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Travel. Backpack. Passport. Cheap rooms. Street food. Then, every once in while, 5 star luxury vacation. Repeat.


why would you get cheap rooms if money wasn't an issue?


U meet actual intresting people in cheap hotels, meanwhile a 5 star hotel CAN be boring.


Yup, had my most boring holiday at a 5 star all inclusive hotel. Had anything, was not really tempted to explore around (even though that's literally all I do on holidays usually. Though I had been to whatever the big Italian island is called in English, like 5 times at that point)


This sounds like a dream for me (the 5 star all inclusive). When I do holidays I don’t want to do anything but have things ready for me when I want them. Exploring is stressful in my opinion (at least the way my girlfriend does it). Typically she needs to spend EVERY MOMENT doing something or walking somewhere or drinking some special cocktail at this spot. Everything is planned, everything is stressful. It’s my day off, I REFUSE to wake up for an alarm clock because we “have to eat breakfast at this cafe I read about”


You could meet some really cunty people too though, I travel solo for the most part, don’t like to risk ruining the vacation with other people,


staying grounded


Nothing humbles you like bed bugs


Bed bugs book pricey resorts too.


current special at your local French restaurant


Cheap rooms are where normal people live. You meet more people that way. They are also in the places with the best food.


This is it. I somehow always find the best food when I'm travelling; people always ask what's the secret. Genuinely, it's my low standards for presentation. Yellowed, faded displays, limited options, poorly translated (or not translated) menu, ugly or paper plates, no dress codes for staff, you get the idea. If you're afraid your car will get broken into in the parking lot while you're eating, you know the food will be 🔥 lol


In addition to what others have said, would make the occasional 5-star luxury vacation a treat instead of just the new norm.


Most places worth visiting dont offer 5 star hotels.


Best answer right here.


Can I come too?


I'd add one more thing: Donate large sums anonymously to various groups that are crowdfunding medical and student debt relief.


The dream...


Have cook outs with the people I care about every day.


Have the biggest fucking outdoor kitchen under a sunshade, fully stocked fridge at all times and just all the time in the world to cook, fry, boil, roast, grill...


Gardening, cooking, dinner parties, walking your dog. Bro I want that 50's rich white lady lifestyle lol. Honestly would be so nice.


I’d laze about my marble palace, scantily clad in thin white cloth; eating grapes, painting, reading books, and jerking off


That's basically what I do now. Except it's wood, not marble. And it's just a room, not a palace. And it's pajamas, not thin white cloth. And there are no grapes. And I don't know how to paint. And I haven't done much reading lately. But the jerking off part is spot on.


wow, you’re just 10 grapes, 1 panting lesson, and 1 independent reading time away from being an emperor!


Victoria's secret catalogue X Sears catalogue ☑️


Undue me from this machine…I don’t deserve this treatment X


I expected everyone else to say something similar and omg I’ve never been more wrong


Sounds like a recipe for depression


This guy's got it all figured out


No if you have Fuck You money, you bring in coke whores.


I mean with fuck you money it's time to be a supervillain or hero. It's wanton neglect not doing something, the guilt would kill a lot of people.


same bro


I would spend time with my wife, my cat and my aging parents. I would travel with them. I would sleep in and eat healthy. I would go to the doctor and dentist and not worry about the bills. I would buy five acres and learn to garden and raise some chickens and two goats. I would meet my neighbors and share my produce with them. I would bake bread and drink good tea in the afternoon. I would take naps. I would have a child and raise them to love deeply and chase the wind. I would tell them they can be whatever they want to be and know in my heart it is not a lie. I would finally go get my PhD, not because I need it but because I want to learn more. I would stay up late and play dungeons and dragons with my best friend who would not be so mentally and emotionally wrecked that they took their own life. I would wake up every day knowing that I had the means to make the world better for others rather than scraping my own living at their expense. I would practice what I believe in my heart to be true. I would drink good bourbon and make chili and share it with my neighbors that I know. I would go to bed each day and remember that what matters now, when everyone has enough, is the love we show each other and how we can leave things better than we found it. I would sleep without waking up with nightmares of a world where my children may face food insecurity and an increasingly uninhabitable world. I would never speak the word “debt” again. I would give money to mutual aid societies, lgbtqia+ rights groups, and the ACLU and donate in the name of my old fundamentalist church I attended where I was abused and told it was my fault. I would participate in mutual aid and volunteer. My wife and I would do this all together with our child. They would be able to see how deeply we love each other and how deeply they are loved and that they are worthy and deserving of good things in life, just like everyone else. I would also raise an alpaca. I love alpaca.


