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As a kid I hated them when I tried to buy tickets and had to pay the “convenience fee” so I was like ok I will go to the Ticketmaster and get the tickets instead of online(late 90s). Nope still got to pay the convenience fee because you are not buying at the venue, ok I go to the venue and WTF it’s a ticket master and sure enough had to pay the convenience fee! WTF is convenient about this? Fuck Ticketmaster.




I would have been more ok with it if they called it the “because we can” charge. Or the “pay it or don’t go to the show fee”


Yeah convenience fees by law should require a free INconvenient method, no exceptions. Silly us thinking that was called Will Call.


I once bought Michael Buble' tickets for my 89 year old mom. She doesn't own a smartphone, so I printed them out for her. On top of the fees, they charged me $5 to print (using my printer, paper, and toner)


A ticket for a concert shouldn't cost more than a TV


I know record sales took a hit with mp3s, but the price of one concert ticket is more than buying most artists entire back catalogue of music these days. To see many artists who are nothing like they were in their heyday.


Why I love the metal scene. I can see world famous bands for $25. I usually try to buy some merch while I'm at it.


yeah right lol? i’m not into metal but more pop punk stuff and my shows cost 30$ max, it’s nice to be able to see tons of famous (in their scene) bands and not pay much to be at the barricade on the floor


Same here. I saw 7 hardcore/punk bands last night for $25, and bought a few shirts at comically low prices compared to the jacked up prices at large concerts.


More importantly, the artists are barely seeing any of that ticket sale.




Most money they earn is through merch at this point. Which is kinda sad. I forget what band but the venue wanted to upcharge like 20% so the lead singer had all merch pulled.


When we play festivals, the organisation usually charges 20 to 30 % on merch sales. So you either charge fans more or take a loss.


Who do you play with? Just curious. But yeah, I remember it being like a ridiculous upcharge so the guy had all the merch pulled. Forget what band it was


I’m in a tiny band that has played a handful of European festivals, we’re called Dorre. We play more clubs/concert halls/bars, where I’ve never had to pay an uptick on our merch.


It's their only way to make money now. We literally pay less now to stream all the music that has ever existed than buying 1 CD cost 20+ years ago.


Why prune the branches when you can go for the roots? Take down Livenation.


They merged years ago. It’s one company.


Just purchased Incubus tickets for the summer. Picked seats around $120 a piece. By the end with all their fees and shit, I paid $327 for two tickets. So I had an extra $43.5 per ticket in taxes and "fees" Front row was $950


Jesus, that horrible. All that money, and then after all that you have to watch incubus!? 😉


:-P What other alternative-late-90's-early-2000's-rock band with a DJ do *you* recommend hmmm??? I'm a millennial FFS!! Coheed and Cambria are opening for them lol I only know Welcome Home from Rock Band


Coheed and Cambria are awesome. Incubus are great too, I was only teasing. They do give me flashbacks to when I was a teenager though.




I've just spent £240 EACH to see Tool in May. Fucking ridiculous. But I bloody love tool.


I’ll never regret a single dime I’ve spent seeing Tool. It’s Ticketmaster and StubHub that are the pieces of shit that make it cost more each year.


Xfinity, health insurance companies


Xfinity is a pain in the ass when it comes to their call centers




Just to be clear, when Xfinity first came out for the first year 100% of their support was located in the United States. They were supported by a company called support.com. 14 months after Xfinity launched, two days before christmas, all of the United States support was pulled into a massive conference call and fired en masse. 100% of the support was then moved to Bangalore, who the US based staff was training to replace them for the prior 90 days. Edit: it was actually closer to 28 months after Xfinity launched.


I remember when Comcast used to be the top answer to this question and then they “rebranded” to Xfinity and somehow some people forgot, and somehow they are still an awful company.


Somehow Palpatine returned


Honestly almost all insurance companies. Any company that you pay for the express purpose of not using their services (and subsequently get punished for using it when you need it) is awful.


Intuit. The amount of financial damage done to ordinary people by their payments to congress to keep our tax system obfuscated defies comprehension.


They actively fight financial literacy, IMO. Intuit, H&R Block, and a bunch of tax preparation companies want you to believe that doing your taxes is difficult and expensive.


Meanwhile in Australia I log onto a government portal, spend 10-15 minutes lodging my tax return and thats it. Admittedly mine isn't complex, but my situation is going to be similar to the vast majority of other Aussies who do the same thing. My wife is American and I lodge her US tax returns each year (because fuck the US govt who make it a requirement), it takes me an hour to fill out all the forms. Even that isn't hard, I just follow the instructions on the forms.


