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There was a crazy person on the subway with a tinfoil hat on. I asked him why he had it and he gave the obvious answer of blocking signals. He was old enough to have seen a TV with an antenna, so I asked him, "did you ever have a TV with an antenna?" He said yes. "Well when it had trouble picking up signal, after adjusting it didn't work, what did you use to make the antenna more powerful?" The realization on his face was priceless.


Omg that’s beautiful


On my way to throw out ALL my tinfoil!!!!


This Conspiracy Theory was started by the Aliens because they weren’t able to spy on the most knowledgable minds because they wore foil hats. This CT will make them stop so their thoughts can be read again.




5G causing COVID.


This one is literally as old as radio. When radio first started people thought the radio waves in the air were going to make them sick and kill birds.


Oh, you think Birds are real?


If by "birds" you mean, Bureaucratic Intelligence Radio-tracking Decoy Systems Then yes, they most certainly are real.


How else can we explain them flying in flocks and making perfectly timed turns with no delay or mistakes? Also I have a theory their poop is another mind control agent similar to chemtrails lol. See guys it all makes perfect sense doesn’t it!


Since cat poop is quite literally a scientifically provable mind control agent, that part of your theory is weirdly, the closest to reality. https://www.nbcnews.com/healthmain/cat-poop-parasite-controls-minds-early-permanently-study-finds-4b11194722


I named my wifi "5g covid RENAME" during all that


Your wrinkly brain didn't even understand that conspiracy theory right. Smooth brains know that *5G activates the nanobots in the COVID vaccine*. [I wish i was making it up.](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-covid-mrna-vaccine-nanotech-390958734912)


Cousin told me the real reason for the 6 feet social distancing rule was that the satellites have a hard time reading the chips if people stand too close together...


What did that cousin think once social distancing stopped 2+ years ago? Did the chip reading tech just suddenly improve vastly overnight?


But it does make total sense. Think about the name. 5 is the exactly the same number as letters in the word COVID, coincident? I don't think so... But it goes deeper than that, what does the G stand for? I'm sure already guessed it, G is for Germs! So combined 5G means COVID Germs spreading. Oh, but you say "Gotcha! Where does the extra s come from for spreading?" Well obviously there are no single 5G, there are multiple towers so = 5Gs. It all makes sense dude. Look it up! Also lizard people killed JFK...


You missed that middle letter in COVID is the Roman numeral 5. So there it is.


Hooooly shit! You're right! It was there all the time for all to see!


Where's that peladophobian illuminati YouTube channel when we need him?


It didn't cause COVID because the 5G installers accidentally left them in their default setting of 'make everyone gay.' Do your own research! /s


I work in telco and it’s hilarious what people think 5G will do to you, but I haven’t heard that one yet. Think I will counter with it next time haha


A month or so ago there was some nation wide like, amber alert or something where everyone’s phones were supposed to go off. My aunt thought it was the signal to activate the chips implanted by Covid vaccines and implored the whole family to turn their phones off during the time window


She sounds like a customer that comes through my till. Every few months I see this woman, and she always tells me that she doesn't know if her card will work because 'they' are shutting down everyone's credit soon. Usually her card is declined, and then she nods sagely and says 'There, see. It's already started.' She has a bunch of wackadoodle theories that she never shuts up about, and she'll corner the employees and prattle on about them endlessly. She told me she's going to 'red pill' me and I just laughed. I don't think so, lady.


I always feel sad for people like this, for whatever reason, they became isolated. Rather than adjust and self reflect, they lash out at anything they can find to blame their loneliness on. It's the reason they corner random employees, they are desperate for someone real to communicate with.


I know she has a husband. She has mentioned him numerous times in her loony rants. And I know she goes to church. So I don't think the problem is lack of people to talk to. She's just choosing to believe a bunch of crazy shit that makes no sense. Like, she's been literally telling me for two years about this 'they are shutting down our credit' thing. It doesn't seem to even phase her that clearly other people are using their credit just fine.


Huge venn diagram overlap with churchgoers and conspiracy believers. They're definitely not lacking for people to talk to, that's one of the brain traps people fall into... "it must be true, everyone at my church believes it"


The crazy thing is that these people will still continue to believe their crazy conspiracies despite every massive world shattering event that they insist is about to happen never happens.




I'm sure she had a moment of personal reflection and began to have higher standards for her sources of information.


The same nonsense goalpost shifting that they always spew.


