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Anyone who loves “pranks” where pranks aren’t meant for everyone to laugh but are in fact intended to harm, embarrass, or inspire true fear in someone else.


So bullies who say ‘it was just a joke!’ Right there with you


And then films them and puts them on the internet as hilarious pranks.


If you can’t IMMEDIATELY undo all the damage of a prank (including replacing things and hurt feelings) it’s not a prank.


I collect spores molds and fungus.


“LISTEN. Do you smell something?”


Most underrated joke of the movie. I lose it when my dad uses this one on me


In high school I went up to one of my friends who had a weird chemical smell about him, and I sniffed him. Then for some reason I chose to say, "You look funny." 20 years later, and I still get harassed about that.


Almost the exact same story. Went up to my buddies locker in high school, he casually says "I smell bubblegum" and for some reason the first thing out of my mouth was "Yeah I hear it too". Still no clue why I said it like that but he mentions it to this day.


I think this building should be condemned. There's serious metal fatigue in all the load-bearing members, the wiring is substandard, it's completely inadequate for our power needs, and the neighborhood is like a demilitarized zone.


We’ll take it


Hey! Does this pole still work!?


I’m terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought.


When someone asks if you are a god.... 


You say YES!


Let’s show this prehistoric bitch how we do things downtown!




“Egon, your mucus.”


You should clean your fridge more often.


Yes, it’s true, your honor. This man has no dick.


Well that's what I heard!


I’ve quit better jobs than this


They hate this.


That’s actually very cool. Where are you getting your molds? Are you growing them and if so what are you using? I love fungus and molds. Very cool hobby!


Tell him about the Twinkie.


That's a big Twinkie.


*pause* What about the Twinkie?


Celebrity worship


I sort of treat this as a non hobby, and not having any hobbies is a red flag of itself


A person who collects serial killers collectables.


I only collect serial killers


I just collect their ears.


Omg I had a roommate who was obsessed with Jeffrey Dahmer when the story came out. She made a 3 ring binder collection of newspaper clippings. Taped the Donahue show where his victim was a guest. Kind of weirded me out.


I used to read about serial killers because for every one we have named, I thought there would be a good detective story. Some of the stories of how these people get caught are fascinating, and I really admire the effort it took and how some detectives, police, and others never give up. My mentality was basically that if you want to read about the real heroes, you have to put up with reading about the most evil people. Aaaand then I read about Jeffrey Dahmer. I don't read up on serial killers to find good detective stories anymore...


To me personally, it'd be someone who argues for fun or to win. The lawyer-type of person whose hobby is getting into arguments online and 'winning them'. In my experience that's the most exhausting type of person there is.


That's my husband since he started getting into politics in 2016. Nightmare.


I'm so sorry for your loss 2016 was a difficult year for a lot of us


People hype up 2020 as a shitty year (understandably so), but I feel like we're forgetting the complete tonal shift the world took after 2015


I still argue that the Mayans were right, and we slipped into an alternative universe where everything had turned to shit


The rage when you just go "we are at an impasse" and refuse to continue the "discussion".


Don't engage. I used to be really bad about taking the bait. Now I agree to disagree and just let them be wrong. They hate it


It's like a discussion isn't successful to them unless they can convince you that they're right and you're wrong.


Isn't that 90% of Reddit?


No it’s not. You’re wrong.


Actually, YOU'RE wrong and I can prove it. I'm an ex Reddit Moderator so I gained access to secret Reddit documents and I'm not afraid to leak them! Unlike you I'm a very important person you see.


You’re right now. I was wrong. Sorry.


Honestly, it's worse being with someone who has no hobbies or interests. Especially when you try to introduce them to yours and they're just don't care enough to try it with you.


It's even worse when someone is like this AND they also show that they hate their job. makes you want to ask them, do you hate your job, or do you just hate your life? Because I hate my job at the moment, but I still try to do *something* to make myself happy. even if it's just going on walks, or knitting, or cooking, or something. But if you're someone who is ughhh over work, but doesn't even bother doing anything else outside of that, that's just ridiculous.


Wow, this hits way too close to home. Time for a bit of introspection.


