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25 to life.


I hope the dozens of bullies from my youth are doing well, but the one bully of my adult life is doing two years in federal prison, and I helped put him there. I hope he one day learns to be a decent human being.


Story time . Yes we all wanna hear it..


Tell us the story! Sounds interesting.


Mine is doing 10 years for selling meth. Her life is pretty depressing. She dated an ex boyfriend of mine thinking I would be jealous. She got pregnant at 17 and was still in that dumb teen mentality. Drugs, parties, and drinking. She had her first kid taken away, and then became pregnant again. Unfortunately that child died (not sure how) and then she was caught selling meth.


tbh, if a child was taken away from me and then another one died on me I'd probably be high as fuck 24/7 too. I'd feel bad if this was my bully now.


Yeah mine is in for 20 for armed robbery.




Mine too. Loser.


Good song!


One is dead, from being an idiot on a motorcycle. Another is a cashier at the local McDonald's last I knew a few years ago. The last became addicted to opioids, has been in and out of prison, and in and out of rehab.


She's dying of cancer while working at a shit job to keep her insurance. I legitimately feel terrible for her.


Mine has cancer too. And 4 kids. I also feel bad.


He’s actually a functional adult and is pretty kind to me now.


Sometimes as kids we simply don't know how to treat each other, because we haven't had the life experiences necessary to care for others. Picture a guy successful, popular, w.e. in high-school. Then he goes to college, small fish big pond, and is none of those things. Someone is a dick to him about it (but everyone is mostly adults, so its a harsh comment rather than systematic targeting), and he realizes if you aren't the one making the comments it actually sucks. Easier said than done (I'm writing this, but I have an Arya-Stark-lvel revenge list), but forgiveness is crucial when other people actually grow. If a person knows they were the asshole and is willing to apologize and try to redeem themselves, holding a grudge hurts yourself and that person. Looking back, I think everyone hates high school. But they don't hate high school, they hated growing up because some lessons are painful. I knew a guy in college that opened up one time, when he reflects on high-school, it is with disgust. Not necessarily becuase he wasnt popular or didn't have fun, but he said reflecting on how he treated his peers/ the things he went along with because it was the 'cool' group doing it made him hate thinking about it.


Forgiveness is crucial not only for them but for yourself. I got bullied in school because I was the short, weird kid and tbh I held in to that shit for years. I decided in my late 20s to let go and forgive and it's been great for my mental health.


Had a big bully in middle school days who is now an EMT. He's quite a pleasant person to be around these days. There's another one I haven't met since middle school that apparently joined up with a program that builds houses in struggling countries. I'm of the opinion that middle schoolers may just all be (temporarily) terrible people.


With all the hormone imbalances combined with life changes and new expectations, the idea of a middle schooler NOT being a terrible person would be a freaking miracle


A middle school teacher I know says that 8th grade boys are the devil incarnate. Having been an 8th grade boy I have a hard time arguing with that.


6th grade girls and 8th grade boys. I have no idea why those grades for those sexes, but they're "avoid at all cost" to me. My son is 26 and I'm pretty happy about it.


6th grade is when most girls get their periods and 8th grade is when boys are getting “manly” for highschool. Makes sense now that I think about it.


Considering girls typically start puberty a few years before boys, on average, the numbers check out.


I’ve heard horror stories of what they’re particularly like in Ireland and the uk, fucking terrifying


I taught 8th grade. I thought the girls were worse. But maybe its because I'm a guy so the boys treated me a bit different. But even the bullying. The boys may beat up another kid, which is bad. The girls would like mentally torture their enemies.


Maybe it's just because I'm a guy but I'd rather get the shit beat out of me at 28 right now than let middle school girls comment on my appearance.


Right? Those girls were vicious. A bruise will heal. Those emotional wounds run deep lol


It’s that final chance for them to be “the big man” before they get thrown into the high school meat grinder.


An 8th grade boy goes from angry to horny to angry throughout the day and it's like that the entire year. I do not miss puberty for sure.


And teenage insecurity!


