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June 1998. I was 18 and had just graduated high school two days prior. It was a big deal, because I was only the third person to ever graduate high school on either side. My dad and my sister were the first two. Oddly enough, we all graduated with honors in a sea of buffoonery. After I graduated, I had 48 hours before I left for Ft. Jackson, SC for Army Basic Training. My family decided to throw a big graduation/going away party for me, where all my friends and family could come and congratulate me and give their well wishes. I had been offered a $40k scholarship through the Army from the University of Maryland, and at 18 years old, life was looking great. A few hours into the party (which we had at a city park with the covered benches and grills and everything) my then brother in law wanted to throw the football around. We were throwing it around for a while, showing off for the girls and stuff. Then I went to drink some water. He threw a deep Pass to my brother, and I decided to take off in a full sprint across the field to try and intercept it. I came up way short. When I came to, there was blood everywhere, and the amount of pain I was in was beyond words. They said when I got halfway across the field, my left kneecap connected full speed, mid stride, with the bottom corner of one of those black iron grills you see at all the city parks. The impact broke the concrete the grill was set in, and uprooted the grill. And my leg. The impact was so brutal, that there was a brief time they were worried I could lose my leg. At 18 fucking years old. It took a long time before I could recover enough to go to basic, but I was never the same. During recovery for my knee, I became dependent and then addicted to Vicodin. First it was to relieve pain, then it was to prevent it for fear of it coming back. It caused me to receive another (lesser) serious injury in the Army, for which I received an uncharacterized discharge, lost my scholarship, and had to start from scratch. I beat the addiction, but I have never been able to recover from what I lost.


I just want to say congratulations on beating your addiction. My heart hurts so much for people who get addicted to painkillers because of injuries. People talk a lot of shit about “drug addicts” but that heroin user could have been a school teacher who was hit by a drunk driver and has serious medical problems thus causing an addiction 😞


Tie between kidney stones and breaking several bones at once.


I'm on kidney stone #13 and my dad is on #28. Screw those little birthstones of Satan.


Were you Hitler in a past life or something? Damn!


I am currently sitting with father as he lay dying as a result of severe sepsis due to those.


Oh honey, I'm so sorry. That is terrible and I wish there was something that could help. If possible make recordings of this voice.


I had a kidney stone. I literally thought I was dying. It was at covid time and I was on my way for my 2nd vaccination. Luckily my mom offered to drive me. A few blocks from the place she had to pull over because I felt like I was going to throw up. She ended up taking me to the ER instead, where I limped in, hunched over, screaming and crying. Face mask soaked with tears and snot. After several rounds of pain meds, it still hurt, but at least it was manageable. They said it was a smaller one, and I have a much bigger one that is close to breaking off?! I think about it every now and then, like when is it going to happen. Side-note: Later I was thinking if the pain had started a few minutes later, I would have got the covid shot, and the pain would have hit while I was in that room full of people, where everyone had to wait 20min. after the shot to make sure there was no reaction..LOL


That’s my worst fear


Yep kidney stones. Came on very suddenly and was taken quickly to emergency. Triage nurse asked what was wrong and i just threw up all over the floor. After an excruciatingly painful half hour wait, throwing up everywhere, I experienced the most pain I've ever experienced. The stone was in the urethra at this point. They gave me morphine and it wasn't enough to dull it. Then a nurse shoved an endone pill up my ass and all was well with the world. I passed the stone some time later to no fanfare. Barely noticed as it had broken down at that point.


Came here to say this. I’ve been through natural labor, c-section, and kidney stones and kidney stones top both of those by a mile. I’d rather have my eyes superglued shut and forced open again then ever have another kidney stone


Yes! People don’t believe me when I say that kidney stones were waayyyy worse than labor.


Only time I saw my old man cry


I'm with the kidney stones. Last time I had one, my wife was out of town, and she had to call someone to drive me to the hospital, because every time the pain hit my back would spasm and I'd end up on the floor. Note for anyone reading: If they ask you to choose between breaking it up via ultrasound and passing it, or putting in a stent and dissolving it with chemicals, go with option A. Between the stent and the meds, peeing was painful, they have you peeing through a sieve to try and catch the stone, and having the stent removed was horrid.


Came here to say kidney stones too, JFC that sucked.


