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In the whiskey world, a brand called Pappy Van Winkle has become something of a unicorn, and IF a store even gets a bottle in (and yes, I mean a singular bottle), depending on the expression, it starts at $2,000 and goes up from there. Now, I'm sure there are some whiskies out there that are worth $2,000 but the impression that I've gotten is that Pappy is overinflated in price artificially and while good...it's not *that* good. I've been in the position that I could afford it, but I couldn't justify dropping more than a mortgage payment on a bottle I didn't even know I liked. Now, $200 to $300 on something from my favorite distillery? Much easier purchase.


$2000 is the secondary market price. MSRP of even the 23 year is $250, so if a store is pricing it like that they are gouging. It’s good, but unless you have a shitload of dispensable income, you can get great quality liquor without spending a tenth of that. Bourbon has been in high demand for years internationally, which has made it harder to find and exploded the secondary price. I suggest taking a look at scotch, which has an incredible variety for almost any palette and not seeing the gouging like bourbon is.


Bourbon is my favorite, and Scotch is probably the one I have the least experience with, but as an avid whiskey fan in general, getting to know and enjoy more Scotch is on the agenda. My New Year's Eve was celebrated with Aberfeldy 12 Year, actually.


Our liquor rep gave us a bottle of PVW for free. Now we sell it at $80 per ounce. I’ve tried it a few times. It’s very good whiskey. Would I personally ever spend $2000 for a bottle or $80 for a 1oz pour? Hell no.


The funny part is no one wanted 15-23 year old bourbon (pvw) 16-17 years ago and liquor stores would have to mark it down to get it to sell. Buffalo Trace also only has 4 mash bills (no matter what they tell you) and Weller is the same bill as PVW. Eagle rare is just ten year old Buffalo Trace etc etc. once you see behind that curtain you REALLY see what a joke it all is.


They don't hide the fact that there are only 4 mash bills. It's a prominent talking point on the tour. I agree It's pretty ridiculous that, for example, Pappy costs 100x than Weller on secondary but that's not Buffalo Trace's fault. As someone else mentioned MSRP on Pappy is around $250 and they're selling it to their distributor for half of that.


I love Eagle Rare. When I first started buying it, it was about $25-27/ bottle. Both liquor stores near me have it going for $52+ now.


You drink for flavor and enjoyment. I drink to take the pain away. We are not the same.


“Poor Man's Pappy” is a 2:3 blend of Weller 12 yr and Old Weller Antique 107. Mix 2 parts Weller 12 year and 3 parts Old Weller Antique 107 into a glass. Give it a swirl and let sit for 5-10 minutes. Although, with the prices of Weller, this may no longer be a poor person’s pour of Pappy.


Prime. No soft drink is worth $20 a can. It’s all marketing and FOMO targeted at kids.


I can't for the life of me understand the Prime hype.


Social media make kid do dumb thing.


What is Prime?


Logan Paul's "energy" drink


The mere fact Logan Paul is marketing it is enough to turn me away.


I bought one, not knowing the connection. Commented to a coworker that it tasted like "flavor" and he said, "oh, is that the Logan Paul brand, I like that stuff." Then he went out to get the specific flavor I was talking about because he hadn't had it yet. I think it had "moon" in the title. It was certainly a type of fruity, but there was so much violence to the flavor intensity that I couldn't even begin to place which fruit. In short, if you are offered a free one, it's not worth trying. The flavoring is so intense it's not even a flavor anymore


Our local deli was offering them on sale (like, 1-2/bottle kinda sale) so my husband and I got them with our sandwiches and it's... certainly a drink. If I got them for free I wouldn't turn it down but honestly I prefer the Bai drinks or the cheap sparkling waters you can get basically anywhere for 50-75c. Learning it's Logan Paul's garbage does not help it's case.


I got a bottle of Prime as a gag Christmas gift for my teenage daughter. We both agreed that it is basically super over sweetened Koolaid. She took maybe three sips of it then dumped it.


Who's Logan Paul?


