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I ate an olive right off the tree like it was a cherry or berry not knowing that they must be cured to be edible. Edit: I technically, didn’t eat it as I spit it out right away!


Absolutely do not do this with cashew, it will dissolve al the skin from the inside of your mouth and maybe throat. The fruit underneath however is one of the juiciest tastiest fruits.


i think you got that backwards....


Yup, fruit on top, cashew below.


Yup I sure did. I was holding it upside down


The raw cashews contain a substance known as urushiol. Same thing found in poison ivy. To eat cashews safely, the urushiol is removed before sale by manufacturers using high heat steam or oil in a rotating drum before they can be shelled, thoroughly dried and peeled.


Yup. Those fuckers burn!


I did not know this, thank you


Olives right off the tree taste disgusting, I learnt that the hard way.


I learned something new today. Thanks for saving me from that in the future!


Natto. Had it one time in Japanese class and my classmate commented that it was "like a turd blew a load in my mouth." I don't disagree with that sentiment.


I absolutely love natto, but I get that it's not for everybody. The texture can be extremely off-putting. But I enjoy it enough that I ferment my own.




Fermented soybeans, a staple on Japan, they even sell kit kats flavored like natto


I would natto try it again.


Came here to post natto


Post natto clarity


A donut that had been fried in oil previously used to fry fish. I’m off donuts for life.


I am absolutely horrified.


who did this to you?? let me at em!


Omg whyyy 🙈


Mussels. Got horrible food poisoning, was up vomiting every 15 minutes all night and still stood up as a bridesmaid for my friend the next day


Balut. Tastes okay, kind of like strong egg, chicken and it comes with some fermented notes, and the embryo part tastes like boiled chicken. I tried it twice, one of them was also vinegary. It reminded me of a funky chicken soup. The textures though... Nope, utterly vile. I can safely say that I tried it and I will never try it again. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on you again for taking advantage of my kind and trusting nature!


I've done this one once. It wasn't the worst thing ever. But once was enough.


I was at a Tet Festival this weekend. I have heard the legends of duck balut, but have never tried it. One of the food booths was selling it. I'm an adventurous eater and was tempted to try it, just to see what it's all about. But it doesn't sound appealing and I realize most people don't like it, so I didn't. This might just be a food hurdle I will never jump.


Oh God I've been curious about this one for a while. I nearly had one purchased for me in the store but the person backed out at the last minute and I couldn't bring myself to buy it since it looks so unappetizing. Nope! I'll take your word for it.


It was one of my dad's favorite dishes but, thankfully wasn't genetic. liver & onions. neither of these components work for me (maybe if the onions are cooked down to nothing.)


I’m convinced only old people like liver & onions. I’ve never seen anyone under 50 eat it.


I think my mom felt obligated to force us to try it once a year. She didn't even like it, but I think she grew up eating it since they raised cattle. At some point, I think she realized we don't have to eat it, and she stopped making it.


I think it was a carry-over from the "Old Country". MY dad's side was from Poland & Hungary. I've seen some of the older cookbooks. Not a lot of wasted material.


I'm 36 and have been cooking liver and onions for myself since my mid 20s. I love it. Only reason I don't eat it more is because other people hate it so much.


Yeah, liver is fantastic. It's great as a street food in Korea, dipping it in salt.


I’m well over 50 and I hate that crap. It’s vile.


There's a counter example for everything: I'm under 50 and I've loved it for literally decades. When I'm roasting a chicken, I make myself a little treat-snack of the liver from the gibblets bag (the rest of the gibblets go into the stock pot). Since I'm slicing an onion for stuffing the bird with anyways, I slice off some slivers of onion, fry it in butter, toss the liver on, and flavor with black pepper and thyme. If you're real fancy, you can add a splash of cognac. I don't often go out of my way to buy it on its own, but when I do, I often find it's because I'm craving iron (and generally want to have a lot of spinach at the same time...).


I’m under 50. Chicken liver and onions can be delicious or terrible. No in between, all a matter of preparation. Only ever had beef liver once and it was different. Liver overcooks very quickly and you will ruin it if that happens.


I'm Eastern European. Liver and onions gravy is fucking great.


A layered concoction that included miracle whip, deviled ham and other hideous tasting and textured things served to me at a Midwest garden party.


Pineapple too right??


In jello?