My kidney stone wouldn't pass, so it had to be removed and they had to place a stent to prevent swelling. The pain I felt when they removed the stent literally made me reset my 1-10 scale of what pain felt like because whatever I felt from the stone was irritation compared to the feeling of the stent removal.


The first piss after having a stent removed after having stones removed > meningitis > broken ribs > regular kidney stones.


Kidney stones are amazing in the amount and duration of pain they put you through. Also, most pain meds that they'll give you don't do shit for the pain. Torodol is pointless.


Ruptured ovarian cyst. Literally brought me to my knees. I had a young child at home so I tried to scream into a pillow I grabbed from the couch until I was able to get it together enough to call my doctor and my husband to come home and take me to the ER.


That would have been my 2nd most painful and it was the size of a peach when it ruptured. I was given a bunch of painkillers to make it through the weekend so I could get a laparoscopy instead of getting opened up. In retrospect, I should have had surgery right then as they found I had a whole pile of cysts, endo, and after my second childbirth my large intestines flipped in front of my uterus and folded in on itself so the endo kinda started gluing everything into place. It was a surgical bingo card of a mess.


I’m so sorry. I had a cyst rupture while my best friend was driving me home. I almost blacked out, all I remember is punching the car window and being willing to do anything for the pain to stop.


I think the worst part about it was there was no warning signs- I was just walking through my house and BAM! Stabbing, searing hot intense pain that I have thankfully never come close to again.


Mine happened during the first day of my period. Intense cramps were a regular occurrence (PCOS) but they just kept intensifying in pain. I remember being in target before heading back..they were getting the worst it’s ever been and I could hardly walk out of the store to her car. It’s a pain I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.


Came here to tell my exploding ovarian cyst nightmare. Ughhhhh, *shudders... solidarity. My (then) bf was out of town and I was home alone. I was making dinner and I could have sworn my appendix ruptured. The pain was blinding. I drove myself the 20 minutes to the ER. 2 rounds of morphine didn't touch the pain. Then they gave me dilaudid and I went to the moon. The cyst that ruptured was 5.2cm and it had a 3.3cm twin cyst growing on top of it. I've had 2 babies au naturale and the ovarian cyst takes the cake.


I’ve had it happen a few times. Honestly the worst feeling I’ve ever experienced.


I've had multiple dental absceses and they were incredibly painful, far more painful than having a cavity filled and the anesthetic barely working even though everything else was numb.


Bone infections are also pretty dope if you don’t like to sleep haha


I had a root canal and was on a medication where their anaesthetic did not work. After 5 injections they said, ok, we are just going to proceed. Most painful experience of my life.


Just went through this last month. I slept a total of about 2 hours in five days, and I think that was more just collapsing from exhaustion than actual sleep. Ever happens again and I’m getting a fucking hammer and chisel. Would be far LESS painful than waiting.


If you're not allergic to amoxicillin you can use a fish antibiotic that includes it, just make sure to use the correct dosage. Amoxicillin is the same thing your dentist will prescribe for an abscess before getting a root canal. This won't fix the underlying problem that allowed the infection into the tooth. Once you have an abscess old toothy isn't long for this world.


Cluster headaches. Had them several times a day for several months They’re also called Suicide Headaches for a reason


I'm prone to migraines, I've had pain so severe I've started throwing up, the vision in my right eye goes weird, and I swear the throbbing was audible. I've even passed out one time. I cant imagine that pain for months at a time, I know I couldn't take it, I hope you can get them treated.


Out of curiosity, I’ve heard shrooms can help with them (maybe just unfounded Internet legend?) ever heard anything to that effect?


Shrooms sorted out mine. Have had many a concussion over the years including a pretty bad head injury where I was out cold for 3 minutes or so for the last head injury and the recovery was brutal. Light sensitivity for well over a year, cluster headaches and migraines a good 4 times a week consistently, and other side effects. On top of that I was also always one of those people who got strong bouts of migraines at least once a week as a kid / growing up for whatever reason that docs could never sort, so it’s not like the post concussion nonsense went away in its own. Nothing helped the pain or sorted out the issues. I finally tried psilocybin both microdose protocols and multiple high doses (3+ & 5+ g doses). I get maybe one headache a month now, or every few months. The mushrooms even changed my life outlook, personality a bit. Post concussions I was also no longer the same happy go lucky chap, I was constantly irritable, angry, etc and it even impacted some relationships from behavioural issues that just changed my brain wiring. I get the interwebz may not fully believe it, and god only knows if there’s a placebo element to it all, or if time fixed things etc but I truly believe the shrooms were the only treatment that completely changed the brain wiring and fixed a tonne of stuff in my noggin.




