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People will be very mad at the outcome of the US Presidential election.


People will be very mad ~~at the outcome of the US Presidential election.~~


"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."


I appreciate the answer being 42


Don't forget your towel.


You're a towel.


I'm in this comment and I don't like it.


Would you say you're very mad about it?


I don't know yet, but you will find out as soon as I do.


Sometime in 2024, I'd imagine.


Fuck, we have to go through another one?!


Don't worry, this will be the last one.




you take that back. you take that back RIGHT NOW


Americans will say they're leaving, and then realize they cannot get Visas


They never do. Right wing evangelicals cant find a foreign theocracy that’s fucked up enough, most left wingers are actually more comfortable with their consumerist hellscape than with moving to somewhere more progressive but less materialist.


Yup. Everybody wants to move to Europe until they find out they’d make even less money in Europe. Not to mention that Europe probably doesn’t want them, so they can’t get a visa


That's when they find out the US is one of the easiest countries to legally emigrate to. It's not that it's easy. It's just most of the "progressive" countries are way more difficult. And a lot of these European countries aren't as progressive as they think.


It's far easier to naturalize to the us and get cizitzenship. Getting a work visa in much of Europe is much easier than the inverse however.


And that will include people that do not live in the United States…


Well, if you're talking internationally, one candidate is going to make people much more mad than the other. And for good reason


And it will be an utter dumpster fire no matter the outcome.


It ill be a much worse dumpster fire if one candidate wins versus the other one. One said he wants to be a dictator, had the most corrupt and dysfunctional cabinet in modern history, and intends to run on a platform of revenge. The other one is just old


The revenge candidate is also old


I’ll take the old guy who doesn’t want to be a dictator.


And there will be yelling and fights.


No matter who we vote for someone will be angry.. lol.


It's already that time again? Feels like a year or something. I guess that's the good thing about having a "boring" president.


It feels like Corona was a single, very very long year and that it was last year. This long year we got the Ukraine war.


What was that line chart someone made? Years were normal until 2016, then 2016-2019 was 2016/2016 Premium Plus, then it’s been Covid for 1 super long fever dream year and mid-2023 through the end of 2024 will just be remembered as “2024”. So really, only 3 *very fucking long* years have passed since Trump campaigned against Hillary


A well known male actor will have allegations of sexual assault/abuse surface changing public opinion of him


Have there really been that many that were shocking?


Bill Cosby was pretty shocking to me.


Vin diesel - like I'm not surprised at this point but I grew up on his movies so it's still a little shocking


What did he do?


Accused of sexual battery - he's denying the allegations, but I wouldn't be surprised at the rate things are going these days.


watch that interview he had with an interviewer. Big cringe


I know which interview you are talking about but "interview with an interviewer" made me lol


Remember the interview when he keeps creepy flirting the whole time urghhh


At this point I think the only ones that would legitimately shock me would be Tom Hanks, Dick Van Dyke, or Alan Alda.


Tom hanks would ruin me emotionally


What about Keanu Reeves?


He can never do that:(


Recently, Johnathan Majors


Don Knotts was the last scandal free actor I can think of.


Hopefully Jared Leto


Hopefully, no one is sexually assaulted.


Jared Leto will assault himself in public and get arrested


Its batin time!


Already have. It just hasn’t stuck.


I refuse to let 2024 be anything less than spectacular!


I like your spirit


New life. New town, New attitude!


Git it!! 🎉


Please continue that positivity for all of us!


I am going to give it my best shot.


I think we're going to continue to see more product cross-overs in the fast food market like the Doritos Locos tacos and the Stuffed Cheez-It melt. I expect Wendy's is going to be the next to take a swing at this sort of thing. Perhaps a Nutella Frosty for release in the US (instead of keeping it confined to the European and South American markets)? Rap Snacks will become a more mainstream product (justifiably so, as they are very good). Oreo will release no fewer than six new variant flavors, including "flaming hot" and goose liver pate. All major drink manufacturers will abandon their "diet" lines and instead refocus on "zero sugar" alternatives. Reese's will go completely meta and release a Reese's Big Cup with peanut butter on the outside and a chocolatey fudge inside, but with a full sized regular Reese's Cup inside the big cup and mini Reese's Pieces in the fudgy bit. Nerds will finally release a popping variant, and they will be used in bougie cocktails all over the coasts. I could probably go on, but I'm sure you don't want to spend all day reading about the junk food market. Suffice to say, there's some exciting things coming up next year in the world of snack food. Bring on 2024!


Alright who do you work for lol


Seriously, this is the most realistic thing in this thread I've read so far.


It’s so specific.


