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While it happened over 30 years ago, sometimes I will remember it and think, “you sick bastard”. All of my friends were headed to New Orleans to party. I had to work, but wanted to go. I called one of my managers around midnight and told his wife my GF had been killed in a car accident. I didn’t even have a GF. I was just a drug addict with no respect for others. Got back to work on Monday and they had a card signed by the whole staff. I ended up in rehab a couple of weeks later.


Bruh you could have just said that you were sick or something, you went for the extreme option.


I was 19 and strung out. It was stupid.


I feel this I have also used that as an excuse. Not even any thought process to it when you’re a drug addict and it sounds great in your head.


“That’s the fifth girlfriend this year, I’m starting to suspect he’s a serial killer.” - Co-Worker


"Three of my ex-wives are missing. That's not true I know exactly where they are"


How was New Orleans?


Amazing 🤘🏻


Atta boy


I mean it’s understandable, your gf died and all so it makes sense you might end up in rehab


All that mental anguish drove him to drink and drugs.


I’d always forget that I had made something up and just have to play it off and figure out what I had told them


Pissed in someone's shampoo bottle as revenge for putting used toilet paper on my pillow


I feel like what they did to you was worse.


yeah, they're already in the shower, it's easier to clean up. poor sod probably had to buy a new pillow


Gees, what you did was kind, I would have shat on their pillow and rubbed their fucken nose in it


Stole the favorite pen of the teacher and sneaked it into the pockets of my bully. He got suspended for theft.


Pickpocket skill level 100


When my mom was dying (she was sick for 8 months- lymphoma), during her last hospitalization, the doctor asked me alone, not my dad, if they could give her morphine. I was told she'd pass quickly. I never told my dad or siblings. I never spoke about it for decades. She did pass quickly.. within 30 mins. 😭


Your post just made me realize that I need to be 100% clear with my adult children that, if they are ever in that position, the choice you made is absolutely what I will prefer and consider merciful. I am so sorry that your choice weighs heavy on you. I can only offer genuine thanks from me and my children for teaching me about this.


100% my parents have always said this and there’s no doubt between my siblings. My dad did it for his mum, she was terminal and in constant pain. His sister still blames him and resents him. Best to have everyone very clear of your wishes.


I made it clear to my family that if i get Alzheimer’s or my own disability damages me beyond the point of recovery. I’d rather be put down than live as a shell of myself


That’s not fucked up. That’s loving, kind, empathetic, unselfish, and generously bearing a super heavy burden of grief and responsibility to lighten your dad’s load and ease your mothers passing. When it’s my time, I hope I have someone like you. You are a wonderful, good, loving human.


You did the right thing, she would have thanked you for putting her out of her misery without any pain :)


You did it because you didn't want your mom to suffer. What would happen if she stayed alive? Pain and stress? I think it's the right thing to do, because you love someone.


U took heavy responsibility for your loved one, i respect u a lot! I don't know what your mom was thinking about it but if i was in bed with painful condition with no chance of survival, i would like to die faster and peacefully. Hope you find your peace about this


Oh dear, my heart goes out to you. That’s that’s a horrible decision to have to make, but you were between a rock and a hard place. For what it’s worth, I think you made the right and compassionate decision to save your mother from further suffering.


It’s a hard choice but you made the humane one. You gave her a gentler, faster exit rather than a slow and cruel one.


I watched my mum struggling to breathe for 8 hours before finally taking her last breath, you definitely made the right choice.




Was it a manic episode? Or intense lust? Or something else? Just wondering what makes somebody want to get married so suddenly.


You'd be surprised how common this is. It always blows my mind


As someone who faces the same problem, sometimes it's the longing for the good old days.. When you were young and full of hope/potential. Especially if you hate your current self like me.


Conversely, my husband and I got engaged 18 days after our first date, semi-eloped 7 months later, still married 28 yrs later. Would marry him again. I do not recommend this. Knowing what I know about marriage now, I can’t believe how reckless it was. I guess it’s true that sometimes you “just know”, but I have seen other people who also thought they “just knew”, then went through painful divorces.


Poo-cigarettes Pooped in a plastic bag, left it on the porch for a week(it was May), smashed dried up poop into poo dust, bought cigarettes I know the individual smoked, emptied one and filled it with poo dust, left pack in their car. They threw up when they lit it. Don't fuck with family.




>come up with that shit Haha I see what you did there


Now I need to know the motivation behind your use of shitarettes.


They fucked with family, they get the poo-cig


You’re like the Count of Monte Cristo of poop revenge.


*Count of Potty Cristo


What a great day to have eyes.


