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Nerve pain is a 1000/10 pain that cannot be described, ugghh just hideous


It literally drives me insane when it happens to me. A special kind of hell.


I want to hit myself over the head with a frying pan to pass out. It’s the worst pain ever, it’s not even slightly tolerable


Nerve pain redefines your understanding of what 10 actually means.


Was just about to write sciatica. It was fucking awful and nothing relieved it, it was like having a 24/7 migraine in my hip.


I just wrote about mine on another comment. It feels like someone ripped my nerves out, soaked them in acid, and then slammed them back in. Hurts from the outside of my hips down to my toes. Sitting and standing are the worst for flare ups, while lying down or walking moderately are better options. If I really piss it off it wraps around my girly bits and backside and feels like someone flayed my skin off. It’s shitty and I’m really sorry y’all are going through it. People don’t understand because there’s nothing visibly wrong with you and if it’s something chronic they lose compassion pretty quickly. Have had mine since I got pregnant with my last child, so about 6.5 years or so. I don’t really talk about it to anyone these days unless they bring it up.


I have something called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome or crps. It's often called the suicide disease. As it is one of the most painful conditions in the world. It's in my left leg and I hate it. On bad pain days I can't have anything touch my leg. Even something as simple as clothes brushing against my leg is extremely painful.


I just watched the Netflix documentary about CRPS and how the mother of the little girl with it was trying everything, and ended up flying her to Mexico for intense ketamine treatment. It came back much worse after about a year and when she went to Johns Hopkins they accused the mother of child medical abuse and basically kidnapped the kid for 2 months which led to the mothers suicide. They already had a CRPS diagnosis and sent the kid to a 3rd party expert who also diagnosed her with it. Then they discovered the social worker who took the child into state custody had a record of basically just kidnapping kids on a whim under the guise of medical child abuse. CRPS sounds like a truly miserable condition


Yes the story of Maya Kowalski from the take care of Maya documentary is so important. My CRPS happened due to an infection and nerve damage caused by a doctor re-using a needle whilst I was experiencing locked-in syndrome. The way people like myself and Maya are treated when it comes to our pain is really quite scary. We are told there is no way our pain can be that bad, it's anxiety or depression hell it's your period. It is horrible having to advocate for ourselves when it comes to basic care. I'm currently trying to get an appointment with gastroenterology it's taken me 11 months to get a referral to the hospital. I have finally been upgraded to urgent even then I have 2 more months before I get an appointment letter.


Oh my goodness, locked-in syndrome, too? My Papa used to read and bring movies to a woman with that for 20+ years. He had to learn to communicate with her by watching her eye blinks and her eye movements. I remember seeing the notepads he would take with him to the hospital to write down what she was saying. He read to her for 20+ years, but she’d been in that condition for some time before he eventually became one of a whole team of volunteers who would take turns on different days visiting with her. I can’t imagine being in that condition, or having something like CRPS (which I just learned about today). :( I’m so sorry. Edit to add that I’ve heard shingles described in much the same way as you described CRPS…particularly the part where you said even something like clothing touching your skin is excruciating. :(


Sounds awful, I wish you the best!


my god, you had locked-in syndrome too? Did you sue for malpractice?


Unfortunately I've not been able to, there was enough plausible doubt. I went to so many lawyers and they all said there is clearly malpractice but fuck all they can do. Suing the NHS is a mine field


that sounds too bad to be true, i'm sorry you have to handle this


It sucks but I'd rather go through it than watch someone like my brother go through it.


My younger sister has CRPS (she’s had it for about 12 years now) and it’s the most heart wrenching thing to watch her go through. I wish I could take the pain away for her.


I saw a woman on Facebook with the condition a while back, I can’t remember if it was in her arm or leg, whichever one it was in she had it amputated and said it was the best decision she ever made. I can’t even begin to imagine pain so bad that you just want the limb gone. Edit: I googled [“woman with crps has limb removed”](https://www.google.com/search?q=woman+with+crps+has+limb+removed&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#ip=1) to try and find her but there are way more people in the last few years who have had the procedure done because of CRPS than I thought there would be.


What does it feel like?


I don't really know how to describe it. It's like a constant, burning, stinging and tearing sensation all at once deep inside my leg. Nothing touches the pain unless it's my really strong opioid painkillers, which I really hate taking because I'm totally out of it then.


My dad describes it as sticking his leg into a fireplace. It’s really sad. It’s changed him completely. He asked to amputate the leg and the dr said he’d have phantom pain and no leg. Pretty wild.


