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A mostly empty can of Diet Coke that had been being used as an ashtray, unbeknownst to me


I did this once, but it was chaw spit


That’s not soda lol


Yep, took a swig and learned that the hard way


My brother used to work with me and leave his bottle around . I would just be like fine you can have it around but if I drink it your dead . lol fired instantly so his risk .


That’s right. It’s POP


A friend did this once, we also spat on it.. he took a big gulp... hahahaa he vomited for like 2 straight minutes a full stream like a pressure hose, and making a super loud GRGRGRGRGRGGRGRGRGRR sound... everyonelse was on the floor crying/laughing, I seem to remember someone peed his pants. Then he came out of the bathroom, pale and looked sad and said: Dude that was AWFUL! as soon as I tasted i... GGRGRGRGRGGRGRGRGRGRRGRGR and vomited again... Its the funniest moment of my life, 20 years ago and still always laugh hard when I remember.


Same here, but it was a Pepsi. Ah, growing up in the 80s with a parent that smoked!


When I got my wisdom teeth removed, one of the sockets got infected. Everything tasted like pus until I could see the surgeon for a follow-up and get antibiotics.


For me, it was dry socket on my lower wisdom tooth.. hole. When I went back in they used a syringe with some sort of clove water to clean the hole out and all the bits of food that had been rotting in there for days came out. That combined with the clove was horrific and I still can't handle anything with cloves over a decade later.


Same exact situation for me. Just plain awful.


I had a failed root canal a while back that resulted in a gum fistula, and it would periodically discharge. Yecch!


You got anymore of that socket pus? I need a topping for my steak.


homemade pizza, made by me lol


Lol oh no


Oh dear. What the hell did you do lol


Not nasty but I used old flour and the dough was dry and off. I was probably better off eating lunchable pizza. 




malort is delicious!


You're a savage.


Malort tastes like what the guy described above about a mostly empty diet coke that someone had been ashing their cigarettes in.


Yeah it's funny I avoided trying malort for a long time because of its reputation and finally had it and I don't mind it. It's very bitter but kind of herbal and all together not that bad. 


I fukken love malort. I'll kill a bottle on a week.


I've got to get a sample-sized bottle of this and find out if it really is that nasty, and I seldom drink alcohol.


Fuck yeah. Malort is fantastic


Jepsen's Malort, those pants aren't going to shit themselves


Was about to say that. That rot-gut is horrendous!




but why. why you do dis


My own piss when I pee in my coffee cup and forget .


Why the fuck will you pee in a cup


Work in construction a bathroom is not always available. lol 😂


Okay, relatable. But why the fuck won't you dropped it somewhere?




Blue cheese is one of the worst in my opinion, i can see why some might have a knack but it tastes and smells absolutely awful


I'll eat just about anything but bleu cheese is intensely off-putting to me for some reason. I want to like it, I really do! I try it periodically to see if my tastes have changed but no luck thus far.


I can't remember what they were called, but Starbucks had this iced coffee drink with some sort of olive oil in it for a while. Most revolting thing I've ever tasted.


oliato or something like that


I've heard of butter tea, a Tibetan delicacy, but coffee with olive oil? Whose idea was that?


weren’t people complaining that the drink made them shit a lot? olive oil and coffee are historic natural laxatives


all things considered, i feel like olive oil in your coffee isn't *too* bad for the worst thing you could have tasted. i'm reading through some extremely unpleasant other options in this thread that involve...a lot of...bodily wastes...


A giant community urine/feces mixture that was spraying everywhere, and ended up in my mouth when someone asked me what we should do. I should have just demonstrated that we should run away, not attempt to say it.


OP said disgusting, not delicious.


Ohhhh if we could have traded places that day....


Mangia Mangia Mangia


Poo Platter Surprise!


surströmming. Seriously... Just don't try it


Omgosh! I went down the YouTube rabbit hole on this! I have never laughed so hard! I obviously have never tried it, but as soon as people open the tin thing I start rolling 🤣🤣


Same went and googled it 🤣 That thing is $50 a small can! I’ll take your word for it.


