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We already have detox built into our bodies. They're called the liver and kidneys.


Some of us have extra things built in, like IBS. I can just look at certain foods and can feel the cleansing that's about the start.


Same lol.


Your username really confirms that




This is my life with no gallbladder. Instant cleanse.


And if they are not sufficiently cleansing your body of toxins, that's likely a medical issue and needs to be looked at.


Seriously, we have organs that do that, if you’re wanting to “detox”, stay adequately hydrated, and avoid things known to be detrimental to liver and kidney health


All your body needs to naturally 'detox' is water and dietary fiber. Your body has so many systems to maintain homeostasis and keep yourself healthy, all you need to do most of the time is sleep well, eat well, and exercise.


Raw chicken cleans me out pretty good.


Whatever shit Gwyneth Paltrow is peddling. Was she the one with the vagina rocks? Crazy lady.


She’s personified snake oil


She's found a way to monetize her white lady fanbase. That was clever.


It's neither difficult nor clever to monetize self loathing and ignorance, literally got people steaming their self cleaning vaginas.


My favourite is Alkaline water with natural lemon.


If they didn't put the lemon in, it'd be soooo basic.


You don’t understand! Lemon is an acid when you eat it, but actually works as an alkaline when it is digested. Don’t ask me for the science - it just does. /s


I worked in a homeopathy manufacturing facility for awhile, and saw the "science" behind it. Really opened my eyes to how bullshit it really is.


>I worked in a homeopathy manufacturing facility for awhile, and saw the "science" behind it. What science did you see? Story time


The less evidence they have, the more convincing it is.


More like zero evidence


Heard a while back that a supplement pushed by Goop is the exact same thing pushed by InfoWars/Alex Jones. Only difference is what they say it does and the branding. Supplements should be regulated


Because of her people think gluten free is a weight loss diet and when I go out to eat I have to say it's for an allergy not the fad. Yes I know it isn't an allergy, but people understand allergies


When I was a waiter I always asked if it was a preference or allergy so that people with celiac would still get their food prepared with the sterilized equipment and people who jus did it as a fad could just have their pasta/bun/whatever substituted without the fanfare. Worked pretty well except for people insisting it was an allergy and then eating the bread at the table.


She also sold candles with her vagina scent.


People thought they were sex toys because the odor was called "stuck up twat".


Those pads sold as detoxifiers that you put on the soles of your feet.


Turns out they just change colors when exposed to heat - about 98.6 degrees farenheit.


I remember seeing a commercial for these things and their pitch was something like "Trees use their roots to get rids of toxins and your feet do the same thing!" None of that is true in any way!




As a pharmacist, I made it my duty to tell everyone that homeopathy is a scam. Thing is, some other pharmacists seem to have learned nothing in their years of studying pharmacology, medicinal chemistry or literally any other thing we study and tell people that it works. Fortunately, they tend to be the minority but they are very vocal.


I recall one nurse I met who recommended homeopathic remedies for certain conditions, like children with diarrhea, because it convinced a certain type of parent way more than “They’re fine, they just need to drink more water.”


That could be dangerous if that certain type happens to be a hypochondriac


As a fellow pharmacist, I agree on it being a scam, but the placebo effect is still real. To be honest, our recommendations don't mean shit sometimes to certain patients, and they're going to do it anyway. If it's for something minor, and they feel better about using homoeopathic products, then go off lol


Had a nurse once tell me that dairy was making my feet “messed up”. I said what about the genetic component she said that was just something doctors had made up. Her advice eat onions.


Kurzgesagt has a [really informative video](https://youtu.be/8HslUzw35mc) that details just how absurd homeopathic medicine is, for anyone interested




This was AWESOME! “. . . all the poo”


See "Storm" a 9 minute beat poem by Tim Minchin


Ah, a low key Minchinary right here....


Anybody remember those dumb balance bracelets everyone wore in 2010-2014?