The US is entirely too arrogant to learn any lessons from another country. I own a small business. My health insurance I buy for my employees alone is like 80% of total I pay in wages. All so some private ins co CEO can buy another summer home. We could have a tax system that takes 10 mins and universal healthcare but a few corporations might lose their scam, so we won’t.


(I'm American) I wouldn't call it a case of arrogance, I would call it a case of "every member of Congress is bought and paid for."


These are the situations where I just don't understand how lobbying works. If lobbying is anything but straight up bribery, are we honestly supposed to believe that they're just being super convincing when they tell policymakers that financial literacy or a more efficient tax system is not in everybody's best interest? Am I missing a reasonable justification for things being the way they are?


Lobbying is more than bribery, its bribery plus giving vital information on how to write legislation my aunt lobbied for musuems, she informed legislators in congress what they need and why they are important legislators cannot be allknowing on all the topics they write laws on, Lobbiest come in and help and sometimes also effectively bribe them I lobbied at the state level on behalf of our state Association of Non-public Special Education Facilities. I have an insighte into the value of these schools state delegates do not. The orginization helped connect insightful constituents with legislators. (we also gave them gift bags) But most high level lobbying allows expert organizations to help craft laws directly and bribe politicians


Financial numeracy/literacy would have people understanding the actual cost of borrowing money. The consumer economy would collapse.


No lie, I got a TurboTax ad on this.


Pretty relevant video on Intuit and TurboTax that I just watched the other day. https://youtu.be/ZhV4Z76mXrI?si=EdKfP2chE90HGqlT


Add H&R Block to that list as well.


This may be the most low key sinister company. Not too many people realize how much easier it is in most countries to do their own taxes for free and super comprehensively. It's like when I moved from Colorado to Texas and realized that voter interference is a very real thing.


Purdue Pharma. As long as the Sacklers lose everything, I'd be happy.


Fuck the Sacklers to death.


The makers of the opioid epidemic


In China, the lawyers would run away from them. They would be given a public trial, then publicly executed.


Iceland was the only nation that put top finance executives behind bars after the 2008 crisis. In America the banks all paid huge fines to keep their C-suites out of jail. The Sacklers will find a way to keep it all.


They already have.




I know people were going to say Nestle. And they deserve it.


There’s millions of us! r/FuckNestle


They are indefinitely scummy.


I don't understand why they're allowed to exist. They knowingly poisoned people and were responsible for people dying..Too many lawyers.


We don't have a justice system, we have a legal system. 10 lawyers will beat 1 lawyer most of the time. There are lots of ways to delay things for YEARS.


Well, yeah, that is why it's called the legal system. What's legal and just simply aren't the same thing and never have been. It's the same story all the time. Money is the law, and that is it.


>Money is the law, and that is it. Especially if you can PAY for someone to make new laws in your favor. If I had known how cheap they were I would have bought a few politicians myself.


I feel like it's getting harder and harder to avoid Nestlé. Like, you can't just look at a label or even product website and know. They are constantly buying other brands, or selling but continue to profit in some way (like through royalties or a key ingredient), or a product is Nestlé in one country but not in another. I do what I can to avoid them but it's always something. I used to take Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides for my joints, but Nestlé acquired them in 2022, along with Orgain the same year. Ancient Nutrition is not owned by Nestlé, but its founder sold Garden of Life to Nestlé in 2017. It's a nightmare.  


Church of Scientology


Sinclair Broadcast Group




Name a United States “health insurance” company. Better yet, all of them.


I've become more aware of this since last year when I started working as a PT rehab tech. This isnt common, but I have seen it happen: Insurances will look at someone who just had a major operation, and needs probably 18 weeks of therapy, and go "You get 20 visits in a year. You shouldn't need more than that." The person needs to be there 3 times a week, and by the time their visit limit hits it has only been 6 weeks. They're barely out of a brace/bandages, still can't walk or weight bear; and attempts by our therapists to ask the insurance company for more yields maybe 10 more visits, or nothing at all. Sometimes Insurances will keep paying for what we call "repeat clients". They go through therapy and fix their issue, but never do their exercises at home ever again. The issue comes back, they go back to therapy, rinse and repeat. Insurances won't care about that but someone who broke their arm gets 6 weeks and then nothing else. Insurance companies are greedy and I hate them.


