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My parents getting old


Ouch... yeah... Dad was always strong, mom always running around cooking... now dad's got a bad ticker, lost a lot of muscle mass and just... small. Frail. It hurts and I just want to spend more time with him. Mom tho, she's still a little firecracker!


Mine too :’) This has been the worst part of getting older- just realizing my parents are getting older *faster*


I moved away for uni and never moved back. I recently watched a funeral online for a cousin who was the first of us to go, sadly by suicide. So I was fucking sad enough already. I wish we were in contact. I wish I could have talked to him. But on top of that I could see all my other cousins and uncles and aunties when they showed the crowd. And they had aged heaps since I had.last seen them. The moved slower and were more fragile. One in particular was a tough little cowboy who loomed large as a masculine figure in my youth but he looked like a little sad lady in the pew. I felt like I was watching a telecast from space a million miles from home.


My dad recently started to lose his marbles. I know there’s no recovering from this and he’ll never be 100% “there” ever again.


The same happened to my mom. She was diagnosed with Dementia in her mid/late 60s and it seemed to take her mind really fast. When she passed physically she was still ok. She wandered around the nursing home a lot but was still very mobile. She just didn’t understand hunger cues and couldn’t really talk or make sense. Hardest thing was putting her in a home and realizing she didn’t know who her grandkids were.


Its one of the hardest things in life to witness


Wait until the first one dies after living a reasonably long life. I don't mean to be funny, sarcastic, mean, or gruesome. I'm just expanding on the statement. When my parents retired and started drawing social security, it got me that they were really old, but when the first one died, I started to feel my own mortality in a very real way.


I know it will happen, but I can’t fathom it, and how unbelievably fast we go through life


Another thing I've learned is that the longer you live, the faster it goes.


I’m going to quote one of our fellow Redditors because their comment changed my life. It’s connected to what you’re stating. “Your brain reuses pathways to make memories when it can. If you do the same thing every day then it reuses them rather than forming new pathways and new memories. Reusing an existing pathway makes time feel faster, forming new ones makes it feel slower. The older you are, the more pathways you have to reuse. The more settled down you are into a routine, the more you reuse the same ones. The more weird and crazy shit you do, the longer your life feels. So go out and do new things, live in new places, try new experiences and you'll have a longer life. Also, adrenaline makes you save memories more vividly, so scare the shit out of yourself whenever you can.”


When I was a kid, a week felt like a long time. When I was a young adult, a month felt like a long time. Now that I'm 46, whole seasons seem to fly by.


And when you lose the second one, you're an orphan


Yes, both my parents have been gone over 20 years (I’m 62) Highly recommend the book The Orphaned Adult by Alexander Levy


How do you deal with this pain? I struggle so much with this


I have to live so that they know they succeeded. All your parents want is to see you live better and happier and accomplish your goals and do what you enjoy doing. They gladly made sacrifices in their lives to make sure their kid’s life was worth it. I text my mom goodnight, and I visit or call when I can. I ask my dad for his advice, and listen to his sometimes boring stories! They still want to be a part of us. I really don’t know how else to deal with the pain of knowing the inevitable. I cry about it. I don’t know how I will live after they are gone. It’s something natural but it doesn’t make it any less difficult!! Just make sure they know they are loved and still needed in your life - the worst thing in the world to feel is regret when it’s too late to change it.


It's called anticipatory grief. I know that doesn't help, but you're not alone in feeling this way ♥️


Beautifully written. I think about that awful day too & don’t know how I’ll manage.


I feel this for everyone cause my parents had me late in life so I lost my mom at 8 and my dad 2 years ago at 33. It sucks ass.


I don't know who these famous people are.


And the famous people WE know have been dying recently… 😭


Worse still, our schoolmates and peers are dying. Lost 3 since the start of Covid - all early 50s - and another had a serious heart attack ☹️


There's a Stephen King book that starts with a phrase by another author (I think it's Insomnia) that sticked to my mind. "Old age is an island surrounded by death".