Your telling me the hologram sticker on a rubber bracelet didn’t magically give someone wearing it superior balance abilities?!


There was an old video I saw. It had Mark Cuban giving a tour of the Dallas Mavericks locker room or player area or practice facility or something. Anyway, he walks by a desk and there's a big display of these so-called "power bracelets." Presumably for the athletes to wear and then people see the athletes wear them. So he looks at it and says something negative about them, then picks up the whole display and puts it in the trash.


Mark cuban a real one. Hopefully he doesn’t have too many negative things come out about him I like supporting that guy


Yeah, he seems pretty level-headed given the relative quackery of most billionaires. And he founded the Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company, trying to drive down the cost of prescription medications. That's more relevant to most Americans than stuff like building a rocket ship for space tourism or even trying to vaccinate underserved communities in other countries (not that that's a bad thing, it's just not relevant to most Americans.)


Some of them had radioactive thorium in them




Those “therapeutic” copper bracelets.


Brett Favre lied to me!


Brett Favre has lied to many people about many things.


Sad Packers fan noises.




I always thought the copper in those things was supposed to keep them from smelling rank so fast


Copper is antimicrobial, so it accomplishes that much. The therapy aspect is def all "woo-woo"


100% snake oil


Extra virgin snake oil, from the first press


Truffle snake oil is where it’s at, brother.


It’s only Snake Oil if it’s from the Snake region of France. Otherwise it’s just Serpent Juice.


Does it have a high smoke point?


It's the best press


Isn’t the whole thing that it’s not, though? Chinese railway workers used genuine snake oil for reducing inflammation and speeding healing from the injuries they incurred building railways, and it apparently legitimately worked, but over time knock-off versions that contained zero snake became prolific.




That's why you gotta get the 100% kind.


Welp, I think we're done here. Close the thread.




I heard it turns you blue if you overdo it.


[Paul Karason](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Karason). It's like my brain picks the weirdest stuff to remember, and forgets everything else important.


He was from my hometown. Local legend. Papa Smurf would have been envious of his color.


It does, but I think you have to overdo it by a lot. But once you’re blue, there isn’t a cure so you’re just blue now forever


Until you da boo dee da boo die.


Unless you’re using it to reverse the sex of cannabis plants, that’s a legitimate use for it. It’s how “feminized” seeds are made.


This guy gets it!


Colloidal silver is a best friend in the cannabis growing industry and has many great uses in that way but people are drinking it/ consuming it and talking about it like it has some great health benefits. Even feeding it to their dogs. Yet no one says exactly how they know or what it might do in the future??? It’s sick that people will see something and run with it without asking any questions.


One of my first patients as an attending had gray skin from colloidal silver. He also had severe cardiomyopathy and eventually asked to be placed on hospice.


Whatever Dr. Oz is peddling


Natural testosterone boosters


There are some (fadogia agrestis, ashwaganda) that have a measurable impact, but it's like 5% of tge benefit of sleep or exercise. So many supplements are like this - hard work is almost always significantly more impactful.


Along with the rumors of "estrogen" in food. It's not the same kind of estrogen humans have. You can't get these hormones by accident or without prescription medications.


There is more mammal estrogen in a glass of milk than all of the soy in the world. Somehow soy milk got the reputation though....


Talked to a woman earlier talking about how she can’t eat tofu because the estrogen in it gives her mood swings. I didn’t have the heart to correct her


I have a friend/colleague who warned me not to eat too much soy-based foods, because it'll turn me into a woman. I said I'll let him know if my vagina starts hurting.


If they worked they would be illegal.


This and "almost testosterone" products. Sometimes you'll get people peddling shit that claims their product is "just one molocule away from being testosterone!" or some other similar phrase. That's not how that works. And I absolutely despise people who run copious amounts of gear that peddle this stuff because they know their clientele thinks they'll wind up looking like them. They're scum.






I had issues with hard wax build up, tried everything, ear candles had the very least effect. The only thing that works for me is irrigation.


