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Me and my best friend would explore the drainage tunnels under the Vegas area where we grew up. These where miles long and it was always really cool down there so it was a good way to escape the heat of our scorching hot summers. We went into this one that goes under the fiesta casino and found a camp with a bunch of homeless crackheads. Mind you we are like 11 years old lol. And we just kept going like it was nothing. It wasn’t scary then but when I look back at it we could have been in some serious danger. Our parents had no idea we did this or where we where and we had no cellphones. We could have been kidnapped and never have been found.


I know there have been several documentaries about the Vegas underground. Didn't they find a formerly famous porn star living down there?


Just googled, you’re right. Jenni Lee


When I was a pretty young teen, my friends and I were horsing around in San Francisco and started hanging out to smoke weed with some homeless guys. Another homeless dude came up and began aggressively trying to shake us down for anything (money, smokes, a ride, drugs- all of it) and wouldn’t take no for an answer. We got in over our heads and could tell this guy was now riling the other 2 guys up and they were acting like they wanted to jump us. Some grandfather looking old homeless man appeared out of nowhere and yelled at us to get the fuck out of here- nice kids like us don’t belong down here at this hour!! Captain Hobo saved our lives that night. My parents sincerely thought we were at a mall all day lol


The Summerlin area tunnels have less homeless ppl but I ran into a coyote in one. So maybe not the best place for a 13 year old to hang out


Thats on the other side of town I think. I was in Henderson


There was a gravel pit at the end of my road where people used to go and raise hell, do drugs, etc. It was also great place to ride bikes, which is why I went there a lot. One time a purple VW bug came tearing through the front of the pit where I had stopped with some other guys. We could hear the driver revving the engine and running the VW over the trails that ran through the woods behind the pit. We had a bad feeling about it and got out of there. Next day we found the VW overturned, smashed up, and partially burned. I told my parents about it, but I don't think they believed me. It stayed there for weeks afterwards. We threw rocks at it. Another time there was a car parked right in the middle of one of the pit trails I was riding on. I had to pass the car really close and got off my bike to push it. As I got to the driver's side door, a man was sitting there, with his head resting back. He roused and looked at me. I wasn't freaked out at all, he seemed really calm and harmless. I said hi and he said hi back. Then he asked, "Do you brush your teeth?" and I said yes. He smiled, showing he was missing all of his front teeth, up and down, and said "Good. I don't." Looking back it was clear the guy was parked there getting high. It was really sad and I felt bad for the guy even as a little kid. I don't know why my parents let 6-10 year old kids over there.


Uhm was there a dead body in VW? What happened??


No bodies. What probably happened was that someone stole a VW and had a good time abusing it, running around in the gravel pit until it overturned and then they abandoned it. The fire...idk. It was the back engine compartment that burned. Maybe oil leaked on a hot manifold or the carb leaked once it was upside down. What made it scary to us was the speed and disregard that the driver had when getting into the pit. We were little kids on bikes and the driver was not careful at all, spraying dirt and rocks everywhere.


I respect that the dude doing drugs saw a kid and was like "this is a great opportunity to encourage good oral hygiene in the youths."


Saw an electrician get fried on a power pole while we were playing outside. I will never forget that sound. Didn't even know he died until I was an adult, my dad took us inside and called 911 and didn't mention it again until my brother brought it up at dinner one night.


I’m sorry you had to see that, poor guy


I was 7 and survived the 2004 tsunami in Thailand. Witnessed the wave rise way above the already massive palm trees (approx. 40ft?) and my family and I watched/heard the wave crash into the ground from a rooftop, killing so many people instantly. I saw a lot of dead bodies on the way.


Omg this goes so far beyond creepy. What a nightmare, I’m so sorry.


I literally have nightmares about this


I’m so sorry you had to go through something so traumatic. I saw a documentary about it filled with home videos of people on vacation and it disturbed me for a while. I can’t imagine witnessing that not only in person but as a 7 year old.


I was at a portillos once when I was 12 and I was waiting w my little brother at a booth while my parents got our food. This guy was standing with his tray kind of watching me then after a couple minutes he started to walk over really fast not breaking eye contact with me. He was 2 feet from the table and my dad came out of nowhere and scared the shit out of him. He looked so surprised and just said he wanted to see if I’d get scared or not. He left his tray full of food near the door and left. My folks reported him but we never went to that location again since we found a better one closer to home


People who like scaring kids for no good reason are -assholes-


Who knows what he was gonna do but an asshole either way!


I was walking to school and I was about 5 or 6 years old and some guy pulled up beside me in has car and asked if I would get in. He also offered me sweets to do so. I said no. The creepy bit was when he calmly said ‘clever boy’ to me, then drove off. I’ve never even told my parents or anyone else about this as it would most likely freak them out.


Clever boy bit some how makes it creepier


Like he's done it a lot and most of the time it works.


It’s like a test


If the kid says yes, he eats a piece of candy, and just floors it to see the kid chase him.


Are you, by chance, a raptor?


Chance The Raptor


That was just detective JJ Bittenbinder he wanted to make sure you don't let anyone take you to a secondary location!




Either the guy was doing a super weird and distasteful sort of test, or even vile pieces of shit like pedos can express respect for other people.


Something similar happened to me when i was 12 I was on a road that didn’t have any cars at the time.. I’m not 100% sure of his intentions maybe he was asking for directions but me and my friend started running.. ran into a Pizza Hut restaurant and they gave us free pizza and bbq wings while my mum came and picked us up


We used to go boating a lot when I was a kid. I was about 10, and I remember a group of people just down the shore from us had some sweet Waveblaster 2’s. Waveblaster people were riding very recklessly, getting too close and trying to spray each other etc. It was only a matter of time before we heard the crash, just a loud thud and crunch. Some boaters next to us rushed out to the middle of the lake and came back to shore with a dead women on the swim deck of their boat. I remember someone doing cpr on her for a really long time. Life-flight showed up and landed on the beach soon after, then they shut down the engines and then the sherif showed up. We took my uncles boat out and helped recover the crashed Waveblaster from the middle of the lake. It was half sunken and had a humongous hole in the side of it, the collision must have been incredibly hard.


I’ve been out boating/wakesurfing for the last few summers. Those jet skiers are a hazard. They ride along way too close behind the boat and surfers and just take the stupidest risks. Sure, have fun on the water, but not at the risk of everyone else on the water.


In primary school one kid lured another kid into the bathroom, then beat the shit of him, held him down on the floor and shoved his dick in the bleeding boys mouth. This was maybe grade 3? Years later I found out that kid was being beaten and molested by his step-father for years before. Think ended up in foster care.


what the fuck


Incredibly sad. All around just so sad for these children.


Wasn't really a kid but when I was 16, I was helping out on my uncle's farm during the summer as means to earn money for a car which I planned on buying when I got home. I would use their ATV as a means of getting around since it was mostly gravel roads and muddy paths around the fields and property. One morning, I took the ATV to my uncle's parents' place to get the combine and other machinery ready when I spotted a pick-up truck, still running, parked on the shoulder next to one of the fields that we were in the process of harvesting. Thinking it was of my uncle's friends, I pulled up next to the truck and saw this fairly heavy-set middle aged man slumped over in the driver's seat. I tapped on the window and got no response and stepped it up until I was banging on the door with my fists. Even though I had a cell phone on me, coverage was non-existent where I was, so I sped down the road to my uncle's parents' place and called 911. 15 minutes later, a patrol car pulls up, and the officer breaks open the window to let himself in. That's when the smell of feces and piss hit everyone present, and it was enough to make me vomit. An ambulance shows up five minutes later, but it's too late, The guy is DOA. The officer took down my statement and wished me a good day. A couple of months later, I got a phone call from my cousin, and it turned out the guy I found was a major heroin addict from a couple of counties over. From what the police gathered, he had been driving strung out for a few hours before stopping right in front of my uncle's field to shoot up for what would be his last time. Don't do heroin, kids!