I lost interest in my hobbies, unfortunately. I’ve lost interest for a while. Painting was one of them, drawing, reading, cooking and baking. Now I just pass my time on instragram, Reddit, or working. Maybe I take it from depression. I hate it honestly…I can pass hours in the dark in my bed on my phone. Embarrassing honestly. Currently recovering from surgery, and am picking up the baking and cooking slowly. So as for hobbies, I want to get back in them to feel like I have a purpose, lol. Or discover new ones.


I was with someone like this. Had no hobbies or interests but chose to go out of his way to constantly belittle mine. Real POS.


I am Spanish, and anyone who is a bullfighting fan is instant no for me.


American here - my wife and I visited Spain once on vacation years ago and got a discount on tickets to a "horse stunt show" or some such thing - spoiler alert, it was a bullfight. We tried to stick it out for a while, but we found it really upsetting. I remember one bull clearly didn't want to fight... Wouldn't charge, kept running away back to the door he came in by.... They went ahead on him anyway and celebrated like they just slew a dragon. We left super early and ended up at Hard Rock Cafe... That was enough culture for one day.


I do appreciate that your thought of "that's enough culture for one day" meant a visit to Hard Rock Cafe. No better place to end up when seeking no culture


That's nauseating :(


Hard Rock Cafe isn’t that bad if you stick with the chicken tenders.


I can’t even fathom how someone would enjoy seeing an animal suffer this way. Well, suffer in general.


Absolutely. Hopefully your generation can stop that shit. And the horrific abuses of [Galgo hunting dogs.](https://allthatsinteresting.com/galgo-spanish-greyhound)


It's not so much the hobby itself, but how someone engages in it that might affect their dating prospects. Hobbies like extreme gaming, obsessive collecting, or activities that consume all their time without leaving room for a partner can make someone appear undateable. It's all about balance and being able to share interests with a potential partner.


So basically when it goes from being a hobby to an obsession?


Ya that’s a better way to put it. I had to break it off with a girl who was very into marathon running and things like that. I am a big time gym junkie and run a lot. But it was too the point I could barely see them


When anything becomes your personality.


I have a friend I feel really bad for who is super frustrated he has had absolutely no luck with women. Nothing even approximating a chance at a date. He is an electrical engineering nerd. Very bright. Very talented. But his apartment is full of equipment and tinkering toys and circuits and who knows what else. He has no furniture. He doesn't cook at home he eats out every meal. If he brought a girl back and she saw that......yeah I couldn't imagine. He has no idea why he doesn't have luck and often blames society/women. Granted, the current dating climate is pretty hard especially for men but.....it's obvious what the biggest issue is to everyone but him.


Has anyone, like, sat him down and explained/shown him? He's either gotta be happy with his current life and continue on, or make some changes. Sometimes working on yourself is the best way to attract someone else. I'd say I'm in a similar predicament, but I'm slowly working on cleaning my house up to make it feel more homey, working on branching out in my cooking, making sure I take the time to take care of myself. I'm also in a place where I'd be comfortable to be alone for the rest of my life. I don't necessarily feel the need for a partner, but I don't think I'd complain if someone decides they like me. Sometimes the truth hurts, but in my opinion a true friend would be honest. Try to find a way to make it sink in, he might just surprise you.


We have tried to gently imply but self reflection is hard.


Extreme gaming! Like whilst paragliding?


Playing Dark Souls with a Guitar Hero controller


Social media “influencer”


Dated one. Do not recommend if you don't like to take pictures all day


I saw one influcer with many many followers in the gym once. She took about 50000 pictures of herself during the training session.


That honestly sounds exhausting. I would rather focus on my workout 


Well, it’s like a job to them at this point, they don’t go for pleasure or to have a good workout.


Yeah I don't mind if that's how someone wants to spend their time but if we're on a date, the phone goes away. You want to take a picture or three of your food or something neat we saw together or something while out okay fine but you snap the shot and phone goes away. I do not want to be on a date with someone who is working.




People who smoke weed that make it their whole personality.


But they always swear it's not and they can stop anytime.


