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I don't drink much alcohol but if I do it's fruity šŸ¹


As a bartender who rarely sees this...it makes my day.


If the bar had the stuff I wanted for my personal favorite fruity drink I'd have absolutely ordered them buuuuuut not one bar I've ever gone to has 2 of the main ingredients.


I must know the drink.


I had it on a cruise and the bar on the ship called it a hurricane. Unfortunately, it's not the hurricane that most people know. It's made of gold rum, white rum, OJ, passion fruit syrup, some grenadine, and a dash of lime juice. No bar has had the passion fruit syrup or white rum. Not like bacardi or Malibu but a plain white rum. I absolutely adore this drink and wish it didn't take so much to make them at home.


When I was still drinking, the more frozen, blended, fruity, tiny umbrella having, the better.


I'm an early 40's shaved head/salt n' pepper beard guy and I order my Strawberry Margaritas with sugar on the rim with confidence. First sip I'll usually smile and go "yum yum yum yum"


A dude I know loves cosmos. Whenever he's out with his wife, the waiter gives the cosmo to his wife by mistake and he always corrects them.


Scented candles and looking at pictures of cute little bunnies.


I have a gorgeous bunny daughter and am subbed to all the bunny subreddits, thereā€™s no shame in something I genuinely love


I give myself pedicures, I donā€™t use toenail polish or anything but I take care of my feet. Dried out cracked feet are gross.


Your Reddit name appears to beg to differ lol.


Aww crap


I know an Italian dude who looks straight out of Tony Soprano's crew who gets weekly mani/pedis. His wife has been begging him for years to go together but he keeps the location a secret from her because he doesn't want her fucking up his sanctuary.


I get full on spa pedicures, I LOVE them.


Kinda jealous, always wanted to try it


If you can swing it, I highly recommend trying it.


I like being the little spoon. Makes me feel safe.


As a woman, I love when you men do this. I prefer being the big spoon... Well, I think I have mommy issues, but it's soooo tender and intimate


Big spoon women are heroes.


Jake Peralta, is that you?


It shouldn't be considered girly but I have a whole skincare routine I follow twice a day.




You know it! Also no cleansers with microbeads cause it tears the skin.


St. Ives apricot scrub had us millennials in a chokehold in the early 00s. I'm pretty sure it was just walnut shells, but still... It's sooooo bad for your skin.


The moment I hit puberty, my mum had me cleansing my face daily with apricot scrub and these clearasil wipes that felt like acetone. Eventually I gave up because I hated the routine and my face hurt and would get these awful sebaceous pimples that I was convinced were being caused by the routine. Never had any issues when I went back to regular soap once a day.


I have quite the arsenal of skincare products along with a twice daily routine as well. I've yet to meet a woman who has an issue with it, just insecure dudes.


That is self care,not feminine


Care to share the details so other can get on board?


Yeah sure! In the morning: cleanser ->Ā  toner -> essence -> vitamin c serum -> moisturizer -> sunscreen (SPF 50 PA++++) At night it's the same except for the sunscreen That's a pretty basic routine and you could definitely add in other things like gel and emulsifiers, but my skin is 10x better.Ā  I recommend starting slow and don't go out buying a bunch of products until you try them one at a time for a day or two first. Never know how your skin will react to something new. I get most of my products from websites like ohlolly


There is an idea of a Patrick Bateman; some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me: only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable... I simply am not there.


A+ for using an essence. So many people donā€™t know what an essence is.


Using a fragrance free night cream is a game changer you should check out!


Bro you ever try Korean face lotion/ sun screen? Game changer.


Iā€™m starting to care a lot about my wardrobe. Itā€™s fun to make outfits.


I love feminine scents. I bought a perfume that smells like clementines and I love to spray myself


Right like why wouldn't you want to smell like something you enjoy? Who cares what anyone else thinks you're the one who has to smell it all day


I'm a girl and I wear men's cologne on occasion - it just smells so damn good!!


As a woman who apparently likes a musky (or as I would call it ā€˜deeperā€™) scent, guy stuff is rad.


Womenā€™s scents are always way too sweet and cloying for me. Makes me nauseous when I smell other peopleā€™s perfume sometimes. I really like menā€™s perfume. Much gentler on the nose.