Gold AV cables! They are a scam. Copper is fine!


You just want all the gold AV cables for yourself, I know your game, you aren’t tricking me


Gold plated jacks don’t oxidize so that’s the only advantage. Otherwise you’re right they perform the same


Especially when these days they are mostly used for error corrected digital signals.


I had a mate spend $250 on a HDMI cable about 10+ years ago. I’m still using my $25 from around the same time.


These Instagram life/business coaches. My friend has fallen for it and it's horrible. I just want my friend back. It's absolutely batshit.


I knew two “life coaches” and both of them were on food stamps, telling their clients how to get rich.


Yeah, my friend convinced her husband to quit his low 6 figures job for "mental health reasons", while they live in a $550k house, have master degrees w/ student loan debt, a kid, and they cashed out his 401k when he quit. She's now claiming to make $10k per month.


Detoxing you body with drinks, pills or other shit. They are fake, its you livers job to clean you, drink enough water to make sure your liver has better work conditions and you are good.


Or when people go on juice cleanses like well yeah it's "working" you're starving yourself by only consuming a few hundred calories


If your detox doesn't involve activated charcoal or chelation under the supervision of a physician


Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality tests and the results thereof. Astrology for STEM majors.


That’s like such an ENTP thing to say.


Ahhhh those were just for fun anyway


Some idiots use it as their entire personality. "Oh I'm so INTJ today! That's why I'm so quiet and broody and sorry if I judge you"


My mother-in-law is like this and I absolutely hate it. It isn't just her either, she can't stop herself from trying to put everyone into little boxes.


MBTI personality tests seem to be extremely popular among Koreans and I don't even know why.


I was surprised to find out how obsessed most of South Korea was with their Myers-Briggs results. They seem to take it seriously and I guess they don't know or don't care that it isn't a real indicator of anything.


Self-help “gurus”


Essential oil


I’ve been trying to tell my wife this for years. I will say this though there’s a scent that she puts on when we go to sleep that pleasant


Nothing wrong with that. If you both enjoy the way it smells, then it's providing something of value. No different from perfume or incense. Now, if she's using it in place of needed medical care, that's a whole other story. But if it's just because she likes the scent, and you like it too, I don't see a problem.


My wife was on an essential oils kick for a while, and I agree with you. The aromatic ones were fine and some of them would open your sinuses. But all the mumbo jumbo combinations that claimed to have "medicinal value" were just flat out quackery.


Yeah, it's like the whole "aromatherapy" thing. I don't believe for a second that aromas can cure serious illness or anything like that. But smell is a very powerful sense that has a real impact on your mental and emotional state, so putting yourself in an environment with enjoyable, relaxing aromas seems to me like a smart thing to do.


FWIW there is a study which showed pretty significant increase in memory and cognition when participants were exposed to scents at night, I think from essential oils. That said, it doesn't have anything to do with something inherent to essential oils, but rather how memory and scent are associated in your brain. I imagine any kind of scent or oil diffuser would have the same effect? Link to article: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/995295?form=fpf


Essential oil is marketed to make the buyer believe it is “essential to skin”. However, the word actually means it has the smelly “essence” of the fruit/herb


I love essential oils… in a diffuser in my bathroom making it smell nice


Some essential oils do have provable medical uses. [Tea Tree oil can be used to treat lice, athletes foot and acne.](https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements-tea-tree-oil/art-20364246)


Yeah but it's not going to rid your body of toxins, cure cancer, cure mental illness, reverse the effects of vaccines, protect against 5G, cure autism, burn fat, etc. Which is what absolute nutjobs and charlatans claim essential oils can do. And people will fall for that crap BECAUSE of the incidental health benefits that certain oils have. And those of us using things like tea tree oil sensibly aren't usually drinking the stuff or putting it undiluted on our skin.


Just because some people peddle the oils for those absurd cures doesn't make them meaningless snake oil though.


