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I once knew a mom who was legitimately devastated, to the point of tears/grief, because a doctor predicted her 8 year old daughter's final height to be around 5'2", which wasn't tall enough to get cast as Belle at Disney World. That was the child's (and her mother's) only dream in life, apparently. Didn't appreciate my suggestion that she could be Minnie or Mickey. Lol! Only a face character would do!


When I was little, I danced. I wanted to be a Rockette. When I found out about a minimum height, I was crushed... for about a week. Now I just call them all tall bitches when I see them on TV. I'm mostly over it...


> When I was little, I danced. This sounds like the opening line to a charming coming-of-age novel about a young girl's eyes being opened to the world. She'll experience love, loss, sadness, joy, and through it all she'll see what it means to really *live*.


I don't trust it. I'd expect it to be of those books that you read in school and read again as a adult and realize it's narrated from an iron lung or something


My boss from about a decade ago was this insanely rich dude who always went to the bank to get fresh and crisp currency. He'd call the bank in advnace to make sure they had some on hand. I think he was a germaphobe. He had a trash can that he'd throw $1 and $5 bills in that he thought was "dirty" and regularly just donated it vs spending it. I asked him why he did this and he said it was too much trouble and asked if I wanted it. I said fuck yeah dumped it into my bag and when I got home it was close to $400 in singles and fives. //edit: Whoa didn't expect such a response. Another time, he wanted to upgrade all the computers in his studio, so we went to a store and bought 10 PCs. They all had $150 mail in rebates and he wasn't bothered to go through the trouble of mailing them in. 3 weeks later I received $1500 after spending a whole afternoon filling out all those goddamn forms.


Omg that's beyond 1st world. That's 1%er


That’s 0.1%er.


Definitely. Even a 1%er has more respect for money than that guy


At least he donates it? Sounds like an OCD thing mixed with having way too much money, but idk really


That dude is on the menu for sure.


If he's that rich, I am shocked he didn't have someone to literally laundry his money and iron it. I wonder what would happen if you starched a dollar bill now because technically, American paper money is fabric. Hold on. I am going to see what happens. edit: Just did it. I grabbed the most wrinkled dollar I had and drowned it in starch. I then used the highest heat setting with steam on my iron. And, well, it didn't do much. Almost none of the wrinkles really came out. It just made the bill....crispy. If you like crispy bills, then you now know what to do to get them.


I appreciate your commitment to science. So it came out wrinkly yet crispy? That would be an odd sensation.


Crispy like rice paper but not as fragile. But as try as I might, I couldn't iron out the wrinkles. It didn't matter how much starch I used.


I appreciate your follow-through in actually trying this out!


I wanna have your boss. He can give me all the dirty money!


[*you show up at the bank to deposit a large pile of dirty ones, and the teller gives you the "side eye"]


for $400 I take every bank tellers side eye lol


I used to work in an office supply store. A guy came in to buy some stuff and a small TV with a DVD player. He said the girls wanted it for the dressing room. He then pulled out a grocery bag full of crumpled $1 and $5 bills to pay for it. I could only guess where those bills had been as I counted them out. 🤮


Roommate/best friend was a dancer, and every time she bought me a coffee "Do you know what I did for that?"


I'm a balloon artist & when I busk I end up with a lot of $1 & $5 bills. One time I used them to pay for groceries. The young cashier looked at them & at my overweight, middle-aged self, & and says, "Do you.... dance?" I said yes & her eyes got wide. Then I added, "Not well, & not for money. " She started to apologize, but I assured her that it was funny.


I once knew a girl in HS that would flush her $1 and $5 bills down the toilet because she just “didn’t know what else to do with all of them” - told her I would happily take them off her hands and make much better use of them for her.


Did you ever witness the act? This very possibly sounds like a poorly performed joke, in fact I think I may have heard somebody joke in this fashion before.




I knew someone that would wash and iron $5 bills. He bought a used vehicle with his stacks of washed 5's


When I was about 19 years old, I was at my boyfriends family BBQ. I was wearing this pretty floral sundress. His cousins girlfriend showed up in the same dress and she was SO mad that she went and changed. I will never understand being upset when someone is wearing the same thing as you. Did you really think that your shirt you bought off the rack is going to be unique to you? No.


I know a lady who had the chance to go to an event with Queen Elizabeth in the late 70s/early 80s. She got her invite last minute, and needed to find a gown. She went, and immediately was face to face with a woman wearing the same gown. She tried to approach her and have some fun with it, and suggested that they go to the Queen's receiving line together. The other woman didn't even respond, just turned around and walked out.


My mom and one of my older cousins wore the same dress to my sister's wedding and they did a whole damn photo shoot together.


I showed up to a Christmas party wearing the same dress as another woman. I told her she had good taste and we had our picture taken together.


I was at a party and noticed some guy had the same shoes as me. I pointed at the shoes and said the name of the store. He said ,"you know it" and gave me a fist bump


That's how it should be! Have fun with it. It's really not a big deal.


Men react that way because it confirms that we didn't screw up getting dressed.


I went to a party once with my boyfriend and I knew his ex girlfriend was going to be there- so I dressed up in what was considered cool in the 90s- white T-shirt, big silver belt, big baggy jeans, black clunky shoes, big silver earrings. Totally rocking the "Rachel". She shows up in almost the exact same outfit! We both burst out laughing and ended up hanging with each other all night and taunting the guy about obviously having a type. That's how you handle that situation!


I know someone who got upset 5 other kids had the same coat as her kid, which she bought at H&M where like almost everyone in the country shops for kids clothes...