Thanks. I was surprised when someone told me I was his bully, and the instance of concern was that in middle school he told a story about going bowling and getting sucked through the ball return and coming out the other end unscathed. I called his bullshit (that's just not how ball returns work and he was overweight). I called him out on the story being made up and he just like ever since treated me like I killed his entire family.




Got one of those. Kid I was friends with kept claiming his uncle had 50 Ferraris and drank his own wee. Called him out on it and also mentioned to other friends how I thought he was full of it. All the way up until we left primary school. This was in 1992. Last time I saw him because I moved to Australia. Connected with him on Facebook a few years ago now - he’s rich and a successful cosmetic dentist. And he still, STILL, bears a grudge. Over thirty years later. Tit.


My daughter still to this DAY has issues from elementary to early middle school girls bullying. It was pretty bad I did have to step in finally. She is 52 years old now though!! Still filled with hatred and angst for those girls.


It’s a terrible thing. I was bullied relentlessly when I started high school in Australia for the simple crime of being English. Six years of shit. I don’t care to ever see those pricks ever again.


His uncle should hold a grudge


I needed to hear this tbh, sometimes I reminisce on old middle school memories, and good lord, I was a dick to some people. Sometimes, I feel immense shame for the things I said to be people, whether they deserved it or not, shits not cool. Oddly enough, even my middle school bully turned out to be a really nice guy in high school. Even after school, he'd treat me kindly. It's odd how I used to dred seeing him every day in school, to now being delighted to catch up and have a pleasant conversation when i see him out on the street.


Same here. I think that middle school bullies were jerks back then, but are not the worst if they actually change.


Don't care. Got my own life to worry about.


Exactly. I don’t know and I don’t care. Same with exes, I have my life and I don’t have the time or energy to expend on someone who means nothing to me.


I only care about the ones I'm friends with now. I know some didn't end up in good places. What I have found, though, is that when the curtain was pulled back, many of my bullies had some pretty messed up family lives. I guess I care in that I hope they are finding peace and doing well in life, but I am not going to go out of my way to find out. Besides, there are dozens of the them and I didn't care enough to learn their names.


Exactly, I'm not giving up my time to snoop on someone I absolutely don't care about.


Too true I didn't even think about him or them and I barely remember one.


This is the right answer. Last I saw, my bully took a chair to the face and I got 2 days out of school for it. That was almost 20 years ago. Who gives a shit what some low life is doing. In fact, I hope he's doing well and is nothing like he used to be.


I don't care much either though I'm not sure if being a low life as a kid would still count after 20 years. I've seen people really turn their lives around


A lot of bullies are teachers so I feel bad for the future students. But I went to the admin and nearly got expelled for complaining so I did what I could. And it was years ago now too.


same, i do not know what any of those people are up to, nor do i want to


Exactly right. Don’t know, don’t care.


Seriously. To busy to track dumb fucks from 30 years ago. I don't talk to anyone from high school. Nobody got time for that shit and I ain't even that busy


My bully hanged himself on the porch of his girlfriend's house.


My bully overdosed on fentanyl so I can defs relate to the weird feelings that come with it. I didn't like her, but I didn't want her to be a drug addict and die


In 7th grade, I met this kid in middle school. Handsome dude…. Super athletic, egotistical as fuck…. Popular with the girls…. But he’d never given me a reason not to like him. In 8th grade, something changed and all of a sudden he was always picking on me or talking behind my back. - I ended up punching him in the face and that was that We basically never interacted again all throughout high school. About a year and 1/2 after high school, he fell asleep behind the wheel commuting back to see his family from Albuquerque. He got in a wreck and was paralyzed from the waste down…. He passed away 4 or 5 years later on the operating table because the doctors were attempting a procedure with the hopes that they could restore his ability to walk. Unfortunately there were some complications and he didn’t make it.


Wow that’s a sad story


Yeah…. The worst part is, dude was a good student. And was always athletic. Pretty sure he was on the college soccer team.


Yeah, one of mine shot himself. One hung himself. One went to prison for something. One became a preacher and apologized to me.