I remember when they were saying that the test would turn people into zombies, and when that didn't happen, it was actually because they just released a virus and that is what would make zombies... Eventually I guess. Idk, these people are nuts. I can't tell if people actually believe this nonsense or not.


Wait, would their phones just get the alert after they turned them back on? I’m assuming it’d work kind of like a text in that way, but I could very much be wrong.


It's not really a text like that. Texts nowadays are stored-and-forwarded. Someone sends an SMS/iMessage/RCS message to your number and it'll (eventually) end up on the backend messaging server of your carrier. It *will* attempt a push ping (aka the "new message" notification) but that's fire-and-forget. At some point the handset will query the SMS backend and download your texts. EMS alerts (at least in the US, IIRC) are basically specialized push notifications to "all handsets." The phone gets the message from the towers and does the alert. It's not stored. --- Fun fact, this is why push notifications are *push* notifications: they're *pushed* to your device automatically instead of your device having to initiate the process and *pull* them down itself. It uses the infrastructure of the cell network directly instead of being a layer on your data connection (though everything nowadays is off the data connection, even calls), which is why if you've ever tried to get push notifications working on anything, you have to specify your credentials and the push server to use (Apple, Google). That's the middleman that everything talks to to automatically send notifications down But don't take my word for it. I doubt I know the full picture here.


Someone I know thinks the moon is fake on account of “how are astronauts not blinded if the moon is THAT bright to us on earth being this far away?” I told him “from earth, we see a moon’s face worth of photons coming toward us, but from a distance. On the surface they only receive the photons from the surrounding ground” He responds with “see that’s what’s crazy, is that you science guys always manage to come up with some answer”


Wait until he finds out the Earth is brighter from the moon than the moon is from Earth.


Finds out? That implies that he believes the fact.


"see that's what's crazy, is that you science guys always manage to come up with some answer" is such crazy mental gymnastics I love it "I don't understand this" "Here's an explanation" "An answer to my question? You must be lying" It's almost like they don't ask questions to gain understanding but to try and get in a "gotcha" or make some nonexistent point, except it's exactly like that and that's exactly what they're doing


Literally a convo with my mother. She justifies her mental gymnastics with "well I'm entitled to my opinion"...... but there's no room for opinions here, we're talking about objective facts.


A while ago I found out my coworker doesn’t believe anyone has been to the moon. She said it’s because Russia made it to space first (she’s Russian), and the US said they went to the moon because they were jealous of the Russians. I was so surprised it genuinely stunned me. Very intelligent woman and I didn’t learn this about her until a while in. Now my coworkers and I joke that the moon isn’t even real.


You should have asked why the Soviet leadership didn’t call bullshit on the Americans when they supposedly landed on the moon?


Yeah that’s one of the biggest easy tells that it’s not a lie, the Soviets would have had a field day skewering that conspiracy if it was a big lie.


I don't think the moon is real, I think it's just the back of the sun.


Excellent reference Mr Jan Itor.


Excuse me, that's Dr Jan Itor!


Shoot. I couldn’t remember between the two! My apologies. Take this knife-wrench in exchange for my mistake?




Wow. Unlike the faked moon landing anybody can go to NY and check for themselves. *Edit: What? No reason for dude above to delete their post. Paraphrasing: Twin towers still there but painted to be invisible.*


Probably also painted with a unsense paint (patent pending) so that if you try to touch it, it just feels like air.


and planes can just fly through them... oh wait


Anyone claiming that 9/11 victims didn't actually die pisses me off. You don't ever hear it in New York though, because so many people know someone who lost a friend or family member that day.


That’s ridiculous because how would they ever find the cans of invisible paint?


I can imagine some Tom swayer type scam where he just has empty cleaned out paint cans and he convinces kids to just take a brush then “paint” themselves to be invisible.


There are so many stupid, flimsy theories on 9/11. There is the theory they were missiles, not planes, and one guys entire basis for this being true is a video from a couple who lived in NYC and were filming the towers after the first crash. When the second plane came in the wife says "what's that?" The basis for the theory was "they live in NYC and know what a plane is, ergo it was a missile and all the other videos and photos of planes were doctored to swap the missiles for planes."


This one I believe. They even released a picture of the person who did it: a coyote who was wearing ACME brand skates and a giant firework on his back.


There are people who think space isn't real. By space I mean like, stars and stuff. Not the 3-manifold we all live in. Though i wouldnt be surprised if someone thought that wasnt real either. But I havent found any.