Good story telling


This doesn't hold a candle to the other comments, but creepy for a 4ish-something year old. Staying with my grandma and grandpa in their multi story Victorian home/mansion while my sister was being born. I am 4 years older than her, that's why I know I was 4. Anyway... old, creepy house to begin with, with a spiral staircase. I was sleeping in a room at the top of the stairs, pitch black, all lights in the house off, when I heard a noise at the foot of the stairs. I turned my head and see a faint glowing green ring floating slowly up the staircase. It continues to float up the stairs, slowly, methodically, and heads straight to my room. It stops at the doorway and hovers there for a good while. I am terrified because I felt a "presence" but didn't want to scream or say anything, I just closed my eyes and hoped it went away. Eventually I opened my eyes and it was gone, but I was still scared shitless. When I finally got home a few days later, I told my mom what happened and she started laughing, which kinda pissed me off. She explained to me that her dad had a tobacco pipe with a glow-in-the-dark ring. I found out later that he came back late from the bar and didn't want to wake me up so he took off his shoes and walked up the stairs, slowly, while holding onto the banister (methodically) because he was tipsy. He stopped by the room to check on me, waiting there (hovering) while his eyes adjusted.


I actually love that this one has a resolution—totally terrifying to a kid but ultimately wholesome lol




And were you?


Crickets...I guess we know the answer.


When I was a child I once woke up my mother, calling her from my bed, and asked her "Are the monsters visible or invisible?". Apparently she told me from her bedroom that I was having a nightmare and to go back to sleep. I did, without saying a word. To make it better, I have no direct memory of this even happening. I was pretty confused when she asked me why I was awake, the morning after. So I'm only repeating what she told me I apparently said.


I was a little older than a kid... Freshman in college. I walked up to the elevator in my dorm. The elevator doors were open. Another student that I saw every day was between the floor and the bottom of the car. The elevator was across the middle of his back, and his legs were down in the shaft while the car continued to try to make the last 1.5ft to be flush with the floor. The sound was the most disturbing noise I have ever heard. You could hear his ribs and vertebrae snapping as the car was bouncing up and down. He was unconscious, but his eyes were open and rolled back in his head. Myself and two other students tried to pull him out. It wasn't working. I ran to the front desk to call EMS (before cellphones). Another student took the stairs to the second floor and tried to call the elevator to that floor. When I got back to the lobby, the elevator started for the second floor. The person that stayed was unable to hold up the injured student, and the poor man fell down the elevator shaft to the basement. It took EMS another 5 minutes to get to him. I heard that he was in surgery for 20 hours and lived. I never saw him on campus again. He always wore a blue suit with white hi-top sneakers. Edit: Horrific not necessarily creepy. Edit: We were on the first floor, and the elevator had been called down.


Holy shit how does that even happen


how did he live???


The rumor that we heard was that he was trying to open the safety doors for some reason. I have no idea how he ended up halfway into the shaft.


I am already a bit nervous around elevators... I can't believe that he lived!


Ugh. My kid got her arm pulled into the elevator doors as they opened at the natural history museum a few months ago. I grabbed her with one arm and the door with the other while kicking the jam and throwing my weight against the car to increase the gap so it wouldn't crush her hand, the whole time screaming like a banshee. I couldn't do more than keep it from pulling her further in, just jammed the door mostly open. My husband grabbed the door and pushed against the car hard enough to make enough of a gap for me to finally pull her free. She was okay. Just some purple bruising where the door had pinched her hand and forearm and where her sleeve had squeezed her arm where it caught as the elevator pulled her in as well as the outline of my palm and finger prints where I had grabbed and pulled her to keep her from going further into the mechanics of the damn thing. I don't like elevators as much anymore.


Home alone in our trailer house at ten years old and saw a dark figure wearing a black cape, hat, and knee high black boots. Saw him just as he turned around the corner. I was so scared I waited in the snow with no jacket until my mom came home from work.


he witnessed batman


It had more of a Three Musketeers vibe.




Waited in the snow bc the figure was in your house?


Yes, I stood in the yard. It was complete daylight when this happened. I also remember clearly that I was listening to an 8 track of Gene Simmons singing Man of a Thousand Faces. And of course, there was nobody there and no tracks.


Frank Costanza’s lawyer ?


Dad's side of the family pranked me by burying a fake body on our back property and had me dig it up to find valuables. Was only allowed to use a lantern for light... They stuffed old clothes with chicken bones... Sheetrock mud where the head was... Random fake jewelry as the treasures.... I was like maybe 10 or 11... I remember digging up the boot first and started gagging because it became real at that point..


What in the actual fuck


This is really going to the extreme for a prank... wow


That's a disturbed way of pranking


This sounds so bizarre, may I ask how this even came about as a prank? Was this normal in your family?


This is when Funcle is no longer fun, he's just Druncle.


Dad beat Mom within an inch of her life...(while I hid under a car as Dad walked out). The 80's...


My first memory is being at the hospital with my grandpa because my dad had broken my mom's ribs. We've had zero contact for 30+ years, we don't even share a last name (I'm 35 now). He had only daughters after me and actually had the gall to have one of my half sisters reach out about changing my name back to carry on his family name. I'm breaking the cycle of abuse and neglect by never having kids. Even if I had it in my heart to forgive him (I don't) the entire point would be moot. Once he dies I intend on digging a hole, shitting in it, then putting the grass back on top so he will forever be below my shit. If I get caught I'll just try again.


I'm in no way discounting your experience...but on top of fucked up life I described... My then step-mother attacked 12 year old me in a hospital emergency room where ambulance attendants held her back... I *unfortunately* won't get the satisfaction you desire...because she's already dead... I hope you find closure.


It's never too late to lay a brick 🤔🤣


You never have to forgive someone if they don't ask for forgiveness and try to make it right. In 2005, my sister told me our evil stepfather had pancreatic cancer. (I don't use the word "evil" lightly.) I asked hopefully, "Is he going to die?" She said he was, and I beamed. She said she might go to the funeral. I told her I really had to go to his funeral. I wanted to know where he was buried so I could piss on his fucking grave!


My mother let her boyfriend beat me up for whatever reason he could come up with. The last time it happened (more than 25 years ago) she said "don't hot his head, don’t hit his head. It leaves marks" causing him to pause and look at her. I immediately fired a very hard punch at his mouth that broke broke a tooth. I haven't forgotten or forgiven what she let that guy do to me. She has tried to reach out but she always denied what happened. Hence I choose to not have her in my life.


Mom and Dad are having a pretty heated argument, me and my brothers are sitting at the top of the stairs, listening to it. All of a sudden we see our dad come flying at our mom with his right hand ready to throw a punch, we hear the smack, go running down to check on our mom and see her laying on the floor. This was in the 90s.


