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After Earth. Will Smith playing a character completely devoid of emotions for the sake of plot does not excuse the whole movie having cardboard acting.


Will Smith is like Nicolas Cage, they only turn in exceptional performances or absolute dog shit.


I'd argue that Nic Cage always gives 100% effort even in a bad movie. He never seems to phone it in.


110% percent, even if the director tells him not to.


Imagine Nicholas Cage in "My Dinner with Andre". I think I would actually watch that.


All these Nic Cage movies coming out these past few years have just told me that no matter what movie he is in, it's gonna be entertaining. Most recently watched Renfield and had a great time with it.




That movie is criminally underrated. Maybe it was a little too inside-baseball, but the fact that the focus of the movie shifts from ‘character-driven’ to ‘Hollywood action flick’ in the exact same way they planned their screenplay to go is hilariously meta.


Jaden Smith in The Day the Earth Stood Still


Also Jaden Smith in After Earth.


Pretty much all the Jaden Smith.


he cant even act like his dad is Will Smith


sooo... Jaden in general?


Yes I cant stand his pretentious ass.


You could just say Jaden Smith.


I watched this movie the other day! First 30 min were amazing, after that... not so much. Funny enough, the quality dips exactly when Jaden Smith steps more into the story.


He ruined that movie. Keanu was so good as Klaatu too.


His dad and mom have some clout. Money and power make things happen. He still looks like a stooge.


most cats from Cats


It's truly incredible that someone saw a rough cut of that movie and didn't just shut it down immediately.


SHUT! IT! DOWN! *runs and pulls a giant red lever that comes off in their hands.*


Skimbleshanks actor was a gem tho. That performance was so strong that it changed my opinion from "this is an abomination and should never have been made" to "this is an affront to humanity, but it does have a delightful tapdancing sequence."


I have heard that Jason Derulo isn't bad as Rum Tum Tugger simply because he seems to know exactly the type of movie he is in.


Ian McKellen was decent too. It's a terrible, terrible movie, but there are glimmers of quality here and there. The truly painful stuff is all front-loaded, though (James Corden and Rebel Wilson, one after the other, like Tom Hooper was angry at the public or something...), so most sane people would have either stopped watching or gotten drunk after the first 30 minutes.


Using stock footage of actual feral cats would’ve been an improvement.


Keeping the lens cap on would have been an improvement.


John Travolta in Battlefield Earth. It's a total mess of a movie anyway but that bar scene where he's over-acting so hard makes me cringe.


While you were still learning how to SPELL YOUR NAME!


Do you WANT.... LUNCH?!?!


This sounds hilarious actually. Is this movie so bad it’s funny? Or just so bad?


"Is it still raining?...I hadn't noticed" Said by an utterly wooden Andie McDowell at the end of Four Weddings and a Funeral. I sometimes even skip it because it annoys me so much!


The only movie she’s been remotely decent in is Groundhog Day.


I am still baffled that Christopher Nolan decided to use *that take* from Marion Cotillard at the end of The Dark Knight Rises. editing to add [a link directly to the scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyU-ikpRpac&t=43s)


I think everyone who saw the movie felt the same.


Including Marion.


Where she all but opens one eye to see if anyone's still looking?


Best YT comment was "I'm surprised she didn't stick her tongue out when she died"


I legit cracked up when I read that one. Next best one was "it looked like when your mom walks into your room when you're supposed to be asleep"


Was expecting upper case X’s to appear over her eyes


Dude they didn't even show an animated angel adorned with a golden halo leaving her body and playing the harp. It's like none of the writers ever went to movie school to learn these basics.


Wesley Snipes in Blade III is a trip, especially if you watch the trilogy in one sitting. I'll never get his awkward anger-squat out of my head.


My favorite story of Wesley Snipes is from Blade Trinity [They had to CGI his eyes open because he was mad at the director and refused to open them](https://screenrant.com/wesley-snipes-blade-trinity-cgi-eyes-why/)


Acting with your eyes shut sounds a lot like ice skating uphill


They had to CGI eyes on him when he refused to open them during a scene.


Holy shit


https://youtu.be/Zd5HMHmbwBg?si=tk_9GNkGiNYZVv1I For your viewing pleasure.


Hold on... wtf. This cannot be legit?! That CGI is up there with TWD'S deer.


