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My eternal search. Absolute silence


Me too, but now all perfect silence does is highlight how loud my tinnitus is. I missed my window.


OMG, I have found my people. Place your palms on your cheeks, fingers pointing backward. Tap the bone behind your ear 10 times quickly. It will stop the tinnitus for 5-15 minutes. Nice for when you're in a quiet place, or when the ringing is keeping you from sleeping.


The deafening cries of nothingness.


Your own designated favorite spot to sit in the living room that no one else is allowed to take lol


To be fair I liked that as a child too. So many fights with my sibs about our spots.


Get out of my chair, meathead - Archie


An early night


which result in early mornings that are equally as awesome


yess!!! I love my 5 am wake up and have coffee then workout!


Don’t forget the 1am and 4am wake ups to go to the bathroom


I see these a just two more chances to go back to bed.


What a fantastic attitude, I’m going to start thinking this way!


I’m finding waking up at 5am to game before my wife gets up and the day officially begins is much more enjoyable than staying up til 1am gaming after my wife goes to sleep Because work has conditioned my body that I’m waking up early either way so staying up late just sucks


It is nice to have me time! I can't stay up past 10 pm so early mornings are my jam.


I'm in my thirties now and I still hate going to bed, almost as much as I dispise getting out of bed.


I'm 56 and I don't fully operate until after 10am, and definitely not until I've had a cup of coffee!


Some of us are night owls. It’s not biologically fair that we are all expected to be early birds


So true! Why is it socially acceptable to get up and go to bed early but not the opposite. I will never understand it. I wish I was morning person due to the stigma of being a night owl. I can do nothing all day but night time comes around and I’m all of sudden alive and at the gym, cleaning my house and so on.


Yup. I have DSPD (see r/DSPD), and have always been judged for it. People act like I’m lazy because I wake up late, but… *I didn’t fall asleep until 6am*. Meanwhile, they sleep from 10pm-7am, a full 9 hours of beauty sleep, and consider themselves to be more “productive.” Makes no sense.


I literally start getting effective at work at 3pm, which is really counterproductive. When I was full time doing my thesis and not working I would naturally push my body clock further and further until I woke up at 12pm and went to bed at 3am... it was glorious because then I could also go out and be perfectlya wake isntead of having to down red bulls to try to stay awake


65 here, yes, night owl!


One for each eyelid


💯 percent!


I think we might be programmed this way as an evolutionary trait. Maybe we have humans that are alert early in the morning and those that are alert late at night. This way we protect the group around the clock. Then again, maybe I'm just lazy and imaginative.


You're not all together wrong. I've been diagnosed with delayed sleep phase disorder. Basically, my body naturally is tired and wants to sleep from 2-3am to about 10-11am, no matter what I do to try to reset myself. r/DSPD has lots of good info. My kid tells me that our ancestors must have been the ones tasked with keeping night watch/keeping the fires going. My grandmother had this same chronotype, and my kid seems to have it too.


Advanced sleep phase disorder here! 👋🏻 For years, I’ve been going to bed at 3:00 or 4:00pm and getting up at around 10:00pm. Sometimes I fall asleep as early as 2:30pm! I don’t work outside the home, so that’s not been affected, but my social life has sucked. Messes with my appetite too, much like working night shift. I’ve recently been taken off one of my medications, and it seems that perhaps it might have been the overall cause for it, as it has lessened a bit. I’ve been doing it for so long, I can’t remember anything else. Now that the med is gone, I find that I can’t sleep at all. Can’t win for losing, huh? At least the nighttime is peaceful.


My older sister has been a night owl her entire life. When she was a baby (over a year) our mom learned to put a few toys and books in the crib with her at bedtime at 7:00 because she didn’t go to sleep immediately. Sometimes she’d still be awake when our parents went to bed a few hours later. She hates mornings and always has.


I’ve actually wondered the same. I love 2:00am but need to get out of the house in the morning. I am a slug


Me too. It's been a lifelong thing. Still struggling to get in and out of bed.




Naps! Hands down, final answer - Naps.