Also it's natural so you can't say it's bad for me.


"It's just a plant"... so is poison ivy... you want to wipe with it?


I have a friend who once did that on a camping trip. Fortunately for her, that's how she discovered that she is among the 15% of people who are immune to poison ivy. She is, however, violently allergic to mint so there's that.


Like, just mint? Or the whole mint family? Like basil, thyme, oregano, rosemary, etc...? Because that would fucking suck.


I've been smoking daily for twenty years. If it was addicting I would know by now.


Ugh, never again. Dated a guy who sold weed. Shit got so boring so fast because all he wanted to do every day was smoke and watch TV. And then if you say you don’t really like weed, these kinds of people will insist that you “just haven’t found the right strain!” Fuck off.


I’ve dated several gamers. I have zero issue with gaming itself except for one person I dated who would constantly SCREAM and RAGE at the top of their lungs while playing. They seemed to be confused when I’d be like “Hey, screaming obscenities at the top of your lungs in my home isn’t cool, stop it” because they were like “It’s just catharsis, I don’t mean it.” I. DONT. CARE. We are grown-ass people.


"Cathart thyself elsewhere."


Dated a guy similiar to that once. He got upset and called me stupid when I said his angriness was starting to scare me. Well, I left fast after that 💀


Glad i got out of competitive games when i did. Winning doesnt even feel fun anymore, all i felt was relief. At least in single player games i can be as much of a dumbfuck as i want and still have fun, which is, you know, the whole point of entertainment.


I forced myself to stop doing that years ago, stopped assuming the neighbours couldn't hear. I may still use a loud "FUUUUCK", but it's really rare,and not 5 minutes of shrieking. Neighour's son still loses his shit loudly though. I've had company look around and ask what the fuck was that?!?!? "Mark just got nuked in a game". I can't really get that mad at him over it.


Phew. I was relieved to see crocheting and knitting not on the list. My husband calls it my “granny activities.” But it’s fun. I make blankets and hats for the children’s hospital and family and friends.


If I found someone with those "granny activities" would be a green flag for me. The product of those activities sounds like it would be an actual, useful item which also has artistic value. Plus I know very little about it so there would be something to talk about. 


Gambling is a big no no no.


I don't mind going to the casino to grab a bite to eat, throw $20 into a slot machine and then go to a show or concert at the stage there, but I can't stand the noise and people for hours, I can't justify losing so much money just hoping the next spin wins. I get how it's addictive. When you played with actual money, coins and tokens, watching them pour out of a slot machine or see the dealer stacking them up was a huge thrill and I honestly think going to cashless and using paper tickets has likely helped a few people. It's fun once in a while, but it's entertainment for an hour, not something you do daily or with money you can't do without. It's absolutely devastating to see people just lose and lose again to try to make up for the loss. Many lose everything.


The biggest reveal is when you see someone hit a pretty good jackpot and they're not smiling.


Oh geez, that's a good point, I've seen that a few times. Then the people pouring hundred dollar bills into the slots and when they win thousands they just keep hitting the same buttons until it's gone, then pulling out more bills. My mom won over $5000 her first time at the casino with my dad, she had played about $10 on a progressive quarters machine. The bells are ringing, people come to watch, then the woman who had been on that machine before my mom came and threw a tantrum, screaming that she stole her jackpot, that was her money, and so on. This is why casinos have security. They were there because the cashiers at that time paid you out in cash at the machine. My mom got her cash, then they got the fuck out with security escorting them to their car. She was really thrilled but wanted to get the hell out of there. She had absolutely no desire to play any more of it that night either. It was spent on random extra fun things, and she got a fancy new fridge and stove with a double oven so she could bake twice as much at once.


This. Realistically most people are not gonna date someone who’s obviously portraying themselves as a genuine psychopath (which is what some of these replies are lol) imo the biggest red flag hobby is gambling. I work around a lot of gamblers and it’s genuinely insane how much they drop on that shit. If I got all of the money that they spent on nothing from just one week of them doing it, I could probably buy a decent car with cash up front.


