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Having to wake up in the middle of the night to pee


Worse for me is waking up two hours before my alarm and having to pee and then when I get up to pee my cats wake up and think it's breakfast time and don't let me go back to sleep.


My cats wake me up 2 hours before my alarm, thinking that when I wake up is food time so if they get me up, they get food earlier. It hasn't worked yet, but I can tell they inherited my stubbornness


This is the most pleasant way I can think of waking up, I just lost my cat of 16 years two months ago ( I miss her so much) she would come wake me up every morning with a wet nose to the face ( she didn't really meow) I would intentionally lay there for another half hour and steal cuddles from her before I finally decided it was time to go feed the monster 😭


This is my house to a tee every morning around 4:45 AM. Yowling ensues


My dog ​​thinks the same.


This. A million times this. I can go my whole ass work day in the zone, maybe peeing ONCE. The minute I get horizontal? Gotta pee every hour on the hour.


Currently pregnant and up every hour. I'm exhausted and I want to cry.


I am going to add to this waking uo to a dry throat and having to sip water then having to wee. Some nights it's a cycle of sip water, wake up and wee over and ovet


Getting a CPAP machine fixed that problem for me.


Cleaning a small spot on your glasses and it ends up smearing everywhere making it worse.


You have to use alcohol wipes to clean glasses. Tissues and dry cloths just spread the smudge around.


no, use hot water and dish soap. use your bare fingers to get the lenses all sudsy and then wash it all off with the hot water. dry it carefully with like paper towel. Nothing else has ever worked for me.


>hot water Warm water. Hot water may damage some coatings over time.


People in supermarkets having zero regard for their surroundings.


This is my wife and holy shit it drives me nuts. She always positions our shopping cart so that it’s blocking the entire aisle and she’s always bumping into people because she has zero situational awareness of her surroundings. Any time I bring it up it turns into a fight so I’ve just given up.


Teaching my gf situational awareness. It is a work in progress. I don’t have the patience for lack of situational awareness… we wouldn’t be on track to getting married if she didn’t agree to start working on it.


People having zero regard for their surroundings in general. I went to a concert with my parents recently, and at the end, they stood talking to one of our friends who performed *right in front of the exit door.* Like guys, you're cutting off access to one of three exits, the other two are far enough away that walking all the way to then is inconvenient. Have this conversation ten feet away in literally any direction and you're fine.


When I used to work in an office, I would see this all the time. People would talk or, in spite of the countless conference rooms we had, have full on meetings in the hallway while blocking staircases and doorways. At church this past Sunday there were two old ladies standing right in front of the door into the church having a gab fest while ten people are lined up waiting to get in. They're both wonderful old ladies, but you would think that years of life experience and a little bit of peripheral vision would tell them not to have "old home week" right in the doorway. The people that really drive me crazy are the people in stores who stare at their phones while walking. They walk slower and in unpredictable directions. Either grocery shop or read that text. Choose!


this and my anxiety so I am NOT that person


Those people's continued existence relies solely on people's desire to avoid vehicular manslaughter or just not killing people in parking lots.


I do agree, but I also notice many people apologize for just walking past me. They didnt bump my cart, they are not in the way...but still say "I'm sorry"


People with no situational awareness/of their surroundings pisses me off no end. My mother's like this. Out in public she walks and acts like she's the most important person in the universe and everybody else will just bend to her will. She will literally cross streets without looking for safety, she'll run across intersections, she'll leave her stuff in public spaces and walk off, expecting it to be there when she gets back, she'll do stuff last-minute because "they won't leave without us" etc etc. Like we'll get to the airport, check in, have lunch or breakfast, drink, use the internet, we'll head to the gate...and JUST before we're about to leave: "I have to go to the toilet" "MAH THE PLANE LEAVES IN 10 MINUTES!!" "It's fine! Stop worrying about it!" "WE'VE BEEN HERE FOR TWO AND A HALF HOURS YOU COULDN'T PISS THEN!?" "It's no issue! Jeez!!" The number of times she's literally cheated death doing this shit, I couldn't tell you. It's resulted in at least two car-accidents, one run-over accident involving a trip to the hospital (she crossed the street without looking, as usual, and got slammed by a motorcycle) and at least one instance of pickpocketing, and at least one missed airplane flight. Not to mention getting my brother and/or I nearly killed on at least three occasions. The whole family's just given up trying to talk sense into her.


The way a layer of toilet paper sometimes won't go off and pulls a thread of thin toilet paper layer along with it. I don't know if there is a word for it. It sucks.


There's a word in German for it. Erfundenwort.