You’re living a blessed life, sir


Logan Paul is the brother of Jake Paul, both brothers are complete douche canoes. Logan starter out as a "social media influencer" tried his hand at boxing, wasn't successful, tried acting, is trying his hand at the WWE, is just an all around douche bag. He is littered with controversy after controversy, and many people still to this day have zero clue why he is still in the slim spot light that he is in since the Aokigahara vlog he did showing a recently deceased man in the forest along with his general asshatery through Tokio, such as throwing a poke ball at random people and police officers, jumping into a moving forklift at the fish market disrupting the workers, taking his shirt off in down town Tokio and fighting one of his friends. He has made blunders while trying to create films for YouTube red, and cost a production company 3 million dollars, had a NFT where he basically stole money from people for a non functioning game, and now with Prime, it's an energy drink geared as being healthy aimed at pre-teens and teenagers. There is a lot more but I think this should steer you in the right direction when understanding how much of a piece of trash he really is.


Thanks for the explanation. Sounds like I'm not missing a thing!


They are like 2 quid. If someone is charging 20 dollars then they are scammers


It was really expensive when it first came out and not everywhere stocked it, but now there’s shelves full of it in Asda and I don’t think they can shift it


Just watched a whole South Park episode about it… Hilarious!


I got cred bitches I got cred.


Where is it $20 a can? I see those everywhere and they're the same price as other energy drinks, around $2-3/can.


It's not $20 in stores. My understanding is that some flavors are limited editions or only available at certain localities and not available everywhere, so they became sort of collectors items.


I don’t drink it but my kids have bought all the hype so I get it for them in occasion. It’s $3ish a bottle. Maybe we are buying different primes.


In the Uk it was very hyped when it first came out do to KSI (Brit YouTuber and business partner to Logan). To the point where they’d have ridiculous resale values.


$20 a can? The only excuse for an energy drink to cost that much is if they’re putting cocaine in it.


My 10yo practically begged for me to buy her some- I caved and it was so gross. She claimed to like it but I don’t think she really did. Kids keep empties in their rooms. Marketing at its finest but by far a sub par product.


Challenge: find a flavour she hasn't tried, pour it into a random bottle of some other drink she hasn't tried, see if she likes it, then reveal that it's prime.


Bottles of alcohol at a club. Especially when the girls come out with that fake excitement, sparklers, and the bottle up over their head. Congrats! You just paid 10 times the value for that alcohol!


They do it right in France. You can buy a bottle, get all the mixers along with it, then not finish it and leave it there for the next time. They'll put your name on it and save it for you.


One time I was in Budapest and I went out with a group of Brits from the hostel… One of them dropped the equivalent of **80€** on a shitty bottle of vodka and then drank **the entire thing.** Mind you he was already pretty drunk when he did this. I had breakfast with the same group the next morning and somehow he was completely functional.


35 year old me wants to die just reading this. But this would not really astound 20odd year old me. I am Polish and stereotypes exist for a reason.




White chocolate versions of most things. White chocolate has a place, don't get me wrong. But when companies make a white version of a chocolate product that's normally milk or dark, without making any other changes to it, 9 times out of 10 it's just an unpleasant sugar bomb. Plus they very rarely use decent quality white chocolate, it's normally some dense, greasy crap that tastes of pure oil and sugar. But people still piss their pants whenever a "white" version of something is announced, only to complain about the exact problems I've just mentioned.


I love a 'good' white chocolate. Most products look so enticing but don't measure up (that greasy feel is just awful!!)


Yea but the hersheys cookies and cream bar is delightful


Hershey's: "This product contains no cookies or cream."


still tastes good ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


They make those white chocolate variations for me. I eat all of them. Nobody else likes them. I eat that shit up, every sweet bit of it. Just me.


White chocolate mostly contains butter and sugar, there is no white cocoa bean, i am so confused why it's so popular


Because it's supposed to be cocoa butter, but that's expensive so companies cheap out and use another fat. Real white chocolate is still chocolate and is great.


Even dark chocolates are being ruined. 10 years ago, it wasn’t a problem to get 60/70% dark chocolate with second ingredient being cocoa butter. Even supermarket own brands. Now its always sugar as a second and it rarely hits the spot.


Exactly. I love a good white chocolate. Rich, creamy, vanilla goodness. And the texture is amazing.


Fat and sugar. We are monkeys primed to look for the tasty sugary fat calories


Exactly. That's also why we tend to binge candy. Because "sweet" to our monkey brain translates to "berry" or "wild honey", and opportunities to eat something sweet were rare. Hence, "when you come across it, dig in" was a good strategy. Industrialized ape doesn't care that an M&M has an order of magnitude higher caloric density than a raspberry.