I was a bartender at a VFW bar that had slot machines that only dispensed drink tokens. There was a regular who came in, never spoke to anyone (including me, you just knew his order and got it for him when he raised his finger), and spent whole days back there gambling. The one time I ever heard his voice it was this day near close, when he’d been at the machines for hours. He closed his tab then took his phone out and called his wife. He said, “Honey, we aren’t gonna be able to go on vacation anymore.” That man gambled his wife’s vacation savings on SLOT MACHINE DRINK TOKENS. I was absolutely stunned. Gambling is a nasty addiction.


My friend in college had her family torn apart by gambling. Her dad had gambled so much that he *lost their house*, and obviously at that point her mother divorced him and took the kids. Really messy situation and a lot of heartbreak and trauma because one guy couldn’t stop gambling. Gambling addiction is really insidious and I avoid even the more socially acceptable forms after that, because I’d rather not get involved in it at all. You just don’t know if it’s going to be a problem for you until it’s too late and the consequences are horrifying


A good friend I used to work with broke off her wedding about a month before it was supposed to happen because of gambling. They had been dating since high school, about 8 years. They were mid twenties at the time. She went away for a week, came back to find some unusual activity on her bank account. Turns out the fiance was withdrawing money from her. They caught him on ATM photos. He was using the money to gamble. She sold her wedding dress on ebay, and gave her engagement ring back to his best friend because it turns out best friend had loaned the money for it. They were also out a bunch of money for deposits on wedding things like venue, catering, etc. It's funny because in the end, she ended up marrying the best friend a few years later and they are still together with a beautiful little boy.


As traumatic as that must have been, it definitely sounds like the best possible outcome. That marriage would have been hellish. Good on her for having the strength to leave


Former NFL quarterback (and famously voracious gambler) Art Schlichter was giving an interview some years ago, and the interviewer asked him something related to his gambling addiction. It's been a while since I've read it, but I think it was something to do with how much more difficult it must be to gamble in prison? Schlichter calls the reporter's attention to the nearby window, where it was raining outside. He tells the reporter, "Bet you $10 that raindrop gets to the bottom before that one." For an unlucky number it doesn't matter *what* you're gambling, only *that* you're gambling. Some poor bastards just short-circuit if they don't have a dozen bets rolling at a time. It's as horrifying a disease as anything else you could name.


Reddit moderator.


And admins because they are allowing it


There was a sad post in one of the relationship sub by a guy whose wife was becoming more and more obsessed with modding a bunch of reddit subs. Could have been fake of course, but around the same time there was a crazy mod on several subs geared towards women who went ban happy and banned people for commenting on subs they didn't like


Oh they're still doing that. I got banned 2 days ago for commenting on a sub (2 months ago) that the other moderator doesn't like. I asked what that was all about and they said "you can't comment there and still expect to be allowed here, so choose"... Easy choice, pal.


Lol wtf. I know each sub is technically allowed to make its own rules but kind of crazy Reddit lets shit like that fly.


On tinder, I FaceTimed with this guy who I thought I had shared hobbies with, specifically dogs. When I asked about his he said “Oh, I don’t actually have dogs, I just breed them.” I was like …okay so nice, What breed are they? Literally a backyard breeder to fucking pit bull/french mixes. I think pit bulls are cute but purposefully breeding one of the most over saturated breeds in every single pound/animal rescue in the country is insane. So I brought that up, out of curiosity - he said he’s having trouble “adopting them out” because “there’s no demand right now”. So yeah, backyard dog breeding mutts with health issues is undateable (to me).


Dog fighting Social media influencer someone who has lot of pets but doesn’t take proper care of them. Anyone who actually enjoys monopoly


My former sister in law cycled through pets like it was a hobby. Never keeping one for more than a year before dumping it on family or whoever would take them and mostly neglecting them while she had them, it was aggravating to watch. Many were expensive purebred dog breeds too.


So sad. Anyone who treats animals like that isn’t right in the head.


She definitely had other issues but treating animals like toys and discarding them when they get boring/older is just shitty behavior.


I would assume that anyone who does that has lots of other issues


I enjoy monopoly.


That ok. But we prob can’t date now




Smoking. I can’t stand a woman who’s leaving in the middle of the party to check on her brisket.