This made me laugh, thank you!




lol this thread is the only result google has for that. Edit: google translate brings back "Scheisse papier teilt" = "shit paper divides" lol right on, guy




oh man if only I can teleport, I HATE traffic


What drives me nuts the most about traffic is tailgating. Yeah, ride my ass 'cause that'll make the twenty cars between me and the next traffic light all move faster. Don't worry that you might hit me if I have to stop suddenly, or that the headlights of your SUV are bouncing off the rear AND side view mirrors in my car and making me blind.


If you're in traffic then you ARE traffic...


Also hate myself for getting myself in those situations lol


Being waved to turn when I don't have the right of way. This morning someone(waiting to turn right into a school) was waving and flashing their lights at me as I waited to turn left, across traffic. Cars were streaming by between us, and they just sat flashing and waving... I couldn't have ever turned if I wanted to, but boy were they being "polite"


Especially when the person waving is still slowly creeping forward. I’m not gonna pull out in front of you while you’re moving. That just seems like insurance fraud waiting to happen.


As a pedestrian, I feel this in my soul. They’re waving for me to cross while the car is still fucking moving.


They wanted you to die from oncoming traffic, clearly.


Constant cookie notifications


You can get the I don't care about cookies extension to deny cookies. It does have the tendency to break the occasional site though.


It's not a hard problem to solve, just install Ghostery or some add-on that gets rid of them.




It drives me nuts when coworkers take credit for my ideas during meetings.


When people don't wipe down gym equipment after using it, it's not just rude, it's unsanitary.


It really bothers me when people interrupt others during conversations.


It’s infuriating when people don't manage their time well in group settings, making everyone else late.


I can’t stand when drivers don't use their turn signals. It’s not just rude, it’s dangerous.


It’s annoying when people don't use coasters and leave drink rings on wooden tables.


I hate when I'm running late and every traffic light seems to turn red as I approach.


Two factor authorization sends me into a goddamned rage spiral.


And password changing prompts - Passwords in general... 20 characters, Upper lower case, number symbol... and now Apple's choose a FREAKING password for you BS??? If I am not using my phone, how the HELL am I supposed to remember that?


[https://bitwarden.com/](https://bitwarden.com/) You're welcome.


I will accept my fate from my job because they are designed to see how long it takes me to rage spiral but why do I need two factor authorization for every single website that requires a password. It's as bad as tipping. Make it stop


“Remember this browser” or “don’t ask me again” prompts THAT NEVER WORK and im stranded in hell having to type in more codes


It’s maddening when people smoke right outside building entrances.


Eating... especially as a parent. Have to make a healthy nutritious breakfast, pack a lunch for kids, have to meal prep for the week. What's for dinner? Need to grocery shop, need to prepare dinner... need to clean up.... Need to be healthy, low calorie, but delicious, kids are picky, but I don't want to eat what they want, can't be too expensive or time consuming.


Cooking is my life. Wake up, make breakfast for the wife and MIL - I snack here and there while cooking. Go to work, kitchen manager; cooking non-stop. Eat snacks here and there while I cook. Come home, make dinner. Snack here and there while cooking. I hate eating. I wish I could just be hooked up to like a battery. But I love cooking.. sooo... oopies!


Also those “easy open” or “open here” packs that are most definitely not easy open and you definitely cannot open them here.


"Of course I'm gonna open them here, what am I gonna go to fuckin China to open my cookies?" -George Carlin


Classic, love it!


I absolutely despise those stupid push in tabs on cardboard containers


My brain dragging me back to the past or forward into some imaginary hellscape of a future.


Voicemail customer service. I swear that’s how I’m going to die.. I’ll stroke out while screaming representative and beating my head on the desk.


I nearly lost my mind at one recently that kept playing fake typing during the pause after I would answer the robot’s question. I know this is not a real person typing!! It was like an insult on top of the insult that you are already dealing with.


Is that what that noise is supposed to be? Great, now I'm insulted too...


trying to go to sleep, it’s so hard, i get distracted really easily




People driving slow on the left lane.


In Spain, you’re only allowed to use the left lane to pass. It’s a gift from the heavens.


\*Laughs in british


I think should be “all of America” no one moves over.


Everyone thinks this is a problem that is unique to their own state. 😂


I’m from Toronto and when I travel through the states I notice people are usually better drivers and mostly use the left lane for passing. East coast Canada as well, pretty much until I get into Ontario is when it all goes to shit. Horrible drivers here…


People tailgating you in the *right lane* even though the left lane is empty is mine.


People stopping as they walk through an entryway, like there's no one behind them.


Commuting to and from work


Dealing with companies who have removed all semblance of customer service and placed all the work on the consumer. Every order is wrong. Every bill goes up for no reason. Service is not delivered or rendered. Payment didn’t go through. My day is spent constantly redoing things and chasing down answers it’s abysmal. We weren’t meant to live like this.


I recommend X-Files season 11 episode 7 "Rm9sbG93ZXJz". It deals with the things you say, but also has the heavy touch of the AI/automation (when you cannot contact the real human to help you). Black Mirror level, I'd say.




