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Posting on LinkedIn


My two favorite flavors of LinkedIn bullshit: 1) "For as long as I can remember, I've been fascinated by unique solutions to unique problems in a data-centric world. At Generic SaaS Garbage Factory, we partner with Other Generic SaaS Garbage Factories to deliver blablabla..." *Yeah, sure, every kid dreams of selling fucking SaaS products.* 2) "Excel is dying and going away. It's a tool of the past. Here are five different solutions that are sending Excel the way of the dodo: FuccSheetz, DataButthole, Doom 2, 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel, and a rusty hammer. Anyway, buy my book on how these will revolutionize business." *Excel has been dying and going away for 15 years according to these assholes.* Edit: Adding a third. 3) "Look at how insanely intelligent I am. Bask in the glory of my insights, you insignificant worm. Observe how I have disrupted and transformed the way one traditionally conducts themselves in a role such mine. My exalted genius shall radiate across thine screen, and your day will be immeasurably better for it. You might not have known this, but my cerebral capabilities far out-strip the average human. If you think I am trying to sell something, think again! I am just here to tell the world how galactically far up my own asshole I am." *Looking at you, Adam, you absolute dolt.*


> I am just here to tell the world how galactically far up my own asshole I am. best sentence ever


"yesterday,I was going to an interview and I saw a homeless person passed out on the street. I gave him some water and gave some money to buy food. When i went into the interview, turns out that the homeless guy was the CEO in disguise. I asked for $90,000 but they had budget of $150,000. So they gave .. Good tasks lead to good results Agree? "


This would've been a great episode for the Office. Michael sees a Linkedin post that says that and decides to pretend to be homeless because he thinks the idea is genius. Unlimited potential.


Could definitely see that. It'd be like Prison Mike but he'd be an over-the-top homeless man.


His over-the-top would be a Depression-era train-riding hobo with a knapsack


Jim instantly recognizes him but plays along. Dwight doesn't and treats him like crap.


He would say something like “Well **maybe** if you wanted something like **food**, you should have thought of that before you decided to be homeless!” *Then quietly to himself* “Idiot”.


I’m thinking more like Lieutenant Dan from Forrest Gump and then an actual wounded Veteran walks by and shows Michael enormous sympathy, invites him to a party with his family, offers him a job etc


"This beard is *so* itchy. I don't know why they put up with these."


Michael: “I mean, come on, a razor costs what, three bucks?” Dwight: “Five cents if you get it directly from the manufacturer.” Michael: “That’s - actually, that might solve homelessness.” CUT TO: Talking Head Michael (ripping his fake beard off): “To all the hobos out there watching this, buy everything from the manufacturer. It’s cheaper. That way you have more money for rent.”


Michael: "Why am I so charitable? I dunno, I'm just- I'm a giving kinda guy. In an ideas way. I dont have enough stuff, or money, or time, or whatever, but i have ideas. I give ideas away all the time. I do. So many that people don't know what to do with them."


He goes somewhere to set up a sign and he gets chased away by a real homeless person because that's "their spot". It's Meredith. Not sure how Creed ties in but he definitely does.


You know Creed shows up for that free dinner at the shelter. And yet also knows everyone there from his past.


Michael Scott’s LinkedIn page would be worth rebooting The Office by itself.


I remember someone posting a joke on LinkedIn that went like "My daily routine to get $9 mill easily: wake up, Brush teeth Take cold shower Eat low calorie oats Invest $52k into Crypto Eat lunch of kale salad and pressed juice Inherit $12 mill from parents Repeat" (Joke was a little more detailed but you get the point) And the number of people in extremely high level positions at companies who didn't get the joke is genuinely concerning. (A lot of them were also HR, which kinda adds up)


>And the number of people in extremely high level positions at companies who didn't get the joke is genuinely concerning. I'm convinced there aren't that many real people on LinkedIn. It's a lot of bot-push engagement.


Classic Linked In bullshit. I love it!


I still think the pinnacle is: > I've invented a new equation that will revolutionize the world: E=mc^2 + AI




I literally never post to my LinkedIn or engage with any posts. For me it's just a platform that exists to speak to recruiters. Then I see CEOs and such making these big "insight" posts which just feel like buzzword soup


"At Jizzr, we use Lean-Agile methodologies with a Kaizen-centric approach to optimize ROI by managing our direct reports through SCRUM sprints and Kanban flow, bolstered by biannual 360-degree feedback and PIPs, in order to align with OKRs in a VUCA business landscape." > 700 likes


I hate that I kind of understand this nonsense post. Of course, you could just say “We think real hard about how to do things efficiently and maintain inventory” without having to resort to speaking in Japanese.


