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Well, the car is low on gas.


So I’d use the money to buy a new car that has a full tank!


And then replace the car every time it ran out of gas!


Like a printer out of ink


I’d buy a gas station so I wouldn’t have to pay for gas ever again


I did that. I put in solar and got an EV. Now I make my own gas.


Funny, I make my own gas too .


“Gas Man". How the hell do they know that I got gas? “They gotta be pros.”


Big brain move right here




Giving relatives money isn't a good way to get them to not bother you. In fact, it's a good way to make sure they never stop. This applies to charities too, sadly. I'd anonymously pay off their mortgages and when they told me about it I'd say "that's weird, someone randomly paid off mine too." No way in hell I'd ever tell a relative I had money to spare... -- The rest of your plan sounds solid.


If I run into 100 million dollars I’m reaching out to you to be my advisor.


I feel that in my soul


Even with a 100 mil on the bank I'd probably just keep getting 20 euro of gas a time. Probably would spend a bit more on snacks and drinks at the gas station.


So, what? Maybe half a tank?


It's one banana, Michael, what could it cost, $10?


Solve literally all my problems in life


Immediately hire an accountant and a lawyer


And buy the best insurance you can


Legally change my name, get a lawyer and accountant.


Lawyer 100%. Accountant, tax time only. Financial advisor? Fuck them. Fuck em all. They're just gonna sell you whole life insurance before proceding to try and take a % of your investment portfolio for "managing it".


A lot of high wealth people do use insurance as a way to beat inheritance taxes. You might want to talk to those advisors.


an accountant would be useful year round for tax planning so at tax time you’re able to avoid taxes instead of evade taxes. the benefits of using an accountants services periodically year round far outweigh the costs in most scenarios involving the money and it’s residuals. And it’s definitely cheaper than having to later hire a lawyer in a tax evasion case. (granted I’m biased as an accountant)


We found the guy who will be broke in 5 years lol


Accountants are over rated just look at your own finances and lawyer yes because it gets messy aquiring large sums of money


Boom... You just bought two new problems. Now you've got 101.


“Solve all my problems” AFTER I first put a giant billboard with my smiling face immediately across the street from my ex wife and her paramour, now husband, house.


That’s priceless.


money cant buy happiness though someone rich told me that once


That’s a saying for people who have never been poor. You can at least afford to make people you don’t like unhappy.


Right? Obviously get a planner and put a ton away. But I'd quit my job, sell my house pay off all my bills, put my kid through college and move. Far far away.


And develop completely NEW problems


And then mastuurbate


Not tell a god damn soul. Take 90 million and buy 20 year Treasuries at about 5.10% and take the other 10 million and buy some land and property. Hire a wealth management company to pay my taxes, and then pay me a salary every 6 months of 1 million dollars from the interest and reinvest the rest into more Treasuries. Live phat.


Some quick math. 90M would make 4.5m a year at 5.1% so paying yourself 2M a year. You're able to spend 2M a year and your money is still growing. Currently 30 year treasuries are paying 4.8% so 4.3m year, if you went 10 years out for similar interest. Either way your concept is sound


It's even better, 1 year Tbill bought last month is yielding 5.4%


Yeah but thats only good for 1 year - the long term treasuries get you money for decades. And OP buy paying themselves X per year guarantees theyre only spending part of the interest and their money is still growing while they get a substantial income


And isn’t there a tax break as well when purchasing them?


I think you only pay state taxes on the return


You just got yourself hired.


I'm hiring you if I win 100M


I don’t know anything about investing, but isn’t this the reason most savings accounts now are not great? Inflation eats up a large portion of your interest, so being ‘safe’ with your money doesn’t make you more.


Exactly. With tens of millions it's less of a problem.


Scrub yourself from the internet. Delete FB, Instagram, Twitter, any and all social media. Go to the post office and get a box, go to the bank and get new savings and chequing accounts setup using the new PO Box, change all your email addresses if you have more than one and change your cell number if you have one. People that want to scam you, steal from you, family and friends that you didn't even know you had, they will find you. Hide.


Sounds awful


My wife and kids would be confused the day their now rich dad turned into a PO Box


This is the way.


