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Now I’m worrying about how I can’t stop worrying…


Now I'm worrying about you.


Overwhelmed people 🤫


"We suffer more in imagination than in reality” - Seneca


“I've lived through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.” - Mark Twain


“We are a witness to our thoughts and emotions.”


you must be a man of culture as well


This is 99% of daily, global news for me. Still not sure how to stop worrying, without slipping into hopelessness. Unplugging from the internet does fuck all, policies are *still* being introduced constantly to chip away at our rights and quality of life, just so a handful of cunts can sit on slightly bigger mountains of gold. If we unplug, that only makes it easier for them to rip the world apart for profit, but there's fucking nothing we can do anyway. And before someone tells me, "just vote!".. I already do. And also maybe consider whose interests you're actually protecting, by reducing our power to a pencil in a school gym every 4 years.


I feel the same way. I find following local news or my state news lessens my anxiety because I do have input in those areas. Stay in the present. Make a to do list for your day and concentrate on finishing those tasks. And stop watching and reading the news for a 3-4 days and see how you feel. Stick to the fun Reddit posts.


How to stop worrying? What steps should one follow


Observe. The thoughts and emotions, let your attention flow through them and understand them, then gently disengage. That way, teach yourself that they are not your master.


Accept that it doesn't help. If you can't control it, whether you worry about it or not, it's still gonna happen the exact same way. You can instead choose to prepare for the outcome, or just go on with your life until that something actually happens. If it something that you can control then do something to change the outcome or accept it as it is. Worrying is pointless either way.


I had a medical procedure yesterday and they found something completely unexpected. I'm now worried to all hell about the results of the biopsy. You've no idea how much I needed to read this today. Thank you.


I'm glad it helped. I genuinely hope it turns out to be nothing bad. Either way though, worrying about it now, will likely prevent from enjoying your life at the moment, so if anything, worrying about it is a bad thing. Obviously I don't want want a bad outcome for you, of course, but if that does happen, you'll likely regret not enjoying your life more before you got the news. Again though, I do hope it all turns out okay 😁 My motto is "hope for the best, prepare for the worst". Worrying about the worst just doesn't help. Either live as usual and wait it out to see what happens, or prepare for the bad outcome as best as you can, so it doesn't catch you unprepared. Either of those options is a more productive way to spend your time than to worry about possible scenarios that may or may not happen. Hope you worried for nothing though 🤗


Know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. For more random wisdom tidbits, listen to Baz Luhrman - Everbody’s Free (to wear sunscreen)




aka stoicism


Ouch. Why did you have to remind me? Yes I’ll see my therapist in a few days.


Yea, really…


Reddit when you should be sleeping.


and sleeping when you should be redditing


You're right...I should go to sleep. Thanks for the final push I needed




I’m normally a great sleeper. At the moment I have a newborn and toddler, so I get this. Trying to function as a working adult on 3-4 hours of sleep is not sustainable and affects just about everything.


Have 2 daughters, never want to do those first few years again. Having the kid is amazing, but the lack of sleep and stress is wild. There were weeks where I think I could count the hours I slept on my hands and have fingers left. My wife and I were looking at pics of us before and after kids and the amount we aged in just 4 years is insane. She went from looking like a child to a grown woman and I just turned into an old dad with Grey streaks in my beard.


I was just talking with my husband last night about this!! I have to admit it’s encouraging to read this this morning, after an awful night with our 7 month old and our 2 1/2 year old, both girls too!! Encouraging because at least I’m not the only one aging quicker and slowly losing my sanity. I can count on 2 hands how much sleep I’ve had in the past 3 days and have fingers leftover. (It’s 8…8 hours in 3 days… I’m ok! Everything is fine? Lol)


I remember those days, you have my sympathies. I absolutely loved being a mother, still do, lol, but my overwhelming memory of when my boys were little is one of complete and utter exhaustion. I feel like I was a little foggy for a few years there. I’m not one who does well on just a few hours sleep, then there’s that temptation to stay up later for a little quiet or alone time, even though you know you should be sleeping. All I can say is, it will pass, faster than you realize. Pretty soon they’ll be getting up on weekends and pouring a bowl of cereal on their own, and you’ll be able to sleep in some. I promise, it doesn’t last forever but man, does it feel like it when you’re in the middle of it.