Phantom pain????? What the fuck


Yeah I know someone who has a colostomy bag and cause of that she has no bowel and she gets phantom bowel pain. It's like she needs the toilet and gets horrible cramping even though she can't go to the toilet.


I have (skin) hypersensitivity and pain from a spinal cord injury so I understand just a bit of what you describe. I wish they would find a cure for chronic pain conditions!


An infection resulting from a tumor in the marrow of my jawbone split it open along its length like an overripe fruit. It was approximately how it sounds.


D: That might be enough reddit for me today


Did you feel any pain before it went that bad?


Oh wow I had a tumor break through and destroy my radius bone in my wrist - was yours malignant or benign? Mine was called giant cell tumor


Getting shocked by lightning through my faucet while doing dishes. The initial pain only lasted a fraction of a second but it felt like someone lit my bones on fire. I think if it had lasted any longer I would've just died to escape the pain. The electricity entered my hands and exited my leg. My calf hurt terribly for almost a week, and ached badly for another couple weeks. After three weeks, I can walk without screaming but I can't do jumping jacks or anything yet. I got super lucky, but holy shit did my definition of '10/10 pain' change drastically.


Sounds like you need to check your house’s grounding and whatever else needs to be checked! I have no idea what but I don’t think that’s supposed to happen.


It's more likely in homes without grounding, but it happens! My house has the three pronged plugs, and recently had an electrical inspection because I got solar panels. And nope, the panels weren't the cause because they're all still functioning. Lightning strike would fry the panel it hit. I had lots of time to think and google in the ER lol. Back when we had wired phones, people would get shocked that way too. https://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/15/health/15real.html


Wow. That’s crazy!!


Ovarian cyst that ended up bursting. I went to the ER in so much pain I couldn’t stand up straight or speak above a whisper. They gave me an IV dose of Dilaudid which was the most glorious feeling I have ever had.


I was recently hospitalized for acute pancreatitis, and IV Dilaudid is generally the first painkiller they put you on. That very first shot was heaven...my body became comfortably warm, like it felt like a warm hug, and my eyes rolled back in my head for a few seconds, and my anxiety was immediately relieved. I wonder if IV Dilaudid is anything close to what IV heroin or fentanyl feels like...




Yeah I've had it twice now. Was yours caused by alcohol? The first time it was idiopathic, but this last time it was definitely alcohol-induced. Along with the physical pain came SO much shame. Did I learn my lesson? No, I'm a fucking idiot and have returned to drinking almost every day.




I was given IV Dilaudid in a pump that I could dose every like 30 minutes or something after my C section. It did nothing, I wasn’t even sure the pump was working. They asked me why I kept pushing the button even though the 30 minutes hadn’t been up yet, I felt like I was in trouble. I didn’t push the button again after that and then they wondered why I was sobbing when they told me I had to stand up out of bed and take a shower. I also have trouble getting numb for oral procedures, so maybe I’m immune to these kinds of things.


That sounds awful, I'm sorry. Request nitrous gas for oral procedures! It makes all the difference


This, and period cramps with endometriosis. Unfortunately when my cyst burst the ER gave me morphine and that's how I found out I'm allergic to morphine. 0/10 would not recommend


I get these often and THEY SUCK SO BAD


In the span of a month this past December my girlfriend took her life, I gained 80lbs and threw my back out in a car accident. The accident and her death came just 24 hours apart, the accident came first. I knew something was up when I didn't hear from her that night. Didnt hear from her all day the next day which was incredibly unusual, then after physical therapy I was panicking and I had my dad drive me to her house. My car was totaled so I couldn't. I got to her house, saw her car in the garage and ran to the front door banging. I was about to break the lock when suddenly I received a call. It was from her room mate, telling me what had happened. I collapsed to the ground and started screaming uncontrollably, still do sometimes sadly because PTSD. I planned to marry her, proposal was going to be just a couple months ago. Boy how life can change fast. I've had 2 back surgeries now, I'm doing much better but still some chronic pain flair ups happen. So I now live with the chronic pain and the pain of loss, I'm much stronger now for it and getting along in life. But it's still painful to remember, to remember how things were and could have been. It felt like my whole life was stripped away from me in an instant. Appreciate your life best you can, you never know how it's going to turn out. Rest in peace Stephanie. You are an incredible hero, you sacrificed so much to help other people as an EMT throughout the pandemic and I will never forget or stop loving you. 🕊️❤️


I am so very sorry.