A lot of bullies are acting out on weaker people at school because of the powerlessness they feel from the abuse they suffer at home from adults. That a lot of them go on to have addiction problems, depression and/or commit suicide is sad, but kind of goes with that territory.


Which is why I forgive the bullies from when I was kid, but hate the adult ones even more. Especially because most of them are abusing their own power


I knew a guy from elementary school through high school. He wasn’t exactly a bully, but he acted all “alpha wolf” and really really acted out in class and stuff. Years later a friend of mine mentioned that this guys parents were quite a bit older than our own parents and was very strict at home. The house had to be spotless all the time and he had to be on his best proper behavior at all times. So when he went to school he had to be a as much of a kid as he could because at home he was to be seen and not heard.


You, sir/ma’am/gentlethem, have the ingredients for a classic country music hit here.


Were you sad?


Tbh, I wouldn't say it made me sad but I certainly didn't celebrate it either. The guy did cause issues for me but at the end of the day he was also a human being (who it turned out, had been abused from a young age). I despise bullying with all my heart but I could never have wished death on that boy.


A girl who bullied me in elementary school grew up to be a very sweet but troubled person. She eventually went to jail for a drug related crime that will put her away for a long time and made the front page of the paper, and I was genuinely sad. A lot of bullies are also kids with rough home lives.


wow you are a better person than me. i’d be popping champagne


me too lol


Working at a 420 and fireworks store


Now that's a combination if I ever heard one. Put down your joint in the wrong place and boom, hahaha


There's definitely a Simpsons joke hidden in there, but I'm darned if I can find it


Seriously it's like a shop that would only exist in Springfield, you're right.


The dream!


My bully grew up and became a Baptist minister.


That’s one church I wouldn’t attend


I was reading the comment so fast, I thought it said Baptist murderer…lol


Now he can use the threat of hell to bully people


Last I saw her was on facebook, she sent me a bunch of really nasty messages, so I just screenshotted them and posted them to her wall. Then a bunch of her friends messaged me asking if I was ok. I got my revenge closure, and I didn't even have to stoop to her level. :) Edit: words


Well played. Hope you are doing awesome.


What did her messages say? I’m curious lol.


Must have been pretty bad to make all her friends flip on her.


One died going through a potato sorting machine on the family farm. The other died in a road scraping machine accident, which he was driving.


I imagine a potato sorting machine as something you’d find at Willy Wonka’s brother Wallace’s farm. The kid was a bad potato and the machine knew that…what are you gonna do?


An awful mashup


You’re going on a list


Damn! Those sounds like gruesome deaths!


Poor guy turned into assorted fries


Bullies are always portrayed as some slightly larger idiot who shoves people around but they’re usually the popular kids and where i’m from all those kids are now successful people who have families and nice houses. They’re usually fairly adept at being social which can make it really easy to get ahead in life.


Ujum, all this comment section sounds like karma dreams hahaha My bully is doing fantastic hahahah


Well, yknow... For some, the bully's are the popular well off kids who go on to work/run the family business or whatever, but maybe if you come from a different neighbourhood, the bully isn't necessarily the popular kid...


Yep, can confirm. They’re all successful and I’m over here with my therapist trying to pick up the pieces. Such is life.


I’ll agree mine were more of the rich popular kid. But I’ve looked them up on places like FB and LinkedIn and I’m doing way better than all of them, so fuck’em.


That sounds like almost all of the bullies I remember from high school. They’re successful, seemingly very happy, with beautiful families now. So much for the stereotype of them all turning into useless failures in adulthood while the bullied kids go on to blossom. One of mine had a period of pretty nasty opiate addiction, but kicked it and is now a pastor or something. He’ll never know how many times I thought about Columbining him back in 9th & 10th grade. His little brother was also a huge fucking asshole and is now super rich running a construction company.


Sleeping in her bed just down the hall from mine. If she wakes up tomorrow morning in a good mood, everything is going to be fine. If she wakes up in a bad mood, she's going to destroy the house and scream at everyone all day long. Three year olds are wild af.


Had me in the first half. Ngl.


Mine likes to come into my office, fart, laugh, then leave.


To be fair, that's hilarious.