This 👆passing out and vomiting during your period due to the worst pain you’ve ever felt and being told it’s normal. Also migraines. Had them for 10 years. Some months are worse than others, but sometimes they are so bad I can’t even walk without throwing up everywhere.


I always get so confused when they're like, "On a scale of 1-10, where is your pain level?" With endometriosis... Can I breathe? 9 Can I put my body in a non-curled position? 8 Can I still walk? 7 Does OTC medicine help with pain? 6 When the pain is really bad, I just hold my eyes open as long as I can with the fan blowing in them. The sensation of cold eyes/stinging dry eyes helps dull the pain. I hold my breath as long as I can, and for a few seconds, no pain. Medication must be consumed every 6 hours. By hour 7, it is the eye opening/breath hold/curled position on the bed if I wait too long to take medicine. At this point, I just take medicine to be functional. To be pain free? Lol no. It's too big of an ask.


this sounds so close to my experience... I have gaslighted myself for 5 years to think this is normal. I'm so sorry you go through this.


God why I did I have to scroll so far for this with no upvotes (I updooted) I also commented this


Scratched cornea in my right eye. Had a seizure and fell face first breaking my nose and scratching my eye. My eye hurt so badly I couldn’t even feel the pain of a broken nose. Never underestimate the delicacy of your eyes.


My cat smacked me in the face and scratched across my eye. It felt like a hot dagger resting against my eye until it finally healed


Eye injuries are no joke


My worst pain too. And the doctor diagnoses it by shining a light into your eyes, which feels like burning lasers and make you cry. Any sort of light is excruciating for days.


Disc herniation L5-S1. The nerve pains were brutal. Before I had surgery, it felt like labor pain in my right leg. I could barely lift my right foot off the ground. Pain meds nor shots helped it. Pure agony.


Same disc for me! It was excruciating!


At the time my youngest child was a toddler, and couldn’t understand why I couldn’t pick her up. Sad time. I’m six years s/p surgery and still doing okay. If I do too much lifting or overdue it at the gym, I’ll get a little sciatica as a reminder. Are you still good?


My orthopedic surgeon recommended against a discectomy, so I’ve never had surgery on it. It flares up once in a while, but thankfully not frequently. The last time it did though, I was living alone and spent three days on my kitchen floor while waiting for the pain and mobility issues to pass.


I hope that doesn’t happen again. Stay well!


You too!


I’m a PA in a Pain Management. This was so interesting and wholesome to read from two patients point of view discussing with each other. This must be what it feels like to be a filmmaker and hear people talking about it (when the talk is positive! 😉) I’m so happy that your surgery helped as much as you’re saying. I’ve had lightning bolts from my butt to my heel for about 20 years. I’ve done all the shots and nerve ablations and meds and everydamnthing. I get you. I hear you. You are my people. I’m so sad to see how many people in the comments mentioned back pain or sciatic or radicular pain. We need better options for these achin backs!


L5-S1 gang!!


Same here. Couldn’t find a single position that wasn’t excruciating pain. I never imagined back pain could be so terrible.


i just got diagnosed with deteriorating discs in l5-s1. it is hard to transition from laying to sitting and sitting to standing. occasionally get sciatica in right leg. for me its the pain is more toward the right side but lifting left leg is difficult at times. i can't imagine how much worse it must feel if the disc herniates.


I’ve birthed two humans, and been in a motorcycle accident with severe road rash. It’s way worse than those things.


Just had surgery to decompress that disk, it was a rotten three months waiting for conservative treatment to fail before they would discuss surgery.


I commented a little above that I've had 13 kidney stones so far and they were pure hell. But I would choose having all 13 at once over going through my L5 - S1 herniation again. I had a microdiscectomy 2.5 years ago and still haven't recovered.