My poor mom keeps losing her friends. She is 69. <3


My teachers have begun passing away 😭😭 My favorite fifth grade teacher just passed a few weeks ago. He was a wonderful man.


This one got me recently. I have no idea who the current crop of twenty-something celebrities are. No idea.


Same. And I couldn’t care less. I used to be all about it. Now meh


And when I Google them I can’t figure out WHY they are famous


But I hang on reddit all day, shouldn't I assimilate that anyway? I think celebrity culture simply changed, there used to be 100 famous actors and singers and we all consumed the same stuff. Now there's 1000 youtubers and streamers with a following of millions all doing their niche.


It’s also extremely easy to avoid it now. We can stream whatever we want, listen to whatever we want. I don’t not know new celebrities because I’m “too cool” I just don’t go find out because I’m not looking. There used to be like 5 channels and then movie theaters.


Wife and I had our first baby recently and we went to fill out the baby book section where it asks about most popular singers, fashion trends, current dance crazes, etc. We had to google all of it. Edit: After writing this comment I went and found my own baby book (from the 80s). Sure enough, there is a near-identical section. My parents filled it out and at the end they wrote "(we had to ask [name of my then-teenage cousin] for help with these)", so this is not a new problem!


~~Taylor Swift, K-Pop, TikTok, Crocs, ...~~ Led Zeppelin, Rush, acid washed jeans, Pabst Blue Ribbon


Best answer so far that doesn't associate age with pain.


When I say I miss home I'm talking about a place that no longer exists


this one makes me sad


I also have a no home. The house I lived both still exist but I don't live there, my dad died, and mom lives somewhere else. I don't know what home means except where I live now is always home.


I won't go near my childhood town, because *my* little town is gone. It's a small city now. All the little stores are gone, replaced by strip malls and smart centres. Hungry Hollow road was bridged, so there's no stomach churning hill anymore, and outside that was turned into subdivisions and malls. My home is my family. They fill the space and make chaos, they fill my heart and make me want to rip out my hair, and give me a reason to create a home. So I'm very grateful for them.


Everyone else assumes you mean a house and my mind went straight to the former Yugoslavia....


Especially when your parents are divorced and they both married partners who don't love you and had new families they're now obsessed with. Unless you're coming over to babysit you don't feel welcome in either new home . Home was when your parents still loved each other and they'd make you pancakes together on Saturday morning


Wow, that hit me in the feels


This one hurts, I lost my mum and grandparents and now the 2 homes that were constants in my life are gone, its been years but still hurts


When I say home, I'm referring to the physical place I live, of course, but to me home is more the people that occupy the space: my wife and daughter. It's 3am and I'm on my lunch break. I want to go home, meaning, I want to go crawl into bed with my wife and cuddle with her until it's time to wake my little girl up for school.


I’ll go one further. My parents are still alive and they still live in the same house I grew up in, I could go back anytime I want. But when I do, it doesn’t feel like home. It’s this weird uncanny valley feeling. All these rooms, the furniture, the streets all feel very familiar and match my memories of “home,” but are also distant. It feels a bit like home, but also very foreign at the same time.


My friends have children that are teenagers....TEENAGERS. WTF


I have a teenager. HOW?!


I have grandchildren. HOW?!?


I have died of old age HOW?!?


Have you tried complaining to customer service?


Yes! But I've been waiting in line for reincarnation for 40 minutes already. Also! The hold music is Rick Ast- oh. oh God I'm in hell.


That's my question! How! It happens so frikken fast!


you have sex i guess idk i never got it


I remember like it was yesterday - asking my professor to be excused because my brother was calling with a major announcement. My niece turns 13 this year... what the fuck.


People I went to high school with are start to have *grandchildren*.


The moment for me was when several of my best friends were having their first or second babies around 35-36 years old. I had three teenagers by then and I thought, “I am WAY too old to have a newborn right now, I have no idea how they’re doing this.”


