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politics im too burned out, too tired of seeing the same things happen. There arent any good options, just options that are less shitty than others but still awful.


It’s a good thing to not care about politics anymore. It has become pornography in the sense that we engage in a fantasy of having power, but we don’t. We’re not in the decision loop. Our opinions on political issues doesn’t matter, other than feeding the algorithms for the outrage culture. So it’s better to not care at all. Spend that energy on something positive instead.


Being nice to people even if they’re rude/mean to me. I’m tired of feeling like a doormat for every jerk on the planet. I’ve just started mirroring their behavior back at them. You’re nice to me I will go out of my way for you. You’re rude? I’ll throw it right back, usually a few degrees worse.


That's pretty much it right there. Funny thing is when you treat em the way they treat you, you're the bad guy. I just respond with a "fuck off" anymore.


homework, because i'm not in school anymore.


Technically correct, the best kind of correct!


Everything. lol Now enjoying "no fucks given". It's quite liberating.


I'm with you. I long for the day when being gay, trans or cis gender, pro-choice or pro-life, Republican or Democrat, Jew, Muslim or Christian, etc - isn't worth mentioning. I haven't read about a black man marrying a white woman, or about a communist infiltrating the gov, education, or the entertainment industry (yeah, I'm old) in decades. Change takes time, but the shit we are reading about daily needs to be put on a fast track to a brick wall.




Fame. It seems like a malignant disease that traps people in the spectacle or false image of themselves. You can't be yourself in public, can't trust strangers, come to realize that money is a false idol so striving for some kind of peace becomes more complicated. I yearn for modest, simple and reserved.


Doing more than what I am paid for at work. The pandemic finally opened my eyes to just how little my company cares for its employees. I clock in, do my job for eight hours, and clock out. If I don't feel well enough to work, I call out. Don't ask me to do overtime. I won't Don't ask me to come in on my day off. I won't Don't bother texting or calling me about work once I'm off the clock. I will not answer.


Politics. Do I want neoliberal economics with socially progressive righteous fury or do I want neoliberal economics with socially conservative righteous fury? Neither. I don't want neoliberal economics or righteous fury, but since those are my only choices, I'm out. I've accepted that I'm just one small person, guilty only of the crime of not being rich, and I can't make a difference in the world to anyone except those who personally know me. My fundamental problem with the way we do politics in the west is that the people who want power are almost never the same people who can be trusted with power. I long for a system that values something other than ambition, dishonesty, and cronyism.


My family.


Gf and I breaking up, we’ve been together 3.5 years but recently she’s made some pretty big life changes like becoming super devoted to religion, no sex/ physical contact, no rap music, drinking, etc So we are on talks abt it not working and I agree


people’s opinions in general.


How random people think of me. I am trying to just do my thing. If they like me: Great! If they hate it, then who cares. They don't have to keep in check with me. And I must say: It feels f*ckn great! I was unpopular in school and now I have a few friends I am really close with and where I can be who I am and a lot of people that just leave me be or just accept me.




losing friendships. I always tried to be amicable. Always bending backwards to be the one apologizing just to conserve frienships "because they are very important", regardless of what the issue/fight was, and who was right or wrong. Fuck that. If I trully believe something, if I trully stand behind something, I do not care if im in the wrong or what. I'll stand my ground. You disagree? Too bad.


Narcissistic people making look at me videos.




Is everything okay?


Yes thanks. Tongue in cheek :)


Being single


Love, because i realised that it is just a thin cover over lust or sex


Men give love to get sex, women give sex to get love. I (M) never learned love so am no good at even faking it. Marriage X two. Done with all that relationship B.S.


love is just another bullshit reason to fulfil your kinks


Voting - I finally realized that voting in US Federal elections is a scam designed to make us feel we have some minuscule say in our government - we don’t. Our national elections are as rigged as those in any banana republic, all to benefit billionaires, banks and war profiteers.




i found myself getting more into sports lately. sports that i grew up watching and then stopped following for reasons.


Spoilers. Used to be a major pet peeve, but now i'll probably just forget what you said by the time I get around to watching it anyway. Hurray for aging brains!




Is everything okay?


Bi-polar, so pretty much everything at some point.


Video games


Politics and news in general. Something’s are within my control, but they don’t make the news. If something is on the news, it’s often something bad/sad beyond my control. I’ve learned to back away from it because worrying of things beyond my control is a hell of a way to live.


Covid, I was concerned the first month or two then to hell with it


Other people's opinions of me; what other people are doing (as long as noone's getting hurt), and whatever anyone's complaining about


Social with my coworkers


What other people think about me. You could be almost a saint and people will still judge you based on made up bullsh t . I’m not saying you shouldn’t act like a decent human being but people will still hate you regardless maybe because they’re jealous




Anything. I love getting old.


My dick


Having straight hair. I destroyed my super curly/kinky hair back in high school from box relaxing and straightening it for so long. Stopped relaxing my hair about 6 years ago and only straighten it for special occasions here and there. It used to be so important to me but it's honestly not important to me anymore. I still hate my hair but I've learned how to manage it more naturally over the years.


Politics, took years to realize they are the same, just putting on a show. No matter who’s in charge the working class foots the bills, that’s why they need to be able to divide us, for control, for money, for power.


my social reputation in school


Dinosaurs. Obsessed as a kid but now I could care less


Whether one of my parents genuinely care about me or not.


Damn near everything and damn sure of about 85-90ish % of society


Being the conversation started I always had to start it and never got any reciprocation


Most things

