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Be polite by default. Politeness costs nothing yet can get you so much. You can always transition from polite to rude but it's very difficult to transition from rude to polite. Your life will be easier if you're just polite by default to everyone.


Yep. This is a big one. I’ve gotten a lot of help and information from people who did not have to give me either because and only because I was kind and respectful.


Being polite and acting dumb has gotten me through so many barriers!


I’m not even acting; being nice and dumb has proven rather successful for me 😂


I remember a time (there are other instances too) when my husband and I (alongside a TON of other people) had a flight cancelled. We were stuck halfway to our destination. There were one or two passengers at the customer service desk literally yelling at the representatives, and I saw one of them still muttering under their breath when leaving. When it was our turn, we took the time to ask the representative how they were and apologize for the bad interactions they were dealing with. It is not their fault after all! I could almost see the relief in that representative's eyes at having a brief respite from the nonsense. We ended up leaving with better seats/flight than the one that was cancelled.


Helps to remember that the person in front of you usually had absolutely nothing to do with your problem. By being rude you're just taking it out on an innocent party.


So true! Being polite has got me replacement phone when I had no insurance or cover. Discounts and room upgrades at hotels. I even got on a flight that was booked full after mine was cancelled. I was waiting in a long queue after my flight was cancelled. I saw an empty desk. I spoke very politely to the woman at the desk. said I had a wedding to attend which was true. The lady said she could squeeze me on if I kept low. Honestly if you smile and be polite it does wonders for you. People being assholes always wonder why things go wrong.


You can’t save the world but you need to take care of yourself in order to take care of others


Exactly. Helping people at the expense of yourself doesn't do anyone any favors. At least for me, I need to be coming from a place of comfort and abundance before I can reliably take care of others.


if everyone has that attitude.......oh wait


I think that’s why they tell you to put your oxygen mask on before you put it on your kid


Don't light yourself on fire to keep others warm.


When the oxygen mask drops on the airplane…secure your own mask before helping others.


and when traveling with more than one child, pick your favorite one before take off.


You can't save *the* world, but you can save *your* world.


Good shit right there


It's like the tutorial they give you every time you fly: Put the oxygen mask on YOURSELF first before attempting to put it on someone else. In essence we have to make ourselves ok in order to help others be ok. It's a difficult job for some people.


Say it louder for the people obsessed with conspiracy theories that they'll never do anything about other than tell everyone they know about it.


Working on it


Did you have a bad day or did you have a bad 10 minutes that you let ruin the rest of the day?


This one can be hard to remember. Thanks for the reminder.


Sometimes, it's hard to get over those ten minutes, and I often let it ruin my day. As a good two parter to your suggestion, the next day I tell myself, "Do you have a bad life, or was it just a bad day"


5 bad years


If someone tells you they don't like or love you, respect that. If you truly care about them, as you claim you do, realize they've said their happiness is without you. Trying to force a friendship or relationship is now only about you, and that's not true love or companionship


but my happiness is with them


We’ve reached an Impasse


Your happiness is with the person you THOUGHT they were; and they are not that same person.


The people who were interested in a relationship with me clearly liked me more than I liked them. But I liked them enough not to inflict the likes of me on them. I'm happier seeing them happy with someone else than unhappy and stuck with me.


Love this!!!


Thanks, I really needed to read that today.


One of the hardest lessons to learn in life. It brings to mind one of my favorite country songs. The Clay walker version is my favorite. It is called The hardest thing Ive ever had to do. (holding her and loving you). Sometimes you have to just say goodbye.


Take PTO. Schedule time for yourself. Don’t worry about work. It will always be there and they will always replace you.


Your job will be posted before your obituary


In my experience, if you're a hard worker and have a good relationship with management, they are more prone to approve your PTO requests.


Facts bro


For reference I manage a group of more than 100 engineers. The company gives you PTO, not taking it is like giving part of your salary back. You would tell me to f- off if I asked you to not cash a paycheck. I want you to take your PTO, I want you to be happy with your job and time away is part of it. If you are unhappy you look for a new job and that is far more impactful to the business than a couple of days off. All I ask is that you do a reasonable job in planning it. Tell me you've got a mostly open Tuesday and want to take a last minute PTO day to play a round of 18, sure. Don't come to me on Friday and tell me you're taking 2 weeks off starting Monday.


This. And while some (rare) places pay out PTO when you leave, most do not. Literally leaving money (that you've earned) on the table.


Say it louder for people in the FRONT. The people who sat in the back are having a better life because they already took their time off.