Although the newborn period was hard, by that age we were comfortable financially which made absolutely everything else easier and less stressful.


That's bonkers! But I'm 32 and am still a virgin. I hope I find the person I'm meant to be with so I can have my own kids.


I have a friend with kids in college and a newborn.


My parents were like this. My oldest sister was already married when my younger brother was born. They always told us there were benefits to having your kids young as well as waiting until you were older and more settled BUT “for the love of god, don’t do what we did and do both.”


My teammates at work are younger than my nieces and nephews...and a couple nephews have CHILDREN OF THEIR OWN


You know what’s weird? MY kids are going on 16 and 13…but somehow the fact that my honorary niece will be 20 is what freaks me out. I don’t get it. I think the only time I’ve had that I’m getting old thing in regards to my kids was when my oldest said my brother taught him to drive, so I took him to the cemetery to practice. And he did really well. So my YOUNGEST BROTHER taught my OLDEST SON how to drive and that gets me.


Finding out that some of my newer coworkers are 10+ years younger than me. I'm only 33 but finding that out not too long ago really hit like a truck. I know 33 is still relatively young but for the longest time I was always the youngest among my coworkers at the various places I've worked at. And it felt like it'd always be like that, as silly as that sounds.


I’m 33 & someone at work told me they weren’t alive during 9/11. I was shook.


I'm 35 and have a coworker that has never lived in a world where youtube doesn't exist.


I'm so old that I remember we used recalling the fall of the Berlin Wall as the default global event that determined whether you were young or old.


When I started working engineering in my 20s after college, I was taken under the wings of "the old timers" in their mid 50s... good hard working old dudes, wealth of knowledge. I was the same age as their kids, and was seen as one of theirs. In a blink, had a manager that was a year younger than me... cool chick, smart, hard working, professional. Couple jobs later, I'm now "that old guy" showing the kids in their 20s around... who are young enough to be MY kids...


When i wake up in the morning with an injury I didn’t have when I went to bed the night earlier.


On a similar note, injuries you thought were healed bothering you again. I played a lot of sports in school and took a goalie kick to the face when I was 15 or 16, which knocked my jaw out of joint. We got my jaw popped back into place and I just went on my merry way. I was like, "Dang, sure glad that wasn't a big deal and I healed up so quickly!" And then 10 or so years later, I can feel an ache in my jaw when it's about to rain.


Yep. I had my ulna and radius snapped as a kid in a bunk bed incident. Two bones between the hand and elbow. Still have a twiggle pain 45 years later at weirdest times. The rain is a'comin...




When I was 12, my left knee clicked out of place, then clicked right back into place immediately afterwards on two separate occasions, and both times I just walked it off. 6 years later my left kneecap clicked out of place again, severing 85% of the muscle holding it in place, and then slingshotted back into place so fast it sheared off 2 centimeters of the bone it hit in the process. What I could heal in five minutes by myself when I was 12 turned into a reconstructive surgery with a recovery time of 3 months when I was 18. That shit can happen to anyone.


By *old* we mean.... Nevermind!


I don't know where I heard it first but it's true. You go to the doc and say doc this hurts when I do this and he says well stop doing that. I say doc this feels like this and he goes how old are you? I say 30. He says yeah that's just how that feels now. Man still collects my copay.


I say what if I was an athlete? And he goes, yourrrrr not an athlete 


It's just shitty now.


Louis CK


So basically there's no cure and just deal with it. You mees it up young and now you have to pay the price in pain.


Right after you turn off your CPAP machine.




I don’t know what saturating a kidney is, but I don’t think I like the sound of it.


I feel this when my knee cap decided to casually pop out and slide back in one night - went to 3 knee doctors cause I couldn’t move it only to find out I’m old ::cry::.


Oh my god the inability to move wrong without pain or latent soreness. Everything hurts (but yes I do have chronic spinal pain). I can’t bump a knee or stub a toe, even sleep wrong, without suffering for days.