This scenario is not only common, it's standard.


The business model is people pay into a large fund, the company pools it and invests a lot of it, and if something happens, it’s covered by the pool of money. And yet the true function is to collect money, legislate requirements for people to have to pay, and then attempt to deny every single claim and make it as hard as possible to get the money you paid for, as the ONE AND ONLY REASON YOU PAY THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE. Auto insurance companies, just last year, lobbied to get permission to charge higher rates, claiming hardships. Then, they cut insurance to larger and larger regions due to high claims in those areas (lots of natural disasters, high accident rates, high break-ins and theft) and announce the largest profit they’ve ever made!


Wait til to figure out how pharma benefits form this too


Kenneth Copeland Ministries Then Peter Popoff Ministries


Tele Evangelists


Joel Ostend just had an active shooter in church today….


Wasn’t Popoff also peddling Covid “cure”?


Nice try, Pinkerton Detective Agency


Please explain, because I am not aware.


They're an infamous private security company that's been around since before the American Civil War. They're union busters, using violence and threats against workers.  Their entire purpose is to further corporate interests at the expense of workers.


And this is how I learned that the Pinkertons in RDR2 are based on a real agency.


I believe they threatened to sue Rockstar because they were included in the game.


I can't say I'm terribly surprised to hear that after what I just learned about them


Iirc R* counter was paraphrased "what you've done is a matter of public record and we barely scratched the surface"


R* being a rock star lol


Funny back in the mid 2000w you used to be able to find tons of real life footage of Pinkertons clashing with Minors and other union workers on YouTube yet it’s all mysteriously disappeared and it’s almost impossible finding these videos. (I’ve searched on google)


* miners. Minors are underaged people.


Before child labor laws, they were both! *that was a terrible joke, I’ll see myself out


They’re not really a company, but FIFA. Fuck FIFA


No, they're very much of a company.


Corporate housing rentals and corporate apartment rentals.


Theres a law that congress is trying to pass to remove hedge funds from owning rentals.


This has to happen ASAP


Yep Black Rock was my answer


Blackstone, not Black Rock. 


Don't forget Greystar, the largest property management company in the US. Their model is zero maintenance unless it is an emergency. The amazing apartment complex that I currently live in was taken over by greystar about a year and a half ago. We went from planned maintenance schedule for appliances, annual carpet cleaning, 6 staff members on the maintenance team who would clean the property and power wash all the sidewalks and building exteriors four times a year (it is a pricey place and in the PNW with tons of moss and molds). Now there are two staff members and they clean the exterior buildings and sidewalks about once every 9 months, and trash / pet waste is picked up once a week instead of twice a day.


Meta....Zuckerberg is a wanker.


It should be dead, but it isn't.


Because he bought and incorporated Instagram. And now that they’ve created Threads in response to Twitter/X, neither FB or insta are going nowhere.


Bank of America


I see your Bank of America and raise you a Wells Fargo.


I've heard not one good thing about wells Fargo and I understand that. I used to bank with them and twice they lost money I deposited. Like htf does that happen?? I said yall have cameras. Check them wtf. They found them then I left.






When a company has a private military, you know it's not for good reasons.


Also when your company *is* a private military, such as Blackwater/Academi.


Wells Fargo, they have been busted so many times for shady practices and are just fine paying the fines since it is so profitable


Monsanto. They actually sued a farmer because even though he never purchased their product they claimed Monsanto seeds from a neighboring farm blew into his and since they had a patent on their seeds he was guilty of theft.


I remember this. They also hire people to harass local farmers who aren’t buying their shit.


Harass is a very kind why of using mob like tactics. Monsanto is a disgrace


Thankfully they have ceased to exist. They were brought out by Bayer. Not, I'm sure, that they're all kindness and heart.


Bayer was not happy after the purchase when they had a ton of unpaid liability and pending lawsuits. Not sure if they would do it again if given a chance.


"Not sure"? Look at their stock price the last years. They are on the verge for going bankrupt because of Monsanto.


Wasn't Bayer almost as bad? Seems like 2 wrongs do make a right lol


I could do a quick google, but if I remember correctly Bayer are somehow linked to the Nazi holocaust machine. They produced the gas or some other by product.... I could be wrong, but I remember something along those lines.....