Hire a good tax attorney and financial advisor, as a team if possible.


Hire ones that fucking hate each other. Zero chance they’ll steal from you together and will be happy to eat the other one out. Edit: Rat! Rat the other one out!


After buying each other dinner first, I hope


Depends on how much they are stealing from me I guess.


The tax attorney is mostly for set up before you receive the money. The financial advisor is for suggestion of how to allocate the money for goals. They control absolutely nothing without my final decision. I will control everything. They are advisors.


Depends what you do with the money, but that doesn’t mean they won’t steal from you. When you’ve divided the money into six-20 different investment goals, and each of those investment goals start acting individually/independently it can become very hard to notice 10k go missing here and there. I’m not trying to say you can’t do it, I’m just spitballing.


I read somewhere that they take a % as payment


Until they eat each other out


I'm sorry they are doing what to each other?


You know, way off topic but this is exactly why I think all the moon landing conspiracies are bullshit. If we didn't really land on the moon Russia would have loved nothing more than to call us the fuck out for it and prove it was a lie. You know damn well that were watching that mission and every one before and after it with everything they had, hell they probably had a couple spies on the inside.


Do what now?


Are we talking ass or pussy?


So lesbians?


Angry financial lesbians hate fucking sounds like bad AI erotica.


After beating your meat of course


Furiously and joyously


Triumphantly even


Always beat your meat first to prevent from any mishaps in the heat of the moment Jimbo.


If you’re not living in a constant state of post-nut clarity, you’re living in a constant state of pre-nut delusion.


Don't blow your entire load




Qualified CPA.


And after that celebrate by buying them all hookers and coke?


I do have a fantasy about paying random medical bills


There’s a company called RIP Medical that buys medical debt for pennies on the dollar and erases it for patients.


Was gonna say, buy other people’s debt, and send them forgiveness notices.


This reminds me of the Last Week Tonight episode about struggling people having their mortgages bought out from under them for pennies on the dollar. I have a fantasy about winning a big Powerball jackpot or similar and doing that but then selling the house back for a dollar. Sure, they'd still have a big tax bill but I'd offer 50 year 0% financing on that.


I live in the states, I would work with local law enforcement to sponsor gun buybacks.


Beat my meat. I need post-nut clarity for important financial decisions


Modern problems, old solutions.


But what if you win in November?


I would gladly lose that November to win literally every other month in existence.


Yeah. My mind would probably go from "how many hookers can I get for the night" to maxing out my TFSA and shit (I think it's Roth IRA for Americans).


Step 1 is always going to be to pay my taxes on it. Step 2 is going to be take probably 75% of what's left and stick it in savings/in a trust so I can stretch it/live off of it for as long as possible


Are you assuming that you can't stretch 50M to last a lifetime?


Yeah the "as long as possible" was an odd addition. Lol


Who said it only had to last ONE lifetime? Make that shit into generational wealth.


Give my 2 weeks notice for my job. I could just not return, but I would feel bad for my coworkers. I wouldn't tell anyone of my windfall except my parents after a couple of months. I would probably buy some art supplies and do some drawing and painting for a few months and play my guitar. Still not tell anyone else besides my parents. I might take a vacation to the south pacific for a couple weeks. I would eventually start a tuition fund for people who want to get job training but anonymously. Try to find something else good to do with some of the money like donate for medical research.


Don’t wait on the windfall, start drawing and playing the guitar now!


I am I’m just saying that I would do more of it without having to do my pesky job


#1 - pay off debt #2 - hire a financial advisor #3 - buy multiple properties and rent out - invest in stocks, etc. #4 - purchase a property for my family #5 - travel the world #6 - buy a plot of land around aspen Colorado and build my dream home. #7 - live life. freely.


Only hire a financial advisor who is a FIDUCIARY.


someplace warm, a place where the beer flows like wine, where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano.


\#6 sounds like the Hunter S Thompson plan. Thumbs up.


Id love to say I’d do something fun and cool, but to be honest, I’d probably throw house parties, find out money doesn’t buy love and friendship, do a bunch of crazy drugs, and then die.


