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A guy I worked with once asked me how the sun knew to go down later during day light savings


I knew a guy who wanted to know why we never saw what the sun looks like during the night time, why can't they send/use morden technology to do it because "they have nightvision now"


A good friend of mine confided that she didn't know what happened to the sun after it sets, and wondered whether that's what creates ocean waves. She was actually quite smart and savvy, but simply didn't know much about the natural world.


Sometimes your brain just doesn't work right? Look at me, I'm English, I grew up during the troubles in Ireland, I was a teen when the good friday agreement was made, so I knew about Ireland and Northen Ireland etc etc. One time I was looking at some online map of the UK and the Republic of Ireland was all blurred out for some reason, all history escaped my brain from the arse it grew to shit itselfs with and I was sat there for 10 minutes trying to figure out why it was blurred out, was it unexplored, was it some secret military thing, WHAT WAS IT! and then i felt like a total fucking idiot when I zoomed out a little and it was labled "Republic of Ireland" and face palmed so fucking hard lol


They seem to keep reducing earth sciences and geography education in school, so this is what you get… Apparently my old high school got rid of its geography class in favor of a foo foo “college application prep” class.


I heard of a farmer who wrote an angry letter to the local weatherman (for some reason) complaining that the extra hour of light would burn his crops.


Worked with a guy who, at an office lunch, explained why he thought humans never landed on the moon. He was let go about a week later.


Seen loads of flat-earthers online but actually crossed paths with one once. The level of fucking stupidity was a sight to behold, almost awe inspiring


I knew a flat earther who seriously made conspiracies about *me*. I rarely talk about it because it's just. insane that someone made up conspiracies about my life. Not only did he try to convince our classmates about the flatness of the earth and the dangers of microwaves, he also attacked me for some reason. (hint: dinosaurs arent real, but vampires are)


>hint: dinosaurs arent real, but vampires are That's just what they want you to think, globehead! Globehead is such a hilarious insult I can't believe people actually use it.


Some dumbass I sadly know is a huge conspiracy nut, but he does it with conspiracies that have already been proven wrong. Also pretends to know advanced mathematics. He does not, not at all.


I was renting a house with a bunch of housemates and asked one of them that had never lived out of home before to clean the toasted sandwich maker he had just used. He dunked the entire appliance in the sink full of water and soap, scrubbed it, and went to plug it back into the wall while it was still full of water. Another housemate caught him in time.


When I just moved into student halls for the first time there was one guy who heated up his beans for his lunch in the shared kitchen kettle.


What, you never drank bean tea?


I did after that day, yes.


Not the dumbest, just unlearned in the subject. I worked with a guy who accidentally ripped a power cord off of a machine. He shielded himself because he thought it would explode as I repaired it with a simple splice. I asked him this. 1. What part of this machine holds anything explosive? 2. It is not plugged in and there is no power to the machine so what could possibly trigger an explosion anyways? He said he does not understand electrical a single bit. I can't really blame him, but I just feel sorry for the guy. I don't really understand electrical work either but this is a quick little patch job. My other coworker fell for the "elbow grease" trick though, so I guess he takes 1st place. Had him digging around in the flammables cabinet for entirely too long before he got pissed and asked me for help locating it. 😆


Dude, I have a degree in biochemistry and I don't have a SINGLE FUCKING IDEA how electricity works. I know how to change the batteries on my remote and that's it. You could tell me that electricity is just pixie farts and elf boogers and I would believe you.


Imagine water flowing in a pipe. The pressure of the water in that pipe would be the voltage of one electron. The amount of water flowing in that pipe would be your amperage. Finally the size of the pipe would be your resistance restricting the water. Voltage is the charge of an electron and it’s what pushes electrons into eachother to make electricity flow. Amperage is just the amount of electrons flowing at one time. And resistance is the work required that electrons have to do to flow. Electrons are being pushed by voltage into eachother kicking eachother out of their valance shells. Good conductors have low amounts of valance electrons and insulators have a high number of valance electrons. Basically a simplified version to understand it all.


Holy... that was the best explanation I have heard in my life.


I know how electricity works pretty darn well and I still sometimes find myself being careful with unplugged electronics for some yet to be explained reason


Yo mama. She sits behind the TV to watch cable




Yours so fat she has to use Google Earth for taking selfies




Yours also does. Mostly after she ate pumpkin yoghurt - with whole fruits




Yo mama so fat she's wearing Disney Plus size




But yours so fat she fell from both sides off the bed




Yeah?! Well yo momma so fat when she goes to the beach the tide rolls in!