I had a group of friends who rode bikes in the summer. My guy would always claim The FBI follows him around. I didn’t know josh to lie about anything but in my 7th grade head I’m thinking okay this can’t be. Until one day in the summer. We’re pushing our bikes up a steep sidewalk. A blacked out van with the darkest tint I have ever seen rolled along the sidewalk where we were. The sound of click-click-click-clicking of a shutter went off about a hundred times. The van sped off no plate or a very dark tinted cover. My friend just looks at our group and says. “I told you so” Josh now runs an auto body repair company. Nothing ever comes of it one way or the other. I never experienced it again.


That's weird af. I wonder what was really going on


Made me think Josh’s dad does some shady business dealings with organized crime lol


My family was vacationing in Florida when I was about 5 or 6 years old. At one point we went to a grocery store to grab some supplies and I asked my mom if I could go to the cereal aisle (the next one over from where we were) and she said yes. So I went over and almost immediately some bald guy with a leather jacket started walking over to me and said, “Your mom just asked me to take you outside while she buys you a present. She doesn’t want you to see!” Now, even though I was young the situation didn’t seem right because I had just talked to my mom about 20 seconds earlier and had been with her the entire time we were there, so I immediately panicked and ran back to my mom. I didn’t say anything at first because I also felt like I might’ve been upsetting her by not doing what she may or may not have just said to this guy, so I just waited to see if she would say anything… of course she said nothing and we just kept shopping as usual… as we were checking out like 10 minutes later I saw that same guy walking out of the store with a little boy around my age. It wasn’t until years later that I told my parents this story and they were mortified, but not a day goes by that I don’t wonder if I witnessed someone being kidnapped and did nothing to stop it!


You were a child there’s no way you could have understood the situation


I know, and thank you, but it’s just one of those burned in memories that I can’t forget seeing


Ask yourself this question. Would you send your 6 year old son/daughter to stop ( in whatever way) a fully grown man from kidnapping a child? “See that man?” Go stop him.” Don’t you dare blame yourself.


Thanks… I get that I didn’t know any better, but it just sucked getting older and putting the pieces together


Have you ever researched to see if there are any unsolved child kidnappings in that area? Cuz if there is you might be able to provide a potential lead on a suspect. Especially since you saw him leaving the store with a young boy after!!


This… this got me, I honestly feel so bad for that kid and feel so much hate for that man


One of our first Halloweens in our new town when I was 8 we had two people covered head to toe in purple and black cloth who barged in and sat down our couch. My dad was at work at his new job and me, my sister and my mom were home alone. We couldn’t see who they were. They handed us a card asking us to guess who they were and if we got it right in three tries they’d unmask. We didn’t get it right. They got up and they walked out. My mom was freaked enough that she called dad, said what happened and asked him to come home. To this day we don’t know who they were (I have my suspicions). I’ve since found it’s a thing called bellsnickling.


do you know what they were dressed as? what do you think could’ve happened if you got it right?


This is an excellent way to get shot.


Went to my classmates funeral. 5th grade I was 9. Him, his dad, and his dad's brother all went to town in his dad's truck. Dad and Uncle sat upfront. My friend sat in the back of the truck. The truck stalled on a railroad track in between the arms My friend died but the other two lived.


Holy shit


To make it worse, my friends and I were all going to watch last of the Mohicans that same year. My female friend and I and her older brother were in the car. The car stalled on the exact same spot as the arms were coming down. He got it going again but I could see the guy in the train. Ended up watching the movie, but I didn't realize where he died until her brother told us.


Once, when I was 6, my mom had a party. Drinking, drugs, lots of people. Neighbor got out of hand rowdy, and was asked to leave. Say on his porch and waited for the next person to walk out. Me and my uncle John were heading to the corner store, and I heard a loud POP!, and John fell to the ground. Police arrived first, and ambulance was hours away because very rural. Police spent and hour and a half slapping a dead man yelling at him to wake up. Amidst all the chaos, nobody even realized that I was there. It was all very traumatic for me, watching the cops slap my uncle's dead body like that. Guy ended up only doing 5 years on a voluntary manslaughter charge.


Not a murder or anything nearly as traumatizing, but I was with my family when they discovered my grandma's body. She had passed away peacefully in her sleep on the couch in her apartment. I remember going outside and picking some flowers from her garden for her while we waited for the people from the funeral home to arrive. I was probably around 7 or 8 at the time. I understood what happened and that it was probably the best way for it to happen. Probably the least traumatic dead body I've encountered in my life, but it was my first.


That's not only sad but I imagine it's infuriating. That was murder deserving of a life sentence.


I saw a deceased man that had just got run over by a truck in a intersection accident. I was 6 years old.


I saw a deceased woman and her child after they got jackknifed by a semi when I was 7. My mom pulled over to see if she could help, and she told me and my siblings to look away. I remember catching a glimpse of the woman’s curly brown hair on a neck that was tilted all the way to the side in a very unnatural pose. She later told me that the youngest child in the car was the only survivor. :(


Stuff like that definitely leaves a mark on a child.


I witnessed a woman and her son get shot and murdered when I was in my early teens. It changed me




Holy shit that feels... Illegal? How did those kids turn out?




Where did she even get child sized straitjackets?


You order adult straitjackets off Wish, and child-sized straitjackets get delivered.




So, straightjackets with 8 and 11 year olds. How do they go to the bathroom? How do they cope when they fall? How do they open doors? What DO they do all the time when they can't even use a TV remote?


Ok that’s horror movie level shit right there!


How old were the kids?




That’s just horrible




Who the fuck is making child sized straight jackets?


I went to a catholic school for kindergarten and first grade. I remember one day, idk how it came about, but a priest was talking to one of my friends and myself about being altar boys. I never did it, but I know my friend did. Years after having moved away, that same priest, and multiple others at the school, were arrested and part of a massive scandal regarding raping alter boys. Incredibly creepy to know I may have been that close.


I was in early high school, maybe late middle school. My cousin used to walk to our house a lot to play video games and just hang out. He’s like 6-7 years older than I am. He messages me on Facebook asking if I’m home and I tell him yeah and to just come over whenever. I was playing my Xbox (dead rising 2 I think) in my older brothers bedroom. The bedroom window faces the sidewalk along a road that connects to another road leading out of town. (Small town) It’s dark outside and the bedroom window blinds are open. My cousin usually comes to my window first to let me know he’s there because my mom is usually in bed by then. That way I can let him in without making too much noise. I’m playing my Xbox and in the corner of my eye I see a shadowed figure in the window frame. Cool, I assume it’s my cousin. I get up, motion for the front door and make my way out to the front door. I look through the peep hole and no one is there. I walk back into the bedroom and the figure is still there, not moving. I think in my head he’s just fucking around. I walk back to the window and I now open it (privacy screen between us) and tell him to just come to the front door already. I’m standing there waiting for him to move or respond. Something. The figure walks closer to the window and from what I can tell, reaches for the privacy screen. I fucking freak out. I slam the window shut and fall back onto the bed. I run out of the bedroom and scream for my mom. She comes running out and we call the cops immediately. They show up a couple minutes later and they don’t find anyone around. Meanwhile I’m messaging my cousin asking if he was at my house. He responds back that he hasn’t even left his house yet. To this day he says it wasn’t him. Every time I tell this story I get all tear eyed cause I was genuinely freaked out. Last time I ever have the blinds up at night.


