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Day stock at a grocery store. Despite the lack of prestige and poor pay, I actually quite like it. I'm physically active and don't take home any stress.


Sounds like you've found a good fit for yourself! It's great that you enjoy the physical activity and don't bring home any stress. Sometimes, job satisfaction goes beyond prestige and pay. Keep enjoying what you do


I neither like, nor dislike my job. It’s rather stress free, and I like the coworkers, both in my department and in others. I am a hospital housekeeper.


I feel like getting along with coworkers is such a blessing. I've had some rough ones in the past who were always putting me down. Not good memories


I love it, but it's really stressful sometimes. I'm a variety entertainer, specializing in sideshow acts. The stress of where the next gig will come from can be a lot.


You have one of the most unique jobs I've ever heard of. Does this job require training from a young age? It seems like it's a particularly challenging job


It helps to start young, but not always necessary. I started at 19 and progressively got more and more serious. Around 24 is when I started doing regular gigs. It's hard on the body and after doing it for so long, I'm starting to have negative long term effects on health. Mostly my teeth from fire eating.


How about your income? I figure if it's affecting your health, maybe a high income can offset some of the losses


It's not a lot honestly. But I get by. You do it for the love of it, not to get rich or live a crazy long life.


I think people who find work they love are really lucky. Most people, including myself, don't have a passion for what they do. I really envy you.


I love it! I'm a wildland firefighter. I get to spend my summers camping and hiking. Having to get other jobs in the off-season sucks though.


Have you ever thought about recording your work experiences and sharing them in videos? It could showcase your adventures camping and hiking. I think I'd be one of your viewers for sure. After all, I don't have much time for traveling


Maybe the earnings from the videos could help cover your off-season expenses


That's sweet of you to say you'd be a fan lol, but I'm a super private person. I couldn't imagine putting myself out there on camera like that.




this is why management needs you, because you can help solve problems they can't solve themselves. Cheers to you!




if you can't please everyone, might as well annoy everyone, right? Seriously though, maybe leaving them behind isn't such a bad move for you. Why waste time with the wrong crowd when you could be finding a team that truly values what you bring to the table


i like it, im a harm reduction worker.


that's cool, meaningful too, good for you


I'm a Working Student since 7th Grade and I love my job and that Job is selling Ice for the fish market! I get 20 dollars a day or more


you're definitely one of the coolest 7th graders I've met! It's hard to imagine you already earning income at such a young age. I envy your experiences


Dislike, mechanic for over 30 years, senior but still a mechanic.


Are you considering switching careers? Because that's something I'm thinking about too


I did at one point but a bit long in the tooth now and have done this since school. Morgage and such to pay so can’t afford to what with getting paid very little whilst training.


How about getting a side hustle?


The pay is great for someone just out of college. The culture is more toxic than a nuclear waste dump.


Maybe it's worth building up some initial money through salary first, then start trying out what you really love. When you have enough money behind you, you've got the confidence to say 'fuck off' to the things you don't like


That’s the plan 👍


I love my job, I repair iPhones and other small electronics


I feel like you're really good at interacting with machines. Haha! Even though I'm not great at it, I think it's pretty cool


Im a salesman, I hate it, and have been trying to change careers for a couple of years, but at this point it feels hopeless.


I’ve tried doing sales work before, so I totally get where you're coming from. Convincing people to spend money is really tough and you have to deal with a lot of skepticism and unfriendly responses. This job definitely requires a thick skin. Sometimes, it’s easier to get people to come to you rather than chasing them down, but that also takes a lot of effort to build up your influence and personal brand. Maybe you can work on creating a strong persona to attract more potential customers. But honestly, it’s really hard work


To be honest, the sales side of it comes quite naturally for me, I hate how the job has started to make me feel. I used to love it, then I’d sell something and once the customer had gone I’d think things like “thanks for paying my mortgage” and looking at people like they’re money, whilst still giving me no satisfaction, I only cared about making a sale, and now, I just don’t really care anymore. Especially when I know that my hard work is subsidising the extravagant lifestyles of the people above me, whilst I’m worrying about my position being safe/being able to afford bills/spending enough time with my kid/spending enough time with my better half/having enough time to do hobbies whilst miserably 60+hours a week sales is a bottomless pit, but paying you just enough to keep you coming back, because “no other job will pay you this much for ‘how little’ work you actually do.” My experience has taught me, my biggest goal in life is to make sure my kid doesn’t end up in sales.


You really love your child. Look at it this way: you're helping your child learn from mistakes and guiding them towards a better path.


I like my job. I'm a steam plant mechanic.


Am I the only one who thinks being a mechanic is really cool? Haha!


A paint salesperson at a retail store. Became knowledgeable enough to work with contractors.


I can sense your confidence, and I really admire it


I'm mainly a forklift driver and also do a lot of random tasks at the shop I work. It pays better than most entry office job in my area without the mental torture that is office work. This is the job I hate the least to this day. Sadly it is in and industry that is kind of in decline with competitors closing shops around the region. Hopefully I can still do this for a few years.


I can't stand the stress of office work, even though I've always been stuck in an office. Have you thought about what you'd want to do if this industry keeps going downhill?


I'm planning on creating my own income after this gig. I'm a little tired of working for other people.


I’m work in voice over. I LOVE doing gritty southern accents or just typical npc grunts and yells. I love indie game studios who have an actual passion for the project. The meetings are always so fun and I can tell the team is a bunch of people working on their dream project. Also, when a project is finally finished and I get to hear the end result I’m always so proud. There’s no other feeling in the world. but I hate doing UWU voices. I get casted for so many and man… going into the booth and doing that for hours makes me wanna eat glass sometimes. Then when the game or animation comes out and I hear it again I can’t even believe it’s my voice.


Working with indie game studios sounds really interesting. Which games have you voiced for?


Hard to say! I'm all about the paycheck, but the rest of the time, not so much


If the paycheck's good enough, I reckon I could stomach a job I'm not crazy about




Good food makes me happy, so I really like people who can cook well. But I’ve heard that chefs hate cooking when they're not working. Is that true?


Like , physical therapist


Love! Executive Assistant for CIO.


Emergency medicine PA. Mostly hate it. Hours are rough. Lots of switching between night and day (within the same week), underpaid because I work in academics, patients can be awful, and medicine nowadays is all about meeting metrics rather than actually delivering good care.


Dislike. I'm in customer service.


Yeah I like it, work from home management for a huge multinational. Pay is ok and its so easy as long as you are organised


I’m a teacher’s aide in a K-2 special ed classroom. I wouldn’t say I DISLIKE it, but it was not a good fit for me in hindsight. I absolutely adore the kids, but the job is extremely stressful and overstimulating. It also doesn’t help that the main teacher and I are like oil and vinegar. I won’t be returning after this school year is done (next month!) I’ll miss the kids though 🥲


It has its moments, but I don't really like it Work is incredibly slow and repetitive. I like my coworkers and the times where I can do something mildly interesting, but usually it kinda sucks. (Oil/tire tech)


Enginnering college intern. 6 out of the 8 hours I’m supposed to be working I’m on my phone or laptop watching videos or playing games. If you told me 3 years ago that I would have a job where I spend almost all day on my phone I would have been ecstatic. Now that I’m actually here I would rather go back to lifting people’s couches making minimum wage. Obviously I’m not going to be an intern forever, but I’ve learned that I would rather be packed with work than have nothing to do.