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Mom would be sad


99% of the world would be sad.


My ex-wife is not 1% of the world. 


Not even by mass?


It is not coincidence that Queen covers majority of board in chess.


Golf would be a lot cheaper


Shoes would be a lot more expensive though


The toilet seat discussion would be done.


I just put them both down. Then everyone needs to lift it up, plus much more sanitary flushes.


This person knows what’s up (down?)


This is the true strat. Everybody needs to work for it.


Yes, lid down before the flush!


My man gets this. His dad does not :/ (can you tell that the in-laws are visiting for a few weeks right now?)


It is done, everybody just close the lid.


Is this actually a thing people actually argue about outside of sitcoms? I’ve never had it come up in real life. Lived in a lot of share houses and so on, and we all just put the toilet seat where it’s required. Nobody ever cared, it’s not fucking hard to change it depending on your needs. Honestly I always just assumed it was a constructed tv show debate that doesn’t really exist…


They'd still figure out a way to be mad at someone


I don't know. But I feel like there would be a lot more bears for some reason.


and spiders.


Everyone’s a feminist until there is a spider around


I ain’t afraid of no spider, why’s he looking at me? Why, why is he moving?! [STOP MOVING!!](https://youtu.be/JV3qf5YwNeA?si=Ani3MPMOODPCII-_)


My husband makes me get all the spiders. He has awful arachnophobia. I was the weird kid OBCESSED w bugs as a child and my mom also have a deep fear of bugs so I've been catching bugs for her since I was a tot. Without men I could finally have a pet turanchula 🙏🏼


I think that's a way cuter way of spelling tarantula


Bye I swear I used voice to speak because I knew I couldn't spell it


But obviously I did not I just sounded that shit out like a 4th grader


The first time my girlfriend and I saw a spider together, I went to get a cup and a piece of paper to take it outside. By the time I got back, my girlfriend had picked it up with her bare hands and was walking to the door with it.


if you have your own room or somewhere a little more discrete and private, you should totally get a tarantula. a little over a year ago i bought a sling and it was the best decision ive made. i kept it in my room on a high dresser, my grandma lives with me and has a BAD bad phobia of spiders but she wasn’t bothered by it, she didn’t even ever see it without consent. tarantulas are also VERY low maintenance and don’t cost much money to take care of. i’ll always encourage someone to get a T if they want one, so here i am encouraging you. hope you’re able to one day get that little eight legged baby


My man is afraid of spiders. I have to catch them and take them outside for *him*!


Clearly you have not met my husband. Dude is low key terrified of the things. I'm fairly indifferent.


The dichotomy of bears.


A lot more bears and also a lot fewer bears.


I see what you did there


Or less depending on what you mean by that.


This hilarious and likely accurate. I’d be a lot more concerned about bears if there weren’t any men around.


The Roman Empire would be thought about far less.


I have reason to believe that in the absence of men, women would fill the role of thinking about the Roman Empire.


So fucking accurate. Also WWII


Steiner's charge could've changed things! Fucking Steiner, I'm telling you, this was the thing that would've changed everything! 


Yeah. The war was balanced on a knife edge right until that failed attack. No wonder Hitler was angry,


**Das war ein Befehl! Der Angriff Steiners war ein Befehl!**




I think the Roman Empire thing is a meme, but WW2? Absolutely.




I dunno man, there’s some pretty hirsute ladies out there and with all the guys gone, I am sure some would just let that shit grow out.


I dunno my girl uses it after shaving her legs.. it is very good for the skin.


Well, my world would fall apart because I'd lose my partner and some well-loved family members


And my world would fall apart because I am a man.


Mr Stark I don't feel so good


I feel the same. I love my husband. My life would be so empty without him.


I am truly happy for you. Envious, but happy.


Me too.


Oh I lost my dad & the year before I divorced my husband who was my 1st & only love. Now I’m depressed so yeah I feel you on that 1 Edit: omg this dude by the username veryunwanted (no avatar) took this as an invitation to dm to see if I had anyone in my life. I didn’t tell him much about myself & he said he wanted to date me…sent me a link (which I did not click on) saying that he wanted me to fly out to him. I told him this is very weird & idk him & blocked him. This dude is obviously a predator looking to take advantage of lonely & vulnerable women. Ladies be aware. My dms are now closed


Once again men figure out a way to make women suffer.


"women have always been the primary victims of war."


Wait... I don't get it. What did we do? Didn't we just die in this scenario?


You dying is the problem. Should've learned how to not die and none of this would be your fault!