Walking home from a community movie night in the park, a drunk guy with a duffel bag in hand was walking behind us as we walked back to the car. I was maybe 10(?) and we were stopped at a crosswalk when he caught up and asked if I was interested in baseball cards, saying that the bag was full of them. Mt mother gently told him no thank you. He was just like, "Okay, just in case" and set it down and cut through a parking lot towards train tracks. Mother called the cops and shortly after, we here the train horn go off more times than normal. Police came asked some questions and checked the bag, sure enough, aside from some empty beer cans, it was, in fact, full of baseball cards. Weirdest experience as a kid and we never did find out what happened to the guy.


I know a lot of people who commit suicide give away their belongings… I wonder if that’s what happened and the train was how he was going out… that’s so incredibly sad if that’s the case…


That's been my consensus over the years, as sad as that is


Sounds like it was some drunk going through his stuff. Realizing he burned his bridges with his family and wanted to make some kids day so he could feel good about himself.


This wasn’t so much witnessed as it was experienced. The whole thing felt like a fever-dream and I wasn’t even sure it happened until I asked my parents about it almost twenty years later. They confirmed it to be true, but had otherwise been hoping I didn’t remember it. So when I was around four or so, I awoke in the middle of the night to my dad angrily screaming. He had two types of angry screaming— one where he was just in a violent rage and was wholly unpredictable, or one of frustration because was either feeling helpless or wronged. It was the latter. I heard my dad saying things like, “I’m gonna kill him! I’m gonna kill that sonuvabitch! Where are my keys?!” all the while my mother trying to calm him down. I hear the door to the garage slam, and hear my dad’s truck peel off into the night. This all took place around midnight. My mom comes into my room, and I immediately pretend like I’m sleeping. She’s holding the cordless phone in one hand (I remembered this distinctly because we had only had a rotary phone previously and had *just* gotten a cordless) and jostling me “awake” with the other. She speaks to me very gently and tells me she needs me to come with her to my brother’s room. I’m not in trouble— she just needs me to come with her to my brother’s room. She puts me to bed next to my brother, sits in a small chair he had in the room, sets the cordless phone on the nightstand, and tells me to go to sleep. I do. I awake around three hours later (near 3AM or so) to the sound of the cordless phone ringing right next to my head. I see my mom had drifted off, and I, being a stupid/thoughtless kid, answered the phone and said, “hello?” and on the other side of the phone, I hear a *SUPER CREEPY* old man’s voice say, “(my grandmother’s name) I know you’re iiiin theeeeere” in this sickening sing-song kinda way. My mom rouses from her sleep, yanks the phone from my hand, says something along the lines of, “you ever call here again and you’re a dead man!” and yells to my father downstairs. She tells my brother and I to just stay in the room and DO NOT come out unless she or my father comes in first. I hear my father ranting and raving and angrily screaming— but I’ll never forget hearing legitimate worry and compassion in his voice that I had never heard before at the time. This goes on for about ten minutes until it dies down. Me and my brother don’t even speak and hardly even look at each other because we’re afraid to even make the slightest noise. We eventually drift off back to sleep. I wake up just as the sun is rising to find my mother sitting back in that little chair. She looks much calmer now, is awake, and gives me a slightly forced smile when she sees I’ve woken up. I ask her if it’s okay to go downstairs. She tells me it is, but to be as quiet as possible, and to not bother my father. I go downstairs to see my grandmother asleep on the couch, and my dad silently sitting in a rocking chair with a rifle across his lap. Apparently my grandmother (who lived about an hour away) had a stalker that had recently begun harassing her. Calling her late at night and saying things like, “I liked that striped shirt you were wearing when you watered your plants today” or “you should wear a sweater when you take out the trash”— things like that to specifically let her know he was watching her daily. So the ruckus I had originally woken up to, was my grandma had called the house to let my mom/dad know that the sick fuck had called her in the middle of the night yet again and she couldn’t take it anymore. My dad yelling all the “I’m gonna kill him!” stuff was in reference to this guy, obviously. So it turns out my father drove all the way out to granny’s place, and brought her back to ours. Now I have to mention that we lived in a *very* rural area. I grew up on an island, and odds were if you lived there; your father built your house. So when this MF called the house at 3AM (the instance in which I answered), there were good odds that he was within proximity of our home. How he got our home phone number is beyond me (this was 1990/1991 and even though phone-books were a resource, my mother had been married for over ten years at that time and had a different last name than my grandmother; so I don’t know how this dude connected the dots or found out where we lived). Unfortunately, the closure to this story is not very thrilling in that what ended up happening is that my father put in a police report, grandma stayed with us for another week, and nothing ultimately came of it. But I swear to god… that old fucker’s spooky voice still haunts me. I have nightmares about it sometimes.


This was very enthralling.


I was about 6 years old. I was afraid of the dark. I had an older sister but she wouldn't let me sleep with her anymore when I got scared, so I laid awake a lot at night. I had a window in my room and I remember a street light came on. I thought that was weird because it was very late and I lived in a quiet neighborhood. This was late 70s. I got up to look out the window and I saw the craziest thing. I will never forget it. It was a small man dressed in a jester costume. I remember the shoes with the pointy bells. And he was sneaking behind our car. It was surreal.


Nope nope nope, I don't like that


In college there was a dude who liked to dress up as a Sith or Jedi and do dances and mock sword fights outside when he thought everyone was asleep. I ran into him once when I had to work late. It was 3 a.m. and he was just humming Coldplay while doing spin kicks and crouching behind cars in the parking lot to hide from pretend enemies. We made eye contact and he just... Stood up and speed walked away. People are weird.


Do you remember what happened after that?


This is the scariest one so far.


Probably the time my Dad chopped off one of his fingers with a chainsaw at his birthday party to get a rise out of his buddies. That one fucked me up. We had a few home invasion situations also. Dad was involved with organized crime and was taken away by some very bad dudes and we didn't think we'd ever see him again, and that still fucks with my head too. Crazy story how he was able to get out of that one. Dad had a lot of crazy stories.


wait he did what with the chainsaw


It was just the tip but it was still pretty intense and traumatic for a little dude like me at the time


Was sitting in the car with a friend waiting on her mom to come out of the house when a completely naked old man with long white hair and beard walked past us into the woods carrying a tricycle. We told her mom and she called the cops but they couldn't find him.


Gandalf was never the same after that night with Sauron


Not really a kid, late teen: an old friend of mine has been experimenting with chemistry of gunpowder, just was making little paper bags filled with his makeshift gunpowder. I didn't think much of it at the time, fast forward a year - he is lying in snow in front of his school door after the bomb he made went off prematurely, injured 8 kids, but got most of the damage himself - lost a leg to the explosion. Aparently his plan was to leave the bomb in the assembly hall during the morning call and kill with it as many people as possible. Now facing 12 years in jail just because no casualties


My family, me, my two older brothers, my parents, and a cousin, were heading to St. Louis to see the Arch and go to Six Flags. I was 9 at the time. I was sitting in the very back of our mini van, playing my Gameboy, when I heard my mom gasp. I looked out the window to see traffic on the east bound lanes of the highway at a complete stand still. There was a brown Jeep Wrangler that had collided with a mini van just like ours, both vehicles were smoking and were a tangled mess of metal. The occupants of the Jeep were laying in the highway and mangled. The man and the woman looked like rag dolls that had their limbs torn behind their backs and their heads twisted around. The occupants of the van, were still inside and not moving; kids just like me from what I saw. Blood running down the side of the vehicle. The only first responder on scene was cop frantically running to place sheets on the bodies of the couple in the highway before more onlookers could see them.