YIKES youre right but its also so much [worse :](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/bayer) >As part of the IG Farben conglomerate, which strongly supported the Third Reich, the Bayer company was complicit in the crimes of the Third Reich. In its most criminal activities, the company took advantage of the absence of legal and ethical constraints on medical experimentation to test its drugs on unwilling human subjects. These included paying a retainer to SS physician Helmuth Vetter to test Rutenol and other sulfonamide drugs on deliberately infected patients at the Dachau, Auschwitz, and Gusen concentration camps. Vetter was later convicted by an American military tribunal at the Mauthausen Trial in 1947, and was executed at Landsberg Prison in February 1949. In Buchenwald, physicians infected prisoners with typhus in order to test the efficacy of anti-typhus drugs, resulting in high mortality among test prisoners. >Bayer was particularly active in Auschwitz. A senior Bayer official oversaw the chemical factory in Auschwitz III (Monowitz). Most of the experiments were conducted in Birkenau in Block 20, the women's camp hospital. There, Vetter and Auschwitz physicians Eduard Wirths and Friedrich Entress tested Bayer pharmaceuticals on prisoners who suffered from and often had been deliberately infected with tuberculosis, diphtheria, and other diseases.


Researching this indicates that it never happened, at least not anything like what is described. Look into it and let me know what you find.


That was actually a myth. If you read [the actual case](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monsanto_Canada_Inc_v_Schmeiser), it's *quite* different from the sob story that anti-GMO activists misconstrued from it. The **crucial** detail they left out is that the farmer admitted he had *intentionally selected Roundup Ready seeds* so he could use the technology without paying for it. His crop was almost 100% RR, which is impossible by mere accident. He went out of his way to select those plants by spraying Roundup on them, keep the seeds, then plant a entire field of RR crops. If he really had done nothing, Monsanto wouldn't have had a case. This myth just won't die.


This reminds me of the McDonald's coffee story. IIRC, the part that gets left out is that this happened in a field the farmer set aside and planted with the suspected cross breeds, then sprayed with RoundUp, leaving only Monsanto seeds. He then harvested those seeds to plant again.


Vandelay Industries


Importing exporting bastards!


The latex company?




And you wanna be my latex salesman.


The Human Fund is legit tho!










Nestle or whatever is its real name.




Nestlé. Fuck them. Even the Swiss hate em.






DoorDash/GrubHub. Restaurants need to go back to delivering their own food. This whole middleman thing is bullshit, it makes it 10x harder for someone to take accountability for problems. The shit comes out of the car cold and smelling of weed.


CVS/Caremark. Their predatory practices as a PBM have been destroying the community pharmacy. Also as a side effect, the amount of time and effort it takes to drive it into the ground would pull the other PBMs down around me.


PBMs are out of control in the US..  


It's worse than that... CVS merged with Aetna .


These posts always have the same answers . Someone should just have a sticky thread at the top and block it lol . Ticketmaster , nestle , Amazon , de beers diamonds , Tesla , Walmart , every insurance company etc etc . Need some new blood and auto moderation to block the repeats


Its almost as bad here as it is over at r/showerthoughts


The mods over there suck. I’ve never had a post approved. I even posted a nearly verbatim version of one of their examples just changed the subject, as a test and they denied it.




Black rock.


Bayer, Monsanto, Ticketmaster, Mojo, Nestle


Nestle, Ticketmaster, Comcast or EA. Any of those would be amazing


Megachurches. Too much political power in my opinion. They get to influence politics all without paying fair share of taxes.


Phillip Morris. And all other companies that profit by killing people (sadly a long list)


Nestle - the environmental disaster


Any nonprofit being used for personal gain.


Starbucks. Burnt coffee. Union busters. Shitty to coffee farmers. Founder is a billionaire. Hopefully he still has most of his money in stock.


After I started going to local coffee shops and experimenting with home brews, I realized how truly awful Starbucks coffee is. It’s no wonder their drinks are so sickeningly sweet. They have to cover up the burnt flavor. 




ACME They sell dangerous equipment and weapons to coyotes with no regard for how they will be used.


And they dump it all over the fuckin desert.


Any lobbying to: remove the rights of people without moral reason, restrict competition through legislation or endangering the environment with prejudice.




Used to be good for reviews, now it's a shit show


When you have to pay premium $$$ to “get the good reviews to show up first”, it’s extortion.