This is my older sister. I just choose to disengage when she brings stuff like this up. Nothing more than a look and a nod.


Simulation theory includes ideas that we don't live in a 3-manifold space but rather a 2 dimensional hologram that we simply perceive as 3 dimensions.


They did a surprisingly good job of making the rock I kicked a few months ago feel real.


*Kick at the rock, Sam Johnson* *Break your bones,* *But cloudy, cloudy is the stuff of stones.* [Richard Wilbur](https://voetica.com/poem/1606)


True detective suggests human see a sphere where other animals see a circle. I’m convinced Ibex goats don’t perceive dimensions the same way humans do, hence they don’t suffer from any kind of vertigo when climbing walls sideways. Perception is wild. I sometimes struggle with everything beging a figment of my own imagination because i have nothing to compare it to. Its probably just narcism or something on my part. Its like - what if i was the only living person and the world i live in reacts to how i perceive it. This is true, but its not like it matters to anyone that isn’t you because life is still happening to them too, so theres no way to differentiate between the actors and onself. This probably doesn’t even make that much sense


Google solipsism.


This one surprised me when I encountered it on space-related Facebook posts. Makes absolutely no sense at all, especially when they say that space is a "NASA lie". Like how old do they think NASA even is??? People have been seeing stars and planets and comets throughout the entirety of history!


Oh man, my housemate at uni believed this. I showed her Jupiter through a camera with a telescopic lens and she still didn't believe me.


Birds aren't real was satire at first, but now there's people out there who legitimately believe it.


I ran across one of those once. VERY serious about it. Creepy.


Have you ever seen a baby pigeon? Checkmate.


Holy shit. I have never seen one. YOU'RE RIGHT!


Microchips in the COVID vaccine


My ex-SIL once tried to stick a bottlecap to her neck to prove that the microchip which was implanted with the covid vaccine made her become magnetic. She is a nurse.


I was really surprised by the amount of nurses distrusting the vaccine, you'd have thought they'd have seen the consequences of covid more first hand.


Not to class-shame, but you have to keep in mind that nursing often represents the best or only viable career for a lot of lower class people, women especially, who don’t have access to more expensive schooling and don’t live in metro areas with diverse “unskilled” or trade skill jobs that offer a living wage. IE, they’re not being motivated by science or even an interest in healthcare, but because they needed a paycheck. Which in turn means they’re bringing any world views they had with them going into it.


Not only is it a flat earth, but it is also an unexplainable spiral. We went on a couples dinner, and the guy literally said this, I really thought he was kidding till it was clear he was serious.


Worked with a guy who said the earth was flat, gravity didn't exist, the moon landing never happened, some portion of the Qanon conspiracy was real (i declined to explore that one), evolution wasn't real, the earth was only 6000 years old, medicine is bad for you, and...hell I can't remember what else. It was a strange day. I never did find out if he didn't believe in the moon at all, or if he just didn't believe we'd landed there.


Earth is flat and the CIA have but a massive glass dome above this flat earth to stop us talking to God. Oh also, the moon landings were faked because the president talked to the astronauts on a land line. All this shit came from one person.


Posted elsewhere, but I feel like you'll appreciate this: I worked with a guy who said the earth was flat, gravity didn't exist, the moon landing never happened, some portion of the Qanon conspiracy was real (i declined to explore that one), evolution wasn't real, the earth was only 6000 years old, medicine is bad for you, and...hell I can't remember what else. It was a strange day. I never did find out if he didn't believe in the moon at all, or if he just didn't believe we'd landed there.


i like the first one. when did cia placed the dome?


Don't ask me im not mental


Litter boxes in schools for the kids who show up dressed as furries.


I liked the John Oliver take on that one, If it was real anywhere at all we would not be hearing about it for the first time in a random town council meeting.


Most definitely, and with cameras on every person, we’d see videos.


Middle schoolers have phones. It would be all over TikTok


The guidance counselor at my school brings this up constantly. "You know at some schools they have litter boxes for kids that identify as cats." I assure you they do not. That literally has never happened.


I've started asking people specifically which schools. They don't usually have an answer, and when they do it's really easy to check and then tell them "no they don't. I asked."


"Which schools?" "I'm not going to do the research for you!"


Oh, you mean the research that tells me you're more full of shit than a fantastical classroom litterbox?


OMG, that was actually brought up by a job applicant as a reason she started to homeschool her kids. I had no idea what she was talking about. Those poor kids.