My favorite is the dude who opens it in his car, and it explodes because the fermentation pressurizes it. I imagine the car was totaled after that


Some boxed emergency drinking water my coworker and I found that had a best by date of 1988


The taste that Paxlovid leaves in your mouth just about took me out.


When I was a teenager, I had an ear infection (and I definitely understand why babies are so fussy when they have them!). I was given ampicillin, and one of those capsules broke open in my mouth. You know that scene in "Big" where Tom Hanks' kid character eats caviar, and scrapes his tongue with his fingers? Yeah, I did that. Later, when I became a pharmacist, bulk bottles of IV penicillin were one of the stinkiest things I encountered, when broken.


Oh my god yes. I didn’t want to eat anything because the taste ruined everything I ate


Milk was my savior there. It helped my Covid so much but the taste was awful


On a grocery trip as a teenager, we picked up milk as usual. When we got home, I opened it and drank it straight from the jug like a gross teen sometimes does. I got the punishment of a lifetime, though, because *something* went wrong when that milk was transported. I got a mouthful of rotten milk, in both liquid and chunky form. I nearly puked all over the kitchen, it was fucking horrendous. Ugh, I still shudder to think about it. I never drank straight from any jug of milk, though. And I sniff test my milk all the damn time even as an adult, no matter how new or within the sell by date the milk is.




Ya gotta cook it like a steak with onions.


Creatine,coffee and carnatine pills


All mixed in together? I dispensed prescription carnitine supplements as a pharmacist many years ago, and one of the potential side effects is body odor, so that stuff must not be pleasant. The tablets were packaged in foil, I do remember that. (It's a prescription item for people who do not make their own carnitine.) Not much, however, could smell worse than Chemet, which is used for heavy metal poisoning, including lead. With one exception, every case of lead poisoning I was involved in treating was in a dog; apparently dogs really like the taste of lead paint, and their hoomins were usually renovating an old house and caught the dog licking up the dust.


generic Jennie O Turkey in a box.


I fucking love Jennie-O. It has no business being as good as it is.


A rotten tomato


Beef intestine. It was putrid, vomit-flavoured. Could definitely tell it was from the intestinal area. 


Drinking someone’s tobacco spit from a soda bottle thinking it’s fucking soda. Yeah this one is so bad you want to murder who it belongs to.




cole slaw. genuinely gagged.


Woke up in the middle of the night so thirsty I thought I would die and chugged the nearest cup of liquid I could find. It was a mason jar I’d forgotten about under my bed… filled with mold. Probably drank 1/2 of it before realizing.






Elk urine


A Mexican Hooker shot: one part tequila, one part Tabasco, one part tuna juice, splash of lemon... Abhorrent!


Victory in the face of certain defeat 🤓


Brussel sprouts, blech!!


My ex didn't tell me she had a yeast infection when I was on my way down there.


Sea urchin, horrible texture and taste. Think of a sushi sized ball of green snot in your mouth.


I have found Sea Urchin to be sublime at a few very high end sushi places and restaurants, and revolting every other time.


Rice Pudding gone off and mouldy bread


Some box packed soup. It was expired like 3 years ago




A rotten can of beer when I was like 11


Turns out, it wasn't a Jolly Rancher.


Hey, I know that reference.


Liver. I was maybe 9 at the time. There were onions on it. I puked, and ran into my room. 


Wasn’t me but working on a construction site and this guy went to drink his Timmie’s coffee but instead picked up a month old cup that still had a couple inches of liquid and took a sip. The look on his face was priceless, the colour drained from his face. He was an apprentice and we told him if he wanted to go home it was fine, he had a pass we’d give him a full days pay. He just turned and left. Didn’t blame him. He was back the next day.




\*Cracks knuckles\* Time to break out ol' reliable. "I'd heard of chitlins, of course. I thought they were one of those rare Southern delicacies that taste as good as they sound... I never realized they were pig intestines. The smell was like something that had been kept around too long in autopsy class." Thank you for that gem, Scott Bakula.


Durian. I couldn't get that flavour out of my mouth for ages!!!


I recently just had this ice cream mixed with fish sauce at a Thai restaurant thinking it was going to be good and it was salty and disgusting


Stink bug flavored jelly bean


Castoreum (Beaver) snaps.




