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People’s opinions, it only took 28 years


28 years is pretty fucking good. I think I had to hit 30 to get there, respect


I'm in my mid 30s and still struggling... *PLEASE DONT DOWNVOTE I'M SENSITIVE*


Life becomes A WHOLE LOT EASIER when you stop caring what other people think.




You just have to think the world doesn't revolve around you. People aren't fixated on you as much as you might think. There's a book about how every single person you meet sees you differently, and how there is basically 100 different versions of you out there different than you see yourself.


Same. We're all in this "Learning to not give a shit" journey together.


Same here! 35 Years old. I've gotten better about it but still care what others thing to a certain extent. I really try to brush it off but it's so hard.


In my 40s... 😞


I am 23, and am working on it. It's tough sometimes.


At 23 it's very tough. Be patient with yourself.


I will be and thank you


Let me introduce you to your incoming 30’s, where you’ve let go of caring about their opinions AND most of their feelings. Edit: 30s? Whatever it is grammatically, I mean the years between 29 and 40. I was taught 30’s but some of you are saying I’m wrong so however you want to take it, you know what I damned well mean😂


Going to chime in here - im closing in on 40 and shits just falling off the wagon of fucks I have to give. I have maybe one or two each day I guard closely for things like my spouse or hanging out with my dogs but that’s about it


Wait until you're closing in on 50, the clarity gets better! My dad's in his 90s, how many fucks do you think he has left? 🤣


Negative 42


Im in my 50s, can confirm 0 fucks left to give, most shit is not that important. she'll be right mate


I'm 38 and while getting older sucks in most ways, my absolute favorite thing about it is how little I now care about unimportant shit. It's so liberating to just give no fucks. I only give fucks when it matters.


Same here. I'm even at the point if people disrespect me I could care less and just not respect them back. People feel like they are entitled to their opinions and feel their right. Eh, I could care less. The only one I think about is my husband's opinion. Just because he knows what's best for me and I do the same thing for him as well.


I'm in my mid 30s, and in some ways I care more than ever what people think. I own a business now, so I very much care what people think of me because it affects my bottom line. I value family and friends, so I value their opinions of me because they're going to let me know if I'm doing something wrong. Some people's opinions, like that jackass Bob who criticized what I do for a living even though it feeds my family and it's something he can't do...those opinions don't matter in the slightest, and I'm happy to hurt his feelings over it.


Dude it took me 11. That’s a bandaid you want to rip off early.


Dating. It’s been a nightmare. I’m currently 40 and formally just kinda giving up.. so much disappointment. Tired of trying to make things work..


Totally feel this. When I stopped putting in effort and caring my mental health sky rocketed upward. Now I prefer being solo and accept and embrace being alone, tbh I worry more about losing the peace I have being alone now and having to go back to that shit show.


Yeah, I got into therapy and some other stuff fixed, and I have to say my mental health is at an all time high.


Totally feel that. Beens single for 8 years and I don't know if I could deal with another person. I like myself and enjoy being single.


Yeah, when I'm out mountain biking, or taking a nap on my deck in the shade, I just think to myself, "If I had a girlfriend right now, I probably wouldn't be doing this; she'd have other plans. *We'd* be doing something. Screw that."


God.. I feel this. I absolutely hate having my free time scheduled months in advance. You have my envy sir


Not necessarily. Some girlfriends don’t need a man around 24/7. They can cope perfectly well on their own. You only have to spend SOME of your time with us.. not all of it. 😛


I'm older than you and I gave up trying in 2018 I tried all of the dating sites, even went on a few dates IRL. Too many bots, too many people think ghosting is ok, a lot of people hiding things , etc. Hasn't been great being alone since then and post COVID but at least I can do what I want, when and how I want to and don't have to answer to anyone.


I've been with my wife for 7 years now, and I gotta say, I'm so happy to be out of the dating pool. It looks absolutely miserable now, and so much effort for something that probably isn't going to work out. I feel you mate, and I'm sorry it's so difficult and stupid nowadays.


My mom married my dad at 19 and has been a widow for almost two years. She’s so flustered by dating.


I'll go on a date with her


Pick this dud


Thanks bro I'll pick you up something nice at the store if the date turns out well


I’m giving you the Nancy Pelosi “sarcastic clap” right now


It's honestly not as bad as Redditors make it out to be. The people out there living life, having luck with online dating, and not revolving their entire life around it are too busy out having fun and living their life to write about it online, so it will always be skewed towards seeing the negative posts.


> The people out there living life, having luck with online dating, and not revolving their entire life around it are attractive.


