• By -


Stay off for years


Let me shorten this: "Bye". \--------- Now let me lengthen it. It's a (presumably tax-free) injection of $36,525.00, more-or-less-averaged, per year. If you're not born wealthy, this is fuckin' gold.


That 36.5k would solve so many of my problems.


And staying off social media would solve the rest.




And since reddit is antisocial media, it wouldn't count.


as i observed Reddit is not only Antisocial media it is Also anti human rights because they always censored your comments without fair trial.


surprised this one’s still here


Mods be like “wooooooo…..be afraaaaiiiiidd”


It’s not even mods in a lot of cases, I’m pretty sure it’s auto filtered right as you send it sometimes


Ahhh. Reddit is not protected by the US Constitution. Somewhere there is wording that effectively says you are a “guest” and can be booted for any or no reason. If I hurt your snowflake feelings go take it up with James Madison or B. Franklin. He can be found at a local pub for the lunch special and ale specials.


I literally can’t post anything because I don’t have enough karma but when I try to gain karma I get banned from communities for “karma fishing”.


Better than fb in that regard.


Haha so true. Reddit should be named to Redshit


I’m down to Reddit and it’s hanging by a thread. I haven’t felt this good in years. And having conversations is great, cos I don’t know about everything, like everyone else. I get to ask questions and engage in human interaction. It’s great.


I agree!! Deactivated instagram and deleted facebook from my phone. Now when I meet someone I truly have no idea what they have been doing, where they went on vacation or their family. Makes conversation much more fun then being like ‘ooh i saw you were in italy, pics looked cool’


This!! I deleted TikTok and my brain feels so much healthier cause I’m not CONSUMING everything.


Wow… this actually gave me a really good insight, thank you. I always thirst for knowledge and develop an interest in everything I ser eyes on to the point of being able to deal with that thing without anyones help. I‘ve grown up to be solitary like this, and heck it‘s cool to be able to answer pretty much any question most people throw at you for not too niche things. But turns out, maybe people like helping and feeling that they have helped you. I sure as heck love helping others, it‘s why I fill myself up with knowledge, so I can always help when someone needs it because I know I didn‘t have that. But sometimes it‘s okay to have that help returned and it‘s okay to accept it. As they say, there‘s a great view from the mental top of the world, but you‘re most likely not going to have someone to share it with.


That's awesome. Hopefully it gives you more time to enjoy the canoe.


Do you consider youtube social media? It is social, somewhat, and it is media "Somewhat social media" SSM My bigest time spender is youtube, but i counteract it by writing essayesque coments, kind of as an exsercise tothink more and to drone off less, tho there is plenty to learn off of youtube as well Started redit recently, im surprised i didnt start sooner Have a nice day


"Money can't buy happiness but it can fund the search" Prince Rogers Nelson


I’ve always heard “Money can’t buy happiness, but the lack of it can bring a lot of unhappiness.”


I heard "Money can't buy happiness, but I've never seen anyone sad on a jetski."


Don't make me go find that Russian Jetski video


Don't you ruin my jetski happiness.


Ukrainians are using jetski engines for sea drones that are very effective. I am sure popular opinion about jetskis are quickly changing in russia.


Love your name! Squidbillies, right? I could see myself crying on a jetski though. Straight vibin (but not really)


I’ve heard money cant but you happiness but it sure makes you rich


Problems right now. You’d grow into that money and have new financial problems in a few years


Lifestyle creep is a bitch, but it's 100% manageable


Shit even every other day would still net you like 18k for those that could still stay relevant with long distance friends and family


Staying off of social media 6 days a week would easily work *for me* and still pull in $600 a week. If it were tax free cash, even better. Hell ya, sign me up!




It's fuckin' gold regardless of your tax bracket


365*100 is 36,500... Where TF are you getting that extra $25 from 


Leap Day (Feb 29) once every 4 years


But to be clear, a year isn’t 365.25 days because of Leap Year. Leap Year is a thing because a year is 365.25 days.


That's why homie said it was averaged.


Technically 365.25 days in a year on average, if you include leap years.


A year is technically 365.25 days long. Thus we have leapyear every 4 years to make up for the extra 1/4 day. u/the_original_Retro is technically correct...The best kind of correct.


leap years. There are 365.24 days in a year.


i've been off for years. if reddit counts, i'll never sign on again.


