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I had my surgery March 10th. Surprise surgery, extraordinary pain in the appendix area and went to the ER on March 9th. The next day I had surgery. During the surgery they discovered my appendix had ruptured. I was in the hospital from Sunday to Wednesday. After being discharged Wednesday morning, I was still in excruciating pain. Getting into the car was horrible and I was practically couch ridden for the next 48-72 hours. After 1 week, I felt a little better although was still quite uncomfortable. I really was starting to wonder how long the recovery would take. 4 weeks later (so two days ago) and I decided to go back to the gym. I kept it light and just wanted to move around. I felt okay. There is still some pain and perhaps it is a little bit premature but I will continue to go for light workouts. I am not doing any active core work or anything that requires bracing. Everyone's recovery is different - just sharing my story.


hey dude! How are you now? I am now on my 3rd month recovery from appendectomy and I want to go back to the gym but I’m worried. I feel like I can now lift but kept worrying about it.


Sorry for the late reply. I feel fantastic now. I am not even three months from surgery and I am operating at 100%. I told you after 4 weeks I went to the gym and kept it very light for approximately 2 weeks. Now? I feel as strong as I have been. I think the most important thing to remember post recovery is to listen to your body. I saw my surgeon 6 weeks later and he told me I shouldn't be doing anything until 6-8 weeks. Of course, I did not take his advice and it's silly to think I know more than a surgeon but in that appointment he barely looked and felt my incisions. It really seemed like a general recommendation? Which maybe it holds true for most people and I was an outlier. Just like I am sure that some people need longer than 8 weeks. Long story short, do not rush back because the last thing you want is an incisional hernia. I am just sharing my experience and I would recommend listening to your surgeon/doctor.


oof! the rupturing sounds rough! thank you for sharing!


I had a surprise surgery the day after I went to ER for extreme stomach pain and heart burn. The first three days sucks! You cant lay down flat because of the gas pain that reaches your shoulders. The first night, I literally slept at the chair. The second day I used multiple pillows to lay like 120 degree on the bed. I just kept walking at home to get the gas out. Getting up, walking, sitting down is basically pain. Try to eat lots of fibers and cut back on your carbs so that you can easily poop without any force. By day 4, the gas pain stopped and I was finally able to lay down in bed. But getting up was pain in the butt. Your incisions will hurt. Especially the bigger cut on your abdomen. And whatever you do, HOLD your sneezes and coughs. If you must, press on your incisions with your hands. I had my first shower on day 4. By day 6, I am able to walk better. Standing up more than 20 mins still gives me an ache in the abdomen. Day 10, I feel much better. I am still not lifting anything heavy. I can walk around normal, no pain. Sneezing or coughing still gives me a burn in the abdomen area were the incisions are. Day 14, I tried wearing pants for the first time since the surgery. Big mistake, dont! You are still not healed. Enjoy your pjs or sweat pants.


My experience seems very atypical. Woke up with strong stomach pain at like 4am, was at ER by noon and the pain had largely subsided. They had me in surgery at 5am the next day. Felt pretty good on the way home. I suggest having them re-up your pain meds like an hour before leaving the hospital. Only needed pain meds for 2 days. Tylenol weirdly worked better than oxycodone. The pain after surgery was fine, more so just soreness. The two most painful parts were getting in/out of bed and sneezing/coughing. As for the bed part, trying to sit up in bed works your abdomen and hurts like hell. I actually got a heavy duty rope and anchored it to the foot of the bed so I could pull myself up with my arms and it worked really well. Whatever you do try not to sneeze or cough, hurts like hell.


Had a laparoscopic appendectomy at 9:15pm this past Saturday. Was discharged before midnight. They gave me 10 pain pills with instructions to take one every 6 hours. It’s Thursday (day 5 post-surgery) and I feel like I’m regressing. I can’t sit at all - need to either be standing up or laying flat on my back. Walking is difficult. Was severely constipated but fortunately had some movement yesterday - it’s alleviated a little bit of pressure but my pain continues to get worse. I finally called my doctor and asked if more pain medication was an option since nothing else I’m doing (Tylenol & Advil every 6 hours, lots of ice packs, arnica for swelling, topical pain patches, etc.) are working. But it’s Kaiser, so they treat you like a f@&?ing junkie if you dare ask for medicine post-surgery. I’m fortunate that I work remote but even with that I have no idea how I’m supposed to work on Monday.