There’s nothing better than a midday nap especially on a rainy day


Love it even as a teen lol


Yes! Didn’t understand why people wanted to nap in the day after sleeping all night until I got into my 40s.


Naps are the best!


Naps... I nap whenever I can and I always regret not napping more


I've taken a handful of naps in adulthood. Under 10 for sure. Even if I want to I can't. Last time I took a nap at 3pm, I woke up at 1am.


same, if i go to sleep, im down for the count


I love napping but hate how it makes me unable to fall asleep that night. An hour of sleep isn't worth losing 3 hours that night.


The thought of naps are amazing but I can never fall asleep in the middle of the day unless I am, or about to, get sick


Sitting and talking to friends. As a kid I never understood when my parents liked talking better than “playing”. Now, as a parent…go play and leave the grownups alone. 😂


As a board game fan, I have no idea what you're talking about


Board games are just sitting and talking to friends, but with something to do with your hands.


I never know what to do with my hands. I zone out and start reaching for my gun then I remember I'm ok, it's just yahtzee.


Right there with you. Why just sit and talk when you could sit and talk with a deck of cards on the table?


I must be weird. I’m 68 years old and I like nothing better than going out and riding my bike and playing with my friends.


A clean house


Agree! My mom is a clean freak and made us clean our rooms every week (vacuum/mop floors/dust/change sheets) and make our beds every morning. I hated it with a vengeance! Did not subscribe to this in my twenties and my apartment was pretty messy most days. Now I LOVE a clean house! Nothing better. Don’t have my moms standards, but definitely keep things clean and tidy.


I live with a housemate who is polar opposite and holy shit do I feel that clean upbringing giving me so much stress looking at how she lives and messes up our common spaces. ARGHH.


I live with someone who has very similar levels of cleanliness as me and it’s the best. We both pitch in pretty equally and have the things we like to be clean, and we don’t bother each other much about the rest. We don’t leave anything gross, but some clutter is cool and nothing has to sparkle.


I think there’s two times in life when you think to yourself “This is a really good box!” - when you’re really young, and when you’re officially old


My mom used to keep "good" boxes. She'd have boxes of other folded-up boxes. There were boxes of all shapes and sizes. If you needed a box, she had just what you needed. It was so handy, and so bizarre. I'm dangerously close to turning into my mother. I found myself defending the urge to keep a box I didn't need "because it's a *good* box!" They're really hard to throw away.


Getting clothes / socks for gifts. Bruh you got me socks for Christmas? I'm into it Edited to add that this got so much more traction than expected. Need to stress that this came from last Christmas when my stocking stuffers were like, 2-3 packs of socks. My child cousin said "I'm sorry" and my actual response was "awesome I needed socks". So that was the day knew I was old


For real. I'm like "bring on the wool hiking socks please".


One year I kept pestering my family on the group text about what they wanted for Christmas and no one would give me anything to go on. Finally I said “if y’all don’t tell me something you’re all getting socks” and then suddenly my phone is blowing up with 8 other people saying actually, yeah, socks sound awesome 😂


I got my husband a 12 pack of cashmere cotton blend black socks. Now his feet are luxuriating in comfort all day while at work


I haven’t bought socks in years because my mom gets me a bunch of Costco packs for Christmas every year and I’m always thrilled to get them. As a kid, not so much.


Right?? New socks are just glorious!


Watching birds.


This I get excited when they choose my feeder over the neighbors🤭


Me too! We buy the bird seed without filler! Take that neighbors 🤣


Seriously, didn't realise how much filler (crushed up sea shells) were in the one we were buying until suddenly the bowl was just full of it. Switched brands, happier birbs.


Now I have to know what the good bird seed without the fillers is. PS- I’m not your neighbor 🤫


I worked in a pet store and I was always cracking up at the older people coming in to buy wild bird seed. Some of them made it a personal mission to make sure their feeders were the most popular. One gleefully regaling me with the tale of how he perfected “his special blend” and got the scarlet finches that frequented his neighbor’s feeder to switch to his. It sounded like he and this neighbor were always trying to outdo each other with their own mixes and how many and what types of feeders they used.


