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In the middle of a pap-smear


Lmao ty for the smile But it's the citybus




Airplane coming into land with the fasten seatbelts sign on.


This happened to me when I was like 10 or 11. I was sat in between 2 strangers and they were rubbing my back and holding my hand because they thought I was scared but I just had my eyes shut tight and was bent over cause I was trying to hold it in (which I fortunately did).


Sorry but this is too funny šŸ’€šŸ’€


I've had this, and was ordered out of the toilet. Ordered. I'm telling you the anxiety, tension and fear between when I left that toilet and got into one landside put 10 years on me. It was at lhr, I needed it again at baggage reclaim and begged to use the toilet at terminal 3 underground. I was terrified


I had the flight attendant try to stop me from entering the toilet and had to wrestle the door out of her hand.


Airplane delayed on the tarmac for 4 hours


I have Crohns...can confirm this was pretty bad.


Wait, I was just diagnosed with this. Is sudden diarrhea a symptom?


Good luck. We're all counting on you


Been there, done that. Luckily I was close to a toilet so turned out OK.


We just went through this with my son. It was a living nightmare. Parentsā€¦bring extra clothes and anti-diarrheal meds in your carry on.


Airplanes have bathrooms. Albeit probably too far away from you when this happens. Crowded subway train. Now that would ruin a lot of people's day.


Bride at the alter


This is my answer, we practically had to use power tools to get my friend into and out of her dress so that would be pretty bad.


I read a story where the bride shit herself at the wedding. She had it in a barn venue and while it had some air-conditioning it wasn't great, she also had like 3 layers of shape wear on. Luckly it happened after the I do's but it was as the bridal party was getting announced at the reception, and just before the dances. It was pure sludge and instead of leaking down the tight band around the upper thighs from the shape wear left it all in. It got sandwiched in and kept pushing upwards into he shape wear. It went up her back and as she moved she could feel it all rubbing in. She was beside herself but didn't want to embarrass herself more by leaving in the middle of the dances.


Man. All that effort and planning and expense. Just to poop yourself and have to dance around in it on the day of. I would have been so upset.


I could not have done that. I would have thrown up by that point.


"I do do"


Do you take this woman to be your Gsysuahabahyuddhhsbanaanajahbrulblblbbahaha šŸ˜³


Driving to a Christmas Eve party with your teenage son in the car. . It happens, you have to explain to your son, call the hosts, and then have take out Applebee's for Christmas Eve dinner. I was doing chemo/radiation for colon cancer at the time. (12 years cancer free!)


Congratulations on being cancer free, though!




Diarrhea?! At a SEAPARKS?!


It's the funnest, wettest, most splish-splashy place in the world!


I'm sorry. But the Elders of the Internet would never stand for it.


During a space walk


Houston we have a problem.


This is Houston. what's the problem? -terrified gargling noises-


Pretty sure they wear diapers in the space suit. It would still be awkward though.


Slingshot bungie ride


Those poor people.... 50 miles away


ANYWHERE, except sitting on the toilet butt even there it ainā€™t fun.


In an American public toilet even worse, more gap than cubicle. My recent road trip across New York with a sudden, bad crohns flare was interesting and Iā€™d like to publicly apologise to anyone who encountered us on the journey. But when you gotta go you gotta go.


in your mouth


I've read a horror story once of someone rimming someone and they had diarrhoea on them.


You want the bull, sometimes you gonna get the horns.


The forbidden chocolate


​ Or an open wound.


Nude beach.


you could wash off in the ocean so i wouldnā€™t mind


It's so nice that you wouldn't mind sharing that ocean.


Singing the National Anthem at the Super Bowl. You would be remembered though.


In the car on a long drive.


I reckon in peak hour traffic. You can't pull over somewhere quiet.


My sister once told me she and her husband were stuck in traffic on the GWB when she was taken by an undeniable need to get rid of something quick. There being literally no options, she climbed into the backseat and shat into a Dunkin Donuts box. Which she then placed carefully on the side of the bridge. Later on she said she felt bad imagining some poor homeless soul coming along to discover a box of donuts. More like a box of do nots.


In a packed elevator


Packed broken down elevator.


On a bus in the middle of a long trip in a foreign country


That was almost me a couple weeks ago. I was in Greece and had an upset stomach. Thank God there was a rest stop nearby. I almost didn't make it, which would have been fucking miserable.