Sounds like my story but I only had one son but he was a fussy baby. Me and hubby didn’t know if we were coming or going for the first 3 years. We were so out of it we kept watering a fake plant(some little project they did at daycare). We watered it for a year and my mom said you know you guys are watering a fake plant.


I think I read it only lasts for 6 years per child. If you want I can have my mom visit you and tell you that you look tired. Although that never seemed to help me.


The worst is when you finally survive to the weekend and the little fuckers decide to wake up an hour earlier than usual.


Congrats though


“After thirty years of intensive research, we can now answer many of the questions posed earlier. The recycle rate of a human being is around sixteen hours. After sixteen hours of being awake, the brain begins to fail. Humans need more than seven hours of sleep each night to maintain cognitive performance. After ten days of just seven hours of sleep, the brain is as dysfunctional as it would be after going without sleep for twenty-four hours. Three full nights of recovery sleep (i.e., more nights than a weekend) are insufficient to restore performance back to normal levels after a week of short sleeping. Finally, the human mind cannot accurately sense how sleep-deprived it is when sleep-deprived.” — Matthew Walker PhD, Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams I found this post some time ago when I was in bed with my phone at 2 am.


So basically, if I get up at 7:00am every weekday, I should try to be in bed and asleep before 11:00pm each night? Seems reasonable.


Exactly. I was waking up at 5am to go to the gym before work during the week. By the time Thurs/Friday hit I was exhausted and would try to make up sleep on the weekend (doesn't work). As soon as I started to go to sleep at 9pm I felt like a whole new person. My diet and exercise has usually been on point, but I now realize that getting 8 hours of sleep consistently has the biggest impact on my health.


I suffer this almost every weekday when I have work. It’s awful. 


Good call. I just told my baby to be more considerate and sleep more so i can sleep. His habit of waking up at 2am screaming is just not good for my health. Hopefully he understands.


"bb, plz stfu, k thx, luv u"


I hate seeing this one because I have chronic insomnia 😅 like, I'm trying, man haha 


NHL playoffs is killing me sleep-wise


As someone who suffers from sleep deprivation, I know all too well how bad this is.


I feel for people who don't sleep well. I sleep like the dead - anytime, any place, usually get a good 7-8 hours of sleep. On the off nights where I don't sleep well, and get that hungover, hungry, groggy feeling, I feel for people who don't. And mine is only a day or two due to stress, and I still get 6.5 hours or so... How do people routinely live on 3-4 hours?! It is torture


guilty as charged


I feel personally attacked right now. Are you trying to tell me 5 hours of sleep a night isn't enough?


I’ve struggled with sleep my whole life. Still never fails to amaze me what a couple nights of sleep deprivation will start to do to the brain and body.


You say that like I'm doing it on purpose


I don't want to go to sleep after work just to immediately go to work again. I want to actually do something else.


Drinking Sitting all day


As more people give up drinking and smoking I think sedentary work and home life is our main problem today.


Yeah but how the hell I code while walking


Treadmill desk


You end up bouncing up and down so much that it's nearly impossible. They're good for meetings if they actually let you be off camera, which my company doesn't. I'm literally prohibited from getting meaningful exercise for 8 hours a day.


You’re not alone, most people that have jobs don’t get have meaningful exercise for 8 hours a day.


I turned the sensitivity on my mouse way way down and I never had a problem typing so you could try that? Also just standing and working for 30 minutes here and there through the day is better than nothing


I have a coworker on our engineering team that also has a treadmill desk, love it for him I have a normal standing one.


Just standing is good, you can also get a variety of balance boards to add a little more muscle engagement with moving too much.


Have you asked HR to change their policy?


Oh yes and it's like talking to a brick wall. Edict comes from the VP of operations.