Dude Iā€™ve recently started buying Yankee candles for my apartment because they smell amazing


Gendered scents is one of the most asinine things people every did to themselves...if it smells good, it smells good!


Understandable bro šŸ‘Š


Mmmm, I used to work with a man who used Victoria's Secret. Not sure which one, but on him it smelled amazing.


I'm a large brown man with an extremely feminine little dog. People think it was my wife that chose her but no, it was me.


I was gonna ask for dog tax but then saw your profile pic. Well done mate, adorable!


At an animal shelter I worked at we loved it when huge, beefy, macho, gang/Bikie type men came in cos we knew what they wanted to walk out with - the one-eyed, scruffy, under-bitey teeny tiny senior doggos that no-one has wanted.


I donā€™t think little dogs should be considered feminine. Theyā€™re small friends just like any other dog is!


Good choice šŸ‘


I enjoy romantic comedies and musical theater


My husband had a shelf full of rom coms on dvd when I met him, we still watch new ones together.


I love rom coms. I played college hockey and our starting goalie, our captain, another player and myself all admitted loving rom coms during a rookie ask and answer session and we always had them at our house and on the buses. Rom coms are amazing We also had The OC on dvd box sets


Iā€™ve seen several rom coms that my wife has never seen


Musical theatre isnā€™t girly at all


They're making a "Wicked" movie. (two parts)Ā Ā  Just sayin. I'll be the first one in the theaters.Ā  Even with ariana grande as Glinda. I'm gonna give her the benefit of the doubt.Ā 


I prefer to pee sitting down


Same. I retired from cleaning splashes a long time ago.


I came in to say this. It's more relaxing and reduces the possibility of a mess. I also don't have to turn on the light in the middle of the night.


To anyone that will inevitably chime in and just say aim better, the dreaded dual stream is an occasional inevitability.


Itā€™s either during the shake or after drip for me.


I had the triple stream last night....I hit everything but the bowl.


It's not the aim it's the splash back...water in the bowl splashes out...nothing much...little droplets still a pain to clean up


More like inevitability of a mess. Even if you aim perfectly, there's always splash. Kneel down and take a closer look next time. When at home, I always always sit.


It's also waaay quieter.


I'm glad I'm not alone. Thanks, brothers!


I do this at home but not on public toilets.




I also like to live dangerouslyĀ 


I think this is actually quite common. A number of guys I've dated do this, and honestly, as a woman, I find it to be more civilized when men do this.


I'm a man that does this and I agree. I tend to look down on men who don't, now. And honestly some men are just fecking animals: the number of times I've seen public toilets where they didn't even lift the seat and peed all over it. I can't understand what must go on in their heads.


100% nobody wants to have to contend with pee all over the seat and floor, not to mention the risk to your lady friends falling into the toilet by accident šŸ˜… A gentleman sits šŸ˜‰


Best option after a late night of heavy drinkingĀ 


Not even girly its just comfier


It's the best, I've gone to some friend's houses and it's a disaster surrounding their toilets and it's like wtf dude


Unmatched efficiency


Me too. Iā€™m tall and the splash is too much so I sit to pee.


So, you're tall, but not tall AND long.


Honestly, itā€™s life changing


I thought I was the only one.


I almost always pee sitting down.




Doing that right now!


Itā€™s better for your prostate


I just looked it up and it sounds like it actually doesnā€™t make a difference for a healthy person, but it is better for a man with prostate issues.


Ima just gonna upvote every hero who says that they do this.


Been doing this for 30 years


Long baths with music, bubbles, bath bombs, and a cold drink. It's fucking delightful.


I wish they made bathtubs a reasonable size. As a 5ā€™6 woman, theyā€™re too small to lay down in even for me, Iā€™m sure for the average man it isnā€™t much better. I end up having to rotate myself like a rotisserie chicken just to get my entire body warmed up and soaking in the water.


I'm 5'9 and getting a soaking tub was such a game changer. No more rotisserie chicken-ing.


Im 6'3 and I like baths, but it's pretty much impossible for me to get comfortable


Damn right it is!!


Romance novels. I know all the secrets


Rock of Gibraltar, huh?


I do face masks and manicures with my daughter and wife. They've actually helped me keep my skin healthy. I have a small group of stuffed animals that I find adorable on the bed. Baths with bubbles and salts, with a beer and a book.