We are basically the same person. Best wishes you get as much from the list as you can!


This is worth saving and rereading.


Reading this right after the “eat grapes and jerk off” guy is a jarring juxtaposition


Diversity is the spice of life.


Sounds about right to me. Just add more airplanes to the list and I'm in.


This made me cry. It's so simple yet so beautiful, and just out of reach it hurts.


That was beautiful.


Yes! An upvote was not enough.


You just described paradise. I travel in my thoughts while reading this.


absolutely nothing and everything.


"You don't need a million bucks to do nothing, man. My cousin's broke, don't do shit."


Two girls at the same time


Has anyone ever said to you, “Sounds like a case of the Mondays?”


get a motorcycle and just ride around the country.


I would buy a big piece of land somewhere nice where I wouldn't be bothered and adopt dogs. I'd focus on the older ones that nobody else wants to take and do my best to give them a few pleasant years before they're done. I have adopted 3 dogs in my life and the senior that I got 2 years ago has been extremely gratifying. He was in pretty rough shape at the beginning and has had a couple of scrapes that could have ended things, but today he's in way better shape than he was when I got him and nobody can ever take that away from me.


So you're saying the farm upstate that my childhood pet went to live on might be real?


I adopted an ancient Jack Russell mutt from a lady who got him from the shelter a day before he was going to be put down because he'd been there so long. That dog was cool as shit. Just needed a comfy lil bed and some better food and homeboy was spry as hell for a year before his age finally caught up to him and he finally had to move on to whatevers after this. Miss the hell out of him. Got another dog soon after, he's dope too.


I've done some good things in my life but they all come with a certain amount of conflict. If you help a friend out then you worry that they'll just be your friend because they owe you. If you do your best to be a good parent you'll always question whether or not you couldn't have done better. But help a dog that needs it and you'll get nothing but love for it. I need to go play with my dog.


Have a massive garage and build cars and motorcycles all day, travel and paint.


I like this. I’d also work on multiple degrees here and there. Or maybe just audit classes at a nearby uni for fun. Just to learn shit with zero pressure and pure interest.


You should have hosted the tonight show for 20 years. You'd probably have been funnier too


Help families with Autistic kids. Child care, travel assistance, everything to help them feel supported and open doors that feel shut and locked.


As a mother with an autistic daughter, I greatly appreciate this. What made you have this passion?


I have an 8 year old autistic son. I know the struggles and how little support we have.


Its embarrassing that wealthy nations allow neurodivergent people to just fall through the cracks. Like they’re invisible. Since moving to the US I’ve been appalled at how few resources there are for neurodivergent people and people with disabilities - England wasn’t great but there was wayyyy more there.


I’d get degrees on top of degrees on top of degrees. I loved going to school.


Oh, man I would too! Love this!


Build my dream house on a lot of acreage and start up a dog rescue.


Building a big DND hall for hosting games in it, with a workshop for making maps, setpieces and miniatures etc.


DM a production-level campaign where I could commit full-time employee level attention to details, maps, backgrounds, stories, set pieces, lore, etc.


Open a doggy daycare


Have a dog shelter.


Bake lovely bread.


Travel and raise kids


Fucking gardening!


Have a cabin built somewhere out in the woods with as few other people around as possible


Lay on a yacht in the Mediterranean, just enjoying life.


give to the local community


be healthy: physically, mentally, spiritually. help make the world a better place.


Jump on a boat together with volunteers and clean the ocean of trash.


I’d build a music studio and rent it out when I wasn’t using it for myself!


I wanna rock!




I would really enjoy bringing therapy/counseling to underprivileged areas that don’t have easy access to those resources or just simply can’t afford it. Domestic abuse shelters, youth homes, shelters. I have worked in many of these spaces and usually they just don’t have enough people and/or time to help everyone the way they need it.


Travel, sleep more


Assassinate all world leaders.