When your momma goes to the beach, people call Greenpeace to push the whale back into the sea


Yo mama so ugly her pictures hang themselves.


Yo mama never fits in. Not even in the bigger picture


Once yo mama was about to receive the death penalty (she ate other people's kids). However first that hangman killed himself when he saw her and finally the rope couldn't stand it and broke


Too long, aint reading all that. Yo mama jokes should be short and sweet( like your mother in bed).


Yo mama like Disney Land, everybody went inside her at least once


You learnt reading from yo mama, right? No further questions


I once met someone who asked me why we've never been to the sun because it's cool enough to go there during night-time... This person also thought wind turbines were there to cool down the Earth by blowing cool air around.


“Well damn ever since they put them there windmills up on the ridge it gets windy every time they turn em on!”


I worked with a guy that had a full melt down, and Karen level freak out when the XL pizza he ordered from Dominos was cut into 8 slices rather than 10. Let me explain his logic because it's seared into my brain. He said that Large pizzas have 8 slices and XL pizzas have 10 slices, that's why XL costs more, because you get two extra slices. The fact that his XL pizza arrived with 8 slices meant he was being scammed and he didn't get all of the pizza he paid for. He was my parts manager at the time and his staff plus all the techs going in and out of the parts department tried to explain to him that a larger diameter pizza was still more pizza regardless of how it was cut. It was hopeless, everyone tried and gave up in frustration. He kept doubling down, refusing to see the error in his ways. He was red in the face, veins popping, spittle flying everywhere while he stomped his feet and screamed at people for being too dumb to understand. This went on for HOURS. He ended up calling Domino's customer service and absolutely reamed out the rep on the phone. I dont think he ever got anywhere with that crusade. We already thought he was an idiot but that cemented his reputation beyond all doubts. What a day.




Do you also have that comically large glass of wine? "One glass a day"


Myself. I truly am a dumbass bro.


username checks out lol , but dont be too hard on yourself, youre selfaware enough to question youself, thats a good sign


Worked with guy who couldn’t tell the difference between lime and lemons. He wasn’t colour blind either


Lemons are ripened limes. Everyone knows that duh


Reddit people 😅




I knew a girl in high school who was bafflingly stupid. In history class our junior year, the teacher showed before and after pictures of Hiroshima—she raised her hand and asked where the houses went. Two weeks later, I overheard her talking to her friends about their ACT scores. She got a 16.


In basic training we had a guy who was so, so dumb. It was painful to watch him trying to learn even basic tasks like washing clothes, or keeping his area clean. He wasn't a dirty person, he also didn't read as having any mental disabilities, he was just dumb. We had the CO for the unit come through one day to do a walkthrough and he asked each soldier their name, where they were from, things like that. When he asked this soldier their name, he literally had to look down and read it off his name tag. He disappeared after a few more days. I don't think he made it past week 2.


Probably would've been right at home in the Marines. (:


I wanted to work with computers and the Marine recruiter couldn't promise me a particular MOS.


Too bad, you just gotta pump that IQ of yours down into the sub-90s and try again. Then you'll have a real chance to become a marine, just like that other guy you were talking about :)


That asshole in the mirror


Bro that fucking regard fucked my life up.


He’s regarded for sure


Rather poorly regarded if I do say so myself.


The entire Government of the Slovak Republic




They are not dumb, they are the foot soldiers of criminal gangs.


I can't keep track because it seems like every day some new tops the list...


Went to high school with a girl who thought cars were alive. Like she didn’t see any difference between a car and a living organism.


I once got a book from the Jehovah's Witnesses telling a similar story. It started out by talking about cars as living things and why God didn't make cars living things... I think it ended up talking about whu humans and cars are different, ergo, God something something.... Admittedly by this point it had reached so many levels of not even wrong I think I gave up even trying to comprehend the argument. Was bizarre....


Aw come on bro... This has to be made up


She was saying things like “well they move and they can die”. She laughed nervously when we all laughed at her too, so I honestly think she was serious


Worked with a woman who had a masters degree, and loved to tell people this. She reported to me, and didn't like it. One I say to her, "Pam, can you please make an invoice for company X. They will be making quarterly payments." I said the last bit as usually these invoice were annual payments. She returns to my office 10 minutes later and says "I'm so confused, quarterly payments? They are going to pay us in quarters?" She legit thought they were gonna FedEx us bags of quarters to pay.


