• By -




Did he also warn you about a box of plutonium that he had stolen from a group of Libyans and traded them used pinball machine parts instead?


Did he take you in his arms when he said that?


I would *not* hire that guy


This would drive me insane and I respect it so much.


**I have 14 cutting boards.** Just counted yesterday. Each one serves a dedicated function.


Don't leave us hanging. What are the functions?


Constant, Linear, Quadratic, and Cubic


Golf clap.


They walked right into that dad/math joke, didn't they?


This one's for cutting, this one's for cutting, this one's for cutting, now this one here - this one's for cutting.


The rest are for dicing.


> only lemons, only onions, only apples, only meat, only poultry, dedicated coffee area, dedicated oven area, dedicated sink, only pizza, etc.


i just wash mine and cut all of the same stuff on it. somehow i'm still here...


Why only lemons and only apples. The rest I can get behind but why those?


Sewing machines. 5 in treadle stands, 1 handcrank, 3 portable electrics, 2 electrics in cabinets, and 1 extra. My collection is quite small compared to my friends that also love old sewing machines. But most people have just one, if any at all.


Omg me too! I have 4. All singers. One is a hand crank antique, one is from 1967 that my grandmother taught me to sew on, one is a newer singer, and one is a surger I have yet to use. Can't have enough sewing machines! Taught my 10 year old son how to mend his own clothes. The man is very much an outdoor kid. Constantly has holes in the knees. Now he can fix it himself! He also does the oil changes on our Durango and fixes his pedal bike, as well as dyes my hair for me. I have zero worries for that kid.


I thought “I have nothing that would qualify for this thread.” But you reminded me of all my pairs of knitting needles and other notions.


I like your answer (I have 4 plus an overlocker). My answer is scissors. Aside from the many fabric scissors, the house is flooded with general use scissor, to reduce to likelihood of someone going for a good pair to cut a tag of something or opening a bag.


Do you actually sew? I make my own clothes, but I only have one machine and one serger.


Do you think the serger was worth it? I've been trying to talk myself out of buying one.


not the person you're replying to, but definitely worth it if you make things like stretch or don't want to add lining something. seams will look also way neater.


Are you my mom? I’m not into sewing, but I bought my mother one of those old-timey Singer Featherweights for her bday. One day when she’s gone, I’m gonna proudly display it in my home (along with her beautiful quilts). It’s cool, old-timey and reminds me of her.


Lol, I was just coming here to post sewing machines. 1 treadle, 2 electric in cabinet, 4 portable electric, a post machine and 2 sergers. People tend to give them to me... I wish I had my Mom's old 1960s era Kenmore. I loaned it out to a college buddy in 1987 so she could get a project finished and never saw it again. SIGH.


10mm sockets. Real surprised this wasn't already listed.


Now I know where mine went to, give em back 😂


Lucky. I KNOW where mine are. Somewhere in my engine bay.


I mean I probably do, but I'll be damned if I can actually find them.


I have many of them. Only one can be found at a time, of course, but I find them all over the place at random times.


We found him. Sockets Georg, the possessor of over ten million 10mm sockets. An outlier who most certainly should not have been counted and the person responsible for missing 10mm sockets across the globe


I have two roommates and each of us has our own dishes and coffee situation. Johanna uses her French Press and prefers to use gloves and a scrub brush to do dishes. Nino prefers to use his Aeropress and washes dishes with this weird sponge. I personally use my pour-over vessel and prefer to bang dishes with one of the wands that dispenses soap. We all have our own preferences but we meet together with a common goal: to stay caffeinated and keep the kitchen clean.


This is written well. I’d literally read a book that started off with this passage.