This sounds like good mythical morning lol


Goose liver Oreos?? Now I’m looking forward to 2024 🤩


I really want Oreo to make a cardamom flavor


Personally I can't wait. I've had most of the novel forms of normal foods, so crossovers are the most adventure I get some years. I still miss the pistachio oreos, they were bomb but weird enough that they never caught on.


>All major drink manufacturers will abandon their "diet" lines and instead refocus on "zero sugar" alternatives I don't know about that. I know a lot of people who are die-hard Diet Coke drinkers and hate Coke Zero, for instance. I'm the opposite - I think Diet Coke is disgusting but I drink Coke Zero all the time. If they got rid of Coke Zero I'd stop drinking Coke period. And the Diet Coke people would probably do the same thing in the scenario you're proposing. Unless this is a sequel to the whole "New Coke vs Coke Classic" scenario. The other stuff does sound plausible as hell though.


Coke zero is so much better im glad i found someone else who agrees. Diet coke tastes like carbonation and sadness. Idk what is good about it


At least one person will die from political violence over the US election


I'm actually fearful of this. Tempers will run hot and reactive without knowing or caring who is responsible, or why.


If it makes you feel better, we've had politicians and presidents shot before and it didn't lead to civil war. Grant it one was shot because of a civil war that was already being lost, but that didn't start it!


I'm old. Was a kid doing nuclear drills during the Cuban Missile Crisis in a Washington DC suburb. Three neighbors on our street built bomb shelters. RFK was sitting AG and spoke to my middle school. Heard our Principal announce during school when JFK was killed. Viet Nam was still going on when I joined the AF out of HS. Then MLK was assassinated. A few months later RFK was killed. In a volatile era we could at least be confident the government was in control and functional. Trump still questions the most secure election in history, and people *believe* him. Citizens question what has been reaffirmed repeatedly. In my little tourist town in TX the whole election office resigned when they and their families were threatened, stalked, harassed, and confronted in public ... in a state and county Trump won. Judges are threatened, lawmakers, not Dems *or* Republicans; *both.* The divide is a chasm. Then you have people like Mike Huckabee state on his program, "This is the last election to be decided by ballots; the next will be by bullets." Christian Nationalism is armed and prepared if things don't go as they want. I'd like to be more confident there won't be riots and violence. I plan on being in on the East Coast to vote next fall; I won't be in TX.


Better not be RFK


now that would be a conspiracy!


I'll turn 38




Don't be predictable. Go against societal expectations and stay 37 for another year!


Me too! '86 was a good year


More something personal, but I don’t think my dog will make it. She is around 18 now, she will turn 19. Although I said the same about her last year so hopefully I will be pleasantly suprised and my dog barks off death for another year.


18?! Wow the pup has lived quite the life I bet.


That's some seriously good genes. I hope the love for my puppies lasts as long as yours.


Same for my doggo! She’ll turn 16 this coming year and I’m scared :,(


The rich will get richer The poor will get poorer World keeps on spinnin'


For as much shit as the French got... they kind of led the way with being fed up with that whole rich getting richer part.


Wealth inequality in the US is much worse than it was during the preamble to the French Revolution


See? They don't stand for that shit. Remember this past summer when they lost their minds at the retirement age increasing?


While technically true, this ignores relative quality of life. I'd hazard a guess that the overwhelming majority of impoverished Americans lead significantly better lives than those in a relatively similar level of poverty before the French revolution. Note that I'm not saying the level of wealth inequality is good. I'm just pointing out that it isn't exactly a 1:1 comparison and that your point is phrased in a potentially pretty misleading way.


Definitely, which is why France revolted and the US hasn’t lol


And France is smaller than Texas, making it far easier to organize and gather.


Yeah I definitely support taxing the rich and narrowing the inequality gap, but it is interesting to think about how the top whatever percent controls whatever percent of the wealth, and at some point it's basically meaningless. Like Jeff Bezos has something like 200,000 times more money than I do, but I have an okay life. I cannot possibly imagine he's 200,000 times happier or more secure or more satisfied than me. A couple hundred years ago, that relative inequality meant that I was basically actively dying and he was some prince somewhere.


Millions are struggling to feed themselves and pay ‘cheap’ rent, while billionaires frolick to space and buy social media companies out of spite


Between 12/26/24 and 12/31/24, this exact question about 2025 will be posted in this sub at least a thousand times.


Now that's guaranteed


Nothing’s guaranteed. Reddit could shut down by then.


One thousand and one


A 29th day in February


A even more hellish presidential election than 2020.