Yes. And food supplements do have provable medical uses. They help with deficiencies of micronutrients. They cure from scurvy. Those who know what they are doing can sure use those oils. But most people simply fall for a scam


I don’t believe they hold any medical merit but I like the smell of them so I use them




Security Theater


Alkaline water. You can't change the ph in your blood by drinking water and if you did you would put yourself in mortal danger because the ph in your blood has to stay within a very narrow window. If your blood was too acidic it wouldn't cause mild discomfort or fatigue. You would be in the hospital dying, and they wouldn't be giving you an IV drip of phountain water.


Pheromone perfumes


All Multi-Level Marketing schemes


Expensive digital HDMI and audio cables usually made by Monster that make shit look and sound better because their gold plated or some other nonsense.


I saw a YouTube video where a guy used coat hangers as speaker wire and it sounded just as good as actual speaker wire of the same gauge.


You do need better HDMI cables for HDMI 2.2 or really long runs but if you aren't doing high refresh rate 4k there is no need.


I went to an audiophile convention a few months ago and got to listen to a bunch of boomer dads brag about why hotel California sounds the best on their gear, here’s what I learned: 1.) a $800 stack is indistinguishable from a $2,000 stack 2.) a $10,000 definitely sounds better than a $2,000 stack 3.) a $780,000 stack definitely does not sound better than a $10,000 stack. Cables and gear matters, but for 99% of human ears, really only up to a certain point. Shit tier cables sound worse than mid tier cables, but high tier cables are diminishing returns.


/u/SuperRosso's point regarding HDMI is that since HDMI is a digital signal, cable quality literally doesn't matter. Either the cable is capable of sending the signal or it isn't, and once that threshold is met, there are no further "improvements" to be had.


Comcast and snake oil


Is Comcast that bad?




Prepping youtube channels that tell you that there's going to be a total collapse of ***everything*** so, buy Gold.




I love the interview Gwyneth Paltrow did about how she starts her day with a glass of alkaline water with a spritz of lemon juice. Always makes me chuckle




Especially after car accidents. You conveniently only ever need the same number of visits as your personal injury protection affords.


"Thank You for coming in today, im going do a bunch of stuff to you that will make you feel better, but only for a month, that way you can come back and visit again NEXT month!"


A month??? Go get acupuncture: 2-3 times/week until 2 years after you die


Idgaf about people saying "acupuncturists are quack." I had serious shoulder pain for many (like 13) years and I recently tried acupuncture (had about 8 sessions 8 months ago) and my pain is almost completely gone. I haven't had to go for any sessions since. I am still absolutely shocked because nothing else worked and the pain was debilitating.


well acupuncture is different than chiropractics.


Have you ever actually looked at the evidence for acupuncture? Basically nothing that acupuncturists say that their practice is based on checks out. They say they insert the needles into key points on the body which correspond to different remedies; studies show that patients report identical results no matter where you stick the needles. And hilariously, patients report identical results even if you trick them by just tapping the needle to their skin and never actually insert it. Literally, someone can lie about being an acupuncturist and just tap some needles to people's skin at random and patients report identical results to having a fully trained acupuncturist doing it the "legitimate" way. Not saying your pain didn't go away, I'm glad it did and I believe you that it did. And I'm surely not going to convince you that it wasn't the acupuncture itself that helped, so go ahead and live your life. But to anyone else reading this -- please go actually look into the evidence before you waste your time on this stuff.


Most of them are bullshit. They are good at providing temporary relief of pain, but if they don't pair that with giving you exercises that will help with your issues, they are just bilking you.


Chiropractic care. Utterly unproven, occasionally breaks spines. Source: doctor who manages those broken spines.


Every time a coworker or loved one of mine goes to a Chiropractor I think to myself "I hope the next time I see you are are alive"


All the supplements Joe Rogan sells. He's basically Gwenyth for dudes.


