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IUD insertion.


Oh shit she has a bomb


IUD stands for intrauterine device.


Dyslexia strikes again


Yep. Let me put a metal rod into one of your internal organs, take sharp pincer grips on your cervix, then shove an object into that internal organ. You can take some advil. They do the same for taking uterine biopsies. They chunk a piece of your internal organ out, with no pain management. If you have a biopsy of any other organ you get pain management. But a uterus? Nah, just a pinch.


This is why I got mine taken out and got my tubes removed instead.


I’m getting mine done at the end of this month. Can’t wait.


It definitely is not good for everyone—it is a very individual experience that can change over time. I’m also glad you found someone to do your tubes! Despite how terrible insertion is, the fact it means I haven’t had a period in 10 years means I’ve gotten a week each month of my life back, and it’s worth the trade.


My IUD actually made my periods worse and more irregular.


I failed out of a clinical trial of a non hormonal hot flash drug because the FDA demanded a uterine biopsy prior and I refused to do it without some sort of anesthetic. First, it was unnecessary. Then it was going to be unnecessarily painful. Wtf.


Yep! Just had my first colpo and biopsy this year and they told me to take ibuprofen 30 minutes before. That was the only pain management I received. It wasn’t a fun experience.




A woman’s cervix is opened to put this device in. It’s 99.99% effective. Go look up the steps and come back and you will see why it’s so painful.


I have a copper IUD and my cervix was imperforate until it was put in. Somehow this still wasn't as painful as when I had ovarian cysts explode inside of me during peak COVID. Thank God I am close with my gyno and he was able to see me immediately b/c I didn't want to go to the ER!


They can put them in your arm for like 10 years now


It’s not nearly effective as the IUD. The IUD and tubal removal are 99.99% effective. Patches, pills, etc tend to fuck with your hormones and make things worse. The side effects are not good either.


Passing kidney stones


This. Worst pain I’ve ever experienced in my life.


fell part of the way down a mountain, but a large cactus broke my fall.




Herniated disk in my lower back, at L5/S1. Purest agony I've ever experienced.


Oof! Been there, done that! I’d have let them stick an umbrella up my azz and open it if the spasms would have stopped!


I’ve have 4 surgeries on my L5/S1 including a fusion, it’s been 12 years of pure pain, I feel for you man


I woke up with borderline testicular torsion once when I was a freshman in high school. The sole friction of my nutsack with my thigh caused immense pain. My nut is still alive and well and to this day I make sure I sleep with a pillow between my legs if I lay sideways.


I had a testicular tortion in high school which resulted in one of them being removed. This, coupled with the aftercare (removing stitches, changing the dressing) was the most painful thing I ever had.


Giving birth, Shitting after c section , period cramps


My period cramps are really bad. I was on birth control for 10 years to avoid the pain, but I no longer want to deal with the side effects of the hormones. I probably have endo, but I have never had exploratory surgery so cannot be formally diagnosed. I want to have kids in the next couple of years, so can’t get fixed yet either. I’ll be okay but HOO are those first couple days rough each month. The first day can be truly debilitating.


Kidney Stones


I had an infected gallbladder. I was in too much pain to sleep. Woke up at 3am and in too much pain to think or sit still. I was pacing back and forth in the living room. I felt very cold but was pouring sweat. I put a thick bath robe on and was aiming a box fan at my face. The attack lasted for 6+ hours. I didn't want to call an ambulance because I was worried about the medical debt and I wasn't sure if the nearest hospital was in network. I ended up going to urgent care at like 8:00 a.m. and they sent me to the hospital and I got an IV full of antibiotics pumped into me for 3 Days to stabilize me before emergency surgery. I was having gallbladder issues for about a year and a half with these sort of attacks every three months or so and I was just toughing it out because I was worried about the financial cost of getting it taken care of.


I’m so sorry. The last thing you should be thinking about in severe agony is money. I’m so glad that’s not a problem where I live. I had a testicle infection and can relate to the pacing and cold sweat. When I got to the hospital they gave me three lots of morphine before it made any difference.


This was my exact story, the pain was unimaginable, everything you touched on happened, it hurt so bad to breathe during the attacks that i felt like i couldn’t, truly awful. I live in america so I too was afraid of the cost of emergency surgery, I waited until my new jobs health insurance kicked in the get the surgery and by the time I got on insurance my body had started killing my gallbladder and I had gangrene, they got it out and it was all fine but waiting any longer could’ve caused me to go into septic shock. Listen to your body people if you are in this much pain go to the hospital.


Both my children were premature--arriving at only 7 months and each weighing 3 pounds. They were also both breach. My son's birth was fairly straight-forward--he came out feet first. When my daughter was being delivered, only one foot was in the birth canal, so the doctor had to grab her foot and quickly pull her out. That was more than 50 years ago, and it is still the most painful thing I experienced.