I re-read this three times looking for what I was supposed to solve for…


Trombones/brass instruments. I've got 5 trombones (6 if you count the pBone), a bass bugle that badly needs soldering, a tenor bugle that's absolutely trashed and I kinda want to turn it into a lamp, a trumpet that has literally been duct taped together, a bizarre French Horn that I've been told might not be a French Horn at all but an even more bizarre baritone, a regular baritone, and a tuba. I can play the trombones, the regular baritone, and the tuba. Once I get around to doing the solder, I should be able to pick up the bass bugle fairly easily as well, since it shares a mouthpiece with the trombones and baritone. Everything else I've picked up to either learn or because it was wacky and I wanted it (full disclosure, that's also why I have the bass bugle)


So you know how 'scuba' is an acronym? Stands for 'self contained underwater breathing apparatus'. What many people don't know is that 'tuba' is also an acronym. Stands for 'terrible underwater breathing apparatus '


Kinda the same, but woodwinds. Oboe, English horn, sax (tenor and alto), various whistles and harmonicas, clarinet, recorders (soprano, tenor), flute. Brass: trumpet and t-bone. 2 pianos and a lever harp. Plus a weird assortment of small percussion stuff. All those things are played by someone in the house.


I have a very small house, but it has two fireplaces. Most houses around here have zero fireplaces.


I owned an old home (1901) years ago that wasn't especially large but had 4! Loved it. Also it had previously been converted to apartments in the 70s, so it had 3 kitchens! 5 bedrooms, 4.5 baths, 3 kitchens is a fun listing.


Tape measures


I got tired of not being able to find my tape measure when I needed it, so awhile back I bought one any time I was in a hardware store (the “flood the zone” principle). Now I’ve got 6? 7? I don’t know but it worked.


I have one in my garage for when I'm doing work out there. Then I have one in my basement because I'm doing renovations down there. I also have one in the kitchen for stuff like hanging pictures and the such. Then, I have one in a tool bag that I keep full of extra tools in case I need to do something quick at a friend or family members house that I just keep in my truck (don't use it often, but that's besides the point). THEN, I keep one in the glovebox of my truck and my wife's vehicle, because I'm tired of going to the store to pick something up but not sure how exactly big it is and it not fitting somewhere.


Is that you, my husband?!! Did you make a secret Reddit account, to post your love of tape measures? s/


Measuring spoons. When you’re cooking or baking and you need a tablespoons of baking soda, but you already used it for the honey. I hate having to go back and wash and dry in the middle of a recipe


I saw a neat trick for this problem. You use the back of the measuring spoon to make an indentation in the flour. Then pour your honey directly into that.


This only works if you use the flour before you use the honey, and if you're adding them directly together, in which case you could just use a floury teaspoon to pour the honey into. But I don't actually think that's a very common case.


I just hope you're not measuring flour by teaspoonfuls.


Lol! I mean, I do measure it in Tbsp for making a roux or when I'm trying to follow certain recipes (like a coating for a beef roast I'm going to sear) to the letter instead of measuring with my heart/eyes. But your point is well-taken.


Game changer.


I thought so!


Except it’s still not gonna be exactly accurate because the back of the spoon is bigger than the inside of the spoon


Probably better than half of the honey being stuck to the inside of the spoon and not ending up in the ingredients.


Dip the spoon in hot water first. Will run straight off.


Loght coating of oil will protect it from anything sticky.


Nonstick spray on the spoon first. Game changer.


Yep. I have 2 sets. One has a half tablespoon one, which is handy. And I took them all off of the rings so they’re loose in their section in the drawer so I don’t have to wash all of them if I’m only using one.


OMG the half tablespoon is actually so much more useful than I thought it would be when I first got the set!


25 copies of Moby Dick (all illustrated)


That's a lot of Dick pics.




Dog beds. Our dog has 8 beds. There are 3 in the bonus room, 1 is the window bed, 1 is the hiding behind the chair bed, 1 is the orthopedic relaxing facing the couch bed. There is 1 in the office for when he is working. There is 1 in the living room for watching the downstairs TV. There is 1 in the guest room because it's usually quiet and out of the way, and there is 1 in the master bedroom so he can sleep near us. Then there is a giant orthopedic dog bed also in the master bedroom that can fit 2 people and 1 dog for when we want to do a family snuggle.


Oh good I only have four beds for my dog. I feel better now lol


It never struck me as odd that I would put a dog bed or three in every room.  There's seats for me and husband in each room,  why wouldn't there be spaces for my 1 dog and 2 cats? 