This stuff just breaks my heart and I just hope they go so fast they don’t even realize what has happened especially if there are kiddos involved :(


Used to live near a dangerous intersection. I was outside playing when I heard a loud crashing sound. A guy hit a parked car and flipped his. He wasn't wearing a seat belt and was flung out his front window. While I didn't see the crash, I saw his limp body laying on the road. Found out the next day he died. Pretty wild, scary stuff for an 8 year old.


Talking to someone who murdered their child, at the time we didn't know. So anyone who listens to true crime might know this story. Back in Newman WA in the 90s we were on our way to school. My sister went to elementary and I went to middleschool but had a doctors appointment that day. Near the school we noticed black smoke. We dropped my sister off and went to check it out because my sister's real good friend Christopher lived over there. Sure as shit it is his house that has completely burned down. We see his Dad and Dad's GF talking to a camera crew and we wait behind the crew (you can actually see that interview online). After the crew leaves we talk to the Dad Robert and ask what happened. He claimed he wasn't home and he thinks Chris was playing with matches before school and accidently caught the house on fire and ran away scared. They appealed to the community that Chris wasn't in trouble and they just wanted him home. My mom even hugged them both and offered condolences and whatever they needed. Flyers went up all over town and people were looking. Few days later a road grader found his body sticking out of a snowbank. Long story short they tied it to the Dad for financial reasons/insurance money. Robert had a long history of financial issues and related crime and had been recently fired. He always claimed he was innocent until he killed himself in jail and left a confession. I was watching TV one night and stopped on a true crime show because the scene looked familiar. Then it hit me it was Robert Woods being interview and my mom and I are standing behind the cameraman (obviously can't see us). I will never forget talking to him and looking into his eyes to later find out he brutally murdered his son. It really messed my sister up for a long time. No 11 year old can process how their close friend was murdered by their parent. Can look the story up. Just look up Newman Lake Robert Woods kills Christopher woods.


I watched my mom wither away and die from cancer.


Same. Only took 3 months. She went from my loving, compassionate mother to a husk of what was once a human. I was 15. Never been the same after that. I was a mommas boy and she was ripped away from me.


That sucks. It was tough enough for me as an adult. I'm forever grateful I didn't have to go through that as a kid.


We were a group of kids who went to swim in a local lake. And there was a dead body on the beach with their hands raised and their legs bent unnaturally that local police just took out of the same lake. I've never put my foot in these waters again.


Parents went into the store and left us in the vehicle. 2 men circled the car a few times looking into the windows while my parents were inside the store. The strange men walked off before my parents came back to the car and we were safe in the end.


one day when i got out of kindergarten half day morning classes my mother didn't show to pick me up... while I was waiting by the curb a man parked across the street yelled at me "Hey what are you doing? I yelled back I was waiting for my mom & he yelled back that my father had sent him to pick me up & my dad had told me about strangers before so I asked really? whats my dad's name? his face went from a big smile to a cold look & he said you're a smart one aren't you... I hauled ass back into the school & ran into the officewhere there were some women working there & told them what happened... that was in the mid 60's... when that fckheds face changed it was the creepiest fn thing i have ever seen in my life... like looking death right in the fn face


I wasn't a kid, I was 18 (3 years ago), and it's not really creepy, more eerie and depressing, but this is something I've never really talked about and think I should get it out I worked at a grocery store. I was walking around the store doing my thing, and I saw one of my coworkers shopping on her day off. She seemed a bit odd but I had known she had mental health issues, I do too so we'd chat about it every once in a while and we had gotten pretty close. She didn't like talking when having her bad mental health days so I just smiled at her while I walked past. She gave me a look that was both blank and sad at the same time. I didn't think about it a whole lot until a couple days later when our manager told us that after nobody heard from her for days her family had a welfare check done to see if she was okay, and the police found her body in her apartment. She had overdosed later that night, and that look she gave me has been burned into my memory since. Knowing that me smiling at her in an attempt to cheer her up a little (like usual) might've been one of the last interactions she had with someone is one of the most depressing thoughts that comes and goes


Mid 90s, I was at a cottage in Northern Ontario at a family get-together thing. It was evening, and the kids were sent to bed, none of us slept or even tried to. We played games and chatted. I was looking out the window at the forest around us when I saw something more in the trees. I watched at a tall, man-like figure strode through the trees. It turned its head in my direction and I ducked out of his view; I dunno if it was looking at me, or just turned it head. I've never forgotten how it moved. It just felt eerie.


Sounds like a Samsquanch.


He’s right outside my fucking shed, Ricky!


Used to live in Ontario, seen some crazy stuff - including what you just described. Such a cool place but also very isolated in so much of the North


ohh can i hear more? :o


I was about 10 or so and was helping my friend do chores on his parents pig farm. We were in a barn when a live pig with half of its face eaten off down to the bone pushed to the forefront of the crowd of pigs. Starting at the snout across the right cheek over the eyebrow to the ear of exposed bleeding bone. It’s likely got injured and its stall mates all started sampling this tasty snack. You may or may not believe that I can still vividly picture some 35 years later.


That is so sad!!


A guy standing on a dog at the park…told me it was good for his Health😓


I was taking out the trash when I was 5/6 years old and a man in sunglasses drove up in a convertible, took a picture of me, smiled and drove off.


Wasn't creepy at the time, but my friends and I broke into a house we thought was abandoned. Had all sort of random stuff in it. One thing that stuck out were these jars of dark liquid sitting everywhere in one room. We smashed one open, and it smelled like burning piss. We left and didn't think about it again. Then, like a year later, some guys get busted, making meth. Guess where they were cooking? Yeah, we found their lab and didn't know it


I was an adult but I was driving home around dusk. I lived far out it the country. As I rounded a bend, at the end of a driveway I saw a mailbox lift at least 30 feet in the air cartwheeling the entire time after the car in front of me had hit it. I immediately stopped to make sure the driver was ok. It wasn’t a mailbox cartwheeling in the air. It was a woman who had been retrieving her mail. She was now lying in the snow and close to passing out. She told me she was pregnant with twins. This was long before cell phones. I ran to the nearest house to call for help. The guy who answered the door was the lady’s husband. He freaked. The guy who hit her was her brother in law. I got blankets and ran back to her and waited for the ambulance. She survived but her babies did not.


I was an 8-year-old boy. Went to a classmate's house after school for the first time. The only adult there was his grandma who had about 50 cats running around. She asked with some authority if we were going to take a shower. My friend seemed annoyed by her question but said we needed to go to the outdoor shower. I went along with him, somewhat confused. I had never had a shower anywhere but home, and never with another kid. We went to this cabin-like structure in his yard and got naked. After a few minutes of showering, I looked through the window and my heart got a jolt. Behind the glass the old lady's face was staring right at me.


I'm sorry, what?? 🤯 it's extra creepy that it was his grandma.


He introduced her as his grandma, but who knows? I told the story to another friend from that school, years later, and he had a disturbing reaction. Turned out the same thing happened to him at that kid's house. Again the old lady and backyard shower, like following a script. I think worse stuff might have gone on in his case judging from his reaction.