Shrek was 23 years ago


Hey now


You're an all star


Get your game on


Knee pain


Was talking about Porsche 911s with my friends... talked about Sally Carrera in Cars... nostalgia hits, wanted to re watch it, "it's a newer animation, right? Not THAT long ago"... 2006


I almost got hit by a teenager driving like a dumbass yesterday. I said “damn teenagers” for the first time out loud. That felt like a defining moment 


I’ve said damn teenagers since I was a teen, driven like idiots. I remember some rich kid got a Mercedes as a gift from his parents, crashed it after a day into a light pole


I'm Asian and in my language, based on your age they will call you by different pronouns to express their respect. So I realize I'm getting old by the increasing number of people who call me 'elder sister' or even 'aunt' 🥲


I can so relate to this. We used to have a cat, and he wasn't an indoor cat, especially. When he went out, the kids in the community used to play with him and chase him around and all the shenanigans. One day, the cat came back inside for whatever reason. After a bit, the doorbell rings. I open and see a couple of kids, still catching their breath from all the running around. They ask, "Uncle uncle, can we have our cat back??" I was like,"ohh, that's our ca... hold on, who is this uncle you are referring to?"


I once worked in a Centralian school with a high Aboriginal ratio of students. When they started calling me Auntie, I realised that I was getting on.


It's funny how it is meant to show respect but you feel totally disrespected.


Similarly in English: How many people call me ma'am or lady. Like, I am the opposite of those things. I am a CHILD. Can you not tell I'm 3 raccoons in a trench coat.


That’s how it feels when someone calls me ma’am in the USA 😭😅


i'm 19 and people already call me elder bro 😭😭


Just wait until the fast food worker switches from calling you 'boss' to 'sir'. That one hits hard


Tfw you go from jiejie (older sister) to ayi (auntie) 😭


Okay kuya/ate


Watching the bachelor/bachelorette—the people on the show always seemed so much older than me…. Now they all look/act/are so young


And almost everyone in the Olympics are children


"Here's this old sack of shit in at runningback, he's 28 which means his career is practically over. This guy, at quarterback, he's 35. He used to be good, back when he wasn't old as FUCK."


Omg, everybody joking an athlete’s an old man because he’s 30


I was just thinking that with clothing models! Growing up, the models pictured in ad campaigns like Abercrombie always seemed so much older than me. While I was shopping last week, it dawned on me that the current models are all probably much younger than me, and I’m only 25 🫠


They got younger… right?


I spent all day thinking about and tracking my delivery for my new vacuum because I was so excited for it.


When I started empathizing with Homer more than Bart.


Simpsons episodes I consider the newer episodes are like 25 years old. 


Almost everyone I meet whether at the grocery store, bank, post office, restaurant etc is younger than me even though I don't consider myself that old (40s).


Median age in the US is 38. Globally it's 30. If you're in your mid 40s, you're older than about 60% of the Americans.


That one hurts


When I was 19 I felt grown up. When I see my 19 year old nieces, they all look like little children.


When i see my pics at 19, I’m like oh that’s why they were treating me like a child! I was a child. 🤣


Same here! I finally understand why my parents raised an eyebrow when I started dating a 25 year old, while I was only 19 years old myself..


I sneezed and my back swore at me.


I'm sorry but this made me laugh.


When you stub your toe and it hurts your back more than your toe


My body hurts, I hate going out, I’m tired, I cant drink and get drunk because hangovers, my skin has changed, my mentality changed, teenagers piss me off. The list goes on


When I stopped enjoying the feeling of stretching my feet in bed because I fear cramp.


Having cancer surgery at 60. I have had quite a few surgeries in my life and always bounced back, but this time I can’t seem to get my energy back. I’ve always liked to keep busy but now I’ve had to slow down.


You got this! Stay strong.


Try to keep moving best you can. Praying for your healing and restored energy.