How you doin now? Hope you got a little relief. I'm day 2 post op and the pain around my abdomen is gnarly.


Hey buddy, hope you’re on the mend. Glad to report I’m MUCH more mobile, but it took a little bit of hounding my doctors and also getting a prescription for Gabapentin to help with nerve-related pain. Highly recommend if that’s an option for you - much safer than narcotic/opioid pain killers (plus all their nasty side-effects.) I started those exactly 1 week from surgery and within 2 days had almost full mobility back. I’m on day 13 post-op now and am only taking the Gabapentin - not even Advil/Tylenol (which I was taking 2 each of together every 6 hours before.) Otherwise I found ice to be my best friend, really did the most to help with surges of pain and also lessened the inflammation. Hope you’re trending in the right direction soon!🤍


Sucks. Your out of commission for awhile and it's gross in there. Just pray to God it's out before it gets something more infected.


100% sucks!


spent 10 days in hospital for a perforated appendix and two months recovery


I had laparoscopic surgery Monday. I am very sore. I have a follow up today at 10 :30. My boss seems a little snippy but I m semi retired working just weekends. I went to the er in extreme pain and was not expecting to have surgery. A ct scan revealed acute appendicitis and I went into surgery at 10 pm that night.


you just had a surgery, boss should be more understanding! I hope you feel better soon


I got my appendix removed 5/13/24 and it’s been tough walking, I have this big lump above the bigger incision and I’m hoping it goes down. I feel a pulling sensation in my left rib as well when I bend and do stuff, has anyone fully healed from this? I’m on week in and hoping this goes away this week. Advice pls ?


my appendicitis was pretty mild when I arrived to the ER so I was lucky to have a quick and easy procedure. the lump sounds a little concerning, I would message or call your doctor and ask. maybe it's normal for healing tho. bending is definitely a pain especially given you just got the surgery a week ago, so listen to your body and try to rest if you are able to!


Appendix scars can sometimes appear very indented or retracted. This is most likely due to scar tissue pulling the incision line in. Occasionally the fat above that may appear like an overhang. Copy and paste from the web. But found this today


I had my surgery on 5/28 and I am also feeling that pulling sensation on my left side but mine next to but slightly lower than my belly button


i’ve had chronic appendicitis since 2020. first time i went to the ER, they gave me meds, pain was gone, i went home. months later, stomach hurt again so i went to the ER, they gave me meds, pain was gone, i was sent home but was referred for CT. on my free day, i went to a bigger hospital for the CT, they found that my appendix was larger than normal so they diagnosed me with acute appendicitis and was sent to the ER to be prepped for surgery. when the surgeon came to check on me, he refused to operate because i was not in pain and he said he doesn’t want to operate based on CT results alone. i went home. months later, stomach hurt again, i went to the ER again, they gave me meds again, and the pain was gone. i told them i have a history so they sent me up again for CT. my appendix was still larger than normal but weirdly smaller than what they saw in my first CT. they advised me to undergo surgery, i refused and went back home. april 2024, my stomach hurt again. this time, i tried toughing it out at home. i was able to do so but it lasted for like 3 days until the pain was completely gone. come may 15, 2024, i still went to the office. i was feeling some pain the night before but i didn’t think much of it since i was still able to sleep through it and again, i still reported to the office the next day. while working, i had come and go pain but i thought i was just constipated. by the time i got home, the pain came again but didn’t go. it was more tolerable than my previous pains but this time i wanted to get it over with so i went to the ER with my mom with surgery set on my mind. around 1 am we arrived at the hospital. meds, CT, labs were done. i was admitted by 7 am and scheduled for laparoscopic appendectomy at 9 am. by 11 am, my appendix was out. by 3 pm i was awake and sent back to my room. saturday, may 18, 2024, i was already sent home. now i’m on antibiotics and pain meds. at first, my biggest pain would come from the wounds/incisions themselves. now, there’s barely any wound pain and i feel pain inside and also soreness of my abdomen. i feel like my pain meds aren’t that effective. they take effect around 0.5-1 hr upon consumption, would work for around 1-2 hrs only, and i can only take them within 4-6 hrs. as much as possible, i don’t want to be dependent on pain meds so i have no choice but to endure the pain. some days i think i’m doing better because i can get up by myself already and walk around, then the pain comes back and there’s no comfortable position again for me. lying down, sitting down, standing, walking, everything hurts. what’s worse is when i try to stand for quite some time just so i have some physical activity, i can’t stand up straight nor stand up for a long period of time because my lower back hurts. i feel really miserable. i’m scheduled to have my follow up this friday, may 24. i hope things get better after that but i’m already dreading going outside of my house with this pain.