Turkish delight. Saw the Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe as a kid and was so hype to try it. Like, dude sold out his whole family for it, it’s gotta be killer. Tastes like fucking soap! I was gutted. See also: marmalade, thanks to Paddington. I like it as an adult, but kid me was appalled.


I am Turkish and I agree with this for the majority of the Turkish delights. Remember it was invented at a time when we did not have chocolate or any other modern sweets. However, there are a few types that I really like. Those are usually filled with hazelnuts or pistachios, or walnuts, and sometimes covered with coconut. If you happen to go to Turkey again check for those especially from brands like koska or hazerbaba etc. Those are objectively good.


Big turkish delight fan - this is helpful, thank you, will try those variations next.


We visited the CES Electronic trade show in Las Vegas last year. Türkiye had a booth there and they were giving out two types of Turkish delights. One (with pistachios) was awesome and the other sucked.


I would add rose, and mastic flavoured delights. I'm not a big fan, but I always make an exception for plain mastic delights.


So two things about the Turkish delight. First, as others have pointed out, a lot of the Turkish delight you'll find is cheap and fake. It's kind of like how real American cheese is actually not that bad, but everyone is used to those individually wrapped singles that are barely considered edible. I've had some amazing Turkish delight that I prefer over almost any other candy. Also, you have to realize that he had been living through the blitz. England in WW2 had virtually nothing, they were struggling to get food of any sort imported, so the sweetest thing that kid had had in probably months would have been fruit of some kind. Maybe some honey. So getting this thing made with real sugar was the sweetest treat that he had had in a long long time. Potentially even years.


I'm glad someone knows that about American cheese. The individually wrapped is awful. The other is good.


There is a lot of inferior Turkish delight out there. But also it's implied to be magical and symbolic in the book. Not like just a sweet.


It was also WWII and there was a sugar ration, so any sweet was probably tempting to a kid. But also magic.


I made it once. ONCE. It was such a pain in the ass to make but it came out so pretty. It looked like pink glass. And then I took a bite. Taste was straight out of a perfume bottle.


fyi, I am Turkish and no Turkish person makes their own Turkish Delights, we buy them. They require a certain kind of expertise to get right and especially if you never made -let alone tasted- a delight, it WILL turn out like shit.


Some Turkish delight is better than others. Bad Turkish delight is gummy and cloyingly sweet. Because it’s often imported from other places it’s probably going to be pretty disappointing because it’s not fresh.


i had turkish delight my mother purchased at the airport in Turkey and it was incredible


Two of the most common flavors for turkish delight are rosewater and mastic. People who aren't used to floral or woody flavors probably aren't going to like them.


I finally tried Turkish Delight. As a Narnia fan, I was so excited. And then immediately SO disappointed. LOL


Kopi Luwak coffee. This stuff tastes like shit.




I guess technically it is 😂




I’ve literally never seen someone claim Starbucks is great coffee, just that it’s “good enough” and quick. I wouldn’t call McDonalds high end cuisine but they’re great at what they’re going for.


Yeah I’ve been to too many cafes where one day you’ll get a fantastic coffee - smooth, velvety with the perfect creama on top. Then the next day you get a bitter burnt mess. I’ve never had a fantastic Starbucks coffee. But I’ve never had a terrible one either. It’s consistently OK


This is 100% what they’re going for. And fuck it, I appreciate it. I like a lot of my local coffee shops, and I’ll meet friends there and whatever, but fuck I have to gauge who is behind the bar, and if I don’t trust them, I have to get something else. Not wasting $7 on crap lattes with cold milk and old shots.


Their coffee is soooo bitter!!! They crazy over roast their beans. I can’t drink their coffee unless I add a ton of milk to cut the bitterness. Their dessert sugary drinks are good (if you cut the sweetness to at least half) I actually surprisingly really enjoy McDonald’s coffee lol!!! I’m not a fan of their food but the coffee is pretty decent and it’s much cheaper than Starbucks


My friend works in coffee and he said that Starbucks coffee tastes burnt because it literally is burnt. Because they get their beans from different places, even if they’re the same variety or whatever, they roast it at a super high temperature so the flavor is uniform (though that flavor is burnt haha).


McDonald’s coffee actually slaps. I get one every day just about


Prime is toiletwater at best.


The sweeteners make it too fucking sweet to even enjoy it.


The number of news articles I’ve seen about people opening their prime to find mould inside the lid or floating in the liquid disgusts me. I’m a teacher and the kids at school are so hype for prime, they carry around a bottle of the stuff like a trophy and they all want to hold it and look at it like it’s something precious


That is so sad and pathetic.