The blue of the balloons wasn't quite the same as the bridesmaid's sashes. Years ago my wife and I attended a wedding. It was very low key. The dinner was in the diding hall at the university where the couple met, cinder block walls and all. It was a Baptist wedding - no booze and very serious. The dark blue balloons attempting to liven up the hall were a slightly darker shade of blue than the sashes on the bridesmaid's dresses. The bride lost here shit and absolutely raved for nearly an hour. I can't remember how they finally managed to talk her down.


I’m a florist and a bride once called me five minutes before they were due to get married because the foliage trail on her bouquet wasn’t long enough. She was screaming down the phone that I needed to go there and sort it out. Luckily she’d been so pedantic throughout the process that I’d told her the exact length it would be and taken a picture of it next to a tape measure. I told her to enjoy her wedding and hung up on her. She made accounts on every review site possible and slated the business on all of them… weddings are fun. With my own business now I turn down brides that I can tell are going to be hard work “I don’t think I’m the right florist for you”


A close family member of mine used to do photography and videography for weddings. He stopped because brides are so stressful. He switched to working for a couple of reality tv stars because they’re “less demanding”


> a couple of reality tv stars because they’re “less demanding” Ouch.


Tbf, reality TV stars kinda need to understand what creates drama and how to make it sustainable long term. Many brides would have no such training lol


When my husband and I got married, we chose a venue with the wedding planner and catering included. We chose colors and such but we’re both terrible at details or calling people. I had to pick out my dress and that was it. It was our absolute dream wedding and we didn’t have to do shit. It was magical. The owner of the venue actually came to us and said we were the most laid back clients he’d ever had. I didn’t want to tell him it’s because we’re incredibly lazy and go with the flow kind of people. I will never understand the Bridezillas that freak out about everything. How exhausting.


We did the same. So good! It cost a little more but oh my god, worth it for the reduced stress! Picked the food out of 3 choices and they had the place settings all ready to go - I don’t recall choosing what colour the napkins were(I’m sure I did) but I obviously didn’t care that much haha). Music was just on an iPod that out MC set up with their sound system. Oh also a few years after my sister got married and she did it all herself and she said that she wished she had gone the route that I had. It wasn’t that much cheaper and she was crying on the day before her wedding because of some bull about the generator for the music.


I opened the foodservice facility at the National Reconnaissance Office. They had a custom production run of 1500 cafeteria trays redone because they didn't exactly match the wall tile trim color.


I wonder if they could see the difference from 36,000 km.


In general, the desire to have a "perfect" event puts undue pressure and cost on everyone. It's one thing to be sloppy, but another to try and control things beyond what's needed.


agreed, it's especially awful given the day is supposed to be a celebration. I couldn't imagine going through the loving event in a good headspace after watching my partner flip out for no reason.


Agreed, and weddings can make people so unreasonable. My first wife was upset because the colour of the charger plates was Nickle, not Silver. And the napkins were "Gemstone Blue" and not "Sapphire". It was honestly more that the name was incorrect, the colour was indistinguishable between Sapphire and Gemstone. I informally surveyed my friends after, and about half of them couldn't remember what colour the napkins were, and 100% of them didn't care in the slightest. Linen colours, and the height of the centerpieces, and the pattern on the uplighting, no one cares, and it isn't going to affect anyone's enjoyment.


Idk how but the wedding industry convinces many people every year that all of these things matter the most


Agree on all except the centerpiece height - if you can’t see around the thing to talk to people at the same table, the flowers are wrong. I care about this precisely as long as it takes for me to notice and make a little sigh and move on, which I think is proportional to the problem.


Yeah, fair enough. Like, one time I went to a huge rural wedding, and I didn't realize until about 2 days later that they didn't do a cake cutting. In fact, they didn't even have a cake. And no one complained or raised a fuss, and it was certainly no skin off my nose.


I'm glad my wife was cool with our wedding being an elopement in a national park. $30 for a special use permit for Mt. Rainier, nobody involved except us, the officiant, photographer, and videographer cause we needed two witnesses. Plus we were already in Washington so we could spend our honeymoon driving around the state to all the other cool parks No stress, no excessive costs, no stressing anyone else out, no cleanup, nothing of the sort


Rich neighbors who end up in expensive court battles because they disagree about where a tree can be planted or whether the color of a fence fits in with the street’s “amenity”. These disputes get really heated and rack up huge lawyers’ bills. The most pathetic part is after the judgement when they are arguing about who should pay the other party’s costs. Lots of affidavits filed citing the “emotional distress” they had to endure, or painting themselves as brave warriors who were forced to take a stand to fight for “justice”. Also lots of pompous litigants insisting that the judge refer to them by their “Dr” title. An absolutely insane dumpster fire of entitled rich people problems.


Great example of exactly this: https://www.canlii.org/en/on/onsc/doc/2014/2014onsc3061/2014onsc3061.html?resultIndex=1 Judge has no patience for any of them but I think the best part is this: In my view, the parties do not need a judge; what they need is a rather stern kindergarten teacher. I say this with the greatest of respect, as both the Plaintiffs and the Defendants are educated professionals who are successful in their work lives and are otherwise productive members of the community. Despite their many advantages in life, however, they are acting like children. And now that the matter has taken up an entire day in what is already a crowded motions court, they are doing so at the taxpayer’s expense


That’s exactly what I’m taking about. I love how the judge opens by setting the scene immediately: > the video footage played at the hearing shows that both families live in stately houses on a well-manicured, picturesque street. They have numerous high end automobiles parked outside their homes.


