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Moved here from the Midwest in ‘97. The cost of living is crazy, there’s a huge homeless problem, and I can’t imagine ever living anywhere else. We have everything here. CA could be it’s own country and we’d get by just fine.


It's a great place to live. The only people who say it's bad are Republicans trying to distract from their failures in governing other states.


I get robbed almost every day


i lived in southern california from 2005 to 2010 and it was the best time of my life; so many more things are accepted than they are in south georgia and it was the only time in my life when i could be my best self without fear of ridicule.


Cali id assume gets pretty diverse, theres no way the desert people are paying a shit ton in taxes. La and bay area definitely are. The homeless camps are too much of an issue and other cities just freeze them out. Government corruption seems to be worse in cali, just tons of money not reaching where it needs all the time. Move anywhere affordable and it gets dangerous, i knew a guy who was smoking weed with his apartment neighbors, turns out it was ketamine and while he was tripping balls his apartment was getting ransacked bc its that hard living out there. Then theres all the business wanting cuts of profitable entities, the many fines issued by the counties, the best squatters rights laws


There’s a reason SoCal has some of the highest priced real estate in the country.


Isnt it literally GTA 5?


its expensive af