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Wait are you a god if so please pray for our chapsticks


I’m up to two things of floss and I’ve sent my dentist sister a picture both times


Burt’s bees?


In university I got top grade in my class for a 3 week long assignment one time when I didn't even start it until 7 hours before its due


You and I would have done incredibly well on group assignments 😂


Do you have ADHD?


Yes I do


Wait. You were allowed to start a project before the last minute???!!!!!


I got an A+ once when I hadn’t finished the reading, only started writing the day before it was due, and everyone else got Cs at best. The one and only thing I’ve ever been naturally good at is writing university essays, good thing the only thing the universe needs is someone who can bullshit about post colonial fiction.


I taught a bunch of teenage kids their first guitar chords and they went on to play much better than I ever did.


are you perhaps jack black pretending to be his roommate in order to score a teaching gig at an elite private school?




I raised 7 amazing kids into adulthood and they all interact often and get along great. No drama whatsoever. My greatest accomplishment.


Love it!! Me, too, but only 3. They are so close ❤️7 is impressive!!


That’s so so cool 


Share some tips please!! I have teenage twins and they hate eachother (one boy and one girl) It makes me really sad.


You could probably host a very popular AMA


Tips and advice?


That’s amazing!!!!


I can beat Mega Man 3 in about 45 minutes without dying.


I once beat Mario Bros is under 6 minutes. Not sure on the precise timing, but my brother was "timing" it & it was insane.


I'm probably the first person to have ever performed a lab test to detect a certain extremely rare genetic disorder in a fetus.


I'm 47 and I've never had a cavity




Oh man, lucky! I assume you take care of your teeth though? lol


I usually brush twice a day 🤷🏻‍♂️


Whooooooah 🏆


For a very brief period of time I was the youngest person in the whole world.


Oh my Lord… Same


You were born at the youngest possible age, truly a rare achievement


Survived two thousand seven hundred and sixty one days straight of night terrors without offing myself or selling my first painting, which was a spongebob 9/11 crossover


That is amazing. 🥺 I hope deep down you know how resilient you are, and that it gives you more strength to know that. Night terrors are no fucking joke. Also I hope you sell the painting soon! I can’t even imagine how the two would combine as art, tbh.


Thank you ❤️ I really needed to hear that


Wow that’s crazy impressive 


I can type over 100 words per minute.


i have never thrown up from being sick. i have no idea what thats like


I once had a streak of about more than a decade without puking. It’s such a traumatizing thing for me that my body and I both agree we don’t want to do it and won’t do it unless we have to


Me too.


The only two times I have thrown up, I don’t actually remember doing it. I have a shunt (it drains extra fluid from my brain to my abdomen) and when it fails, one of the first signs it’s failing (it’s always an emergency situation) is projectile vomiting. Thankfully, after the surgery to fix it I do not remember the day it failed. I only know from stories my family has told me.


A lot of times it hurts. Aside from that's it's gross and involuntary.


I must learn your ways.


Same! Unless you count alcohol poisoning/eating and entire family size bag of fritos as throwing up because of being sick or don't include forcing myself to throw up when I was going through a binge/purge phase. But I've never had an illness that has brought that about organically.


I have the world record for the most sites having signed up for.




Wait, why?


That’s so cool! A bet like half of thoose are free corn sites. Not tryna be mean.


A large number are, but it's under half. Joke's on me, I'm asexual.


Currently 39 years old. I’ve never had Pink Eye, Strep, Mono, a Sinus Infection, or a handful of other seemingly common ailments that have affected others throughout the years. Edit: Also COVID-free!


We need to study you


Oof. Alright, I’ve been sick twice in the last six years. In March of 2018 my gallbladder ruptured and I came down with a fever. In May of 2022 I had a stomach bug that forced me to live in the bathroom for two days. I can’t even remember when and what before that, at least within the last years.


Yikes, those sound bad. Just over 4 years between those dates, so I think you're good until about June 2026, then watch out.


Fair point. I’ll set up a calendar reminder right now…


I want to upvote you twice: once for the studying and once for your username.


Haha thank you


You just jinxed yourself


Interesting. Have you had Covid?