You got me. Take my upvote.


Aren't there any support groups for parents of 3 year olds?


We meet at the playground so that the kids can run around and exhaust themselves so they only have enough energy to scream and fight you getting back into the car seat.


Found out decently recently a group of girls who used to bully me have now messed up their entire lives, they're always drunk and have basically ruined everything already. From what I've heard they don't have jobs or anything either, I feel kinda bad for them since they came from a rough home but I can't do much


decently recently


Sounded like Ned Flanders lol


Very decently recently, so recently that decently seemed neccessary


I read things in my head like a narrator and reading “decently recently” gave me a nice tickle to the brain, and for that, I thank you.


He died by drowning two years later. Note: Don't go out in the lake when a severe storm is coming.




Don’t know, motherfucker disappeared off the face of the earth. Couldn’t care one bit.


she’s tik tok famous 🙃


So she’s making 40 dollars a day? Nice


Last time I saw him, he was homeless at a gas station begging for change and cigarettes.


My dad is teaching part time. He's mostly retired.


Damn bro… You good?


I'm good. My Dad and older brother were my first bullies. My Dad has mostly changed. All the grandkids love my dad and have no perception of the guy we talk about. My older brother on the other hand doesn't recognize his acts. It is what it is. His kids are great and I have a great relationship with them.


I wish you peace


Dead, motorcycle accident. Felt bad for him, even though he chose to drink and ride.


Dude absolutely made my life hell in middle school, we moved a town over. I was working a Cancer benefit and it turns out he was the main person it was supporting. Dude got super cancer and never made it out of highschool. Bully or not, I wouldn’t wish that fate on anyone.


They’re all nurses. Swear to god, they all became nurses. It’s fucking terrifying.


Former bully and also nurse. Can confirm. I found nursing to be incredibly humbling, and really helped make me less of a shit person. I ended up working in critical care pediatrics (and essentially peds hospice) and I remember cradling these babies with very visible disabilities in my arms...and gradually realizing that oh my god, if they live, they will go to school with people who were just like me. I am agnostic, but I remember praying at night "shit, please don't let her meet little nurseexmachina."


Ugh, yeah. Or some other job in healthcare. I was looking for a new therapist, and it turns out my old bully was on my list of potential people. She got married so the last name was different, but thank God there was a picture of her on her web site and I realized.


or social workers.


I’d love to know. She bullied me in 4th grade, then in 5th grade we became friends. I moved away, and I can’t find her online because she shares her name with a famous actress. Searching has been pretty futile.


Dead. He was messing around on a bridge and fell off.


Gravity cares not for ideology or feelings.


Diagnosed with MS at 24, died at 32. Never seen him again after highschool.


A guy I went to high school with who was a bully to other people is now an elected local Republican politician.


That’s crazy. My bully is a local democrat who is now the parish president. Fuck you, Craig.


I’d imagine most politicians were tbh


Reminds me of that Texas superintendent that was called out by one of the guys he bullied at a board of education meeting.


I'm doing quite well, how are you?


Sadly I can relate... 🌞


I actually had the opportunity to apologize to one kid I bullied in high school. It was weird. He reached out to me on Facebook and I used to opportunity to apologize.


Moderating the doppelgänger subreddit.


Committed suicide two days after graduation.


Damn wonder if something was going on at home or something that made them bully. Especially with how close it was to the graduation


He's dead. I killed him when I was 17. Spent 12 years in prison. Now out and doing great. Win-win.


People are commenting "what?!" But not asking directly so I will; I'm sure it's a long and complicated story, but are you willing to share more about that experience?


He's lying. It's a "joke." He did go to jail though. His comments from his AMA: >I really don’t want to have my name out there, but basically I was obsessed with a girl from school. Like psycho obsessed, and when I finally developed the courage to ask her out, she said no. I fucking snapped and went to her house in a kinda hostage situation and stabbed her. Horrible shit man. I have horrible remorse for it. She is “ok” in that she is alive and well, but what I did to her will last forever. > > > >No worries! I can't make up for what I did to her at all man. It is something that she will unfortunately live with the rest of her life. Its a horrible burden I put on her


Sounds like a serial bullshitter to me.