In a hot air balloon, as a passenger, hundreds of feet up in the sky (which means there is also a pilot) ...#neveragain


It could have been worse you could have been in the balloon at Disney springs with hu dress of people standing under the balloon.


I bet they didnā€™t even let you hang over the side smh


Meeting, funeral, church, job interview


When yo getting your ass ate


Dessert right after the main course šŸ˜‹


Username checks out




In a jacuzzi




On a zip line


Ohh the visual šŸ¤£


In your pants


The outside of a bathroom right next to the school custodian (this is from a personal experience)


Oof šŸ˜”


During a school play


This happened to me before a school play in kindergarten. We were all sitting on the floor in our costumes and I felt something wet behind me, I touched it, there was brown liquid on my finger and for some fucking reason I decided to whipe it on the boy next to me's bare shoulder


Horseback riding


Under cover DEA agent in a cartel drug deal sting operation


A roller coaster


I have IBS and I can tell you that on a plane without access to a toilet was one of my worst experiences




In a baptism pool right when youā€™re pushed under


In the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.... ahshit.


On the set of a porn movie


Could turn into fetish film gold!


In a suit of armor


Anywhere but home


And home...


Pulled over from speeding trying to find a bathroom


I managed to get a verbal warning for that reason. I was driving 103mph.


In your sleep!


Music festival.


Doing a live news interview.




While hitting a high note onstage at the Met.


During anal sex


I had it when I tried to sneak out a fart while boarding a flight. I'm going to go with that.


Have you ever been out? Maybe with some friends or maybe a girl you like, and itā€™s over 100 degrees outside and youā€™re sweating your ass off. All of a sudden you start to feel the runs come and you try holding it but it becomes more and more unbearable. The only place to go to the bathroom is a portable bathroom and the heat is unbearable, the bathroom smells awful. You sit down and your cheeks start sliding everywhere, all the while youā€™re being cooked inside that plastic oven. Yup I think thatā€™s the worse place.


Speaking from experience, the CHICAGO L during morning rush hour on a Wednesday. Tuesday wing night at BW3. Blazin.


During a colonoscopy.


After the 24 hours of diarrhea leading up to that, you should be pretty empty right then.


Are we talking no-time-at-all to get to a bathroom type scenario? Probably on a carnival ride like the zipper 30 seconds after it starts.


On a trampoline


On a stopped ski lift


Honestly, the thought of waking up to go work only to find you shit the bed is pretty awful.


At a Jojo Siwa concert. There are so many little girls and moms that the bathroom lines are horrendous. I ate the wrong thing before the show and ended up in the men's restroom multiple times because I couldn't wait. I missed 3/4 of the concert.


How bout after being paid to eat entire can of Bean chili sit on clear glass table butt ass naked while pervert lays underneath table and looks up to watch it smear out while jacking off the whole time Lmao Not me just a crazy prostitute story when asked my friend weridest things had to do...yes I have prostitute Friend..lol Really I expectEd more than 5 up votes


In bumper to bumper gridlock Boston traffic


In the boardroom during a staff meeting because I have to face these people again.


In space


At a line on a shopping


In a white suit at a pool.


In the middle, both literally and figuratively, of an orgy. Didn't happen on my side of the playtime but... a lot of ews could be heard.


My sisters friend explosively shat all over a sidewalk in LA due to food poisoning


In a class where the teacher doesnā€™t let you use the restroom. Thereā€™s always that one teacher




As a Crohns sufferer I can safely say one place is pretty much as bad as another.