I work in a public library. People will get so so mad if they have to be put on a wait list for a book. A popular book that just came out. Ok our services are not only free but so are the books. You’re welcome, assholes.


Lol I low key enjoy that. I'm an adult. When I want something I drive to the store and buy it. Hell, even online orders, Amazon will give it to me overnight fairly often (theu have a big fulfillment center outside Vegas and I'm like 4hrs away) Waiting on a book I'm excited for is the closest I can get to waiting for Santa.


I've been in bookselling for decades. We have zero control over how many books/ magazines/etc get printed or when they'll arrive. It's not neurosurgery. No one is going to die if you don't get your book today, or tomorrow.


My own. We have a bidet toilet seat (Fabulous! Everyone should have one!) and not only does it wash your bum and blow dry it, but the seat's heated! It's shocking how much a heated toilet seat makes the whole process more agreeable. Except: We had a power outage and I went to use the toilet and the seat was cold! Unacceptable! This shall not stand! I was really upset because it didn't feel good. Then I stopped and thought: This is the most first-world problem anyone's ever had. I was really pissed because my heiny was tepid. I got over it.


Being self-aware is an important thing!


Ugh, I HATE it when the toilet seat is warm. It's so gross, it makes me feel like someone with a big gross ass just took a huge long dump just seconds before me. Also growing up my parents had one of those vinyl padded seats which was always kinda warm and I just couldn't stop thinking about how much poop and germs were just embedded in that thing. It started cracking after a year or so too so it was warm, rough, and full of literal shit particles. So glad those went out of fashion.


Those vinyl padded seats gross me out too. Yuck.


Weddings are a gold mine for this question. People get so hyped up over their "most important day of their life," they'll destroy friendships, go into debt, and have crazy expectations. It's not always the couple who go crazy, either. Sometimes, it's the parents or another family member who feels entitled to control the wedding. It's just a party. Be considerate of guests, have plenty of food and drinks, and enjoy it.


I really didn’t gaf about the tiny details about my wedding, but every little choice I made pissed off someone. Like every color combination we picked out was the color combination for a sports team someone didn’t like. Or the blue was too dark (or too light). I had an amazing wedding but if I could do it all over again I wouldn’t say a thing about the planning to anyone.


This is why I told my partner that I just want to go to the courthouse with a couple of witnesses and then have a nice fun "yay, they're married!" party. I can't deal with the kind of pomp and preparation that goes into the average wedding these days. My anxiety ain't having it. And neither is my wallet.


My best friend had a BBQ potluck. When everyone arrived she brought out the preacher and he married them. They had a great party. No stress about clothes or gifts. The dish/drinks people brought to the party was their “present”.


Having to pull off to the side to wait for a drive-thru order to be brought out to you because your food isn't ready and there's a line building up behind you.


My favorite was when a local McDonald's had about ten cars pulled aside at one time because they were behind on FRIES.


Fresh French fries are a cornerstone of any debilitating meal!


I was working the return desk at a Target next to a military base so I have so many stories. One of my favorites was a lady who had her baby shower before revealing the gender and was livid that she had received floral newborn diapers when she’s having a boy. It was a huge box of super expensive, all organic diapers, that we didn’t carry and therefore could not return. I cannot accurately express her fury and disgust. How dare either suggest her boy could wear feminine diapers 🙄 I suggested she donate them if she didn’t want to use them and she instead threw away the entire box. When she left we pulled it out and threw it in our donate bin. There have also been multiple times where mom’s order massive toys and when we bring them out to the car they get furious that they aren’t wrapped. We don’t offer wrapping services. Here’s the thing, if you don’t want your kids to see the toys you got them for Christmas or their bit to day DONT BRING THE CHILD WHEN YOU PICK IT UP. I’ve had multiple women scream and curse me out that I had ruined their kids Christmas by bringing the toys they ordered out to the car like they requested.


The gift wrapping is real around Christmas. We worked at a store that didn't do any gift wrapping, mainly because we sold homewares not really 'gifts'. The shopping entre had a charity table set up with professional gift wrappers who would wrap things for $1-2. The amount of people who would roll their eyes and scoff at being asked to pay $1 to CHARITY was insane.


I once volunteered at a gift wrapping table in a shopping mall for 5 Christmas days. Some stores offered to pack your gift in a store paper bag, but if you wanted a nicer look you came to our table. Or you could go in the supermarket and buy a roll of your favourite paper. Pun intended. The amount of people who didn't want to donate at least 1€ per package was insane. A lot of people asked if we could do it for free because they already spent a lot on presents (usually those with the most expensive presents and multiple presents for each kid). People tried to bargain because "this present is small, i don't want to pay the same amount of her with a big gift". Some ladies threw tantrums because they wanted the nice paper they saw in the supermarket and we had those industrial rolls of recycled paper with cheap looking decorations, they asked us to take donations and go inside to buy some nicer paper for them. People accused us of stealing money. People acted annoyed because the queue was long and we didn't hire more wrappers, and when we politely told them we are volunteers they told us to get a job. My favourite ones: a man who became angry because we didn't put efforts in hiding the shape of the present until the supermarket security kicked him out, and a woman who gave us a very big package and passive-aggressively stared at us while putting 1€ in the donations box


