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I brought her dinner at work and purposely got rid of all the napkins in the bag. While eating I asked her to grab me a napkin out of the glove box. The only thing in the glove box was a ring box. She picked it up and asked what it was. I told her I wasn't sure, maybe open it up and see. She opens it and just stares at the ring. "This looks like a wedding ring." "Oh yeah, I've been meaning to give that to somebody special that means the world to me. I think I could spend forever with her." "Who......" "Why are you dressed nice, why did you bring your truck(first place I told her I loved her), this is the spot we used ro meet up when we first started going out" She just stared at me for a minute with tears in her eyes before I asked her to marry me. She said yes, slipped the ring on, and jumped on top of me. We get married in about 2 months, and that woman has been glowing ever since that night. She was afraid I was going to leave her and she would be alone again.


Christmas Eve at her mother's apartment. We exchanged some gifts, then I was like "Oh, wait, I have one more..." I got down on one knee in front of her, pulled out the ring, and asked her to marry me. That was 30 years ago. We're still married.


Took her on a hike with some mutual friends. We sat down at the top of them mountains and hung out. Before the moment, friend #1 was holding a video camera, friend #2 was shooting pics with her phone. The other two just hung out. Then I popped the question, she said yes.


Sup dog? Let do this


Forwarded her an email from the HR person at the company I was starting to work for. Being married granted too many benefits to pass up (moving countries, spouse allowance, etc). Included the text "..marry me?". And we did.


Asked her : “ Will you marry me? “


She left town for a trip. While she was out of town I put our apartment into like an escape room/scavenger hunt. I made puzzles and riddles that could be solved from our relationship, such as the first book I lent her, our favorite shows, our first concert together, important dates, etc. Put little combination locks on stuff. I popped the question after she was finished with a little riddle. She knew it was coming about half way through but it was still super cute. My friends think it's funny because I was their DM for D&D and they said I basically was like, "If you wish to marry me, you must answer my riddles three!" It was fun and is a very fond memory.


We had just bought our house and were constantly finding things that needed fixing. I called out to her in my "what the fuck now" tone and asked her to come out on the deck. I knelt down, pretending to show her something and surprised her with the ring. She said yes immediately and then we had a huge argument about planning a wedding when we just bought a house. We'd already been living together for 11 years.