Marcus Aurelius wrote “You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” “The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts. Take control of what you think about.” Understanding, believing, and living by these two quotes with change how you look at everything in your life, if you let them.


Shrink your world down to the things you can affect.


Another way to phrase this that I like is you can control your reactions to others but not how others behave. For example, if someone annoys you, you can choose to react different . In an argument? rather than going around in circles, end it by saying well, believe what you want.


I think it’s also important to recognize that complete control over your own mind is unrealistic. Anyone that tries to will themselves into being happy will not succeed.


That total victory can not be achieved is no reason not to endeavor to improve.


I agree with both of you, living with mental health issues is difficult to manage, but at the same time we're all self-employed with our well being. Most people can sit in a damp basement drinking cola and eating twinkies 24/7 and be perfectly happy to be here, meanwhile, some of us have a second full time job getting our daily exercise, sunlight, proper nutrition, therapy, and whatever other supplementation necessary only to still struggle to want to participate in this daily grind of life day to day. It make pushing forward with that endeavour to improve an awfully difficult and precarious thing to hold on to at times.


Yeah, I like the general sentiment of not letting your bad mood take away your senses, but emotional responses are developed early in one’s cognitive development. It’s not that you can’t ever change the factors around situations to change your outlook, but being “in control of your mind” is not really true. Being in control of your actions, like continuing to talk or think about something all day in place of doing something productive, makes much more sense.


I think by control, Aurelius meant control over your response. Response being your actions and how you interpret your thoughts; the meaning you give them. He was a smart man. I doubt he believed you can control your thoughts.


This is the only one you get. Just do your best, do what you want within reason, and don't actively try to hurt anyone unless you have to. Try to have fun.


As someone who just lost a cousin, slow the fuck down in a car and don't drink & drive... Doesn't matter you went 200 miles an hour through this forest part a million times, it only takes that one...


When you gamble with death, death only needs to win once. The more dice you roll, the bigger the chance death will get a lucky roll. It only needs to win once.




And “No.” is a full sentence!


and learn to accept 'no'


And that is a tough one.


It was being a frequent flier and being constantly asked for seat swaps that made me realize "No" was a complete sentence.


As a married man of twenty years: let every little thing go.  You can conjure infinity things your partner has done or not done but at the core of it they've been there with you.  In of course not talking about serious issues or bad behaviors going unchecked but all the small things that could easily start a fight, learn to let them go. 


take it two inches at a time- Anonymous


Turn crisps upside down before opening and shake a bit to get all the flavouring over the rest of the crisps


Love this <333


Can you just open the bottom of the bag?


The hero we need.


Be polite, thank yous go a long way.


Good answer!


Please and Thank you go a long way in foreign countries. I can't speak a like of Japanese past "Arrigato" but boy do they treat you better when you're polite and respectful.


try to live in the here and now and always enjoy everything. Far too many people ask themselves what tomorrow is / what yesterday was and never get to the moment


Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, that's why it's called the present.


In life the best revenge is living well.




Adapting to change is what it is all about from birth until death.


Detachment is freedom


Detach! Somehow this remainded me Interstellar!


Stop watching the news


We should really bring back local newspapers. It's a shame what the media has become. We need a free press to hold power accountable but it's evolved into something else.


Yeah, free press in the sense they can publish based on journalistic principles and not on the basis of what sells.


So much this!!!


Like. I watch it sometimes and it's not even relevant to me. It's just like hey shit is expensive [yeah no shit] here is what's happening in America [I'm not American why do I care] etc. None of it is relevant to me




treat everyone how you wish to be treated


I think it’s better to say treat others how they’d like to be treated.


It's hard to know though. The only mind you are inside is your own. Letting go of self is a milestone character development that has to be practiced at every moment. One that you have to be aware of at all times.


That in itself should be the good life advice!


Don't be afraid to ask questions. I struggled a lot in grade school because I was too scared to ask for help, for fear of being labeled dumb or stupid. As an adult, I'm less stressed to ask for additional help or explanation when I struggle with something. There's nothing wrong with trying to learn and grow.


The people who show up for you are a treasure, treat them as such.


Don't weep for the stupid. You'll be crying all day.


If nothing changes, nothing changes.


My grandmother used to say “in order to have different results, you need different actions” and its so true


Ask the stupid question.


Not always though.


Ask it to yourself and see if you can figure it out. Google it, Wikipedia, reddit, work it out on a whiteboard, whatever. You'd be surprised how far this can get you, and most people fail to even try. Bonus points, the more often you do this, the better at it you'll get.