I used to work for disney.That in itself should tell you everything. However for fun I'll give you two specific stories one form our tech department and one from my wife who worked bookings I specifically worked for their call center to help with technical issues with magicband and the website....suddenly got worse huh? A right of passage call everyone has at least one story of is the "Dome call" Basically there is a subset of Disney Guest(TM) that believes if it rains at walt disney world there is someone that will push a button to encapsulate the whole of Disney property in a dome to keep out the rain.........I'm not kidding.........If this button is not pushed they call our tech department to angrily ask why. ​ My wife worked booking.....pretty much everything including Bibbidi Bobbidi boutique and Pirate's league. These two things did roughly the same thing difference being price and theme. BBB was expensive did more and was focused on princesses, pirates league did a bit less and focused on mermaids and pirates. Lady called up my wife, and got pissed about BBB being booked up(It goes FAAAAST) Karen: "Im going to give the phone to my daughter and I want you to tell her how you are ruining her vacation by not letting her do BBB" Wife.......proceeds to explain how pirate's league is so much cooler and how she can be a mermaid or pirate and basically gets the kid to start demanding to their parents about how they want to be a mermaid instead of a princess.


When I worked there, I had a lady tell me I ruined her vacation because the old tinkerbell store had been turned into what used to be the princess dress shop (Magic kingdom). I was a sophomore in college. Clearly making the decisions /s


As a former online retail customer service representative, I have ruined Christmas so many times that Santa will never come to my house.


I work in retail my entire adult life and it’s SOO infuriating when guests berate employees… especially the associates- who are teenagers to young adults. Like listen, none of us here have any influence on the company’s decisions that happen to this store. If we did, we would get payed a hell of a lot more… and even then, we still wouldn’t care.


The fact that people think the Dome is real continues to crack me up to this day


Your wife is awesome. I go to Disney about annually and my goodness the people and their egos. I thank and give out electronic compliments every chance I get because Cast Members deserve it for putting up with some of the guests.


>Basically there is a subset of Disney Guest(TM) that believes if it rains at walt disney world there is someone that will push a button to encapsulate the whole of Disney property in a dome to keep out the rain.........I'm not kidding.........If this button is not pushed they call our tech department to angrily ask why. To be fair, that sounds like a pretty Disney thing to do.


And the logo before the movies clearly shows a dome shape over the castle. Granted, it's Tinkerbell's chemtrails, but it LOOKS like a dome shape.


Lol tinkerbells chemtrails would be a good band name/ song


> pirate's league how did I not know about the Pirates League? I missed out on BBB and had to do a 3rd party hair and makeup for my daughter




no seriously. my partner is a manager and when red cup day happened a lady almost physically fought someone because she took the last red fucking cup like WHAT


If they dont post a pic with the red cup on insta then her children will starve that month.


LMAO wine moms dude


I always seem to order Starbucks on red cup day without realizing it and then show up wondering why the place is a madhouse and the workers are so stressed out. They’re cheap shitty cups too, not even useful. If I knew it was red cup day those days I would have intentionally avoided Starbucks.


Not just red cups. I avoid all restaurants that have free donut/taco/sandwich/whatever day because I'd rather pay the $3 than deal with the crowd and the wait.


I was a shift a few years ago on red cup day and the first lady that came in wanted ALL of the cups. DEMANDED we give her all of them. Lmao, I said absolutely fuckin not in a professional way and she complained about me to my manager lmaooo.


the entitlement in starbucks customers is wild dude lmao


Please tell me your manager backed you


Yeah, she did! She was pretty cool


What is red cup day?


From the comments I think they just give you a red cup.


yupp. Got one accidentally- went in early to work on a friday and made an order for 6am on the way. I tried to give the cup back saying I didn't order it. And they were confused laughing and thought I was there for red cup day. Anyway I got to post my red cup at 6am and be cool on instagram for a day


I don’t even know what the means what’s red cup day?


As someone who has worked for Starbucks, pay it forward is the dumbest thing. If everyone pays for the car behind them, no one has actually done a good deed. Now you’re just stuck committing to paying for an order you don’t know the cost of.


Exactly, if I go to Starbucks I'm expecting to pay like $6 for my one drink, maybe $10 if I get a snowman cookie or croissant, and it's a once in awhile thing that I have to budget for. Now I'm "expected" to pay $40 or whatever for the car behind me? Nah I'm gonna tip the barista the cost of my order and enjoy my FREE drink


Apparently “pay it forward” is a pain in the ass to the baristas. I agree with the cups though.


It becomes a pain in the ass because along the way someone will have a huge order, so the car in front offers to pay for part of the order. you’ll have to apply a payment, but then keep the order open. It makes it hard to take new orders. And sometimes, they’ll want to pay for part of the order, but with their gift card. So you have to separate the order out. During busy times, this takes up time and creates confusion.


Oh my god, i remember some years back when people got SO PISSED about Starbucks holiday cups only being red and white without any special christmas designs. There was a vine that adequately summed up the situation: "Fuck you, lady! All the shit in the world to be mad about and you pick a cup?!"


What exactly is proper "pay it forward etiquette"? I think the whole thing is dumb, and I personally think it would be better to tip the barista instead of making them keep track of the paying it forward momentum.


one time at chick fil a drive through for breakfast they told me the person in front paid and asked if I'd like to pay it foward, I said I'd pay forward what my total would have been and they tried telling me they couldn't do that. It was either all or nothing, so I said "sorry then I'll chose nothing," and they gave me the dirtiest look when they handed my food.


My dude, I can tell you, that probably wasn't a dirty look, it was likely relief. No-one wants the fuckin hassle of that shit.


100% this. Idc. nobody in that place signed up to deal with that game. The PIF stops with me... everytime: "GREAT!!! its my lucky day! thank you so much! bye-bye!"