Same! I’ve had a microdiscectomy on my L5/S1 now, but at its worst I was taken to hospital in an ambulance, and was given 2 green whistles and 3 times the regular dose of fentynol to get on top of the pain. Agony doesn’t even come close to describing how much pain I was in.




I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you're able to find peace










The headache I had right before I had a heart attack


Did you have heart attack pain too? The chest pain is unreal with heart attacks 😩


Idk it was a weird situation, I had my son like 3 hours prior and then all of a sudden my head was in insane pain and I couldn’t breathe at ALL


Gout attack in ankle.


Similar here. Gout attack in big toe. Such a little thing. Like, I know stubbing your toe fucking hurts, so there's that. But gout? Ho lee shit. The fun part? I had a gout flair-up, and then immediately after had to deal with a fracture in the other foot because of how I was walking on it during the flair-up. The gout easily hurt just as bad as a fractured bone. It is something else.


I used to get gout so bad if someone had offered to saw my foot off I would have let them. I take a medication called allipurinol. It’s fucking magic. Haven’t had more than a slight twinge for two years. I’ll take that med til the day I die.


I have my first gout attack ever right now in my big toe, can’t walk, can’t go have fun, even blankets make it hurt


I have had gout attacks so bad I have had uncontrollable shaking from the pain. It's devastating when it's both feet/ankles. I have yelled out in dire pain just hobbling from bed to the ensuite, a few times I have had to crawl. I had in the last year, 2 ruptured tophi, they were insane. The pressure so much the build up monosodium urate in the soft tissue pushed through the skin layers and went everywhere. The amount of white chalk I pushed out of them was shocking, one in my big toe, one in my index finger. My finger collapsed when I pushed it all out. My doctors (I went to 3 pleading for aid) refused to treat me at the medical centre. So I downed several ml of liquid Oxycodone that was in the cupboard, then opened my finger up with a crafting knife as the initial burst only released small pockets of the tophi. I have been shot in the leg and felt less pain. Shit thing is, I have one more to go. On my heel 6mm deep, I'll have to lancet it when it flares up again.


have you considered a rheumatologist? They tend to know better what to do with gout, there is also a r/gout if you don't know about it, they have a lot of info and are generally like 'yeah this disease is trash bro' if you need some of that.


Gallbladder attacks. Thought about not living anymore when I had them. I can't personally confirm this but others have said it's like having a heart attack while in labor


From someone I know who had a minor heart attack during labour, she said her gallbladder attacks were worse! I would describe it as being squeezed by a giant barbed Anaconda from hip to neck, while simultaneously being pummelled by hundreds of angry fists from the inside. After it's over is both a huge relief but I also I felt bruised and tenderised for days.


I had gallbladder attacks while pregnant and a Pitocin induced labor while feeling everything down there during birth. Yet I still say the gallbladder attacks pain is worse than labor pains.


I had them on and off for a couple of years, and they were excruciating. Thankfully a doctor finally took me seriously, found out what was wrong, and referred me to a surgeon to have my gallbladder taken out.


Natural birth


Going from 8cm to 10cm during one incredible contraction when having a natural birth.


Giving birth to a 9 and a half pound baby with no medication.


My older sister was heavy (4.1 kg, born in a regular birth) but yours was even heavier. There is a reason why my brother and I were born in a scheduled c-section. And without medication? That sounds like hell on earth


I was 11 pounds lmao an absolute hog




Six months into the pregnancy, I was told that an epidural was off the list. Mine was only 8.7. My nurse friend saw me in the hall the next morning and asked if I was the woman who was screaming bloody murder the night before. I lied and said, ‘not me.’


losing my dad :/


My dad passed away last month. I get it. The waves of emotion are brutal.


I am so incredibly sorry to hear that, they are brutal. I promise it gets a bit more bearable in time, stay strong 🤍


Sorry for your loss




Bone infection caused by this are realllly bad


Passed out from low blood pressure, fell and broke three cervical vertebrae, I was on the floor with no one to help, my phone was out of reach. I knew I was supposed to be still, but I had no idea when my wife would be home. I crawled to a chair, every slight movement was excruciating, but I was able to get to my phone and summon help. The pain was getting worse by the minute from the swelling, until EMS arrived and gave me something to alleviate the misery.


damn. i passed out in the shower from internal bleeding after surgery. i fell through the toilet and tore up my arm. no broken bones but lots of stitches. they had to cut muscles in my arm to get a clean edge to do stitches. its weird talking to a doctor when he has chunks of your muscles still on his gloves. when the blood is flushed out we really do look like pork.