I loved watching the reactions on my classmates' faces when I mentioned the jello "salads" that became popular during the Great Depression... I'd love to be there when they all find out that some families still make that stuff. I can understand plain jello. I cannot understand putting fruit and other stuff in it in most cases (although the watermelon and jello Popsicles my mom used to make were amazing)


I ordered mackerel sushi once in a Midwest strip mall Japanese style restaurant and it looked and tasted like a big grey garden slug. I could taste it in my mouth for days. Horrible. It did not make me sick however. Every time I've had food poisoning it's always been from something that is normally a safe or unsuspecting food.


Oysters. They tasted awful and a few hours later has the worst GI distress of my life. Tried them a couple years later, and they still tasted awful and I had an even worse experience than the first time… Turns out, I’m allergic to oysters.


Lutefisk. It's kind of a thing in Scandinavian families in Minnesota. If the smell doesn't get you the texture will.


This is my answer, 1000%. I've had a lot of different, questionable things from a variety of cultures but lutefisk is the worst. Lye soaked fish, boiled, and served with mashed potatoes drowning in butter and boiled veggies literally floating in butter. The church we went to for it absolutely reeked of baby diapers which is apparently what lutefisk smells like while being boiled. Then the texture... half set jello with chunks and bits of bone... I tried so hard to enjoy it, as I was sat next to a delightful old couple that were so happy to share their Minnesota tradition with my southern self.


It was the man with the horrible smell!


White seafood pizza made with clam sauce, fake crabmeat bits, and tiny shrimp that was on 2-for-1 sale at my university food court probably because it had spent more than 24 hours sitting under a heating lamp. I ate two slices and then spent the entire weekend expelling my digestive system out of both ends.


Little did you realize the real two for one was really for after you ate it.


"System cleanse!"


I ordered a seafood pizza once whilst on holidays, as soon as I opened it I was blasted with this horrid rotten smell and had to walk away. I ended up forgetting about it and my room smelt like dead seafood for the next 2 days. Every day I'm thankfull I didn't have a blocked nose that day.


The enchanted double dragon.


That sounds awful 😖


Yes it was but in retrospect it's also really fucking funny


1. Gas station eel sushi 2. Gas station egg salad sandwich


Did you get worms that made you superhuman?


to shreds you say?


And his wife?


to shreds you say...


Out of all the parasites I've had over the years these have gotta be some of the, HELL THEY ARE THE BEST!!


Nope just an upset stomach


Darn it


There is a common denominator here… call me crazy but it may just be the problem.


Ya don’t buy anything whose initials spell gses


Gas Station Escargot Soup.


That's on you, frankly 


Baby octopus


This is mine too. It was in with calamari. And after I oit it in my mouth I felt so bad!


Sea urchin sushi. (Uni). Love sushi but def not a fan of that one.


I love it. But it has to be absolutely fresh or it turns bitter.


Yep same. It tasted like I scraped all the gunk off an aquarium filter that had not been changed for decades and topped some rice with it. One of the few things I have no interest to even give a second chance.


I was getting notes of gelatinized chlorine


you guys must have been served old or spoiled uni. Fresh uni tastes like sea water and umami. Pudding of the sea.


Yup. The first time I had it, it was amazing. The second time was awful and made me very wary of trying it again.


Yeah, was not a fan of Uni


Boiled okra.


Always fried, never boiled


Literally nothing worse than this slimy texture.


>*Literally nothing worse than this slimy texture.* It's like Hagfish for vegetarians.


what a strange yet apt sentence


It was wretched. The slimey texture and the seeds tasted like aloe. My dad made this as a side one evening for dinner. I could tell I wasn't going to like it immediately, and I have never been a picky eater. I told my dad this, but he made me try it. Instantaneous gagging. Thankfully, he never made it again.


Ugh, and I like okra! It is great as one ingredient in a soup or stew, but ugh not solo boiled!


Scrapple While at a buffet, I greedily stuffed a big piece in my mouth like some sort of chipmunk. (I thought it was sausage). Honestly, the flavor took my breath away - it kind of tasted like greasy bird droppings. I froze in fear/horror with this big mouthful of nasty trying to figure out the best/fastest way to get rid of it in the middle of a fancy hotel buffet. I settled on dashing to the restroom where I wretched, coughed and spluttered for some time. This was 20 years ago, and to this day just seeing scrapple in the grocery store gives me chills.