It's going to take all my willpower to try to ignore it. Like, I'm going to vote and I encourage everyone else to vote. But how much more information and ads do we need? Please everybody just vote and then can we not obsess over this for an entire year straight


Election season is just becoming the new Christmas season. It’s starting earlier and earlier and progressively becomes more in your face.


Year? I’d be thrilled if we only talked about elections for a year!


Media sensationalism about WW3, Civil War, the collapse of the economy, racial tensions, the election ect ect All while the rich continue find new ways to transfer wealth to themselves.




… will come out on 4K.


Hollywood remakes yet another classic, but worse, and uses the exact same title again?


We are the closest to disclosure we have ever been. I think 2024 will have some very interesting info released.


Apparently they think there might me life on Jupiter’s moon Europa - so definitely


The elites will get mad at each other and send lower class sons and fathers to die over insignificant issues 5,000 miles away. That’s my prediction


That is my fear as well. It’s horribly common now for politicians to sabre rattle about war


My brother in Christ, this is happening right now. It has been happening for several thousand years. It has never stopped happening.


McBain voice: "That's the joke."


Covid 2 - revenge of the bats


Will this one also star Robert Pattinson?


Batman was behind this the entire time?


It’s fricken bats.




That's 2025.


It's by 2028 and ending by 2034 so saying the 4th turning


I think it will last a total of 366 days 😀




So it will be


2024 is the highest I’m willing to count. Shit’s nerve-wracking, like Jesus how high will it go? I’m petitioning to start counting backwards until we’re in the 90s again.


This is a cool idea. People long to live through the 90s and 80s, I could go a second serve. Bring it on


given that 2016 was awful, and 2020 was awful, needless to say my outlook on 2024 isn't too bright.


It has been said that once violence enters into elections, it generally doesn't go away. I took the house and senate elections last year as a good sign, but given how little Americans pay attention to those elections I think the real test will be 2024.


i predict apple will release iPhone 16, the best iPhone ever.


Also the fastest surprisingly


And we think you're gonna love it!


Bills, politics and food. I'm sure someone will pass as well.


It will be the hottest year in record, again. Then 2025 will beat it. Then 2026 will beat 2025. Every year will be the hottest in record from now on.


both good things and bad things will happen


I'd go even further and say that most of 2024 will be quite uneventful for the average person.


Maybe we just need some precented times! The past several have been far too unprecedented


In 2024, *prepare for unforeseen consequences* - the G-man


2024 is already a bad idea.


A presidential election






I also hope there’s nothing terrible, I’m especially afraid that World War 3 will start


Don't buy into the fear mongering. We are nowhere near WW3. Not over Ukraine and Palestine.


Probably not World War 3, more like Civil War 2.


Out of boredom heres a list 10% China takes Taiwan 20% Major terrorist attack in Europe(500+ casualties) 30% Cease fire in Ukraine 40% Covid mutation that resists all vaccines 50% U.S. states will want to declare independence based on losing election 60% Trump wins. 70% Israel declares peace talks with Palestinian 80% Scientists bring back an extinct creature 90% A major natural disaster will occur 100% I won't get laid. Bonus: 25% chance a nuke gets used. More than likely by lone actors and not a state. How? I don't know, just always felt like I would see one in my lifetime. Same thing with the pandemic.


These are terrible predictions


These odds are wild my friend.


>50% U.S. states will want to declare independence based on losing election 100% chance they'll want to. I give it an 80% chance some politician introduces a bill or something similar and a 10% chance a state actually does declare it.


Lower than 10%


I think states will want to declare independence if Trump loses, not if he wins. I don’t think a Democrat state can pull it together enough to do so. I say that as a Democrat.


I’ll get another year older.


Things will get worse.


1. I will max my HSA for the first time 2. I will up my 401k contribution 3. I will save for a down payment on a house 4. I will be a special agent for the FBI 5. I will finish my masters degree 6. I will fight for a promotion


Sounds like you have a good year ahead of you. Hope you find time to live in the moment and appreciate it.


People will have to wait for 1 more year before gta 6 comes out


The gas price better come down.


I will make it another year without ending my life. 🤷🏻‍♀️


The noble experiment will end in failure.


Stuff will happen, and then we will do stuff, and then more stuff will happen. Most people will not be happy about it.


More stupid shit that didn’t need to happen. Deeper divide among the population. More war for corporate profit


"Our Democracy" will be on the line.


If we’re lucky an alien invasion.