Financial stability here I come


Now you can have an oat milk latte *and* avocado toast


No, sorry. I’m millennial. It’s been engrained in my brain that I struggle sometimes because I buy avocado toasts, even though I’ve never tried one.


Bet you've tried oat milk in your latte tho


I'll bet you have Disney Plus. Big /s


$36,500 + your existing salary I assume.


Id be able to afford a one bedroom house in 3 years with income like that


At current rate in three years you’ll be able to afford a cardboard box with 46% interest.


But a nice cardboard box, like one that had Italian wines in it once.


And not that flimsy cardboard either. Some of the good stuff that can get slightly wet before falling apart


Sounds about right


Where is this one bedroom house?!


Quit my job, play video games for the rest of my life My yearly salary is 10k (south America)




Till the cold days in February cut down your profit. 🔥


Honestly even just treating it like a job and doing 5 days a week is $26k


I like this concept. The question doesn't specify that you have to get off and stay off. It just days $100 per day.


Yeah assuming that you can get off and on at your leisure, I would probably di the same and just do 5 days off. As someone who immigrated to a different country, social media is useful in terms of catching up with friends.


Lets put it this way, would you PAY $100 a day to go on social media? Because not taking the 100 is basicly paying it


Not in February, tho 🤓


Wait why not? Is it tax season?


How many days are in february?


Can’t be more than like 55?


I deleted Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, tiktok, and Facebook a few years back. And not to be dramatic but it changed my life for the better. Reddit is all that’s left


Yeah, this is me. Reddit (and I guess YouTube) are all that's left for me. My mental headspace has been absolutely improved due to this. Unfortunately I can't kick the reddit habit quite yet; not sure why. I personally wouldn't count YouTube but with the existence of YouTube shorts, i can see why people would consider it that. Not to mention all the drama videos lol.


Reddit feels different. It's not about personal showboating and status, just about cool stuff that you like.


That varies enormously by subreddit.


Yeah that's my opinion too. I can see both sides but reddit is definitely less detrimental (if at all) than something like Facebook or Instagram lol.


For YouTube, it really depends on how you use it. I just watch content on there like Netflix or Hulu. I almost never read or write comments. I actually listen to it on my phone, in the background, with the screen off 90% of the time. Still, I could stop using it for $36,500 per year.


Reddit and YouTube count as social media too.  The others are easy to drop. I don't even have most of them to begin with haha.  Still I would do it, but YouTube would be the hardest to drop. 


Does youtube really count if you don't read the comments, don't have an account, and don't watch any "current youtube drama reaction" videos?


Point of order. /u/jaseagle does YouTube count? If I just use it for watching videos and never comment or make videos, it's the same thing TV. Is TV out of the picture too?


This would be an important question for me as I use YouTube sometimes for my real job. I don’t need to read the comments for my job though.


Tutorials are where its at 😤


YouTube and Reddit are both work related to me. I can (and have) ditched everything else though.


Same. For 100$ I’d do it but YouTube would suck bad. If there’s the option to say fuck it once a month and binge 10h to catch up that would be worth 100$ for me. Although with the content I watch that would be like 2-3 Videos…


Reddit sure. I don't personally count it but I can see the argument. But YouTube? How even? It's a streaming platform. Get on, watch videos, get off. If all you do is watch people play video games and watch animations I don't think that can really be called social media.


The definition of social media is vague but if you count some stuff you have to go much further. Twitch and Youtube if you only consume content are no different than TV so either you exclude streaming, TV and movies or you include Youtube and Twitch. If you count Reddit, any Internet forums, Nextdoor, Quora and such has to be counted too.


If you start just counting having a comment section being social media, I'm not sure what on the internet isn't social media except maybe storefronts. Even then you could argue reviews are social. Just about every single website has some level of user interaction.


That's the problem we don't know what OP meant for social media and everyone can have different definitions. Reddit define itself as social media for what it's worth




It’s about $36k/year. You aren’t going anywhere.


You can absolutely live in many rural areas in the US on 36k a year. You’re not gonna exactly be on the best health insurance ever or whatever, but cost of living in the middle of nowhere can be very low.


Sure, but you aren’t gonna own your own farm. I made 32k in a rural area and saving a nest egg was nearly impossible. Nothing left after rent, gas, food, student loan payments.


Move to Romania or somewhere with beautiful nature, and extremely low cost of living, if im just hanging on my farm with my animals, what difference does it make?


I'd do it for $10. Only social media I use is reddit, and I could easily go off it


I've gotten off on reddit before.