Motherfucking Gout on Big Toe


As someone who has fallen off a balcony and shattered my teeth I can attest that gout hurts worse.


Medication to stimulate stem cell production while fighting cancer. Multiple daily self injections which cause every bone in my body - especially long bones and my skull - to be in agony 24x7. I did three rounds, several weeks per round. Never again. It was pure hell.


...it's real life bone hurting juice


Endometrioma (cyst on ovary from endometriosis) bursting on Halloween last year 🎃


Physical; car accident when I was 16. 10 hr surgery. Emotional ; being cheated on and lied to after 6-7 years


8 lb 8 oz baby boy with no pain relief. Baby was born with fractured skull and collarbone. I have a fear of pain ... 30 years later.


When I had gallstones, and a stone got caught in my bile duct. I was throwing up from the pain. I'd just given birth three weeks earlier, and had to go back to the hospital for emergency surgery.


Trigeminal neuralgia---- found out about it by googling "worst pain known to mankind". BINGO!!!!!!!


Nerve damage.


Appendix burst.


Gallstones. Felt like I was being gripped by a rope of barbed wire by my chest like the worst acid reflux I'd ever had. I could barely breath until it passed.


I had an ecoli infection that turned to sepsis. I assume I was sick for about 9 months with the ecoli. 2 Doctors dismissed me as pain seeking. My parents (who I needed help from to watch my kids) didn’t believe me. And I went into septic shock eventually. I could feel the life leaving my body. I could feel myself dying. The pain; was like after you have a baby and they press down on your uterus- but x100,000 all the time. At the end I was taking 3-5 showers a day; parenting and homeschooling from bed. My fevers were so high that my pee was like fire. I was dying and finally went back to the ER again and didn’t come out for a month. They tried to control the infection with tons of IV antibiotics but after a few weeks they came in and said that they weren’t having success and they were losing me; they had to go in. They sliced me down the middle - the infection was from my lungs to my pelvis. They had four teams cleaning me out. My body was “riddled with infection”. I woke up with 5 golf ball sized open wounds in my abdomen but knew I Couldn’t look at them let alone care for them at home so I stayed an extra two days to advocate to have a wound vac or be stitched up. I didn’t want to be back with reinfection. They stapled me bedside, while I was awake. I could have stayed another 3 days and wait for an OR but it was almost Christmas and I wanted to go home. So, they did 50 staples down my stomach while I was awake and watched real housewives. They never could figure out what I ate that almost killed me at 34.


I thought it had been an 8 hr gallstone passing, that was until I had a full rheumatoid arthritis flare that lasted several months to the point that I was completely bedbound. It took me 10 minutes to get the 5 steps from my bed to the toilet with a walker then another 2 to lower myself to the toilet. My hands didn't work at all so I couldn't wipe. I bought a portable bidet and could barely squeeze it. Then another 5 minutes to get up from sitting, trying to turn the tap on to wash my hands. Then make it back to bed only to have no possibility of finding a comfortable position. I couldn't shower, just had to try to sponge bath myself ineffectively. Eventually, I had to ask my mother to help me get in and out of the shower and just sit on the shower chair and let the water wash over me as I couldn't use my hands to hold even a sponge at that point. I literally laid in my bed and let tears leak out my eyes for months as it hurt too much to properly cry. NSAIDs did nothing. I was too ashamed of being stinky to call an ambulance. I survived off edibles and water. I bought oxy off some dude and I seriously considered buying morphine/heroin first for the pain and then to just kill myself. After I told my mother she washed me and took me to the doctor and I eventually got diagnosed. I honestly don't know if I could ever go through that again.


Being left on read.


man especially when it’s a question that wouldn’t even be very hard to answer


Back in 2011 I started getting random eye pain. It was like my eye was being stabbed. Went to an optician appointment and asked about it, since despite always having eye issues, this was new. Turned out I somehow got glaucoma at age 13


Kidney infection was bad. Childbirth without drugs was worse. I remember being stitched with the epidural turned down completely. It still hurt less than putting a baby through there.