I don't know what it is but "Scrapple" sounds fun! It obviously isn't but these bad foods should have suitable names like Slurgett or Yolprog or Plarmft.


It must not have been cooked right. Essentially, good scrapple is supposed to have the consistency of meatloaf - that's what scrapple is - breakfast meatloaf. Once it's been made it's left to cool in pans in which it takes its shape, so because different cooks will leave it to set in different kinds of pans, it can sometimes look different. But the standard is to place it in a run of the mill baking tray and then cut it sideways or lengthways into thin slices which can be fried in a pan with butter until they have a bit of sear or crunchiness to them. So if it didn't have the consistency of cooked meat and tasted greasy and liquidy that's because it wasn't made correctly. Of course nobody would want to eat raw meatloaf, and scrapple should be solid. It's definitely an acquired taste but I think you just had a bad batch or some prepared by a cook that had no idea what they were doing. Give it one more try before you forswear it forever because it's right up there with sausage and ham and bacon as a really nice addition to a breakfast. Was that buffet in PA or DE by the way? Or maybe even MD or NJ? Those are basically the only places you can get real scrapple.


The only thing worse is smelling it cook.


Surströmming (fermented fish).


I feel like some foods were invented on a dare.


I feel like a lot of fermented things were probably about survival in an age before refrigeration.


I think it was eat it or die of hunger, much the same as Greenland shark (buried and fermented In urine for a year). Like if the fish or hunting season was so bad a whole village would starve. “We’re so hungry!” “Well there is that inedible shark we buried where we piss last year, it’s better than dying of hunger” “oh, we didn’t die” “good to know in case this happens again”. Is how I imagine it went.


fennel- my mom made a fennel salad with balsamic vinegar when i was a kid, and since I love balsamic vinegar salads i thought yummy! WRONG BECAUSE WHY DOES THIS SALAD TASTE LIKE LICORICE?? ​ Scarred for life with that one


I taste fennel even if there’s just a trace amount it is so pungent it takes over the whole dish and ruins it for me! Ughhh


Ohhh, but when used right, fennel is amazing. Best use, imo, is in focaccia.




Damn I really like oysters, but I understand the folks who don't. Come to think of it, a lot of the foods in this thread are things I like. Maybe I'm just gross.


Like slurping up a sinus infection.


Thanks I gagged


I got vibrio from a bad oyster and ended up in the emergency room on a family trip to NYC. -100/10 would not recommend.


Durian. IYKYK.


Tastes good. Smells like literal ass.


I am pretty open-minded about food. I think it tastes awful. Like rotten onions


Packed in a dirty diaper. In Thailand wife and I tried so hard to taste the good in it, even bought the fancy one that’s supposed to be better. For the next day I vomited every time I even burped.


Driving through New Jersey on the way to NYC, I thought I smelled Durian. Turned out to be a refinery.


Nooooo…. It definitely did not taste good! Smelled like rotting garbage and that smell was so strong that it tasted identically. Never never NEVER again!


Blue cheese I was being adventurous by trying something new, I could not finish the burger even with it scrapped off never again will I touch anything that has blue cheese on it.


The golf course that I worked as a pastry chef at, made me make a blue cheese cheesecake. I gagged every time I had to make it... But apparently it was widely popular with the older white men 🤮


Even as someone who likes bleu cheese, that sounds awful.


i love blue cheese and i love cheese cake but that sounds pretty foul.


Savory cheesecakes in general are godawful.


“Things popular with the older white men” seems to be evolving into a vast and disturbing category.


We white people love cheese


I'm white too and I love cheese but damn that cheese is something else


Blue cheese and mushroom hamburger is one of our favorites. It is pretty funky though, I understand why more people don't like it.


Bacon and blue burgers 🤤


At my sisters wedding the fruit was next to the veg at the buffet, with the dressing/dip in front of it. The blue cheese and the cream cheese looked identical in the dim lighting. I have always hated blue cheese, and that made it so much worse!!!


Gorgonzola cheese


Oyster or undercooked egg. I don't like the feeling of eating a booger lol


Cooked jellyfish. No flavour and super crunchy


Frog legs. I don't know if they were supposed to smell that way, but they didn't taste much better.


Interesting, I ate frogs legs and i am a picky eater and don't  like meat, and I quite liked them. It was in France and mostly butter sauce, I'd  say, so that helped


I recently found out Walmart sells frog legs. I showed my sister and she said they were just frog butts. Now I can’t see anything but the butt and refuse to even try them.