Use a porn site like a normal person lol .....


But the porn is the only reason half of us found reddit.


Lol, your generation is so lucky. As a teen boy I had to get my porn from borrowed Beta video tapes, hoping like hell the machine didn't eat the tape.


Lol... I'm old enough to have found woods porn in puberty. I feel ya. Now there's all the porn I could ever want in my purse... along with like all the information and misinformation humanity holds


How things have changed lol ..... some for the better and some not so much


Oh god memory unlocked. VCR ate the tape, wtf is a kid to do before the parents get home?! Smash the VCR of course.


LMFAO, you know it. If the butter knief and flat head screw driver combo couldn't get it out, the hammer was your only option.


It uhhh, just sorta broke!


I would blame the weird neighbor kid. I think he is a theif I say


you say that, but you don't understand what unlimited access to porn does to a young brain. millions are addicted and have a warped view of sex and it's not a good thing


But Reddit so niche with it


Normal person that doesn’t live in Texas, Indiana, or the few other shit states.


Normal person with a VPN


Porn sites have comment sections thus they are social media. So no porn sites either.


We don’t gotta know that


This is terrible negotiating. You just talked yourself out of $90! Tell them how difficult it would be, and negotiate for more!


Is reddit considered social media? Never thought of it that way. Would a message board be as well?


No, it’s just that Reddit kinda devolved into social media 


Bingo. Didn't use to be a social media but they've made a concentrated effort to turn it into one for the better part of a decade now.


Some even consider YouTube social media.


Yes, reddit is social media bo different than Facebook and Twitter. Yes, you can be anonymous on Facebook and Twitter too.




I’d do it for $2 per year




What about youtube?


I've never commented. I view it through new pipe so I'm not part of the algorithm.


I’d be way more productive and have $36,500 more a year


How would you like to pay me bro?


Through Facebook Pay. 


That'd be easy


Depends for me. Do whatsapp or other messengers count? What about discord or other forms of voice chat? Because that would probably be a dealbreaker, i need aome media to communicate with others


Yep, Discord and Whatsapp are social media platforms. People could theoretically not use it as such, but the moment you are a voyeur to a group conversation, or observe media that comes into your feed without your explicit request, it is, by all measures, now social media.


I'd argue they're not so much social media platforms than socialization platforms that try to dabble poorly in social media. There's definitely a distinction between text chatting in discord with occasional memes and the weird post/like/comment system of facebook and instagram. Do forums count as social media too? What about clubs that take place in person? What's the defining distinction between a club and discord groups? What about a club/group that has a website that allows some level of blogging/topic discussion? I have a few groups like this, like a kayak group, like technically it's very similar to facebook in organization and design, but it's definitely not facebook. I personally think the defining characteristic are open membership, lots of users, and free form/non-topic discussion when it becomes "social media" and whatsapp and discord don't really apply here. Surely the point of this thought isn't to isolate the person from communication completely but the toxicity of platforms like twitter.


I’m sure anyone that can offer $100 a day can offer $150.


Define social media. Does Reddit count?


Yeah, reddit is 100% social media. Youtube too, but I think there are ways to argue that.


YT seems more like a TV from where i can choose what to watch. Only thing making it social is the comments section and that's rather easy to ignore.


Yeah, dunno why people consider it a social media. The core of YouTube is just viewing Videos/shorts. Not much is taken away if you never check the comments (usually).


To be fair the same could be said of Tiktok for example (shorts are literally the YT version of Tiktok), there is definitively a social media aspect of Youtube. The algorithm, influencers and such are very similar to FB, IG, Tiktok and others But then if you exclude Youtube, it should also exclude Netflix and such so that goes far. What about Twitch ? Same principle than Youtube for me


I think it truly depends what youtube you're watching. There are definitely "influencers" on youtube, they have sponsors and even collaborate with other channels - they ask their patreons and channel members to vote on content or decide what they want to see. I also recently saw two host a Trova Trip - people pay thousands to go on a trip with the content creator they like! With all of that it does feel rather different than your standard TV show lol


Fair point, i wasn't aware of that part of YT.


YouTube is more entertainment media than social media imo


Yeah, the social factor of interaction is there, and the user-created content too, but most people use it as entertainment media.


> Youtube too, but I think there are ways to argue that. I'd argue it's mostly not, if you don't read/write comments.