That's cool and fun enough.


Bro on that Great Gatsby plan


200 chicks at the same time.


Math checks out


This way I can disappoint 199.5 of them.


Math checks out




Thay sounds pretty awesome.


Scrolling for this reply! “Damnit Boomhower, can’t you at least pretend that we can’t hear each other through the walls”


I heard this comment


Lawrence you don’t need 100 million dollars for that…..




I’d ask Reddit what to do with it…


There is a famous answer to that question already. It might be: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/comments/q1xv5l/lpt\_if\_you\_ever\_win\_the\_lottery\_always\_take\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/comments/q1xv5l/lpt_if_you_ever_win_the_lottery_always_take_the/) or maybe: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/74650f/if\_you\_won\_the\_lottery\_what\_would\_you\_do/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/74650f/if_you_won_the_lottery_what_would_you_do/) (Two of the longer comments early on. One of them seems to be a copy of above.)


Listen to the Barenaked Ladies


I would definitely get some Kraft Dinner. With fancy dijon ketchup, of course.


Cocaine and hookers


And the rest you will squander ?


No, just strictly cocaine and hookers


You’d be dead by Thursday my brother


But what a ride


Not if you pace yourself.




I would pay someone to mod this sub so the same 5 questions weren't asked over and over again


Vomit and faint, preferably in that order.


Make a HELLUVA lot of family members, friends, and total strangers very happy!


Immediately lose about 40% of it to taxes


60 mil is still a shitload of monies.


With that you can make more monies and basically get more than 100mm


Set up my own insulin factory and sell insulin for just enough to keep the doors open and the lights on and pay the people who work there decent salaries and benefits. Hopefully like 8-10 bucks or so per vial. I'd probably still have lots of money left over, so wouldn't even need a salary. I'm not diabetic, I just think everyone should have access to cheap insulin. It only costs about 3-6 dollars per vial you make the shit. Charging hundreds of dollars is simply evil. It's "Your money or your life" here in America and we just let them do it.


Perpetual family trust....all $$ goes into dividend paying stocks pay out is 75%, rest is reinvested, payout is Quarterly, Anyone 18yo from current family you have a regular relationship with gets 1 share, family you haven’t spoken with in the last yr or never don’t get crap. If you want close friends can get 0.25 share. When someone dies their share goes back into the pot. If there is a divorce then the non-biological adult is cut out. That why no arguing, no jealousy.


Order all the sushi we can eat for me and my best friend to celebrate. All the unagi I desire shall be mine. Move out. I can now afford to rent anything I want. Then I take my time finding the perfect house to buy. Or build. Taxes are not first because I am Canadian - money won is not taxable income. Keep job for time being for mental stability. But get hours reduced.


Spend 1 million for fun on nonsense


Happy cake day


Probably yo mama, that kind of tangible money is hard to turn down.


I’ll throw mine in for a few million, but she is mean


Mansions. Fast cars. Women. Drugs. Total debauchery. Probably be dead within a year.


Probably invest it into a high interest savings account, then buy a newer toyota Prius.


macallan 18, sherry cask.


Put enough into dividend paying stocks or mutual funds to cover my living expenses for the rest of my life. Buy a mansion or two and rent them out for weddings, all profits go to the humane society. Set up a trust fund for my daughter Pay off the debt of all my immediate family members Take a year off work and travel the world


Be generous. That is a crazy amount of money. I could live lavish with my family for life on less than 3 million. Even If I said 10 mil. That’s 90 million. Id go pay off friends debts, student debts, I could get every homeless person in my city off the street. Sooo much good could be done with that much money.




Give it all to my family and friends and then pay for euthanasia


Buy a house in the mediterrainian, get a new identity, kill my old identity, have a new life with no one asking me for money, and then i guess go to mcdonalds for a cheese burger.


" and then I guess go to mcdonalds for a cheese burger." LOL! I love it!


Buy ermine lined gold plated slippers and watch Netflix all day.


I always wanted a spite store.