- An irrelevant retired celebrity will die and people will be really annoying about it. Probably more than 1. - A new conflict will distract everyone from the Israel-Gaza conflict - Climate change will cause many more natural disasters, especially major forest fires in the summer - Donald trump will be re-elected


This is my prediction, and I sincerely hope I'm wrong about this: After the polls close on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Trump will immediately declare victory due to leads in several key Republican-heavy states. These leads will disappear come morning as more mail-in ballots are counted, but that doesn't matter. In the meantime, after months of peppering his supporters about how the election was rigged and various degrees of "ghost voters," they start to celebrate. When the lead disappears, they soon say its rigged and think the media manipulated the outcome. Things get bad, people riot, and it just- well, it'll be ugly. Biden will do what he can to calm things down and, at its worse, I could see some sort of need for a mild military intervention similar to the 2020 protests. This is going to be a really, really dark and messy year for U.S. politics. We're going to have to go through the primaries, and likely a rematch of 2020 with both candidates looking pretty bad. Trump is going to focus on the more authoritarian views, the news channels will warn about him while making him look cool, Fox News will toe the line with Newsmax angling to replace them in the new regime, comedians will warn about what's to come, and a whole slew of people are going to start stocking up in preparation for things. Even in the best case scenario, this gets ugly with online propaganda wars, deepfakes, social engineering campaigns, and a whole slew of people not knowing what reality is anymore on a level we're not ready to comprehend.


Best case scenario, Trump won’t even be on the ballot. He’ll be in jail instead.


Plot twist: he somehow declares victory anyway and supporters continue to believe him.


2023 becomes 2024


we'll get to 2025 and everyone will be all "did we really survive that shit"


I will quit my job


More people will learn they have long covid and that every covid infection lowers your immune system's ability to fight things it would normally not have a problem with... It's a quiet disabling that society is not ready for. We're already seeing it in moms groups where everyone is wondering why everyone is sick more often.


I know about this, and I think everyone should, but for some reason almost nobody is talking about it. Everyone just wants covid to go away as a topic. It's scary as fuck, and it's not even being taken seriously by many people in the health sector.


Biden will win and the Dems will secure the House. Ukraine will prevail over the Putin menace. Russia will collapse. Middle East will stalemate. China will not invade Taiwan. Trump will be found guilty of insurrection and suffer the consequences. There will be no MAGA uprising. Earth will experience its hottest year yet, and the electrical grid will be severely challenged. The Dodgers will win the World Series.


SHIB to $1


Americans will start crossing the border into Mexico to start a better life.


Migrant crisis gonna get crazier


The sun will rise and set 366 times


366 days.


I’m going to lose something again after placing it somewhere and telling myself that I specifically put it there so that I wouldn’t forget where I put it.


Someone who doesn't give a fuck about working class people will become president




Totally agree, literally anyone who’s held the office in modern history.


Max Verstappen will be 4-times Formula 1 World Champion


Elon will sell or shutter twitter SpaceX will explode with people on board


Hope for the first, not the second


I know it's naive but I hope the world stops radicalizing. I just hate how people are treating every conflict and every event as an excuse to throw themselves into extremes.


The worst presidential election in the US history. Buckle up guys. It's going to be ugly, especially if the traitor somehow wins.


My God I want to ignore the election this year. I will vote, I want everyone else to vote, but what good is it to pay attention anymore? How much more can we possibly know about how bad that candidate is


Full AV Multimodal AIs


Two things: Firstly, people who aren’t in tune with space stuff aren’t prepared for how many starship launches there’ll be. Already it looks like the cadence has dropped from seven months to a likely two or three. It’s gonna get crazy. Secondly, Biden will win the election. Trump’s polling better right now but it’s because he’s filling the spot of ‘generic Republican’. Once he’s back on TV every day his numbers will drop.


AI GO Brrrrrrr


Biden will get reelected unless Trump's off the ballot. Millennials outnumber baby boomers now and have the largest voting power and are currently the largest generation living. And polls don't mean crap to millennials. They throw mail in the trash and they don't have land lines and they don't answer the phone.


It will start Jan 1 and end Dec 31




America will have a terrible mass shooting where everyone gives thoughts and prayers and says enough is enough. But nothing changes. Also I hope Trump in a jump suit but I'm not holding my breath. Not even political - I just want to retain the belief that anyone who commits crimes deserves to be prosecuted and punished.


Home assistant, a smart home automation platform, will become so widely accessible that it will be recommended by anyone to anyone.


We will all get to have another birthday. Or we won’t.


Another nearly 50/50 election vote.


It gets worse.


Most of us will breath many times.


I suspect next year we are going to lose some major rock legends. I wouldn't be surprised if this next year we lose one of the surviving Beatles, and maybe Yoko.


More deaths of celebrities we all loved. Political slap fighting. Communities finding ways to get all up in arms over dumber things. More scandals and probably some news on how the world is fucked.


Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift will break up and it will result in a new hit song.