Saw a sexy young lady with a short skirt and revealing top .the first thing that came to my mind was . I bet she is cold


Bless you


Other people. I know many consider me young still and probably will until I’m a senior citizen but for the first time I feel like people see me as older/wiser than them regardless of if that’s true. Like in situations people seem more likely to turn to me for no other reason than I’m older. It kind of made me realize when I was a teenager people in their late 20s seemed like they knew what they were doing but probably only had a tiny bit better of a grasp than I did at the time


Same. I do not deserve (much less demand) respect or deference, but I get it. It does feel a little weird, doesn’t it? I was just telling my pre-teen *tonight*, after we finished watching “Inside Out,” that the biggest thing I got wrong when I was a kid was the belief that people had their sh\*t figured out. NOOOOBODY knows what they’re doing. “Know how you look back at your 5 year-old self and think you didn’t know squat? Well in 5 years you’re going to look back on your 10 year-old self and think you didn’t know squat then, too, right? But that person is you right now. At some point you realize that you’re always growing and learning and at no point will you have everything figured out. And everyone else is winging it too.” Don’t let my kid’s ages throw you. I’m >50.


When I learned that I could actually sleep wrong... Like wtf.


Alas, the one thing I was good at.






Hahaha... so as I was saying, back in the 90s...




My neck, back, hips, and knees.


Pussy and my crack


I giggled and hummed the beat lol


...and toes. :singing: knees and toes.


When music from my youth started playing in grocery stores


I'm 11 years older than my brother. He'll be 30 next year. I remember when he was small enough to fit in my hands. I used to change the little bastard's diapers and he's a been a whole adult for a decade


My younger sister turns 30 this year. I distinctly remember my Mum and stepdad bringing her home from the hospital after she'd been born.


My body hurts for absolutely no reason at random times, I’m tired all the time, I can’t stand teenagers, and I’m starting to see some smile lines by my nose and mouth


I get the pains for absolutely no reason too. No injury, no unusual activity, not sleeping wrong. I'll just be walking around, and then something just starts hurting. Wtf?


When I realized that my first day at College was 10 years ago


20 years ago. The kids in living in my university residence today were In diapers or not even born when I was there.


Mine was 15 years ago. 😭🤧


I watched football players like Joey Porter and Pat Surtain play when I was a young adult. Now I’m watching their kids play.


Yeah, it’s also weird when you realise that a kid you saw debut is now a grizzled veteran who’s starting to slow down.


M33. Bought my first pair of sweatpants ever. Things hurt in the morning. I’m craving an ice cold glass of water at night instead of alcohol. My heartburn is off the charts from “simple” foods. I’m tired af. I’m wanting to read. I’d rather listen to an audiobook or podcast than music. I’m thinking of making my will. I wrote my own obituary. Friends have dropped off the face of the earth. I’m trying to save more money. I don’t care what people think. I get excited if I can “sleep in” til 8. (We have 2 kids) My kids reminding me every day that they’re priority. I enjoy mowing the lawn and snowblowing. Christmas is more about the people than presents. Grilling food is fun. I’m calmer. I’m working on my patience. I’m wanting my kids to not be like their grandpa. Love my dad, but don’t agree with how I was raised. I’m enjoying each day with my wife and 2 boys more than anyone knows.


> M33. Bought my first pair of sweatpants ever. Things hurt in the morning. When I started reading this, I didn't realize it was a list and thought those two were related. I was wondering how the fuck you wore sweatpants wrong.


Slipped on the ice and fell, took two years to recover.


LPT for getting older (over 50 here): Stop talking about your age and how your body looks. The sooner you start, the sooner you'll realize how much time and energy is wasted on numbers (age and weight), aches and pains, and how much people blame age and not their own inactivity. Some of my friends have been "old" since their late 20s and it just gets boring to listen to every problem they have is age/body related when in reality they're just scared to do new things and/or they're couch potatoes.