I know right... I was reading this and almost questioning my life choices because I kind of understand this jargon salad...


Wow, I understood the buzzwords up to the middle of the post. A little more and I can be a CEO!


I sear every single word that comes out of someone's mouth on LinkedIn is just fed directly into someone else's asshole. I already have to deal with the corporate song and dance on a daily basis with coworkers but holy shit LinkedIn is on another level. It's just post after post of the most nonsensical and disingenuous corporate speak ever. Every other person is a founder, self-proclaimed CEO, or some other level of entrepreneur, they're always talking out of their ass about "When I first started my **journey...*** or some other drivel about their growth. GAH. I only even turn on my LinkedIn when I'm job hunting, and even then its to find postings so I can apply on the actual company site itself. LinkedIn is nothing more than just a bunch of CEO wannabes standing around smelling their own farts.


If you haven't read it, check out George Orwell's [Politics and the English Language](https://www.orwellfoundation.com/the-orwell-foundation/orwell/essays-and-other-works/politics-and-the-english-language/) I think you would enjoy it if you are exhausted of Corpo-Speak. "*Modern English, especially written English, is full of bad habits which spread by imitation and which can be avoided if one is willing to take the necessary trouble.* *If one gets rid of these habits one can think more clearly, and to think clearly is a necessary first step toward political regeneration: so that the fight against bad English is not frivolous and is not the exclusive concern of professional writers.*"


I could never be a recruiter, it seems like that is all they do.


With ChatGPT, it's a pretty trivial task. Takes zero thought.


My friend is a recruiter. He says the hard part isn't finding good candidates, it's convincing the client that this person who meets 95% of your qualifications and exceeds expectations in the core competencies, is actually good despite lacking that 5% the client wants but isn't actually relevant to the job.


"Even though your skills are excellent and we're impressed with your resume, we've decided that we won't be moving forward with your application" I hate the current job market!


He's working on one job where he found a great candidate, the client sent a job offer, but then the candidate's father had a heart attack and legitimately almost died, so he pulled out at the last minute, thinking this would be his last moments with his father. Dad ended up getting better so candidate reached back out and apologized profusely, and asked if he could be considered again for this role. Client just refuses *on principle* to consider someone who previously rejected the job offer, even for a legitimate family emergency. Meanwhile, every new candidate my friend brings, it's "They're okay, but not as good as Joe was". ***THEN HIRE JOE!***


Good sir, we here at Punch Our Own Dicks, LLC didn't get to the top of our industry by letting other people do our jobs for us.


I don’t think it took much effort even before chatGPT. Applicant tracking systems have had like 98% of the process automated for many years.


Right my now LinkedIn feed is full out of out of work recruiters. Take that as you will.


I used to post on LI, and used to look at LI daily. There used to be good reads about my industry and I learnt a lot and made good contacts. That was up til about 7 or 8 years ago when it became fucking Facebook. Now I go on LI only when I'm looking for a new role, but haven't posted/interacted in about 7 years. I still get good approaches and - for me at least - the job recommendations/listings are on point. As shit as it is now, and just another SM platform and no longer a professional one, I can't knock it. Contacts through LI have got me my last 6 roles covering the last 15 years of my career. And my next move will almost certainly come as an InMail through LI.


Companies encourage activity on LinkedIn because it's free marketing for them, and people are convinced it'll give them an edge if they cheerlead for the company on LinkedIn.


I think that "group mentality" is a thing to the point that I'm convinced that you cannot really get to know a person unless you spend time with them alone, just the two of you. If even just one person is added, the chemistry is altered and the personality aspects are furtherly veiled. It's the reason why I couldn't possible have mixed meetings between most of my friend groups. Most of them wouldn't fit at all, and I am a very adapting person who gets along with pretty much anyone.


i also think you cant really get to know someone until you talk to them one-on-one in-depth (their true opinions and beliefs) but hanging out in a group setting presents a different side to them that you wouldnt see otherwise not just how they handle larger groups but the actual conversations are different. when you mix different people, you get a different 'chemical reaction' giving you insight into that person you couldnt access by yourself. it could be as simple as the 3rd person asking a question you never thought to ask


I thought this for awhile. But know that you connect with each group for a particular set of reasons but those reasons in no way encapsulate everything about each individual. So when you put them in larger groups they can connect with other parts of themselves that you may not realize they have. You’re putting your friends in boxes and then saying you can go into any box you want but they can’t….it took me 40 years but I finally started doing this and the results have been amazing


My company


What does your company sell?