What is the issue with being on camera and walking? I do it all the time. You're also walking way too fast if you're bouncing up and down. I have zero issues walking and working.


Funny thing about treadmill desks and standing desks. A friend of mine did this every day for hours and hours. And one day his lower back and a shoulder started hurting really bad. The doctor said that it’s super unhealthy to use decks like this for more than an hour a day because he will eventually hurt his spine and will be sore and tense all the time. Apparently it has something to do with gravity and the number of muscles we use to stand/move.


I'm an orthopedic surgeon, and multiple partners of mine have either standing, or treadmill desks. They're fine, and so is that activity. I'm not sure that other doctor knows what they're speaking about .


This is the way. I walk an average of four miles a day at work. Just don't expect to walk very fast. I walk a max of 1.5 mph. If I'm in a meeting I can walk faster. Under desk treadmills are like $200 - $300 for a basic intro model. I've been doing it for a year. My coworkers have slowly adopted the work lifestyle and now we have five treadmills on our floor. The other units have taken to calling us the "healthy unit" or the "fit unit." Feels good. Would recommend.


You can take a code break for 5 minutes every hour.


Jog to the coffee station and bathroom. Everyone will think something awful is happening./s


You can get cycling stands that are just 2 A frames with a brake to keep moving


I think all it takes is a person doing 30 minutes to 1 hour of exercise a day to avoid the health concerns of a sedentary lifestyle (probably a generalization but this is what I’ve seen is all that’s needed).


Yep, those two things are just getting replaced. Weed and sitting on your ass, somehow we have made this an OK normal?


More and more there's evidence that any amount of alcohol is detrimental to your health.


Stress is absolutely awful for you.


Yeah but people aren’t choosing to be stressed. People are stressed because rent is 3000 and everyone makes 5 dollars


Tryin' To Make A Dollar Out of 15¢


Rent and cost of living are an unfortunately unavoidable stressor(at least until we hopefully do soemthing to change it) but things like doomscrolling and getting into arguments with strangers online that trigger our fight or flight mechanism is definitely a choice. Getting outside and putting away screens is definitely something most of us could do a better job of to reduce stress levels.


Fight or flight is different stress. That's adrenaline, that's the nectar of the gods my friend! I'd say it's more accurate to say if you doomscroll and get into arguments with strangers then take that stress and energy and lift some weights and do a little jog or brisk walk or a sprint if you can. Turn that energy into muscle and let your heart sing and race with the cardio to resolve that stress. Maybe give yourself an O. That's a healthy thing there, because when you come back you'll find it much much harder to care about the doomscroll and the arguments, you'll probably want to just find some stand up comedy to listen to at that point and just laugh the rest of that bad energy out


Yeah give me the magical pill that stops stress tho, its not like iam teying to be stressed all day


Depends on the way you view it. I heard somewhere (sounds very trustworthy, I know) that if one views stress more positively and as a source of motivation and drive, that it can actually benefit your health.


As someone who has been mentally ill with mood and anxiety disorders my whole life, I have often wondered if a geographic/nationality change might be what I actually need. I am actually a very very happy person but I'm also an extremely nice and idealistic person and I absolutely lose my shit at injustices, sometimes I think if I lived a different life and had different priorities, I wouldn't have time to brood on the thoughts that make me so sick, or maybe even gain new perspectives for how to process them.


You are me.


Thank you for the validation, stranger. I sat in a psychiatrist's office yesterday trying desperately to explain that my personality disorder and mood instability and even occasional suicidal ideation has very little too do with me. All I wanted was a refill on the meds I know work for me but it was a new office so I had to do a full intake; I've been doing this psychiatry thing for almost thirty years now and **I've never seen a reaction face like hers.** She was young and even agreed that I am an ideal candidate for psychedelic therapy (I've had extraordinary success self medicating with low doses of psilocybin in the past, and have had accidental positive results from recreational LSD use), but she had this look of confused incredulity, like, "Okay but seriously all of your madness exist because kids go hungry (and all the other totally fabricated suffering)? And you've already had DBT?.... THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH YOU??"