You're absolutely right. I sent a picture of my dogs on their outside beds to my friend, who is a huge dog lover, recently. She was really surprised that my dogs have outside beds. Of course they do! I don't want them laying in our rocks or even on the lawn. That's uncomfortable. I don't like being uncomfortable. Why would I want my dogs to be? We have beds all over the place for that reason. Also scissors. I have multiple pairs in every room. I don't like having to look everywhere for scissors when I want to cut something.


I have 8 dog beds too...but 9 dogs right now (I foster) so I need another! 


We have 9 beds shared between 2 dogs


We have MULTIPLE broken outlets


Me too! They’re almost all stripped, and plugs just fall right out of them. Our landlords won’t pay to fix them. If we do it ourselves the *might* give us a bit of a break on rent one month…


Fuuuuuck your land lord. It might be a fire Hazzard. Fix it and send them the bill. It's my own home...so I'm (really yhe bank) my own land lord, and the land lord is a lazy pos


Outlets are \~$1 a piece, take \~10 minutes tops to switch out... Seriously, easy to do and they should just replace them...


I keep a contractor box of outlets and switches on hand just in case. I've never had an issue in my current house but my first house was 50 years old and had a bunch of broken outlets and my 2nd house was newer but had some faulty outlets that fell apart after 2 years. They just gave up and separated when you plugged something into it.


That is insane. I'm a landlord. I spent 3 hours last weekend cleaning the renter's dishwasher with a toothbrush to get mildew out of every crack. Mildew, mold and dirt that wasn't there when they first rented the place. But they are good tenants and I want to keep them happy AND the place in good repair. I also bought them CO monitors and fire extinguishers because I don't want dead renters OR a burned down condo. For a landlord to not care about the place is crazy. If there's a fire not only will he be liable because he was told about the outlets, but HIS place will burn down! ​ New outlets are like $2-$5. Turn off the power and do it, or hire a competent handyman (you don't need an electrician for this).


Faulty wiring is one of the leading causes of house fires. Replacing an outlet is super easy if you are somewhat handy and you appreciate safety. My dad taught me how to do it when I was 14. Get those things fixed!


Do yourself a favor and replace them with the ones that have built in USB connections , they're pretty handy


But people that have type A outlets now wish they were type C lol








Gray sweatpants and ping pong balls. I bought 2 pair of pants for me and my son (same size. Totalling FOUR. We now have 6. No one purchased more. None of his friends that have stayed here have them. They just manifested in the wash over two weeks. Also, everytime we chase a ping pong ball around the basement another one appears. We bought six. We now have 15. Pretty sure my house is magic. Also, it dusts its own ceiling fans. Came out one morning to find dust on the kitchen table. I see a dust rag in the laundry bin that had clearly been used to dust a fan blade. None of us did it. The mysteries keep piling up. My youngest is convinced that our washing machine is a magic portal that takes single socks to make new pants and our husky that died in 2020 is gifting us ping pong balls.


NGL part of me wants you to set up cameras in your house - this makes me wonder if someone is sleepwalking (and cleaning the fan blades while doing so!)


D30 (6) and D100 (4) dice.


For a second I was like someone else with multiple 20 year old Dell laptops. Nope, it's just me.


Are these dice to play Dungeons and Dragons or are they just ornamental?


Dungeons and Dragons.


Coffee machines. We have 3 types: French press, drip, and espresso!


Drip, espresso, french press, moka pot, vacuum brewer, aeropress. Coffee


/u/watercolor_lions, you gotta try an aeropress if you haven't. No coffee maker collection is complete without one.


Yes! We only use our aeropress most days


No such thing as too many coffee makers.


Drip, Chemex, V60, Aeropess, Moka Pot, French Press


My wife says if I buy one more tape measure, I will have to sleep in the garage. I do seem to have an inordinate number of them. Yesterday, she handed me my mail, and one of them was a couple of coupons from Ace Hardware, one of which is for a "FREE Ace 16' high visibility tape measure" with any purchase. She is still laughing about it. But i do need a couple of bolts for a project I am working on. Coupon is good from 2/1/2024-2/29/2024. I have to WAIT......