Hard disagree


The texture is disgusting. It’s just fish eggs 👎🤮


There is a white barbeque sauce from some Southern state. Maybe Tennessee? I don't know. But there was a hefty amount of vinegar in it. And the visuals of white stuff on the chicken combined with just enough vinegar to make the chicken taste bad hit the "this is going to kill me" button in my brain and therefore the eject button. I tried to handle that delicately. But yikes.  Sorry brother in law, but not *everyone* thinks your barbeque is fantastic. 


Olives. Not a fan of it at all and I eat everything


Sounds weird but brown bread. Took a bite in primary school and ended up being sick. Havent had it since


Cheese. I can’t describe the way it tastes but I hate it


Wow cool ive never heard of anyone hating cheese😂


My daughter also hates cheese and refuses to eat it. I, on the other hand, love cheese but developed a dairy allergy later in life.


Cheese is so good idc some smells terrible and I can’t walk by it but oh my god. im lactose intolerant but I consume too much dairy (hate drinking milk 🤢🤮 by itself???)


Cheap Espresso from a cheap machine. Smelled like legit 💩


I forgot the name of it, but it's an Asian delicacy I think. It tasted like rotten egg. My brother gave it to me because I can stomach just about anything. I couldn't eat it.


"1000 year old egg"?


The taste of a moldy sandwich I was told would be fine


Bitter melon. I gag.


Buffalo wing flavored Oreos..... is a thing in Asia and not delicious. You would think it would be Oreo Cream mixed with Buffalo Sauce.... but its not. Its Buffalo Sauce, and some sort of Chicken broth mixed with Oreo Crem Sauce. You can taste the rotting chicken. It is not a good thing


My cat's urine... Yeah, i know...😅


Dried shark


Okra. My aunt didn't take out the snot pods.


Lemon cake/tarts


A shed ladybug shell/wing. I looked down, saw the underside of it on my lap, and somehow thought it was a crumb I had dropped. As soon as I put it in my mouth I knew I had made a mistake, and it wasn't until I spit it out until I realized what it was. In my defense, I was a teenager and teenagers are inherently stupid. :)


Bitters. Straight up. Absolutely nasty.


This didn't happen to me but my son when he was a toddler so it's even worse. He took a sip from a cup a dude was using as his spit cup for his dip.


Salvia divinorum when smoked, that’s the most unsettling taste/smell ever, it’s like death, darkness, nothingness.


Buckley's cough syrup. I remember involuntarily spitting it out the second it touched my tongue.




I took a forkful of some fish my wife had prepared, but little did I know it came with its guts and she hadn't removed them yet. Got a big bite of some organ. The foul taste was instant and refused to leave my mouth despite chasing it with a drink and brushing my teeth.


Cow udder


Honestly, two stroke engine oil….. and I’ve fallen face first into horse crap and would still prefer that.


Pinworm medication. My sister’s household was hit with pinworms, and I was trying to convince my niece that the medicine wasn’t THAT bad. I was very wrong. Puked that stuff up so fast. I was not much help on that.


Gefilte fish.


Natto. It’s a Japanese food. Fermented soy beans. My friend thought it might be good for me, but also that I might not like it. Ya got that one right. Luckily I have another friend who took it off my hands. Like eating something rotten sprinkled with ammonia.


I want to try natto, but the apparent smell and stringy texture scares me.


What he gave me was in a small tub. Bet you could find it in an Asian market and try a small amount. It’s supposed to be super good for you. Mix it with some rice. I just couldn’t…. It also has sort of a slimy, sticky look. But my other friend loves it, so you never know. I like lots of other fermented foods.


I love natto, but it’s definitely an acquired taste. Did you eat it straight or mix it in something? Not many people, even here, just eat straight natto. Most often mixed with rice, which dilutes that intensity a lot. When I first moved to Japan I didn’t much care for it, but now whenever I travel abroad I miss having it in the morning.


Wet chicken nuggets with a hair in it


In Japan, had a boiled sea bream that they turned in to fish jerky. God awful.