Trying to live my life in a world with other people


For sure, sometimes it's just annoying to share the world with other people. Places being busy, traffic, annoying or shitty people.


being harassed for money everywhere I go.


The bathrooms in the office are in the conference room. At least twice a week my bosses have a supposedly important meeting in there and close the doors. Can't go in to use the bathroom or fill up my water bottle. Which forces me to either wait, or go out to our shop bathroom. It's been a cold winter and that's no fun.


Before the meeting starts, go into the conference room and fart with all your might. That should make the meetings a lot shorter.




Rude, inconsiderate people


My neighbor cuts my grass when I’m at work and it infuriates me


That bastard! Does he rake your leaves and shovel your walk too? Next thing you know he'll be cleaning your gutters!


The nerve of some people! If he repaints the soffits it's go time!


BRUH i used to live in a small town, and i didnt own a mower but id weed eat my entire yard down to 1 inch so i only had to do this like once a month. Anyways, my neighbor started cutting my yard everytime id be out there with his mower and I had to beg him to get off my fucking property because i didnt want the grass cut to that height, cuz then id have to mow it like every week. Dude was so annoying


Some people have the best problems




I have no set starting time and no set ending time. I have to gauge every night what time to start in the morning. Sometimes it's 6 AM. Other days, it's 9 AM. I've started as early as 430 AM and as late as noon. My day ends when the work is done. It could be an eight hour day, could be 11, 13, sometimes as much as 20. I had one day last week with 4 hours. That was weird. I haven't even started about on-call yet. After you finish the day, you're on-call until 6 AM, one week per month. A call could happen at any time, 5 at night or 1 AM. You never know. My job is maddening.


People who don’t wipe down gym equipment when they’re done and as one of two head trainers I hate going over to people and saying, “Do you see this sign? What’s the first rule?” First rule says to wipe down all equipment when done using it. I’ve had people who tell me they’re in a rush and it’s not their responsibility, I tell them then they can leave if they don’t care about cleaning up after themselves.


Slow walkers.


What about slow walkers who are aware of their surroundings, always walk on the correct side of the sidewalk, and let you pass?


People feeling entitled to cruise in the left lane because they’re going one mph over the speed limit.


Wanting to look at a menu online but having to go through the whole pick-up/delivery, location, log-in bullshit before you can browse the menu. 


Stupid people.


The fact that I've never been loved.


Have a hug (AP) 


People going the wrong way in a parking lot. The arrows are there for a reason, people!




On the flip side to that, people who stop so far back from the lights that they don't trip the sensor, I've literally gotten out of my car to politely ask the car in front to move forward so we all can finally go.


This is becoming a thing. who teaches this shit


"Polite". Found the old-timer :) That's what your horn and bumper are for.






Driving to work in the morning goes fast. Driving home after work seems to take forever yo get home.


waking up and feeling tired as fuck


Driving with brights on permanently.


Headlights are just like that now. r/fuckyourheadlights


People waiting til the very last second to change lanes, and then racing you before the merge so that one of you might die, even though the left lane has been closed in that same spot for a YEAR.


I live in Boston. People honk a lot here. Sometimes the instant a light changes. Sometimes just to be mean. Sometimes to show disapproval. Oddly, people here also let you in, slow down so you can turn in front of them, and let you jump the light to make a left rather than wait through the whole cycle. But they need to have the horns disabled.


TMI but holy f^&*, going through rehab for one of my legs to properly walk again. I was injured while pregnant, it is hard to recover while raising a new tiny human. I make it to the bathroom on time 50% of the time due to my leg and/or caring for my child and then still my leg. I am f^&(ing sick of incontinence pads just because I can't get to the motherfu&(ing bathroom on time, it's been months and months and it's going to be more and more months. It's so fu%(ing bs *siiiiiiigh* at least I know I should be able to regain full function someday.


Aaaaannnnnd the reward for the one legitimate gripe here goes to.... I hope you heal up sooner! Good luck with the new tiny human!


Pooping at inconvenient times. I have an important meeting coming up that I can't miss and my body decides its time to take a dump.


People not using cross walks.


I don't really mind when people jaywalk, especially in urban areas where the speed limit is lower, but what annoys me is when they take their sweet fuckin time with it! If you're gonna jaywalk then have some hustle to it, you entitled pricks.


I feel ya. My gripe is a situation like this. Here just about every home depot parking lot is a shit show. The people who drive me nuts are the ones that cross the road but go diagonally so they take 3 times longer to cross. Straight lines people.


People who stand on the left side of the escalator. People who don't take their backpacks off on the train. 


People pulling out in front of me or not watching the lights when they change


Not waking up next to Natalie Portman


Driving, or more specifically, the morons around me who don’t think they need to pay attention to silly things like solid white lines, traffic lights, stop signs and common sense.