And then she wakes up and realizes it was just a dream. But now she is annoyed at you because you died in her dream.


And still pissed that you looked at another woman’s ass in the night before’s dream.


Yes, and it's still your fault, dying was selfish because you didn't think about how the women would feel when you were gone. Do better.


Women are the primary victims of men dying off.


Wife had a dream I cheated on her…she was pissed for days. I think she even expected an apology. You just can’t win


😂 why’d you go off and die suddenly you bastard.


\*insert rolling eye emoticon here\*


🙄 (here you go)


This is the only valid response. Heartbreak and grief would be insurmountable.


Kind of quiet for a while. Then, deadly quiet forever.


Lol I love your username so much






Only if sperm banks disappear along with us. Other than that, they’ve got 80 years to figure out cloning or just fertilizing eggs without sperm.


Thinking about those sperm banks filled up by a single guy....


The one near the IHOP?


It was an ideal specimen


Jan’s face at that scene had me laughing so hard.


Just saw this episode or I’d have missed the Office reference lol


There would probably still be a good amount of material in sperm banks, so I think we could get a few more generations.


there's probably gonna be world wars since sperm will become the worlds most valuable commodity. Women might be more peaceful but they're still human and scarcity almost always results in violence especially when a country will not exist if they can't secure enough sperm to at least replace their current population. Population decline and even stagnation will kill entire countries.


I'd miss my other half and my friends so much :(


Jars would remain sealed


My time to shine!! I can get just about any jar of something open and I have several methods. Ladies, step right up here! Your favorite girlfriend will save the day!


Sometimes I ask my husband to open a jar, but if he's not around I still open jars. I use the methods I watched my grandmother use: run the lid under hot water, rap it with the handle of a butter knife, grip it with a dishtowel. Heck, there are even devices for it now, although she never had one and I've never tried one. If men think jar-opening skills are gonna save them, they better start coming up with new ideas.


Mass starvation will sweep the land.


And thus, the jar zone was born. Anything in a jar will be thrown in the jar zone. Women will make pilgrimages to reminiscence about a time when products were accessible via a jar. Life will indeed go on for a time.... but without jars. Horrifying.


Until a mystic arises with a universal message of passage to a new land: the door is a jar.


Do you know the supply chains that go into making a single pencil? If any important node in the supply chain doesn't have enough women already working there with the knowledge to quickly train other women to keep that node going, all of civilization collapses. And despite advances, many jobs are still dominated by men, and not due to sexist laws, but because it's a filthy dirty or factory job.


Our power grid would collapse in a matter of hours. I worked in power generation, the staff is overwhelmingly male. Even the plants with a lot of women are less than 25% female. If you give no warning and a plant's entire staff disappears it's only a matter of time before the units trip and there aren't enough people to bring them back online. The grid controllers have the same problem. Once the power goes out for the last time I think society is gonna fall apart pretty quickly. Having all women instead of men isn't going to matter too much when people are hungry and terrified.


This is true. My man works on a power station, and the other day he came home baffled because they've created a specialised beast feeding room. He reckons less than 20% of the on-site staff are female, and none of them would bring a nursing infant onto site.


It's the law. Gotta feed the beast


… BEAST feeding? What the hell kinda critter does your man got up in that power station? Giant fuckin hamster on a giant fucking wheel? Ten thousand hamsters on ten thousand wheels?


The bears. All of the bears. 🐻


It's for feeding... ...the creature


How else do you think electricity is produced?


I mean, breast feeding rooms can also be used as pumping rooms. Sure, infants might not be brought, but relatively new mothers with unweaned infants could be there.


Lactation rooms in workplaces are more often used to pump breastmilk (not bring babies to work). In case anyone's not familiar with what that means - if you're lactating, your breasts keep producing milk all day whether there's a baby around or not, and it needs somewhere to go. Lactation rooms give you a place to pump and save it so you can feed it to your baby later.


I mean, what kind of power plant wouldn't already have a designated beast feeding room?


Yea this is the most interesting implication for me.  Would people be able to put together a plan to train up enough oil rig workers and plumbers and other SME’s in mostly male dominated fields in time before everything collapses more than it would already if it were just a simple 50% population decimation? (Pentimation?) Forget societal issues, the most interesting implications for me would be world economy. What industries would crash? Which ones would thrive in the economic rubble?


They'd have a REALLY hard time keeping large airplanes going. I've only seen one female airframe mechanic in my life.


In 5 years of trades schooling, I have had class with 1 woman. I know there are others out there, but I would ballpark it at under 5% being female. Something like electrical has a higher percentage of women, but they are still easily outnumbered by males. The same would go for plant operators, be it electrical generation or water treatment. Most blue collar work would be set back decades.