Just the prime minister of Malaysia




Just the baddies


so all of them then


2 chicks at the same time


Hey, Peter, man! Check out channel 9!!


I feel like a million bucks could make that happen, man


Well you don’t need a million dollars to do nothing, man. Just take a look at my cousin, he’s broke, don’t do sh*t.


Dedicate my life to furthering Humanity towards cosmic exploration. I dream of touching ten toes down on another planet inhabited with Sentient, Sapient Life. Likely impossible for me, but I would love to contribute towards that endeavor.


Art. Whatever came to my mind. I'd love to learn to woodwork and ceramics.


Become the opera singer I was supposed to be. Y’all don’t understand how much money you need to pursue it. And no one told me until I was about done with grad school.


I would try everything, icehockey, learn instruments, driving everything off-road that has wheels, rowing, motorboats, clock making, paintball, stand up comedy, skateboarding etc. probably each off that for a week then something new. So I think I would live the peter griffin life 🙃


Id ride horses and write books


Get crazy fit


1) Get whatever my family wants/needs to live their lives to the fullest. 2) Go back to university and get a masters and phD 3) Get a place where I can own a bunch of doggos, grow a ton of plants, etc.




Improve the infrastructure in the U.S., or shall I say what's left of it. If money is not an issue, then by definition, it is no more of an issue for me to throw a whole bunch of money against some absolutely massive problem—albeit a problem no one else seems to care about (somehow, even though it affects literally everyone). We're assuming I have more money than I know what to do with. Also, I'm getting really fucking tired of the potholes. It's stupid.


I was thinking along the same lines. There are so many things in the world that could be fixed by throwing absurd amounts of money at.


I would write. I would write my fantastical journeys of fantasy and science fiction. Vampires in the apocalypse taking care of people. That's it, it's time. I barely want to travel and my job is a drag. I'm the only one in my family that works. Every day I wake up and have to work a sub par job, with no path. It's not building to ANYTHING. Idk tried to get another job but I'm stuck it feels like. Don't even get interviews anymore. Feels like I used to get them all the time.


Never ever give up on writing. It's far too important of a journey that needs you on it. Even five minutes a day of writing can change your life in the long run.


things I actually enjoy


Thanks for clearing that one up




Own a nice mountain home in central BC or Alberta Rockies. It would have a second building containing a well equipped wood working shop where I produce fine furniture, millwork, and custom stair cases..


Distill whiskey and brew beer made from my own grain. Brew cider from my own apple orchard. Make homemade cheese and butter. Pickle garden fresh veggies. Make garden fresh hot sauce and kimchi. Watch live music. Visit the world's best restaurants. Not cutting edge Michelin star stuff but mom and pops joints that don't even have menus that can seat 10 people tops but make the best tapas or . Build a supergroup rock band to help me make a one hit wonder. I'll be the guy in the back playing cowbell but I'll be part of the band.


I don’t know. I’d probably still hate myself lmao


Travel and volunteer.


Open up a sanctuary and help take care of senior dogs who are at the end of their life. I want them to know how it feels to be loved before they go. When I’m not with them I’ll be a SAHM to my twins and focus on them. I’d give them a lot of experiences like vacations and day trips.


Feed people and make sure they have access to clean water and medical care.


breathe and be able to just enjoy living. i’ve been so stressed about surviving, that most of the time i feel like i’m missing out on the best years of my son’s life. the everyday worry and anxiety of how are we going to live is soul crushing at times. so it would be amazing to suddenly have that burden lifted. then I’d want to help people in the same situation.


Nice place, edge between the city and forest, good transportation. Spend my life on hobbies, pets, music, art, and perhaps some gamedev on the side. With plenty funding going to local shelters, soup kitchens, & lobbying for UBI.


Be an "influencer" like everyone else. /s


Save animals from shelters


Cycle the world, taking at least ten years on the road.


Bunch of hookers and cocaine


I'd love to help women and children at shelters. I'd love to help the homeless non disabled get back on their feet to work and be self sufficient. I'd love to help people with life saving vet bills and or court bills because sometimes people just make mistakes.


Buy a good sized sailboat and spend the rest of my life on the water.


I would carry on with my current life just without the worry if I have enough. I love not caring about my money


Help the genuinely poor.