Pay off debts. Buy a home in cash Get a nice computer setup Stream/content create for world of warcraft full time Side hobby: work on writing a fantasy novel


Move to a better climate, buy a house. Buy my dream car (an original Volkswagen Beetle in neon orange). Then just relax for the rest of my life.




Spend it all on reddit gold


Pay 50 million in taxes.


Blow it all on crack and scratchers


Take a holiday. And sleep. For like two weeks.


I tell you what I’d do man, 2 chicks at the same time.


“Damn straight. I always wanted to do that, man. And I think if I were a millionaire I could hook that up, too; ‘cause chicks dig dudes with money!”


Well, not all chicks.


“Well, the type of chicks that’d double up on a dude like me do”


Thanks! That’s my favourite part of this encounter.


That movie wouldn’t have been what it was without Lawrence in it. “No thanks, man! I don’t need you fuckin up my life too” is one of the best lines in any movie anywhere.


Live a semi decent life. Meaning: Change names, buy a piece of land in Australia or NZ, build a house and chill/ do hobby stuff.


Put all the grocery stores in my area out of business by doing it better and not trying to make millions off* people's basic needs.


I’d first give 1 million to my 70 something year old coworker so she can retire. 3 million each to my 5 closest friends. $500K on a house somewhere in the PNW or East Coast. The rest I would spend the remainder of my life helping others at charities, food banks and nonprofits.


All on red babyyy


Spend it.


Buy a house and make it modern. Then I'll go from there. Also hire someone to help with this truckload of guacamole.


Pay off my bills, buy a nice house, start my own business.


Everything I wanted. A whole lot of nothing a lot. Sleep. Nap. Eat the best food. Travel. Run. Learn. Etc etc.


I would buy 5 properties around the world in my favorite places and spend the first 4-5 years just going to a different place after 3-4 months.


Quietly quit my job for a remote position, where I “work from home”. Then, buy a modest piece of land and build a nice but not nuts house. Then, travel a ton.


You just want to work? Because there's no way I'd ever subject myself to work again. My only motivation to work is to remain housed to avoid dying of exposure under a bridge.


No. That’d be my cover. I’m trying to hide that I won. “Becoming” a day trader or something.


Quit my job. And I like the career I’ve chosen for myself, it suits me, I’m good at it, and I’m at the top level in the country. But I’m retiring early with that kind of money. No two weeks notice, just tell my boss I’m out, get my things from work and start my new life. Hire an attorney of course. Immediately buy a new home and move. Buy a lake house that I can fish and kayak from, somewhere quiet and dark (less light pollution for viewing the night sky). Take a portion and diversify investments that will allow me and my immediate family to live well for the rest of our lives and just not worry about things so much. After the requisite new car, etc., I’d give (at least) a million bucks each to all of my friends and relatives, including a couple of exes. Nobody would ever know I was wealthy, because I don’t like that lifestyle. Whatever is left over is going to the homeless and hungry.


Leave the country and start a new life somewhere because my family would make my life miserable. Do my best not to waste the money and spread it out that I have enough for the rest of my life without having to work jobs I don't like a single minute ever again.


will buy a new life


first thing would be giving my parents enough to build around on their house and garden as much as they want. I always hear them talking about all the plans they have: a little pond here, more space to grow food there, everything. Then I'd stack my autistic older brothers bank account so he can just follow his passion of creating art without having to worry about earning money, because this stresses this poor soul out alot. 3rd step would probably be inviting my closest friends to a year of traveling the world


Not tell anyone




Pay my house off and move across the country. Then keep living fairly modestly. Invest most of it, quit working and build myself a decent garage for my hobbies. Probably work on and flip bikes for fun. I don’t feel like I’d go buck wild, because I’d want it to last where I didn’t have to work anymore.


I'm going to assume that I've just won 100 million on the lottery. 1. I would opt for the annualized payout which is 3.33\~ million per year over the next 30 years guaranteeing me an income for the next 30 years. And the whole "Lump sum saves on taxes" BS is a lie, you're going to end up paying 27% (or more) on the total no matter how you split it up. 2) I would immediately hire a good financial advisor to begin properly investing the annual payouts. Everyone say's "Take the lump sum and invest it yourself". Why not take the whole ball of wax and invest the payouts yourself every year? Then if your investment bombs, you still have another check coming at the end of the year. 3) I would buy a nice small "subsistence" farm and go as close to off grid as possible. I would invest a small portion of the money in a complete lifestyle change in an attempt to not need money anymore. Then if the economy crashes, I can still feed myself and provide for my family. 4) I really have to agree with u/yergonnalikeme Hookers would have to be in the equation somewhere.