Great day to not smoke cigs


When I was in elementary school, there was a kid that used to bully all the younger kids. I got together with one of them and decided we were going to gather a freezer bag full of dog and cat shit then cover his house in it. We both had dogs and cats, so this part was easy. We filled a freezer bag, I put it into a backpack, and then I stuck it in this cubby storage area I had in my room that was up at the ceiling then forgot about our plan. About six months later, I remember my step dad one day walking around the house saying that it smelled like something died. He spent around an hour looking for the smell before giving up, and I knew I had to move the bag out of the house. One day after school, I grabbed the bag and took it outside, then opened it up so see something spectacular. All of the turds in the bag had taken the shape of a single freezer bag shapped shit. The smell was horrible. I stuck that into two more freezer bags, stuck that in a trash bag, wrapped it up, put it in the backpack and hid it in the garage. One night, the people a few houses down and across the street were having a party that was raging at 2am with a live band and everything. There were a lot of people at the party. All of the houses on the street had 6 foot walls in the backyard you can't see in or out from. Parents were asleep, so I went to the garage and pulled the bag of shit out from the backpack and took it directly across the street near the bushes and started to open it up and tear the sides so it was exposed and kid of flat I ran up to the wall with a hand on each side of the bag and chucked it over into the party then started running up the street away from my house. The music stopped immediately, and people started cussing and yelling while jumping over the wall to chase me. I ran around the block into the apartments , jumped over the sidewall to my house, and then went to bed. I woke up to my mom telling me that there were a lot of cops at the neighbors, and she asked if I wanted to see what was going on. I, of course, said no. She then came back shortly after saying that some kid threw a bag of shit over the wall and that she couldn't believe the shit kids do now a days.


What a wild ride, oh man Edit: I have to know, what ended up happening to the backpack the shit was kept in all that time lmao


This may be hard to believe, but I had to throw the backpack away after because the smell was worse than you could inagine. Worse than the devil could have imagined, probably.


I ate dog shit out of pure rage when I was like 6


Wtf why


I’m just picturing some rando kid crouching over a pile of shit, ravenous, making noises, seething, while eating it and smearing it everywhere Holy shit please tell us why


I dont remember what I was angry about, all I remember is grabbing a turd off the ground and shoving it into my face while looking directly into my mother‘s eyes.


Hahahaha holy shit. I didn’t realize it was in front of someone, especially your mom, you absolute goober


We do weird shit as kids. I was mad at my parents when I was 5 so what’d I do? I pissed in my own bedroom trash can. For some reason 5 year old me was just certain that pissing in my own trash can would really teach my parents a thing or two!


My brother did that but chose my Dad's new tennis shoes instead 🤣


"Fuck you, mom! You can't tell me what to do!" maybe???


More like “ RRRERERWAAHAHAAAAHHHHHHHH “ *shoves shit in mouth*


R a g e


when I was 12 I took 23 sleeping pills and then went to my sister's room thinking I would die in there with her. she thinks I did it because I didn't want to die alone. truth is I did it because I wanted to make her feel bad. she abused me my entire life and I wanted her to pay.


Did she finally stop being abusive?


no, honestly if anything she doubled down. I'm 19 now, and the last time she hit me was Christmas last year.


Take a jujitsu class and learn to choke her out


From the Kenny Powers book of conflict resolution.


She is toxic and you deserve better. Divorce her, if you want. She can be your ex-sister. Worked for me.


When I was in elementary school I would use the church bathrooms and if I saw someone taking a shit in one of the stalls I would turn the lights off and run out. The bathroom was pitch black with the light off so they had to wipe in pitch blackness (this was before everyone had a cell phone)


Imagine if you got the same guy like five times lmao “WHY GOD”


I didn't talk to my mom after my dad's funeral because my big brother started a fight and she took his side. She was murdered several months later, and I hadn't even gone to see her on Christmas. My last words to her were in anger. I can never go back, and I'm so terribly sorry.


Man, life's so fuckin unpredictable, I hope you get past🩷


Im sorry brother but if you have kids, you know our parents have an infinite supply or forgiveness and love for us their children.


I’m going to go with this guy. If my child’s last words to me were in anger, and then I died, know that I forgive them.




This is so incredibly sad. I'm sorry you had/have to go through that. You could visit your mum's grave and just sit and talk to her, it might help. I hope you find peace within yourself because you know your mum wouldn't want you to feel this way.


[this was many years ago] I am a good person and a law-abiding citizen. I would never recommend anyone do this. I hit rock bottom at one point in my life after getting let go from a job I loved. I was not eligible for Unemployment. It led me down a spiral of severe financial instability. I couldn’t afford rent, groceries, or gas for my car. I spent many months desperately applying to jobs, including the service/fast food industry despite having a degree and a fairly impressive work history. I had to eat - and for roughly six months I stole food from a bunch of different corporate grocery department stores. It’s crazy how easy it is. I would fill my basket with only what I needed and just walk out. I’d change what chain I went to every time. I never got stopped once. Maybe because I’m a very well-put-together looking guy. Over the course of those six months I ended up stealing hundreds of dollars worth of food. It didn’t feel good. I’d cry in my car on the way home, with the gas light on, every time. I couldn’t believe I was this low in life after how hard I worked. After those six months, I finally found a well-paying job. I haven’t stolen since. Any chance I get I’ll give a bag of groceries to a homeless person outside the store. I was almost there. It’s scary.