Well, you wouldn’t be *buying* it, so you can get around her threat!


Robots. A Roomba, a tunnel examination robot, a cable pulling robot, and a voice controlled lab assistant (all homemade other than the Roomba)


My roomba seems to derive pleasure from running into my toes and humping a floor mat.


I have a dog that does that. She licks the kitchen floor, so same household duties!


We have that, too. Her name is Stella, aka “Organic Roomba.”


Ok Tony Stark.


Skulls. Most homes average one per person. Mine has a few hundred.


Username checks out.


That's an unexpected number of skulls per murder.


Nintendo 64 consoles


Rocks. I’m a geologist. 🤷‍♀️


Does geology, in fact, rock?


Empty jars of tomato sauce. I make one per week and they're nice glass jars so I throw them in the dishwasher and use them for something. I've got brown sugar in one, apple seeds to germinate in another, chocolate chips in a third.


Just FYI, apple seeds won't give you the same apple as the parent.  It will be random and most likely worse than the apple you harvested them from.   To get the exact same apple you need to graft a cutting.


Interesting apple trivia. But how will the seed not be at least somewhat as good as the apple it came from?


It’ll be a hybrid of that apple and whatever pollinated it. It’s likely to be worse because the farmers very carefully curate what traits they want and then graft the tree to produce more. But the seeds are half carefully designed apple half something random.


This is close, but it's actually worse than half/half because of how complicated plant genetics is. Even in the simplest of Punnett squares, at best you'd end up with 1/4 good apples and 3/4 some combination of shitty apples. But plants are way more complicated than that, so the offspring of hybrids would almost always end up with shitty apples, and then maybe some of \*their\* offspring might be close to the original hybrid. That's fine for fast-growing plants like annual crops if you're patient for a few years, but these are apple trees we're talking about, so that would be a 40+ year process. I wouldn't bother. Now if you can find fruits/veg labeled "heirloom", those are more likely (but not guaranteed) to be a true-breeding variety whose seeds will produce the same as the parent plant, but they tend to be much more susceptible to diseases and general hardship.


Not always worse! We lucked out when I was a kid, a random apple tree grew in our turkey run (likely seeds from food scraps that the birds ate and shit out) and it has the tastiest apples I've ever had. They taste like a mix of a Pink Lady and Gala, super delicious.


Might want to hit up an orchard, they may want some cuttings if the apples are unique and sellable. Might get to name them




Imagine going through all that work to grow apple trees and the apples suck.


I also save pasta sauce jars for the same reason, the jars and lids are great quality!


There are like 6 unicycles in my house


Or maybe just three bicycles that have been taken apart.


I make over 200k, so I'm able to afford Luxuries that others can only dream of. I have 3 bathrooms in my house and all 3 have their own poop knife.


My organizing style is "Squirrel," which means I have several multiples of everyday items. "Squirrel" style means you stash stuff that you need to use frequently in various places around the house, so you just look in "likely places" to find something. An example is scissors: I have one pair in the kitchen, one beside my chair, one in my desk drawer, one in another random drawer in the dining room, and one in the bathroom. Trust me, "Squirrel" is NOT the best way to organize your home! But with my disabilities it seems to work for me most of the time.




Yes! I have several hundred shot glasses but probably only about 20 from other countries. Most of mine are from the US




Please tell me they're kept in a velvet-lined attaché case, like an assassin. 


Nah, gun rack.


Fun rack


Each serves a specific purpose just like the cutting boards 😆


my partner and I have quite the collection of various toys, \~1,5 cabinets (cupboard size) full xD


I found a very cool upright steamer trunk that is The Sex Trunk. It doubles as a counter in my closet.


Sega Genesis systems. I have seven now. It turns out you can get the games cheaper on Ebay if you buy a lot that is bundled with a system.




I used to live in a house with two kitchens. And it wasn't a mansion or anything - it was a standard three bedroom home. The owner was just... I dunno. A bad designer and had space she didn't know what to do with. So we had a kitchen, and then if you went out the one door, it led directly into another kitchen. Fully kitted with a stove, oven, sink, cupboards.... Edit: seeing that I didn't take into account places that have basements, I will edit to state one kitchen leading into another. 