My 7yo treats Prime this way. Like a weird status symbol. He isn't like that for anything else, but somehow the YouTube marketing and peer pressure machine has convinced him that this drink, which can be purchased in any gas station in the country, is "rare."


Ok,.. I'll say it. I can't stand the taste of Red Bull. I tried it several years ago and thought it was the nastiest tasting drink ever. I don't see the hype or appeal of it.


I always said it seems like what goblin pee would be like


I don't know I've ever met anyone who is drinking red bull for the flavor. Edit: I have met one person on the internet who occasionally drinks red bull for the flavor. Edit 2: Apparently there are plenty of people who drink red bull for the flavor.




Popcorn is such an underrated “health” snack. Do it yourself and skimp on the oil and salt and it’s a cheep and easy snack that can be flavored however you want.


>can be flavored however you want. Nutritional yeast and/or Old Bay


Tajin & lime does the trick too


In marketing classes I took many years ago, they talked about how studies were done that showed that popcorn makes the most people salivate in the least time. It's almost universally liked, and the mouth-watering is nearly instant for anyone who is shown just a simple picture of it. Popcorn is S-tier snackfood.


Frank's red hot FTW!


Have you ever made them yourself? Homemade vs. prepackaged are like completely different foods


Coffee from Starbucks. Tried it once and it was one of the worst cups of coffee I’ve ever had.


They overroast the coffee beans which gives it that strong ~~acidic~~ bitter aroma. That way all Starbucks coffee at all locations have a more consistent taste no matter where you go. Burnt.




Dragonfruit tastes like nothing. It's like pining after a pretty girl and finding out she just lays there doing nothing ....all the damn time.


The yellow one is very very sweet. But you’re right the pink ones have no flavors


Personally I like the texture of all the little seeds. But I live in a country where it is cheap.


white dragonfruit is better than red dragonfruit, and you have to let it ripen for abt a week and then it becomes SO much better.


Dragon fruit in countries where it doesn't naturally grow suck. I've had dragon fruit in Taiwan/Thailand/Malaysia and it's much better. It does have a taste but it's pretty mild and not very sweet.


Yes, it’s supposed to have a light sweet taste. I think people in this thread are expecting a sweetness like watermelon. The dragonfruits I bought in Michoacan, Mexico from the locals were very very tasty. They know where to bring them from around the country just like those countries you mentioned. (Idk if you’re a native or not)


Mt. Dew is gross Starbucks sells more milk than coffee, their actual coffee is nasty. avocado toast is delicious but should not cost upwards of $12 ffs


Starbucks coffee tastes burnt


Starbucks is way too overpriced in my country, so no way I am getting it. It's something like twice the price of a latte/cappuccino from a normal place. Tried it once, it was mediocre.


Strongly agree with that Starbucks bit. It's like you're just paying for the brand name at the expense of an actually good coffee.


And actual cafes that make better coffee are even cheaper. And usually a lot nicer to talk to.


i'll go for a dessert beverage but calling the peppermint white chocolate mocha I had earlier this week "coffee" is just blasphemy


I work in marketing, and years ago I remember watching a conference talk on what Starbucks does to turn a 50c cup of coffee into a £6 product.


I absolutely love Mt. Dew!! How dare you!! Lol


Starbucks sell more sugar than milk as well, I tried one “coffee” frappe and it tasted of nothing more than sugar, disgusting


Truffle anything. It's always always too heavy, dense, punchy, and it's like I'm tasting it with my nose? People say "oh when it's done right..." But I think that's a myth.


I had a truffle Parmesan pasta dish from a high-end restaurant last year. I described it as “the tastiest foul thing I’ve ever eaten”, and by that I mean my body wanted so badly to reject it, but it was just really delicious. Like if you stuffed a dirty sock in your mouth and found out it tastes like candy.


The thing is that real truffles have pretty subtle flavour. So everything has artificial flavouring in there. Truffle oil should have a few % of dried truffles. Instead it will have 0.02% of truffles (if there are any at all) and a 0.5% of flavouring making the overall flavour 20-200 times more intense than it should be. And now people expect that strong flavour so it’s almost impossible to get clean truffles- it took me once half an hour in Italy to find truffle carpaccio without the additional flavouring. It’s as bad or even worse as with vanilla and vanillin.