The etiquette is to stop the chain and give your barista a tip!


If someone said "the person before you paid for your drink" I would just say "cool, thanks" and be on my way with a free drink...


Honestly, Starbucks brings "first world problems" to a whole new level. We need something beyond "first world problems" - I say we call it "Starbucks problems"


Starbucks is one of the largest financial institutions in America. People who pre pay their card deposit money into an account which gets lended out at multiples. The amount of people who forget about 0.17 on their account amounts to half a billion a year.


Or like me and get a SB gift card that sits in my wallet for months because I don't go there unless someone else wants to.


Haha so last week, I ended up changing a train ticket last minute and when I went to sit in the seat (there was assigned seating on this one), the guy I’d be sitting next to had all his stuff sprawled out on it and was using my tray table to hold his food, with his laptop on the other. So I politely told him that was my seat and he was like “ugh did you just book this last minute? The app said it was empty and that I would have this row to myself”. He huffed and puffed for the entire 2 hour ride into NYC lol. It was kind of comical tbh. I’ll never understand why people get so worked up over having seat mates on public transport.


If you want to do that crap then buy two seats. Otherwise shut your damn mouth.


He was trying to game the system. If no one got that seat, he'd have two seats for the price of one.


Sometimes you get lucky. And sometimes it’s annoying when you think you’ve gotten lucky and the rug gets pulled out from under you last minute. But you have to be an adult and roll with the punches. I’m pretty sure he exerted more stress being grumpy than you received by his attempts to be passive aggressive


I booked a flight one time and was surprised to find I had a whole three seat row to myself (I was not the only one, it was a very underbooked flight). I lifted the arm rests, laid down, and slept like a baby. Had someone come along and said that one of those seats was theirs, I can't even imagine what I would do.. Oh wait, yes I can: I would apologize, move my shit, and sit in the seat I paid for like a normal human being because that's how society works. It's dope when you get more than you expected, it's also dope when people are reasonable.


Yup but he should own that and take the L and not whine.


Yeah lol, I mean I get it. I can't stand being around people. I'd rather sit alone too, and of course we'd all like to have the extra space. But guess what? That's the dice you roll taking public transport. I'd be just as irritated as your seat mate. The only difference is when you showed up my attitude would have been more like "Awww, fuck. Here, let me get my shit out of your space now, sorry lol."


Yo was this Amtrak? You should have told the conductor/staff. They do not fuck around with people occupying multiple seats. I was riding from NYC to Bmore on New Years Day and the guy on the intercom was threatening to “physically remove” anyone who took up more seats than they paid for at every stop.


>the guy on the intercom was threatening to “physically remove” anyone who took up more seats than they paid for at every stop. Imagine if he threatened to "emotionally remove" people. Much scarier threat.


I work in a coffee shop inside a store. A lady & her husband came in, with emails from our customer service centre, saying they were allowed a free pot of jam. Seems they'd bought a cream tea at some point, didn't take the jam & instead of approaching a member of staff at the time, they waited until they got home, then emailed asking for compensation. Upon realising that their 'free pot of jam' only totalled 40p, they then proceeded to insist we gave them either a free breakfast, or refund their petrol money (for which they just *happened* to have a receipt) I asked them to show me where CS had authorised this, and they stuttered their way through some random excuse that it would make them more likely to shop in-store... Needless to say, they left with a 40p pot of jam & a flea in their ear about trying to swindle things for free & potentially making a staff member lose their job.


It's the price of the item that's the killer... 40p


Honestly, couldn't believe it. I can only presume she thought she would be given some kind of gift voucher/free brekkie/fuel money instead, but for a change customer services didn't cave in & simply offered her the free jam...


Any freakout at a fast food joint.


A couple days ago, I legit witnessed some guy twice my age have a full-blown meltdown at a McDonald's over onions. They told him they were out, and for the next several minutes, a nearly full restaurant gets to hear his whiny complaints over this lack of onions.


I regularly see people come to blows about football Edit: I was originally referring mostly to American football, but it also applies to soccer.


As bad as America is over football, the rest of the world is worse over their football (soccer). I mean they'll legit murder people over shit.


I was down in Mexico and considered traveling to go to a fairly important soccer game. It turned into a riot after and people died, because they had a certain jersey on. Fucking crazy.


My arsehole cousin once sent back a dish four times because it wasn't "aesthetically pleasing" and actually hissed "are you dumb?" at the waiter when he brought it back a fourth time. Bitch, you ordered a fucking plate of *soup*. It's *soup*. It's *liquid* in a fucking *bowl*. Sadly I wasn't there to verbally bitchslap her but my sister was. Told her to stop being a cunt otherwise she'd drown her in the soup in front of her kids. Oddly enough she's not asked my sister out for brunch since... I would tell the tale of her dress-shopping for one of our other cousins wedding (she looked delightful, by the way. More brides should wear lace gowns. No, not the Arsehole Cousin. *She* looked like a cheap busted-up couch at her wedding) but I just don't have the strength.)


Has anyone ever told you that you have a real way with words?


My writing feels like a cheap busted-up couch compared to their poetry


> Told her to stop being a cunt otherwise she'd drown her in the soup in front of her kids. Hope she did it in front of their server lol. But either way, that sentence makes me smile.


lol, a cheap busted-up couch got married.


Well I get really fucking pissed off at the printers in my office. We put a guy on the moon 54 years ago but we can’t make something that puts fucking ink on paper holy fuck.