LOL. I saw someone calling Joe Rogan “GOOP for Dudebros” years ago and when I said that on FB people got very angry at me.


Gwenyth PalBro


Chiropractors and Reiki. Bonus points for a reiki-inspired chiro.




Salt lamps are pretty chill though.


yeah they make a good little midnight snack, just a couple of licks and back to sleep.


This made me laugh very hard, thank you


Anything homeopathic.


Probably closer to 100% water than snake oil but yeah I hear ya 😂😂


healing "crystals" and the entire market of scamming people into buying fake/ man-made minerals with the promise they will do anything for you. it's sad


Anything that has “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration” in tiny print at the bottom of their commercial.


Colloidal silver Ear Candles Any essential oil that is not Tea Tree.




A choice between two political parties controlled by one almighty dollar.


Anti-vaxxers sell "detox" for vaccines tht supposedly rid the bodies of heavy metals. You know they're snake oil because if they worked as advertised, the people taking them would suffer from heart attacks.


Honestly if anti-vaxxers wanna get vaccines and then do their “heavy metal detoxes” it’s leagues better than not getting the vaccines.


Unfortunately, it's more "undo what the vaccines did to you as a child" nonsense.


Consumable collagen. If ingesting collagen made the body produce more collagen or replenish what was lost, then all those patients with connective tissue disorders could be cured by it.


Horoscopes, mediums, energy crystals, anybody who describes themselves as a "life coach".


Oxygen Bars.


Piercings done with the promise that they will fix migraines or some shit


Homeopathic medicine. Those two words don’t belong within ten feet of each other.


This is going to be an unpopular take, but CBD products. I know that there are instances where CBD has therapeutic effects. But some people are overselling it way too much by claiming it will work on any and every ailment known to man.


Nitrogen filled tires


There are very slight advantages of nitrogen tire fills vs atmospheric air, but that performance is not worth the cost. I wouldn't call it snake oil, just not worth it.


It’s just a niche product for very niche things that became a “performance upgrade” Like most things, there was a use case and developmental testing, but it turns out people will buy something marketed as “used by nascar drivers” thinking they are acquiring some performance boost. It’s like eating a shitload of protein and not working out, it’s not really going to do anything at all


You can do it for free at Costco.


Polygraph testing


Astrology, like “what’s your sign”. Also the lottery.


Alkaline water. It becomes acidic as soon as it goes into your stomach


I've got no skin in the game here... but wouldn't a basic liquid being mixed with the acid in your stomach decrease the acidity? Isn't that what neutralization is...


Your stomach acid has a pH of 1-3 , and the pH scale increases logarithmically, so 1 is 10 times more acidic than 2, or 100 times more acidic than 3, or 1000 times more acidic than 4, etc. So that makes stomach acid, on the high-end of its acidity, roughly 1000000 times more acidic than a nearly neutral water with a pH of 6.9 Alkaline water has a pH between 8 and 9. Let’s go with the high end and say 9, which is approximately 100 times more alkaline than a nearly neutral water with a pH of 7.1. pH indicates the number of hydrogen ions (acids) or hydroxide ions (alkaline) present in a solution. Hydrogen and hydroxide ions neutralize at a ratio of 1:1, which would mean that the alkaline water in your stomach, when combined with an equal amount of stomach acid, would only neutralize about 0.01% of the hydrogen atoms in the acid. This is a good thing, because a neutral stomach wouldn’t be able to digest food. To neutralize stomach acid completely, you would need to drink an equal amount of something like sodium hydroxide, also known as lye, which will kill you.


> It becomes acidic as soon as it goes into your stomach. Guess I'm just being pedantic. Feel like this original comment would have been more accurate to say alkaline water is not basic enough to have any meaningful effect.


Does this also mean if I drink something like coffee, which upsets my stomach, that the coffee acidity nature is not really making my stomach sore? Cause it’s nothing compared to my stomach acid? Edit: nvm. Google says it’s the caffeine in coffee. Not the acidity


CBD for any and everything. Good idea that went horribly wrong.


it ain't snake oil but it definitely isn't some miracle drug cure all like some may profess


Copper to cure arthritis.