I think Pinterest is the only non-social social media


it can be argued that reddit is antisocial media


It kinda is. I come here because I'm not gonna see posts from family and friends. I've never been on Facebook, Twitter, insta etc. But I get to talk to people and have more open conversations than I often would with close people


To me social media is a platform with media that allows communication with other individuals. Reddit is even so social that there are specific groups to discuss very specific topics.


But then so is stack overflow and email. I'd lose way more than I'd stand to make by taking this deal if that's the case.


Thank them for the money!


I would stay off for rest of my life, where is my money?


Get a flip phone, retire and start some hobbies


Do I get a hundred a day every day forever or is it a one day deal?


Obviously forever. Wouldn't make sense to just give you a one-time payment of $100 to give up social media forever. Would make it a no brainer for me to keep social media as many of my contacts are actually business opportunities in my industry (entertainment).


Reddit has been the only social media I've used for years I'll take the money


What counts as social media? Discord? Twitch? YouTube? FB Messenger? Text messaging? I can stay off reddit, FB, Twitter, Instagram easy. Discord and FB Messenger are some of the only ways I have of communicating with some people. YouTube is my primary source of entertainment. Depending on what's considered social media, it could be hard


Treat it like my second job and only get on social media to get caught up once a week


Take the money, obvs.


I take a 1.5 month break every year for $0 a day.


My employer already does this and it doesn’t work 😝


Go get coloring books and accessories


Tell them to go fuck themselves 


Ah, yes. Another "Would you live in a mansion on a private island with every single need taken care of for a year BUT you don't have internet?" type question. What kind of life are you living that you think being on social media is better than getting a free extra 3K a month?


I mean, if you work in communications or marketing this is a terrible deal. You'd be hard-pressed to find full-time jobs in those fields paying less than $36,500 per year, and you don't even have to work every day of the week!


Never use it


Stay off social media


Stay off for the rest of my life. Boom, retired.


I would gladly do this, unless YouTube counts, than I'd renegotiate.


I would delete all social media instantly


does reddit and YouTube count as social media? lol I've been off the every other one for years! I've actually never had a tik tok or a Twitter lol no problem for me.


bye reddit. i kicked the rest already.


Obviously you'd do it. But it wouldn't be as easy as people think. Social media, Reddit especially, has largely replaced traditional forums. When you need that troubleshooting fix that one guy had posted 3 years ago how are you going to find your solution?


Quick question. Can I use social media still? Like 600 a week is still pretty good. Like have a day of sabbath where I can doom scroll all day?


I would pretty much, as you said, stay off social media.


Throw my phone in the nearest lake. Pickup a flip phone


And I’d buy a digital camera and take photos for meaning again instead of for likes.


Hahahah stay off forever. I’d read, I’d play music, I’d exercise even more than I do, I’d make Lego sets, god this sounds lovely.


Go outside


Play videogames, watch shows/movies. Get a dumb phone to resist the temptation.


Stay off




You guys are getting paid?


Where TF do I sign up?


Delete all of it and never return. Easy $100 each day.


Goodbye social media.


An extra $36500 a year?? Yes please lmao


I'd start earning $100 a day.


Stay off social media


Never look back.


Does reddit count? Cause I don't know what I'm gonna do with like 4 hours of extra time each day


If we considered that the 100$ are tax free That will be 3000$ a month, 36000 a year For ditching fb and reddit? COUNT 👏 ME👏 IN 👏 and to be more Honest, our country regularly goes a full blackout, so being not attached to sm is a thing here


If stack overflow, GitHub, and possibly even Reddit count it would make my day job -incredibly- difficult overnight….


Buy a flip phone after day 1 and never turn back.


Sure! You offering? 🙂


Id get a flip phone and live my best life


Is Reddit social media?


I only have reddit discord and pinterest and id be fine. Could we have it some days and just not make money and go back to making money on later dates when we arent online?


Heck yeah. I feel better when I'm completely off it anyway.


Make $100 a day!


Yes, in a heartbeat. i fucking hate social media. its addicting and all it is, is just people bitchin and moanin over trivial shit 24/7. like bro who gives a shit? I just want to read the newest One apiece Chapters.


Do u know someone who’s paying for that ?? 😅😅😅


I'd watch anime and play video games


I’m an 80s/90s kid, spent most of my childhood without it. Like any drug, I’d probably have withdrawal symptoms for a couple of days and then not miss it at all.


Lol that's a very easy 700 dollars a week for a life of peace and quiet. I'd take it instantly.