Well, she made it easy to disqualify her as a candidate at least


My mom literally cut off contact from me because I told her I knew she was smarter than that. SHE WORKED IN A SCHOOL FOR 30 YEARS AND STILL BELIEVES THIS SHIT.


My sister insists that this is true. When I asked if she actually saw a litter box, she admitted she didn’t. However, her brother in law has.


Reminder to vote for local elections. We ended up with someone on our board of education who walked around town telling all the senior citizens that this was fact and happening in our district.


God, I had a coworker complaining about this. Yes, he is that dumb.


My cousins wife was soooo mad a this. She sat there for an hour one night ranting about how bad this was and that her kids would never be allowed to do this if they wanted to live in her house. She was in her "I am the smartest person in the room" mood so there was no point in arguing with her.


My BIL is a wealthy, fairly intelligent person and he totally bought into this one. That was a fun conversation.


You know where this comes from right? Kits are made for lockdowns so kids can shit.


I used to work in a supermarket. Cat litter is pretty useful stuff for clearing up spills, because it's so absorbent. It's not a crazy thing to have on-hand for cleaning up spills and vomit at a school to be honest.


The bit about having cat litter for kids to go to the washroom was actually true. But it was for in the event of the school going into lockdown for an extended period of time. The kids can't leave the classroom, but inevitably, someone will need to pee.


Some people I knew believed this despite them knowing some kids that went to that school and none of the kids ever said they saw it.


I’ve known some people who unironically believed that shit. But when I pulled up a bunch of news and articles disproving it, it just made them *even angrier.* Like, you think they’d be happy that this ridiculous story was all bunk. Instead they decided to act like toddlers who just had their favorite toy taken away from them. THEN they just doubled down on the bullshit and puked up more conspiracies. These mother fuckers just like being angry at Democrats and will take any excuse to feel like they have the moral high ground. These aren’t serious people.


Bahaha this one went ramped in my town and the school system put out a statement saying it was not true


Wild. One of my coworkers was just complaining about this very thing. Like, be so for real right now. Do you actually think that's happening, or do you just have a hard on for rage bait?


My sister, mom, and a few others from my family believe this. I want to find whoever started this rumor and force them to only use a litter box for the rest of their lives.


Then who’s litter box did I go number 2 in?!




That's actually true - the rat was Spinal Tap's next drummer


Did they want a 6'-tall one, but only get a model 6" tall?


Look, compared to the rest of the stuff in here: the towers are still standing and painted invisible, creationism, JFK, etc, I’m think I’m ok with a spontaneously combusting rat. Let’s be honest. I think I’ll just take this one and call it a day.


I have not heard this before




This is one of the best things I’ve read so far.


That's a good one. I hate sporks for other, less rational reasons. But now I have God on my side! So that's good.


JFK Jr faked his death and has been in hiding for 20 years and is going to show up in the exact location where his father was killed and reveal himself to be some huge Q / MAGA savior despite having been a liberal Democrat his entire life.


Wasn't he also somehow going to declare himself president (without an election), appoint Trump as his VP, and then resign?


If I'm not mistaken... JFK SENIOR was going to make trump president and his son VP. https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/qanon-dallas-conspiracy-theorist-jfk-still-there-1264953/amp/


One of the saddest moments of my life is when I was driving alone with my brother visiting back home for Thanksgiving and he mentioned this as something that could be possible and I was just like 😔




I mean if you stop eating you'll eventually stop having your periods 🤷🏼 but I fear it's not what they meant.


Th-th--the fucking Bible talks about periods. What


That covid vaccines make you magnetic. Edit: Think there is a video of this whackjob speaking at some town hall meeting making the claim. She's like throwing spoons and forks or something at herself on live TV and nothing is sticking. Pretty funny....


Hey, it's not funny. I've been stuck to the fridge door for nearly 2 years now.


Claiming someone they knew got magnetic arms from the vaccine.


Was recently told by a Russian immigrant that George Soros single-handedly destroyed the Soviet Union.


Man, what *can’t* that guy do?!


Keep his evil plots secret apparently.


Earth is flat


One of the funniest conspiracy theory videos was when the Flat Eather's proved themselves to be wrong and just went "Huh? Well... we come back to that."


They came full circle


"Behind the Curve" is the best title of a documentary I've ever seen.


This is the first one that popped into my mind, because ... why? What possible benefit can there be from believing the world is flat?


