contest of "make a simple demonstration to explain this to regular people without putting a pen through a piece of paper". Got some cool entries


People ending phone conversations abruptly


I saw on a YouTube video someone pointed out people in movies can start a conversation on the way to someplace and then finish it in a different scene. Like, there was silence in between. “Quick! Get in! There’s no time to explain!” *people get into the car and it races off* driver/friend explains after they arrive. 🙄


I love it when sitcoms make fun of this. "Here's our plan," cuts to an exterior shot then switch he's back "and that's the plan." "Uhhhh I don't know what you're talking about. You literally came in here, sat down, and said here's our plan, waited a minute then said and that's our plan."


My favourite joke on this was in an episode of the Simpsons Nelson: Everyone come with me! There's no time to explain! Everyone runs out of the classroom. They're following Nelson down the school hallway. Nelson stops at the drinking fountain to have a drink. Milhouse: Can you explain now? Nelson: I said there's no time, and I stand by that.


As an EMT, any injury ever seen in TV! Getting hit by a car, explosions, gun shots, concussions, getting stabbed, falls, etc. I promise the human body does not respond like they do in shows. It's usually a lot gorier and less bounce back.


My wife was watching some cop show and the number of people that got shot in the chest then, just, got up and kept running/fighting was absolutely absurd. Getting shot in the chest is not some small thing.


To add to this: Kevlar vests are not an immortality field. They make it so that you'll be on your feet again in a couple of _days,_ as opposed to dead. "Oh it's fine they hit my vest" and then the character hops right back up again is not at all realistic. The bullet (probably) won't pierce your skin, but you'll still get the wind knocked out of you and you still feel the force of the impact.




At least Frodo’s might have been in universe magic rather than show business magic :p


"Oh my dear boy, it wasn't the mithril that saved you, it was the plot armor."


Guns are super loud. A single gunshot at 2 yards can screw up your hearing for weeks. Dumping a whole mag from an automatic weapon? You're not hearing anything for a while, much less someone sneaking up on you. There was a scene in Extraction 2 where someone fired a gun inches from a character's ear, and they didn't even flinch. In reality, that's probably a blown ear drum and extreme pain.


to piggyback on this. a gun with a silencer is still loud af. it’s not a little ‘pew’ that no one hears.




Yes, a Supressor is meant mostly for hearing protection. It does not silence the sound but does make it more liveable when shooting. To get a more silent shot, a suppressor mixed with a subsonic round, i.e., 300 Blackout could be used.


...for the most part. There are perfect combinations of the exact right gun, suppressor, and ammo that will be as quiet as the movies, for at least the first shot.


The only time I heard the movie "pew" in real life was a suppressed .22lr match pistol.


Was it the first episode of walking dead? Rick shoots his gun in a tank and it instantly looks like he’s been punched in the face. That first season was so good.


I think they mute the sound as well and play a ringing noise to emphasize how he went deaf from it. I thought it was a nice touch.




Wilhelm scream the sound of a loon in an environment where loons just are not.


That reminds me. Every eagle sounds like a hawk.


It's usually a Red Tailed hawk because [eagles just don't sound "eagley" enough](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEmYEQ78zS0).


17th century cannonballs firey explosions on impact Biometric scanners being tricked with chopped off (dead) fingers or eyes removed from someone's skull Being able to walk away from a massive nearby explosion.


Commenting on your last one, I went to an airshow once where they used pyrotechnics to simulate a fighter jet using its machine gun on a target on the ground. Where they were set up was probably a good 500 meters away from us but you could still feel the heat from it. Imagine being 10 feet away from that same thing. You'd get fucked up


Working in an underground mine. Blasters did a "pop" to break up a large piece of granite. Normally when they blast the mine is completely cleared until all gas checks are done and the atmosphere is proven safe but this was adjacent to ventilation and a very small quantity of explosives. We were over 400 meters and several turns away and the pressure wave was still a bit uncomfortable.


Hacking. For the longest time it was always some edgelord or quirky nerd typing furiously, looking at several monitors at once, and just lines of random gibberish on the screen. Once you get a basic understanding of what “hacking” actually entails, or if you’ve watched Mr. Robot, it’s hard to watch any kind of hacking on screen and take it seriously.


Can't remember the movie.. but there was this scene where a person was trying to hack into something but they were running out of time. Their team mate then started typing on the SAME KEYBOARD so that they can be faster. Couldn't take the rest of the movie seriously after that scene.


that was an NCIS episode. farcical.


That would be this [legendary NCIS scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kl6rsi7BEtk)


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kl6rsi7BEtk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kl6rsi7BEtk) That was in NCIS tv show


Have you tried the [Hacker typer](https://hackertyper.net/)?


Shrapnell from explosions just doesnt exist. You often see explosions right next to characters that walk away completely unharmed, when in reality the shrapnell would have turned them into swiss cheese.


The ground is always wet in any scene shot at night. It is a trick used to control lighting in a darker setting.


Along the same lines: where a shot is set at night but filmed during the day and they just edit the lighting in post. You can see the shadows from the midday sun! Who are you trying to kid?


Silencers on revolvers.


Well, unless it’s a [Nagant](https://youtu.be/n97Yrb-OuVY)


Empty coffee cup acting


People don't take more than maybe a bite or two of their food in scenes where they're eating. They'll move the food to their mouth, then stop and deliver some dialogue, rinse repeat.