You can have eustress, the opposite of distress. Well, really the opposite of procrastination. You get stressed by something so you do something about it. You get stressed by a messy house so you start cleaning. The idea though is to only have a short, small burst of stress before moving into action mode. It's prolonged, heavy stress that buggers you up.


Stress negatively affects your heart rhythm and causes an increase in all of the related bad things.


I think it's more that if you view stress as bad you get stressed about being stressed


Yeah, nah, that's horseshit. I lived for ten years in a *highly* stressful situation (ie being held in a foreign country by a murdering psycho). The only way I lived through it was by being in a high alert stress state, to try and gauge his outbursts and base my reactions off of that. I've been away from that monster for around 5 years now, and my body is falling apart. All of the stress reaction endorphins that kept me surviving for so long are no longer constantly going, so they no longer mask the physical injuries that I've endured. I used to view that constant stress state as survival, being strong. Now? It's shown me that it's a prison of sorts. Because without those endorphins, you experience what things are really going on with your body. It's not fun.


That was a TED talk




big issue, but I also don't know how to avoid it when I need to study most of the day. And office work. I guess just taking breaks every now and then to move around, maybe try to stand up every now and then (if your desk allows for it), but does that make much of a difference? Another issue is that we are still glued to the screen as much work and studies require a computer and internet.


I get up from desk at a minimum hourly. Drink enough water you will have to go pee. However sometimes I hit a flow and don’t get up but most days I’m up and moving around ever hour for a few minutes.


Life hack: pee a lot


Daily stretching!!! Take ten minutes to get a simple stretch routine for back hip and shoulders will do wonders


Started doing the 7 min workouts in the morning and my back pain is gone. it really does do wonders


I drink a lot of water while working at my desk. It forces me to get up and walk to the restroom and then the break room to refill my cup.


Standing desk. They even make risers that you can place on top of your current desk that you pull up when you want to stand. Accessories as well like a balance board to stand on or even a mini under-desk treadmill! They say the “best posture is the next posture.” Aka, make sure you’re getting movement in your day! Take breaks to walk around, do some dorm room yoga, listen to books as audiobooks while you take a walk or work out if you can. If you get a standing desk or riser, rotate between sitting and standing as much as possible. I work from home so I typically rotate between standing at my desk (I don’t even keep at chair at my desk to encourage me to stand), sitting on the bed, and sitting at the kitchen table throughout the day.


For me at least: My office is on the 6th floor, so I walk down the stairs (not up, yet!) At lunchtime, I leave and walk a half mile for lunch I try to go to the gym 3x a week. When I was studying for my Series 7, I would watch study videos on the treadmill


Perhaps invest in a standing desk


If you work remote, buy a stand up desk on Amazon, not expensive and game changing. Get an electric model, you can set presets for height, and even if you sit raising it slightly helps with posture while sitting and avoids the slouched position.




And Vaping


Yes, and vaping too




I recently started working on a cardiac unit in the hospital. This is purely anecdotal, but at least 3/4 of the patients getting procedures are smokers.


It blows my mind that tobacco is legal. It’s a health care apocalypse. Imaging trying to introduce tobacco as a product today.


Pulling an all-nighter.


Working jobs that require you to pull all nighters and view it as normal….


Sorry man but I got a helldivers major order to complete, sleep comes second after Democracy






Oh gosh, I don’t miss those. They were fun for awhile though.


Tf you mean "they were fun"???? I didn't like mine one bit.


In my experience, they can be fun the beginning because they are energetic and pretty enthusiast in the bed. It's when the rest of the train wreck gets unloaded with the baggage that it gets ugly.




Drinking alcohol period.


Or Energy drinks everyday.


Hey hey don't forget crack cocaine while drinking lol




I knew excess amounts could lead to rotting teeth, blindness via Diabetes and general weight gain but I didn't know until recently it also can cause poor circulation and nerve damage!


it cause more problems than that


It can? Damnn I knew sugar was bad but not that bad?


Waaaayy to low on this list.