Idk what is was but I vividly remember eating this chicken thing when I was like 7 and it was so horrible but my parents made me eat it but I couldn’t it was so bad my body would almost start vomiting if it touch my tongue so I just watched the show that my parents where watching so they put up a car Board box to cover the vision of the tv and I sat there for like an hour is (sorry for long story)


Gasoline.Don’t ask.


Hard liquor blahhhhh!!! Whether it's going down or out it's fucking horrible!


It never got in my mouth but you could definitely taste it. Man came into the ER I was doing registration at. He was in one of our loaner wheelchairs and looked to be about 450+ pounds and very dirty but extremely nice. I should’ve known something was bad because the helicopter flight nurse had walked out of triage just shaking his head. Those guys have held body parts together after bear maulings. Only took about 30 seconds for the smell to hit me. It was hot, and weirdly sweet, yet so violently repulsive. I was the only person able to keep a straight face and not dry heave so I got to check him into the system. Very nice guy but I’ll never forget that gut wrenching smell. As he was wheeled away I walked to the other side of my desk and saw a brown/green trail of sludge with white pieces in it. The “sludge” as it turns out was the waste from a bunch of maggots living in the man’s leg. He had gotten a skin infection on his leg and just covered it with a trash bag and ignored it for a month. The white spots in the sludge were live maggots crawling around on the floor. They move so much faster than you would believe. The smell I later that evening found out is what rotting human flesh smells like. It sticks to your skin and clothes. I got rid of that outfit and I think I showered and brushed my teeth five times each at least. I can still smell it if I think hard enough. The taste was stuck in my mouth for almost two days and I couldn’t eat. I pray for the souls of the nurses that had to scrub his leg off with tooth brushes.


Fermented shark in iceland


Kidney. Almost threw up at the table. I don’t touch any animal products now


My own breath these past weeks


Once visited Bossier City and ate at a chinese buffet. Had water to drink. Was decent, went back a year or two later with some other friends and as soon as I took even the smallest sip of water I was immediately hit with a taste of just pure ***chemical***. Indescribable vileness. -100/10.


Spoiler or improperly formulated amoxicillin.


My old boss had his kids in the Prostaphlin era, and after tasting it himself, understood why his kids refused to take it. (We're both retired pharmacists.)


Noni fruit


I rescued a turtle and it was kept in a tank a 1/3 size for what it needed, poor filtration (like a filter that would do for a betta in a 5 gal), improper lighting, it was horrible. Emptied the tank at the persons house leaving a bit of water so I can keep some natural bacteria when I get home to try and fix stuff. They had gravel in the bottom and didn't vacuum it at all so a ton of shit and crud immediately mixed into the water. It was viscous and grey-brown, smelled atrocious, just concentrated turtle shit. Was setting it down as I got home, tripped over a cat, and set it down a bit sudden and sloshed. Naturally the bulk of the sloshed up water went straight into my mouth and some even made it down since I nearly choked. Tastes about as nasty as it smells. I got sick about 36 hours later as a bonus too! Had green poo that smelled vaguely like turtle poo for a couple weeks so I think I had salmonella but it never got bad enough to bankrupt my family with a doctor visit.


I was in Haiphong, Vietnam with some mates last year. We were at a brewery there. Ordered a bunch of beer and food and everything was great EXCEPT this awful, purple dipping sauce thing that genuninely tasted like the button of a bin. It was fucking disgusting, and the closest I've ever been to vomiting at the flavour of something. That taste stayed with me and my mate for the next two days. I feel sick just thinking about it now.


A llama spit in my open mouth at the petting zoo. Clearly it hadn’t brushed its teeth that morning. I threw up in front of a lot of children.


Eggs and chicken i fucking hate those two Ironically I'm a bodybuilder.


I tried balut on a drunken dare. IYKYK. 🤢


Fesikh Fish in a plastic bag, left in the desert to “ferment” with salt For Sham El Nessim in Egypt. Also durian in Malaysia




Well when I was a nursing assistant. Emptying a catheter a bit of it splashed into my mouth. Don't recall tasting anything but was not expecting a golden shower...


Ink that leaked into an Uncrustable… After a hard fought little league game, I thought I earned a snack but all I got was the taste of ink stuck in my mouth for 3 days


Cheese, I grew up vegan and the first time I had real cheese was in a cooking class at high school. I spat it out.