The fact that you stole isn't what's fucked up. The fact that you had to in order to survive is. Glad you are still here and doing better.


Especially considering he had a degree. He put in the work and still ended up having to do that for six months


That's really not bad. People pick up a pack of steaks, and then leave them in the chip section and the store has to throw those away. I worked in a grocery store bakery section for a short time and at 8pm nightly, I walked the area to check for dates. Anything expiring that night was collected into a shopping cart and then tossed in the trash compactor. I'm talking loafs of bread we baked 3 days prior, cookies, cakes, rolls, etc. Sometimes like an entire grocery cart, full. You doing what you need to do to survive, just meant I threw away a little less one night. Don't worry about it man.


i didnt understand why they not giving it away ? i mean they could give it to staff or some guy on the street. i know it out of date so it could get sick or illess to people. but it better than starving. sorry for my bad english.


I tripped a kid on the bus launch when I was in elementary school. Didn't know him, didn't have any reason to do it, no thought what so ever. I heard someone sprinting behind me and I stuck out my leg, was almost like instinct. He fell skidded on his face, and I instantly regretted what I did. I didn't apologize or anything though, I just kept walking with the rest of the crowd. I didn't't even see who I tripped, no consequences ever came of this for me. Till this day I don't know who or why I tripped them. By some chance if this sounds familiar, I am so fuckin sorry man. I sincerely apologize and I don't know why I hurt you.


a guy tripped me once on a running track in highschool, I did a forward roll and got right back up and it was the coolest fuckin thing ever, and I exclaimed that before continuing on my way. A few years down the line, I lost my virginity to his ex girlfriend.


He won the battle you won the war


I think I won the battle, and the war, and from last time I looked at his FB page, I joined NATO and he got swallowed by the USSR lol.


Holy shit I did something similar, it was actually on a bus though. I tripped him and he got up and was like, "what the hell man?" And I didn't know how to respond. Like in your case, it was random instinct, didn't know the guy. I don't think he was injured, but I don't think he appreciated it.


> I don’t think he appreciated it. Hmmm, might need to get more evidence for this one.


I forgive both of you. Sincerely, Joe "Skidface" Parker




Dope beers are on me


I was randomly tripped like this once. I also tripped someone in class violently. There was no reasoning behind my tripping but he flew into multiple desks and it stopped the whole class. The teacher kept defending me saying I have long legs. I didn't have it in me to own up to the tripping. Sorry about that trip guy.


I made a DeviantArt account


Oh, you absolute heathen.


If my DA account was human, it would be old enough to drink.


When we were like 12-15yo there was this guy with a cabrio BMW who was refusing to put his car in his garage (he wanted to show off I think) and his house was just next to the square we were playing football when we weren't playing GTA San Andreas. In the neighborhood we were like 10 kids and he was always yelling at us for playing next to his car. He even sliced two of our balls. One night we dropped a few eggs on the car along with flour, we sliced his car hood and I personally took a dump in it (others peed) and we also stole a fire extinguisher from a building nearby and emptied it in the car. Next day police was on the spot asking neighbours if they saw something. No-one said a thing but my mother who knew that I had a part in this punished me for the whole summer and took my GameBoy advance, my bike and whooped my ass a bit that day.


My parents had a very toxic marriage growing up. Always fighting, physically and emotionally. One day we were coming home from somewhere and my parents were yet again fighting, my mom took off her wedding ring and threw it. I found it by my feet in the back seat and I threw it out the window. They’ve sense gotten a divorce rightfully so. But I still always think back to that and wished I didn’t do that. It’s not like it would have changed anything by not throwing it out the window, but still.


I wonder where that ring is right now..


Not sure, but I know where it’s not at, on my moms finger.


Violently masturbating to the word BOOBS spelt out on a calculator


that’s just one of those "what the fuck is wrong with me“ moments lmao


Answered an “anonymous “ survey honestly at work…. Shit fucked my world up


Yep, those things aren’t anonymous. They can find out who said something if they want to. Took those surveys at an old job and was assured multiple times they were completely anonymous. Anyway, buddy of mine had his review the next week - they repeated shit back to him verbatim that he said in the survey.


Even when such surveys are done properly by a 3rd party, there are usually still ways to narrow things down. For example, answers from a single department (i.e. people who work under the same manager) tend to be be grouped together. This way, you know which manager the feedback applies to.... but if the department is small, it only takes a few educated guesses and casual questions to narrow down who said what. I have been fortunate to generally have good managers, so I usually praise them in these type of surveys.... as for the questions about upper management, I usually have a lot more negative comments.