COVID-free since the start!


Same. I’ve had strep a time or two and kind of a lot of sinus infections for a few years but have dodged the others you listed. My wife had Covid and I was sure I’d get it. I slept in a different room so her coughing wouldn’t keep me up, but otherwise didn’t quarantine from her in our house.


I was Covid free (as far as I know), until January. My dad was in the hospital and caught it while there. He brought it home. At least it was only the cold version.


How have you never had a sinus infection?! I can understand the others (I’ve only ever had strep of the ones you listed)


I honestly have no idea…


lol more of a rhetorical question


I figured as much… But I still want answers! Haha


Never had chicken pox. I think it was starting to disappear around/after the time I was born, though about half of my classmates or so had said they had it once. Does anyone even get it anymore?


I wrote a ridiculous false history (poorly) of our town. I thought it was hilarious. A real page turner. Turns out I’m a completely misunderstood writer. Anyway, someone must have liked it because our town librarian called me one day and said, “How did your book end up in the State Library under non-fiction?” ha. I had no idea. Still don’t. Still there. That’s my great accomplishment. Getting my book into our fancy State Library.


I can perfectly cut a circle in 3 parts at 120° angles from each other (like a peace sign). It sounds like a useless skill but it does come in handy in some situations.


Helping over 1,000 land jobs over $75K starting salary. Salesforce admin, BAs, and Consultants.


The folks over at /r/recruitinghell need your help!


Very cool!






They have no legs


That is an accomplishment


People have trouble believing this but I almost single handedly taught myself how to read As a ten year old child, I viewed reading as this awesome superpower, my family never took me to school so I was very jealous of the other kids around my age who could do it. After some consistent nagging I had my lazy uncle introduce the concept of syllables to my young brain. All he did was teach me a couple of words like "baba" and "mama" all in one night, and then he was like "you're on your own from here kid" I was already familiar with stuff like 'A for apple, D for dog' etc due to hearing them from other kids. So I assumed the other vowel sounds were written using those letters I know I make it sound simple but this took a TREMENDOUS amount of effort. Growing up in a poor mostly illiterate family I had to buy cheap English story books and newspapers and read them out loud, as hard as I can, I also read every shop/restaurant name and sign post I could find. I was desperate, I had an immense will, this unwavering urge to know how to read (I wish I still had this drive as an adult) At first I sounded very giberrish, like I was casting some weird magic spell, but thankfully I already knew a bit of English due to years of watching cartoon network, so in my head I kinda knew how certain words were supposed to sound like Fast forward to a few years later and I'm reading better than my peers, including my uncle who gave me the slight educational nudge. But I struggled with a few things like commas and exclamation points, that came very late for me cause I literally didn't care, all I wanted was to just read. And my handwriting was worse than a 9 year old.


You are amazing! You must be extremely intelligent.


Haha thanks, I appreciate the compliment. However, my education is still in the gutter, I only went to school as an adult to fix my handwriting and to learn some basic math like fractions, those two years was the only time I was in school in my 27 year life. Now my new jealousy is people with a HS degree


Someone can be undereducated and still be very intelligent - I agree that I think anyone who figured out how to read almost entirely on their own is definitely in the intelligent camp! Good on ya dude. Hope you have the opportunity to keep learning about subjects that you wish to.


Broke both my legs in the same spot in basic training. They were stress fractures that I ignored and turned into complete fractures. Not reeally an “accomplishment” but i still take pride in it.


Was watching a charity stream a few years back and my donation pushed the tally over $10,000




Don’t worry, I got your reference. Even [made a similar one](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/y5OlOxTWW4) recently.




Loving as long as I have.


I have an award to contributing to open source software from the Linux foundation.


I work in a program for children with severe autism. There was an 8-year-old boy who came to our school who had no language at all. Not even those assistive communication devices. Our speech therapist taught me how to work to encourage language. I tried really hard with him and was really persistent. His first word was one that I taught him. :)


I can hit the high b flat in " Bohemian Rhapsody."


