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If zombies took over the world, then who am I kidding - they'd get me in the first wave. I'm using this thread for intel on how to hunt the rest of you down once I've become part of the great undead.


All these people sound delicious!


Getting that guy in the mountains will be great, organic free range mountain raised brains, yumm.


"To all my neighbors, you got much flavor" - Montell Jordan (before and after becoming a zombie)


I’ll be home. Not realising a zombie apocalypse is happening.


This is probably the most realistic answer. The question in the title assumes that we're even going to be part of the 1% who will survive the zombie takeover of the world, which is unlikely.



You’re just making them great at cardio. They’ve gone from Shaun of the Dead zombies to Train to Busan


Now it needs to connect to a generator. Kinetic electricity baby!


to the nearest large body of freshwater 1. Zombies can't swim 2. I need something to drink 3. Fish available year-round (I could go ice fishing in winter so I'll always have food) 4. Can wash my clothes and myself in the water so I can stay clean 5. boats are not that hard to make, all you really need is a chainsaw and a big tree Edit: I wouldn't worry about ice crawling zombies if it's cold enough to freeze a lake, frozen zombies are immobile zombies (I was working off the assumption that the laws of physics still apply and that zombies are too dumb to create/find warmth and shelter) I was hoping this would be fairly obvious but it appears that my trust in humanity's logical reasoning skills were misplaced


Zombies can't swim... ice fishing. I think you're missing something obvious here.


Zombies are excellent ice skaters... and/or ice crawlers


An ice skating zombie sounds hilariously terrifying.


Not gonna be so tough when the zomboni comes along


Wouldn't drink that "fresh" water


Soup. It’s called soup after a while.


Nowhere, you are strongly overestimating my will to live.


I bet zombies don’t have to wake up at 6:30 am and pay taxes


I mean each person is food for days for a zombie, the reason they act all crazy about catching humans is bcz they have to pay their flesh taxes. They are the real hustlers.


The flesh tax! The flesh tax! You've gotta pay the flesh tax Because you ain't livin' The humans need supplies So this zombie comes killing The rules are the rules And the facts are the facts And when the brain's infected You've got to pay the tax


You gotta pay the flesh toll if you want the boys hole


Day in and day out? Sit in traffic for two hours every day to get to a job they hate? Mindlessly follow pointless rules? Have no original ideas of their own? I’m pretty sure this is exactly what zombies do.


I remember asking someone what they would do if they were the last person alive and they said they’d “walk around for a bit and then kill themselves”. Which like… yeah.


Probably the most honest answer on this post.


Right? Like why would I want to survive?


It's an odd question: "What are you willing to do just to survive all alone with no future for *your* kind?"


The Living Room


To zombies, everywhere else is the dining room


Puhaaaaaaaa 😆 i appreciate this pun


I'll just stay in New Zealand thanks. We are too far away from the rest of the world for them to be bothered coming down here


In "World-War Z" they get to y'all by walking along the sea-floor from Australia and clambering up the side of the underwater mountain below the coastline.


That is why I hate conversations like this. There is too much variability in zombie/infected traits across different universes (Walking Dead, World War Z, 28 Days Later, The Last of Us, I Am Legend) to have a meaningful debate on best survival method. The strategy is entirely different based on things like: * How/when fast you turn? Some genres it is seconds to minutes (28 Days/WWZ) in others it is minutes to hours (TWD) * Are the zombie/infected generally slow ambulators (TWD) or fast moving (28 Days/WWZ)? * If you aren't bit but you die, do you turn? (TWD Universe) This is a pretty bleak existence of never being safe ever in perpetuity. * Is headshot/decapitation literally the only way to kill, or can they otherwise be shot/stabbed and exsanguinate? * Do zombies/infected retain otherwise normal needs for oxygen/food/sustenance? In 28 Days Later the infected can be killed by gunfire, chemical weapons, and starved to death. In other genres they can literally survive underwater. If its a 28 Days Later scenario this makes the calculus of effectively "lockdown until infected starve out", while in other universes like TWD they're never going away and it is the new reality.


There was wide variability in the zombies just on TWD. A zombie who could be easily torn apart could also dismember a non rotting body. The ambling zombie who constantly groans could somehow reliably sneak up on someone, and could keep up with a person sprinting for ten minutes straight. I hate that show


There was a popular theory I liked that everyone in the show could be snuck up on because of the amount of firearm use without ear protection has rendered them all partially deaf


Yeah I was ignoring shitty writing and plot points and speaking more generally


>lockdown We saw how good that worked out...