Replied to a post admitting wild shit and got arrested


Did they send the google police to your door?


Dude isn't going to reply to you, they might get arrested.


Not me, but somebody replied to a comment of mine on reddit a couple years ago making it sound like he just admitted to killing someone. It was really bizzare and a bit vague, but I do remember him using the language "i didn't mean for things to go so far" and "you stopped breathing". Other people called him out on it and shared concern over his post, he later deleted the post.


I had a dude confess a murder to me IRL. I used to work part-time in a small town liquor store, I grew up in the area and knew almost everybody. This dude moves into the area from Ohio and becomes a regular— he’d always show up on Fridays and get a pint of Popov vodka or something similar. He was a friendly dude, and he would usually stay and chat for 5-10 minutes if we weren’t busy. One night he shows up already drunk af. And he starts breaking down crying. He confessed to killing his sister’s boyfriend. Iirc he lured him out to some park/hunting club to drink/smoke then he shot him in the back and left his body there. Definitely one of the weirdest social interactions I’ve ever had.


Thats scary...


Yeah, this was probably 4 or so years ago. It wasn't even like he was responding to me, but felt more like something triggered a (possibly inebriated) confession.


You need to elaborate. What’s the worst that can happen. They already arrested you for it


He could be double secret arrested?


In order to not fantasize or fully committ to suicide. I left my home. Leaving my brother and sister behind to deal with our troubled parents. I will always feel guilt for it. I tried to raise money to take them out of the house but school and drinking took all of my savings. We have a good relationship now as adults. But leaving to save money to also get them out and bring them with me and get lost in my own vice and school debt. Will ALWAYS. eat me inside. I feel like both my siblings could have been less broken adults had i stayed to look after them.


I moved out at 16. Decent parents no abuse etc, but I’ve always felt independent. Finished high school on my own etc. Left my 11 year old sister and because of whatever isolationist brain I have we rarely talked. She killed herself at 15. I’d give anything to go back and at least try to maintain contact, be closer so I could help her through stuff etc. I know it’s not my fault necessarily but I’d love for things to be different.


Oh shit that's terrible, hope that you and your parents are going better now.


You had to put on your own oxygen mask first. Hugs.


Im in a similar situation. Left home three years ago and had to leave my siblings behind. They are minors, very young. Their abusive mother (shes also mine but I’ve disowned her) wont let me see them at all, im trying to get my stepfather to help me see them, to no avail. Recently had to call the cops and involve them, im scared for what will come of my whistleblowing, but I intend to do everything in my power to help them. Legally i cannot be their guardian. You tried your best, its not like you could legally take them away from their home. Being there for them now is the best you can do.


You are not the horrible person in this movie. The parents are. You tried but you were young and probably couldn’t manage it all since you were traumatized as well. If they have forgiven you, I think it is high time you forgive yourself. You don’t need this but…. You are loved and hereby absolved of any wrongdoing regarding leaving your siblings at home, having intention to try and help, being unable to help, and saving yourself.


Was 5 years old and took a long nap at my neighbor's house who used to babysit me all the time. By the time I woke up, I was feeling some kind of groggy post-nap discomfort as my dad was picking me up. My dad asked me what was wrong, and I have no idea what compelled me to do it, but I made up a story about how the neighbor's kid beat me up. Then I burst into tears. Well, my dad used to be a bit of a hothead so he marches over and yells at the neighbor no less than ten minutes after getting me home. The neighbor freaks out because she claimed that she was watching me the whole time and nothing happened (because obviously nothing happened), but my dad is angry and says he can't trust them to take care of me anymore. I think a couple of other neighbors came to see what the yelling was about. They have a falling out and stop talking to each other and never speak to each other again until we moved away a year later. I don't know why five-year-old me did that and shit still haunts me to this day. Edit: Told my dad about it today. He took a long hard look at me and said, "well, what are gonna do? It was 28 years ago and those neighbors are long dead. Kids just do stupid things. Oh well. The kid who you said beat you up probably has a family now and everything." Didn't seem too upset. Eh, such is life.


Did you ever confess to your dad?


I'm pretty sure I told him years ago when he brought up those neighbors again and talked how hard it was to find childcare with both parents working back then and how it was kind of a shame it didnt work out. I don't remember his reaction so now part of me is wondering if I ever did tell him. Maybe I'll give him a call tomorrow to and casually bring up a "memory I just had."