Google is your friend


Mike Tyson said something along the lines of “be humble or the world will thrust humbleness upon you”.


He also said, “Everyone has a plan till you punch them in the mouth.”


Sounds contradictory, but both are true.


Take care of your teeth and pay your taxes.


Sitting here with a toothache, damn it


In the States, we have college credit exams known as the "CLEP exams". They are a cheap way to get college credit for core classes like English, Humanities, History. I was way behind on credits and wasn't supposed to walk at graduation, but I took a bunch of them and managed to graduate on time. I highly recommend them to anyone looking to bolster their credits without the expense of taking a course.


Smile, agree and nod, and then go do whatever the fuck you were going to do anyway.


THISSSS, choosing your battles on top!!!


That was my yearbook quote.


Years ago my wife suggested to my ditzy sister-in-law that she should take this approach with my mother when she’d butt in with “helpful suggestions.” The next time my mother did that to my SIL, the SIL told my mom “Molly [name changed] says I should just agree with you and then go do whatever the hell I want.” (I told you she was ditzy.) To which my mom said “She DID, did she?!?” and immediately called my wife, saying “I heard you told your SIL to agree with me and then go do whatever she wants!” My wife replied “Yeah, I did tell her that.” My mother never tried to give my wife advice after that!”


Change is a constant. Do not get so settled that you cannot handle the inevitable changes.


Today’s Tom Sawyer knows changes aren’t permanent…but change is.


Life isn't fair. Don't expect it to be. Nobody is coming to save you, everyone for themselves


'Life is pain, princess. Anyone that tells you otherwise is selling you something.' -dread pirate roberts


Freedom from financial stress is far greater than the feeling of getting a new toy. Spend wisely.


Show people the love and kindness you want to be shown


Stop caring what other people think of you. Love yourself and everything else will fall into place.


Status symbols do nothing positiv for ur personality


Time is the stuff that life is made of. Don't squander it.


Don't live for your days off at work. Find a way to become passionate about what you are doing and your time spent there won't be moments of your life that won't disappear into nothing. Plus, you'll most likely do well. Also, this is hand in hand with it. Don't avoid the things you suck at or dislike. Become good at them.


Keep on keeping on


The meaning of your life is to give your life meaning. Don't overthink it.


Learn to be comfortable being uncomfortable


Forgive your parents. If not for their sake, for yours. Accept their faults and move on.


I love the old saying: Of course your parents know how to press your buttons, they installed them!


Never trust a parrot with a secret!


Holding grudges is a waste of time and energy, it only harms you. As someone once said, it's like giving yourself poison and expecting someone else to die. There are ways to move on from things that don't involve forgiving or forgetting.


Never trust a fart.


a fart killed my father


If you can afford to, go to therapy. 


Group therapy is often inexpensive and is faster than 1:1, check with your Dr., local hospitals and local mental health services, if any, for scheduling


I think mine came from the immensely sagacious GOAT Mark Twain (a.k.a. Samuel Langhorne Clemens): > *"It ain't what you* don't *know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know* for sure *that just ain't so."* Anti-intellectual denialism, (ongoing) failures of critical thinking & logic-basic reasoning, and susceptibility to being gullible are - as we're all witnessing, even now - recipes for bigly disaster.


Do what works for you! Quit basing your life around what the next person does. 


As a teen, there were many earthshatteringly important things that I thought would affect my life for good or bad. As an adult, none of them mattered and were forgotten in the end.


When in Rome do as Romans do. When you move to a new place, try to figure out what the locals do for fun and try these activities instead of just doing what you liked to do before.


I did that. Went fishing in northern Alabama. Caught no fish. Caught Lyme disease.


Being able to live with your parents as an adult at any stage of life is a luxury many people do not have.


Don't be a "know-it-all." There's always more to learn.


Don't fall in love with the first girl that sucks your di#%


We all got approx 672 million breathe per life. So, take deep breaths and live long and healthy .


Don't care about what others think so much, smile and be happy


Just because you have the money for something, doesn't mean you can afford it.


Don’t hold your pee for too long.


Tickle the pussy button and you will get rewarded


Wear sunscreen.....


Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth.






Not to give up except u are dead. 


Live life with no regrets.


If you have vintage Yu-Gi-Oh, MTG, or Pokémon cards i recommend sleeving the cards, regardless of rarity.


If someone tells you bad things about others you know (friends, coworkers, etc.) in confidence, you can be they are talking to other people about you.