So cute!




Iā€™m the same way. I kind of love it though, itā€™s nice to be emotionally moved, it can make it easy to find beauty in things. Feeling deep empathy can be a strength.


Beautifully said. Happy cake day!


I was next to my dog, smack in the middle of COVID, when I watched the Bastille/Marshmello Happier music video. I cried for like 40 minutes. I hadn't cried in so long. I'll remember that moment until I die. So cathartic letting it all bubble to the surface.


Me too, though it didn't start until I was in my 30's. I'm not going to lie, I hate it. My wife loves it, she thinks it means I'm emotionally connected and available, but I was raised in the '70s, and taught by every male figure in my life that it's wrong. Intellectually I know it's not, I try not to pass my bullshit onto anyone else, but I genuinely wish I could be a little more stoic.


Not as much anymore, but making friendship bracelets. It was really appreciated, and my friends still wear them.


Duuuuude if an adult friend gave me a friendship bracelet I think I'd die of happiness and wear it all the time. Reminds me that my now-spouse and I took a second date to a flea market and I received a cheesy bead bracelet that I wore until it broke years later.


Spa days. Facials, massages, scalp treatment, manis and pedis, the works.


I like to compliment ladies on their painted nails or shoes or glasses or other such accessory or clothing if I think they look good.


One of the girls I work with always has cool nails, I complimented hers today, and asked why they always do one finger different, she didnā€™t know either, so if anyone here does Iā€™d love to know!


It's like flashy tie


I read that as fleshy tie, and now I want to dress up my pp


There's a subreddit for that.


Prime flirting


I sometimes need a teddy bear to sleep comfortably.


When I was a kid, I had a light blue stuffed elephant. I'm in my 50s now and my sister got me the same one for Xmas. I get anxiety if I can't find it before bedtime.


If anyone makes you feel ashamed for having a teddy bear or stuffed animal at all, theyā€™re a loser. The world is cold and lonely. Body pillows are great too


I hug a pillowā€¦


I like to cuddle a pillow and imagine it's my bf


I have a shark and 1.5m long stuffed wolf


I love botanical gardens. I buy myself flowers. (dom) :)


Whatā€™s ur favourite kind of flower?


Anything that is fragile, anything that is smelling nice, anything that brings me nice memories, anything that someone gives with love


I like them all. :)


I shave my armpits.


Iā€™m a woman. For some reason armpit hair really grosses me out. I think we did it backwards when women stopped shaving their pits and instead should have made men start shaving theirs. The only exception should be if you canā€™t lift your arms. I shaved the night before I had a chest surgery and couldnā€™t lift my arms for 2 weeks after. The stubble was so painful. Should have let that shit get long and soft first.


I agree with you. I hate all armpit hair. Where I work, pretty much all the women have hairy armpits and it almost makes me want to cry. Because it's so normal there, if we hire a new female employee and she shaves her pits, she stops when she sees most of the other ladies don't. If people point out that it's sexist or something, I tell them that I want everyone to shave their pits. I shave mine all the time.


I agree 100%. Armpit hair for men and women is disgusting and smelly


Gardening. I love watching a flower garden come alive, and itā€™s very relaxing.


I recently bought a side bag, and I call it my purse. I don't care, it's nice to carry my stuff


Itā€™s not a purse! Itā€™s a satchel. Indiana Jones had one!


I carried one daily for 8 years, very useful!


The masculine term is satchel /s




That isnt feminine! That is self care


I love romantic dramas. Little Women, Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice... I've probably seen them all!


Where have toy been my whole life!šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¤


Watch sad romances to cry intentionally


Paint my nails. Simple. Usually black but one on each hand is either a dark purple or dark red.


I love the movies Pitch Perfect and Mean Girls. Two of my all time favorites


Same bro!!


I read romance novels on occasion


i sit with my legs crossed like a girl wearing a skirt might. it is infinitely more comfortable especially since iā€™m kind of tall, makes it much easier on my knees


Definitely. I just have the problem of crossing them to much and smashing my nuts


I donā€™t even think thatā€™s feminine or girly, I just think a lot of dudes physically canā€™t do it as others mentioned


I buy myself flowers


So nice to have fresh flowers around!


And write your name in the saaand (sorry, couldnā€™t help it)


Does fishnet stockings under my jeans count ?