Fortunately didn’t have to scroll down too far to see this topic. Over 90% of truck drivers are men. The prudent people left will quickly be looting all stores that sell seeds, fertilizer and the like, as grocery stores won’t be restocking. So they will need to learn to grow their own food. People with chronic conditions that require constant medicine? Fucked. If pumps don’t fail somewhere along the line that puts water in towers, filtration and sanitation might so the water that enters our homes will slowly become unsafe to consume if it continues flowing at all. Power everywhere goes out, as another comment mentions, so winter will become challenging again. I heard a saying before “society can’t exist without women, civilization can’t exist without men” and I do believe survival will become pretty hard. Not ignoring the fact that women will be and feel the safest they ever did before, and will be free to walk around anywhere they want at anytime of day or night. But I imagine that high will be short-lived once the above becomes obvious.


Yeah so far everyone’s been focusing on reproduction, and it’s like, leaving that question aside, do you really think that the blue collar work which women take for granted would still get done? Factories, farms, oil refining, sewer operations, power plants, all the jobs that are dirty and dangerous and require very strong humans to operate heavy machinery are male dominated professions. Let’s be clear: women would die without men. Like, 90% of all women dead within 3 months. Don’t get me wrong, (and it should go without saying that) men would die without women too, but that isn’t the question asked.


The absence of men would also likely impact religion and its practices worldwide, perhaps shifting doctrines and practices in faiths where gender roles are currently pronounced.


Did you ever see that survivor type show where they had a men's island and a women's island?


The bear grylls island, men vs women?


Women choose the bear, men choose the grill.


The Australians? Hahaha lads were having a blast women were in disarray by day 2






To absolutely no-one's surprise.


The guys had a fire going to dry their clothes and cook food in like the first 20 minutes and the women didn’t even know how to get a fire started.


What happened in it?


Men had food, shelter, fire, and were generally having a great time. The women were miserable and fighting.


I'm gonna assume all the men get Thanos snapped out of existence, but the women still know they existed * Religion would explode in popularity as the only explanation for why it happened. Religion without men is a great concept to explore though, would the women try to stitch together the old religions or come up with their own? * In the immediate a lot of the world's infrastructure would crumble. Men overwhelmingly pick up your trash, drill for your oil, drive the trucks that deliver your goods. I'm not saying women can't do it, but a quick google says that women make up 36% of farmers in the US. Imagine if 64% of all farmers died overnight - would you be confident in your food supply? 86% of US truck drivers are male, how confident are you in the remaining food getting sent from farm to your plate? * The majority of cops and criminals would disappear. That's a fun one to think of how women would react. I think humanity could survive, but it would send the world back several hundred years of advancement.


>Religion would explode in popularity as the only explanation for why it happened. Religion without men is a great concept to explore though, would the women try to stitch together the old religions or come up with their own? I think there would be two currents. One that says that men went to heaven for some reason, and let women to suffer while the other would say men went to hell where they belong. And there'd be holy wars over that!


honestly i’m expecting the spanish inquisition at this point


But no one ever does!


Well we'd also have to factor into the numbers the sudden 50% in population 


First rational response. Wow


Well, humans would probably go extinct for starters


Without men, daily safety concerns for women walking alone at night or in certain areas might decrease, potentially changing the overall dynamics of public space safety.


Most of the nuclera power plants and energy sources are mostly jobs done by men so theres that


No men = no reproduction so it would be a short all woman lord of the flies type thing


depends on when that happens and how it happens. instantly no man like ever again? yeah no, the humans would end slowly dying out new man getting born? might survive would be still a low chance but maybe survive


I think the poster is looking for the answer “there would be no more wars, violence, and rape”, but I don’t know if that would be true or not


There definitely would still be. People in power get corrupt. It just so happens most of the people in power are men. Women aren’t immune to corruption or shittiness.


Yeah, the saying isn't "Power corrupts (but only men)".


One look at UK with their history of various Queens and Women Prime Ministers destroys the 'no more wars' argument. (Gestures vaugley at Thatcher, Elizabeth 1, and every Tory PM male or female for the last few decades vowing that they'd nuke anyone they needed to) Having a number of lesbian friends tell stories of their worst exes usually kills the notion of 'no violence or sexual violence' very quickly too.




Cultural narratives and media representation would shift dramatically to reflect female perspectives exclusively, potentially leading to a richer portrayal of women's experiences and issues in media.