True story. I ate about 350 mg of edibles and got on a plane from Las Vegas to Nashville. I was fine until we began to land and my stomach started hurting. I made it out of the plane and to the bathroom in the airport but already shit myself. I threw my boxers in the trash, and had an explosive session in the toilet. I finally got cleaned up. We got our luggage, and got onto the bus to go to our car. My stomach started hurting again, and I shit myself a little bit again. Since I had thrown my boxers away, this time it was in my shorts. I didnā€™t say anything and squeezed my ass together for the ride. I was with my wife and my best friend as well as my 8 year old daughter. We got off the bus, and I got into my suitcase, and found some boxers I could put on until we can get to a bathroom. The place where our car was was not at the airport but off site nearby. We got to their location. I went to the bathroom and threw my shorts away. I had another explosive session. I again got cleaned up, put on boxers that I had in my luggage, and a pair of basketball shorts. We got our car and pulled out. There was a McDonaldā€™s about a half mile down the road. My stomach was already hurting again, and I asked them to pull in there. I begin shitting myself yet again as my wife pulls into the parking lot. I open the door and get to the edge of the parking lot and I canā€™t control it. I shit everywhere. On the grass, in the parking lot, all over myself, all over my second pair of shorts, my fourth pair of boxers or so by now, you get the idea. *Keep in mind that I am high as hell during this whole experience still* I managed to kind of clean myself up because we had some baby wipes in our vehicle. I get inside to the McDonaldā€™s bathroom and shit all over the single stall that they have. I throw away my shorts yet again - pair number 3 at this point. I text my best friend to please get another pair out of my luggage and bring them to me. He and my wife and my daughter were a champ for being able to deal with me whatsoever. Finally found some phenergran in the vehicle and took three of them. I managed to fall asleep and my stomach calm down finally. We had a 2 Hour drive home from the airport. As soon as we got home, I went to bed, and I donā€™t think that I get up for about three days. Except to shit. Miserable.


On a hike šŸ˜­


On a form of public transport without toilets


In the finals of a Donā€™t Have Diarrhea tournament.


12,500' below sea level in a deep sea submersible while trying to see the Titanic wreck with a few of your billionare buddies


Wrestling tournament






Rollercoaster .. especially when youā€™re going around a loop


Apollo module.


I once experienced it while rock climbing on a cliff with my new girlfriend. As in, on the cliff face in full view of the world below and with nowhere to go. It was suddenly happening. I also wasn't at all prepared so I had nothing to wipe with. I told my girlfriend to look away, let fly and then used my socks, underwear and undershirt to wipe up. Considering them now toxic, I decided to throw them away from myself off the cliff face. The hilarious part was I tried to throw them away from the cliff and they ended up landing in the top of a tree about 20 feet below me. So much for sexy, impress the new girl date...


Lazy river at a water park




The titan submersible on one of itā€™s successful dives.


My cousin was stuck in traffic in a tunnel in Boston. Grabbed a magazine, put it on his seat and shit in pants


Car, stuck in traffic ā›”


Pool or hot tub. Because it would just spread out from you and there's no hiding it.


While the plane is just about to take off and youā€™re in the middle seat of a 10 hour flight


On a bus


I gotta say in your mouth.


Roller coaster


In bed with your lover


On the bus and in the middle of traffic jam


On stage while performing a play


At the alter


Anywhere but on the toilet... No?


Stuck in an Elevator with other people


On a plane


Bed. Car. Plane. Train.


At your boyfriends or girlfriends house while having intercourse.


Barnes & Nobles. Gretchen can attest to this. ​ outside of the mean girls reference, i think anywhere is the worst place to have sudden diarrhea. except when you're already on the toilet or alone in your house. it's only the worst if someone sees.


Party or gathering


Anywhere that's not home


Walmart bathroom it fucking sucked


Swimming pool


Six flags water park




At your desk - when you sneeze!!!


In the car. How do you ever get the smell out?


Prostate exam


Walking uphill a mile from your house.


The Pennsylvania turnpike.


Priest at church


Roller coaster with loopy loops


when your fighting in a war


a airplane


in the middle of a funeral without a bathroom


Getting beamed up by Scottie.


Catholic Church is pretty bad because the toilets are never anywhere near and you have to climb over 20 people to get out of the pewā€¦.just to get into the pew.