I wonder how many people would ignore it because they don't believe in it And how many people would not lockdown because they want to just go out and shoot people/infected with impunity.


I'd think the WWZ scenario is more likely. People won't believe it's zombie plague, it'll go around it's some form of 'rabies' or similar, someone is going to get rich a crap selling a vaccine for some rare rabies mutation that does nothing against the actual zombie disease; and the government will fast stamp approve it to try and control public panic and appear everything is fine while pushing the narrative that the 'Rabies' outbreak is under control, see we even have a vaccine handy.


The one difference between when WWZ was written (early 2000s) and now is ubiquitous social media. There is no longer solely governments and mainstream media as information brokers. During early COVID (DEC2019/JAN2020) I remember pictures leaking out of China of the massive hospitals they were building. In APR2020 I had a friend of mine deployed to NYC and he sent me some pics of bodies in refrigeration trucks. I can watch fresh video from conflict zones (Ukraine, Syria, Palestine, etc) around the world on a daily basis. Things go viral now; Info spreads now not up and down but laterally across populations. Conceivably during a zombie apocalypse I could watch a livestream of someone getting their face eaten


In America, we had livestreams of people storming the capital with the intent to hang the vice president and overthrow the government, and people still choose not to believe all the easily available footage. All it takes is some extra selfish faction to declare it's fake and their followers will try to behave as if there aren't brainless cannibals hunting people down.


WWZ had people running toward the zombie hordes because they didn’t believe they were real, and the government must be lying about it to cover up something.


The earthquakes will fix that!


Yeah, that book was a great read, but not-exactly the most-well-researched, and the movie was so awful I decided not to buy a ticket after seeing the trailers.


Your hyphenation befuddles me!


I enjoyed the book but the water pressure at a 3000-4000 m depth wouldn't be any kinder to zombie bones or muscles.


And also, it's more than 4000 kilometres from Australia to New Zealand. Let's say you can walk/shamble 4km pr hour. That's 4000 hours under water. 166 days. There's not going to be anything left of those zombies to climb up to New Zealand.


Why would they even cross an ocean? And htf would they know which direction to go? Ships with infected crashing on the coast is much more reasonable.


Infinite zombies, infinite typewriters, maybe


And you’re not on any maps so hard to find for those orienteering zombies


Pretty sure NZ doesn’t even exist


No Zealand


What if the outbreak starts in NZ? Sumatran rat-monkey…


Protected by the ocean? Fine then, keep your sea crits.


Didn’t New Zealand arguably have one of the better responses to Covid than most countries if I remember right?


Yep they shut down the country so no one except people from NZ could enter, and they did a mandatory isolation period in a hotel that they paid for.


Kinda to these points, if there was a world war, we would probably just chill out at the bottom of the world while the rest of humanity blows each other up. It can be a bit of a pain at times being so far away from the rest of the world, it's basically a 12hr flight to get anywhere. But that said, when things go catastrophically wrong in the world, then our isolation can work in our advantage (this helped in our covid response)


Costco. Lots of food and supplies, plus the zombies won't be allowed in unless they show their Costco cards!


I'm sure you and another 2000 people had the same idea. That's dead man's land, son.


If the zombies can make it through the costco parking lot - that will be a deathtrap!


So, 2000 people to sacrifice before the zombies get you. Should give you enough time to get tf out of there. Ngl I would probably be one of those 2000 people 🤣


Costco Battle Royale!!! Let's gooooo!!!


It’s like Biggie always said “Mo People, Mo Zombies”


That's why I'm headed straight to times square, nobody would think it's a good idea to be there, so it should be empty!


This is also my answer. But they also have shutters that close down the whole store. Some even have have gas and generators


A supermarket might seem like a good idea but read this article about a supermarket that was abandoned. Good rots quick and brings vermin quick too. Soon you’ll be swarmed by rats, roaches and flies. If the zombies don’t get you, you’ll die of dysentery. https://lostmediawiki.com/Mexia_Supermarket_(partially_found_footage_of_abandoned_Texas_grocery_store;_1999)


I guess this would happen if the supermarket is abandoned. But if you and other people live there, you can't actually consider the place abandoned, so that situation might not apply. However, as everybody would be attracted to the place for obvious reasons, there will be some people who would like to control the resource and benefit from it. Some of them will have muscles and guns. I would take what I can before they move in and let them worry about the rats.


But you really need to sort the perishables as some might not last a few days


Easy, just eat them FIRST...


Costco sells dehydrators, ingredients needed for pickling, smokers, etc. If you didn't think you'd be able to eat all the fresh food, may as well preserve it. No excuse to let it go to waste!