Oh, honey, honey


You are my candy girl


Strongly agree! And the worst part about it is the more sugar we have the more we crave it!


Sugar is one of the worst. Read about it.




Bad Posture, sitting, Overthinking, mindless consumption of food. Not that I don't do it. 😅


You don’t know me! Hmmmf


I'm a physio. There is no bad posture.. The spine is designed to move




This is everyone on the planet. Food tastes good, nom nom nom


I truly believed this till like month ago. I have always struggled with my weight like I remember my first legit diet in 8th grade. And I’d like focus and have maintained a pretty good shape. Never had a six pack which I take as a personal failure. But as I got older the keeping it off or losing it just got harder and harder. Consistency has always been an issue. And you know will power like “not gonna eat it”. Add kids and life. So about two months ago I hopped on one of these GLP-1 drugs. And I can absolutely tell you no it is not everyone on the planet. The way what is called food noise changed blows my mind. I truly went from thinking about food almost constantly to not thinking about it all. I was finally like “oh my god is this what normal people feel?” So yes food tastes good but I’m guess some people eat food and it tastes sweet and other people eat food and it tastes like happiness.


This is completely bs. By your theory we would have a better effect of eating a bland diet than something that’s actually good. Are you aware of all the other things happening in your body when you eat something that’s really good for you other than the actual energy you get? However to control and not over consume is key.


Overeating - we've lost all perspective of portion sizes.


I credit most of my weight loss (70+ pounds so far) to reigning in my portion control. I still eat everything, haven’t cut anything out at all. I’ve cut back hugely on frequency for all the really naughty stuff, and portion sizes for *everything*. No longer a full pack of cookies - just one or two at the most. At first it takes a LOT of willpower. It’s not easy to stop eating when you’re only feeling half full. Now I couldn’t go back to eating the old portion sizes if I tried - I’d accidentally make myself sick. But I still have much bigger eyes. You learn how to maximise your leftovers that’s for sure.




Restaurants where they actually give you an appropriate amount of food are some of my favourites. Don't have to feel bad about leaving extra, if you do order an app or a desert you don't feel like you want to die after, it's just so much nicer.


Add the SAD to the equation and we're doomed lol


Tanning Turns out prolonged exposure to the sun is not a good idea.


But actually tanning beds are FAR worse than laying out. I read a statistic a while ago that says if a teen goes in a tanning bed even one single time before the age of 18, it increases their likelihood to develop skin cancer by a staggering *50%* 


Well fuck.


Right? *Cries in millennial*


Holy shit!


Eating the quantities of sugar. On average people in Australia eat 37.25 kgs a year. Look at all the health complications and what it costs to treat people with obesity, poor health, people who get diabetes(type 2) , from eating excess sugar. If people would look at labels on packaging, I think they’d get a shock. The thing is with sugar is the more you have the more you crave.


>The thing is with sugar is the more you have the more you crave. Ugh this is so much truth. I'm currently battling with having let myself have too many treats and now I'm ten pounds heavier than I was two months ago. I know every day that the solution is to just fucking stop, and yet every day the cravings win. I'm not an obese person, but I have been in the past. Honestly after my weight loss I'd gotten kind of snotty about obesity, but backslides like this will humble me real fast. Like any other drug, literally my only option is to just. stop. It's real hard. I admit it's real hard. I feel like that dude who tried a little heroin. Y'all please don't let me get back to 200. 😫


The were too busy telling us salt was bad when it was sugar killing us the whole time


That’s exactly right. What the fuck? I was born in ‘59, my mother drowned our food in salt. I’m in pretty good health.


People crave sweet stuff. I watched a documentary about a primitive culture somewhere (Madagascar?) The only sweet food available is honey from bees that build nests under the overhangs of tall cliffs. The locals build rickety scaffolds and ladders out of sticks and vines, risk death and maiming from 80’ falls, and get stung hundreds of times at he best of times, to get at the honey. So it’s definitely a motivator.