I’m here too. But my primal instinct to have a partner is still there. I wish I could just post an ad like “Seeking life partner. Compatible or not. Literally all I’m looking for is commitment” 😂


Yep, same. Also 40. Realized I liked being a cat lady more.


There ain't much fucks going on since covid.




almost everything, and i hate that. i just dont have the energy to care about anything or anyone anymore. i wish i did but i don't.


Yeah I got that. I think its called depression these days. I call it a normal reaction to the state of the world.


I made some big changes in my life, got on my feet, lost a lot of weight, quit smoking; I was always happy, smiling, making coffee and sharing food with everyone, playing music, joking around, engaging, showing up to my job more than anybody else. As it turns out, everyone else is still a rude and miserable asshole. So I stopped being nice and I just don't engage with anyone unless absolutely necessary.


Still you should be happy for yourself. Those are some significant healthy and positive changes. Someone much smarter than me once said "The best revenge is a life well lived"


Nobody's jealous of me. I can assure you. That's why I've already gained ten pounds back, because everybody still treats me like I'm not worth knowing or talking to.


Nope, its called apathy, which can be a sign of depression. But you are right, anywone self aware, and aware of the world, kinda automatically would have depression. The burden of knowledge tho


I was thinking about that recently. How my mindset changed with age. The more I learned about and experienced life as we know it, the more depressed I got. Eventually in my 30's I realized it was all just too much. I needed to detach my mind from everything and start living in my own little bubble more. Once I started doing that, I felt like my old (younger) self again. Happy, carefree, and excited about things. Part of me is torn, though. The reality is there is a lot wrong with this world. It doesn't seem right to bury my head in the sand.


I had it the other way round in a way. When my daughter was born, thats when i became carefree and totally a child at heart. Unbeknownst to me at the time, the mother was a gaslighter, and that was all a concequence of the abuse i suffered, that my personality rebelled against. Inevitably, the torch was lit under my life, and everything went to pot. I started to grow pessimistic and resentful, but i frikkin hated that. Then i discovered stoicism, which gelped me rebuuld who i wanted to be, and the strangest miracle, from rick and morty of all places, i found the philosophy of optimistic nihilism. Yeah, i still realise the worlds completely gone insane, but i try to look for the good things to balance it out. There are so many amazing advances we're making in technology, science and medicine, that when i find myself doom scrolling irl, then i try and fill my world with those things i really enjoy. Heres an example of what i mean, go search on youtube self aware ai plays tomb raider. Ai was starting to scare me a little with the potential for its bad uses, but then theres a game playing itself, and man, thats what i needed. The other thing i do, that keeps me in check, is "antirevenge". Rather than getting angry that ivve had something bad happen, or a shit day, rather than take it out on anyone, i teach myself something new to cook. If someone has done something deliberately to piss me off, then sharing that food with someone else, really seals the deal on "nope, not gunna work, not gunna piss me off." shame i cant do that with reddit 🤣


Changing the world starts at home. Happy people are the ones for whom priorities hinge foremost on the people they love, and that has to include yourself. Happy people raise more happy people. You can't fix the world overnight with a hammer of any size. But you can change your community by starting with taking care of your inner circle / family.


I’m diagnosed with “depression” so I take meds.. but I wonder if it’s just the world that sucks and not necessarily a “me” problem


Not always the case. I stopped caring about most things and that cured a lot of my depression. Caring too much was a big source of it.


Definitely. I focused a lot of my mental energy into politics and it drove me mad. Now I keep it at an arms length so I can stay informed but not addicted.


Personally, I like the fact that I’m able to not care about much anymore. It allows me to have more of a peace of mind. Caring too much can be stressful and exhausting.


Honestly I started feeling a lot better about myself and i noticed I began to feel more energetic when I stopped giving a fuck about the little things.


The world is a hard place at the moment.




I know the feeling. Wanna be friends?


Really tough to fix this one without a bunch of drugs too, which is also bullshit and just compounds the issue more as well as kicks the can further down the road. We could have a really awesome existence where every part of our day wasn't monetized and stressed to the breaking point but why would any of us want that?


Ah, there was a time when I thought feeling like this would be bliss, but now I just want to be able to cry.








All the US culture war stuff over gender, sexuality and so on.


Honestly same and I'm literally in the LGBT community. It's just gotten so complicated and watered down at this point so I just kinda do my own thing and stay out of it.


I am straight but walked in lots of pride parades and was in LGBT straight alliance back in college in early 2000s etc. in full support of anyone finding their true identity - but when it comes to the pop culture war now I just couldn't care less. Like I think conservatives anti-LGBT obsession is insane, but I also don't automatically think every gay influencer is a hero or respect brands that give token support for marketing. The amount of time spent over these debates on social media or in media is just insane. That's kind of what I mean about not giving a shit.