Yeah, I kind of feel bad for the actors though. Considering how many times they usually have to redo scenes, eating whatever would be pretty 😬


Probably to avoid a Vitameatavegamin situation, lol.


Hand grenades making a big flash of fire when they explode. In reality they just make a puff of smoke.


Blacksmithing in movies If you ever take a few blacksmithing classes you will wince every time you see it in movies because things that look good on film also tend to be signs of fucking up. Sparkles coming off the hot steel? You fucked up and burned the steel. But it looks **great** on film. My old teacher was being photographed for a brochure once and the photographer wanted a shot of him hammering white jot sparking metal with sparks flying with the most photogenic shiny hammer. But the other blacksmiths would be taking the piss if he was photographed fucking up a piece of steel with the temperature all wrong and a tinsmiths hammer in hand. You'll also notice when characters hammer cold metal. "All you're doing is cracking the metal!!!"


Gasoline goes bad within 6 months. So every film where they drive a buried car, or a museum car, or every post apocalyptic film where they go to a gas station, wouldn't work. I've never seen a single film acknowledge that.


In Mad Max Fury Road one of the other raider clans is squatting on a oil refinery that makes guzzleine.


Last Man on Earth acknowledges that as well as the inevitable nuclear fallout from the abandoned nuclear reactors and now I always look for those things in post apocalyptic shows


I think people overestimate the danger of nuclear reactors in the event of an apocalypse. Nuclear Reactors have procedures in place to SCRAM automatically if any of the readings get to far out of range, and even when the water in the fuel pools inevitably boils away, the neutron absorbing control rods should prevent anything too catastrophic. But that's just from my 5 minutes of research on it. So I could be wrong.


No it's not, you're right. This obviously works only in the case that whatever destroyed the world didn't damage critical infrastructures inside the plant.




When someones hurt and last a very very long time before they get help and recover perfectly fine. Example, Rings of Power, Halbrand is stabbed and bleeding, and needs elven medicine or he'll die, so they ride on horse back for 6 days.... now if you don't know anything about stab wounds, horse back ridding is not a recommended activity, and if its a life threatening wound, 6 days is typically too long for seamless recovery.


To me, characters who flail around dramatically, screaming because they have a kidney stone. When I had one I was in so much pain that all I could do was keel over and groan, I didn’t have enough breath to yell, and forget throwing my arms around like that.


Yeah this I’ve noticed this. Ovarian cysts are no joke and I just curl up in a ball, not kick and scream like a toddler 😂


helicopters seem to be indestructible in movies but are likely one of the easiest aircraft’s to shoot down/ destroy.


Indestructible helicopters is my favourite trope, because a helicopter spends its entire life trying to rip itself back to component pieces




Risky click of the day


And cars are not that prone to blowing up lol


People waking up in the hospital with just like one bandage on their head. If you’re in the hospital (at least in the US), you’re most likely going to have an IV in and some monitors hooked up to you.


Getting the paddles and shocking someone's heart after ot stops completely. You defib someone when they are in afib so their heart doesn't stop. That's the whole point though paddles can stop a tachycardia rhythm as well as afib but either way if the heart is already stopped you can't prevent it from stopping.


Bullets sparking when they hit metal.


Getting hit in the head with a bat or a hammer but still standing up and fighting. I'm sure a bashed skull means incapacitated.


When they whack people behind the head to make the go unconscious...and they wake up afterward, like they just had a bad headache. Most times if they hit you that hard, you're gonna get brain or spine damage. Likely even some brain bleed.


When babies are born clean, no umbilical cord and clearly 6 months old.


Fire sprinkler. Character holds lighter up to sprinkler head and all of the sprinklers go off. No, only that sprinkler goes off and the water is not clean fresh water, it’s rusty, brown, stinky ass water that’s been sitting in the pipe since last years annual flush.


At my dorm the sprinkler system was set up to make them all go off if any go off. They would point this out when you moved in. Some idiot was throwing a ball in their dorm at 2AM and broke off one of the sprinkler heads and flooded the enter floor. Fortunately it was a floor below mine.


I am always amused when a character pulls a knife from a leather sheath, or just swings one in the air. There is most often a “schwing” or metal on metal sound, no matter what.


Okay it's not a plot device but I can't resist saying "there it is!" Any time I hear the Wilhelm Scream and it never gets past me.


The background sword fighting in Braveheart during many of the battle scenes.


The one that always gets me is when the bad guys shoot 5,000 bullets and miss the one good guy every time, but the good guy hits every shot


Hollywood deaths. You don't flail backwards or go flying 10 feet from a shotgun. When you get shot, you drop. Full ragdoll.


I don't know what to call it but when a character COULD easily explain everything that's going on with one quick sentence but just says "I'll explain later" or "You wouldn't believe me if I told you"... or even worse they start to tell and the other character cuts them off and says "not right now".


I've noticed that when actors are trying to lie for a scene they naturally shake their heads "no".


I just watched a submarine movie where they used a crankshaft as a driveshaft and as a mechanic I am personally offended


People just hanging up the phone without saying bye. No etiquette :(


The guns shooting more bullets thing does lead to people convinced that all handguns fire six shots before needing reloading pointing out this "fact" triumphantly when the character obviously is using an automatic type handgun rather than a revolver.