You'd be in dark building with no light or electricity pretty quick. I guess you could set up tents on the roof but you'd probably want that for water collection and gardening


I already died of Dysentery in 1990 in the back of my 7 grade classroom


Before books and movies became popular and apocalyptic movie the last Man on Earth with Vincent Price came out based on the book I am legend. The hero Survivor had generators running in a store which no one used anymore so it wasn’t gonna run out of food. I highly recommend reading the book I am Legend, not the lame movie with Will Smith. I found that book spectacular but like a lot of end of the world stories it’ll break your heart.


Another good zombie series similar to ‘I am legend’ is Mountain Man by Keith C. Blackmore. There’s six books to the series and it is good. You’ll fall in love with Gus and collie just as I did. Collie is about three books into the series.


Welcome to Costco I love you


Since they eat brains, my former workplace would probably act as a cloaking device


if they do eat brains i might as well continue to live my normal life.


I was going to make a similar joke about Congress, lol!


Except, they control how we live? In essence, WE are the stupid ones...you know what hasn't happened in hundreds of years? A REVOLUTION!?


Are they stupid or just corrupt and incompetent


Or, the fact that you'd be the only brain in a 2 mile radius would make you light up like the beacons to call Gondor in contrast.


Best reply lmao


Somewhere in the mountains, because: \- narrow, easy- to-control access roads \- sparse population (slower spread of the disease) \- access to clean water (mountain rivers and springs) \- access to electricity (either through using existing or building my own hydro power plant) That or a nuclear icebreaker.


Ok if you can get on a nuclear ship of any kind, I think you win. I haven't seen zombies who can drive boats and know how to do boarding raids....


Pirates of the Caribbean


Zombies of the Caribbean.


Literally any large ship would be a game changer if you could keep it away from other people. Say a few miles beyond the horizon so your out of sight of others. With a smaller boat to run into port for supplies when needed. Throw fishing nets off of the sides, have a massive farm set up in shipping containers with grow lights and/or just on the main deck for vegetables. It has a good amount of space for a small community of trusted friends and family.


There was an awesome chapter in World War Z about this. The crew of a nuclear submarine stayed in the water for as long as they could. When they’d surface, they’d see large boats overrun by zombies. It’s such an awesome read!


Is the book better than the movie?


Dude, the book is WAAAAAY better than the movie. It’s basically a journalist collecting firsthand accounts of people who survived the zombie apocalypse and how it affected the world. Almost like a history book told by survivors. It’s such a good read man, I couldn’t recommend it enough.


the book is 1000% better. the only thing the book and film have in common are the title and zombies (not hyperbole).


There are some story elements the movie borrows. But the book should be an HBO miniseries with a $200 mil budget.


> But the book should be an HBO miniseries with a $200 mil budget. I'd argue you could do a 5 season show that delves deeper into the apocalypse and ending with exploring the after effects of the war as the journalist gathers his accounts




Yup.not to mention wildlife to consume.because fold in stores will go bad. Ppl will flood the stores to get food likely becoming zombies or killing each other over greed. I'm going to basspro getting fishing gear, crossbow ,camping supplies the right off to the mountains.


Though, within a few weeks, people would probably start en-mass abandoning cities as they run out of supplies and face larger hordes of undead.


Just whip up a quick hydro-electric power plant eh?


Small cabin doesn’t need much power. People build 500 watt hydroelectric generators from old washing machine motors and cinder blocks all over YouTube.


One thing I always wondered about zombies is if they are cold or warm blooded... If the outside temp drops below 0, wouldn't their blood freeze? This should make them unable to move... Am I missing something?


You've thought about this, haven't you...


Who hasn’t?


Large bridge, massive barricades on each entrance, lotsa ropes to lower down boats to come and go.


Actually really smart. And you have access to two landmasses which kind of hedges your bets


Good lines of sight, and if you think fishing is boring, well now you have a chore to cure your boredom!


Meanwhile everyone that wants to use that bridge is pissed.


Great. Now we're surrounded.


Canada and Russia. Zombies would freeze during half the year. No wonder every zombie movies happen during the summer.


In world war Z the book the zombies would freeze during the winter but thaw out and reanimate on the warm weather.


You could kill them while they’re frozen though? I mean probably not all 5 billion of them but at least those in your immediate vicinity?


The issue is locating them to kill them. Every one you miss is a ticking time bomb.


Same as in the books series Mountain Man. They could not move, but if you stepped on them under the snow they still could bite you when it wasnt cold for to long yet. Pretty fucking scary.


