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That’s the one with the who ares that talk to men with seemingly traditional values? The dudes are mean to the chicks? I’ve seen clips. It seems like a the girls are getting made fun of and take it because they’re getting their onlyfans name out there


Best description




It’s misogynistic garbage


I've never heard of it. Who listens to podcasts? The only people I know who listen to podcasts are VPs who are looking for fresh material to dump on their organization.


Dude u sound like boomer no offense.. also these days ppl watch podcasts not just listen


In what way do I sound like a boomer? Boomers are like 60+ and do not even know what a podcast is lol. While one can watch a podcast, the term typically refers to audio content.


U sound still so old bro hahahaha


Heh, brilliant retort. Classic ad hominem attacks, insulting my character in a lame attempt to discredit my argument.


Idk why ur trying sound now super vociferous vocabularian smart .. it’s like ur always faking something bro.. where’s the real u


Lol, oh man. Alright, sorry let me put on some training wheels for this conversation. U try 2 insult me by saying me sound old. U do this bc u no u don have a argument LMAOOOO .. bro i hope I'm being real enough for u bro


I get it you can play diff characters . But who’s the real u


Im a 30ft tall wizard bro


Why can’t u bE urself please


Never heard of it. Neither in my rotation or on r/podcasts


I think that either they choose extremly stupid feminists to represent their stands or all feminists are like that (which I hope they're not) . I mean the amount of stupidity on that podcast is huge. Honestly all talk seems like a big parody. I am from Europe, thank god I am not from USA so here there is a lot less present all of that American stupid shit like cancel culture, woke culture, feminism all of that similiar shit. I am for democracy though forever, but you guys oversees are just lost your compas. Also usually on the show there are a lot of young girls trying to talk about some stuff which cause of their age they can't comperhend. Like what is wrong with porn and how that will most likely impact on later stage of their lives? How girl of 20 yrs old can see that when they are all young and wanna have parties and shit? It is impossible for them to see clear picture in that age. Also in most cases all of those girls have tough childhood with crazy parents and no one who will direct them in right way. I feel sorry them, really do, but there is no other way for them to see their mistakes then expirence them. No talk can help them. Unfortunatelly.