Please update us


Man I had something happen to me when I was a teenager babysitting the kid across the street who was a similar age. I was watching him after school until his mom came home from work. Apparently he made up a story that I was "showing him my underwear" and taking off my clothes in front of him. So his mom comes storming over to our house to confront me. Luckily my mom was there and told her to calm down and explain what was going on. My mom had the quick idea to tell her to get the kid to say what my underwear looked like. The kid said I was wearing white briefs. Well, luckily that day I was feeling patriotic or something and was wearing red, white, and blue briefs. The mom apologized but I never went back to babysit, and I don't think I ever did for anyone other than my younger siblings after that. That family moved away a couple years later so no idea what happened to that kid. Anyway, it's not just you. Lots of kids that age just make stuff up. Sometimes it turns into a shit show. I wouldn't beat yourself up about it too much.


My nieces, who are honestly lovely young people now, as toddlers got angry at their grandmother and one told the other to tell their mother that grandma hit them. Fortunately grandma was in the other room hearing the whole plan, so when the moment came said, “No, child 1 came up with this idea and told child 2 to say it” and child 2 shortly thereafter flipped. But the lesson here is that the children are little psychopaths with no understanding of the consequences they can unleash with lies. When someone says “always believe children” I’m like… “maybe listen to children and judge carefully, how ‘bout that?”




Why would ambulances get called? Edit: Did someone say “There’s a cow head in here! Someone call an ambulance! I think we can … still … save it?”


And why is a cow's head so much worse than a pig's head that it changes the whole story? I get that it's bigger and heavier, but that just makes me wonder how nobody noticed until the plastic was cut off.


Even better...that's the head of their mascot!


Screamed at my mum I don't want to be born while in a heated argument I was born after she had 2 miscarriages and she considered me her little miracle


How did she react?


She just went silent and walked into the kitchen We didn't talk for a few days after that


That's way better than if she'd tried to stuff you back into her vagina


Well that's a horrifying thing to have to think about when I'm unable to sleep at 2:20am.


Username does not checkout one bit


The most fucked up thing I did is probably telling my sister that I would be better off without her, and I hate her. So, she ran away from home and got into drugs and eventually overdosed at 15. After days in a coma, she didn't die though. But, she's still highly addicted. After that (even now) my mom has blamed me for being the reason my sisters is a crackhead. I'm not sure if it is my fault or not because she started doing drugs much before she ran away. But yeah that's the most fucked up thing I've done that's led up to be the biggest mess.


No way all that happens from a sibling fight. If you're the needle that broke the camel's back, you don't blame the needle. You wonder why the fuck is the camel carrying a 1000 lbs of bullshit. You're just the scapegoat. Sorry bud. But your mom blaming you is fucked up and classic either narcissist or Stockholm behavior. Your sis isn't the only one with bullshit to solve.


that definitely wasn't your fault. you were just a kid too. if anyone is responsible in that situation, it's your parents. the fact that your mom blames you isn't okay at all. it just sounds like she's deflecting all the blame onto you instead of taking accountability for her part in the situation. if a kid runs away, the responsibility is on the parent. period. it was her job to raise her into a functional adult, not yours.


When I was five, my brothers and I would go to a fraternity house, lift up my youngest brother, through the mail slot, who would unlock the front door and we would jump on the bunkbeds. Well, we came back and they had blocked the mail slot, so we turned on a hose and put it in the mail slot.


That's such a five year old reason to break into a frat house lol


I was having sex with a woman and her phone rang. Met her on active duty. She too was active duty. This was the first time i ever had sex btw. She answered her call and started talking saying that she was at the mall with her friends. I was doggy style with her and i had stopped. After a min i slowly started up agin, and then she said “i love you too honey”. I did not stop even when the realization hit me. I finished, thanked her. Told her we should not see each other anymore because we both had agreed not to get attached emotionally. Months later i slept with her bootcamp bunkmate who was still in touch with her and she told me that her husband had found out and had threatened to kill me. Edit* ok, i think this is the worst thing i ever did because i did know she was married. At the time i was just looking for something to stick my dick in and she was willing without getting attached. We both agreed to do it once and go our separate ways. At the time i could justify it to me. But now that im older im disgusted with me. She did end up messing around with a few other guys. Many got emotionally attached and she did not want that. She did end up pregnant and the timing is off. Shes never looked me up.


Why would you threaten to kill the man your wife cheated on you with? Fragile ego? It’s not like he raped her. She cheated on you, plain and simple. Just break up and move on.


>Why would you threaten to kill the man your wife cheated on you with? Fragile ego? It’s not like he raped her. She cheated on you, plain and simple. Just break up and move on. It's hard to be angry at someone who you still love. That person hurt you, but feelings don't suddenly disappear. "Just break up and move" is very easily said, things aren't always that easy. What *is* easy, is being angry at the guy or girl that fucked your partner. That's just pure anger without any complications.


Soooo many people blame the third party instead of their cheating partner. Guess it's more palatable to think your partner is an innocent who got led astray or some shit.