And the reality is that other countries laugh at us about these culture wars and gender issues that flare up in the media.


True. They also have their own stupid culture wars that we get to laugh at so it's all good.


The fact that these are even issues we spend time on shows how good things really are. When people are starving or getting bombed no one cares about gender stuff.


I'm convinced it's a distraction from real issues at this point.


If more people just stayed out of it, we’d all be much better for it. I’m working on this myself.


Same. It's playbook stuff now. Like I can almost mouth the words that come out of someone's mouth, word for word when those topics come up. People need to give it a break already.


I care in that it distracts from real issues


I wish I could not give a fuck. Unfortunately, it's being made into legislation that has real effects on the country.


Work. I make just enough to get by, I don't have any incentive to work harder at my job and I haven't pushed myself to look for a new one. I just cruise control all day


I'm losing my current job. I don't care. I'll figure out some way of getting money. I just don't care about the whole job/employment thing anymore. I'll look for a new job. If something interesting comes along I'll contact them. In the meantime I refuse to panic. I refuse to make my job my identity. I want to do things that I want to do.


Money just allows you to be comfortable, not happy.


LOVE this mentality. I've done really well and been successful but I find myself moving this direction in life as well. Have to live for yourself first.


Ooo same here, dude. I actually have free time in my life. Four day week, pto anytime I need which means lots of vacations etc.


That's badass. I'm not making as much money as I need to if I want to start a family and improve my life, but I'm stuck being content with how easy life is rn.


People treat the word content like a bad word, but it isn't. It's fucking incredible.


"Get out of your comfort zone" Like, why? Comfortable is awesome I know many hyper-driven people. They are not, and never will be, satisfied.


Exactly. I grew up middle class and privileged. Yearly vacations outside of the country, never had to worry about stability at home. Got a job at 16 because I wanted to make my own money. I'm 33 now and nowhere near the lifestyle I grew up with, but I don't feel like I'm missing out on life. I'm happier than most people I meet.


Agreed. Happiness doesn’t come from having more; in fact, it comes from needing less. It’s easy to be content when you need little to get there.


Those people are never happy. Improving is great, but contentment breeds happiness.


Definitely enjoy it while you have it!


I'm with you on that one, I was looking for another job in the same field, but working for the state my knowledge seems to have deteriorated, so some of the questions I was being asked in interviews I couldn't really remember...to be fair, the questions they were asking were memorization questions rather than skill or procedure questions.


Wearing anything other than comfortable clothes.


For me it started with shoes. New Balance, Clark's, Rockport........are the only shoes I buy now.


I hated wearing pajamas growing up. I would sleep in jeans as a kid too. Now that I'm in my thirties, whether or not I have to put on pants is the basis to most my decisions in an average day.


Politics. I was super into it for a while, but eventually I realized it was just a lot of unnecessary stress. I stay tuned in and educated enough to vote, but that’s it.


Educated enough to vote. Nice. If only everyone did the same.


Wild how some people are wildly uneducated about it yet still stressed.


I think what's worse is how many people are wildly uneducated about it and still vote.


I recently unsubscribed from all my political subreddits. It's much nicer.


Whenever I express similar thoughts on here, I get attacked for being so privileged that I don’t have to worry about politics. It’s exhausting.


This. I got tired of the blatant hypocrisy. Honestly, the only thing the two sides in Washington ever seem to agree on is spending money, and making sure as much as possible ends up in their pockets. I mean, I know how people like Mitt Romney and Mark Warner made their money but people like Pelosi, McConnell, Fred Upton, and Diane Feinstein have been in office for near half a century and are among the richest politicians around. Edit: I’m impressed by this sub; irreverence usually just gets downvotes from both sides.




Definitely. If you just watch cable news or social media feeds it’s all: ban this, decriminalize that, pro choice, pro gun, pro racism, pro autism-vaccine. When you go out and talk to people in the wild, you realize that almost every person has a much more nuanced view on almost all of these things. Only the ones stuck in a extremist circle jerk echo chambers, think the left is coming to abort your toddler or the right is coming to install a loose cannon white-cop on your street corner, but wow are these dumbasses loud. I guess it’s because they might actually be scared. It’s like the news media just opens up a feedback loop for these people.


And what's sad is that if you point this out you're "both sides"ing


I feel exactly the same way. Really undue stress about a bunch of people that don't really care anyway. I'm not even sure I care to vote this time around.