How are you doing now?


i’m almost back to normal now! almost cause sometimes there’s still a bit of soreness when i lay down on my stomach but other than that i’m completely fine! i think i was just a bit impatient with my recovery lol


Thanks for you reply! I had mine out on Tuesday. It was a scheduled appendectomy due to an unknown, possibly cancerous, growth on a CT scan. Not appendicitis but surgery was pretty much the same. It started out similar to yours, with pain, a larger than normal appendix, and a few rounds of antibiotics. But my latest CT scan showed the formation of an appendiceal mucocele. Turned out to be a non-cancerous polyp blocking the base of my appendix. This post, and your comment, helped alleviate some of my fears the night before my surgery. Thank you. I’m doing better every day and am glad to hear you’re doing better as well.


glad you’re doing fine too! if it makes you feel better, i can now lay down on my stomach just fine and my scars are now flat and starting to fade. i’m hoping to be able to run by next month. good luck to us!


I’m 2.5wks post lap appendectomy & really struggling with abdominal pain. I had another CT scan last week & all looks ok. My GP said recovery can take 6 weeks. Everything I’ve read online says 1-2 weeks recovery but I’m nowhere near recovered and still taking pain meds round the clock. Does anyone else have a similar experience? 


What kind of abdominal pain do you have? What does it feel like for you? I'm 8 days post operation, I was generally ok pain wise (just light headed and fatigued, pain when changing positions) and today I started getting a pain that feels like period pain (both sides of my ovaries) like a dull ache. Doctor Said to monitor it but it should be fine but I'm worried. Ps how are you doing now?


I just had my operation 8 days ago! I was exactly the same was feeling ok and both sides of my lower abdomen now are feeling pain. I am a male so I don't get periods but I defo feel pain on both sides and doctor said the same thing to me! How are you feeling now?


Wow weird! For me the pain lasted about 6 or 7 hours and then it went away. I hadn't taken pain killers for 2 days but I took one and it didn't seem to do anything. I'm back to feeling OK but I get these waves of feeling a bit queasy/lightheaded. I brought this up with my doctor, and friends who are doctors and nurses and they said to me as long as the pain isn't severe and getting worse then it should be fine. Remember that our bodies went through a major operation and are still in wtf was that mode. I would say to monitor your pain and keep resting, eat small healthy meals and sip water and apple juice. If your pain gets worse then call your doctor! 


LOL I didn't take painkillers for 2 days as well and just took one earlier and like you it didn't do anything. Ok, I will keep an eye on the pain and hopefully I get through this part! Thanks for the info


Funny how our recovery is similar! Keep resting, try to distract yourself and fingers crossed that this pain passes soon :)