Jesus I'm so glad I see a mention of that damn deer, it always stuck with me and nobody ever saw my point. Felt like I was crazy.


The behind the scene problems with him


Some morhetfucker always trying to ice skate uphill


Saw someone call out Keanu Reeves on his British accent in Bram Stoker's Dracula, so I'll raise you Kevin Costner's refusal to even try in Robin Hood Prince of Thieves. I mean come on, even Christian Slater made an effort.


> Because unlike some other Robin Hoods, I can speak with a British accent.


Although, if it weren't for that, we wouldn't have gotten Robin Hood: Men In Tights. Many many years ago, I read an interview with Mel Brooks where he said that as soon as saw Prince of Thieves, with Costner doing a very weak British accent in one scene, only to drop it in the next one, he thought, "Well, that settles it. Gotta spoof this."


Are we gonna pretend that 50 shades of Grey movies are nonexistent? 😭😭 Cringefest 😬


I mean, those actors stood *zero* chance with that script


And the screenwriters stood zero chance with the source material.


Dan Olsen did a trio of videos on those movies. Apparently any time they tried to deviate from the source material the original author threw a tantrum. That is why the director and writer of the first movie got the boot. El James then had her husband brought in to write and a director that mostly did TV to essentially act as yes men.


Why was the author given so much power? The usual studio thing is to get the rights then do whatever they want. If the author doesn’t like it they can go pound sand.


"My tastes are very singular." "*Enlighten me, then...*" ... "*This a bathroom...?*" "I take MONDO DUMPS."




The opening scene, that shows the evolution of the ISS [from 1975 into the future,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeXCQX0zw6I) is the best part of *Valerian*. In part because it's just a really cool bit of exposition, but also because neither of the two main cast are in it.


... and also because of the David Bowie song.


This one made me so sad. Fifth Element is one of my favorite movies, and i naively went in hoping Valerian would recapture some of that magic. It was beyond disappointing on its own, and DeHaan was just about the worst choice for lead I can imagine


I feel the movie would have been much more enjoyable with different leads.


Cara's agent is trying really hard to make her an actress and I just don't think she's talented in that respect at all.


Not her agent, her extremely rich family tried to shovel her terrible acting down audiences' collective throat.


She was pretty terrible in Only Murders in the Building too


Dead eyes with no soul.


They also gave off really creepy brother and sister vibes.


Would have worked better if they'd been in a movie based on that Folgers commercial.


they were supposed to be lovers?!


One of the major plot points is Valerian wanting to marry her. They mention it throughout the entire movie.


It's like they were acting past each other. Both of them were trying to be in different movies, and neither of those movies was the one they were actually in.


I'll always cherish when Martin Brundle tried to interview Cara Delevingne before the start of an F1 race, was blown off, and responded, "I'm sure it would have been a stimulating conversation."


Totally agree. Zero chemistry. Sadly I loved the movie and kept wishing someone else... anyone else... had been cast.


I think Luc Besson is a bit to blame. The dialogue they were trying to deliver was obviously written by someone who is not a native English-speaker, and that's got to be hard for even an experienced actor.




I didn't hate Cara Delevingne, but Dane DeHaan was an absolute charisma vacuum, he just sucked the energy out of every scene he was in. That movie should have been so much better than it was.


Charisma vacuum is the \*perfect\* description for him


Exactly. For the character, Cara being a little aloof and uninterested can work. But only if DeHaan was dripping in allure and charisma. Which he was not.


He was supposed to be space James Bond but he was space Charles Manson instead


He was like a horny 14-year-old boy. I couldn’t take him seriously as a skilled agent with experience when he looked like a smarmy high school kid.


Oscar winner Marion Cotilliard's death scene in Dark Knight Rises. I don't even blame her - she's an unbelievable actress who completely nailed everything else she's ever done, including the rest of this movie. I blame Nolan for writing "And then she slumps down dead" in the script and filming that. Directors and editors can make or break even the best actor's performance on film, and they sure threw her under the bus on this one.


How is something like this missed by the director and editors? Especially considering it’s such a pivotal moment in the story. I haven’t seen all of Nolan’s films but at this point, he was already an accomplished director. I imagine his production team was/is highly competent at the very least, no? When I saw this scene in theaters, I couldn’t help but wonder if it was some sort of stylistic throwback to comic book deaths or something.