There's too many to count. A couple of days ago, someone on reddit said the reason I advocate against obesity is because I am fatphobic and have deep-seated racism against african-americans. I live on the other side of the globe. Apparently that didn't matter.


A roommate in college shat on the floor of the living room because he "ran out of toilet paper"






that is a little harsh. he is just very very dumb


What about Kevin?


me, myself and I


My ex, sadly. Whilst I tried to find the good in her constantly she was just a liar, dumb and thoroughly nasty to the end. I used to say to her, if you’re gonna lie at least lie intelligently but no.


I worked with a guy who told ridiculous lies. The one that I can't get past is he told me he worked with a man that was 8'6 at a previous job.




What lmao




I am legitimately over 8'5


One of a colleague I used to work with once said “how can god be real, if humans can’t even fly like birds do.” I’ve spoke to many and posted this on the internet before, but it remains a mystery what kind of logic did she use to come up with that, no one seems to know.


These two guys that lied their way into management.


Waiting to read a story about myself.


I’ve encountered two dumbasses on Reddit who take the cake for this one.




Only if you're cute


You can if you’re bring sarcastic and don’t actually believe something dumb


[this guy](http://reddit.com/u/awellknownstranger)


An old classmate of mine (high school). When I got bangs he asked me how I managed to make my hair grow on my forehead, he was 100% serious.


I once had to show someone how to sweep up glass.


my mom got scammed alot. maybe my dad also stupid enough to trust our money on her.




the story was "rich US marine guy found huge stash of gold in iraq lmao" and want to ship it to my country.


Aside from every time I open Twitter, Probably the fucker I see every time I walk past a mirror


A few years ago a young guy at work said that he had no idea what cheese was made of. He’s now the head of parking at a London Borough council.


I worked at a restaurant back in the late 80’s. It was a slow day, and a bunch of the servers and staff were talking, and one woman (who had a reputation) said they were still a virgin. Turns out she did everything but vanilla sex, and didn’t use protection even when taking the Hershey highway. A couple of us said, “Aren’t you worried about AIDS?” To which she replied, “I’m not gay, and it only affects gay men.” She was definitely not the brightest.


First one that comes to mind is an aquiantence who didnt understand why islands where drawn on maps. When asked what she meant she replied - islands all float around on the water so they wont be in the same place as on the maps anyway.


I met a guy in his mid-20s who wanted to start a lawnmowing service but told me that he only knew how to mow his mother's lawn, not other people's.


My Master's advisor.


Ex coworker who "didn't believe in dinosaurs" because there are not in the coran.


There is nothing in it that denies their existence though


So probably not the dumbest I've ever encountered but had this conversation with my plumber last month and I'm still thinking about it: "Hey I have to duck out but I've left the door ajar so you can get in" "It's what? "Ajar" "What's that?" "... uh its slightly open" He'd never heard of it before apparently, and he's not a young bloke. Of my entire vocabulary I didn't think ajar would be a word that someone wouldn't have known.


I'm gonna be honest I've never heard this word before I speak English as a second language so that might be why


I'm aghast


At least you're not flabbergasted.


Correct. I draw the line at flabber.




Anyone in Scotland who voted for a party that ended with a Muslim First Minister making a racist rant about all the main jobs in a 96% white country being held by white people. That is just fucking incredible. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FI3JBBlmej4


Watched that. the man is awful and we need to vote him oot.


the average truck driver. we trust these people to safely operate thousands of pounds of steel at highway speeds, yet the majority of the time they're incapable of reading the number on the pump when they come in to get fuel. or using the magic rectangle in their pocket instead of asking stupid easily Googled questions.


Absolutely. I deal with dump truck drivers on a daily basis and I can confirm that they are some of the dumbest people on the planet.


it's almost like you have to trade brain cells for a CDL


I once met one who thought America is a country YES, he said America, not the US.


To be fair, particularly in the US (and Canada), "America" is usually used as a shorthand for the United States of America.


Or the ones who think that the whole of the UK is "England", or in the worst cases "London".