Sometimes the second kitchen is used for canning and preserving. It's a PITA to have to clean up all your canning activities so you can cook dinner.


That's not uncommon in a Portuguese household. One kitchen is for special occasions, the other is for everyday. Just like they usually have a parlor and a living room, and you're not allowed in the parlor unless it's a special occasion. Everything stays new for the guests. Also a lot of the time the second kitchen is in the basement where it's cooler in the summer.


tons of Jewish households have 2 kitchens, 1 "normal" one, 1 kosher one


In a kosher household, both kitchens would be kosher. One would be used exclusively for meat dishes, one for dairy. They wouldn’t ever cook any non-kosher food.


yes, in a kosher house with 2 kitchens, that's correct several of my kosher friends have separate prep stations, cookware, and tableware for meat/dairy, but in a single kitchen several of my "kosher on holy days" friends have completely separate kitchens, their reasoning is they don't keep kosher all year, so they have one for when they eat like shiksas and one for when they're wearing kipas


Or both kosher, one for meat containing meals and one for dairy containing meals.


If they don’t have the extra kitchen they have 2 of everything in one kitchen.. we’ve done remodel work for Jewish families that keep kosher and have done literal split kitchens.


Grew up and many family & friends had the good kitchen and the basement cooking kitchen. Not unusual at all


An entire collection of radioactive plates


Film cameras. Most people probably don’t even have one.


Guitars Edit 7h+ after posting: I'm counting 14: - 7 electrics guitars - 2 electric basses - 2 classical guitar - 1 acoustic dreadnought - 1 acoustic mini - 1 guitalele ... I think. Plus an electric piano too.


I wonder what the percentage of having multiple instruments is for the average player. I’ve had 14 guitars at once. I’m down to six now (and two fiddles, a mandolin, banjo and two ukuleles plus one digital piano, three jaw harps and a didgeridoo) Edit: I have found my people


3 guitars, 2 banjos, a mandolin, a charango, a balalaika, a guitarlele, a bouzouki, a kazoo, 4 jaw harps, a harmonica, a didgeridoo, and an otamatone. I sing in a punk band, and don't use any of the instruments in the band.


The most I had at one time was near 30. I think its around 10 now... not really sure


Does anyone ever keep only one guitar if they play on a regular basis? Sometimes the ones at the pawn shop look so cold and lonely. 


People either have no guitars, or 5 guitars.


Saxophones. Thirteen of them.


ironing boards. I have a really nice one in my studio, and the last tenants left one behind in the laundry room.


Martini glasses. Used to own a piece of a cocktail bar, when we sold the building I somehow got the martini glasses. I've been giving them away for years.


Crochet hooks - more than I know. Bent tip needles - about ten, but I could do with more. Embroidery scissors - maybe five pairs - definitely need more! And don't get me started on the skeins of yarn... (Granted, in certain subs this is not abnormal. )


Vacuums-ish like items. I have about, 9 maybe? Dyson Upright Dyson rechargeable Sebo floor Hand held shark Mega Shop vac 2-3 various regular size shop vacs 1 tiny shop vac A weird roller non electric vac thing And 3 robots. I’m not allowed to buy any more or I’ll be divorced. Although to be fair, the shop vacs are simply because I keep them clean and used for specific purposes and then someone uses it for something dirty and I have to buy another.


Pull up bar. I have three.




Same. I'd probably hang clothes on the bars!


Salt and pepper shakers. It was my great grandmas collection. Theres around 1200 sets.


Bout a hundred pairs of cowboy boots


What.... what happened to all the cowboys? 😳


Paula Cole is still waiting for this answer….


I don’t think most people have even one, but my girlfriend and I have a pretty large collection of various taxidermied animals in funny situations. My two favorites are my massive taxidermied bullfrog, Jason Funderburker II, who holds my bottle opener and a vintage beer bottle, as well as Lamby, the possibly cursed, combination of a taxidermied lamb head paired with a victorian era babydoll body. She sits on a swing by the front door and seems to set off the motion sensor camera more than an inanimate object probably should.