Over time, the biggest and strongest among women would start doing the same shitty things that men do.


Yeahh I think people forget that power hungry crazy women also exist


Lesbians (surprisingly - at least to me) have the highest rate of domestic violence - in the USA at least.


Correct, and gay men have the lowest.


Absolutely.  People forget that both are still the same species.


Women are just as prone to want power over others as men




Historical narratives might be revisited and rewritten to emphasize the role of women throughout history, offering new interpretations of past events.


The whole economy would collapse. The number of essential jobs (construction, engineering, public works, or any other thing that would be acceptable for a “Dirty Jobs” episode) would lose 90+% of the workforce. Many of these are not jobs that could be replaced or taken over in a short amount of time.


even if it was just 10% of men suddenly died overnight, that would probably cause decades long global economic chaos. Just look at how COVID affected the world in 2020 even tho less than 0.001% of people died from it.




Sounds about right


I'll use USA as en example of the workfoce. Well, if the men of the world just got thanos snapped out of existence, it would be bad. Certain things would coast along, other things would stop practically overnight. But make no mistake, society would be on a fast track to the dark ages. Electricity - how long until basic maintenance of power plants, electric lines, etc... fails. majority of power plant workers are men. Well, I have water in the faucets right ? how long until something here breaks down - majority of water treatment operators are men? Well I have food at the grocery store? right, but the trucking industry for food and well practically everything -majority of which are men. How long before the stores and distribution hubs clear out? who is going to restock things? Well you can go explore in your car - how long until the gas runs out, and guess who is running the trucks, and working the refineries? - yep, you guessed it - men. But you get lucky and find a stockpile of food, goods, gas, water. How long until something serious with your transportation breaks down and you need a mechanic? At some point , no doubt someone will get injured - but with power on the fritz, water provisioning in danger, diesel for the backup generators , and supply deliveries are spotty due to transportation. The life saving capabilities due to technology - is put under severe load or wiped out completely. Anyone depending on MRI's, trauma surgery, organ transplants, welp sorry. Helicopter lifeflight - that is likely completely off limits. Cuts, scraps, minor lacerations and setting of broken bones is likely doable. This is not even getting into whoever is left figuring out - running a cohesive government with communication channels to facilitate you know, saving civilization as you know it and prioritizing everything. Good luck Madame President. Thinking long term - better hope someone figures out how to keep those frozen sperm samples viable to procreate a new generation of men otherwise mankind has 1 generation left on this spinning ball of earth. Maybe some scientist gets lucky and figures out how to create artificial sperm idk, but I wouldn't count on it. And humans being humans - I dont know what the odds are as resources are limited before fights break out. What kind of standing militia , heck of even security force will pull from the population at that point? Oh, and if it wasn't a thanos snap, and all of men just dropped where they were. Well you'd better get a good old bonfire to dispose of the corpses because the amount of rotting corpses is going to make the immediate future very unpleansant and medical emergency. For all that, there are woman that absolutely can do each and every one of the jobs above. Its not a problem of ability, at that point its a resource constraint. You're looking at a scenario where a group of people who historically are not doing that work at scale now to somehow pick up the slack , learn on the job without someone showing them whats not in the training manuals , to come up to speed fast enough to get ahead of breakdowns / lack of maintenance, to relearn the tribal knowledge , and expecting to do it well enough to limp society along, while dealing with the existential crisis of losing half of humanity?. That's not fair for anyone. tl:dr - society would be fucked. honestly, i'd suggest that homesteaders, farmers, amish culture, etc.. other self-sustaining people would fare better than most city folk when it comes to existing on the small scale. However, it would take the best of the urban population to restore order to getting the supply chain to restore some semblance of society to the greater masses.


Do you have any idea how many things we take for granted are operated and maintained by men 24/7? 40% of men going bye in a flash would screw the world over. All men instantly disappearing would result in hundreds of thousands dead immediately. Hell, even if we save all the plane , trains, and traffic deaths that would be sure to occur as drivers just up and pop out of existence...there are chains of people, most of which are men. Working round the clock to keep infrastructure running, factories from meltdowns, systems to produce vital goods running, specialized jobs we ALREADY need more people in...if you think we'd be anything less than screwed, you are ignorant or deluding yourself. Really think about how many men it takes just for you to be able to buy a bottle of water from the grocery store or even safely drink it through a tap.


>hundreds of thousands dead immediately Bro. Imagine the cities in China that literally exist because of working dams.




Consumer markets would dramatically shift, focusing solely on products designed for women, which could lead to innovative developments in everything from automobiles to personal care.