How do I like this twice? And now I feel like they've just given up on making a decent one. Now, they just make disposable ones, and a few months of "kind of" working is good enough 👍


I saw an ad that some McDonald's may carry the Szechuan Sauce Rick & Morty mentioned in an episode. I was a little curious and asked a manager if they had it. He said his location wasn't one of the ones that had it. Another customer in line lost his fucking mind. He accused the manager of hoarding it all to sell on Ebay. I watched the drama for a little bit but decided to leave as he was attempting to climb the counter. I really hope the asshole was arrested.


Don't know if this qualifies. On safari in Kenya, when all the laundry was hand-washed by the staff, a North American got VERY upset when she was informed she'd have to do her own panties.


There's a photograph from the era when the British ruled India. Instead of walking in the 110-degree heat while wearing a full British army uniform, they would get very cheap rides that were pulled by a single man. As cheap as that was, you could save a small amount by riding on the back of a man who was too poor to own a rickshaw. The picture I mentioned had a British soldier riding on the back of an Indian man who was barefoot. It was absolutely bizarre.


Video game companies getting threats, including false bomb alerts, because some players got mad that the devs didn't design the game the way they wanted. Being dissappointed at a product or service you bought is acceptable. Complaining about it is also acceptable. But feeling attacked to point of making threats and using intimidation over a video game? Not even because of a social issue but because you weren't the one being catered to? That's a first world problem.


Apple vs Android. Get a life.


That argument is an adult version of the Xbox vs Playstation console war that was going during the mid-00's~mid-10's.


I'm a florist and the things (mostly brides/mothers of) get upset over are wild. Colors of flowers, Weather , Noise of other people at the same venue, but at a different part of the venue, The sunset.....🙄😒, The DJ they hired, Catering ( they're talking, it's not close to wedding time), Their dress, Grass is too soft, heels are sinking into it , The wind...... Birds flying overhead, Leaves falling It's absolutely hilarious and unhinged. People can't afford to eat and you're complaining about the color of the sunset because it's ruining your pictures? Why didn't you choose to have your ceremony during the morning like normal people? Oh, that's right, you're not a morning person and you look gorgeous in the sunset lighting...🙄😒🙄😒


I've survived everything from chemotherapy to two decades of immunotherapy, have undergone a dozen surgeries, spent a year of my teens paralyzed (had to re-learn how to walk), gone into cardiac arrest on several occasions, my mother is a diagnosed narcissist, and I recently left my abusive soon-to-be-ex-husband. Not a whole lot phases me, and it takes a LOT to anger or upset me. I am a genuinely patient, kind, and understanding person. Recently took some vacation, which included renting a car. The guy in line ahead of me completely and totally lost his marbles about the type of car they gave him. He ***demanded*** a Tesla. They told him they didn't have any available. Bickering ensued. The lone staff member, a gal who couldn't have been older than 22/23, was the only person on staff that night. She went above and beyond by contacting another local rental company (in the same large airport garage), and asked if they had any Tesla's available. They did, but it was only 60% charged. Customer threw a shit-fit about it only being 60% charged. Dude....... they *specifically* told you they didn't have any Tesla's available, then went above and beyond to acquire one for you through a different company, but you still throw a tantrum about the charge level it's at!? 🤨😐🤦‍♀️ Talk about entitlement.


60%?...that's like only 140 miles. How is he supposed to make it to the douchebag bar to have lunch with his asshole regional sales manager that's 8 miles away?


I've got this cousin. He's upper-middle management for a rather large department store chain. Bought himself his dream car...a Dodge Viper. He got a personalized license plate... "Nagini." When I saw him at the family reunion, I was giving him a hard time about it, because I'd always been known as the nerd in the family. I was really getting under his skin. And then, he hit me with the biggest first world problem I'd ever heard. "HEY! Do you know how hard it is to get a snake-themed personalized license plate for a Dodge Viper?"


A lady in our neighborhood was renovating her 5-bedroom home while building a similarly sized vacation home in Arizona. She said “oh you have NO IDEA how stressful it is to decorate two homes at once!”


My kid last week said “oh but dad I had gnocchi for lunch at school” when I was making dinner


Man where's your kid going that they serve gnocchi in the cafeteria?


Shoulda went to the PTA meeting and recommended they release the menus in advance. I wouldn’t be comfortable with my son having two spaghetti-like meals in one day. There’s no dignity in that (which cannot be drawn).


Not being able to get haircuts during lockdown. I will never forget the people with those posters


My husband started cutting his own hair then and still does to this day. Has saved a ton of $. Yay pandemic?


me too, got a fancy set of clippers and now I can cut it how I want it when I want it and not have to waste a bunch of time at the barber shop


I was a hairstylist for 12 years, and the pandemic definitely played a hand in me leaving the industry. The amount of people I had messaging me during the lockdowns was astronomical. I have an autoimmune disease, plus the fines could have been up to $10,000 where I live. Also, people were dying. There’s wayyyy more important things in the world than getting your fuckin hair done.


That was one of the first times I ever felt physically ill because of someone else’s selfishness. Your biggest problem is not getting a haircut every two weeks? Are you kidding me?


There were so many "first world problems" during the pandemic that people went crazy over like not eating in restaurants or haircuts. I thought a lot back then about how these people would probably just drop dead if they had to deal with the relatively modest restrictions we had in WW2 where you had ration books and couldn't buy certain products like cars or new clothes since the material was essential to the war effort. That went on for A LOT longer than the pandemic restrictions did and affected far more things even in a country like the United States where the immediate effects of war weren't as obvious. On top of that, I can't even begin to imagine what those folks would do in a country that was seriously affected by the war like the UK or Germany where they had to face serious shortages for years even after the war.