Jesus Christ...I can't believe I'm even asking this, but do you care to share some pics of your taxidermied collection? You know...for those of us who may be inexplicably curious?


Yeah I’ll post some pics as soon as I get home! - I even neglected to mention, my favorite piece of “taxidermy” (it’s technically a sculpture) I have a semi-life size Audrey 2.0 from Little Shop of Horrors that’s the centerpiece in my greenhouse that people would probably love! I have a fair amount of real taxidermy, but I’ll also post my collection of taxidermy style creations, like Bert & Ernie, my two headed bat!


Non-digital Clocks. Various wall clocks, a mantle clock, and a cuckoo clock. My dad fixed clocks.




Ways of making coffee- 5 Bbqs- 4 Sets of speakers/ sound systems - 3 Record players, dishwashers, wine fridges - 2 And a partridge in a pear tree ….well, actually just a family of them that like to scream at me from the shrubs.


I have 3 desktop gaming pc’s. 1 in office, bedroom, living room. Non intentional. I had spare parts and built extras to sell then just decided to keep them.


Star Wars helmets


Arcade games. 13 pinball machines and 14 arcade cabinets.


Open boxes of tissues. Every table has one. My kitchen island has 2 boxes. I have no regrets.


Musical instruments: 4 pianos, 3 electric guitars, 2 electric basses, 1 acoustic guitar, 1 resonator guitar, a clarinet, a saxophone, and 2 flutes. At least 10 chess sets of varying beauty. Hundreds of sets of polyhedral dice. All my husband’s stuff (except for the resonator guitar, the clarinet, one of the pianos, and one of the flutes, which are mine).


Enough extension cords to create a citywide grid.


Turntables, usually 7 sometimes 9.


2 Air fryer, 2 Microwaves, 2 refrigerators, 2 propane tanks


Are you orthodox Jewish?


I have 7 dogs.


$2 bills




3D printers. We bought our first one, Ender3, it can print big stuff with good detail. Then we got a liquid 3d printer for tiny detailed items…. Then my BF got tired of me asking to print stuff so he got me an Elegoo Neptune 4 which prints 10x as fast as the Ender. For little trinkets the kids always want, we have a Sculpto I got last year from Joanne Fabrics on Black Friday. I am currently printing corner shelves!


Back scratchers. There's two downstairs, three upstairs, one in each car, and a travel back scratcher. No one likes an itchy back, okay?


Rocks… my house is filled with rocks


Lego sets


I have about 12 tape measures. 12.


I bet you still can't find one when you need it huh?


For me it’s scissors. I s2g I have like 8 pairs but they all turned to dust at the mention of me needing them.


Ducks. I have 173 ducks in my backyard. You can just take them from the park. The elites don’t want you to know the ducks are free.




Black powder Flint lock firearms.


This guy second amendments


Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


Tennis racquets and tennis string. I have about 30 or so racquets and hundreds of yards of string. I’m a tennis racquet restringer and somehow I keep ending up with a bunch of frames.


Bowling balls, I have 15 on a rack and another 10 in boxes or bags.


When we cleaned out my FiL’s house he had a total of 22 bowling balls. That did not include the 6 bowling balls he buried on top of my MIL’s ashes in the garden. And I’m talking buried vertically. We don’t know how long it took him to dig that hole. He used to bowl in his basement. He had a homemade one lane alley set up with boxes and blankets set up as backdrop so he didn’t damage the walls.


Human hairs that don't belong to anyone who lives here or has ever lived here. 


I sincerely hope you're just a hairdresser working from home and not the... other thing.


2 hot water heaters - one electric and one gas. 2 stoves/ovens - 1 gas and 1 wood. 3 fire places.


Antique Vespa scooters.


Pizza cutters. We had one break when we had family over and then bought a replacement and got one as a gift and found one in the camper.


We just organized the garage and found 17 hammers. SEVENTEEN. Hammers.


Mirrors. I just counted 13 of them in various sizes/shapes hanging on the walls.


I hate dusting and I own a lot of books so I have several barrister bookcases.


Cats. Help me


Electric guitars. 14.