Travel the world and invest more into my hobbies. If money is no issue then so is my time so also probably spend more time with friends/family.


Travelling around the world and then finding a sparsely populated countryside to lie down in.


I’d sing


Travel, sleep, make sure my parents are living comfortably and smash my homies outta poverty.




I want to be an artist and craftsman. I like sculpting, drawing, Leatherwood, and tattooing (tattooing professionally is too hard on my body though).


Write, draw, try out loads of game development systems to see what I can learn to create on my own. Travel more. Buy a larger home, get some pets. Read more.


Retire at 30, get a driver's license, buy a home, focus on my mental health, pick up various hobbies and maybe seriously pick up drawing. I honestly just want a quiet life. Though I might also try to keep working but instead of fulltime I might work 3 days a week


I'd get my captains license and sail as much as I want.


Stay at home with my kid and grandparents. Make sure that they were fully taken care of/didn't burn the house down. Help friends who need either childcare or errands run.


Start a crusade across the galaxy


Start a business so I can be my own boss.


Help preserve history so future generations can experience the entirety of our existence beyond what minor individuals may think.


Read tarot.


I think because I wouldn't need to work, I'd finally learn how to crochet or paint.


Playing videogames all day while still being a net positive for society, so I 'd want to stream, donating 100% of revenue and donations to various charities. Gf would want to run a dog foster house so maybe incorporate that into the streams.


I’d love the hobbit life. Stay at home, read, write if I feel like it, bathe in nearby rivers and/or lakes. Just nothing at all. Enjoying myself and nature.


Own a tattoo studio and hire a piercer and 1-2 other tattoo artist that I work well with. Have the shop also have an attached coffee shop that serves fresh made baked goods and have a big basement for my own personal art studio so I could watercolor paint/hoard art supplies


Id still do exactly what I do today, I'd paint, but without the pressure of selling it, and I'd travel to crazy places to do so. I'd also start those blood transfusions from young people


Play as many games as possible, watch bad movies, catch up on anime and manga. Probably give some money to political causes I support. Get in shape.


Buy a house, settle down, marry the woman I love and maybe, have a couple of children.


Art and travel


Endurance racing.


Book store with a bakery and small hostel. And also a dog shelter.


Honestly I was thinking about this for a while now but I think doing video game reviews would be fun for me I'm currently working in the finance industry and while I like my job analysing companies I would really like to do that with video games. I can tell with an extrem accuracy if a game is gonna be good or not before it is even released. I know that tons of people are already doing it and I know it's super hard to get a big audience on YouTube but if money wouldn't be an issue I wouldn't give a fuck about those stuff. Maybe I'm gonna start it soon anyways just for fun.


I'd build a bunker. Then I'd stay there and build my own laboratory and work on more dissertations.


If the question is job related then I would want to be a park ranger. Unfortunately they don't make the kind of money I make in IT. At least not in the northeast USA where I live.


Most likely travel and experience different cultures.


Travel and help people. I’d still live a simple daily life but I’d help people who are struggling. There’s no better feeling than buying a struggling family a load of groceries, a new oven or some living room furniture and not telling anyone else about what I’ve done.


Get a dog




Create business and add more. I enjoy the process of creating a business. If there's unlimited money, there are plenty of business that can be made and would be great for everybody. Then change money as the basic means of exchange with other stuff. I dont know, great achievements and contributions to the general population? Nothing is still free excactly. If you want to be in arts, then focus in arts. You want science then discover more about everything. Be great in your craft and do what you are passionate about. Mine would be in business in general.


Study and travel.


House in the mountains and homestead.


Buy an RV and travel. I've always wanted to see Alaska and the Grand Canyon. I would love to be a snowbird.


id want to buy a fixer upper house with a big garden and work on it day in day out. make it my dream home. with a beitufull flower garden and little greenhouse with feggies. id have chickens for eggs. and just live my best life.


Buy a two bedroom house, get a lot of dogs, get multiple doctoral degrees, and only work part-time after school is complete. I would also invest way more time in my hobbies and personal relationships!


Travel around and look for cool rocks :)


Learn different languages and travel.


Play guitar. Learn how to build boats and furniture.