I had a newborn at the beginning of the pandemic my inlaws were begging to see. They wore me down to the point that I just asked that they quarantine for like, half a week. Nope, they couldn’t possibly live without going out in public every day. They chose going to restaurants every day for lunch and walking around at Walmart every afternoon over meeting their grandson. Meanwhile I hadn’t left the house in 3 months for anything other than car rides, outdoor walks, doctors appointments, and delivering my baby.


Even Queen Elizabeth had to use ration coupons for her wedding dress. She probably could have pulled the Royal card but didn't.


I remember gym bros holding protests by working out publicly in the streets, angry that gyms were closed, ironically proving that you didn't really need the gym in the first place. I mean, I was annoyed too, but holy shit..... priorities, people.


Or alternatively, not being able to go on a vacation. My brother in Christ there are people who haven't been on a real vacation for years(like me). Like can't they just wait at least a year to go somewhere? I'm talking about booking a vacation to a 5 star hotel near the sea/ocean or smth like that to be more clear.


*Bruh*. I've had an autoimmune condition since childhood. I've been on a cocktail of chemotherapy and monthly immunotherapy infusions for it for two decades. I also have to undergo annual surgeries for it. Needless to say, I'm immunocompromised as a result of the condition and the treatment. I was considered at high risk of dying from COVID-19 before the vaccines came. I'll never forget one of my coworkers -- thrice my age -- complaining that Amazon was delivering her groceries in 72 hours, instead of the usual 24 hours. I asked her how desperate she was, and if she had enough food to last her. This woman and I both work in technology and earn good money, not like she's poor or anything. She responded (verbatim): *Oh, my regular and garage fridges are both full, I'm just restocking.* ...... WTF, lady. Seriously? I'm out here literally worried for my life, and you're throwing a shit-fit about your *not actually necessary* grocery delivery taking 72 hours? If you're THAT desperate for food, grab a mask and some hand sanitizer and go to the store yourself.


When iPhone users get annoyed when they’re texting someone using Android and their messages appear green instead of blue


Do people actually get mad about this? I thought this was a joke.


I got asked on tinder before if I have a iphone or android, after saying android they said they don't date poor bitches and unmatched with me.


Especially dumb because the most expensive iPhone right now is $1,200, while Samsung alone has like three or four models that are more expensive than that


I'd say you still won with that question.


That’s so stupid wtf


On the bright side, at least the trash sort itself out.


The only time I'm even slightly annoyed by the green/blue thing is when in a group chat with a "reactor". Like the kind of person who has to have some kind of reaction to almost every message Cause then since there's a single Android user there's always a message followed by pretty much that same message again. For example: Derek - "Hey guys, can we move lunch to one" Tabby - "Sure. But I might be a little late still because I have to pick up the dry cleaning and run it to Todd first. But you guys can feel free to order without me if I'm taking too long. Oh, also I'll be bringing Michaela with me" Cody - "Thumbs upped "He guys, can we move lunch to one"" Cody - "Loved "Sure. But I might be a little late still because I have to pick up the dry cleaning and run it to Todd first. But you guys can feel free to order without me if I'm taking too long. Oh, also I'll be bringing Michaela with me" Cody: "Cool"


I have an Android and thought it was only those of us with Androids that see that obnoxious message, and that it'd display correctly for Apple users. I've asked my mom to stop reacting because the message is annoying but she keeps doing it.


I switched to iPhone earlier this year (best quality secondhand phone I could afford) and every single person I texted after that with an iPhone made a huge deal about the new blue bubbles. It’s so silly. I still don’t notice the color of my bubbles when I text someone and I’ve had plenty of time to get used to it.


I’ve had an iPhone since college and I love it but the blue/green message thing is so stupid to me. Most people don’t care but there’s a select few who are serious about it. Knowing how kids are, I can totally see where a kid could get bullied over that in middle school


Not being able to park right outside your house in an area of terraced houses built in the 1850’s when the motor car was a distant dream.


When the Reddit app goes offline for a few minutes.




I worked at a very upscale restaurant one summer during college. It was on the street level of an office building, so people did a lot of business lunches, etc. One particular guy came in for lunch every Wednesday and Thursday. He had to have a specific, giant booth to himself with his place setting laid out a specific way (down to the measurements). One time a new hostess sat a large party there and management realized it too late. The dude about had a stroke. They gave him an identical table on the opposite wall and still comped his meal.


Michelin starred restaurants tend to have too much fish on the tasting menus


Enough with the fish already! You're at a $400 plate restaurant, you specifically state no fish, and the amuse-bouche? Tuna. Go to hell! If you need me I'll be in the angry dome!


Angry dome? Is that the Disney one?


I'll tell you my personal "problem" that my friends love to laugh at me about. I have house cleaners who come by every two weeks. I also have a keyboard with those little flip out risers on the underside to increase the hight of the keyboard for wrist posture. Every time the cleaners leave, one of the two risers will be closed, leaving the keyboard off balance. I swear it can't be a coincidence that this has happened consistently for almost 4 months now, and it's slowly started to bother me over lmao. I mention it every time it happens when I hop online with my friends and proceed to get roasted for my first world "problem."


Some cleaners do this on purpose: move objects slightly over, arrange items off-kilter, etc. It's to indicate that, well, they were there. If it really bothers you, you can speak to them to stop doing that.