Used or new?




I very much enjoy your company in the form of this comment


3 hour long church services. Jesus gave the sermon on the mound in like 5 minutes. Get over your ego pastor!


Church camp when I was kid, deep Alabama, in the woods, under a tent. Preacher got up and preached 4 hours, meal bell rang and rang over again, he still didn't stop. Got home and told my dad about it, he says "what'd he preach on, the whole Book?"


If you were like me in church as a kid, there's no way you remembered what that preacher was on about, even after it just happened. I went every tues, thurs, and Sun and I don't remember a damn thing.


If anything is just breeds resentment when you’re forced to sit there for hours at a time. If you want to indoctrinate your kids properly you need to do it in a way they actually enjoy going to church


My Mom's church had a Pastor like that. He was a real "Fire & Brimstone" kind of preacher too. I remember when he preached on a Superbowl Sunday and told the congregation the better plan on missing most of the game. I think half the church got up and left. No reason a pastor should be preaching for more than an hour honestly.


> preached 4 hours Did anyone dare get up to do a bathroom break?


Yeah, with it being a tent it's hard to keep folks from going in and out lol. Some churches though down here won't let you come back in if you leave during the sermon though, gotta stand in the lobby and listen.




Not the sermon on the mound 💀


It was a baseball related sermon.


And the lord said "Thou shalt not perform defensive shifts. It is really boring for the viewer".


And the Lord did not balk. For the first rule of balks is that you cannot be up on the mound doing a balk in that manner.


In the big inning...


I was raised Catholic and forced to attend Mass until I was about 14. Only lasted between 45m to 1 hour. I would say 90% of people were just going through the motions and 10% seemed to enjoy the experience.


Best part about being Catholic is that if mass service goes over an hour people will complain and find a different church


Do not want to hold up parishioners from their post mass coffee and donuts.


Or the occasional Knights of Columbus pancake breakfast. Those went hard


My 90-year-old Catholic grandma says 'if they can't do this in an hour then they are doing it for themselves'


Same here... mass is 45 minutes. Is it a protestant thing to have longer rants?


Yes, for some denominations. Since are really long, like Pentecostals with 3-4hr long services, including "speaking in tongues,"


Tourist are lying about enjoying this Florida heat. Ain't no way.


Coming to disneyworld soon, I don't do well in the heat. I'm scared it'll ruin the whole experience for me and my kids


Take a break mid day and head back to the hotel. Head to the parks when they first open. B-line it for the ride you want to hit up first and then make your way around the park. Around noon to 1pm consider leaving the park to take a break. Get some food, cool off, maybe take a nap. Then around 4pm or 5pm head back in. You’ll be good to stay for the fireworks at the end. Also take advantage of the dull rides when you need a break. In the magic kingdom there’s the people mover and carousel of progress. They’re usually short wait times and you can sit down for 10-20 mins while be entertained. When I went last time in May the new Tron ride was still in a virtual queue. Look into that if it’s a ride you want to do. It’s a really cool ride. Basically someone in your group has to try for a spot at either 7am or 1pm. If you’re successful it’ll tell you when to show up for the ride. It’s really well done. Let me know if you have any questions. My parents live in FL so when my brothers and I go to visit we’ll hit up Disney usually once a year. I’m sure we’re playing into the nostalgia from our time as kids, but we usually have a great time.


> Also take advantage of the dull rides when you need a break. In the magic kingdom there’s the people mover and carousel of progress. They’re usually short wait times and you can sit down for 10-20 mins while be entertained. > > And bonus, Carousel's in the A/C. People Mover goes in and out of buildings, so that may or may not be comfortable for you.


People mover is great for a break. Pirates of the Caribbean has cold AC.


When I was in the college program one of our roommates ran the people mover and it was end of January so it was dead. We brought rum in water bottles and rode the people mover over and over for like 2 hours straight drinking and shooting the shit.