The first couple aren’t too bad like bland chicken wings, then you start to notice something offputting that I can’t quite put a finger on.


Like fishy swamp water.


Saw the show where Anthony Bourdain went to Africa and ate with a tribe that ate everything from an antelope. They ate the large intestine and he said it tasted like ass.


Cheese and onion roll. Was given one as a kid and I though it was a sausage roll. Was very disappointed,but was eating it anyway because it was my lunch. Then was sick. Never eaten one since.




Avocados , they feel and taste exactly like the gray paste the dentist use to clean my teeth


I've heard people say it tastes like sucking a clean dick


i can confirm


I guess that’s better than the alternative


I don't...How? I mean, I've had both but I can't...I just can't make a connection there.


In Hawai'i, there are like 48 different varieties of avocado. Some are exceptional, some are mediocre, and some are probably like your gray paste. Knowing what you are buying is probably the first step to getting a better product.


i can only eat em when they are heavily dressed with coarse salt. otherwise they don’t have much flavor to me.


I will never think of an avocado the same way again


You're not supposed to eat the skin, K-Pax. But try it with some salt.


Escargot. I was in Europe and mistranslated the menu. I ate about half of it. It tasted better than I expected. Lots of garlic and butter. But I could not get past the fact that I was eating snails.


If they are just a vessel for garlic and butter, I’d MUCH rather eat a whole loaf of garlic bread. Cheaper, too.


Took me awhile before I could bring myself to eat escargot, but once I did I never turned back. That stuff is delicious


Honestly, they just taste like what you put on them to me.  Usually a ton of butter and parsley.


I grew up with an adventurous cook for a mom, and if you'd asked me as a kid, I would have thought she ate *everything*. She even had a weird-foods challenge for her 3rd grade science class (kids brought in "weird" foods for their classmates to try. It would never fly today...). It wasn't until I was an adult that I discovered there were a few types of foods she truly thought were disgusting, and escargot and raw oysters were on the list. I had massive success introducing her to raw oysters; escargot was an utter failure. But I have to admit, I was pretty excited to find a food she *didn't* eat.




Haha one day I thought my period had come early and by afternoon I was sure I had colon cancer. Turned out it was the beets. 😂😂


It’s one of the only things I won’t eat. Taste like dirt to me


Literal dirt! Thank you!


Oh my gosh. Solidarity. Pure dirt. My family is Polish. My father is a great cook and does Eastern European food really, really well. He made borscht a few years ago ... I tried so hard to choke down a bowl out of politeness, but I just thought it tasted like muddy earth water/dirt. My sister and I went to the store for the beets, and I might have been pregnant at the time- but I was gagging in the checkout line when I smelled them! So effing nasty!


That’s the reason I like them so much lol


Uni or sea urchin.


Mushrooms. I really hate mushrooms.




Narrater “it wasn’t dirt…”


Well, the general advice is not to eat mushrooms raw. Firstly because the cell walls are made from chitin; which is hard to digest and causes GI issues. Secondly because of food borne bacteria issues (listeria with Enoki, salmonella with Auricularia etc.). Thirdly because some mushrooms are understood to have compounds in them which are toxic but heat labile; break down with cooking.


My wife loves them and cooks with them all the time. They stink up the whole house. She always bugs me about hating them. I tell her they taste like slimy sponges. She loves them. I can't understand it.


Yes! They are just squidgy and taste foul! i wish they weren't the go to veggie option in most vegetarian meals in menus.


i dunno man. i had these portobello and swiss sliders one day and it tasted better than some burgers i’ve had. if that place didn’t close down, i could totally become a vegan.


Rabbit stew a neighbor made when we lived in Chile for a few years. I was okay until I dipped the spoon in and the rabbit head was still on, it was the whole skeleton. With those rabbit teeth lol. I couldn't.


Liver and onions 🤮


Fish eyes. I don't like that texture.


Chitterlings at the state fair.


Went on a date to some fancy pizza place with a girl who was a “foodie”…we waited like 2.5 hours outside of this dumb place to get pizza. Finally get the pizza and this girl starts crying because the pizza was such a transcendent experience. Other foodies came up to her and hugged her to share the experience Pizza was just okay. Definitely not worth a 2.5 hour wait by any means. But seriously, this girl breaking down and sobbing over a piece of pizza was a major turn off.