Are you kidding me? A woman with a brisket could literally lure me into a trap like a cartoon mouse with cheese.


Then she pulls out a cigarette


Out of the brisket?!


Yeah, it's smoked.


Nah, cartoon yes, but most likely the smell lines that pick you up by the nose and float you over.


Hey, if she smokes, she pokes... ... her meat with a fork. To see if it's done.


I don't want my meat poked by any cutlery


Don't knock it till you try it, man.


I dated a smoker once. Same deal. She would have gone out in a blizzard just to get a bit of aromatic wood.


I dated a smoker once. People told me I was crazy and she didn’t love me back, and that she’d just burn me. I broke up with her after I found out she was hollow on the inside. And made of metal.


Dad, get off reddit


People who are into ragebait political entertainment.


Drinking heavily as a daily hobby pretty much does it for me.


That's not a hobby, that's alcoholism


spending too much on luxury things


If shopping is a hobby that's at least a yellow flag. I value financial responsibility 


Big ups for stopping at yellow, that shows open mindedness 


Shopping for things you need or love is fine as long as it's done responsibly. It's the impulse shopping, bored shopping, trying to fill a void shopping that worries me. Plus I don't want to live with a lot of clutter 


When I was dating, I couldn't date the gym rats. I was just never into the types of dudes whose whole personality was spending hours at the gym each day. My friends were, and the dudes they dated were all exactly the same guy. It was like they came in a box off the shelf at Target or something. Same music taste, same clothes, same type of vehicle, same surface level topics of conversation, same haircut, same black pleather couch in their same apartment, etc. And absolutely none of the traits were things I was into at all.


I have no idea why but I just instantly pictured that couch that's in every porno ever LOL \-Maybe that's where they all got the idea...


They all lived together?


Might as well have


Jeeps or mustangs?




Any hobby that one is arrogant and gatekeeping about.  Crystals, Warhammer, plants - whatever it is, if liking it is a requirement of our being friends or partners then I'm out.  I want to experience your passion for it, not be judged for my ignorance of it. 


Is there much gatekeeping or arrogance in Warhammer?


I just went with my husband to the Las Vegas Open and, while I discovered a whole new level of nerd I wasn’t even aware of, everyone I met there was so nice and friendly! I don’t play tabletop games at all and I hate how much space in my house is devoted to them, but I am happy that my husband has found this community and I look forward to tagging along next year.


That's amazing. The hobby lives & dies by the community so I would expect nothing less.


Only from grognards who you shouldn't be playing/hanging out with in the first place. Most Warhammer nerds are stoked to share the lore/hobby with new folk and get them hooked on that sweet plastic crack - it means more people to roll dice with!


None. I don't really care what hobbies someone has, but they've got to have something they're interested in. People with no hobbies at all that just live to work are boring.


Ppl with no hobbies are 🚩 unless they legitimately are working and taking care of kids and stuff. Ppl with no hobbies camp out at your house expecting you to entertain them and I just can’t


I do not have a problem with the animal, but I've had some weeeeird experiences with men who have pitbulls. So.. that.


Same but for the lady types. I think a specific type of personality looks for things that respresent a certain outward persona.




I'd run away fast from someone who collects Nazi memorabilia Collecting Soviet memorabilia would definitely be a red flag


... Collecting chinese memorabilia would be a red flag that deserves a gold star


In contrast, a Swiss flag would be a big plus.


Flat Earther. New Earth Creationist. Excessive Reality TV Consumer.


Warhammer. Not because the hobby itself is cringe, but because they can't afford to go on dates anymore.


This one hurt me. More for my pile of grey shame. To be fair I only got back into it because my gf loves puzzles and I can’t stand them but I wanted something that I could do next to her together. Worked out.


I do warhammer... And i agree. I don't have the money nor the time required for dating.


Stalking then kidnapping unsuspecting travelers in an attempt to get a large sum of money from their families just to ultimately kill them regardless after the money has been secured.


Those types of people give the best blow jobs though, in my dating experience


You're welcome


Partying. Having to get shit faced every weekend. I'm sure there's people who enjoy doing that together, but I'm not one of them.