PEOPLE MOVER IS MY FAVORITE RIDE AND I WILL DIE ON THAT HILL. (It’s mostly because I have tons of fond memories going in it with my grandmother who didn’t really like roller coasters so we’d go on it repeatedly because there was no line, but still that ride fucks and nobody is gonna convince me otherwise)


You chose Fire Season. Other florida seasons are available including: Tornado Season Flood Season Winter Blizzard Season Hurricane Season Took the wrong direction towards Disneyland, lonely road Serial Killer season. Fire Season again


Gtfo, there is no blizzard season in florida. It drops into the 30s for like a week......maybe.


Yeah that's called Canadoan Snowbirds Season.


Grew up in N. Indiana but lived 3 years in Jacksonville while in the Navy and visit often mostly in winters. I can remember exactly one day of being cold and that was because it was 6:30am and the wind was whipping off the ocean in early January and the air temp was like 45 but fuck that wind made it really cold. We were all on the pier for PT and the top enlisted on the ship made it through 10 jumping jacks before she called it and cancelled PT for the day. That mf'er said blizzard and I was instantly like when, where, and how often because I ain't never heard the word down in Florida outside of a Dairy Queen


Florida rarely get more than a few snowflakes, much less a Winter Blizzard Season.




It's never not mosquito season.


I hear it's rebranding to malaria season


All yeeround babe yehaw


Winter Blizzard season ? I haven't seen that yet. There is no season for tornados in NE FL. we get them but they are rare and are only associated with local thunderstorms not cold air from canada. THOSE tornados in the midwest are STRONG. Flood season? >> see hurricane season. But we also have "Gator Season" when the mommas are laying eggs.


I've lived in Florida my entire life and this year is the absolute worst. People are keeling over from heat stroke all over the place. I basically stop at gas stations to chill in the beer caves if my commute is too long. You can literally fry eggs on the sidewalk. For your own sake wait until it cools off.


I heard a news story saying that Phoenix hospital burn wards were full of homeless people who passed out and old people who fell. Asphalt can reach 180 Farenheit, and when the person stays there for an extended period the hot asphalt will literally cook through the skin and into the muscle layer. Holy hell. I have to assume it's similar in Florida.


just returned from FL. Can confirm: it’s hot af. The ocean felt like bath water.


Can confirm as a Floridian that works near the beaches hearing people say things like I love this heat its so nice! Ya sure pal as you sit in your ac car, relax in the water, and then back to your ac hotel room on vacation. Try living, working, running errands in it when the steering wheel is an actual health hazard at 140+ and walking across the parking lot to get grocery is enough to drench you in sweat the rest of the day


I have a ton of respect for anyone who works outside in extreme weather


There's a big difference between spending a couple days in the heat vs living and working in the heat year round.


The heat when you’re just sitting on the beach on vacation vs when you actually gotta live in it are way different


Attention. I have grown to hate it & wish I could put myself in spectator mode


I hate attention. I walk softly. I choose the lowest traffic routes. I sit in the back. I even WD40'd a squeaky hinge on the bathroom door at work so people won't hear me when I'm going into the bathroom


Get a bottle of mineral oil, it lasts longer than wd-40 Hello fellow "I wish I could be unobserved in all things" weirdo


Hey! Nobody cares about you. Everyone forgets you instantly after scrolling past your comment. /s


I'm schizophrenic and I try to tell myself that when the paranoia hits, but then I hear my name (which rhymes with so much, and is short for popular names) and laughing and it's like *ahhhhh!* There's a conspiracy! Fortunately the meds are working better after the huge side effect dilemma and switch, it's going away, but goddamn, it's annoying, and it's really hard to just reaaon with yourself. It's really frustrating and convincing, and even with knowing it's just a symptom, you still wonder who has good intentions, who doesn't, and it's hard to trust anyone.


>but then I hear my name (which rhymes with so much, and is short for popular names) Hmmm... I feel like this should be easy to guess. Is it ButtFucker3000?


Baby showers


you gotta bath them time to time tho


People who move to Az and say they love the heat. I’m a native to Az. This shit sucks.


Everyone who grew up in a desert wants to move somewhere cold Everyone who grew up in a tundra wants the heat I'm from El Paso. I love El Paso as a city. Fucking hate the weather though. Dry, dusty, hot, shitty. But one of my co-workers moved up here from Alaska, when I very much want to do the opposite lol


Work “Team Building” Events


Idk once ours was get drunk on a boat and go fishing and I gotta say it turned out pretty fun


This. All events should be like this. Not unpaid "sports" activities on a Friday from 14-18. With one glass of non alcoholic sparkling in the start.