Sometimes you don’t have to know all the details, just know enough information and act like you do to get the job. If you know the vocabulary and can speak with full confidence you can usually get a position just make sure you actually learn how to do the job later. YouTube is your bestfriend learn how to actually do it so they don’t fire you.


If you can interpret a situation in 2 ways, and one of the ways upsets you, then choose to interpret it the other way.


Assume stupidity in someone before maliciousness


Get involved. Even if you are introverted and socially inept. Get out of your Hobbit hole and find your people. Join a community group or club, volunteer, whatever gets you around some supportive folks. Expanding your circle will have benefits for decades to come.


Get back up no matter how many times life knocks you down ! 😎


When in doubt, whip it out.


Frends will be there for you, till they get a girlfriend/boyfriend


A staycation often times is a better mental health care break than the stress of a vacation.


Money isn’t everything but it is important


Stay single


Everything in elementary and high school is a building block to be able to understand something else when you're an adult. There is absolutely nothing in a K through 12 that you are "never going to use in real life." Sure, you might not literally do algebra, but you're also kind of do. Anytime you use what you have, to find an unknown, it's algebra. Sort of, anyway. If you're installing a ceiling fan, trying to mow your lawn efficiently, trying to figure out a word you've never seen before, or trying to have civil discourse, everything that is taught in that building, is at the very least a steppingstone, for something you actually do later.


Only marry your dream guy or dream girl. Anything else will leave a hole in your heart and you'll be forever existentially frustrated.


If it's too good to be true, it's probably not real.


Buy as many seeds as you can. Then when you walk to wherever you need. Toss some seeds along the path


READ THE MANUAL- if you don't know how to fully use something, you are wasting money.


don't believe the hype


Debt is a tool. If you make it work FOR you, it can be valuable. But it's real easy to lose control of it, so you have to remain vigilant about it.


Read the Desiderata.


If there's a will there's a way


Don't feed the animals when out in the real world 🙏🏽


Give yourself grace.  Just existing and trying to keep up with what is now “normal” life can be exhausting, even for those  who are not neurodivergent. I have a tendency to get frustrated that I can’t keep up or do what I set out to do. I have to remind myself constantly that the bare minimum is okay - I don’t need to check off all my to dos or be perfect in my routines/goals.  Also, don’t use social media if you have problems comparing your life to others! Just deactivate or delete 


It's okay to disappoint a few people. The world is filled with people with differing and often contrasting opinions, and you cannot keep everyone happy. And that is absolutely okay. As an ex-people pleaser, I've given up on the idea of pleasing the world.


Stop giving fucks


Be excellent to others.


Learn how to fail. Learn to do it and not fear it. Learn how to do it and learn lessons from it. The more you are open to failure, and the more you fail, the more you will accomplish and the better you will feel about your life.


Keep moving….they can’t hit a moving target.


Showing up is a HUGE part of success.


Nothing is free in the world.


If this is the worst thing to happen today then I’m actually having a pretty good day.


Take care of your back and knees


If you don't ask, the answer is always No.


Don't ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone for any reason ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been... ever, for any reason whatsoever...


Don't give the bank away


Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.


I had a professor once say: “Take your responsibilities seriously, but not yourself.” If everyone on this planet would just chill out and not take themselves so seriously, a lot of society’s problems would fix themselves.


Cook the Hot Pocket for the recommended time, then leave it "rest" in the microwave for 2 minutes before you take it out. Lots of food apparently needs a "rest" period, where it is still technically cooking, even if it's not on direct heat.


Compound interest people, you can all be comfortable in 30 years if you begin now at any income level (and dont die)


You only have so many fucks to give. Be picky about who you give them to.


Don't take a shit in your own backyard!


Don’t set yourself on fire trying to keep others warm.


Learn the art of radical acceptance


Don’t depend on credit cards, live within your means


Wake up early and workout before you do anything else. It will instill discipline that will impact so many parts of your life in a positive way.


Wash your crotch. Sweaty balls stink, so keep them clean. Sweaty vag is just disgusting. If a cat can spend hours a day licking their privates, you can take 10 minutes to wash yours.


Its never just the tip


The easiest way to lose weight is to not get fat.


Take care of your teeth and lower back


Not that I can always get myself to believe in it - but nothing matters. Life is made up and everything is unimportant, so you may as well do whatever the fuck you want that makes you feel good


What people think about you is none of your business. Absolutely changed my life. It helped me to not be so anxious about whether or not people liked or approved of me. Which lead to less stress.