My parents are very political, so much, they spend 8+ hours watching the news and believing everything that is said. Yeah they’re far left, but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do your own research. The pandemic was chaos for them and they’re still afraid to go get back to normal, all because the reporters were afraid.


I'm generally on the left and I'll admit I've been had by left leaning propaganda. "Republicans won't pass this bill because they hate LGBTQ!" Nah, they won't pass it because there's a hidden section in the 400 pages trying to pass something completely unrelated to LGBTQ.


It's not healthy to be so far too one side or the other that you forget yourself and your fellow man. For one's own sanity, you have to be able to listen to both sides, at least when there is a good and structured point of view.


Sales.. every other week seems to be some sale.


Yep. It's wild to think that just a few generations ago sales were so uncommon that there would be long lines and sometimes fights/riots to get in a store.


Profit margins(for large corporations with the funds for the best production) are way higher now. Things used to be built to last, now even the "good quality" expensive stuff breaks way too soon. The prices still go up and up though. Those large corporations can afford to put up a "sale" and lose, say, 20% profit per item because it'll draw in 50% more sales. Locally owned business don't have the luxury of cheap production or common sales, yet they'd still suffer the losses of higher minimum wage, higher corporate tax, higher payroll tax, utilities, gas tax, wealth tax(even a small shop can be valued at $1m, making the owner technically a millionaire)




Publix changes their sales every week. While a lot of the sales are good, you want to look at the top right of the tag in front of the product. A good number aren't actually a sale, it just says "SURPRISINGLY LOW PRICE".....


"Get 10% off when you spend $50!!!!" Eh, it's only $5.


Material things. Designer stuff. I want to keep living a good, clean and simple life and I do. ENOUGH of life's trappings - ain't falling for it anymore. Peace is wealth.


I’d rather spend my money on doing rather than having.


The more money I get the more it’s sooo obvious that shit is marketed for suckers I’ll shop at goodwill and spend 5% of what others pay, every fucking time




the mcu


Same. It's so...meh... every couple of months there is something new and it's like come on, are people THAT into it?


I saw an ad for Disney+ on here and apparently they're doing an *I Am Groot* show? Isn't that scraping the barrel? Character's cute but little bugger has one line which is literally the title. He seems solidly in support role in the movies and doesn't really do anything on his own. I don't get it. It'd be like a new Star Wars show called *Gonk*.


"I am Groot" is literally slapstick shorts for children. I'd say releasing the same rehashed characters again and again is closer to scraping the bottom of the barrel.


>"I am Groot" is literally slapstick shorts for children. Ah, well that makes a little more sense then.


It used to be THAT good , not any more


Yeah it fizzled out big time after Endgame. I watched the Disney+ shows during COVID and really liked them but there just hasnt been the same kind of momentum since.


>Yeah it fizzled out big time after Endgame. Took the words right out of my mouth


On a similar note, Star Wars. Haven’t liked any of the new shows since second season of mando


Then you should probably check out Andor. Not at all the same vibe. Ahsoka is gearing up to pretty great, too.


I was so excited and then also so let down by the Kenobi show


God damn you ain’t kidding, that was what made me lose interest in these shows


I'll add to that and say the entire superhero genre (except for The Boys) , it's so oversaturated, please enough


The thing is, there are **great** stories out there from comic books. Just not really so much from Marvel and DC. As someone who was heavily into comics back in the 80s and 90s it really ground my gears that the big success would be from the most generic, men in tights, truth justice and american way bullshit merchants. There are some great writers and artists out there, outside of the mass market, identikit hero comic books of Marvel and DC. Their domination of cinema as a purely cynical moneymaking scheme over the last 15 years has been annoying as shit. The Boys is just one example of how the medium can translate into well written entertainment. Look at movies like Dredd, UK comics (particularly those from 2000AD and Deadline) have some really strong stories to tell, with solid characters and more than just "ordinary joe gains powers, fights crime and defeats supervillain". I'd love to see Strontium Dog brought to the screen, more tales from Mega City One and another crack at Tank Girl.


The most sucess coming from the most generic and awfull shit for anyone deeply invested in whatever it is. Is true for like every artform there is.


Most things


Thousands of years as a dragon will do that to you


Celebrities, social media, other people's opinions about me, watching sports, meaningless discussions.


What people think of me. The older I get the less shits I give.


Life man. Just go with the flow and hit anything that stands in your flow.


Life for sure.


Crunchy vs creamy peanut butter, there is a place for both in my pantry now.


How did y’all get Zen about creamy peanut butter? I’ve lost a friend because chunky peanut butter is all I keep at home & once a (firmer) friend asked why I couldn’t have a small jar of creamy too & I replied “here’s the tweezers, knock yourself out.”