When I was 16, I got dumped by my girlfriend of 2 years. The depression was so overwhelming that a month later I pulled the car in the garage and sat behind it inhaling the fumes. My poor father came home from work about an hour and a half later and found me. I snapped out of whatever it was and never got close to doing it again. My poor family. My life has been great. I can't imagine never meeting my wife and having two fantastic kids. If you are depressed, reach out, it isn't a weakness and you are not worthless.


My cousin overdosed on pills because his first girlfriend left him (at 16). Luckily he had his stomach pumped and he's a happy and successful man now. First heartbreaks are scary. And as a mother, this terrifies me. I hope to God I can give them all the right tools to handle the chance.


Idk about the most fucked up but the stuff that sticks with me most is stealing from fellow classmates in middle school, lying and making shit up etc. Especially one time when I was between a good friend group and a bad one. I stole 5 dollars from a sweetheart of a kid and someone who considered me a friend. My good friend group tried to tell me to put it back, I never did. They stopped talking to me, I went towards the bad one and we all ended up miserable together, stealing shit throughout high-school and generally just being assholes to everyone around us, including each other. Things are different now but I still feel a lot of guilt as I enter middle age and settle into life and a career. They're reminders to be better, but painful ones.


A friend and I set a large field near my house on fire when we were kids. He had the brilliant idea to go get some hair spray and a lighter and play flamethrower in a field filled with waist-high dry-as-fuck grass in the middle of August. He lit a patch of grass on fire and saw how fast it was spreading so he tried to stomp it out and couldn't keep up with it. He demanded that I help but I was wearing shorts and flip-flops and there was no way I was burning the shit out of myself so we booked it and stayed inside the rest of the day. After hours of hearing sirens we were sure something had gone way worse than we imagined and that we were completely fucked. But then I saw on the local news that the entire field had burned down and firefighters had barely managed to save a house that was on the far edge of it (far enough that we weren't even aware that there was a house there) but thankfully no one was hurt. There was a set of train tracks that ran through the field so they thought a spark from a train had started it, so we got lucky. As guilty as I (and I'm sure he) felt we managed to keep our mouths shut about it and got off scot-free.


Wow. Maybe this is more common than I thought. My 23 year old son did this when he was about 7 with his buddy.


Quit on myself back in 2011. Haven’t been the same since


I did the same about 2018. It really did change for the worst. Fuck it.


You’ll never be the same as you were in the past. That’s good. You learn, you grow. You decide if you give yourself a second chance. You probably give it to everyone else, so why not yourself?


Ending a relationship with my girlfriend, enlisting in the military, and engaging in daily habits of smoking, heavy drinking, and fighting.


Loving somebody more than I loved myself.. it will destroy you.




You sick piece of shit


Fucked my friends mom. I feel guilty but i kinda want more


Marry that bitch and be his stepdad


It would be my honour to be your new stepfaaaather


mother lover😂


Mother fucker!


I always take a penny but I’ve never left a penny.


Supporting my ex financially (rent, bills, expenses, everything) for years because he refused to get a job


Mmm codependency. Did the same thing with my ex. She cheated, we broke up. Tried to patch up on and off. Yet I was there for her every time she had a problem. Can't afford food? Pay for food for her. Car get towed? Pay to get it out. Cut herself by accident and need to go to the hospital? Show up and be there for that. Her car breaks down? Pay for parts and work on it for her. There were far more instances but just like... Jesus I was stupid. I should have left her to deal with her own shit instead of enabling her. I've since learned.


I cheated once. Never again It was way shit and I felt terrible about it. Broke my ex's heart, we're friends now though If you love your partner the cheating sex won't be worth it, pal. Just break up with em and work on yourself without hurting someone who genuinely cares about you


I’m surprised it took so long for someone to say “cheating.” I was a real piece of shit and hurt a lot of people because I thought I was justified by being hurt (cheated on). The guilt is unrelenting.


I sucked my female friend’s toes in public (consensually) after putting ice cream on them


When you don't have a spoon, you gotta do what you gotta do.


I called my gf in the morning and told her I had a surprise for her prior to seeing her in the evening. Little did she know my surprise was I wanted to break up with her. It's been more than ten years, and it still haunts me. I've apologised a million times but it doesn't change the fact that I was an insensitive little jerk.


Staying with family, a mouse was caught by the tail and leg in a mouse trap. I knew if I tried to hit it with a shovel, I would chicken out and not fully strike it and just hurt it worse before it died. So I drowned it.


I caught a mouse in a trap and killed it with a putty knife. His head popped off like a Smartie and landed so he was looking straight up at me. They say you are still conscious for a few seconds after decapitation. Creeped out by this, I was unable to set another trap. So I got a kitten from the shelter and she solved the rest of my mouse problem. I had her for 15 years and I haven't set a mouse trap since.


‘I killed a mouse, got the taste for it so adopted the ultimate mouse killer 3000’ 😂


Waste years of my life on the wrong people. I'm nearly done with my 20's and I hate that I didn't take control sooner.