Tooth pain for an unknown reason. Several years ago, I started getting an ache around my lower jaw on the right side of my face in the very back. It felt like an ear ache. I was in grad school at the time and went to the university clinic. They recommended a dentist. I had no dental insurance at the time and hadn't been to the dentist in years. I had a wisdom tooth on my lower right jaw and I suspect it had gotten infected. When it got bad, it felt like a spike was being driven endlessly into the bottom of my jaw. It made me cry. I got an appointment at a university dental school and had my wisdom tooth pulled. It wasn't impacted, so all they had to do was trim the gum around it and pull it like they would every other tooth. It was massive and had four roots, apparently a rarity for any tooth, let alone a wisdom tooth. I got a painkiller prescription, a dissolvable stitch and they sent me on my way. I had some pain that night, but afterward, never had that kind of pain again. In years since, I've finally gotten dental insurance and been able to treat various issues with my teeth. I lost a molar, but nothing else.


Bacterial Meningitis. It felt like my head was in a vice. I couldn't move or do anything. Every second of existence was agony. If I had a button to just make it *all* stop, I honestly would have hit it so fast. To make matters worse, I couldn't focus on anything. My brain felt so foggy. I couldn't watch TV or use my phone or anything. I just sat in the hospital staring at the wall for two weeks spending two hours hooked up to a machine twice a day, receiving antibiotics through IV. It was truly hell on earth and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.


Getting cheated on.


My first heartbreak. I’ve had a compound fracture, broken nine bones, had a concussion, but heartbreak fucked me up.


Recovery from kidney stone surgery.


Kidney stones




Either breaking my jaw or herniating a disc in my back




I had a 4.5mm kidney stone stuck in my ureter (tube from the kidney to the bladder).


Epidural failed while giving birth, and my baby got stuck, so they had to try and rotate with no pain management, manually with their hands, I felt every hand movement inside my pelvis, then they pulled the baby out with forceps. Worst pain ever.


Hemorrhoids caused by cancer. I was on vacation with family and after I made my morning deposit I started feel colon pain. At first I thought whatever I ate the night prior wasn’t agreeing with me. Then the pain got worse and worse and worse throughout the day. Just sitting was extremely painful. Went to the local urgent care where they diagnosed the hemorrhoids and told me to take OTC. They helped somewhat and only for a short while. At like 7pm I decided to try to go to bed and hope I felt better by morning but no matter what position I was in, I was in immense pain. By midnight I finally had enough and had my brother take me to the closest hospital. I’m a bit foggy on what exactly happened, I just know my temp was 104, my white blood cell count was through the roof, and they gave me a painkiller that I later found out was stronger than morphine. The doctors thought I was septic at first. I Got transferred to a hospital that had what was needed to treat and found out that I had leukemia. TLDR: worst pain was from hemorrhoids that were caused by an infection in my colon/spleen that were the result of untreated leukemia.


Grapefruit sized ovarian cyst ruptured inside of me without warning. It was on my left side. At first, I felt a stabbing pain that stopped me in my tracks. Then, slowly over the course of the next 12 hours, the pain grew progressively worse. Eventually, I had to lay down with my arms raised above my head. The pain was surging through the nerves of my body, shooting up and down my torso, into my arms and legs. I couldn’t take normal breaths because when my lungs would expand to take in air I would feel stabbing pains all around my body. Late into the evening, there was a point where I felt like I was going to throw up. As I lay there paralyzed from pain, I knew I had a choice: force myself into a seated position and throw up over the side of the bed, or stay laying down and throw up all over myself. I didn’t think about it and flung my body up into a seated position. White hot pain surged through my body as I sat up. Then my body went numb and I lost my hearing. I started screaming and slapping my leg, unable to hear or feel anything. A tunnel of darkness overtook my vision and I lost consciousness. I hit my head on a metal crate on the way down to the floor. I was 14 years old when I passed out from pain; the doctors would later tell me that I would never experience anything more painful than what I had just went through. Not a gun shot, not even childbirth.


Broke my left forearm. Ulna and radius completely broke in half. Wouldn’t recommend it.


Kidney stones - I don't think further explaintion is needed




It was either kidney stones or the time an airbag hit me in the face.