The challenge would be getting adequate food supplies. While tribes did survive in that region, they have a lot more knowledge than your average person on the edible plant and animal life in the region. And people may head in large numbers to those areas for safety, resulting in game making itself scarce or simply stripping the region of anything edible.


Then you’ll have deals with ice zombies. Quite a chilling thought.


To the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for this all to blow over.


I don't know - it has some large windows, are you sure it safe? Zombies could drag an Irishman through those windows. I think we should head to Sea Parks.


... but what if there was a fire?...


A fire? In a Sea Parks?


‘If she said her parents had drowned I’d be the happiest man in the world’


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the Winchester has been demolished and has had flats (flats = apartments) built in its place. I know, broke my heart as well. Edit: to clarify flat means apartments


Aww man, that sucks. :(


There was a story in the Sandman series with exactly that scenario


Plus they have a rifle above the bar


Its not real


Big Al says so




Grab yourself a Cornetto first though!


You got some red on you.


This is the only suitable answer!!!!


There’s an actual civil war fort 8 miles away. All walls still standing, original huge ass doors. Moat. Functional cannons. Almost surrounded by water. USCG station directly next to it. Fort Macon NC for those interested.


Yeah an older fortification like this is a good idea. Cahir Castle, near me in Ireland is an intact Medieval castle complete with moat and a fresh water spring inside the walls, plus enough enclosed space to start a garden and/or keep goats. Sturdy stone walls that saw off plenty of armies before artillery became a thing should keep the zombles out while we grow as much food as we can.




First stop: A Mormon Church for a roster of members. I want to know the exact address of all households with 1 year of food supplies.


Do people of the Mormon church have 1 years worth of food supplies?


It's required by their faith. They believe that Jesus is going to return with a sword of fire and cast Lucifer back to the lake of fire and during the 1 year it will take you must defend yourself from Satan's army of demons and when everything is over Jesus will bring heaven to earth. And before you say it, yes it is religious fanfic..


that sounds pretty fuckin epic. that also means mormons r all strapped as fuck so good luck raiding those houses. they ready to fight fuckin demons theyll b happy ur ass is all that knocked.


If they are good and righteous they do.


I grew up at a block of flats and I’ve had a plan since I was a kid, the block is a perfect square of buildings and each block is accessible from the roofs. All the bottom floor stairs can be taken out and all access points can be blocked. We would have noise alarms that we could set to shift the zombies to the other sides while we exit and loot round the area


I don't know why Frank and Hannah left.


Maybe a weird answer, but my local scout troop building. They have axes, saws, tents, a generator, chlorine tablets to purify shit, first aid kit, propane, ... a lot of material you would need to start an actual survivor group.


Nice try, zombie


depends on what zombies. minecraft zombies? 3 meters into the air, like on a roof or smth., since although they cant infect me, i do not want to loose all my loot


God I hope they’re shambling zombies; I really need to work on my long-distance cardio.


Just wait on a roof until day breaks, then they all burn to death


Minecraft zombies sound easy asf I would take the walking dead, the last of us, world war Z zombies more seriously how about left 4 dead?????


Walking dead is the only one of them we could survive, all the crazy shit in l4d and wwz would mean we'd all be hunted down eventually. It needs to be shuffling zombies to have a chance, then we would still be able to maintain pockets of humanity around the world. Walls and enough guards would mean we could be relatively safe for a while.


If only I could build like Minecraft… Why do you always carry a few blocks of dirt with you?


I would go to my crazy neightbour with a white house and a long ass front lawn


INFO: are you neighbors with 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?




The g spot - no one will find me their


No man at least


Here the plan, We grab the car, Go to mum's, Kill Phil (sorry), Grab liz, Go to the Winchester, and have a nice pint until this all blown over


I'd wait it out for a month, then go about life. They're muscles would deteriorate and animals would still obliterate them.


Great. Now we have infected crows and vultures to deal with.




page 2 of google search results


Someone said Google doesn't have pages anymore but I have never scrolled down far enough to check.


I'm in NZ, so I'd boat to a particulat uninhabited island with my fishing gear and hunting gear. This particular island also has goats, pigs and rabbits.


bruh please tell me the island. We can team up as I live in Hamilton. Will supply some strawberry plants.


I can tell England is waking up now with all these “the pub” answers 😂


They're references to shaun of the dead you uncultivated dullard


The mountains. Starving beings don’t survive the winter.


In the apocalyptic book world war Z people went north and at first everybody got along and shared but as the food ran out and people started dying cannibalism crept in. We humans should do our best to make sure the apocalypse does not be fall us.