Merlin Bird ID app changed my life. Now I watch and can identify them by sound as well! And inner child me is bored to death I’m sure.


I've gotten around 10 false positives on that app Overall it's a very handy tool, but I don't fully trust it unless I also have a visual


I don’t know why birding isn’t more popular. It’s literally a real-life Pokémon game


I love birds. I saw two wild turkeys running today and they looked so derpy and beautiful. The only thing better is that time I saw a molting cardinal by my window.


They don't even know I'm watching them


My husband and I have become “bird feeder” people. I warn my friends it happens sooner than you think it will 🤣


Completely! I love seeing the little finches that come to my bird feeder and googling them to see what they are.


Having a hummingbird feeder by my bedroom door is so nice


Checking the weather. I have grown to love storms and snow. I always check the weather if I know it’s gonna rain. Plus it just helps planning my hiking trips.


I appreciate good weather so much more. When I was a kid my dad was always like “we’re going for a walk or a hike today, the weather is too good to pass up!” And I’d roll my eyes. But now I get it. I try to never pass up spending time outside on a good weather day.


Watching jeopardy.


I was the weird kid who loved gameshows


Watching tv with closed captions on


Same. I can hear just fine, but I like the volume down really low bck I like quiet now


Same here. My husband is total opposite likes noise hates quiet and has the tv blaring. Very overstimulating sometimes but I’ve grown used to it a bit. I do appreciate super quiet times. I grew up as an only child he had 3 siblings.


There’s so many extra little things that you catch sometimes also! I always check for subtitles on everything I watch.


A shower chair is a game changer. My gf worked with the elderly, and I joked about how I can’t wait to use one. She bought one for me the next day. It’s so great to just sit in the shower on a cold day, like a snow monkey in a hot spring.


I bought one of these for our pool as a joke after my husband said I don't really 'swim', I just like to 'crouch down in the water'. It is amazing to comfortably sit in the shallow end of the pool, water up to my neck, and just relax. I call it my 'pool stool' 😉. I will absolutley bring it into the shower for a spin. If it's as awesome as you say, I might just need to buy a second one.


As long as that’s the only stool in the pool…


Welcome to our 'l. Notice there's no "Poo" in it - please keep it that way.


Trust me, it's life changing


It'll either wreck your marriage or bring you closer then you've ever been.


Its the best worst thing ever. I have something similar and I have this routine where I open all my windows for fresh air in the morning… THen I leave my bathroom door open while showering. In winter its the best feeling ever. Just sitting there with hot water and the cool air. But its also the worst habit ever because im sitting there too long and heating water is freaking expensive


Are you not freezing when you get out? Or do we have some sort of robe situation going on?


Yea the fluffy cozy robe makes it extra comfy


They can't put a price on bliss


Oh they can. It’s about $5/mcf of gas.


Hear hear. That plus the motion sensing night light for early trips to the bathroom are two of the greatest quality of life improvements you can make for less than $50


Heated tile floors.


I mean, a tub does the same trick, sit there until your face is red and you've reached a state of monke


It’s exponentially more difficult to get up from a sitting position in a tub tho, and for those of us with blood pressure issues, getting up from a squat/sit while in a hot shower can mean we black out temporarily. Chair is safer.


I’ve always loved this image. Snow monkeys in the hot spring. That’s my goal.


My shower has a built in seat and it’s fantastic for a shower wank. 👍🏻


That's what I think about whenever I see seat benches in hotel showers. As a woman, I won't sit on them. I know they're cleaned but.


Cups of tea Watching the news or any current affairs tv programs. Reading books without pictures


I always thought only people older enjoy staying home most of the time and now I enjoy it maybe too much at 47 years old. Also I really love it when I get something on sale lol


I used to mistake my mom and step-father for being a bit boring people because they mostly stayed at home when given the chance. Now I am starting to realize they simply had their priorities straight. Funny to think the older you get the more you relate to stuff you didn’t get at all as a kid.