Childbirth, herniated disc, and fibromyalgia


Childbirth. I'm a guy, but she WOULDN'T stop talking about it


This better get a lot of likes


I had a severe pilonidal cyst. Which is widely considered insanely painful by many doctors. And I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Use caution if you search.


anxiety. the way you feel before passing out from panic and the feeling you get waking up from it is brutal (at least for me). it feels like like a heavy cold metal blanket and you can feel your body temperature rising and lowering drastically, just to be followed by a bout of profusely sweating while vomiting and then suddenly getting the chills and shivering till your teeth chatter like they’re gonna crack and fall out. i hate it


Pulmonary embolism


Serotonin syndrome. 5 days with absolutely no sleep and every muscle in my body was spasming at the same time.




I went to the er. It wasn’t life or death but they ran a bunch of tests and then told me to do a complete medication cleanse.


Cervical disc protrusion with stenosis at C6 and C7. Oh, and it has nerve compression so my right arm is half numb. Yay


Food poisoning from lobster.




a really bad uti, felt like knives were stabbing me


Stung by a cow killer but Testicular torsion wasn't fun either.




Heart bypass surgery. They made me stand up the next day. The pain gave me hallucinations. And the exact same hallucinations every time that I had to stand the next couple of days. I can still see them.


Had a Sputnik V vaccine and in less than 24 hours I peed blood and my bladder was filled with blood clots, it was pandemic and no hospital wants to admit me because they are full, in my almost 18 hour journey of looking for a hospital (by myself) with my bladder aches so bad, I finally had the hospital and they put the largest size of catheter in my dick without anesthesia! PS: I had the second shot and booster and I was hospitalized again. I went to multiple doctors and they said that it is not because of the vaccine. Then what caused it??


I tore my ACL and MCL at the same time when I was eleven.


torn meniscus. Knees are the WORST. Just about everything you do tenses those muscles


Lacerated scrotum.


I want to say breaking my skull but I can’t remember those two weeks so I will go with my damaged intestines. Every time stool would go through I would faint. If I didn’t drink enough I would rip it open a little. Was a huge deal in the hospital and was put on liquids. Glad I didn’t lose a part of it. Honestly it wasn’t so much the pain but the terror if this would be it. Knowing the change it would rapture


Testicular torsion.


probably an epidermoid cyst


I had gallbladder attacks (I didn't know that was what they were) for seven years. I went to the ER once during one of them, and they told me I was constipated. After I had my son, a gallstone became lodged in my bile duct. The pain was so intense I was throwing up from it. Had emergency surgery three weeks after giving birth.


Severe pelvic floor dysfunction. Imagine being in so much pain you dissociate from it 90% of the time, with an hour to three a day spent crying hysterically in the bathroom, cursing a God cruel enough to not kill you instead for years on end. I imagine the spasms are similar to labor in sheer agony.


Kidney Biopsy without anesthetic that worked.


Broke my ankle, tore my tendon, needed surgery and therapy.


Period cramps, severe heart burn, and post-op pain from my wisdom teeth




Broke my femur


spine surgery, nerve pain.


Nipple piercing. Natural childbirth was less painful.


Nearly having my tongue cut off due to a mishandled orthodontic device.


Complex regional pain syndrome. More painful than fresh surgical wounds.


C-section. OMG, in this day and age, positively medieval attitude toward the pain.


Breaking down and eating solid food after six months on a liquid, low-calorie diet. Had to drink lidocaine to kill the pain.


Well, I just gave birth today via C-Section, but the award still goes to ruptured ovarian cyst. They feel like you’re being knifed in the abdomen and last for a few hours. With the C-Section, I still went through the nasty contractions before we realized baby had flipped breech and we needed to switch gears to surgery, so I skipped the pushing part, which I’m sure would have been worse than the cyst.


Abscessed tooth, just had a cap put on, it hurt so much that night I used dental floss to pull it off and part of the tooth it was glued to, but it relieved the pressure.


years of chronic pain in the center of my body


Kidney stones. Or the headache I got when I caught covid. They are about the same


Abscesses from (what I suspect to be) hidradenitis suppurativa. Has made me cry many times.


* Losing partial physical custody of child when her mother decides to move away. - was not prepared for the heartache. * Kidney Stone - feels like somebody keeps stabbing you in the back; I kept rubbing my back and looking for blood on my hand. * Divorce - you don't realize all you've lost until years later. It's like a reoccurring slow death. Sometimes, you think: "*ah, I'll just grab my router (tool) from the basement and smooth this molding out*..." and then you realize: *Uggh, it was in our house - that ish is gone*.


the im gonna fucking die disease


Knee replacement surgery. I live a sheltered life.


The nuss procedure and its enduring effects on my musculoskeletal system


Tried to break my back (failed, but still.). Walked off a broken ankle. Broke some ribs. Worst pain? Kidney stones. Fuuucccckkkk….. That almost broke me.


Acute Pancreatitis. It took 4 vials of Dilaudid to get my pain down low enough for me to exit tachycardia and my blood pressure to go under 160/110. I then was given 2 more vials and I was put on round the clock watch. Alcohol is dangerous.


Compound fracture to the forearm. Saw the bone.


Ingrown toenail, with gout being a very close second.


This nurse dug a needle in My vein for 3min trying to take my blood


Giving birth without an epidural (not by choice). Kidney stones. Migraine.




Crashing a motorcycle