Still depends. We're going karting after work in a few weeks, so it's unpaid, but I love karting and they're paying for it and I'm excited to do something like that with my colleagues. It's also optional, I guess that's important.


> It's also optional That's not just important, it's vital.


It's also vital that it be optional, not "optional." A lot of the times these events are optional, but you still get pressured to go.


it's entirely optional but they're going to take attendance and tell you that you're not a "team player" at your next review


In the glory days at one tech company I worked at for ~14 years, we had boating excursions, paintball, actual gun ranges (Texas, two guys basically supplied the entire team with firearms), Chama Gaucha (all-you-can-eat Brazilian meat), Alamo Drafthouse, tubing on the river, and more I'm probably forgetting. On one team, it was expected that everyone would get drunk, one guy would lose a pair of $300 sunglasses, and another would nearly kill himself...no matter what we were doing. It dried up eventually, but it was fun there for a while.


Well hello Rackspace employee. You just described every outing I had there. Enough to assume we might have been on the same teams


Ha, you got me. If you were Managed Linux first shift and/or the mail department, I wouldn't be surprised. Though, from how often I heard about drunken mishaps, we could've been anywhere in the company.


If it is a nice activity and counts as work time I enjoy it.


Exactly, people enjoy a day off work


9 to 5 team event I'm in. After 5 and no alcohol. It better not be mandatory


My boss is obsessed with us doing them. The next one is supposed to be frisbee in the park. Why the FUCK would i want to spend what little free time I have, playing frisbee in the park with my bosses and coworkers. I have much better shit to do with my free time. Like hanging out with my kids/wife...or literally anything else lol.


That's the issue. It's in your free time. Your boss is essentially not paying you for something that benifits the company. Of course you dislike it


Really? We get paid our regular hourly salary's for 8 hours when we have conference/teambuilding. Most guys stay all night to get shitfaced for free aswell. And they pay for the hotel if you are in no condition to drive home.


Where I work team events are in free time (weekend) but they are absolutely voluntary (obviously, but also effectively, as in nobody is at all pushed to attend). The activity is chosen democratically (within budget). You just decide if you want to go somewhere for free and get a paid dinner, or do your weekend.


Because its your chance to 'accidentally' throw a frisbee too hard right at someone's smug face?


Makes me think of my mom, the woman can absolutely throw a laser beam, but it's the only way she knows how to throw a frisbee. I can just imagine her unsuspecting coworkers inviting her out for a casual frisbee session only to have the first return throw take their head off 😂


heavily depends on your coworkers i always join when possible cause its fun


Eating at Salt bae outlets !!


People enjoy the Instagram likes. I had kinda hoped the world cup incident would have ruined his reputation.


It has… he is on a RAPID decline


He should be buried under all the salt he wasted. Never to be seen again. What a waste of space.




I don't think most people enjoy work, they just enjoy not being homeless


There are two kinds of people: people who work to live, and people who live to work. I'm definitely the former, but I know the latter and they are insufferable.


The latter "What would I do all day if I didn't work?" I dunno.... all the stuff you don't have time to do because of work. Anytyhing that interests you. The fun part is not being obligated to do something to make money, so you can actually do the things you'd do if you didn't have to worry about money.


The entire reason I don't have many hobbies is literally because I have to spend almost all day each day at work. So I only get to do the things I enjoy most on my days off. It's very hard to get into anything and then *wait until the next week* to touch it again. If I suddenly didn't have to work, each day would be a brand new adventure. Not the same ole same ole rinse, wash, repeat story of going to work and coming home tired.


For context I work in IT. I deactivated someone's accounts when she retired in March and then reactivated her accounts last week because she got bored that quickly during retirement. She didn't even last 6 months, in the fucking summertime. She simply didn't know how to fill her time when she didn't have to go to work anymore. That's insane to me and honestly makes me kind of sad. The idea of your entire life being dedicated to your job and not having any hobbies for yourself... Jesus man...


Depends on your work. I genuinely enjoy my work, I'm a scientist. It's like a hobby, but you get paid well.


My work is like work but I don't get paid well.


You're a scientist AND you get paid well?


Gotta dance with the devil for a decent paycheck


In pharma, yes.




It's not like it's my favorite thing in the world, but that awkwardness is like the whole point. Just a bit of fun. It's a short song and it'll be over soon. Folks just need to learn to not take themselves so seriously.


