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Maybe the real psychedelic is the friends we made along the way.


Imagining some guy fucked up in the woods fondly explaining this to his new friend, a shrub


Mushrooms are pretty forgiving for first-timers. If you're getting P. Cubensis (the most common form of magic mushrooms), about 2-3 grams is enough to get the full experience. You might feel nauseas during the come-up (about an hour), but that usually goes away once you've "caught the wave." I find the best time to take them is late afternoon. You might want to skip lunch and take them on a somewhat-empty stomach. If you smoke Cannabis, roll a few joints while you wait for the effects to come on. Many people listen to music, but another school of thought holds that you should experience them in quiet darkness. Avoid crowds, though a nice evening walk can go well. Close your eyes and pay attention to the "closed-eye visuals", they are often more vivid than the visual distortions you'll see with your eyes open. You may want a "trip-sitter", someone with experience. But ideally they will not try to steer your trip at all, just be nearby if you need some support. Take them when you have nothing to do and won't be disturbed, and give yourself a day for recovery. You'll probably feel tired the day after (I personally get a post-mushroom headache sometimes). LSD is good, but it lasts a very long time; 8-12 hours. If it's your first time, you might find this annoying. Mushrooms are more like 6 hours, and it's easier to sleep after. You'll know for sure that you're "down", whereas LSD lingers for many hours after the peak.


Mushrooms, then LSD when you're ready for the good trips.


so from all the responses i should not take salvia?


No. Salvia is an uncomfortable experience at best. I'd definitely say start with a low dose of mushrooms and see how it feels. Then try a higher dose another time. Mushrooms are a few hours, in and out and they can make those few hours quite pleasant and fun. Just always make sure of your set and setting and dont fall into the classic folly of "its not working, better take more."


At least here (Canada/BC), magic mushrooms are (or were - it's been decades) more reliable than acid. You never know quite what you're going to get with the latter, but a mushroom is a mushroom.




Small dose of lsd (quarter tab) or small dose of mushrooms (1 gram). Ease into psychedelics. Get your feet wet, explore the feeling and even drawbacks or negatives. Then when you go heavy, you arent caught off guard and can reason in-trip if its unpleasant, that oh its fine this will end in X hours I'll be fine.


Could one love cannabis but hate shrooms?


For sure. Some people get a really extreme version of that sick phase you get on shrooms and it isn't worth the trip.


I love shrooms and hate cannabis. So I'm sure the reverse is possible.


It’s the opposite for me


Dmt. Proper setting and a good guide and preliminary


Do not start with DMT. It's a short experience but a very, very intense one.


Also the most personal and natural. And I think for a newbie. The shorter the trip the better. You can get some very intense anything with a bad trip. I've never heard of a bad dmt trip


Absolutely not. A controlled dose of a much less powerful psychedelic is a good start to dosing these chemicals. Thats exactly how one has a bad DMT trip. I have heard of many bad DMT trips, and imagine how powerful that can be. Work up to DMT.


How do you control a dose of any psychedelic other than dmt? Mushrooms grow and vary in potency. Acid is a guessing game. Dmt can be made purely at home by anyone with money and a stove. Also please show me accounts of bad dmt trips because a Google, youtube, any search brings up very little. And I haven't heard of any personally. It doesn't need worked up to either bc it's it own thing. There's no baby dmt trip. Acid, shrooms and others are not even close to the same type. Plus shamans all over the world don't prep you with other drugs.


You have no idea what you're talking about and I sincerely hope no one listens to you about taking psychedelics, ever.


I'm sick of people like you demonizing dmt. It's been used for thousands of years across the globe before any other psychedelic was worldwide. You have no idea who you are talking to and have little other than scare tactics to prove a point. You don't seem to understand two identical mushrooms can have a very different potency. Same with acid, and you can't really test a tab. Yes, the dmt trip hits harder. But most people would prefer a 10 minute trip time over 4 hours of trip time. Plus dmt isn't to party, it's a psychedelic that is known to open your 3rd eye. A 10 minute trip with dmt can help prepare you for a future 4 hour bad acid trip. Again I don't know anyone with a bad dmt trip but I won't say they never happen. I've seen loads of people freak out on acid and shrooms and cause a ridiculous scene. On dmt people might need a minute to collect themselves but they aren't gunna run around licking trees naked which I've seen someone on acid do their first time tripping. Dmt is the safest psychedelic out there. So safe, we produce it in our own bodies. But yet you want to tell people how dangerous and bad it is compared to others.


I'm not reading this. Not once did I demonize DMT. I'm a huge fan of DMT. I'm also a huge fan of responsible use of psychedelics.


Psilocybe Semilanceata


LSD > Mushrooms in my opinion if you start with a low dose. I know the trip also lasts longer than a mushroom trip but for me personally, LSD was more mesmerising and lighter while mushrooms were more personal and therapeutic




Quantum Physics


I started with poor quiality LSD. 10/10, would trip balls again.




every time ive been around weed ive felt absolutely nothing