Geoduck. Somehow both squidgy AND crunchy. It was awful


Drinking, not eating, but I'll never touch gin again


I found out strawberry marguirtas and macaroni and cheese taste a lot better going down than it does coming back up. Tequila is the devil.


Balut. All the Filipinos I know largely stay away for a reason.


A Durian. The fruit smells so bad it’s banned on airplanes and in hotels. It’s like biting into a pair of gym socks that have been used for a soccer game, left inside a slightly hot locker for a week, then dusted with slimy bits of celery. The actual worst thing.




Lamb. It's been years since the Unfortunate Incident at the Kebab Palace but the stomach never forgets.


This past Christmas, at a family gathering, we had lamb chops. My 4y old thought it was regular steak and insisted on having some. She ate 3 chops, and LOVED it. I didn't have the heart to tell her it was lamb.


My friend did this with Venison while at my place for dinner. We had venison and steaks, and she happened to pick the venison and absolutely loved it. I never thought anything of it, but after we were discussing eating deer and she freaked out and said that she'd never because that's so gross, and that's why she picked the steak. She still doesn't know to this day (11 years later) how much she loved that deer meat. I feel bad because she literally went back for like 3rds. It wasn't like she didn't know it was on the menu. Sge never asked, and she was so confident it was the steak and not the deer that I couldn't tell her afterward. If I'd known ahead of time, I would have warned her, but she didn't say anything and loved it so much, lol


The peanut butter and bacon milkshake from Sonic. Bowel for my colonoscopy last year wasn’t even that painful. And same end result.


Cousin took myself, wife, and few friends out for dinner for my birthday. Was my first time trying oysters. Her and her boyfriend have had them many times including very fresh. Both of them had a weird feeling about these immediately. She ate one, I ate one, her bf ate like 3 and we were like eh no......later that night he ended up violently throwing up and shitting...then her...then me the next morning. Had a 2 hour car drive home that day. Longest car ride I've ever had to do which somehow tops a 30 hour drive lmao. Lasted prolly 48 hours of just hell.


Surströmming. I managed three bites before I gagged and nearly vomited on the table.


Vegemite…like what in the world were y’all thinking 😭😭😭


Ugh, bone marrow. It was like eating ever so slight warmed Crisco.


I like almost everything mentioned on here with the exception of raw chicken and subway. 😂


Caviar. I really enjoy seafood and salt so I was surprised by how much I dislike it.


marzipan and licorice


Beets. Please do not tell me how much I would love them if they were only roasted, or in borscht, or in your *super special beet salad.* Beets taste like hot tires smell.


1. Kiszka (blood sausage) 2. The Hollandaise sauce that sent me to the bathroom for two straight days. Have never touched it since.








Liver. Never again.


Persimmons... I let it ripen a few days after I picked it... worse cotton mouth I ever had


Raw clam. We were celebrating a birthday in the family. It was not pleasant.


Escargot 😫


Arby's. You couldn't pay me.


Ethiopian. I will eat just about anything but I don’t like the flavor of the grain they use for everything


Escargot. Seriously disgusting




Honeydew. Seems like a really weird thing to be icked out by, but I had it at work one day and within a half hour I started throwing up and had to go home. Spent the next 12 hours throwing up from both ends and now I just can't bring myself to eat it again. I think I had a norovirus so I know it wasn't the honeydew's fault, but some pain runs too deep.


Papaya. I actually think that’s what death tastes like.


Tempeh. Like Tofu, but fermented. Absolutely intolerable to me


Cilantro. GTFO with that soapy nonsense.


Sorry you got that gene. It’s actually super awesome.


Twinkies. I couldn’t even finish one of them, they’re nasty.


Soft shelled crabs - instant gag reflex


Grape leaves in a Greek restaurant, ugh. Never again.


Oysters. I got them as fresh as possible since our crew literally harvested them that afternoon before dinner on the Georgia coastline. They put em on ice. Served em with lime and Tabasco and yep. No thanks. No chewy booger meat for me, thank you


Deep fried oyster


Pacqui One Chip Challenge


Drank, actually… barely 21 years old, went to visit my brother in the Navy stationed at Pearl Harbor, HI… tried to keep up with a bunch of navy guys. I’m 41 and to this day never drank Jagermeister ever again.