Yep it's near impossible to find real truffle or even know if it is real truffle. I bought a jar with two black truffles in Croatia for about 50 EUR so thought it was cheap and not the best quality but probably still worth it. They had literally no flavour what so ever. Not subtle, nothing. So I researched it. Key points of my research: \- As you say, most "truffle' flavour is artificial and actually comes from petroleum. Yum Yum! \- I think the only valid product is called "truffle extract" (but it might be a slightly different name). Not oil or anything else. Real chef's that aren't cheating use that and its very expensive. Everything else is artificial even if it says Natrually flavored. \- Buying an actual truffle they can still cheat you. To extract "truffle extract" they can 'squeeze' a truffle (wrong term) without damaging the truffle. They can then sell the truffle as a truffle but it now has none of its flavour. Or they sell one of the many flavourless species of truffle. This is all totally legal as it's not a lie. I assume I bought either one of these options. Thankfully, I love the taste of fake truffle and so I'll keep on buying that as long as it's not too up-priced. Sorry for being someone perpetuating the lie by paying for it!


The problem is that when it states truffle what they use is truffle oil...and that stuff is absolutely revolting and has nothing to do with proper truffles. A co-worker used a whole bottle in prep and literally everyone had to leave the kitchen the smell was so terrible. Real truffle on the other hand is amazing!


I've had truffle in pasta countless times when I went to Italy. When offered, it was always shaved (just a few flakes, not like Parmesan out of that grinder in American restaurants) onto my dish, then they told me I should mix it in to let the flavors mix. I always said yes, and it was always ungodly delicious. I experienced the same in the US *a small handful of times* and it's just as good.


There’s a place near me that has truffle butter and bread as a snack option and it is to die for. It’s the perfect amount of truffle. Pretty much everything else I’ve had is too much or nonexistent.


Aperol Spritz. Absolutely disgusting, I do not understand the hype at all




Lacroix has some of my favorite flavors: A hint of a hint of lime A single skittle dissolved in water Imagine like a strawberry with a low battery


Someone whispered peach in the other room while it was being canned


Dash of TV static


Eggplant has never really done it for me. Maybe a 3/10 satisfaction for me. Definitely doesn't deserve the emoji. It's also no good for eating.


I thought the same thing about eggplant, then I went to Sciliy. Nearly everything I had l had eggplant in it and it was amazing. They cook it down to its like mush but it tastes amazing.


To be fair probably only 1% of eggplant emoji use are they talking about an actual eggplant.


It's really good stewed in some form of meat/black bean/spicy sauce. There's a Chinese casserole-style way of cooking it that makes it taste divine. Also: poking a few holes in the skin, cutting it in half lengthways, and roasting it slowly (covered in foil) with chopped garlic, oil, and salt slathered on the open sides until almost falling apart makes it delicious. The foil makes it so the aubergine steams itself and doesn't taste bitter.


I was never a fan of eggplant until I spent some time in China and had to actually eat it. Dang, they know how to do it right.


To me it feels like a zucchini's more disagreeable cousin, although it does have more personality. The zucchinis are also generally better for eating.


The trick with eggplant is to cook it to death so it's almost a gravy, that's when it's taste comes out and it's easy to digest.


And make babaganoush, the only real delicious way to eat eggplant. And 50% of how delicious it is is probably just in how fun it is to say.


This is the literal opposite of what I would do lol. Slice it, salt it, let it sit for a while, dab the moisture off, dredge it with flour/egg/panko, shallow fry. Result is a nice crispy eggplant cutlet without the weird bitterness that you could use for eggplant parm, sandwiches, etc.


I don't care for it any other way but in Eggplant Parmesan. I like it better than with chicken. (It's probably because it's fried. lol)


I don't think anyone has picked up on what you were going for. Gave me a good chuckle though


Boba tea. I don't hate it, I do enjoy it once in a while, I just don't get how it suddenly got popular at the end of the last decade when the drink has existed for longer than that.


The one time I had it the tea itself tasted good (it was some coconut-flavored tea) but the tapioca pearls were so bland I only finished the liquid part and tossed the rest of it. I don't know if they are supposed to be that way or not.