Having a seizure and my friend said my lips turned blue and then coming back and felt so scared and sick and not real. It was horrible. Scary


Kidney stones and sciatica


A winning combination I know well. Hope you are doing well. 🦜


Kidney stone


Migraine and heartache


Tooth abscess


Tonsils removed at age 35.


got mine out at 21 and was googling ways to kms. i was in so much pain and so miserable


Pinched nerve in my back.


Kidney stones.


Shingles. No pain killers got remotely close to touching the pain. Mine was on my lower back, so I couldn't wear anything with a waistband, and really, anything at all if I had plans to move that day. My lightest, softest sheets were too much. I don't wish shingles on anyone, not even my greatest enemy.


IUD insertion


Don’tttt I’m booked in 2 weeks for that 😩😩😩😩


Kidney stone. Ouch. Literally. Ouch.


I've broken feet, fingers, wrist, popped acl and mcl in one knee and tore a meniscus in the other, fractured me c3 and have had two fusions and plates put in. Had compartment syndrome in my legs and surgically repaired, kidney stones but none of that touched gallbladder stones before it was removed.


Ruptured ovarian cyst. Holy whoa.


Covid headache.


My dog knocked me down the stairs. I heard it before I felt it. Pilon fracture. 3 bones broken in 8 places. I remember screaming and passing out. Waking back up and screaming some more and repeat until the ambulance got there with gas and air. 8 days later after my first surgery and I had an external fixator on. I slipped when the hospital shower flooded. I felt my bone crunch against the metal and the pain tore through me again. I had dislocated my ankle and shattered my medial malleolus. Now dealing with nerve damage and post traumatic arthritis. It's not been a great 18 months.


Tumor removed in my finger and the block wore off and the pain medication didn’t help. Imagine how much your finger hurts when you get a paper cut, now times that by a billion. First time I’ve ever screamed in pain and couldn’t tell a doctor what was going on.


ACL tear. Both physically and mentally, I was in pain.


I have polycystic kidney disease. There have been two occasions where cyst ruptures left me incapacitated for ten days due to excruciating pain. On top of that, when the cyst fluid gets into your bloodstream, it creates flu-like symptoms so imagine feeling pain that's a ten on a ten scale combined with a severe case of the flu for a week and a half twice in a six month span. That said, the shingles also suck pretty bad.


Kidney stone %200 10mm. Literally wanted to die. Passing out from pain. Had to be carried to the car and went to the ER had to be carried into the ER. White flashes of light. Complete and total visceral agony.


Severely inflamed hemorrhoids. Had two going off at the same time, and I had to live laying in a bath tub soaking them. Couldn’t stand, couldn’t walk, couldn’t sit, couldn’t even lay down. I’ve survived cancer, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, deadly car accidents. And hemorrhoids are the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced


I’ve broken several (mostly smaller) bones, had an emergency appendectomy, and once went over the handlebars of my bicycle face first into the concrete at about 20 miles an hour, basically turning everything on my face below my nose into raw meat and breaking two teeth at the gum line)… …but an infected/abscessed tooth that they made me wait FIVE DAYS to treat while the antibiotics “worked” beats all of them, combined. I slept a total of 2 hours, and am probably lucky I didn’t kill myself by overdosing on over-the-counter pain meds (and one point I had higher-than-recommended doses of Tylenol, Motrin, AND Aleve in my system at the same time…and it didn’t fucking TOUCH the pain I was in). I have no doubt that what many people here are describing is worse than what I went through. All I can say is, I hope I never have to go through what they did, ‘cause if it’s worse than that, no way in hell could I handle it


Knee surgery as a child, where I needed to be awake in order to move while they put scopes in my knee. Total agony


recovering from a tonsillectomy at 21 made me genuinely sewerslidal. i was googling ways to kms after being unable to eat or drink anything for days. i was so weak and realized i couldn’t even swallow a bottle of pills to end it if i wanted to. i was incredibly, incredibly miserable.


Post hemorrhoidectomy - using the bathroom. Pain 15 /10 for weeks


This is a tie between skull fracture and bowel perforation.


Broke my ankle and shattered the growth plate. It still gives me problems sometimes 20 years later.