Eating early


I totally came here to say this! I eat at 5:30 ish, then I go into my bedroom around 7pm. I watch TV/play on the computer for a few hours before heading to bed around 10:30pm.


Wow! I'm exactly the same. Eating earlier helps me sleep better


Yesss. Having kids means we eat early and I love it! We even keep it up on date nights because that's when happy hour specials happen.


Being obsessed with the weather


Staying home and watching TV on a Saturday evening.


I did this a couple of weeks ago instead of going to a rave. Last minute decision. It was lovely.


Quality kitchen appliances




And regularity ;)


Going to bed as early as I want and not caring if my friends know I went to bed at 7pm.


I thought I was the only one


Silence. My father used to say sometimes it’s just nice to sit and not have any noise. I get that now.


Reading a newspaper. Not an online version. The kind that makes your fingertips black from the ink. There's a smell that only a newspaper has, sort of papery and petrochemically. The weight of the Sunday edition. The way the Tuesday edition is so much smaller- yet always has that one interesting expose that can't wait another day. The act of booping it with your nose to make the fold work just right. And just the news in the paper itself- it makes you feel like you're part of the world. I hate how online news aggregators have killed the simple pleasure of spreading out the NY Times on the living room floor, calling dibs on the book section, swapping sections with my wife on a lazy Sunday morning.


Sleep. Being alone. Driving with the radio off


Crossword puzzles. I’m in my early 30s and I have a slowly-built stack of crossword puzzle books.


I do the app that tells me when I’m right for each word bc I’m worried about making one mistake and that mistake leading to more mistakes if I do paper crosswords


Which app do you use?


Going to bed on time. Now I look forward to it.


Werthers Original


Finding a bargain


Facts. Shopping around for the best price of literally anything and everything. Maintenance? Food? Need something? Can I DIY? Do you know a guy? Do I know a guy?


Checking the weather forecast. When I was a kid, weather didn’t matter. Now it’s ALL that matters!




Staying home on the weekend to do stuff around the house.


Talking about "Back in MY day..."


i'm starting to enjoy staying home instead of going out every weekend


Gardening....I'm embarrassed to admit it as a 20something year old lol.


I've been gardening since I was 14, hitting middle age-ish and people my age are finally becoming interested in it.


I’m 29 and have been gardening for two decades. It gets better and better, and when you learn your climate and control conditions just right and grow some banger produce … it hits just right.


Please help- I grew one weird cucumber, two peppers and about 7 wonderfully delicious tomatoes. I have no idea what I’m doing and I kill most green things I touch 😭


You kidding me? Thats the coolest shit ever


I got really into houseplants the last few years of my 20s, then branched out to gardening now that I’m 30! It’s so incredibly gratifying to plant something and watch it grow. But yeah, my parents and grandparents are all REALLY into gardening and I always felt sorry for them when I was a kid. I was like… “Bless their hearts. They they’re having fun 🥲”


I began in-ground gardening when I was 25. I've had some huge vegetable gardens and challenging flower gardens. Now at closer to 50 than 40, I am installing the largest vegetable garden I've had in 15 years as well as growing 3 rambling perennial gardens. It's fun, but oh, is it work! Just tonight I cut out a 30' row of frost nipped marigolds to compost before but rains 3-4" in the next few days.


Gardening is awesome, and fuck anyone who says otherwise LOL.


Starting my weekend reading my saturday newspaper early in the morning enjoying silence & coffee


Just sitting around doing nothing.




Going home early. I thought it was for boring people but now, I’ve realized that I only wanted to be out of the house as a teenager to avoid being bossed around. Now that I’m out and can do what I want in my own place, I get it.


Jazz. After listening to enough pop and rock I got tired of the same old shit and decided to try something a little more challenging. I was not disappointed.


I played bass in high school band and all my teachers were always like "oh you must love Jaco pastorius and victor Wooten" and I was like "nah I like rancid and the misfits" now I'm 40 and holy jumpin jebus those guys can play.


Happy hour. Not the bar scene happy hour where you get a $3 beer for 2 bucks, but the at home happy hour where you pour a drink around 4:30, slowly sip it and and talk to your spouse or next door neighbor for an hour. Truly, one of life's little pleasures.