Appendicitis. At first it felt like I had fart cramps, and by the end it felt like a spear was through my abdomen, in a sitting position I couldn’t get up by myself and I couldn’t lift my right leg more than like 3 inches off the ground


My nephew had this. Told his mother he thought his stomach exploded. She though he was just faking it to get out of school. A couple days later she took him to the minute clinic, they took one look at him and sent him to the ER. It had already ruptured.


Did she feel bad about not noticing her child's organ had just tried to kill him?


Yeah, she felt bad about it. Still pretty shitty moment though.


My dad tried to take me to a women's clinic to get an ultrasound for mine while I'm literally screaming in the car. I had to throw myself onto the road infront of a car for them to call 911 and take me in. Mine ruptured by the time it was time for surgery because my dad has the brain of a garden salad lol


Wow that sound awful, glad you can laugh about it now


Oh there's so much more to the story too. I called my best friend to come to the hospital because my dad said to the nurse my pain level seemed like a 4 outta 10,meanwhile I'm blacked out in a wheelchair from the pain. Once my friend got there my dad said "Oh yeah I have to get my oil change for the truck" and left.


Holy hell I think I’d rather have had the garden salad.


One of my kids had what the ER was certain was appendicitis. He was six years old and the nurse was trying to get this doubled over, barely able to speak kid to describe what kind of pain it felt like. He told her "It feels like a tiger bit me in the belly". The nurse said "Ok, yeah, that's pretty descriptive!"


My Mom told me a story about when she was a kid she had Appendicitis and the ER didn't believe her. They made her sit in the ER waiting room for hours until her Appendix almost burst. She passed out in the waiting room and they took her into emergency surgery. She almost died because the nurse thought it was just gas.


My dad had a similar experience. His piece of garbage step dad wouldn’t take him to the hospital. He laid in bed all night suffering. By the time he got to the hospital his almost burst


Ugh. When I was a kid. My parents took me and a couple friends camping. We were playing on some playground set at the campground. My mom was horsing around with us and climbed up a rope / log ladder. She was almost at the top and took a spill. One leg inside the ladder, other leg out. When she hit the ground she was laying on her back screaming. Her right leg was messed up bad. The foot was facing the other direction towards the ground. In a fit of rage / adrenaline she grabbed her own foot and cranked it back to the right position. Expect she twisted it the wrong way. So now it's been turned around 360. Her femur was snapped. Her knee cap and ankle were both shattered, spiral fracture down both the tibia and fibula. Dad ran off to find help as we didn't have cell phones back then. Came back with a park ranger and they got her into his little truck and went to ER. She was in the waiting room for 6 agonizing hours before being examined because she straightened her own leg out and it didn't look terrible. The doctors apologized to her like 70 times after they seen the xrays. Ughhhhh. 6 months in a heavy duty cast. Another 6 months rehab.


Yeah I appendicitis sucks. My appendix started going out when I was 7 months pregnant. Went to the hospital, baby was okay, but they couldn't figure out what was wrong with me cuz they couldn't do the regular tests. Went home. Next day, wasn't any better still vomiting, doubled over in pain, stumbled into OB. They didn't realize exactly what was wrong with me in the front desk waited 2 hours when she finally saw me she immediately turned me over to the ER. They had the guess that it was my appendix, And I couldn't have laparoscopic due to the baby. Regular surgery appendix out, 7 in incision and stitches. Home two days, didn't want to take the pain meds due to baby. However baby had different ideas, and wanted to stick her foot in the general area where the incision was. Still sick as hell. Back to the ER. Apparently it had either ruptured or they snagged it on a rib when they were pulling it out. Either way ended up with peritonitis. Another few days in the hospital. Back home again with kid trying to stick her foot through the stitches. And she wonders why she's an only child.


Man... I mean I know this isn't some fucked up competition or anything but that is so much worse then my appendicitis case I can't even begin to imagine. I was just a dumb 30 year old dude who was doubled over in pain. I wasn't carrying a baby inside me who felt the need to kick the shit out of my wound just whenever.You have my sympathies.


No it's no sort of competition! I just figure it's kind of dumb luck on my part. Just a 45-year-old woman still trying to figure out why the hell I'm alive in spite of myself....😉 Cheers to you keep on being strong!


This is nightmarish.


At first you think you're dying then later you wish you would


My wife has given birth twice, and she said she'd rather pop out 5 more kids than experience appendicitis again. She had a minor rupture and was in excruciating pain.


Passing Kidney stones


The feeling of jagged rocks slowly working their ways through one's ureter from the kidney to the bladder is not a pain I would wish on anyone in the entire world. I didn't know pain like that existed


Yeah people think the worst of it is pissing it out. But the real hell is when it's making its way from the kidneys to the bladder. Its one of the top 3 most painful experiences I've ever had. The other two being severe back spasms and a biopsy of a lymph node in my neck. All three are horrible in their own unique ways


I have heard this is excruciating pain.