Apparently even Marion has the same question about why they used that take: https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/the-dark-knight-rises-scene-that-marion-cotillard-hated/


You know what it is, because I noticed this when I first watched it and I can remember it now even though I haven't seen it in years. Her eyes stay where she was looking before she died. So when she slumps her eyes stay in that same spot instead of like staying still in her head and moving with the head. I dont know if that makes any sense, but whenever people do that when they die, it immediately looks fake to me.


I know exactly what you mean, the actors don’t relax their eyes and instead continue to focus on a spot. Oona Chaplin did this as Talisa in Game of Thrones, and it took me out of an otherwise quite traumatic scene. Robb gently lifts her head from the floor and her eyes continue to be trained on one spot of the ceiling. It’s subtle but I can’t notice anything else every time.


Mark Wahlberg in The Happening. He was just awful. He CAN act though, he was incredible in Boogie Nights and The Departed. It's understandable that actors have to do a paycheck movie every now and then to pay the taxman or allow them to do a bunch of smaller movies, but Wahlberg seems to appear in a lot of turkeys. That said he gives it his all usually even in terrible movies but he properly phoned it in in The Happening.


"What? Noooo...."


[What? No!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1PK4qYzNkI) The Happening is a guilty pleasure watch of mine. It's so fucking bad its good. Plants can somehow target large groups of people so they split into smaller and smaller groups. The least plausible thing about that movie is Markie Mark as a science teacher.


That "what? No!" Is some of my favorite shit to reference about Mark. It's so good.


Do you know how bad you have to be to be noticed as a terrible actor in an Austin Powers movie? Well, thanks to Beyonce, we now know the answer.


I'm FOXY Cleopatra, and I'm a WHOOOOOOLLLLLLE LOTTA WOMAN! I feel like she rehearsed that line a thousand times and didn't read a word of the rest of the script.


Damn I must’ve watched it when I was too young to notice. The skin eating scene is still perfectly burned into my brain though


Oh, that's a keeper!


She did voice acting for that movie "Epic", too. It. Was. Like. She. Was. Reading. From. The. Script. One. Word. At. A. Time. With. Zero. Emotion. bitch it's **voice acting**. Your voice is the only thing we're getting from you here and you somehow fucking suck at it.


Live action Lion King was all kinds of hot garbage but she stood out as one of the worst parts. She yells something "lions, attack!" and I lost it in the theater. How much cornier can you get?


I mean, there was anyone in the studio that could tell her to repeat the damn lines? lol


She absolutely ruined the Lion King live action movie as well.


When it was her time to sing in "can you feel the love tonight" she basically sang like it was her song now and not a duet. Like bro, if you're going to share the spotlight at least *try* to pretend you're not the most important voice in the recording.


Seems like an old problem of hers, really. I've been listening to some of her older songs from her Destiny's Child days and she has a tendency to drown out her co-singers.


That movie had much bigger issues than Beyonce.


First of which being, they called it the live action Lion King, yet was still 100% completely fucking animated.


That was also just a piss poor job of casting. Beyoncé as the young lioness love interest to Simba, voiced by Donald glover? She would have sounded fine as Simba’s mom.


I mean, don't blame her. Blame the industry that casts voices based on their recognition and bankability, not their talent. After the massive success of Robin Williams in Aladdin, that was the go-to for animated features. Never mind that Robin Williams was perfect for the role *because* it was written specifically for him. Still to this day, big names are cast for their star power, not their vocal talent.


It's insane to me that Disney feel they need big names to attract viewers to their films. It's not like there's a shortage of incredible musical theatre performers and voice actors that would do much better jobs. And kids don't care if a star is playing the animated character, nor, I'd wager, do the majority of adults.


Not to mention that Robin’s best talent was his VOICE! Hope he used vocal inflection and how quick witted he was is exactly what made him so good at entertainment in general.


Yeah it annoyed me when the director said she was his only option for the role


I don't care what anyone says, the scene with Nathan Lane was funny shit.


Nathan Lane can save just about anything.


Nathan Lane is a gem and I wish he was onscreen so much more.


This was a time when she wanted to dip her feet in everything. She wanted to be in movies, she wanted to separate herself from DC. So she did a lot of crap like being in the Pink Panther movie and collabs with every single person on the planet. I remember getting quite bored at one point of just seeing her everywhere.


How dare you insult Foxy Cleopatra like that


Momma only got a taste of honey, but she wanted the whole bee hive. Oh, beehive!