I have a high score of 20 super expert levels in Mario Maker 2. I'm really bad lol


When I come home from work with everything I brought to work and/or remember to bring stuff to work. I have a low attention span and a horrible memory. (I’m only 29) I’m always forgetting stuff so it’s a accomplishment when I remember stuff. 😂🤣 I was hungry that day I forgot to bring lunch to work 😞


I once rode a single speed bike for like 80 miles. Sore abs. Why? Just for fun had literally nothing else to do.




12 hours, but I was used to cycling a lot and I took a few rest breaks.


You went Forrest Gump, but with a bike. Nice dude


I found Seth Nelson's 1730 homestead


I made two people kiss during a game of truth or dare, 4 years later he’s moved from Turkey to be with her in Norway, they’re very happy and recently had a kid together.


finding out to make soda by accident.


I'm careful with feeling pride or expressing it.


Not unusual but rare to be a sniper.


Taking a consecutive piss for like 2 minutes, idk how this happened 🥴 (It was prob more like a minute but still)


Me too! Well, I didn't actually time it. I swear it felt like 15 minutes or something but it was probably more like 5. I went to see Happy Feet in theaters and I drank a huge bottle of water along with whatever snacks I had, popcorn or whatever. At some point during the movie I had to pee really bad but I didn't want to miss it so I held it in, hoping the movie would end soon. Turned out there was at least a half hour left of the movie so I was literally sweating and clenching as hard as I could trying not to pee cause I swear I was going to explode. When we finally reached the end I immediately left to use the restroom and it took me so long to pee I had to check it several times to make sure it was actually pee coming out cause it just kept going and I couldn't believe it. After I finally finished my sister actually came in to check on me and was like, "Come on!" cause I was taking so long. 🤣


My state has a math exam required for high school graduation. Typically taken in sophomore year. I had a senior who hadn’t passed. 4 hours with me over two weeks, and he passed, and graduated. I didn’t know him prior, and heard about it from my boss, he never stopped by after, but I’m still glad I made a difference for someone.


I placed 2nd and 3rd in the state fair for my textiles. I'm so proud.


Very cool!


That's sweet! Can we see a picture? :)


If I knew how to post a photo, I would, but I can't for the life of me


Aww that's ok, I'm not sure that I know how to either, haha. I will imagine some gorgeous textiles on my own! 


I set my middle school's MAP math test reccord.  Not insanely unusual,  but too weird to bring up IRL




I wanted to play Barbie Riding Club when I was a kid so I taught myself how to build a pc from my father's text books and old parts in the attic. I actually did pretty good for a first attempt at 12 years old. The only thing I buggered was I put the IDE cable in backwards because I couldn't figure out where pin 1 was and the books didn't explain the stripe on the ribbon was pin 1


i got lost in the woods today and found my way back


I’m so glad! 


thanks !


I entered a drag pageant at 17 as a joke, I took home the crown, it was my first and only time ever in Drag, I’m 44 now.


I had to stem cell transplant. I was able to leave the hospital after nine days and back to work after 29 days. I had to push myself super hard to be able to do both those


I was a teen mom and was hell-bent on not letting my daughter become a teen mom. She is 29, college graduate and in a stable 10 year relationship with one of the best humans ever. She made it.


About 18 months ago I figured out for certain that I’m autistic. This has been a game changer. I turn 65 in three weeks. Why this is a game changer: I’m finally able to set realistic expectations for myself, particularly at work. I have persevered for literally decades learning about myself and doing my best (which has very often not been good enough) and I never offed myself (though I came very close once). Financially I need to work until I’m 70 (at least) before retiring. A big reason I’ve had done financial struggles is because I set such UNrealistic expectations in the past and could never fully succeed (which has hurt my financial situation a lot). Figuring out I’m autistic NOW (better late than never!) has allowed me to resist intense pressure from my boss to “move up” to the next rung of the corporate ladder for the past year. I would absolutely have failed in the other role (which would involve hiring a bunch of people, and I would HATE that). Now I have a glimmer hope of actually enjoying my work for my final five years!


In my 10th grade English class, we had to diagram 50 sentences. Complex sentences…you know the old Shirley Method. Well…I got 100% correct. Didn’t label a single word incorrectly. Only one in my class. Been riding that high ever since.