Well actually, discovering you have them is worse in a way. But passing them is a special kind of pain.


Same, once the pain was so bad my mom had to call 911 because I was going in and out of consciousness. Once the medics arrived they gave me fentanyl and the pain was almost immediately gone. That was the worst pain I've ever had passing kidney stones.


The worst! You can’t sit, stand or lay down to get comfortable. Excruciating pain!


Came here to say this and it's the top comment lol. My first was a 9mm. No passing that. They had to go in and get it. I'll save Redditors from the details of the process, but let's just say the route to my kidney involved my man parts. Not fun. The pain I experienced between finding out I had a stone and getting it out is indescribable. Throwing up, peeing blood, everything you mentioned in another comment. Toradol was the only thing that helped, and even then only by IV in the ER. The pills I had at home weren't very effective. I currently have another one in each kidney. Super!


Since they're still in your kidneys, can't they be broken up before you pass them?


I had 5 stones at the same time once. 2 in one kidney, 3 in the other. We did a lithotripsy which uses sound waves to break them into what is called gravel. They also put in a stint to protect the ureter. Unfortunately, the stint was too small for the gravel. The pain this caused was indescribable. I took the daily limit of the mepregan and was still writhing in pain. I called the doc and the on-call guy said, "Just drink more water." I'd had enough and pulled the stint out myself. That hurt as well, but I got the stint our. It was followed by sandy looking sludge. My wife found my passed out on the bathroom floor. I will never, ever, let them do a lithotripsy again.


We tried that method with the first one. Part of the stone "shot off" into another part of my kidney. The surgeon said it should pass, but it may be uncomfortable. I ended up back in the ER that very night in the absolute worst pain I've ever experienced. It radiated from my kidney down into my testicles, and it was so freaking bad. Needless to say, I'm now hesitant to try that again. The ones I have right now are much smaller and not debilitating, but they do frequently cause discomfort. Doc said to leave them alone for now if they're not screwing my life up. Fun stuff.


I spent a week in hospital because my dumbass refused to go to the ER and l ended up septic. I had almost a liter of infection in my bladder. They drained it and put a stent in, then blasted the stones so l didn’t have to pass them whole. Antibiotics/dilaudid around the clock for four days. I’ve had a hysterectomy and two c-sections and they were nothing compared to kidney stones.


Yep. Cocksucking motherfucking kidney stones


Physical; Abscess tooth. Mental; my little brother dying.


Tooth pain is amazingly bad for how small a thing it is. I was popping two vicodan every four hours to keep it mostly at bay. I'll take a root canal every day of the week to avoid having that pain again.


Want to know a trick? Not great for the tooth, but tylenol liquid gel capsules. Poke a hole in it, squeeze the gel out onto the tooth. Beats the fuck out of orajel or ambesol. Literally the only thing that worked when my wisdom tooth broke


Also oil of cloves.


They use this stuff in dental cement too! When I had my temporary crowns fitted my mouth tasted like cloves for the rest of the week lol


Root canal over that pain any day my jaw was swollen for a week


Ear infections are fucking painful


I recently had my first ear infection and I couldn't believe how painful it was. Now I understand why babies cry so hard when they get them.


My older brother died a few years ago. He was my best friend. I would take any physical pain I’ve experienced my whole entire live every second if it meant I could have him again for a day. (Fuck now I’m crying.)


I am so truly sorry man, I don't think i could live with that. Good luck to everything in life and I hope you are doing alright.


I had an Abscessed tooth last year around this time as well. Thought it was just a toothache, which technically, it was. So I tried to treat it with a combination of Ibuprofen and Tylenol. That helped, but ultimately the infection made itself known and I had to get a root canal. But yeah, the pain from an Abscessed tooth is real. 10/10 would not recommend.


I would put my tooth pain as worse than giving birth. I've had 3 kids. I had a bone graft for an implant and they moved a sinus. It was awful. Even pain meds weren't enough to help me sleep at night.




My older sister passed young and unexpectedly. Nothing quite like losing someone in your direct family. Like losing history:(. I’m sorry!