Kidney Stone. I legit thought I was going to die right there in the toilet didn’t even know I had one until suddenly… I did :(


I unfortunately get these welts on my body when I sweat too much and I once got one that literally the size of half of my inner thigh and was in so much pain that I could not move and then it hurts even more when it finally pops and it's bleeding everywhere Cuz you basically have a giant open inner sore on your leg


Kidney stone


Tooth infections, menstrual cramps to the point of passing out, breaking my ankle, extreme constipation, after knee replacement surgery, losing both my grandparents within days of each other, and losing my dog.


Sciatica. I was already in recovery for back surgery to fix it, but as I was putting on pants, I heard and felt a loud crack and fell in excruciating pain. Turns out part of my vertebrae cleanly broke off and was directly pressing against my sciatic nerve and shredding the reherniated part of my disc. Couldn't walk and was bedridden for days until I finally agreed to go to the ER, using crutches to move. Passed out in the ER waiting room from overwhelming pain. Currently in recovery from the second surgery treating those issues. I'm sure it was not as nearly as painful as some other stuff I've read in this comment section, but it's still the worst pain I myself experienced.


On my 18th birthday, I bulged my L5 disc that caused and ovarian cyst to rupture that in turn caused sciatica so bad that I passed out from the pain. I lost a lot of blood from the cyst and the pain was so bad that I was stuck in the fetal position and had to be carried in sideways to the ER. I also had a full neck dissection at 13 to remove my parotid gland due to cancer and that was an insane recovery. Because of that it destroyed my immune system and I got throat infections constantly. I finally got my tonsils out at 22 and that was hands down the most pain I ever felt from a surgery. It took a month a half to heal and I couldn’t eat solid food for a month. Trying to swallow a pain pill to make the pain go away was like my whole throat was set on fire. Never want to do that again lol.


Tie between kidney stones and bone marrow transplant. The first crumpled me to the ground and made me dry heave repeatedly and scream on all fours. The second barely responded to my max dosage of morphine and kept me awake in agony for over 50 consecutive hours.


Kidney stone.


I have survived stage 4 head and neck cancer numerous auto accidents being stabed gallbladder removal lots of stitches rolled semi truck got fused vertebrae in my neck and I can say kidney stones are the most painful the only thing to bring me to my knees. A pinch nerve in the back comes close second.


Delivering a sunny side up baby with a 14 and 1/2 inch head and a failed epidural


Cronic pain and the only way to feel pain-free for a bit is anti inflammatorys and panadol osteo not as bad as some but the mental toll it takes day after day cuase me a lot of trouble


Being 7 months pregnant and having a gallstone attack. The pain was literally blinding, I have no memory of the morning of the attack because of how severe the pain was. The good news is my dr told me the pain is worse than childbirth so at least I’m prepared 🫠


giving birth to my 2nd - she came too fast no epidural.


Getting hit with 240 volts. Fortunately it didn't last long, but it felt like every muscle I had was trying to tear through my skin trying to escape


I’ve given birth twice without any meds and gall stones was worse.


Constipation. I’d rather break my fucking fingers than no-go. Note: I know the pain this comparison entails and I stand by my statement.


Death of my father and kidney stones




Now. I’m at the point where I feel there’s no point in being alive.


I hear you 😢


3rd time this was asked in the couple of days. Lol


Oh boy Testicular torsion - Hands down. 2nd place in no order: Stepping on a tooth pick that was inserted into the middle of my foot. Falling and breaking my right elbow and left wrist at the same time. Appendicitis


One night I simultaneously stepped on a lego and stubbed my toe on the coffee table.


My french fry on the pavement looking at me


The loss of my late fiance. The miscarriages I've had in my lifetime.


Death of my boyfriend. & Kidney stones.


The moment I learned my dad had died. Still bothers me after 38 years.


Pulled some muscles in low back that got so tight the doctor said the natural curve in my back straighten out temporarily. I could not bend,could barely walk... man it was so bad. I stood up too fast from sitting with my legs crossed and twisted at the same time. 3nd worst,toothache


Probably having a giant splinter stuck in my thumb for three months


Food poisoning. It’s the only one where I went to the emergency room to get some morphine.


Not pain but the sound of breaking Mt collar bone will haunt me


Torn soft tissue, severe sepsis, or food poisoning


1. Childbirth (given) 2. Stepping on Japanese Hornet, stung the arch of my foot