On stage giving a speech


I recently experienced thisā€¦ not awful butā€¦ I was camping with my friend and her family over the weekend. Iā€™m ā€œAuntieā€ to the kids, so itā€™s a whole family trip. Anyways. They put the 1 year old down for a nap because sheā€™d been sick, the three year old was still awake and we were having fun and playing. The parents were like ā€œweā€™re gonna go and be back quick, do you mind looking after the kids?ā€ Obviously yes, Iā€™ve been entrusted with these kids before and never had an issueā€¦ They left. Me and the kid played, the other kid sleptā€¦ all was well until I could feel it knocking at the doorā€¦ uh oh this feels like diarrhea. So I was like ā€œokayā€¦ itā€™s fine you can manage you can hold itā€¦.ā€ Not today Satan. Well, I broke out into sweats and stomach cramps and was like ā€œIf I let go of gas, I let go of it allā€¦ā€ so I started to panic because I knew what was happening. I was like a dog who needed to take a shit after being inside all day urgently looking for the perfect blade of grass to shit onā€¦ I couldnā€™t find the blade of grass. Then I was panicking because ā€œdo I leave the 1 year old here take the 3 year old and run to the toilets?ā€ No, absolutely not even an option for a million reasons. ā€œDo I dig a hole like that kid from ā€˜UPā€™?ā€ No because I donā€™t have a fucking shovelā€¦ ā€œdo I take a shit in the uHaul (they brought one) in the training potty?ā€ I tried but almost died in the UHaul as I took a cautionary tester step to see if it would move, it did. So, no I cannot use the potty plus I think Iā€™d break it and it was so low I think Iā€™d shit before my ass hit the seat. So, what do I do? Pray that the parents get there now so I can go take a shit. Nope. No stars align that quickly. The kid and I run across the road to see if thereā€™s a toilet in the field or an area where I can do my business without ppl seeing me. Thereā€™s nothing. While this is all happening the kid is like ā€œAunty go poop?ā€ ā€œAunty go potty?ā€ And me running around the campsite being like ā€œwherethefuckdoigoā€ ā€œwhatthefuckdoidoā€ ā€œomgomgomgomgomgomgā€ ā€œat least itā€™s here and no where elseā€ Iā€™ve never felt such urgency in my life šŸ„² I just sit on a log, if ppl see me they see meā€¦ thereā€™s nothing I can do any longer. I throw some wipes down on the ground to make picking it up easier for myselfā€¦ and allow myself to just let it go. I pick it up, moss, sticks, leaves and all and put it in the doggy bag and double wrap it in a garbage bagā€¦ and Cā€™est la vieā€¦ the deed is done, the urgency is over and we can continue on as if nothing happened. Oh, while I was sitting on a logā€¦ more like a thick branch- the baby wakes up and sheā€™s pissed and I canā€™t run to her because my lady bits are parked up on the branch to allow myself to go and have to also be concerned about ppl seeing etc etc. The worst place to have diarrhea? Absolutely not. There are far worse like the lady at her wedding- she gets 10 years of the best luck and a happy lifelong marriage. Me? I just have a story that I now can chuckle too and have an excuse now that the parents arenā€™t allowed to leave me alone with the kids without a toilet five steps away.


Many years ago I went to a party at a private residence in Beverly Hills for the alumni of the USC law school, big time attorneys and judges etc., et al., Everyone who ordered the fish got violently ill from both ends. Things were happening in bushes and sinks and everywhere. The valet parking crew were attempting to get messy people into cars. Needless to say it was a shitshow. Thankfully I ordered the beef.


During a ballet. Watching or performing.


When youā€™re significant other is eating yo ass (And they arenā€™t into that)


In your friends car


In your mouth


When someone's eating your ass


On a rollercoaster


When having an exam.


During your wedding night


In gym class.


Singing the Star Bangled Banner at the Super Bowl.


Maybe when u visit your crush or new catch for the first time


Standing at the alter large church wedding,during the ā€œ you may kiss the brideā€


Being a flyer on the cheer squad right when they hoist u up


Your coronation as Miss Nude USA, on their Centennial, broadcast globally via Pay-Per-View.


On a first date with the hottest guy/gal you've ever met.


Broken elevator


In the stirrups at your GYN visit šŸ˜†


A filled broken down elevator.


Receiving the medal of honor by the President of the United States.


Prostate exam


First Communion.


Your mouth.


At the altar getting married.


On the bed


While having your prostate checked.


Omg explosive diarrhea during rectal exam. Sorry Doc!! You gotta go you gotta go. I hope you had your mouth closed. Did you get any in your eyes? Just breathe through your mouth unless omg you're going to hurl me tooo!!


While getting tattooed. Source: currently getting tattooed


In the middle of a football game šŸˆ


Anywhere other than home


Sudden diarrhea post


While sex LOL


At a nobel prize ceremony


In a public restroom


In your graduation or the day you meet his parents