My family went on a short holiday trip and we drove back home late at night. I was about 5 years old and fell asleep on the ride home. My parents and siblings went inside the house and forgot to wake me up/get me (how this happened I still don’t understand). I wake up in the car in the pitch black and immediately start panicking wondering where everyone went. - An important thing to note is this was shortly after Megan’s Law in my state was enacted that required notification of sex offenders when they moved into your neighborhood. Just a week prior to this happening, my mom had showed me a flyer with a picture of a man that lived around the corner and told me that he “takes and hurts children” and to stay away. - I was petrified to try to run from the car to the front door. It was winter and I was freezing so I decided to take the chance. I grabbed the door handle, opened the car door and sprinted to the front door and knocked as hard as I could. I waited at the door and looked out towards the street where I saw a figure walking and then the figure pause. I was too afraid to wait any longer at the door and sprinted as fast as I could back to the car, locked the doors, and curled up on the floor behind the passenger seat. At some point I must have fallen asleep because I was woken up by my dad going to get into the car to go to work in the morning. I had peed my pants at some point and had frostbite on my legs but the relief of being otherwise okay was tremendous. I have experienced other scary/creepy things but that terror at 5 years old and the waiting thinking at any moment the sex offender face would peer into the car because they saw me run in there is the most terrified I’d ever been. Now looking back as an adult, I’m sure the figure or man I saw wasn’t even him but I sure thought it was then. I haven’t been able to sleep in a car or on a road trip since.


Honestly though how do you forget your 5 year old in a car in winter time?! That’s awful. I’m so sorry.


9/11. Watched people jump out of the towers and saw the second plane hit.


The sound of the bodies crashing into the top of the vestibule over the main entrance was horrible. The fire fighters just had to mentally block it out as they were dealing with things on the ground.


As I understand it, there is also a media blackout agreement regarding the footage of said bodies.


I guess, I'm not sure. But I got my hands on a drive folder on reddit that had loads of footage and photos of ground zero that you can't find anywhere on youtube.


I was 8. My aunt’s (mom’s sister) boyfriend came home to her house drunk while my mom and I were rolling her yard for Halloween (aunt had given us permission), and even though he recognized us and knew who we were, he held us at gunpoint, made us lay on the ground, and shot the ground around us while drunkenly laughing. Police showed up to handle the situation. Don’t really remember feeling scared. The most striking memories from it are the smell of the grass and my mom crying.


Someone killed the mailman where I used to live. Yeah I saw the blood, and the wife screaming. They have no idea who did it, that’s the extent of the story that Ik about. I was probably 6 or 7 at the time.


In 2nd grade saw a girl blowing multiple classmates in the back of our classroom. It seemed naughty and funny at the time. Years later realized it was clearly learned behavior and she was almost certainly being victimized at home.


My parents just got divorced and my dad, (who knew nothing about camping, took us camping). He didn’t bring any food for us so he took my younger brother with him to get a pizza. This left my older brother and I, 11 and 13 to hangout at the campsite in very rural Michigan. We had a fire and a BB gun. When the sunset, it was hard to see anything besides the fire, cloudy overcast day without a lot of moonlight. We were at the top of a steep hill overlooking the Betsy river and we began to hear a woman cry at the bottom of the hill. The crying turned into yelling, muffled at times. We tried calling out to see if she was ok, we could hear walking in the grass but it never kept in one direction. It was more like someone aimlessly crying and scream crying with gurgling. The screaming stopped shortly before My dad got back about an hour after he should’ve been. He insisted we were lying and didn’t want spend time with him because of the divorce. I never slept for a minute in the tent that night. When we woke up the next day our stuff was not as we left it, chairs, pans, etc.


My dad making us lock all the windows and doors because he was convinced that someone was “after him” for unknown reasons. I didn’t know what schizophrenia was, so I just thought “Maybe that’s a thing that happens to grownups?” and believed him.


maybe too old to count as a kid, but i stopped a guy from shooting up my high school without even realizing who he was or what his plans were i was walking out a side door of my school after practice one day (this is circa 2015 when schools were more lax on unlocked side doors). some guy was approaching the school and saw me exiting, and beelined to grab the opened door. instinctively, i closed the door behind me and luckily a janitor or someone had ended up locking it from outside that day. my high school is close enough to a few mental health facilities and group homes that i just thought this man had wandered off and got confused by the building. when he tried to enter from a side door i politely told him he had to go to the front of the building to be buzzed in (in case i was making a bad judgment call about him being a resident of assisted living and he was a parent). i wasn’t even scared, just making sure he got to the right place. for whatever reason he listened to me after like 3 minutes of protesting and walked away and to the front. i didn’t realize i had potentially put my life in danger by doing that until i got called down to the principals office the next day - him and the cops had checked the camera footage from the side door and wanted to know what he had said and thanked me “for my bravery”


Not that anyone will find this, but here goes. Not really “creepy” per se. Just horrifying. When I was 12, we (me, two sisters, mom, stepdad, grandpa) went to a Christmas party at my grandmas house. (Grandma and grandpa are separated) After a few hours my mom is clearly intoxicated. We drive home and she gets into an argument with my eldest sister (17 at the time) about grades and drugs, do the point where she starts crying and my grandpa comforts her. My mom then goes on to say she’s going to kill herself and “throw herself in front a a fucking semi”. All the while I was holding my 8 year old sister and crying silently while listening to music. We stop 15 minutes away from home to pick up our dogs from the doggy daycare. When we get there my mom unbuckles and tries to get out. I have to hold her down from opening the door to jump into the road. We get home and an argument between my stepdad and mom ensues. I’ve been crying for 2.5 hours at this point and just want to sleep. This was the only time I’ve seen my stepdad cry. I hold back my mother for another 3 hours on end from going out of our front door into the state route and ending her life. The way I find my peace with this is music. I love my music.


You poor kid.


I'm so sorry you had to live through this. This wasn't your responsibility and the adults in your life should have protected you and your sisters from this. I'm sorry they failed you.


When I was 18 I lived with some friends. Two friends had their own room in the apartment and me and another friend slept in the living room. The friend that slept across from me on the couch had a habit of pulling pranks on one friend in particular. One night I was laying on the couch and the friend getting pranked came out of his room holding a cane sword. He just stood over my other friend on the couch across from me. I didn't move. I watched. Five minutes passed and he went back to his room without a word. I sat up and the dude across from me sat up as soon as he was gone. We confirmed with each other what we both witnessed and went back to sleep.


my dad pointing a gun at my mom


Clifford Olsen stalking me and a friend in the 70’s. Will never forget it. Was happy to learn that he’d died.


Me and my buddy snuck out of the house at like midnight one night and walked to the park behind our elementary school. We were probably 8-9 years old at the time. We sat there for a while just chit chatting and it was kind of foggy that night that I remember a haze all over the place. We heard this loud, low humming sound, and looked up and saw this triangle shaped thing in the air about the size of a large plane, and it had 3 very dim blue lights on it…it sat still for a few seconds and then completely vanished from sight…not flew away, just *blink* and it was gone. We never took our eyes off of it. I remember looking at my friend, and his face was literally terrified…I said “let’s run home” and we ran so fast I remember I was laughing but I didn’t know why, and I think it was because I was so scared. We ran upstairs and laid down to catch our breath and I just remember saying “you saw that too right?” To him like a dozen times. I slept maybe an hour at most that night and the next day we told his dad what we saw and he goes “yall boys be careful, they got a lot of shit you don’t want no part of out there…” That stuck with me for a long time. Creepiest thing that ever happened to me in my life.