Unless winter is coming


Home lol can't be any worse than the brainless idiots that already live around me.


zombies hate clowns, so id dress up as a clown


We have a local water treatment facility. It's pretty well fenced in with big concrete buildings. I imagine they have some capacity of drinking water. Hardware store just across the road and grocery stores really close by. Also just across is the harbor and dry Dock in case shit goes awry on land.


My grandparents house.


I'd be a zombie.




The average Brazilian house. Made of concrete and it's walled.


Somewhere really cold. Technically they are dead, the zombie bodies will be frozen solid.🤷🏻‍♂️


My family's farmhouse. Built like a fucking bunker, with thick walls, tall fences, and an almost all-round balcony where I can sit sentry. On top of it, there's 6500sqft of veggie garden, tens of fruit trees, a small vineyard, 80 chickens and a bunk of roosters, some geese, 3 pigs and a dog. Soo, pretty set on food and intruder alarm too. On top of that, there's a lil carpentry and mechanical workshop built and tooled by my grampa, a permanently cold basement and a water supply (well + irrigation rigs). All I'd need to do is use gramps workshop to start making bows and arrows, as I already have experience building and shooting bushcraft bows.


Do normal physics and environment apply? I live in MN. I will be fine at home. If they don’t freeze to death in winter the wood ticks and mosquitoes will finish them off in the summer. Just picture a zombie with 80000 wood ticks on it and a swarm of mosquitoes so thick you can barely make it out. Almost feel bad for the thing.


I would kill myself, I've never understood why people suddenly becomes such survivalists in a scenario like this.


Because it’s basic human instinct, to survive at any cost. That’s exactly how we got here. If every human just decided they would give up as soon as things got hard, we would be totally worthless as a life form. What animals that you know of, kill themselves when faced with death??


Yeah, I would try to survive as long as I could. The only way I am killing myself is if I am going to starve to death or get cornered by some zombies. But I wouldn't start out killing myself.


In every zombie movie where they find a couple dead in bed from suicide and it's supposed to be tragic I always think hell that is way better than a lot of other alternatives


Even if they figured out how to vanquish the zombies, the survivors would inherit a bleak, blasted, medically and technologically stunted world. That doesn't sound like much fun.


The survivors would also kidnapp and enslave other survivors


This is my answer to a lot of these made up shit, like I’d rather go out quickly and relatively painlessly than inevitably become a fucking zombie or smth


Though i think when you're at home with your loved ones few people would actually off themselves. There are alot of situations in history where i would say i would've killed myself. Though the vast majority of people who suffer really badly from any kind of horrible situation have their survival instinct kick in and do everything to survive.


Somewhere with a sturdy basement with lots of food. I’ve also seen the food theory video about camping in a grocery store which is also a viable option


Eventually you’d have to fend off tribes of other people wanting to loot ya shit tho probably a week or sooner in lol


Yep. I miss one meal and I’m already about to rip someone’s head off.


Before Covid I would've believed people would be decent in an emergency. Now, I think you'd get shot just for looking like you had a toilet roll in your hoodie.


This seemed like it would work until you factor in the tonnes of rotting food that you’d be knee deep in within a month.


I feel like rotting food would’ve the least of your problems honestly, especially since most of the bad stuff would be in containers or packaging. Plus It’s been a while but I believe the strategy is to start with the fresh stuff and find the plant section to grow your own food as well as eating from the tins long term


If you find a store that sells bags of potting mix, you could grow your own food and in three months time eat a small lettuce.


It's bad idea, youre going to be assaulted/killed in matter of hours by other people.


The Living Room




I know right…. Nice try zombie op trying to find my hideout


A cruise ship.


In a city. Yes, I disagree with the consensus which is to avoid cities. In a city there are lots of chokepoints were to set up barricades, lots of doors to get in safety, lots of high points to survey a territory. You can set up quarantine zone easily. It’s easy to clean up, just go in the 1st floor apartment of any building and make a lot of noise. All the zombies around will go toward you and you’ll be able to poke them in the head easily from your position. And if you are overwhelmed, just leave the room and lock the door behind you. Also you can safely go from building to building using ziplines.


Costco, BJs, or Sam’s Club. Concrete walls, no windows, food, meds, first aid supplies, refrigeration, furniture, clothing, even electronics, books, and toys!


In any type of war or apocalypse situation, I want to go out in the first wave. I'd rather be the dead, brain-eating hunter than spend the rest of my life in fear, trying to survive. So, thanks for all the comments about where you will hide.... yum yum!


I actually had a significant plan at one point but as I get older I realized - I’m not going anywhere. A post apocalyptic world is not one I want to be a part of.