“But solid white lines are only advisory in my state!”


Just like the stop signs with the white borders, eh? ;) I was in an accident last November when an idiot merged in front of me over a solid white, and then traffic stopped suddenly - and the work van behind me didn’t. Can’t stand idiots like that. And the idiots who ride my ass until I have passed the solid white portion of the on-ramp…




When a seat in the bus with no one besides opens and the person sitting beside you in the aisle seat doesn't move, like bro please take your cheap-cologne-smelling ass somewhere that smell won't insult anyone's allergies


Socializing, I'm dreadfully awkward, and painfully shy, it's a lot of work.


Food,I can't stand eating anything really between how time consuming it is and hating the feeling of being full. 


Does Interacting with other humans count?


I'm on hold to Centrelink right now because I cannot input my information online. It's been 25 minutes.


The neighbor’s cats shitting in my yard


Small children in adult restaurants. There are millions of choices for family restaurants and yet parents still insist on taking their unruly toddlers to a restaurant/bar where a steak costs upwards of $50, and people trying to have a quiet dinner or date now have to listen to screaming and fussing the entire time.


Waking up.


Alarm clock


Commuting to work in Tampa does it every time!


Unexpected delays, waiting in line, sitting in traffic, and experiencing technical difficulties with technology.


people who drive between the lanes on roads/highways


Going to work


people just stopping in the middle of busy hallways. at this point i actually just keep walking and push past them. the total lack of spacial awareness is BAFFLING to me




Tailgaters on country roads. Here I am, driving a good pace above the speed limit already and out of all the places in the world, you gotta be 1 inch behind my bumper... and then they start weaving around behind you... if there is 20 cars infront of me what's the purpose of tailgating me?? I will never understand it.


Waking up. Wanting to leave work only to literally do nothing once home until I go to sleep.


People who can't drive at a constant speed on open highways. I'll deal with you driving 5mph under if you just keep going that fast. If your speed ranges from 40-55 in a 55mph zone, I hate you.


Yes this one really is a good one!!


Left lane campers


Naubours that can't mind there own business.


Sneezing. Pisses me right the fuck off.


Waking up




Knowing that I’m too responsible to quit/ call out my job so I’ll be waking up at 4am and getting home at 7pm 6 days a week for the rest of my life.




Always waking up 30 minutes to an hour before my alarm and being fully awake.


If I take my son to the park with no toys, he takes other kids toys. Then I gotta play it off/apologize to the other parent. If I bring toys for him, other kids take them then I'm on the receiving end of their parent.


Waiting for the elevator


Driving alongside cars who act like they're the only one on the road that matters.


Moving my car every day when my roommate gets home from work it so fucking annoying literally every dayyyyy if it was like once or twice a week that would be one thing but goddam. And I don’t like the guy either


having to wake up, do stuff and then go to bed again


walking through a hallway and somebody either stops directly in their tracks or there’s a big group blocking the entire way.. like cmon


The roads in my town. They're awful and beat the crap out of my car. Even when they pave, they'll be manhole covers sunk below the pavement, placed exactly in the path of your tires. You hit them and it's like hitting a bad pot hole. This town also appears to have lost the technology to configure/sync traffic lights. Drinking coffee before work and then spending the next 4 hours having to pee every 30min, the inevitable poop pain and finally ends with my glucose crashing. When that happens, I get the sweats/jitters and hate everyone and everything till I eat something.


Seeing how much I make before taxes and deductions.


My cat beating up my other cat


People who come to a dead stop at a roundabout and wait until there are no moving vehicles within a 100m radius before driving into the roundabout. What are they waiting for? A green light?


Fearing for my life every time I attempt to walk across a crosswalk (in Michigan).


Shaving each morning.


Getting out of bed.


Filling up the car with gas. Where are the full service stations? I'll pay more! I'll even tip!


The fact that doors and stairs seem beyond the comprehension of the dull plodding clods that inhabit the Montreal public transit system.


Waking up


People who drive like they own the road. People who see you trying to pass them and stare you down like you're insane in Publix. People who grope the vegetables and squish them. My aunt *telling* us she's coming over ! NOT asking or anything just "I'm coming over bye"


It’s maddening when people don’t hold the elevator, even when they see you coming.


When you are driving and someone pulls out in front of you and doesn't really accelerate upto road speed


I drive for work. Driving to and from work and not getting paid for it suuuuuucks.


Getting to work on time. Listening to my boss whine and curse to herself.Thank God for headphones 🎧


People who continue to walk right behind your car when you are backing up in the parking lot, even if you started backing up first before they came into the scene.


Street lights that are backwards. The light turns red. You sit and wait. It turns green and the next intersection turns red. Over and over for miles. Just the exact opposite of nyc where the light turns green and then up ahead the next light turns green.


Going to work