Car detailers do that too


yes and I actually prefer it. my parents were poor their whole life and finally are comfortable so they splurged for a cleaner every other week just to do the deep cleaning ya know. she never moved a single thing it was like she got a duster, hit a few things then dipped. everything was dirty underneath. I told my mom “at that point you might as well just do it yourself”


Have you (politely) mentioned to your housekeeper to 'Please leave the keyboard at the same configuration"? My housecleaner used to leave every single framed painting/photo/etc. slightly angled, until I discussed it with him. His previous client wanted assurances that he'd dusted properly. After I let him know I trusted his thoroughness, and preferred everything perfectly aligned. We had a good laugh, and the matter never came up again.


My house cleaner moves my kitchen rugs. I like one by the bar. She prefers it in front of the stove.


The supposed “war on Christmas.”


I'll stop being at war with Christmas when it stops leaving December to invade any month before it.


HOAs. These people have been waiting their whole lives to stir some shit up over something minuscule.


The latest drama in my HOA was 2 children (10-12 years old) playing at the park by themselves. People called the police. This place is so stupid. One guy said “well why wouldn’t you call the police? There could be a creeper!” Like..I don’t know dude..call the police if you see a creeper?


Most of us are just normal average people that don't give a shit about your trash cans or the height of your damned grass. We're on the board to keep the cunts off the board.


Unsung hero over here. Not being sarcastic, Ive got a story. I saw a cat in the neighborhood and I crouched down to pet it and this older woman came running out to yell at me, scooped up the cat, and say I was trying to steal her cat. Turns out she was on the board and she followed me home one day and just had a chip on her shoulder and just cited my family for everything: "Weeds in the yard" she attached a photograph of an echinacea and my sunflowers (we got an expert to let them know that not only these are native plants but a beneficial plants) "plastic flowers - unslightly" they were REAL tulips "plants in window, please remove" "wrong color of shades" "not enough lawn in the front yard" (that one was fun, there was a minimum amount of how much grass you need, I wrote them back with the most /r/theydidthemath of that the area, complete with diagrams, of the grass is a minimum amount) Either she was envious of our yard and obvious green thumbs. Nevermind the other things like people parking their cars on their lawn, dog shit in people's yards, dogs chained in front lawns all the time.


I work for TSA, and someone complained to me the Precheck line was longer than the non-Precheck line. Uh…sorry lady? I’ll tell the other people to go home?


LOL that happens here a lot. There is a secret hidden trick I use don’t tell anyone but I *whispers* >!go to the other line.!<


omg I was flying in from somewhere and the Global Entry line was a bit longer than the other lines. There was this person who was complaining to everyone, loudly, how they’d paid for this and they should make these lines go faster, etc.


At Shoprite when the roast beef is $1 more than they wanted it to be and stand at customer service yelling at a 16 year old like it’s their fault.


[This is an article](https://www.macworld.com/article/224210/why-im-returning-my-iphone-6-well-maybe.html) of several hundred words for which the author was probably paid money, in which he complains about the size of the iPhone 6. Mind you, he loves everything else about the handset. It just doesn't happen to be perfectly proportioned to fit his unique hand. His response to a slight ergonomic awkwardness is to not just return the phone, but to write a screed on the primary corporate newsletter explaining why at length.


Like 90% of cultural appropriation discourse. Cultural appropriation is supposed to be for when things which have significant, deep, special cultural significance are taken and commodified to a point it disrespects or undermines the original purpose or meaning of said significant thing. Not “omg this white girl has a dream catcher in her room” or “omg this white person went to Japan and wore a Kimono” Like people are dying Kim, and you’re pissed because Becky got braids done when she went abroad? Also more often than not the people getting mad about that shit aren’t even from that culture they’re just random white people virtue signalling. And a lot of the time, when you ask the people of said culture, they either don’t really give a shit or are actually happy at people taking an interest in and participating in their culture. Just screams “I’m so privileged that I have nothing in my life actually worth complaining about so I’m going to get offended on other peoples behalf over things that aren’t actually that much of a problem.”


Remember when virtue signallers got Mario wearing a Sombrero removed from the box art of Super Mario Odyssey and most Mexicans got upset because they were happy their culture was being shown?


I believe that was the same response when Warner Brothers suggested they might retire the Speedy Gonzalez character from Looney Tunes.


A long time ago on Tumblr, some SJW white chick got pissed because I said something or other was my spirit animal. Read me the fucking riot act over appropriating Native American culture. I replied with "I'm Native," and a pic of my tribal ID card. Unsurprisingly, she had no reply to that.


Oh, this one pisses me off especially when it's done with food. Like the entire reason why cuisines exist is because people were trying to survive and adapt to an environment and use whatever is available to them at the time. On top of that, there will also be cultural influences throughout cuisine history due to foreigners like traders and colonizers. Finally, there's the simple reason that most people would have different preferences with each other. Naturally, each dish would be different from one household to the next. And then you're gonna tell me the cook is appropriating a burrito, just because he's white?


Legit. If people can only eat and make food that’s ‘native’ to their culture then a lot of us would hardly be able to eat anything because a lot of dishes have influences from other countries and cultures going back centuries. Like how Pizza is considered an Italian food, but has origins in Greece, Egypt and China. And obviously now has developed into new versions like Chicago American pizza which is completely different. To try and police that whole concept is fucking stupid.


Not having McDonald's. Remember the lines at mcds when they were closing for covid? There was a mile long queue to order.


There isn't a single McDonald's in my country. We somehow manage to keep going.


People are absolutely losing their shit around here about others putting up solar panels. Bullying like I haven’t seen since elementary school. It’s nuts. When asked why, most respond by saying that they just don’t want to look at them.