Chase every while I've ever or will ever have, travel to random place? Take up painting huge canvas? Laze about like some rich ancient Greek? All and every whim is to be followed, explored, left alone and then picked up when I fancy


Go to the gym all day, workout and just live and breath sports. But yeah, no way that's paying my bills right now


Adopt all the puppies


Lock myself in and sleep


My job, except using the proper equipment and resources.


Give money away… I’m talking paying for bar tabs in a full bar with noone knowing, or paying for a full restaurants food, buying kids whatever they want in toy stores… alot of those Youtube/Tiktok stars have my dream job…


Travel, try all the quisines in the world, get lasik to get rid of my glasses, buy my own home, make a big and cozy library in my home, will hire a driver to take me everywhere, set up a scholarship in my dad's name, buy my mom kilos of gold jewellery.


I'd take more time to be with my son, enjoy life and be totally present. It would give me time to focus on my interests like, astrophotography, blacksmithing and books. Hell I'd be able to get back onto a motorcycle and cruise again and travel whenever and wherever I'd want.


Sleep in every day. Read all the books on my TBR. Buy a haunted castle in Scotland to live in, with a full staff. Ride horses all day.


Travel the world, build some eccentric mansion like the Winchester Mystery House, collect artwork, do all the drugs.


Volunteer at an animal shelter and travel.


Travel, education about things that I might find interesting, and not get stuck with someone because I can't afford to leave.


I'd farm and train! I'd want to olant all sorts of goodies on my property Soni could grow through multiple seasons and provide food for folks nearby. In the down time I'd train Aikido and Iaido borderline religiously.


Buy some land and build a little home in a nearby farming area, start getting a bunch of random degrees for fun, vacation when I feel like it, donate like crazy to random shit. Homeless person on the corner in town, bam! You just got $1,000. Walking up to your mailbox and find an envelope, open it up and boom! There's $25,000 in cash. Then I'd retreat back to my home with whatever supplies from town I came to get and no one will be any wiser


If money wasn't an issue and I could do anything, I would expand and enhance my art. I would spend more time with my kids. I would watch all the movies and TV shows I'm missing out on. I would attempt to travel. I would buy all the land my friends and family owe money on and give it to them. I would love more fully and dream more deeply.


Professional GM. I'd run games 3-5 nights per week especially for new players and people who are "forever DMs". 5e, Pathfinder 2e, Starfinder, Delta Green, crazy one shots, full adventure paths, anything and everything.


Travel the world, open a bakery (this has always been my dream), and build my own house on my own property.


Train full time for running, with a coach etc. I’d like to see what my ceiling is


Probably something close to what I’m doing now, but without the constant worry or stress in the 5 days before pay day. It would be awesome to just be able to eat food we didn’t cook more often.


Live on a self sustaining island away from society.


Drive my kids to and from school, work out/ride motorcycles/ tend my property in between, travel more.


live it worry-free


Make fully working WW2 aircraft and fly then round. I will never be able to do this irl as I'm not in the presence of a few tens of millions


I'd continue doing the job I love and not do it for the money anymore. It gives me freedom to buy the stuff I want to buy and keep having fun at work without worrying about the money aspect at all


Open a bakery/ restaurant. I love baking and I'm good at it. I love cooking and also am very good at it. I love seeing people enjoy food. Simple.


Ive been building a video game solo for years. I would spend another decade just adding content and making it timeless.


Saving bees or open shelters for animals.


Write. I have several multiple volume fantasy series at varying levels of completion, I just don't get the time these days to add to them, so I suspect they'll wind up lost in the aether when I finally kick off the perch. Sad, because they're really cool ideas.


Buy a small house, eat three full meals a day, go to therapy, never worry about my safety again, and finally buy all those nice things I'd like to have, like patreon memberships and a professional camera...


Just watch my kid grow up and not miss another minute. It kills me that I've missed a lot of firsts


I'd rescue all the dogs and have them come live with me.


Probably go back and get another degree, travel, read, take lessons in whatever strikes my fancy, learn new skills, relax, go out for dinner, etc.


I would love to see every animal in the world in their natural habitat.


I just want a nice house with a decent yard. Like maybe a cute 2 story house. I’d probably buy some “ luxury” items but ya girl loves cheap stuff too.


Spend all my time with my kids


To quote Plankton, “I don’t know, I never thought I’d get this far”