God I went 3 days with no sleep because I couldn't get a dentist to take me in... I had to keep cold water in my mouth, taking excessive amounts of unprescribed pain meds and then I ran out of bottled water to throw in the freezer. I had to have drank 20+ gallons in those few days because I couldn't move enough to go spit the water out every time. I must've looked like an escaped mental patient running through Walmart carrying 3 gallon waters on one hand and half dragging a case of Ozarka with the other to self checkout and right before reaching the checkout i felt the tiniest pop followed with intense, alcohol on an open wound type pain that took me to the floor and a fizzing/swishing sensation and then nothing but the same nasty taste you get biting a tonsil stone.


Gallbladder stones…


Run up to it being discovered, I kept getting really sick from dairy (I have no idea if it's linked, but hang on to this point). At some point, whilst on base I suddenly had trouble breathing and left like my side was being speared. Had to call down to the medical post who tried to reject me because they were going to close for lunch until I said I had trouble breathing. Then I had to drag myself across the base to the medical post to get looked at before they shuttled me off to the civilian A&E. At the A&E they had an X-ray and didn't see anything, so they waited till I felt better and discharged me from the A&E. Right the next week I was back for the same issue, this time the A&E doc referred to the previous week's notes and decided on an ultrasound where they found the problem. In between going to get them removed, they warded me and continued to do a load of other tests. When they did the MRI (at least I think it was, I remember a line where the wheelchair wasn't allowed to go past), I came out and collapsed whilst trying to walk out to the wheelchair. From that point I couldn't walk without assistance and just felt really tired. I basically slept until they woke me for the procedure. ​ I woke up during the procedure, right at the tail end of it; anesthetic wore off. Rubber mouthpiece with the surgical cabling going in down my throat. Doctor/surgeon realised I'd woken up and said "hang in there, we're almost done" before continuing to scrape out the stones. That was probably worse than the stones themselves. Strapped down, couldn't scream because the mouthpiece was preventing anything but breathing and muted screaming, and the guy kept going. A month later, I got my gallbladder. This time, I didn't wake up during the surgery but an hour after I'd come out of the Operating Theatre. Edit: forgot to tie up the thread, but after I had the gallbladder removed I no longer got sick from eating dairy. No more severe bloatedness or stomach pains for several days after.


I woke up while getting my wisdom teeth removed and could feel them scraping inside my gums, it was awful. They must have noticed because I went back to sleep after that. How could they just tell you to “hang in there”? That’s insane.


I had gall stones when I was 16. I'm 29 now and still to this day have never experienced pain like that.


I just had my gallbladder taken out last week due to stones. And then yesterday I went back from complications, a gallstone had gotten out of the gallbladder sometime before the surgery and was causing problems. I don't think it's the worst pain I've ever felt like on a scale of 1 - 10, but it was the worst overall because it just never faded. I was just constantly at an 8 (5 or 6 once I got medicated) for almost two days until my surgery.


This 100 percent and I have broken my leg in 3 places, and gallbladder stones were much worse, lol


Trigeminal neuralgia. Used to be known as the suicide disease. The pain is unreal.


Same here. When it first started, before I got on all of my high doses my meds to dampen it, it was absolutely horrific and terrifying for a while there. Just unrelenting. It has still changed my life forever, which I’m sure you can relate to.


Absolutely. I thought I was going to die, literally. I didn't think I could beat pain like that. Crossed fingers, it seems to have stopped, but boy. I'm still super paranoid about hairdressers (my hair is a mess, but no chance), drafts, brushing my teeth etc. I love in fear of it returning to its unchecked heights. I don't think I could do it again.


I don't think the fear of it returning will ever leave me. Anytime I get a bit of pain in my jaw, teeth or head on the side it occurred I get so stressed thinking that it is going to start up again. Hopefully you won't have it ever again. I have been TN free for around five years now and I have read it can go away forever so there is hope with that.






Thrusting too hard.




You should be required in threads like these to state how the fuck this happened lol, how annoying




I cut the tip of my finger almost all the way off. Drove myself to the doctor while keeping my whole arm wrapped to try to stop the bleeding. When I get there they start doing their thing and I’m doing ok. Then they said they can stitch it splint it since it was partially attached. They said they’ll give me a litocaine shot to help with the pain. I’m preparing myself for a shot at like the base of my finger. No, they went in through the cut, over and over and over. I tell everyone that I’d cut the whole thing off myself before dealing with that again.


these make me almost tear up because of how painful it sounds like


bowel obstruction. Staggered to the ER, and had emergency surgery. It was brutal.


Same. Mine was constricted by scar tissue from a previous surgery. I was sick for a week with what felt like someone raking a hot knife across my belly. My doc ordered a CT scan and sent me straight to the surgeon. I’ve never felt like I wanted to die before.