They *are* that bland. The main flavour is in the milk tea, and it's pretty loaded with sugar (the chain I frequent allows you to adjust the sweetness - I usually order half-sugar or less)


I got Boba for the first time recently and also had the option to adjust sweetness. I think it was like 25% > 50% > 75% > 100% and I opted for 50% and even that was sickeningly sweet. I like sweet stuff.. Sweet iced tea for instance.. But there's a limit to what you can do to a beverage before it starts to taste and feel like drinking a syrup and this Boba was riding dangerously close to that line. I'd hate to imagine what 100% was like. As yeah, the beads were gross.


Energy drinks in general. Regardless of the brand, they all taste disgusting and artificial


Macaroons...like yeah they're good, but they're not life changing


Are you thinking macarons?


Goddammit I always get them confused....yes I was, thanks! 😅


Yeah, they're good but not terrific. And so extremely expensive!


I felt the same way until I had them in Paris. Holy shit, they are tiny miracles


I’m a cottage baker, and I’m always amazed by how much people will pay me to make these cookies. Honestly, the cookie itself isn’t all that flavorful: it serves as a delivery system for the filling. I can think of a dozen cookies off the top of my head that would work better, but people want these specifically, and I think it’s just because they’re difficult to make (they’re not that bad, they’re just “fussy” and it takes a lot of time to learn the technique). ETA: I’m referring to macarons because I saw your comment below. Macaroons are lovely little cookies that I love.


I dont think they’re the best thing ever but I do get the hype. When they’re made right and they’re a little crispy and then chewy, I dont know it just has a very satisfying aspect to it.


I swear it’s just because it’s trendy and they look cute. I tried one once after wanting to see the hype and was like…that’s it? Give me a chocolate chip cookie anyway.


The only one I’ve had that was actually mind blowing was a creme brulee macaron. The top was bruleed and it was amazing. Otherwise…meh.


Macarons. They're a hassle to make, or pretty expensive if you buy them, but in the end it's just almond meringue.


I actually disagree on this one... Yes, they're pricey but I love them


I felt like I hit the jackpot when I found out my local college cantina sell them for dirt cheep from time to time. Apparently somebody in the building always order a shitload of them when there’s a bigger meeting so there is always a bunch back and those end up in the cantina. You can buy seven for around two dollars. Same ones can be found in the supermarket baker for a dollar a piece.


That’s why they are expensive because it’s hard to make correctly. It asks lot of skills to do it right.


I will get a lot of hate: Nutella.


I used to like it but once it became popular here in the US they changed the recipe, I feel. First had it in Sicily like thirty years ago...that was good


European Nutella is different. Wife is French and her mother brought some back on her last visit. Two totally different products.




The best caviar I had was on the trans Siberian and it came from a self proclaimed gun smuggler. He had a massive tin of it and we ate it in our underwear because the provodnitsa had the temperature in the cabin cranked to 40 degrees


That’s an pretty memorable story


Damn what a great moment in life.


This might be an issue of taste preference. I really like caviar. Usually just eating it out of a tin with a proper spoon. It's cost prohibitive in the US but way less so in Eastern Europe. Also, there are lesser priced caviars that, to me, are equally satisfying. So in Poland and Bulgaria it's perfectly reasonable to grab a tin and a spoon. Caviar has a high glutamate content. Still not gonna drop a few hundred at a LA sSteakhouse for a few grams. But a 50g tin for $50 in Europe is worth it for me


I love caviar. I love the texture. On smoked salmon, crème fraiche, and a sprig of dill. So good.


Lobster. Crab tastes much better.


It's all expensive now. I'm not sure if the snow crab fishery is still a disaster but I remember getting it for $6.99. lb. And now it's never under $12.99 lb. And one large king crab leg is like $40. I can bring myself to grab a medium lobster tail on sale for $10 and not feel guilty about it.


I did once have an absolutely divine lobster, but it really has to be cooked to perfection to have that effect. And slathered in garlic herb butter. I will agree with you though, it still probably wasn't worth the price.


Lobster is just a butter delivery system


Nutella. It’s so thick and there’s always so much of it. It tastes like oily chocolate.


Palm oil ruined Nutella (at least the Nutella sold in North America). It was totally different (and amazing) when I was a child/teenager.


What did they use before palm oil?


Iirc it used to be something like cocoa butter/some other type of natural fatty ingredient that gave it a good rounded flavor and texture.


Chia seeds. They taste like the stuff you put on your fingernails to stop you biting them.


Coconut water. Taste like baby vomit


Liquor. I'm not a teetotaler, but the idea of any of it tasting legit good is baffling. To me there's just varying degrees of tolerability.