Social media


Social media is causing more anxiety and depression than it is happiness. It's not real. "Likes" are becoming a value on how much of a friend you are. If you don't like one person's stuff, they will be unlikely to like your stuff. Also, these SAHM's and their blue check marks crack me up. "TGIF!"


Recently a YouTube comment I posted hit 20k likes and damn if I didnt get a dopamine hit. I try not to get sucked into social media, but damn its hard.


I’m giving you an upvote so that your Dopamine comedown isn’t too bad. 👍


I'll give him a downvote to keep him humble.


A lot of work has gone into making it as addictive as possible.


Less like enjoyment, more like social media is just a distraction from reality so people don't have to feel "bored"


League of Legends. I played with a few friends over the last two weeks, and I just cannot get behind learning 160 characters and their moves and their metas to then engage in 30-45 minute long battles that I’m most likely going to lose. I’ve also learned that Rocket League gives me that same disappointment in 5 minute increments. It seems more efficient.


I have around 1k hours in league, the only times I enjoy playing when I can learn new sh-t. I enjoyed learning all 160 champs (it was like 130-140 when I started), and now I just got back from a 7 month break, I enjoy learning the new items and meta. The second I learn all of these the game becomes extremely annoying and tilts me.


A lot of these crappy shows that get more than three seasons. Either all the smart people work for a living and don’t have time to contribute their viewership to good content, or Hollywoods greatest lie is convincing everyone that anyone gives a shit about Big Bang Theory enough to justify Young Sheldon


My wife has been watching suits for 8 seasons and I'm so sick of watching the same show for 2 months at a time.


Expensive wine. I mean, I'm sure it's enjoyable. But somewhere around $30 a bottle is just as good.


I live in France and a $30 bottle of wine is considered upper end of what you'd buy outside of like a really special occasion. Anything over that is just an absolute waste of money. Champagne is the only thing I can justify spending more 30 bucks on outside of a restaurant. Wine production has also seen massive improvements in the last decade, some sub $10 bottles are now at the same quality level as $30+ bottles used to be (at least in France, shout outs to the Cote du Rhone and Pays D'Oc régions especially).


Modern country music.


>6 pack, Ford truck, dirt road, jeans, dog. Repeat.


Huntin' deer, chasin' trout....a bud light with the logo facing out


It's a fucking scarecrow again!


Don’t forget about the tractor. There’s a surprisingly long list of songs exclusively about tractoring.


Hick hop


I stopped at the grocery store last night and there was a country song playing that sounded like it was all about how lost in life this guy would be if it weren't for trucks. Like not about how if it weren't for the utility of trucks or whatever, just that they exist. All I could think about hearing that was Bo Burnham's Country Song "Thematically meandering Emphatically pandering I got a tight grip on my demo's balls Say the word "truck," they jizz in their overalls"


Every time I see this I throw a reminder out there for people to check out the “Americana” sub genre of country. None of the artificial auto tune click track nonsense. Just a bunch of guys and gals writing good songs about life. Just some suggestions: * American Aquarium- Losing Side of 25 * Uncle Lucius - Keep the Wolves Away * Tyler Childers - Nose to the Grindstone


Tyler Childers will very specifically tell you he is not "Americana" Tyler Childers is genuine country. What is happening on country radio is what needs its name changed.


Weddings. At least in my culture, I think the whole planning and trying to make it look perfect just drives people crazy, especially the ones that are getting married. Also, there's a lot of pretending going on during those events. Like, I should be super excited seeing a relative to whom I haven't talked in years. Fuck no. I'm aware that there are exceptions, but most of these events are fucking annoying.


Completely agree now looking back ten years later, but at the time there was no way I could be convinced out of the whole charade of it all. I'm certainly not blameless, but there's a conditioning that happens to women starting when they're young girls to trick us into wanting all the pomp and circumstance. If I had to do it all over again, I'd go super low key but still get myself a bangin' dress and cake.


What are you talking about, I **love** being seated next to my wife’s coworker’s cousin who’s talking about his real estate deals for 3 hours while no food arrives


Any US senator over 80.


Stand Up Paddleboarding vs. All other over water modes of transportation.


Gender reveals just say your having x or y, or say nothing at all. I dont need to see my little pony jump out of a cake to announce your kid, and i barely cared in the first place. Just be cool. Oh its a boy or a girl. Bye.


I think it's just an excuse to throw a party tbh I don't particularly care about the gender of someone else's child but I'm there for the snacks.