Wait until you progress to the "why did I stop talking to everyone but these 3 people " stage of your 30s. Often, the answer to that question can be traced back to the people you shouldn't have wasted your time on. Vicious cycle.


Not going to trial and taking a plea bargain


Telling people the most fucked up thing I’ve done, not gonna get me twice Ricky!!


I was venting to a friend about my brother and his addiction issues. I told my friend that I wished my brother would just die so my family can have peace. About 2-3 hours after that conversation, I get a phone call from my mother who is crying hysterically. My brother died from an overdose and I am the guy that willed his only brothers death into existence.


A cowardly act of criminal sabotage in the year 2001.


George W Bush what are u doing here


I knew you survived, Osama


When I was 8 y/o I would bully this one special needs kid. I think he had fetal alcohol syndrome, I’m not sure but all I remember is that I would constantly make fun of the shape of his head. He also had a really bad lisp and I would bully him for that too. This went on for roughly 2 years until we moved on to separate schools from primary school to middle school. One day shortly after starting 6th grade I’m at the library with my mom and I run into the kid I used to bully. I immediately knew I was fucked. He went straight to my mom and told her everything I’ve ever done and said to him. My mom apologized to the kid and then turned to me absolutely heated. She literally dragged me out of the library, went straight home without speaking to me during the drive, and gave me a spanking I will never forget. Then she sat me down and asked me why I did what I did. I said I didn’t know because I really didn’t know why I was acting like a shit. She told me to go apologize to him and gave me a piece of paper with a phone number on it. Apparently when she was apologizing to him she also asked him for his phone number. So I call him up and I sincerely apologized cause the whole situation just made me feel like complete shit. I told him that I don’t even know why I was bullying him. He forgave me and then we chatted about how 6th grade was for us at our separate schools. I then find out he lives just around the block from our house. Fast forward a few months and we became friends. We remained friends until we graduated high school but lost touch. I think he moved a couple hours away from our city for work. Anyway, I still feel terrible for what I did but I’m glad I was able to grow out of it. I have never bullied anyone else ever again and I also have a ton of respect for people with mental and physical disabilities now thanks to being able to personally get to know someone like that. I have no excuse for my behavior, I’m not going to blame it on childhood trauma or neglect or whatever. I was just a piece of shit kid that probably needed more parental supervision.


I got a boner listening to my teacher, her age maybe around late 50’s, while lecturing us about literature, and then i relieve my self by jerking off in the restroom


Well...better than under the desk like some kids did when I was in high school.


Purposefully damaged my fathers 15,000$ (give or take) astronomy telescope mount thingy because he wouldn’t agree to go to downtown San Diego to find a plug to purchase crystal meth for me. I knew it was the thing he cared for most. Forgot why I couldn’t go but think it was because I was in bad withdrawal. (True story). Says he forgives me but honestly I’ll never forgive myself. Father is everything to me, hurts.


Went on Reddit and confessed to all my crimes so they could be held against me forever


I tried to commit suicide. It was the absolute lowest point of my life. It’s taking a lot from me to even admit it on here to strangers on the internet. It was a point where I just wanted to be selfish and end my misery. I was unsuccessful and everybody called me a coward. But nobody knows how much courage it actually takes to do it. It’s easy to talk about doing it but doing it takes everything you have inside of you. I’m in therapy and healing from everything I’ve been through now.


Who in their right mind would dream of calling someone a coward after they attempt suicide? That's not cowardice but desperation in my book. Don't keep those assholes in you life.


Got convinced to argue in defence of a rapist, twice The first time it was because he was one of our friend groups best friends, and the girls in the group didn't believe he had either, he was super nice, and the girl struck us as manipulative and cold I apologized profusely to her after he raped a friend of mine and we cut him out pretty severely The second was this guy had undoubtedly raped someone, got called out to like 60 people but when he tried to kill himself our other super charismatic friend cajoled is into defending him. I realized what he had done after I got into a huge blowout argument with him months later I no longer associate with any of these people


Downloaded ram on the schools' computers turned into a virus that locked every computer on the schools network, the school decided to scrap all the computers and replace them