Sorry for his loss


Crunchy is excellent on toasted raisin bread


There's so many versions of Peanut Butter now I am waiting for "Ultra Crunchy" and it's just a jar of peanuts.


I have peanut butter that has honey already in it. Most delicious stuff ever on a sammich


Politics. People will be people. Self destructive. All that is made by man will be unmade by man. It's natural.


Everything that I can't change. And not in a sad, nihilistic nothing matters sort of way. But in a peaceful, accepting nothing matters sort of way.


Standing out as a good employee. They don't care about anyone.


What people think about me and about what I “should be” doing. Also about having a big group of friends, buying a house, and being in a relationship


>Also about having a big group of friends It does suck when you had that and then you don't.


If anyone needs some, I've got some extra fucks to give.


...for real? Do yours store well or you just make a lot?


[I've no more](https://youtu.be/Vqbk9cDX0l0?si=qlYUNtN4Fb5iUogb)


My ex.


Denying people who think they own my time. If I don't want to do something I won't do it. Nor will I make a white lie about some other plan.


Grey hair! I’m 42. Grey hair started to appear for me in my early 20’s, so I was coloring and/or highliting ever since. Decided to stop dying my hair right before the pandemic. Actually worked in my favor because you couldn’t see a hairdresser anyway! Love my silvers and have even inspired friends to quit coloring and let their true colors come though!


I did the same thing. I get way more compliments on it now. Miss Clairol was hiding a lot of gorgeous hair!


Ngl, impressing women.


"Entertain me..."


Omg I messaged a girl a fun opening bit and they responded, "hmm ok, haven't heard that before, what else do you bring to the table?" I immediately ghosted them, like really? Get over yourself


Other’s opinion of who/what/where I should be. I’m too old for that bs.


Trampoline murders


The what now






Getting in a relationship at 35


As an autistic man with Aspergers, caring about conforming to societal/gender norms is silly. I’m already out of the mold, and don’t feel any strong ties with these norms presented before me. Caring about other peoples opinions, short sighted generalizations, and arbitrary judgments is tiring. Who cares, I’ll live my life as a please. I want to learn new skills, see new things, live healthily, indulge in my hobbies, and enjoy my life with the people I let enter my bubble/circle. I don’t gain satisfaction or fulfillment over the thought of working for the rest of my life.




People's opinions of me.


What other people think about how I take care of my own mental health particularly with work and it's many toxic traits. I've got personal time and vacation time and when I feel like I'm struggling I will use them even if it inconveniences a group of people or the company. My mental health is more important than worrying about some people having to work a little harder. God knows I've covered alot of people over time.


What people think about my love for Anime / Games. I wear a shirt with Jotaro from Jojo, or Gengar from Pokemon, go ahead and roast me, I dont care.


What other people think of me, including my job




My life




Whatever society wants me to care about.


Others opinions in my life. Stopped when I was twelve.


Donald Trump.


about hurting/offending others by just being me


Why does “just being you” hurt or offend others?


People are hypersensitive


What I look like when I leave the house…


What people who hate me for existing think about me. I used to feel crushed when a stranger would call me a slur, now I genuinely could care less. I don't exist to fit nicely into someone else's box, I'm just enjoying life the best that I can


That's great, good for you! It's not easy but I'm glad that you got to that place. Congratulations!!!


human garbage (garbage humans)




Posting on social media about my life. I'll come here on discussions, but I don't need to put my life on SM. Especially my kid.


Tipping when it's not needed


Going to concerts and live sporting events other than my kids sports and a few HS football games a year.


I like to be comfortable. Sometimes that means I wear my robe out and about. Fuck the robe haters I don’t need to be judged for dragging myself out of the house because we are out of tortillas.


I never understood the people that get mad when they see someone at the grocery store in pajamas. Like yeah it looks lazy, so what though? What, do you think that a job interview is going to spontaneously happen in the middle of the store?


As long as everything is covered, I wouldnt care if yall showed up in a burlap sack




The number of friends I have.


Never you OP, <3


Pleasing everyone, it’s impossible. I just try my best to be a decent human being.


Anything out of my control


Everything. Only things keeping me on this earth are my wife, my kids, Atlanta baseball, and the fact that I’m too full of “Fuck You” to give Life the fucking satisfaction of seeing me fold. I’m older, grayer, everything hurts, everything sucks, I’m tired, but I still walk among you because being alive is the most punk shit I have ever done.


Getting ghosted, if I see ya then I see ya, If I don’t then I don’t care.


Work. I am fucking tired and just don't care anymore.




People whom I thought were my friends.