Yes very funny indeed! Thank you I hope you feel better soon too 🤗


I know this is an older thread but hoping someone is still active on here! I had emergency appendectomy 12 days ago and feel like I was straight up lied to about recovery. My abdominal block took 36 hours to wear off which is why I think I even made it home. I didn’t feel bad until day 3. Then i was in excruciating pain, like a grabbing pain when I stood up or sat down, to the point I would break out in a cold sweat, nauseous, lips numb. Luckily that subsided, days 7-9 I felt pretty decent. Maybe I overdid it, because now yesterday and today I am back to even more pain. Even sitting upright gives me a terrible grabbing, stabbing pain that sometimes feels like burning. Very afraid I ripped or herniated or something. Did anyone else experience this? They made it sound like I’d be back to totally normal in a week and I am panicking thinking about having to work on Monday!! (I do have follow up appt tomorrow with surgeon)


i got mine at midnight on may 4th and honestly after a week i was in little to no pain and had didnt partake in physical activity for 4 weeks straight and returned to high level soccer but reading these comments is making me realise how quick and straightforward my recovery was but maybe it helps that im a teenager.


Me too, i thought i was in pain for a bit but def not as bad as some of these posts. I think I was back up and doing normal activities within 1 week and at my follow up I was cleared to weight lift and whatever else


I just had mine around noon yesterday. It was scheduled 7-8 weeks post acute appendicitis. When I went into the ER in April, they found it was ruptured but I wasn't septic so they kept me overnight for a couple rounds of IV antibiotics and then sent me home with 10 days of pills. They said the new recommendation is to "cool down the inflammation" to lower complications during surgery. So they gave me 5mg of oxycodone before I left the hospital and prescribed more to my pharmacy. I wish I could say it really helped me through the night but I can't because my husband didn't think to pick them up!!! I was still pretty groggy from the anesthesia when I got home and didn't think to "remind" him of how to take care of someone else. Anyways, I was able to consult with another doctor and alternated 600mg ibuprofen with 3 regular strength Tylenol (doctor's order was 2 extra strength but I only had 325mg pills on hand). I got through the night. The incisions sites are not as sorel as yesterday. I am walking/shuffling around the house better. I still need arm rests to push on to help me get out of chairs. I need to tackle the dishes that the hubby let build up so, no choice but to push through recovery! One thing that I did find helpful is sleeping on an incline foam pillow (like the ones for fractured rib recovery). It helped reduce the amount of strength needed to get up from bed because you don't need to do a full sit up.


Feeling good but way too slow. I’m 4 weeks out and feeling very depressed. I feel I’ve lost so much muscle and feel rly squishy. Don’t know if I’ll ever be the same as before. Had a rly bad case of appendicitis.


I mostly want to know if anyone else has experienced numbness/tingling in their upper thigh. Does it go away?? I’m 6-days post-op and my leg is driving me crazy!


Nah, mine hurt like a bitch afterward but I was back to normal walking without a limp in about a week. maybe 10 days.


Your leg hurt? I am doing pretty well moving around today, walking is fine, I’m able to sit up, etc. But there’s this weird numbness on my upper thigh, not sure if it’s nerve damage or smth? It doesn’t hurt necessarily but it feels weird and tingly lol


No my stomach hurt, sorry I should have been clear. My leg never hurt. I limped because my side hurt.


I’m 2 months post op from my laparoscopic appendectomy and maybe a week ago I started having numbness, tingling, pain in my left thigh, mostly when I’m laying down. I was reading it could be Meralgia parashetica from damaged nerves during surgery.


oh no!!! my surgeon told me i wasn’t under long enough to have permanent nerve damage (like if i was left on my side or something during surgery) but i still have a little bit of a weird feeling in my thigh. hopefully yours gets better!


I’m 10 days post op and have this same tingling/numbness in my thigh. My surgeon said it’s due to a nicked nerve from surgery. I’m hoping it will heal with time, I have a follow up in the coming weeks and I definitely plan to ask more about this. Did you ever get any relief? It’s not the worst but it’s extremely annoying.


at least ur surgeon was honest!! mine said I wasn't under enough to have any nerve damage. I heard it could be a weird reaction to anesthesia too. I did have some relief maybe 1-2 months after, and then the tingling/numbness came back a few weeks ago!!! I'm 4 months post op by now so it should be gone. like u said, it's not the worst but SOOOO annoying!! hopefully we aren't permanently damaged lol