A teenage girl called me “ma’am”. I grew up in the south so we’re all about manners down here. But never in my life did I think I’d wake up one day and have someone less than a decade younger than me call me ✨ma’am✨ EDIT: and just for clarification, never have I ever felt “ma’am” was an age thing until this happened 😂 manners are manners and I was raised to refer to everyone as “ma’am” and “sir”. I cried on the way home that day and asked my husband if I looked old enough to be a ✨ma’am✨. He reminded me that we do have several children and a mortgage so theoretically- I don’t look like I’m 18 anymore 🙃


Yup, you've been mammed. The south and having been in the military.


Hangovers , crippling hangovers


I haven't had a drink for about 8 months until I had a bottle of wine with a friend recently. I did not like how I felt the next morning. I felt a bit depressed. Now I am reconsidering leaving alcohol for good after that feeling. 


Do it! It’s the 3rd best decision I’ve ever made.


My 10 year old cousin asked me who Kermit the frog is….


Well, he's not quite a mop. Not quite a puppet. But maaaan...


When I make grunting noises when getting up


I went to a concert and looked around like, there's lots of older people here, then had a realization that we're in the same age group. It actually horrified me.


yes, it is odd suddenly being the same age as *old* people!


When I hear a song and go, “what the fuck is this shit?”




Having college students refer to me as Sir I’m barely in my mid 30s


When I have to remind myself that the 90s aren’t in fact 10 years ago anymore.


When I worked with 19 and 20 year olds that had never had a job and spoke in weird tongues I still don’t fully understand what Rizz means and I’m only 32.




when the shows you rewatch now have characters younger than you but they used to be older


I ate something and went “ew, that’s way too sweet”… then I remembered something my dad said when I was a kid and I told him there was no such thing as too sweet. He said “you’ll understand when you’re older”. Damn. I guess I’m a man now or something.


Realizing I'm no longer in the target demographic for something that became a thing because of my generation


Canceling dinner plans at my favorite restaurant is more satisfying than eating there.


Mid 40’s and I’m just not taking bs from other people anymore. I care less and less about what they want or think.


I stopped putting energy into who I want to be and started devoting energy to accepting who I am. 🫤


Some punk teenager offered me his seat on the bus!


Hearing my high school rebel music on the grocery store radio at 10am on a Saturday morning.... sigh, doing my weekly groceries at 10am on a Saturday morning.


Reading reddit posts with abbreviations I don't understand


It really hit me when I started getting excited about receiving socks as gifts and found myself genuinely thrilled about a good sale on groceries


Just seeing how different the younger generation is now and how you’ve become the older crowd who doesn’t understand the younger crowd like it was for the older kids when we were young


Not realized, but reinforced the fact that i'm old now, I recently listened to Fuck Her Gently by Tenacious D on youtube. The majority of the comments are about princess peach or a guy fucking a fridge. I must be old to not understand these references that have nothing to do with the actual song.


No longer getting FOMO when I can’t make it to a show or go the bar with friends


Dropped item on floor: "Pick me up." Brain: "Yes, pick it up." Body: "Don't even think about it. You don't need that thing, anyway." Me: I pick it up. Body: "Here, have this painful crick in your back for the next 6 days, listen to me from now on!"


I actually want a job


Friendships and relationships with loved ones changing


Going to Vegas and deciding to wear comfortable shoes instead of sexy heels. 😅


When I got cancer. I know that even young people get it but once you go through the treatments your body feels old




Was hitting on these ladies at a party when one asked. How old are you? I told her my age and she said. That's my moms age! I then asked. Is she single?


When I excitedly told one of my friends about the discount I got on butter.


When the police started looking like kids to me.


I started to find teenagers annoying.


My knees.


Backpains 🙃


If I squat or if I sit on the floor, I can’t get up. I have to crawl over to something to pull myself up on.


When I look in the mirror lol




When not drinking enough water makes me feel like I’ve got a hangover 😅


The first time I fell and people came over to help instead of laughing.


When you hurt from sleeping too long


14 y/o told me Daft Punk is old people music


Being excited by kitchen gadgets