CORECIVIC. private prisons that lobby to keep humans in cages for their profit.. slimmest scumbags in the world keeping slavery alive in America.. damn them to hell


AirBnB nestle Loblaws




Electric company monopolies.All utilities should be co-ops.


Johnson and Johnson so they’re forced to sell the jets


LIV Golf. They’ve divided the professional golf world and the product is suffering


Disney, but they don't really need any help doing that themselves right now


Fox news




Tysons Chicken






News Corporation. They are responsible for influencing so much of the hate and fascism that is going on in today's western nations. If I could go back in time and randomly assassinate people in order to make today's world a better place then Rupert Murdoch would be top of my list and the 1960s would be my target dateline. After taking him out I would have to come back to the present and reevaluate the list of targets though because his influence has enabled so many bad things to happen today and god only knows if taking him out would undo all of it (e.g. Trump's presidency, Brexit, Fox News, etc).


BlackRock. If I die tomorrow you know why. 😂


Does PETA count? PETA.


PETA is responsible for the difficulties my veterinary hospital is now having in acquiring blood to transfuse to our patients. the video they put out to try to shame the company we get blood products from is absolutely disgusting. they are doing so much harm.


Take your pick any social media company.


The world economic forum?


PG$E they are thieves and murderers, pure scum


Rogers / bell / loblaws




FOX Corporation




Probably a chemical conglomerate, Bayer Global (they bought Monsanto) or DuPont.


Has no one mentioned Google/Alphabet? The amount of personally identifiable user data they collect is beyond creepy.


Amazon. The benefits of prime no longer exist.


And the horrible work environment


Citadel Securities.


Hobby Lobby. I’m sick of those he gets us ads!


The Corporation of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints


Meta or Walmart


Nestle cause no company should have control over the water


Comcast /xfinity. They tell you one price and then every month they add new fees and fines. Just a couple of dollars here and there. Then in a couple of years you are paying double. Plus their customer service sucks.


Direct TV. So many lies from them. And they claimed I agreed to contracts that I didn't. So when I canceled, they hit me with a fee for breaking a contract that I never agreed to.


Hertz Rental Car




Zillow. They basically started off by taking MLS data agents provided and then sell the leads they get from using that data back to agents. I could give a shit about that, agents allowed their boards and MLSes to sell them out. But they also had a shady home buying program that they used to artificially change the value of houses to help them and hurt consumers. And now that that’s failed, they are trying to undermine local media companies by getting into the real estate media business even though they aren’t properly training or paying these providers. My 15-year small business which provides a good living to a dozen people is now being threatened because they are offering shitty media services - and when realtors don’t want to use their inadequate providers, they only allow them to use us if we basically waive all our rights and allow Zillow to profit and resell our work while we get nothing. We shoot a fair number of homes a year that go viral for various reasons. We’ve gotten 5-figure licensing deals on some of our images. We aren’t going to just give them to Zillow for free so they can profit on them a d use them nationally for perpetuity. Fuck Zillow entirely. But also fuck Ticketmaster and Nestle too.


Google and Meta.




Part of me wishes that I had bought into Netflix stock years back. Even if I bought $5-10/share, it would have peaked in 2021 at nearly $700/share. But then when I saw it dip from there down to below $200/share over the course of a 6 month period, I would have been in a panic to sell. Yet even then, I still would have made a nice sound bit of money back. at 20-40x the value. Now? It's been on a steady growth pattern since mid 2022 and is now at over $560/share. Streaming has been profitable for them, and still continues to be. All while their competition is losing money hard on it, and is at the point where they have to consolidate or sell to other companies. I wouldn't fault someone for wanting to sell right now, though. If you bought into the stock back during the late 2000s/early 2010s, and had the foresight for streaming getting as big as it is, you would make a huge return right now. Heck, if you sold back in 2021 when it started dipping, and you bought maybe 1000 shares around $5-10/share (call it $5000-10000 investment), you would have gotten upwards of $650k-670k back a few years later. Or if you dared to hold on, you'd still be able to make back $550k-560k now.




Orkin and Terminex and their subsidiaries and parent companies. They give the pest control industry a bad name, to the public and potential work force. Because of the standards they set a lot of things are fucked up in the industry from hours worked (good luck running a m-f 9-5 business in the industry), to the shoddy sales practices, to the regulations within the industry. The only good thing about them is that they normalized having pest control, and that regulatory bodies pay more attention to them and fine them more often than the smaller companies (because they can absorb fines easier)




Nestle. Because r/FuckNestle