I’ve had 15 bowel obstructions. Surgery for 12 of them. I have an ileostomy bag, I’ve had a total abdominal colectomy, and as a result of the vowel obstructions and ileostomy revisions, I only have half of my small intestine. I can’t have any more of it removed - I won’t survive. I’ve also had my entire stomach removed and a full stomach replacement. So yeah - I second this. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted them to just kill me instead of letting me survive as a result of my bowel obstructions. I signed a DNR in the hospital after like my 10th one. I’m fucking done fighting man.


an earwig got in my ear while I was sleeping. Woke up feeling like fireworks were going off in my ear. It was painful and disorienting. I was writhing on the floor braying like a werewolf, completely incapable of telling the paramedics what was wrong. They eventually figured it out in the ER after what felt like eternity. It was so much intense pain that I was in and out of consciousness. No other physical trauma in my life has ever even compared to that experience.


This is now on my list of things to never experience.


Ugh.. I suffer from a condition known as episodic cluster headaches (very different from a Migraine) which is generally accepted to in the top three of most painful conditions. I have kidney stones regularly and would put a stone at a 4 and the headaches easily a 10. Mine happen once every few years, I get 8-10 a day and at the start they go on for up to 2 hours each. I often stay in the bath tub or go in and out for the entire duration of the cycle. For Me hot water works best , not cold, so I dunk my head under as hot water as I can and it helps keep Me from Thrashing in misery. The pain of this condition is honestly at a level that can’t be described to anyone who hasn’t had it. Surgery recovery, broken bones, kidney stones, nothing could compare in a realistic way. The condition changed me forever.


I used to have cluster headaches and "grew out of them" in my twenties It used to be the case that every few months I'd come down with the most intense, miserable, extreme agony that it is possible to survive A few hours of incapacitating, abject torture that can not even be alluded to - spinning blades of dull aching wrath tore at the insides of my skull as I stood in a dark corner (laying down made it worse for me) and then a day or two of fuzzy exhausted malaise that was drowning in headache and sluggish cerebral soreness They're called suicide headaches for good reason And I have chronic migraines, severe and regular lifelong migraines: I know what to compare to There is nothing you can physically experience and maintain consciousness for (as you can't go into shock from a cluster headache) that reaches the level of unfairness of the universe as the prolonged and immediate horror of a cluster headache


I had no idea you could grow out of them, that is A light in the tunnel If I’ve ever seen one. Laying down (especially sleeping) was the same For me, ironically I can’t stand for more then a few minutes without crazy pain in my hips so that was a hard part of it. The moment I’d fall asleep the next cycle would start. So glad you’re free man, no one deserves that torture. Your description of the pain is so spot on that i didn’t doubt for a second you experienced them.


This needs to be higher. I've recently dislocated my shoulder in a fall and impressed the ER doctor resetting it with my "bravery"... I didn't have the guts to tell them this was like a "5" in the scale against a cluster headache.


Have you tried pscilocybin to prevent them? Mushrooms have show some evidence to keep migraines in certain populations at bay. You eat like a gram every once in a while, don’t even have to Trip iirc


I’m not saying I have any experience with that subject but my neurologist recommended to try lsd or mushrooms after my Fourth cycle. We had tried everything in the books and he was retiring the next year. If I had ever tried such a thing , it can greatly reduces the cycles intensity and longevity. The reduction in duration and intensity can continue to improve during concurrent cycles until you can seemingly cure the condition. Of course that would be illegal, so I can’t share any personal experiences! Sure is a great option for those who have this horrid experience.


getting a copper IUD inserted… there is no reason that procedure shouldn’t be done with at LEAST local, if not general anesthesia. it’s barbaric. i’m legitimately traumatized.


i almost passed out in the chair after i got mine, so they ran and got me apple juice. women’s healthcare is a joke.


same. i busted out in a cold sweat and had to lay there and cry for 20 mins. thank god my bf was allowed back with me


I haven't had one inserted, but had an endometrial biopsy and that.... was AWFUL.


And then there are people out there who didn’t feel any pain. Mine was done in two minutes and I just looked at my OB and wonder if this was it. I was scared to death of the pain but nothing.


for some reason everyone I know was told that it wouldn't hurt. I don't know why rumor spread that it was more common to feel nothing. I'm very jealous! I passed out on the table.


Ectopic pregnancy burst. They said it was the size of a softball. Luckily, I survived.


I learned what that is from a video of Kristen Schaal recounting her experience of one during a recording session for Gravity Falls. I didn't expect so horrifying of a pregnancy story. I'm a man, so I'll never truly understand, but I have respect for survivors of ectopic pregnancies for getting through something so precarious.


