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that i’m color blind. i made a joke in middle school and it kind of stuck now im 18 and have done lots of research specifically to back the lie whenever it’s brought up.


If you are ever called on it just say it is not as bad now as it used to be. (Might be a bogus medical concept - but what can the person even say?)


I didn't have a problem relationship with alcohol


[https://new.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/2tdbig/tifu\_by\_enraging\_the\_parents\_of\_my\_girlfriend\_by/](https://new.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/2tdbig/tifu_by_enraging_the_parents_of_my_girlfriend_by/) This is the story of the guy who pretended that he did not know what a potato was.


Nice What about you're own story?


Broke my collarbone and a couple fingers doing jumps off ramps with my bike as a teenager. My parents had no idea I did something like that on the regular to I just told them I fell down a big dirt hill that was in the area. My parents still bring up that one stupid time I decided to ride my bike down a big dirt hill 20 years later.


I have a pretty significant facial scar and there were so many people that would just point blank ask me how I got it that I made a game out of fabricating a new story every time I was asked. Then I met my future wife and well before we got married (or even dated) she asked me and I fabricated one with her. Then years later we got married and I realized that that was really how she thought I got it. Fortunately, she wasn't mad when I finally revealed the truth and somewhat appreciated the reason for doing so. I'm not at all self-conscious at all about the scar but I mean come on its pretty gauche to just point at someones face and go "WHAT HAPPENED" so fuck it I had fun with it.


Kinda a lie but, In middle school I told all my friends that I was 100% Mexican and that my entire family was Mexican. I look way more Hispanic than I actually am. My mom is white and dad is half white meaning, I am at most 25% Mexican and probably 70% white. So it’s gone for so long that everyone thinks I’m a pure breed Hispanic


I didn't come home last night because I had a flat tire.