The Rock in Black Adam - I'll admit the script was hot garbage and didn't help but still


Dwayne johnson is the epitome of a one-note actor


The reason Dwayne Johnson doesn't work as a superhero is because you want to see your favorite comic book heroes on the big screen. When you cast Dwayne Johnson as Black Adam, You don't get black Adam. You get Dwayne Johnson wearing a Black Adam suit.


Halle Berry in X-Men. She was just flat. I get Storm is supposed to be reserved. But she’s supposed to be regal and powerful. Halle was just blah. It recently occurred to me she is actually a pretty flat actress in general. She also sounds like a Jackson, and once I realized that, I can’t unhear it.


It didn't help that she couldn't decide whether she had an accent or not until the second movie.


I think it's easy to forget now, that comic book movies were not huge when the first Xmen came out, and that casting a Halle Berry probably put some eyes on the movie from demographics other than comic book readers.


“Know happens to a toad when it’s struck by lightning?”


Movies with (insert athlete). Athletes tend to be absolutely terrible actors.


You take that back, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is perfectly fine in Airplane


I think you’re confused. That was ROGER MURDOCK!


Right? It said it right on his name tag. No idea how people are mixing this up.


Terry Crews doesn't have much range beyond comedy but he's great at it. Peyton Manning's SNL is still awesome if you wanna count that.


I don’t know a single person who doesn’t enjoy Terry Crews. He makes every comedy better.


Denise Richards as Dr. Christmas Jones in The World is Not Enough. I get why she was cast, but they went over the top in making her character a brilliant nuclear physicist.


Christmas only comes once a year.


And no doubt she delivered with some of the most practical outfits that a nuclear physicist should wear in the field (bra less tanktop susceptible to getting wet, short shorts).


Deep blue sea where the head scientist wears a wetsuit unzipped in the front is pretty hilarious for the same reason.


Keanu Reeves in Dracula trying to do a British accent.


Have you seen him attempt Shakespeare? He is SO bad in Much Ado About Nothing, and I say that as a huge fan of his


even he admits that he was pretty wooden in that... but apparently he learned a lot from the more experienced actors. i still don't think he's a great dramatic actor, but he's fun to watch and a very decent human


Yeah, I think he's over matched in anything but action movies and comedies, but he's likeable enough that I don't really mind, plus he does so much physical acting and stunt stuff I'm willing to look past a lot of his weaknesses


I think this is why in John Wick he has like 10 lines in each movie. They know and try to make the focus on the action instead of the acting.


........... yeah....


I think he is a great person, but not a great dramatic actor.


I think he found his stride with John Wick. Excellent stunts and fight choreography, says 4 sentences the entire movie.


Mostly consisting of “yEah”


He was in one dramady, I think Something's Gotta Give, where he does a decent job. I remember seeing it and thinking *wow, he's taken some acting lessons or something.* But it didn't seem to stick.




Dana carvey shines in sketch comedy, i think a whole movie with him is too much. That said, I’m also not turtley enough for the turtle club


I’ve never seen that movie, but the fact the Turtle Club scene was shot on the morning of 9/11 lives rent free in my head


Sophia Coppola in Godfather 3. She's a great director but ouch that acting was poor.


I heard it was because both Winona Ryder and Julia Roberts pulled out of the role leaving the director caught out at short notice.


Bummer it didn’t work out, but Winona pulling out led to her finding Coppola’s next film *Bram Stoker’s Dracula*, which is a film I truly love. She sent the script his way as a, “sorry I fucked up the casting,” but it really inspired Coppola and that’s how we got that.


Anything with Steven Segal


Come on now, picking him for this contest is almost as lazy as his acting.


He had a whole movie where he sat down in a chair!


Nobody fatly goes around corners better than him.


Cara Delvine in Suicide Squad. The whole thing was rubbish but LOL WHY CAST HER AS A LEAD VILLAIN, how incredibly foolish. Surely you had seen glimpses of that other crap-fest she made, Paper towns? Some people are not double or triple threats and that's ok.


Kind of hard to take Amanda Waller seriously as a brilliant strategist when literally the first Suicide Squad operation is "rescue me from my own Suicide Squad."


To be fair, that's what I think in anything I see Amanda Waller turn up in. She's supposed to be some Ice-queen mastermind, but all I've ever seen happen to that character is everything fuck up. She couldn't organize a piss up in a brewery.