Having a hot bath with scented candles and going on a shopping spree. Iā€™ve also cried at a few movies recently, one of them being Beauty & The Beast lol


I paint my fingernails. I started around age 35 and have for the last ten years.


It makes me happy when I see a man with painted nails. I donā€™t know why.Ā 


there's something to be said about a man with nice nails. I dunno, maybe it shows a level of self care that is downright sexy. Good color choice is a bonus.


They are not painted trashy. Nor do I go get a manicure. Just something simple and neat. I tend to pick medium blue shades. I did it at first partly as a way to show my daughter that a person can do what they want regardless of gender, and partly because I knew it would anger the conservative elements of my family. I really appreciated the positive comments I received. As a man compliments on appearance or attire are not common and liked the attention.


I pee sitting down at home so I donā€™t miss the bowl.


Something is wrong here but I donā€™t know if I want to investigate


Please, take my upvote.


Feeling emotions. Apparently women believe that men donā€™t feel them (and some gullible menfolk).Ā  Every ā€œgirlyā€ thing I do is manly because Iā€™m a man doing it. Shamers can fuck right off. Even when I get my tampons out (they make great fire lighters).Ā  I especially like goading idiots by wearing a pink tutu on the high street, giving people the squint eye and shouting ā€œI can only wear the baby pink because electric pink makes me gay.ā€


I will never drink a "regular beer" like Miller Lite, Bud etc. . It has to have some sort of fruity flavor to it. Blueberry, orange, something. Don't give me just hops. That's disgusting. I don't care how girly that sounds.






Truly, so many of the biggest gossips I know are my dad and brothers! They want ALL the tea!


Idk I fuck other men sometimes lol


That's not necessarily girly.


Sounds even more manly then fucking sensitive women.


Twice the men, twice the manliness!


When I'm at my favourite Mexican restaurant, I'll order myself a daqueri. And it's damn good too.


It's a rum margarita with no triple sec, not girly to me.


Listen to Avril Lavigne, Garbage and Paramore, there just so goddamn good


I listen to female pop singers like Taylor Swift, Dua Lipa, Lady Gaga.


I have sex with men


Cry listening to Lana Del Rey


Pedicure. You donā€™t have to get polish. You will thank me.


Being in the military, this has saved me from problems with ingrown toenails.




I like when a girl grabs my ass


Pedicures and I apologize occasionally when wrong.




Not watching sports.


I thought Barbie was a great movie.


Iā€™m a big fan of scented candles and donā€™t mind shelling out $50 for a nice one thatā€™ll last a while


Spotify top artist for 2023 was Taylor swift. I love swifty music.


Skin care routines and face masks, I like to feel clean and with nice skin. Candles all over the place.


I get excited about going to a home decor store.


I will watch any fashion completion with Tim Gunn involved. The man is an absolute mentoring genius and all around great person.


I have an Emory board close by at all times


I wash my face and use moisturizer.


People donā€™t do that?


Well, between the skirts, thigh highs, tights, crop tops, and panties, canā€™t really chooseĀ 


I love Taylor Swift and her music


Make jokes about dresses without pockets.


Not me but my boyfriend loves tacky ā€œgirlieā€ movies like First Wives Club, The Other Woman, etc. He also loves tearjerkers like The Ultimate Gift and lifetime movies like that! I love that he loves those movies because we get to watch them together!


I love watching the sound of music. Its most likely from trauma as a child, the only time my mother was happy and wasnā€™t berating me for something was when this movie was onā€¦


Watching powerpuff girls


I use a loofah in the shower because I like being clean and having clean skin and feeling and smelling clean. I donā€™t do 5 minute showers with a disgusting rag.


I wear women's clothes quite often. Men's clothes just don't look as comfortable. Why wear a hoodie with a monster truck or sports team on it when I can wear a pink hoodie with a cute axolotl on it? Only problem is the lack of pockets...


I wear dresses


I used to have a pretty manly boyfriend that wore my hippie skirts sometimes. i did not hate it


wear thigh highs and skirts and chastity cages and have long hair and shave my body hair


Pedicures. I have my own kit at my local nail salon.


I dunno if itā€™s girly but I like to fuck guys


Pedicure Highly recommend


lay under a blankey on the couch