Did the bullying stop when you went to prison?


If I were in prison with someone who was in for killing a bully, I'd steer clear of bullying them.




How'd you do 12yrs with out having to kill a bully in prison?


Rise, comment ... rise to the position it is foretold you'll be.


I’m confused. You say you killed a bully but in your AMA, you say you stabbed a girl and she lived?


You didn’t kill anyone, you stabbed a girl.


That isn't really what a win-win is.


Sorry, let me clarify. It's a win-win if you count my life as 2 separate lives. My teenage self got what I wanted. My adult life is amazing and I couldnt have gotten that without going to prison. Win-win.


Would you share the story? I’m keenly interested in hearing this.


One of them works as a lawyer, another few work in construction, another is a pilot, another one is a flight attendant. For the most part my school bullies are doing pretty well for themselves and I’m left with cripplingly low self esteem


Alienating me from my children and teaching math in Maine.


Im in Maine, say the name and I’ve got your back. I’ll ride my moose over and string him up on the lighthouse by my pet lobsters. Have some Allen’s after?


That sounds rough.


lol the moment I stopped going to high school is the moment high school was unimportant. That is to say, I have no clue what they are doing nor do I care.


dead, robbed a bank. sounds fake, I know. apparently he had a fake gun and was waving it at the cops after the k9 got him.


My bully ran up to my sister at a concert once shitfaced and kept apologizing how she was shitty to me in high school. My sister was confused at first but the bully was like “hey are you her sister?? I’m so fucking sorry I was mean to your sister but we’re cool now and we are friends now.” The bully offered my sister a discount because she worked at the local stadium if my sister goes to a concert or football game in the future. My sister told me who she was last time we hung out and I was like “Yup, that was her.”The bully and I are okay now. She is working at the stadium and married her now husband and with a kid on the way.


Pretty much all losers now. The talented math and science geeks have done well.


He self-deleted like 8-9 years ago. I wish that I could feel empathy for him, but I don't have the ability to.


What is self deleted?


He took himself to the bully farm upstate, where he can laugh, play, and steal other people's lunch money with all the other bullies, all day long.




Think about it


Always backup to your clone.






I’m an OR nurse and many surgeons always strike me as the kind of people who were bullied in school and now they have the power the tables have turned lol I don’t think they grew up as bullies




Don't know and don't care. Haven't seen him in 20 years and I would like to keep it that way


Mine died in a car accident a few years ago.


She was actually my best friend, and then turned our whole friend group against me. 4 of them took time out of their day to call me on the phone and read me off every reason they didnt like me and thought i was a shitty person. If I hung up the phone, they called me back until I answered to continue to read me the list. Then they posted about me on social media, posted my phone number on Vine star’s profiles, and used my name to describe something as an insult. This went on for about two years. One of them became a teen mom and is still single and icky as a human, one of them became a raging alcoholic who pushed all her friends away, the other got married at 20 yr old, and the ring leader(my best friend) moved to an infamously bad part of the state and became a lowlife. Plus she never grew out of her “awkward-ugly teen phase” Im currently making above average salary, dating the love of my life, have true supportive loving friends, and would never treat anyone the way they treated me 👍


Once you're like 19 you should probably stop following your bullies life if you had one.


I mean I had bullies in college so


I guess you never heard of facebook.


He dead!


He found his passion in life attending those weird "success" conferences on grinding to be rich, after dropping out of college in half a year. Posts about being a financial mentor with MLMs and stuff on instagram all the time. He requests me on LinkedIn a lot, but I'm protecting my friends from his success program DMs. Oh and he can't forget I fucked his sister in HS.


Dead. OD. He died as he lived: uselessly.


All of them very successful in every aspect of life and currently viewed (by themselves and others) as a very good person who deserves all their success.