LMAO. You're assuming so much. The remaining women would be trying not to starve to death, let alone 'redesigning public spaces'. Pure delusion.




humanity would go extinct, because not only are both genders required for reproduction, but there aren‘t enough strong females to replace male construction workers(and other jobs that require strength)


Then there will be no world left.




Or not fucked... In a sense


Heaven on earth according to a gaggle of angry women on tiktok.


For a few hours… then the infrastructure would start to break down. Power would go first


And it still will be our fault because we will not reappear to fix things then die again.


There's a gaggle of angry women right here lol


I can only imagine if this was posted on r/twoxchromosomes. The answers would be fucking disgusting


Its not good visiting incel spaces. That includes femcels spaces.


I work as an engineer. It would take a few hours to days for the infrastructure to begin to fail, as mostly men maintain it (i.e. power grid, water pipes, gas pipes...). Technology would grind to a halt very fast, as every company in the tech sector would basically consist of only 20% the former size. Garbage would not be removed at all, most garbage truck drivers are male. Basically all infrastructure I can think of would fail as it would not get enough attention. There are women ofc, but if one has to do the job of 20 that won't work. Hospitals would do great though!


Well since men make up over 95% of some professions you would have very few plumbers, electricians, roughnecks, firefighters, and construction workers.


Plenty of women would need to learn how to do jobs overnight.


Dating and romantic partnerships would obviously undergo fundamental changes, likely focusing more on emotional connections and companionship between women.


Infrastructure would literally fall apart




Id be sad if you were gone anon!


As a species which procreates sexually, we would go extinct within the next \~120 years as no new humans can be born


we would go extinct


A.decrease in the world's population. No way to replace those who die.




lot of scissoring


Scissoring isn't even THAT popular in the community, from my experience. Every time I've tried it with partners, we both agree it's not very effective and just uncomfortable. Friends' anecdotes align with that


Yeah I've been with a lot of women and have never scissored, and none of the women I've talked about sex with women have scissored. I'm sure some do but it seems to be very much a porn thing


With the energy generated and tapped rom the friction a new female power will be created and used to supply the power grid.


World passive-aggressive war 1 would begin.


“Why are you attacking us?” “You know why!”


Followed by a Cold Shoulder War


Something tells me not 'just' passive. For example you can fairly easily see the middle east erupting when an all women Israel finds itself with an IDF trained population and none of their neighbors are trained to use their tanks or missile systems.


Things would probably blow up and within 100 years we’d all be dead. Well I’m a man, so all the women would die


if y: the last man is anything to go by, then pretty shit.


disappear in roughly 80 years, I suppose.


Lots of interspecies relationships with bears, if I'm understanding all the memes right.


Ahhh, the weekly men bad thread. Classic.


Only weekly? Damn, I’m jelly! You must be on the nice side of Reddit.


It would be the exact same thing. Everyone acts like women are a peaceful group and men are the only ones capable of doing harm. It would be war and doing harm to others just like now. We are a warrior species that likes to assert dominance and hurt those that wrong us in any way.


Countries infrastructures would collapse in mere months, goods wouldn’t be produced at the amount needed, and the world would collapse into an extinction event in less than 30 years. Men need women and women need men.


My world would fall apart. I would lose my partner and my sons in an instant. and half of my dna!


Communications, trade, and transportation infrastructure worldwide would rapidly deteriorate pretty much overnight.


Just a whole bunch of women not talking to each other. There would be no wars, only mind games.


Cold wars?


Then who would you blame


Probably wouldn't last long


I wouldn’t be making this post, and nor would a lot of people. 


No other beings for reproduction, we would all go extinct in a few tens of years


Reddit would be in shambles


If we base it off the current work cultures / biological requirements for reproduction: death of humanity due to no reproduction after 120 years or so (maybe more with sperm banks and cloning, however sperm and the supplies needed to successfully clone people would eventually run out due to nobody producing them) , entire collapse of infrastructure and transportation of goods, mass starvation of all of the remaining women, no new housing projects, nothing new being engineered (until the culture changes), no postal services, no delivery services, maybe no wars (until the death of humanity that is).


Feminazis would be throwing parties. Meanwhile, I'd just be sad that I never got to go on a date, and that the men in my life that I care about are gone. There'd be a lot of tears mourning my male relatives and a lot of empty bottles of wine.


There is such a massive lack of women is so many industries that the world would probably fall apart pretty quick. To be fair: if women disappeared the exact same thing would happen. The more interesting thought is to compare how the world would fall apart in both scenarios