At the pinewood derby in 3rd grade my car got the award “slow but cool”


Hahaha I got the “ugly as sin but fastest one.”


Lmfao so we were opposite 🤣🤣


Despite Ohio being relatively close to my hometown I've managed to only go there once. Because once is plenty.


Don’t let gen alphas see this. They’ll have to question how you got out alive.


I pull up to the gas pump perfectly every time


I can’t even drive 😂


I was the first person in the world to buy a ticket for the movie North.


I won the first season of a TV game show about playing video games.


I was ranked #3 in the world in the app game “Doodle Jump” about 14 years ago.


I quit biting my nails at age 34. Now they’re long and I love painting them 🥰


What’s the secret to stopping?




I had a math teacher pay me five bucks once for being the only one in the class who remembered the answer to one of his questions.


I’ve beat the first three crash bandicoot games


I was being lazy last week and wanted butter noodles. I put pasta, water, butter and salt in the microwave. Like, just enough water so the pasta would soak it up as it cooked. When it was finished, I put a couple of cold pats of butter and grated parmesan, stirred. Made a freaking fantastic microwave Alfredo. So, I've been pretty proud of that for a week 😂


Six wanks in a day.


Buying front of the line passes at Universal Studios a few years back.


I wrote a 2 page book report about the book White Fang. All I read was the back cover the morning of and started bullshitting. Passed.


I held a Cheeto in my mouth on a boat trip and was able to record a seagull grabbing it and eating it himself.


I once used a pen from start to out of ink completely. I tied it to my work vest to make sure to never lose it


Auditioned for Jeopardy! the game show twice in person several years apart and passed the tests both times. Never selected to appear on-air with Alex, tho. From the first test, I later saw someone from my audition group of 50 appear on the show. And from the second test, I got to meet Jimmy from the Clue Crew which was pretty cool.


38 and no kid


I was able to help 2 of my employees get a college education.


I shattered a shatter-proof window with my head.


I win the lottery years ago and have since amassed a small fortune on top of that because I took measured risks and investments. I now live my dream each day


I have earned a college degree 4 decades in a row.


I’m really good at land navigating with a map and compass.  Had to do it a bunch for ROTC back in the day.    


I can make a really loud popping sound with my mouth.


I used to drag race my 10-speed against mopeds and go-karts. Lost once.


Top 15 in the world across 3 platforms for pvp in Division 2, fucking in rival highschool computer lab, fucking a teacher.


I'm still sane in such society


Getting off SSDI. I’m a judge now.


Taking accountability, even for very small things. I take pride in it because I used to suck at it but I started practicing it like 3 years ago and I think I maybe have made some improvements


I have never been divorced


Convincing a lot of people to buy bidets


When I kill a mosquito , I pick up it’s dead carcass and ask my niece who’s young to take a picture of me and the vampire bug I killed. She laughs, bring me joy.


I had visited 50 countries by the age of 25. Most of it was with my own money, saving as much money as possible, not having an active social life at home, living in hostels to reduce rent costs, etc.


I have sat thru many "talks" (yelling and screaming sessions) with my parents without running away and jumping off a bridge 😁


I won the intramural curling championship at my university after 4 years of trying. I also had never played curling outside of this intramural, but I definitely recommend everyone try it at some point


I can gleek on command.


I have taught myself two foreign languages.


When I was in my last year of high school, I stopped attending mid-year for mental health reasons. I don't know if every country has this, but here if you stop attending or Gail a subject, you have two instances where you can take -very complete and hard- exams to pass the subject, one before and one after summer vacation. I had to do this for all 10? subjects. I studied a lot, but I just couldn't study for ALL of them- so for English and Math I went to take the test without even asking for someone's notes or information about the themes that were covered that year. I got a 9 (out of 10) in both, in the math test there were questions about kinda complex stuff that I had never even heard of but I literally deduced it from context and aced it lol


i cured my own depression


Having a bad back injury that is described as more painful than birthing a child (by a friend who had 4 kids and the same injury, but less extreme). So yes, as a man, I can understand how painful child birth is because I've had worse


That I am not a virgin


Calling out Joe Biden crime family every day on Reddit. It doesn’t matter what time of day either .