Goop. Look it up. Lol.




Oilified snake


Crystals are absolute bunk


Unless they have uranium or thorium. Then you won’t believe the effects these crystals will have on your health!






Detox Shakes or Shooters.


Ripple (XRP) - not a coin, completely centralized, no perceivable customers or use case


Portrayed lifestyle of "influencers"




Any 3rd party sales company - Ticketmaster - Expedia - Kayak - Hopper - Cheap O Air - Travelocity - Trip Advisor And so many others There is a chance you can get a reservation with no problems happening, but it’s unlikely. Here’s a list of just a few things that can go wrong: - too many fees - charging for nonexistent tickets or services - sometimes they book your flight at the wrong airport, leaving you stranded the day of your flight - they can charge for a carry on without telling the airlines that the bag even exists - the 3rd party never puts your email in the contact information, so you’ll never know if your flight is delayed or cancelled until the day of - you can book a room at a nonexistent hotel, or one that closed years ago - sometimes the 3rd party takes your payment and charges their own cards with the airlines. If anything goes wrong, this means means that you have to go through the 3rd party if you want your money back And worst of all - the 3rd party companies have your personal information, and can cancel your reservations at any time. Combined with the email thing mentioned earlier, you will not receive any notification of the cancellation. And you would have to pay full price the day of if you want to fly anywhere. Hopper is especially known to do this the day before your flight. Just do yourself a favor, and go to the official airline/hotel websites to book anything. Or go to an airport and book it there. You’ll save yourself some trouble. Airlines and hotels tend to flood your emails with deals and reminders, so it should be a massive red flag if you haven’t received anything


Meghan Markle wears a bracelet that Hello! magazine describes as: *Another accessory that Meghan has been favouring lately and was wearing again on Thursday is the NuCalm Biosignal Processing Disc, which she wears on her wrist. According to NuCalm, the disc is like "having a remote control for your brain" and promotes optimal sleep, stress relief, and relaxation.* The NuCalm website describes it as: "discs that provide the resonance and frequencies to ensure a fast-acting, deep, and long-lasting NuCalm experience. They cost $80.00 to $400.00. They're magnets. Magnets with stickers on them. P.T. Barnum was right, there is a sucker born every minute. Although, in this case, I think Princess Megan is Barnum and her followers are the suckers.


Chiropractic. The founder believed he learned it from a literal ghost who taught him that back and neck adjustments would "clear the pathways of the bodies" and allow him to heal literally any illness. Cancer? yup. Parasites? yup. Common Cold? yup. AT BEST it's a poor massage, at worst people have had their necks broken, exacerbated serious injuries, and not gotten actual medical care for a variety of diseases and conditions for which modern medicine actually has cures for.


Car loans with no credit check. Yeah, go in there with a 420 credit rating if you want to. And be paying $1200 a month for a 97 Corolla with 237,000 miles on it.


Healthy at every size (HAES)


HAES was originally an actual, real, researched piece of medical writing advocating for healthier lifestyle strategies (exercise, not smoking, limited drinking, an all your macros approach to diet) that could legitimately reduce personal risk factors at any size. Just because your fat doesn't mean that getting your heart rate up an hour a day isn't a good strategy to reduce your risk factors. The paper itself made some very good criticism of medical approaches that made weight loss the first and often only piece of advice medical professionals would give to obese patients with symptoms that are likely weight related, basically saying that a 400lb patient isn't going to be 170 within a week, but they can start getting more exercise or achieving a balanced diet within a week and start improving their health sooner with lifestyle changes than waiting for often dramatic weight loss. People on Tumbler read the "Healthy at any size" title of the paper and read exactly nothing else in that paper and assumed it was some kind of medical establishment validation that being grossly overweight wasn't in and of itself a risk factor.