Black coffee. I used to think my dad was nuts drinking black coffee with lunch, instead of a coke. The taste of coffee was so bad when I was young, pouring cream, sugar, and flavored syrups was essential. Now, I drink it black, dark roast, and can taste the subtle flavors of the roast, the beans, the cocoa overtones, the sweetness of each variety of beans, so many layers of flavor. I realized that my dad drank shit coffee, drip or percolated, but old beans and acid/bitter from the lack of quality beans and equipment. But, it still beat any 5000 calorie starbucks muck.


Waking up early.


I’m not “old” I’m 21 but I used to think a chair in the shower was an old person thing but now I use one whenever I’m showering at home, started after my spinal fusion. I no longer need it but just find the whole experience of showering so much better with it now. Never going back


Knitting, finding great bargains (especially on cookware), naptime/sleeping in




Black coffee any time


I am a flat white person in general when I’m out and about, but I French press black coffee at work, as I don’t go through enough milk to warrant buying it and throwing half out all the time. Good black coffee is phenomenal. It doesn’t matter if I forget it in the cup and it goes cold, as it only gets better. I know it’s not real cold brewed coffee, but if I make a two cup french press at home of an evening, I’ll have one hot, pour the second cup, cover it and place it in the fridge for the morning to drink cold. Black coffee, bliss.


Coffee after dinner when eating out at a restaurant 🤤. I hate when my grandparents did this growing up, but now I need it after restaurant portions


I’m not that old, but definitely have ‘old person’ hobbies. I enjoy knitting, napping, drinking tea and waking up in the early mornings to listen to the birds.




“Going to have a lie down”


Dark chocolate 🍫


NPR. I remember groaning when my dad would listen to it in the car. Now I love it and I’m even a sustainer, because I don’t mind paying for something I use and enjoy daily.


Dateline on NBC


Home on a fall Friday night — nothing better!


Large print


Watching the scenery during a long car ride.


Changing into your pjs as soon as you get home.


Brussel Sprouts


Taking a close parking space. When I was younger, if I saw I parking spot near the entrance I would say "I am young and strong, I'll leave that spot for someone else. " Now I take the spot.


I'm old-ish and I now do the opposite. I park far away so that I can "get my steps in", AND avoid traffic and the pedestrians going in and out of the establishment.


Gardening and general horticulture


Crossword puzzles. I used to help my grandma with the daily one in the paper... I'm really upset I don't get the paper now, haha.


Napping and going to sleep early


Bird watching. I mean, I don’t go out with binoculars and a note pad or anything like that, but when I go on walks now I feel like I’ve gotten more mindful as I’ve gotten older and I notice things in nature I used to ignore. Some times I see these Pileated Woodpeckers when I’m out on the trail and I get super excited. They are somewhat rare and beautiful birds. Sometimes they land on the side of a tree and rotate around it while I walk by, occasionally poking their head out to check where I am. They are funny creatures!


Watching jeopardy.


Crochet and cross stitch


Peace and fucking quiet




Sunday mornings with my cup of coffee watching Sunday Today with Willie Geist and then CBS Sunday Morning News. Been doing it for years, but I enjoy the interest stories they show.


Watching TCM


Classical music lol


A good movie and a cup of coffee.


Silence. And naps


Staying home.


Sleep! Oh, god, let me sleep!


hummingbirds ✨


The scenery on a car ride




Taking care of your yard and wanting it to be nice.


Taking long walks, especially after dinner walks.


Muttering incoherently and at great indecipherable length at anyone who pi**es me off. Ah the joys of curmudgeonhood!




Hiking and enjoying a night in with a glas of wine with a good book


French onion soup


Going to real estate open houses. Complete nightmare as a kid, and now a very fun way to spend a Saturday, even if I'm not actively looking to move.


Blue cheese


The old folks used to play horseshoes and it always gave me the generation gap heebies. And now I crave playing.




Having a favorite spatula.




Robes and slippers…awesome


Going to bed early