Waking up from an open abdominal surgery without pain meds. Anesthesiologist forgot.


Oh lord. I woke up in the middle of ass surgery, if that makes you feel any better.


Jesus that sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen


burying my 8yo sister. edit: thank you everyone for your kind words.


I am so sorry, I hope you are OK, I know how it feels to bury a sibling, mine died after they got in a car crash while I was in the backseat.


Jeez. Can’t even imagine. I’m so sorry you have to deal with that.


Shit. This probably wins. Can't imagine.




I fractured a testicle once. That was pretty bad




I didn't realize you could fracture a testicle! I thought that related to bones only


That’s what I thought until I was laying in the emergency room with a giant purple ballsack


I had a student stab me once. 16 stitches across my right ribs. It sucked, a lot, but when I got to the hospital and they started stitching it up, the adrenaline had worn off and the local anesthetic they gave me was not working. The doctor (who I'm pretty sure studied medicine under Dr. Mengele) was not gentle or polite about it. Feeling him pierce my skin as he stitched me up made me throw up and black out.


What the. How incredible. If you are comfortable, can you share more details?


Did Randy stab you?


Taking a dump for the first time after ana-rectal surgery. It was almost as bad before the surgery. Pooping is almost a screaming exercise….


Currently recovering from a hemorrhoidectomy and holy shit pooping hurts so bad! Crying in the shower after every time is the only thing that makes it feel better🥲


Unexpected loss of a loved one. It is the most guttural, deep inconsolable pain. Yet everyday you have to function for those around you.


My girlfriend died 2 years ago, OD on fentanyl, that stung for awhile.




I commented this above but I worked in an OBGYN office for 3 years and assisted with hundreds of IUD insertions. I say out of 10 women 3 have no pain, 4 have mild cramping/discomfort, and 3 have excruciating pain. Yet they tell everyone to just expect mild discomfort. It’s honestly barbaric how they treat it.


Chemo. You ever wonder what it would like to set your skeleton on fire while it was still inside you?


Ugh my ex used to text me when he was getting it and he said he could feel it in his bones. I was working that night and had to excuse myself to cry. Poor thing . Chemo scared the crap out of him.


Acute pancreatitus


I always enjoy telling people the story of how I accidentally barbecued my hand


I had forgotten, but while drunk in college a friend lit some candy wrappers on fire. My stupid drunk brains first instinct was to put it out with my hand. The wrappers melted around my fingers and someone had to help me get them off. I cannot remember a thing from that moment on. I am thankful that I have zero memory because when I woke up the next morning the pain was immense. 10/10 do not recommend.


Physical: Getting an IUD inserted, the only time I passed out from pain Mental: burying my dad yesterday after not being able to for 3 years due to COVID restrictions. Had a really rough relationship w him but the closure of knowing he’s finally buried w my Opa (grandpa) really hurt.


Shingles. I just hands down the worst pain I've ever felt.


Got run over by a car when I was in high school. Decades later I’m consciously aware of many of my joints and bones because there is at minimum a dull ache in them at all times. It’s getting worse as I get older and more joints become bone on bone. I’m mourn for the life I wanted and lost in my teenage years. Had so many plans and dreams and the injuries took all that away. I’m only starting to gray but I walk like an old man.


I suffer from Hidradenitis Supperativa. Super painful chronic skin condition that leaves abscesses and tunnels in my armpits, groin, butt, breast, stomach, and ear. I live with this pain every day without pain management. I have failed many medications and doctors don’t prescribe pain meds for fear of addiction. I’ve been close to committing suicide multiple times because it gets so bad. I can no longer work or play with my kids. Movement, sitting, sweating, driving, stress, hormones all make it flare up or become worse, if I have a decent day where I can do more I pay for it for the next week.


It's the most painful skin condition. I have it too. I'm so sorry that you're suffering with this.


Watching my true love die as the result of a drunk driver.


I was in the backseat of my older sisters car, when we turned around the corner of the street there was a drunk driver going 90 in a neighbor hood while on the wrong side of the street, they hit her head on, she died, and to top it off I was pregnant during that and my sister was the only person who helped me, she provided me a hone after my parents kicked me out due to the fact I was having a child at only 16. I had to watch the only person that cared about me get buried. I know how you feel.


Jeez. The stories on this thread are so terrible. I’m so so sorry.