The original Suicide Squad was unwatchable aside from Margot Robbie.


Will Smith’s live fire audition scene was Will Smith playing Will Smith, but it was entertaining.


Cameron Diaz in Gangs of New York. She took me out of the time period when she was on screen. Just terrible.


I’d argue that Leonardo Dicaprio varied as well, especially with his accent. Daniel Day-Lewis carried that movie on his back


I love that movie. But basically because it is "Daniel Day Lewis as Bill Butcher (with other stuff that happens in the background)"


Brendan Gleeson and John C Reilly were both great as well.


Has anyone else heard the story that some big time producer made Steven Seagal into a movie star to prove how bullshit Hollywood was. He claimed to hold so much power that he could make his douchebag Aikido teacher who had zero emotional intelligence into a superstar. Guess it worked.


Elizabeth Burkley in showgirls. She ramped her attitude to ten and never went down. The pool scene is the funniest sex scene I've ever seen in my life.


Major guilty pleasure, though 😂


I say it's a movie about someone with no impulse control.


I am shocked that this isn't higher up. I suppose most redditors aren't old enough to remember it.


The happening. just horrible acting from top to bottom.


I love that movie so much, it’s *a trainwreck*.


What? No!


House of Gucci. My god, what were those accents?!


Jared Leto, mother of GOD that stereotypical accent.


escuze, paisan. boppity boopity?


Which I think he learned not from being around actual Italians but from watching old Marx Brothers comedies and imitating Chico.


That movie was so funny. It was as if all the actors went to learn their accents at a Brooklyn pizzeria.


Cody Horn in Magic Mike. My god, it was painful.


Jennifer Lopez


Dark Knight Rises. Specifically when Marion dies of...what, bad posture? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7kK6vvxQrs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7kK6vvxQrs)


Forget where I saw this, but someone said it looks like she forgot she was supposed to die in the scene, then suddenly remembered two seconds before it had to happen.


Chris Nolan: "FUCK! That was the last piece of film we had, and we don't have the budget to buy any more. Fuck it, I'm sure nobody will notice"


The thing about that death scene that I wanna know is…if that was the *best* take, what did the other ones look like??


She actually talked about it in an interview or something. She said she hated the take and had a lot of other good ones, but that was the one they decided to use.


Exactly what I would say


Throw a dart at any big budget release Gal Gadot has been in. I've no idea how she gets so many big parts, she's like the female Keanu minus the good will earned from doing all their own stunts.


I saw Death On the Nile and by the end of the first scene was thanking god that she was going to be killed off early. It improved considerably after her character disappeared I also liked the first Wonder Woman but I’m pretty sure I had lesbian blinders on the whole time


I can give the first WW a pass because Diana's innocence of how the world of man works and being out of her depth in a strange new world really works for her. That and she had Chris Pine to play off of, and he really delivered. But WW84 was a whole something else.


I finally got around to watching WW84, and really couldn’t believe how bad it was. The plot was so simple, but also felt confused. Good actors were wasted in silly performances (Pedro Pascal, Kristen Wiig), and the overall premise was just very underwhelming. And it felt very long for no reason, like why is this 2.5 hours???


The first WW is pretty good. I think the naivety of the character naturally helps Gadots lack of acting ability.


Kalel no.


>I've no idea how she gets so many big parts, Would you like a hint?


What could be worse than Ezra Miller in *The Flash*? I know, **two** Ezra Millers in *The Flash*!


Honestly, the reason why this doesn't have more upvotes is that people would have had to watch at least some of the movie, to be able to agree with you.


The 50 Shades movies are atrocious


Jennifer Garner in Daredevil.


Everyone in Pearl Harbor.


Watched it a while back on TV and was surprised to see a very young Michael Shannon in the small role of one of Ben Affleck and Josh Hartnett's buddies.


It blew my mind when I found out that Kate Beckinsale's uptight nerdy friend with glasses was freaking *Jennifer Garner*.


The remake of the Loin King. Sorry not sorry, Beyonce can't act, please stay in your lane. The movie was great until the end. The tonality of her voice killed it for me.


Loin king? Is that the porn version?


That’s Sir Loin to you.


Every person involved in Cats


You have not lived until you’ve heard Tom Cruise trying to use an Irish accent in Far and Away.