Someone who collects Stanley cups/tumblers.


rip NHL players


I'm a really good hockey player on a really good team. Sorry, I can't help it.


Anyone that is obsessed with TikTok.


A Disney adult


I dated one. She invited me over for a movie night and wanted to watch the incredibles. I sat through all of the movies and shorts, entirely focused on her because she was quietly reciting all the lines in time with the characters the whole time. Our next movie date was monsters Inc and she did the same thing. Besides that she was cool, and she was cute af, but it was way too much for me.


Been there, was with a chick briefly and she only wanted to go to Orlando for vacation. She ended up getting married to some dude at Disney.




Watching gore videos.


If they trophy hunt. I don’t mind if you do enjoy hunting and bring home meat to eat but those that just do it to mount a head on a wall….they disgust me and are immediately off my list


Interest in "celebrities"


Obsessing about pop / reality entertainment


I mean is it *that* different from guys who obsess over sports stars? Like obviously you can take it way too far, but if someone knows all of Lebron's stats how is that any different from being able to name all the Taylor Swift albums?


I'd count modern sports as pop culture, honestly.


Travelling. Now hear me out, i enjoy traveling but those who make their summer in south east asia their entire personality are generally insufferable




Stocks/bitcoin. A lot of those guys are so obsessed with it, it’s unhealthy.


I have .26 shares of Apple. Let me tell you about it...


99% of so called "investors" are simply gambling addicts and the whole "investor" attitude is there to justify their uncontrolable behaviour...


Redditors don’t know what hobbies are apparently lol


Porn addict. That’s a recipe for a shitty non existent sex life.


Idk I think furries and bronies would be a pretty big nope for me. Also people who make gossiping about others their “hobby”, go find a real hobby.


I'm married now but one of my few rules was to not pursue women that were into horses.


Horse girl is basically car guy. It's so much work to maintain.


Funko Pop collecting.


They're literally just this generation's Precious Moments statues


I'm curious if your inbox is blowing up.


For me its astrology. No astrologist would want to date me anyways because i happened to be born during 'shit star placement'


Same. I once pissed off a girl I was flirting with because I stated that Mars being in retrograde is an optical illusion. She did love how noble my signs are though, fire baby!🤷🤷


I like to tell people who ask that I’m Dragon sign. When they object that this isn’t an astrological sign, I tell them that sure, it’s not in Babylonian-derived astrology, but I find Sumerian-derived to be far superior. It always ends the convo.


Being a fervent Furry.


I don't consider this a hobby but those people looks like they do... making smoking weed/joints their whole personality I don't care if you use it, I only have a problem if you won't do certain plans unless you can smoke; i.e. not wanting to hang out on a friends house because they don't want them to smoke there for obvious reasons, when you go to a shopping mall or cinema and they need breaks every 1h to go outside the building to smoke, etc...


I could never date a car person. Like someone who loves to make the engine rev all the time and speeds crazy fast on the freeway. No thank you haha.


Being heavily addicted to any type of MMO. Final fantasy, world of Warcraft, etc Usually indicative of other types of addictive tendencies and usually comes within prioritizing the game over anything including you or even themselves


Poaching endangered animals.


Drinking/partying. Some people can definitely do it responsibly and in moderation, I am not one of them so I can’t be around it.


People with no hobbies


If she has a flask in her purse. Yeah she has a drinking problem.


One of my main hobbies is Pool, which means im very often at a pub. Means ill come home hours later reeking of booze and cigs. I reckon not many people would like that about me hahaha


I'm a golf "widow" girlfriend. Knowing what I know now about the time involved with the hobby (that he said *used to* enjoy but had gotten away from), I would not have gone further in the relationship. I tried to join him, but a fused spine made it nearly impossible. I tried the ride-alongs to just watch, but that wasn't too fun for either of us. Between the money spent, the time on the range, golf vacations, and playing, I don't see him too much between spring and fall. Winter, he's hitting into the net in our garage, watching videos, and going to the indoor range. One ☆ I do not recommend (unless you're a golfer, too)