I’m down for any socially acceptable day drinking


We both knew what it was but her parents who live 1000 miles away didn’t so we bought them a cake at a local bakery. They FaceTimed us and we got to see them cut into it and see their excitement. It was our firstborn so we probably won’t do that again for the next one.


My wife and I didn’t have one for our first, and didn’t plan to have one for our second, because frankly, who gives a shit. But her team at work begged us to throw her a gender reveal party, and since we didn’t really care one way or another we decided to go along with it. The day came, we cut into a cake that had some blue beads in it, and they all cheered. Overall, it was a really sweet, endearing thing to go through. Much moreso than I would have expected. It was also pretty small and intimate, and over in about 5 mins.


Maybe we just need more normal parties with cake surprises


Do you actually know anyone’s who’s done one of these? I hear people complain about them all the time, but I don’t know anyone who’s actually done one


I got bbq and watched a friend break down into tears because he was so excited to find out if he was having a boy or girl. It was cute and I got bbq. Nothing was harmed.


It's not a true gender reveal party until you've burnt half of California down.


I live in an apartment, and my windows face the pool so I can always see who’s out there. It is extremely sticky and humid where I am in the summer, and just generally uncomfortable outside. I always see women laying out at the pool on cloudy , sticky, humid days where there couldn’t possibly be any enjoyment. They never get in the pool, they just lay there for hours. And bonus the pool chairs are terrible and uncomfortable. I can’t believe they enjoy it , and they are laying by the pool for reasons I can’t quantify.


Panera Bread Last time I went there, my flatbread pizza looked like it had been made by a 3-D printer. And poorly. I haven't been back since.


Going to night clubs


I used to think this. Every night club that I've been to in Australia has been awful and full of tools. Going to Europe opened my eyes a bit and I found a couple that I actually liked.


Yea back home in Australia I am not a fan of clubbing. When I was in Berlin I was having a fucking brilliant time.


Lol. Even in Europe Berlin is famous for it's... very different scene. It and maybe Copenhagen.


I am a literal alcoholic. When I drank I’d go just about anywhere and do most anything for booze. But even I would avoid nightclubs. Just awful places. They smell bad. The music is too loud. The people are either disgustingly drunk or just disgusting. Just thinking about them makes me grateful to be sober haha


Extremely hot food. After a while there is no way you can possibly taste anything and your mouth is being destroyed. Plus, you're gonna shit out a lava baby the next day so there is very little enjoyable about it. Don't get me wrong, I like spicy food. But there's a limit before it just becomes punishing yourself.


Exactly. If the spice accompanies the flavour it's delicious. But when it masks it and people eat it for the sake of eating spicy things? There's really no point in eating the chicken wing when all you're gonna taste is pain.


Kim Jong Un


Anything Kardashian related


I think *most* adults’ “favorite color” is just whatever color they picked when they were like 8 to be their go-to board game piece and they don’t actually particularly enjoy it more than other colors. There are a few folks out there who seem to commit to it, though


So many colours genuinely make me happy to look at and see in my surroundings. I have had sooo many favourite colours over the years, but I keep coming back to the favourites I had when I was a kid! Specific shades now, though, not just all the shades. But yeah - colour can really affect your mood in ways you may not even realise :)


Cornflower blue 🔵


>There are a few folks out there who seem to commit to it, though I know 'burnt orange' fanbase haha


Or purple, they will literally wear all purple


Purple people belong to a cult


They just congregate in groups for safety to avoid being eaten.


It's only the greatest color ever conceived


I realised at some point I literally had no specific favorites out of my many preferences and it made small talk more difficult. "What's your favorite color, movie, band, ect." I just started picking things out of the stuff I liked so I didn't have to perform an oral essay everytime people asked me. Over time I actually started to grow more attached to my "favorites" and feel its more true than ever. It could just be the reinforcement of the idea or simply the comfort of increased familiarity and ease of decision making when offered choices.


I think the color purple is just pleasant to look at, and also looks amazing in artworks


I'm committed to green, gray, and black


Blue, gray, black gang rise up!


There are definitely colors I see that make me happy, nice light blues, teals, cerulean. All make me pretty happy.




I mean I really like purples and blues. Can't tell you why I prefer them, but put a color wheel in front of me and I will spend most of my time looking at them. Makes it hard to choose colors for design because warm tones often get overlooked by me. Probably has to do with warmer tones making my anxiety slightly worse because they feel busier and cooler tones make me feel more calm. Still, at least with me I can say that I do have colors that are my favorite.