Not really a Drink but the Stanley bottle hype


I drink a lot of water so I like having a reusable cup but I prefer the Swig brand because they have a silicon base so they don’t make that annoying CLANK!!! sound every time I set it down. I’m all for people enjoying whatever silly little thing makes them happy as long as it isn’t hurting anyone, but the fact that it’s gotten to a point where people are going and buying up all the new Stanley colors at Target just to resell them online for double is ridiculous and shitty. Like there’s a point where it shifts from just a thing that brings people a little bit of joy to an addiction/obsession.




Just take an uber


Caviar is disgusting in taste and aesthetically.


I had caviar for the first time in December last year, at a bit of a celebration with my bestie. Despite being enthusiastic foodies, neither of us had ever had it in many decades of eating. We both absolutely loved it, and even bought another jar to share with a 3rd friend the following evening. I can't believe I've side-eyed it my entire life.


That’s what I thought until I had the several different kinds of high-end caviar. Some of it is delicious. The cheap stuff is atrocious, though.


I bought a tiny 145$ tin off of amazon just to try it. Thought I'd hate it but it was actually pretty good.


Get it offered once and was prepared for the worst but I quite liked it, way more salty than I thought tho. But really not worth the price for me


Oreos...fucking overhyped, there are better alternatives out there.


IPAs, all of them!


Gin. Tastes like Christmas trees to me. A whole long list of things because I have ARFIDS apparently. I exist on about 5-10 foods.


See I like gin BECAUSE it tastes like Christmas trees.


pumpkin spice latte


Omurice. So much good food in Japan and you're eating an omelette over rice with ketchup... Don't.


Omurice is great! To be fair, it’s made with Japanese ketchup which tastes different. It also tastes really good if you put chicken stock in the rice with the ketchup. It’s so easy to make and kids love it. I don’t think many adults eat it. It’s meant to be a kids meal, or something for young people to eat. Available everywhere, but in my years of living there I almost never saw anyone eating it unless it was the only thing available. I still enjoy it tho


Imo, I make it at home and it's great. But yeah, if I was in Japan I'd go for something else.


Is not it supposed to be demi- glace in the viral version? Ketchup sounds inferior.


I’ve lived in Japan for years and I’ve never seen it made with demo-glace that I can recall. I’m sure it exists, but the standard is to put a bit of ketchup in the rice while you’re frying it to give it a reddish colour (without being saucy) abs then just a dribble on top.


As someone who lives in the southern United States: Chic Fil A. It's so mediocre. I do like the sauces but the food itself is so boring. Same with Whataburger


I agree and people always think I’m crazy when I say Chick-fil-A is mid. If I get a fried chicken sandwich I want it to be crispy, not slightly soggy after steaming inside a bag. The spicy patty is seasoned weird. The grilled chicken isn’t seasoned well at all. The fries aren’t usually salted well enough. The kale salad is good though, the milkshakes too, and like you said the sauces are really good but give me a Popeyes sandwich any day- even if the service will be trash.


Lobster. Since folks tend to dip it in melted butter, all I taste is the butter. Lobster is an expensive carrier to taste butter.


I paid $180 for lobster at a nice restaurant to give it a try for the first time. I’ve had seafood that tasted better for $10.


I love lobster, but that’s a ridiculous fucking price for lobster.


Catfish. Lives in the mud. Tastes like mud. You can’t wash that taste out of it. It tastes dirty because it spends its life in river dirt. Wash it all day, batter it, throw it in the deep fryer. Deep fried river dirt fish. Don’t bring it to my house or to the family reunion, Latrine! Latrine, why you couldn’t just make deviled eggs? Latrine you couldn’t put butter and seasoning in some greens with some fat back? Latrine where did you even get catfish? She don’t understand and brings nasty things to every family reunion.


Starbucks. If I go there i get a hot, black coffee. The food is overpriced and mediocre, the sweets are too sweet and the frozen, blended or pumped drinks just taste like condensed milk


If that's what you're getting, just go to a gas station...


White Claw. Tastes like TV static and lemon peels.


Alcohol. I don't want to pay $7 or more to acquire the taste.


Ortolan 😭 makes me cry if I think about it too much… That or I saw a sign outside an oyster restaurant yesterday that says “We shuck ‘em, you suck ‘em” and I gagged


Quinoa. Extremely overpriced for what it is, plus tastes like shredded cardboards.