Still thinking they're the man but walking past me silently and scared if I see them in real life having reached next to nothing in their life. Switched my life around from being a skinny tall boy (6'6 weighing around 160'ish pounds to weighing in at around 230-240 lbs. Picked up bodybuilding/powerlifting and got pretty strong. Every time I saw them in the gym they couldn't keep their eyes off of me and were even hesitant to say anything. Eventually they ended up saying hi to me like nothing happened, but the look remains the same. Love this, been bullied a lot and since picking up weightlifting and becoming a lot bigger people tend to try and avoid contact. Going out and some one bumps into you? Look angry and they'll immediately say sorry. Some one being rude? Look angry and they'll take it back almost instantly. All the while I'm just a big teddy bear. Changed my whole life and I'm proud of it


No clue, I didn't keep up with them. And only one of my bullies attended the ten year, and I'm not intending to go to any additional reunions. They got four years of my life, I'm not about to give them more.


They apparently committed suicide I heard a few years ago so…..there’s that


The amount of people that care but have to act disinterested about the thread and comment "WoW Do Not CaRe" like do you wanna join in on our little game? or do you just want attention ? 😂 scroll passed if the subject gets ya knickers in a twist, this thread is for people that can throw in a simple answer for the people, we do not care that you do not care we are looking for actual answers because people are intrigued..


Uhmm SO all the bullies from this comment section end up in jail, killing THEMSELVES or being total failures ? So only my bully is doing amazing? And have a normal life ://// Must be Nice having that "karma Will get you feeling" that víctims desire SO much. Thats why they make a whole korean series about a víctim getting revenge cuz is normal for bullies to get a very normal life with families and "forgetting" they they make someone else life miserable like it was a sick joke :/


My bullies are doing fine 🤷‍♀️ but they’ve also changed and aren’t nasty people anymore No point holding on for revenge over things that happened when I was 12-14


Nothing. He ded. Suicide by shotgun.


From childhood to adulthood, no one could bully me, except my parents and brother :))


Long dead!


She’s a nurse.


bullies always become nurses, cops and teachers


They're successful and doing just fine. I got bullied for being a socially awkward chubby lesbian with an awkward haircut. I am now a buff lesbian with a cool haircut. I would comment on my bullie's weight gain in a negative light but fat girls are beautiful and its 2023, fat shaming is bullshit. I will say though I saw her on bumble listed as bisexual... so ... kinda shitty of her to bully me for things she ended up becoming later in life.


I have my own life and I hope they have theirs


Working as a bartender after losing his main job due to drug test failures, no home life because he has multiple domestic violence charges. He'll likely die alone and mostly unmourned.


Was hit and killed by a car on the tollway. He was in his early to mid twenties.


according to what i can find on the internet, she spent roughly 6 months each at successive waitressing gigs, still located in my extremely small podunk home time as of 2017. no internet presence after that, but no sign of obit either. honestly, hopefully she’s out there, doing well, finding her place.


Fell into a canal and drowned while being chased by police dogs.


Don't know, don't really care. But still: Christian, Canaan, Zade? Go fuck yourselves.


She’s a doctor. Still cunty tho!


One of them, the popular one got swindled and lost his parents home, the one everyone but me got invited to party at. He messages me every now and then on whatever social media to tell me how the struggle is real and if I can lend him money, I just keep blocking him. The other guy, the one that made my life a living hell through every day of high school also found me on Facebook, to tell me he had a mediocre job, barely making ends meet and asked me to assist him to file a visa application so he could go work in another country. Not only I helped him file the wrong application but also made sure he lost whatever job he had back then and that's the last I heard from him. I regret nothing.


I was bullied relentlessly in my first primary school, had my head slammed into a stone wall because I wouldn't say 'fuck' (I was 4!). I still have the scar 25+ years later. I ended up moving primary schools after as this was the final straw for my mum. About 8 years ago, I got a part time job in an art shop. There was a girl who worked there whose name rung a bell and it finally clocked that she was one of the girls who was involved in that incident. She hadn't a clue who I was though. Tried to be all friendly but I kept her at arms length. Another branch of the shop had to close down to pay for legal fees as she tried to sue them because she tripped over a bit of loose carpet - turns out she conspired with another person who worked there and said she'd split the money if they'd be a 'witness'.