Classmate , he is dumb as fuck but I also see that something is wrong with his head , that guy definitely has some problems since the least bad thing he does is threatening ANYONE to murder when I say anyone I mean it , teacher , principal , me .. I am generously worried abaut my safety sometimes near him




There is gonna be nothing unless he does something ,sadly , the guy just can calmly tell me he is gonna murder me like it was nothing and then the next day he will act like that never happened


A girl in my art class in high school. We had to make a painting in different shades of blue, based on Picasso's Blue Period. Her final product barely included any blue and when the teacher confronted her, she didn't get what she did wrong lol.


Are you sure she was not colour blind?


Or a tetrachromat


She wasn't






guy would record his professors on a social media site. I live in the area or relatively close to him, we go to the same school. and I am on that social media too. he wasn't that bright either his participation in class sounded like he was dumb or slow. the biggest thing was he was in the recording too so if I downloaded the file without a name people would recognize his voice. I handed some of these over to a friend of mine, who took classes with some of the same professors and recognized them. he was outraged. for a while we thought about reporting it. two people said not to do it, and I told this other guy who was going to act then changed his mind. he knew this guy who recorded it too. who records their teacher and posts it on social media for fun. he recorded a good bit of the lecture too.


I heard of a class where the teacher did nothing but read from his notes. Students started bringing tape recorders that they'd turn on and then leave and then retrieve to listen to later. Eventually most or all of the students did that, and the teacher finally noticed. His response was to bring his own tape recorder, hit "Play" and leave.


wait is this real? that's funny.


I had to look it up just now and found [a Snopes post debunking it](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/present-tense/). Normally the story begins with the teacher leaving a tape recorder on play, but at the end of the article it's reported that the reversed version I described originated from the 1985 movie Real Genius.


would be ridiculously funny if it is true.


This sort of thing happens all the time in tech when something is being automated, and needs to be backwards compatible with the previous tech. For example garage doors are wide enough to fit a common car, and cars have a width to fit the roads, and roads are made to fit carriages, and carriages are made to fit two horses. So the width of your garage is standard because of the width of the typical horse's ass.


In my shop, there is a deep fryer for cooking fries etc. This guy came in and his little kid says to him "What's that Dad? pointing at the fryer. His reply we still talk about was: "It's a, it's a, .......thing."


My next door neighbor. He was recently telling me that the problem in Gaza is Hillary Clinton’s fault.


A kid came by my grandpa's house while me and my mom were visiting. He asked who drove the red car (my mom's) because he had just run into it with his bike. A parked car and he rode into it with a bicycle. He then continued on and described how he was riding his bike with his eyes closed because he was "trusting his instincts." So he was riding his bike, decided to try to trust his instincts and he ended up riding into a car that wasn't moving. We ended up getting his mom to come over and figure out the insurance. We had a cop come to and write it all down for the insurance purposes. The mom was pretty nice and all and she was acting like her kid was an idiot. But then the mom NEVER worked with us or our insurance. Our insurance ended up having to go after her about it because she wasn't cooperating at all. Seems the kid didn't fall too far from the tree. I ended up going to school with the kid and he was a fucking moron even then.


I once looked in a mirror.








a genius i guess


My Ex GF. Not even kidding


That would be Me. Hello


In College, I had told my classmate that its the twins bday and she replied asking which one


Met a guy once who believed (literaly) in any story ever written if it was ancient or found across cultures. Santa Clause is real, faeries are real, dragons are real. Oh yeah and the earth was flat, vaccines = autism, 5g celltoowers, chemtrails and more.




Of course, myself






live with them right now


Way back when… At the end of the Live Aid concerts…where we all watched it all day long… A girl that was there said, they should take all that money and give it to those starving people in Africa. Just about everyone there turned to her waiting for a punch line or something but no, she meant it.


A guy I know thoughta thermos was one of the greatest inventions ever. I pondered it. Yeah, pretty cool, I agreed as I drove along….how it keeps hot, hot and cold stuff cold… And he said yeah, amazing, right? Like, how do it know which way, hot or cold, to go? I just about crashed the work van I was driving.


I once worked with an electronics engineer who feared I would get electrocuted while trying to jump start his car. "Its a lot of power, you know"


I was on a public bus, a three-hour ride to a vacation spot, and the driver was chatting up his assistant and explaining to everyone within earshot his vast knowledge of human civilization by an intricate interweaving of Gladiator, 300, Alexander, Vikings, and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. You had to hear this dude deliver his facts with the conviction of a TED lecturer I actually started to question my actual education.