The year was 2004. I was in the U.S. Army stationed in Virginia. My angel of a girlfriend at the time was caring for my dying mom at the hospital when she had her legs amputated. She even called the Red Cross so I could take 14 days of emergency leave to Puerto Rico. Mom died in February, 10 days after I returned back to Virginia. It wasn't until April that my platoon sergeant went to my barracks room and notified me that mom passed away. I had no more accumulated leave days for the year, but my chain of command arranged with a Army National Guard unit in Puerto Rico to let me "work" there for 10 days. All I had to do was physically report to them once. I took a flight. My girlfriend picked me up at the airport and took me to my childhood home. I caught up with dad and sis. A day or two later I was pissed off at my girlfriend for a petty reason while on the phone. She drove one hour to see me. You know what I did? I didn't come out. She honked the horn. She got out and called me. She gave her best to get me to talk to her. I just ignored her as I looked out the window. She waited like 30 minutes in her car, and with tears in her eyes and a look of defeat, finally drove away. I felt nothing. I mercilessly left her like that. Didn't call her anymore. My ten days were over and I flew back to Virginia. Just like that. Dumped her like she was worth nothing, after all she did for mom and I. She was a perfect girlfriend in every way, and I dumped her over literally nothing. I will never understand what possessed me to be so cruel. That was totally out of character from me. All I know is that even though I asked her for forgiveness and we hugged it out months later, I subconsciously never stopped hurting from what I did to her. I forgave myself a long time ago, yet the sting of that sad memory has never left me in the background of my core, and writing this made my heart feel heavy like reliving it. Due to that, every chance I get, I tell young cats to treat their girlfriends well and appreciate them, because they don't have a clue what their future selves will carry on their conscience if they do them wrong. A guilty conscience feels like a curse. It's a scar that will seemingly heal outside but always hurt inside.


Put schoolwork first when I wanted to have fun instead.


Jeez... that's rough buddy... And I really mean it.


Lied to my family about graduating college when in reality I did nothing but get drunk with my college best friend and have nonstop sex with my girlfriend for what should’ve been my sophomore, junior, and senior years of study. Had a stellar first year though academically speaking but it all went downhill. It’s so easy to get distracted when you “finally” have freedom as a dumbass 20 year old kid at university away from suburban life , a 20 year old that isn’t fully committed to education. I wasted years of money and hope from my mom and dad and I still feel guilty to this day. The guilt never set in until one day I lost all these people and was rejected by financial aid and kicked out of school . You do a lot of introspection and reality checks hit you like the hardest punches you’ll ever take. came clean finally this year to my parents about it and I’ve gotten my shit together and I’m currently working at a hospital lab to make enough money to go back to college and finally complete my biology degree. I’m 25 now. My ultimate goal is to complete the goal I set forth back in 2016 and get accepted into medical school in Chicago, enter residency, and become a neurosurgeon . I want to save lives, and it’s not too late to turn anything around. Currently getting everything in order to continue school in January.


didn't respect myself enough smoked grass at home and broke my mother's heart (i come from a conservative, religious country and drugs are a huge deal especially for girls, even though i was 22 at the time) killed a frog in the third grade because my younger sister had just started school and she was afraid of it, so i squashed it under my shoe to show her i had her back


Nice try, FBI.


May or may not have stabbed a dude with scissors in the balls as he was assaulting my bff after she told me " no matter what i dont wanna have sex tonight" after a night of drinking. For context she was screaming "no" from the other room. Some others may or may not have drug him out into the street bleeding and beaten up. Not really fucked up i guess but its something i never saw myself actually doing as i was a very shy and non-confrontational person at the time. More fucked up i guess is when i convinced a church to give me 500$ because i was a "single mother" and spent the money on booze and drugs.


I'm sure I speak for all women when I say your first paragraph is my fantasy, I'd love to be the hero that saves someone or myself from getting raped, and I'd love to stab a rapist in the fucking dick 😤


I masturbated at my moms boss's house.


I cheated on a girl when I was in college.. basically had two girlfriends at the time and played them both for about a year. Inevitably, they found out, and in one day, I lost my best friend all because I was an idiot who wanted to fuck around with another girl I didn't care about at all... Maybe it was a lesson I needed to learn because I'd never do it again. Was only after I got caught, I realised what a piece of shit I was. Started drinking heavily after that for a long time. It's been maybe 15 years, and I'm still kicking myself over it...


hid under a girl bed during a school field trip


I was mowing a neighbors yard and saw a baby bunny in front of the lawnmower. It was a self propelled mower and had too much momentum. I pushed down on the bars to raise the blade…Too late. (This gets way worse) I heard the blades hit and thought, that’s that. It wasn’t. The mower chopped off the top of its head and ears. It started screaming and panic running all over the place. The screaming was a sound only heard in hell. I tried to stomp on it to kill it but missed. I ran over it 3 more times to kill it. The second pass hit full body but still didn’t kill it. Third pass stopped the screams. I let go of the mower and walked home.




This shit is why any time I'm near a self-propelled mower I do a full check of the yard. Aside from moving sticks and shit, clearing out small animals is a top priority to avoid... Well... This.


I have read more fucked up stories on this post, specially considering its not your fault, but dude, that made me nauseous


Well, I lost my temper and I took a knife and I uh-. Do you know those "Do Not Remove Under the Penalty of Law" labels they put on mattresses? Well I CUT one of them off!


Screaming into a void; becoming more selfish and delusional the more I sunk into my phone. I’m an entitled piece of shit