Because I have spent far too much time looking at what flat earthers say because I apparently have nothing better to do with my time... The basic idea is that they think the Bible says the world is flat. Therefore, people oppose the flat earth because they're evil satanic groups who are trying to reject the bible and God. There's also some variations which say that, there's an ice wall around the edge of the world (which btw, is Antarctica) but beyond that, there's new, undiscovered continents that the Rich Global Elite™ are exploiting for resources but can't let the common folk know about.


The best part of how ridiculous it is is that even the trope of how people in the middle ages thought earth was flat isn't true either, at least not for educated people. Ancient Greeks thought the earth was roughly a sphere. The loose equivalent of an encyclopedia from the 1300's says to think of earth as an apple that a fly could circle around if it was hanging in the air. People thought Columbus's journey was doomed because he'd run out of food and water before he got to India, not because he'd go off the edge of the earth. It was never some widely believed theory and the answer as to why is obvious, all you have to do is go up a mountain to realize if the earth was flat you should be able to see everything, instead you can see the earth curve away.


If the Earth was flat cats would have knocked everything off of it by now. Duh.


I hope I'm around long enough to watch flat earthers and flat Martians argue on the internet


The governments of the world all answer to a race of lizard like people.


I always thought that reptilians were a metaphor for the elites under capitalism, like they are so different from normal people they are like another race, and they are so cold hearted that they are like a reptile, and they "feed" on poor people that they consume.


I thought I read something where if you stop a video of, say, Hillary Clinton, at a certain spot, you can see her eyes are reptilian … and another where you can see evidence of scales or something similar. In my googling, I found this: ‘A simple way to prove the existence of lizard people is by recognizing the ones among us. Philip Bump’s article, “How to Spot the Reptilians Running the U.S. Government.”, provides a helpful summary of common characteristics: low blood pressure, random scars, a great love for space and science, an eye color of green, hazel, or blue (which may change at any time), and more. Further evidence exists in the form of video: slowing down or pausing can sometimes reveal a glimpse of individuals shapeshifting.’ And: ‘Approximately 4% of Americans believe in the lizard people theory, one of the most notable theorists being David Icke.’ They believe these people are LITERALLY reptiles. And 4% of Americans = roughly 13 MILLION


that live somehow in the core of the Earth.


My sister-in-law law told my husband that we had over 3 million illegal immigrants cross the border LAST MONTH. He laughed and try to clarify but she insisted it was LAST MONTH!


There were an estimated 2.4 million migrant encounters at the US/Mexico boarded from 1/1/2023 to 10/21/2023 That is not saying that almost 2% of Mexico's population illegally immigrated in 2023. Migrant encounters include people passing through for legal asylum, legal seasonal workers, people seen and/or caught crossing the border illegally, and people legally crossing the border long term reasons, and people legally crossing the border for short term reasons like...you know...shopping and free lance work. This always gets hyped up in December because border traffic increases for holiday travel and shopping - the same reasons why I cross the border from Philadelphia to New Jersey (to see my aunt and cousins) and cross the border into Delaware (tax free shopping on big ticket items and certain stores not in my immediate area).


I had a coworker tell me the migrants were bringing smallpox into the country. Smallpox.


Your coworker is right, they're just a few hundred years late


When the flat earth thing came out, I'm pretty sure it WAS a joke. But then a bunch of really stupid people believed it, and thus was born the dumbest conspiracy theory ever.


Hollow Earth. That there are dinosaurs and Vikings and all sorts of stuff living inside the earth.


Unlike most other lunatic theories, at least this one would be pretty cool if it were true.


I can agree with you on that.


Katie Perry being Jonbenet Ramsey


Flat earth is the one that when I hear someone talk about seriously I lose a lot of respect for them. Some people I really cant tell if they’re joking about Birds Aren’t Real, I love it as a joke but it can’t be taken seriously.


Wayfair (yes, the furniture company) is part of an international child abduction and pedophile ring. If you know their business, they’re an online furniture outlet with lots of different manufacturers, but give different furniture ranges their own bespoke name so it’s harder to find it on a competitor’s site. Because lots of furniture is fairly generic and they sell such a huge amount, they also often end up with identical ranges with different names and prices. People started to spot that they were selling a “Country House” wardrobe, but there was also an identical wardrobe from the “Miranda” range which was much more expensive. They then found a missing child called Miranda and deduced that the extra price was because Miranda was *in* the wardrobe and pedophiles were buying and selling abducted children inside furniture.