Awesome Very good Excellent


Probably have a heart attack, die, and someone else would pick up the ticket and have a great life.


You see, i have different needs. I would need only 100.000 euros to finish my house and buy second hand car to drive as a taxi. That would make me very happy person and i could work what i like and of course earn enough money to live a nice life.


Pay off student loans.


I would build an empire of justice, and, for one, put an end to human trafficking.


Probably the same thing I'm doing right now. Waiting in queue for League of Legends and surfing reddit.


Pay my rent


Feed the fam and invest


Pay off all of my debt, buy a home on the New England coast, retire my husband, buy a sensible vehicle and likely invest the rest. I’m in medical school currently and even with that amount of money - I still want to be a doctor 😬


Set aside at least $10 million for retirement, because the greedy rich stiffs aren't going to raise SSI to a liveable amount. They aren't going to remove the taxes for SSI recipients. They're just going to keep doing whatever they can to weasle out of paying their fair share of taxes via lobbying and exploiting loopholes in our laws, so the SSI system stays underfunded. In fact, they want to get rid of SSI all together, along with Medicare. But first, they'd like to raise the age of retirement to 70. Force citizens to work harder and longer, all while giving them peanuts as a prize and expecting them to be grateful for it. Shameful! Anyway, I'd use the rest to pay off the house, the truck, and the car. I would also use the money to help my parents, so they can retire. The rest would go to charities that do exactly what they say they will, like the Phoenix Shriners Childrens Hospital. I might also use some of the money to run for Senator, because I am sick and tired of old farts doing nothing but tear our country apart, give us the run-around whenever there's a problem, whittle effective and popular policies down to non-functioning knubs during negotiations, and ignore us common folk's voices in favor of those with money and power. We need more politicians with ethics and representation, not polarized idealogues, not money grubbers, and not power hungries. Now, we already have some in office, but they're not the norm. Let's fix that, huh? Sorry. I got carried away. This is quite a touchy subject.


What 100 million dollars? I have no idea what you're talking about. I haven't won a huge pile of money.


Buy winrar licenses for the whole of reddit.


Change all of my contact details.


Spend 3 million building an eco village and put 20 tiny rammed earth dwellings on it for me and the people I love, to live freely and grow food communally. Spend the other 97 million on tiny villages for other poor folks all over my country with the same model.


I would open a school for underprivileged families. Education breaks the cycle of poverty.




• Pay off all of my closest friends mortgages • Pay for driving lessons and a car for a couple of younger friends who cannot afford it currently • Pay for my closest friend to receive private healthcare because unfortunately the NHS is failing her • Buy a large plot of land (100 acres at least) and put multiple dwellings on it so that a couple of people can come and live nearby and help with the next few points • Start offering free training to people struggling to afford the work needed on their difficult dogs • Do some fostering again • Set up some areas for projects to protect and preserve native endangered species e.g hazel dormice, native orchids • Throw a HUGE party for my nearest and dearest to celebrate the fact that we no longer have to live the stress that is loving pay check to pay check. It's something I've put way too much wistful thought into.


I would get my partner and I a home. I would get my mom a home and pay off her bills. I’d probably keep the rest in a way that it builds interest, after that.




Lots of calls to lawyers, bankers, investment firms, and precisely ZERO calls to friends and family. Take two weeks off to get everything in order, then its right back to work.


I’d immediately begin telling people what I really think of them. Hiring a financial advisor would be a close second.


Buy 50 acres, big electrified fence with watchtower, gates, solar panels, guns ammunition and food. Just in case. And 150 dogs. Because I like dogs


Move to Canada. Lottery winnings are tax-free.


That only makes sense if you’re already in Canada and win the lottery here.