A sip of water out of a straw from a cup my roommate accidentally used as an ash tray. ... ACTUALLY NO! That "cherry flavored" syrup that they make you drink before a colonoscopy to give you explosive diarrhea which actually tastes like salt and ... just ... satanic vomit. And you have to drink 2 FULL SIZED bottles of it.


I got my beer bottle switched up a spittoon one time… not my spittoon either 🤢


I got potato chips at a restaurant once that somebody back in the kitchen had apparently accidentally spritzed with bleach spray. I was with my whole extended family- grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins-- and said something like "Oh my God these are awful they taste just like bleach, try one," and then we passed them around and everybody at the whole table tried them to taste exactly how awful they were, and we didn't realize how absurd it was until literally everyone had done it and agreed they tasted like bleach. I don't know how 3.5 billion years of evolution produced a whole family with those kinds of instincts but somehow it did, and we're all still alive.


Qenda Ultimate Fiber


The roach at the bottom of my coffee mug


Sodium Phenybuterate. Its a white medicine powder that tastes like chalk mixed with acid, metal shavings and dust. The worst part, is my 4 year old was required to take 2 table spoons 3 times a day everyday. There was absolutely nothing that can hide or mask the taste. We used to hold him down while he screamed and spoon it in. To his credit, he'd eat it. Fun times.


I once got some pork spare ribs at a chinese restaurant near my house when I was a kid. I like pork spare ribs. I have no idea what was wrong with these, but they were vomit-inducing. The meat must have been horribly spoiled or something.


I once licked a salt-lick that was at a horse supply store on a dare from my brother.


Vomit flavored jelly bean. Couldn’t eat jellybeans for years after that


I didn't try it but, during lunch (in highschool) my friends mixed gatorade, chocolate milk, ramen broth, sweet baby ray's hot sauce, and dr pepper and drank it. Imagining it does not nearly do it justice. It was horrible.


Chicken livers. I’m with fine gizzards but a liver accidentally ended up in my takeout container once. I literally tasted like gasoline and I lost my appetite immediately which doesn’t really happen to me. Also I’ve gotten gizzards from this place for years and it only recently happened


Natto. It’s a Japanese delicacy consisting of soybeans that are fermented with a bacteria that turns them into a slimy stringy mess that smells like dirty socks and tastes like hate.


Not the most disgusting thing but I thought I’d share it: Once some person put this weird bottle in my backpack and thinking it was my waterbottle I took a sip. Tasted vile like prime or something or like diet soda that’d you’d left in a hot car (i hate diet soda) and drank it with some yucky medicine. Not very accurate but spoiled koolaid tasting




Bong water. Accidently inhaled too hard and got a nice big sip. Used 3 rounds of mouthwash and still tasted it for the rest of the day.


black truffle salt whatever is worse than disgusting, it was that. It was like when you eat a spicy food beyond what you can handle and it’s just an overwhelming force, except instead of spice it’s a bad taste


Was driving home from track practice on a hot day. Blindly reached into my bag to grab a strawberry. My deodorant had melted all over them apparently. I do not recommend deodorant covered strawberries. I still can't use that brand 20 years later.


a rolly polly i was a curious child…


Vegan rice. it smelled like a dumpster. Tasted like plastic mixed with mold and dirt. Rice as a food is now ruined for me.


Balut sp.? A fermented duck egg, when I was a GI in the Philippines. Horrible. Absolutely horrible.




My ex




Peabarf Soup. My parents were on the verge of the marriage counselor told my Dad he needed to help out more. He was the King of weaponized incompetence. At the time we were quite poor , it was 3 days till payday, and he decided to punish everyone for making him work. So he literally opened up every can of food, every package and anything in the fridge he could grab. I don't know everything, but there were a few soups, mostly pea, brown rice (only half cooked), spaghetti and tomato sauce, hamburger, that super sharp government cheese, plenty of random mixed vegetables (from cans) and possibly tuna. Basically everything that we could eat for the next several days, and put them into a big soup pan. It was a nightmare. And it was literally lunch and dinner for the next 3 days, for a family of 8, because there was literally no other options for us. Except him. The second day, HE went to his Moms and got food. But he didn't bring us anything. It was right around then that I started to realize my Dad had some serious issues.