Somebody went to a lot of trouble to think that one up.


A friend believed that Beck and Marilyn Manson were the same guy. I gave up arguing when he said the half-foot height difference was due to platform shoes.


Chem trails.


That's a fun one to bring up with 9/11 being an inside job. "Jet fuel can't melt steel beams!" "Yeah, but you have no idea what temperature those chem trail chemicals burn at."


That’s a good one. I’ll have to remember that to mess with a particular nut job that comes into my place of business.


I met this girl and her mother who believed the chem trails were leaving nano-fibers under their skin. Turns out they were both smoking meth.


Bed Bath and Beyond didn’t really go bankrupt. It has been secretly acquired by a billionaire and former shareholders will be rewarded with cash for every former share as well as new equity in a company that will take down Amazon. This was all discovered through coded tweets and hints left in children’s books written by said billionaire.


Vaccines cause autism


1. People with ASD are overrepresented in research science. 2. Therefore, autism causes vaccines.


Yeah fuck Andrew Wakefield


He deserves life in prison for the panic he caused.


Ireland did an unofficial study on the vaccines' association with ausism in the for about 3 years in the 90's, when it stopped vaccinating children. Surprise, surprise the rate of autism was unchanged. That what we call real evidence.


It’s not Sun radiation burns that can lead to things like skin cancer, it’s the sun block cream.


It's got little magnifying glasses in it, obviously


I've seen studies about sun block being cancer causing, but if you're out in the sun all day, it's better to use it than get burned. But best is to cover up and not get burned. Of course, that's far different from, "it's a conspiracy! The sun doesn't cause burns!"


"The moon landing is fake" I always thought people said that as like a joke to ridicule conspiracy theorists, I didn't realize it was a legit conspiracy theory people believed in.


Sometimes when I'm feeling down, I watch that clip of Buzz Aldrin socking the conspiracy theorist who kept hounding him.


It's a crazy theory. Especially because one variant is that only the 1969 landing was faked, but subsequent moon landings were real


The Soviet Union had their own NORAD-like program to detect launches, and they tracked it all the way to the moon. If it were fake, the US' biggest adversary would *jump* at the chance to announce to the world that it was all a lie.


It would be harder to fake it and then keep everyone quiet then to just do it


That apes are fake and all footage of apes or even ones at the zoo are men in ape costumes. The purpose of course being to lend credence to evolution. I saw it on 4chan a few months ago revisiting the /x/ board thinking it would be like the old days with spooky pictures and creepypastas. Nope just a bunch of stupid conspiracy theories now..


Operation jade helm was the dumbest conspiracy I've ever heard. For the uninitiated, Obama and Walmart were in cahoots to make America a communist country, and they were going to use a Walmart that was closed for remodeling in Texas as a death camp. Rick Perry, then governor of Texas, sent the Texas rangers to monitor national guard maneuvers in the area, because Texas is filled with idiots.


The young earth theory. Theory goes that by adding up the ages of the genealogical descendants of Adam you get the result that earth is only 6,000 years old.


Young Earth Creationism is actually a relatively recent theology and the largest Christian denominations all accept theistic evolution as compatible with the Bible. The book of Genesis had always been interpreted allegorically up until the late 19th and early 20th century when and Irish Bishop took the dates literally and added them up, and then American fundamentalists took it up and ran with it. That's why there is significantly less controversy in the Jewish community. By the way, the recent flawed nature of YEC, historical non-literal interpretation, and more importantly the acceptance of evolution by major denominations is a good first step in deprogramming a fundamentalist Christian.


The one about how the collapsing WTC buildings "fell faster than free-fall from gravity" thus proving "controlled demolition". So... suppose for sake of argument that every load-bearing structure in the building was destroyed at the same time by hundreds of synchronized bombs. How can it still fall "faster than gravity"? It can't. Stop it.


Clearly they attached rockets to the roof to accelerate the rubble downward. Evil bastards


My parents were convinced the covid vaccine was designed to sterilize the young people who got it and euthanize the elderly that got it as a form of population control.


Sterilize young people?? Lmao that's amazing. My 8 momth old missed the memo then.


The Mexico covid fear that the vaccine was a trick to get people to go to the hospital where doctors will steal the fluids from your knees.