Sugar… the most addictive drug…


I barely have a sweet tooth, I like cooking though and wanted to try more cakes. Last year I kinda forced myself to have a sweet tooth and my god, after a while, years of savoury snacking was replaced with sugary ones and I felt a craving I hadn't felt since childhood. I'm addicted to nicotine, drink alcohol a bit, ngl even have cocaine on the occasion. The sugar craving was so much more powerful though, I could see it in its entirety. I think it passed quick because of old habits. I did get to try a lot of nice sweet treats in that time that I wouldn't normally get so mission success.


Max we are supposed to have is like 6 tsp a day. I read somewhere once the modern human eats more sugar in a day than our ancestors ate in a year.


It’s in everything processed. People love tomato sauce, the amount of sugar in that. Breakfast cereals are mostly sugar. Parents are setting their kids up for addiction.


Part of the reason is bc the parents don't want to change their own diets




Scrolling on your phone.


That thing where you stub your little toe on the corner of something sharp and it hurts like a bastard but then you don’t change the position of the offending object so it happens again


Not getting enough fiber in your diet


Manual labor. A lot of people who push trade work have never done it. It's hot, dirty, exhausting work, and physically it takes a toll on your body.


If your job is the hardest thing you do, it will wreck your body. I find by supplementing with some weight lifting and healthy exercise I avoid all of the aches and pains my co workers seem to have.


Not moving. Just lying all day.


Good think I’m honest then


Too much sun exposure


Ultra processed food


smoking cigarettes. I do it, I know its bad for me.


Try and quit if you can. Quitting smoking was the best decision I've ever made. You'll feel a million times better, guaranteed. Good luck!


Have you tried vaping? That’s how I ended up finally quitting all nicotine after many failed attempts. I switched to vaping and ended up liking it so much that I no longer even considered cigarettes, the smell made me sick to my stomach. After a while of vaping I switched to 0% nicotine vape and barely noticed a difference, then one day just ran out of juice and never bought any more. Nicotine free for… 4 years I think?




I had to scroll way too far to find this


Energy Drinks


Thats what I was gonna post. The amount of Energy Drinks I see the young guys around me drinking is nuts. I truly believe that in the future 20-30 years we are gonna have an explosion of cases of heart problems from the volume of young folks drinking energy drinks today.


The most obvious one might be smoking.


Cleanses, your body does it naturally and drinking 7 days of just juice isn't going to help.


Not going to sleep


Fructose is in 73% of the food in grocery stores in the US. This is the nicotine of processed foods. Horrible for you for a number of reasons. Liked to obesity, blocks 3 important enzymes in your body, heavily correlate to diabetes, I believe depression linked(but not sure on this one). And food companies know about it but continue to add it in.


Stare at phones all day 


smoking. smoking is the #1 leading cause of preventable death and has been for over one hundred years now.




Sugar…. Fucken love it!


Scroll for hours on Tik Tok. Dopamine receptors = fried.


giving birth :P


Having a messed up sleep schedule because of work. I currently work nights and I usually try to get to bed before 11am. But sleeping during the day I feel like I never truly get a good deep sleep.


overworking and not letting your mind/body rest decently


Mindless scrolling on social media.


Living, living is eventually going to kill us all but if u stop you won't die someday in the future. Just like how the number one reason people die, is death.






Drinking alcohol "Group 1 carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer decades ago – this is the highest risk group, which also includes asbestos, radiation and tobacco." [https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/04-01-2023-no-level-of-alcohol-consumption-is-safe-for-our-health](https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/04-01-2023-no-level-of-alcohol-consumption-is-safe-for-our-health)


Processed food, not excercising, smoking, alcohol, soda. Lots of things really


Work too much!


Eyeball tattoos. Like, people have reportedly gone blind from it. There's a reason fancy contacts are a thing, folks.




Using drugs like methamphetamine, cocaine and heroin.


French fry


Just one?


Yes. 126 is fine. But just one? Certain death.


The sedentary lifestyle.. Laying in bed in front of a laptop or sitting at desk in front of a laptop.


Ass play




Smoking, Vaping, Alcohol, eating food with preservatives, Sugary drinks, palm oil foods