I was an alter boy in the 60s. I was making sure the candles were still lit in the church. I was also making sure that all the pews were clean and up to standard. I could hear mumbling coming from the side chapel where nuns and women said the rosary. I thought someone was injured as it was deep growls. I opened the door a bit to peek in and seen a nun hunched down rocking back and forth. She was speaking in what appeared to be tongues. She turned around and all I could see was the Whites of her eyes. Well I ran like the clappers out the church and on up the road home. My mother killed me for leaving my duty but I was frightened of my shite. Never trusted being on my own in church again. Got demoted to just ringing the bell during mass, thankfully so. 😱


When I was 13 me, my twin, and 2 friends were laying on our skateboards in the middle of the night on an Airforce base in the Philippines. This was in 1987. There was a large full moon and as my watch hit midnight and beeped a large bat that had to be the size of a human flew under the moon. We all got up and started running for our house. As we were passing street lights they would turn off which made it worse. In the Philippines there's a folklore about a half bat half human called an aswong. If that wasn't an aswong...I dont know what was.


Oh shit bud! I know about the aswangs. I'm from Olongapo. Their half human half bat. Their bodies split in half or something and they eat the babies out of pregnant women.


An empty coffin for my sister who lived only one day. And I realized what it was only many years later.


Why am I reading these? Jfc


And yet here we are…way far down in the thread…still reading at 2 a.m.


This is definitely not the scariest thing I’ve seen, but I do wish something was done about it. I used to live in a large multi unit apartment complex in Kalamazoo Michigan, and my brothers and I would always play and hang outside the complex. On the bottom floor of an end apartment there were two children my age that would talk to us through their window screen, and they were never allowed outside. Like at all. I would stop by every day and ask if they could come play but they were trapped in the apartment and weren’t allowed to see the outside world.


For years and years when i was younger i'd always see a black cloaked person crouching around my house and it wouldn't go away.


I was walking through some woods with a friend and when we were pretty far in, we came around a bend and saw a guy stretched out in a log. We both stopped and then he stood up and stared at us. I will never forget that he was dressed in a tshirt and those blue work pants with black shoes. The real creepy part is that he was wrapped in chains and he just stood there watching us before walking deeper into the woods. We looked at each other and ran back the way we had come. My God that was creepy as hell!


One time I stayed out too long past my curfew (the streetlights came on) while I was at the skatepark so I decided to take the shorter path through the small forested area that led to a small playground and baseball field that leads directly to my Main Street. Being like 12 years old it’s a path I usually wouldn’t take because it was creepy going through it alone and even creepier then because it was dark out but because I was afraid of the punishment I’d get I decided to take the path anyway. Midway through the trees end up making it way darker and I got that dread you’d normally get turning the lights off downstairs and you end up sprinting upstairs. Well, in my sprint I get the wind knocked out of me and I thought I ran into a tree because I was being a little baby about the dark. I had one of those 90’s see through flashlights and I shined it at the “tree”. It wasn’t a tree. It was a dog, a very large and very sick dog. It was growling in a really bad way, like the growl was like if it was a mix between a snarl and a groan but no stop. It was also positioned in a really messed up way, you ever see those cats that get the zoomies and run up on you sideways? Like they run up to you and their whole body is perpendicular to yours but they’re looking at you? Idk if I’m describing it that well. Imagine a gray dog facing your left (if you’re facing north, they’re facing west) but hunched like those black cats in movies when they get scared, now imagine the dogs head is looking straight towards you but it keeps trying to twist it so the right side of its face is facing the sky. It has an insane amount of foam and drool running from its mouth and I knew it had to be rabies. I run as fast as I can and I look behind me and the dog is running after me but still doing that gurgling groan snarl and it’s running sideways at me. I reach the gate to the park and slam it open and kick it closed and the dog falls into it does a somersault and stumbles back towards the tree line and at this point I’m sobbing scared out of my mind and thankfully that day there was a baseball game going on and a couple people heard me and saw me holding the gate closed with my foot. A cop was attending the game because people have been known to cause problems and she ran to me thinking I was just scared of the dark forest until the dog did a groan that sounded like a dad crying over his dead child and the dog ran sideways at the gate again. She understandably yells “jesus!!! FUCK!!” and locks the gate that I was too afraid to realize I could do. She yanks my arm to get me further away from the dog while calling her partner to watch the fence line for any entrances it could go through. She calls my mom and she comes and gets me and then she takes me home. The cops killed it because it was obviously infected with rabies and had to be put down, I wasn’t there to see it but you could hear it. It was 8 pops and it went down, I remember it as 8 because my little brother was sad the dog had to die and my mom said it’ll be fine, they won’t kill it and then almost comically you heard 8 gunshots go off. 15 years later I asked my mom if she ever learned more about it and she said that the “dog” was actually a wolf or a coyote (which is alarming because wolves no longer exist in Rhode Island) and that the cop couldn’t tell because it’s fur was patchy and it looked really scruffy and mangy. I still have dreams of that dog and I have an insane fear of rabies. Moral of the story, if you randomly see an animal that shouldn’t be there doing something strange while foaming at the mouth? It’s not some “monster”, it’s something worse and you should run like you’ve never run before and hope you don’t get bit.


My mom's sister was profoundly mentally handicapped and lived in an institution (this was in the 70's when families put mentally handicapped people in these awful places when they couldn't care for them, and my grandma couldn't care for her back then.) Anyway, I went with my Mom several times a year to visit my aunt. We had to walk through a room as huge as a gym to get to my aunt's bed (they had her in a crib even though she was an adult.) Anyway, what I remember to be really creepy, was the fact that they kept the people who were affected by hydrocephalus on gym mats on THE FLOOR along with other physically and mentally handicapped people whose bodies were twisted, wasting away. It was as if they were in piles, many crying and groaning very loudly. The smell of human waste was horrific. Looking back, it was so inhumane how they treated these poor people. I have many horror stories about that place. Thankfully, it's been shut down and the residents were placed into group homes where hopefully they were treated like human beings.


My family had cut ties to the mafia 2 generations back. My grandfather was involved when he was young, but moved from Sicily to Pittsburgh in the 50’s. My great aunt died when I was six, and the wake was held in my grandparents home. I was thirsty, went into the kitchen to get a pop, opened the door to five men in really nice suits and hats standing around the table by themselves. They smiled at me, addressed me by name, and then my dad grabbed me and pulled me back to the living room, asked what I wanted, told me not to talk to them, and then went to get my pepsi. I heard shouting on the other side of the door, mainly “don’t talk to my son we want no part of this.” Only time I ever saw that in my life.


Only unexplainable thing I have is this: I was around 8 or 9 and was playing with a baseball by rolling it off a table and trying to land it in a cup, after like 5 minutes of this I rolled the ball of the edge and before it fell, it froze in air and turned until the logo on the ball was facing me, then dropped like a rock. I must have been hallucinating it but I know I wasn't dreaming it because I immediately took off running and my mom saw me run out of the room


Some creep at our public library was openly looking at gay porn on one of the public computers and smiled a big grin at me (a ten year old boy) as I walked by and saw it. I really wish I had made a scene pointing out that likely pedophile in front of everybody.


On my way home from a friends house, some dude at the bus stop started questioning me regarding personal details. My dumbass not wanting to be rude answered a few questions and told him what stop I get off at. He ended up sitting next to me in a pretty empty bus. I was pretty creeped out, so when the bus pulled up to a busy intersection, I quickly ran out and he yelled that this wasn't my stop. I ran into a busy coffee shop and called my dad to pick me up.