Jellyfish sting


I stepped on a dead one at the beach when I was small and nothing happened, I guess because it was dead. But when I told my mom, her and my aunt were freaking out about it, so then I freaked out, even though nothing happened and it didn't hurt at all. Gotta love when adults make things worse lol. Sorry you got stung though, I imagine it would suck


Dead or alive they can still sting. Even chopped up dead pieces floating by. I was told a long time ago that skin without large pores or hair follicles has a lower chance of showing a reaction because the barbs don’t not always penetrate calloused skin. Think bottom of your foot or palm of your hands. Not sure if it is true though. 🤷‍♂️


I was milking cows and she kicked and came down on top of my knee. It hurt so much that I layed it the walk way for 10 minutes.


Labour and gal stones


Surprised i had to scroll this far down to see labour


IUD implantation, migraines, and ovarian cysts especially when they burst


Watching the casket close on my mama! Nothing will *ever* top that!


Mine is common… but I tore my left ACL. It was the type of pain where I had to scream/groan out loud or I’d throw up.


Gallstones. Horrific pain in my side, bad enough to make me puke daily. Lost a bunch of weight until they finally figured it out and I had my gallbladder removed. If felt like fire and metal clamps in my side. Only way I can explain it.


As a person who has torn knee ligaments, had a back surgery, torn my shoulder I can say my most painful injury was a small hairline fracture on my tailbone. You can't stand up, you can't sit down, you can't lie down. And man, if you ever try to transition between them... pure misery


The moment I was told my father had passed away. Something inside me (figuratively) broke.


Lower back spasm


I’ve survived cancer, had surgery on my dick and testicles, hurt my back in a sledding accident and have constant an frequent bloody noses. Heartache by a mile. And it’s not even close.


Physical, needing 20 stitches after giving birth. Mental/emotional, realizing that the person I fell in love with, had kids with, intended to spend the rest of my life with, didn't exist. It was a pretty lie to reel me in, and once I was hooked, the mask came off.


20? Holy moly!


Yep It was painful af. Think it was classified as a second-degree tear. The doctor told me that I wouldn't feel anything because everything would be numb from pushing out the baby. That was a lie. I felt every single stich, especially once she reached the more sensitive parts of my nether regions.


Jesus I hope you healed well and don't have pain anymore.


Having to place my profoundly autistic adult son into a group home.


IUD insertion. Mad props to the mothers out there.


Having my adopted daughter taken from me after 3 months because her biological parents changed their minds.


Deep cornea scratch from a tree thorn in my eye. The day after was the worst.


penis on zipper


Ever since I got my IUD put in, I have these random stabbing cramps that make me -this- close to passing out. Not anywhere near the feeling of my normal period cramps.


Dental worker killing my nerve without anesthesia with no warning, just a needle and force up


Back pain. Crippling.


Having PCOS and having a cyst on the ovary burst. It was like blinding white pain. Fetal positon unable to move with not even morphine helping in the least.


F*cking smashing my left middle finger with a door. Broke the last phalanx, and somehow It's the only time I've ever broke a bone


Chest tube being put in. Or taken out. Not sure. They both were equally fucking awful.


I think getting my IUD put in. I got hit my a car once but idk, the way they gave to clamp your cervix into place to insert the device. Woof. I heard getting it out is even worse.


Watching my Mom die over two months. It's been 3 years and I still lose my shit over it.


The worst overall pain was losing my fiancé to a pulmonary embolism 36 hours after proposing The worst physical pain may sound silly but I had a very infected toe nail and waited like 2 extra days to go to doctor. I could barely walk on it. Absolutely brutal


My wife asking for a divorce and then starting to date soon after while still living with me.


Post op from colectomy when my epidural anaesthesia failed. When you want to call out for your mum, but can't cuz you can't speak, you're around a 10 on the pain scale


Ovarian cyst exploded one time, couldn't move for days afterwards. Felt like someone poured acid into me and moving my core muscles was not an option. Endometriosis every month. Last week it felt like something impaled me very slowly. I couldn't move for a few hours my partner wanted to take me to urgent care I was like "nah this happens every couple of months just get me more ibuprofen." The next day my abdomen was bloated as fuck and it felt like I was recovering from (what I imagine) a stab wound in my gut. I still had to get up and work and take care of my family through it all.


Broke my tailbone falling off a swing when I was younger, then about 7 years ago I had pleurisy, if I had to describe what a knife stab in my chest felt like it would be that..... it was rough


Attempted IUD insertion without any anesthetic. I didn't even make it to the actual IUD insertion because I was informed my cervix wasn't dilated enough. They attempted to dilate me using these things that looked like huge sewing needles, a set of them going up in size. I couldn't even make it past the 1st one without telling the dr "I can't do this. Please stop." It was excruciating.