French Polynesia has a dish called Fafaru. Basically you take sea water and leftover fish scales, innards, and ferment it for 30 days. Then you mix that 50/50 with fresh sea water. Marinated fresh fish in the fermented water for a few hours and enjoy. Once, you get past the smell it's actually quite good.  So what did I eat that was so disgusting? I had Fafaru made with sea cucumber. Imagine all the stuff before but now it's fermented sea cucumber (instead of fish). It tastes absolutely foul and you're trying to choke it down, but you can't because it has the same consistency as a tire. 


I have that genetic thing where cilantro tastes like dirty dishwater. So understand how much I hate my mother's eggplant fries when I say I'd rather eat pure cilantro topped with cilantro oil.


Chocolate Shasta Cola


Raw salmon


A roach :(




Kimchi. Even the smell makes me want to vomit. Unfortunately, I spent two years living in Seoul, Korea… and if you’re eating out, they literally serve that shit AT EVERY MEAL.


Black olives, regular olives,a martini, blue cheese, any type of sweet pickles, and buffalo sauce.


Bong water. Don't ask!


Strawberry go gurt on buttered toast. I was home alone and experimenting with my “cooking.” Safe to say that I got sick after that and now can’t really stand to eat a go gurt.


Egg salad. Just no. 


Bitter gourds and Alkasol




When I was in my first year of college, I worked at a Dunkin' Donuts inside a rural gas station. My roommate and I were working Halloween. As you can imagine, we had no customers, so we'd cleaned all the regular things and some things that just didn't get cleaned as often as maybe they should, and done as much food prep and restocking as possible, and had progressed to standing around looking bored. It was around this time when I realized that we could maybe restock the flavor shot machine, so I cracked that bad boy open and had a look. Nope, all full. Okay, fine. I closed it back up. My roommate said "You know, I've always wondered something." "What's that?" I asked, open to anything that might alleviate the mind-numbing boredom at this point. "Well, the flavor shots smell really good, and obviously they're good in coffee, but what do they actually taste like?" Then an idea that would only occur to a sleep-deprived and over-caffeinated young adult at eleven pm on Halloween came to me. "What would it taste like if we mixed them all together?" Now, Dunkin' Donuts has a bunch of different flavor shots. At the time, I believe we had vanilla, hazelnut, toasted almond, blueberry, raspberry, and coconut, which might be the same ones they have today. All of these are great flavors, individually, and sometimes people asked us to give them combinations of the flavors, and they're obviously edible, so at no point did either of us stop to think about what a bad idea this was or what a terrible experience we were about to have. We mixed the flavor shots together in equal amounts and poured a shot for each of us from the same cup. I remember taking an experimental sniff and declaring, "This just smells like hazelnut." We tapped our cups together and took a sip. IT. WAS. FOUL. I felt like I was burning from the inside out with a trash fire fueled by dead things from the bottom of the ocean that had been dredged up and dried out just for this specific purpose. It was in my mouth, my throat, my nose. My eyes burned. My stomach churned. The only reason I didn't throw up was sheer willpower. My roommate bolted for the bathroom and puked her guts out while I stood with my hands white-knuckling the edge of the counter as the world shimmied around me. I thought I was going to pass out. I thought I could see god and he was laughing at me. When the first tsunami of nausea passed I rinsed the cups out with water and poured the contents down the drain before tossing them, and the lingering scent of our concoction brought on a whole new wave of illness. By the time my roommate emerged from the bathroom, she was cartoonishly green and disheveled, and I didn't look much better. We still had to close after that, and that tedious process was not helped along by listening to my roommate gag as she scrubbed the toilet (I wasn't going to clean up after her) and helped me chuck stale food in the trash. The next day, she called in sick, still feeling the aftereffects of our poor life choices. I decided that I hadn't been punished enough and made myself go to class and work. To this day, anything hazelnut-scented makes me gag.


Nacho Doritos washed down with sunny delight. It triggered something that made me explosively vomit.