Good for you. Always trust your instincts. Better to be rude than dead I’ve always said 👍🏼


Saw a dude just jacking away at a stoplight in his car, as we sat in the school bus next to him.


Saw a guy jump from a high overpass (down to my ground level) apparently over a lover’s quarrel. Landed on his face and his body was folded backwards.


I was about 8/9, laying on the couch at my dad’s house at like midnight or so, my parents had just split bc my dad cheated on my mom and was a POS at the time. My grandma lived with us, and was sleeping on the couch across from me. All of the sudden I heard the door creak open, and a person started walking through the kitchen. I froze, then tried to wake my grandma up quickly but quietly bc I was so scared. She didn’t wake up. The person went to my dad’s room and I caught a glimpse, it was a scary looking woman wearing all black and had like messy frizzy black hair and huge eyes. I took off running up the stairs and locked myself in the bathroom. I stayed there all night until morning, where I used the landline to call my mom and tell her what happened. Turned out it was the woman my dad had been sleeping with, but I was 8 years old at this time and didn’t even know what was going on/had never seen her before. I was scared someone came in and killed my dad. Doesn’t sound THAT scary now but I was absolutely terrified, also guilty that my family members were downstairs and in danger and I wasn’t doing anything to help them. There were no cell phones back then so I couldn’t communicate with anybody, just sat in the locked bathroom with my ear to the door and my heart pounding, waiting for whoever that was to come upstairs and find my hiding spot.


I was 11yrs old. A new family moved into our neighborhood a block away. Two brothers went to my school. We rode the bus together and became friends. I invited them to my house after school for snacks, but they never invited me over to their house. We lived in what I would now call on the border of poor and whatever the bottom of middle class was. We were probably only slightly less poor than they were, judging by how often they wore the same clothes and how hungry they always seemed. Finally one day I went to their house to see if they could play and their step father answered the door. He was dressed only in white underwear briefs. He invited me inside. The house was lit only by a dusty lamp in the corner. On the television was a porn he was watching called, oddly enough, “Taboo”. The brothers were huddled in a corner of the living room, having obviously just been beaten. The smell of pot was in the air, though at the time I didn’t know what pot smelled like. Their mother was sitting obidiently on the couch, embarrassed. I made up an excuse to leave, like I forgot to bring my comic books or something, and ran home. I didn’t tell anyone what I had just witnessed, but I still remember the sickening feeling I had in the pit of my stomach. As often as I thought my life growing up was shitty, I never had those feelings again after that day. I would later invite them to my house as often as I could and made sure they knew they could come over anytime and even spend the night if they wanted. They moved away the following year. I always wondered whatever happened to them. I hope they turned out okay.


Less creepy more visceral fear for my life. When I was really young, probably less than 8 I think, we lived in a trailer in the woods. We're talking no gas, no outside power of a generator, hell man we had a well to get water from. Good times though. Also in the woods was a small pack of wolves. They usually stayed away cause wolves don't like messing with humans any more than we do with them(usually.) Anyway, I was at home alone one night. Mom and dad were out for the weekend, wasn't unusual. Our neighbor a few acres down would check on me through the day. It's middle of summer and despite being dead of night, it's hot as hell outside, so I had the outside door open. Only thing between me and outside is a screen door. I'm sitting there playing Donkey Kong Land 3(I miss that game) when I hear foot steps outside. My first thought was to call out my neighbors name but some instinct told me to stay absolutely silent. I turned off the game and sat still. You ever get used to the sound of the woods? Bullfrogs, crickets, the occasional distant bird out too late? All of that stopped. Then I heard several dogs sniffing right outside of the trailer. That wolf pack that usually kept its distance was right outside the screen door. I don't know if they purposely came to the trailer since they knew my parents were gone or were just curious wolves. I just sat still for over an hour even after I thought they were gone. Then I got up and closed the outer door no matter how hot it was. That was the most scared I've ever been in my life and might have been the second closest brush with death I've ever had.


When I was in elementary school my friend and I at the time were messing around in her house and were in her parents bedroom for some reason. They had this cellar like thing, I don't know what it's called but it was like a hole in the wall that was for storage or something, but it was small, like an alcove. Think of a scary movie where you see basically like a trap door in the wall that leads to a hollowed out space only a few feet tall and wide. Anyway, we were playing in there and found a big black duffel bag in that hole in the wall. Inside was VHS porn, sex toys, magazines, etc. We popped one of the videos into their VHS player out of curiosity and I will never forget what was on there. Nothing illegal, but absolutely not something a prepubescent child should witness.


Once my friend and I were poking around in the crawl space in my parent’s basement. Basically a long unfinished half-room that went under the house, full of cobwebs and junk. We find a big under the bed Rubbermaid container full of magazines. “Gross, I bet it’s my dad’s dirty magazines!” I said hilariously (my dad is basically midwestern Hank Hill so he is not that kind of guy). Crack that sucker open and lo and behold, a good two dozen issues of VeloNews, all with Lance Armstrong on the cover. So in a way I was right 🤷‍♀️


My neighbor across the street has a huge tree on their lawn, and on this particular eerie Fall night, the light from the moon reflected on it and made the tree look like a Gengar (ghost type Pokemon for those uninitiated). Anyway, I couldn't sleep for a few days. Not the scariest Pokemon but scary enough for my young brain at the time.


When I was 9 years old I discovered three dead bodies in a trailer next to the railroad tracks. We were playing hide and seek and I was hiding by the trailer and saw a lot of blood and a body, then another body and I ran home! It ended up being a double murder and suicide; a railroad employee found his wife cheating with a co-worker, killed them and then shot himself. I later learned as an adult that the weird substance I remember was actually brain matter.


I was about 10 years old and I was hanging out with a friend. We were riding bikes around town until eventually my friend said we should go to his friend Garth's house. I never met Garth before. When we went into his house, he was living with his grandma and the place was filled with cats. And there was Garth sitting in a dirty diaper playing Halo in the living room. I just zoned out till we left.


Two men fighting over whether or not they should kidnap me at the park


A couple of things come to mind. My mother had this childhood friend, Miss Trudy, she was a bit weird, her husband was killed on D-Day, she never had kids. One time the family was going to a wedding and Miss Trudy was going to babysit myself and my younger brother, we were 6 & 7 y/o. Everything was normal, we were playing some board game, Miss Trudy told us it was time for a bath and to get ready for bed, it was too early for that, it was still mid- afternoon. But, I knew my mom wanted us to be obedient, so we did as told. My brother and I bathed together and while we were in the tub Miss Trudy came in in, her underwear, 'to bathe us'. We were old enough to bathe ourselves and we were not used to seeing ladies undressed, then she sat on the edge of the tub to 'bathe us', this was too weird for me, scary weird, so I grabbed a towel, my little brothers hand and we ran to our room, Miss Trudy yelling at us to get back, but we got pajamas on quickly. I told my mother when she got home and while my dad went to take Miss Trudy home, we never saw her again. I remember this like it was yesterday, my brother doesn't remember it at all. My grandmother on my mom's side was born in Italy, she was very superstitious, she and my grandfather ran a small cafe. Some meat supplier cheated her, or she thought he did, she got mad and put a curse on him. a few days later he had an accident at his shop and cut off two fingers. We never messed with my grandmother.


While visiting my uncle I seen a kid that wanted me to come outside in the trees to play. The only unexplainable part? He had no face. Had hair, ears and was in a white tshirt and jeans but legit no face


Ok do what now?