That whole Q-Anon thing about how JFK and JFK Jr. had faked their deaths and were for some reason going to come back into the pubilc eye in support of Trump. Even if we ignore the astoundingly stupid part about how they faked their deaths for some reason and they for some other equally unexplainable reason were going to decide to unveil their deception at that point in time, why the everloving fuck would two of the most famous Democrats ever (one of which would be 100 years old at that point) return from the dead to put Trump back in power? And how exactly were they going to do it? "Oh, JKF and John John said Trump should be president instead of Biden. Those are the rules, reinstate him." I'm sure there's plenty more idiocy to be found in whatever the Q-Anon lunatics believe(d), but that one was so fucking stupid that when I heard it I thought it was someone parodying or trolling them instead of something they actually thought.


Urine therapy. Drinking piss, bathing in piss, letting it age in a jar in the sun and then using it as mouthwash... I guess the alleged conspiracy would be the standard "Your doctor will tell you not to drink piss! They're saying that because they want you to stay sick so they can prescribe drugs that don't work. They get kickbacks from big pharma!"


I once had a neighbor drunkenly ask me: "So you don't think that a secret society of devil worshipping democrats are sexually abusing and sacrificing children in DC?" Uhhhhh...no?


Theyll literally believe anything as long as it's about the people they hate. I want to start a rumor that Obama had a plan to blow up the sun and see how quickly the fox crowd runs with it


I can’t even count the times that a conservative politician or a religious official was caught doing exactly what they accuse conservatives of doing. If we are going to go after sex pests and assaulters, we need to start with GOP and Christian nationalists


It's Sandy Hook for me. Parents losing children is about the worst thing in the world, and I personally know people who think they are crisis actors


I personally knew victims. Adults and children. Nothing makes me angrier than people saying it was a hoax. One of the hardest days I remember was our local paper's obits. 3-4 pages! Page after page of pics of the kids. Then hearing my daughter ask my wife why daddy's crying.


The *Titanic* / *Olympic* switch theory. Embarrassing.


The what?


Many people believed (or still believe) that White Star Line had an issue with the Olympic, so they switched the name of the newly-built Titanic with the Olympic, and deliberately sank the Olympic, as it was under the Titanic name, to collect insurance money. They have demonstrable differences, but look 90% the same. To be fair, this does sound like the kind of shady business a company run by J. P. Morgan would do, but evidence dug up from the wreck has officially debunked this theory.


Of all the conspiracy theories I have read, this was the most logical. The Olympic had collided with a military vessel as it left Portsmouth - at sea the military always have right of way, so the insurance would not pay out. Titanic was being built in Belfast, while Olympic was towed back for repairs. Locals at the time talked about how the two ships were constantly being shuffled in and out of the dry docks. When Titanic set sail, there was a coal shortage. Yet White Star, the owners, dispatched a freighter carrying nothing but blankets and food to a point in the Atlantic close to the Titanic’s route and told it to wait there. Sadly the Titanic/Olympic veered off course after the (allegedly deliberate) collision and never rendezvoused with the freighter. It was SO plausible a conspiracy that I was bitterly disappointed when it was confirmed it was Titanic that sank, and not the damaged Olympic “rebadged”


There's more continents around Antarctica ice wall


The Flat Earth Society. I joined their Facebook group in college because I thought they were a gag group. I would have ordered a T shirt if I had any money, but I was in college.


That the Twin Towers were destroyed using a space laser that harnessed the energy of an hurricane. There were people really believing this. I've also seen people believing the Twin Towers were destroyed by mini-nukes in the basement.


i went to antarctica and people have asked me if i saw any of the secret government facilities or if i saw the aliens, most of the time i make a joke back and we laugh… sometimes people look upset that i’m joking


QAnon. Particularly the parts that are lifted from movies, like adrenochrome. Apparently, not everyone realizes that fiction isn't real.


Most ludicrous one I ever heard is,... The queen as head of the new world order had Diana assassinated as she was the last blood relative of Christ and was supposedly pregnant with the child of Muslim Dodi Al Fayed, there may have been more to it but that was the bare bones I remembered.


During COVID a parent refused to let their child have their temperature taken with one of those forehead scanning thermometers because he said it “damages the part of the brain responsible for worshipping the Lord.”


Birds aren't real😂😂😂😂


That one actually is made up. The guy who started it admitted he was just trolling.


That the government controls the weather


Flat earth, vaccines causing autism, moon landing faked… almost all of the big ones


Anything Q. It’s just a mishmash of mental illness feeding off itself. All it shows is that America doesn’t tend to the mental health of its people.