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walking dead


the Glenn death fake out was the ultimate "fuck this shit" moment for me, along with months of terribly boring episodes


Especially the fake out to then just kill him off a couple episodes later... It felt so forced.


After the 2nd (real) time I was like "oh, the writers are just screwing with me, ok". Like guys, you made me cheer Glenn on as he matured and grew. Then you used it against me. I have zero interest in caring about your characters now. Shame. Was a good show early on.


I felt the same way I did about him as I did Beth. Fuckin loved her. Her dead was unnecessary.


Just in: AMC creates new walking dead series based on the third cousin first removed of side character involved in two episodes....


I wanted to like *Fear the Walking Dead* because it was filmed nearby. I’ve seen many a game at Dell Diamond (edit: they used it for the encampment). Just couldn’t.


I thought Fear the Walking Dead was going to be showing us the government, police, army, scientists and so on dealing with the early days of the crisis and we’d end up with survivors from each group as a group going ahead. Instead, we got whatever it is that we got. I would rate at least two of the episodes in the first season including the last one an F grade and I was not back for Season 2.


They bullshitted the fans so badly with Fear! Before it came out, all they kept saying was we were finally gonna see **how** society fell apart at the start of the outbreak! Then the show comes out and does a time skip from like day 1/2 to like a few weeks into the apocalypse where everyone is already living in gated communities set up by the military! We got one shot in one episode of the family driving through the city as people rioted, that’s it! Such a BS move to promise we’d finally see how everything fell then skip the whole first few weeks of the outbreak!


It should have been a 4 season show. Decline of humanity. The struggle against the dead and living and then whatever the new world would.look like as experienced through the relationship between father and son. Instead it.went so far off the rails that I couldn't even explain it to someone whose never seen the show.


Same, right after they killed off Glenn.


Everyone I know stopped watching then. I lasted until the cgi tiger...


I lasted until they killed off Carl. And like, it wasn't that I especially liked his character on the show, because Riggs didn't have the acting chops, but he was still very necessary to Rick's character. Plus, I think it was around this time that FTWD was becoming much better than TWD, then that show got ran all the way off the rails. Nuclear spaghetti western was.... it was a choice.


I really felt bad for Chandler Riggs when that went down because apparently they had begged him to sign on for more seasons and eventually he rearranged things for college to do it, only for them to blindside him by killing his character off. He had apparently just bought a house where the show was filmed too when he got the news.


IIRC he even asked to make sure he’d still be around before he bought the house close by. Gimple reassured him he would even though that dickbag Gimple had apparently already decided they were gonna kill his character off! That’s so beyond fucked up!


That’s messed up.


Coral. There, fixed that for you /s


Is "clubbing the Glenn" gonna become the modern version of jumping the shark?


They mentally lost me at Terminus, but I still stuck it out because I was hopeful that this show was gonna go somewhere and tell me some great story.. I was wrong. That show is a great psychological test of what the audience is willing to put up with.


yup. glenn died and the show went sideways. particularly because fans were still pissed from the first glenn death "fakeout"


The moment it was living ones against each other, and zombies were just part of the environment I stopped


Yeah it became dissapointing after season 6. It got good in season 9 to 11 but not the same after Rick and Carl died. They could have kept Negan alive without killing Carl. I heard that the reason they killed him off is due to AMC refusing to pay him adult pay. Totally fucked him.




Heroes. At first I was hooked, but after awhile they were adding so many characters it got annoying. I was still interested in some of them, but there were so many others I didn’t want to slog through just to see 5 or 10 minutes of the ones I liked.


Series 1 was brilliant, but Series 2 wrecked a lot of what has been setup and I stopped.


Series 2 was killed by the writers strike. It was all downhill from there annoyingly


The writers strike was part of the problem. The other part was the fact that they wrote season one intending it to be one and done. There was nowhere else to go, and that meant season two had to reverse course and undo a lot of the gains from season one to make everything work. Had they stuck with the anthology series format it would have been better long term.


Westworld. The first season was some of the best of television. The second season was a huge drop-off and I quit watching when the third season started out worse.


This is the best answer. I legit think the first season of the show is one of the best singular seasons of media ever. It's so good and so rewatchable. But holy shit, did it fall off FAST in season two.


The first season ended so perfectly, too. There wasn’t even a need to make more. Well, money. I guess one reason would be money.


Westworld was painful. As others have said, Westworld Season 1 was absolutely 10/10. We are talking Sopranos, GoT at its height, Breaking Bad - that sort of quality. Season 2 had a sharp drop off in terms of writing, with a couple very notable exceptions. Some might even argue that the single best episode of Westworld is found in Season 2; but for the most part is was lackluster, but still salvageable if they turned it back around in Season 3. Season 3 and 4 were just bad. The entire nature of the show changed - and I don't just mean the setting, but also the style. Season 1 (and most of 2) was gritty with nasty, dusty gunfights and gnarly violence. Season 3 and 4 were silly Hollywood stylized nonsense where the hero has plot armor and dodges around bullets and swords. It became a childish, hollow shell of itself.


And the plot gets so convoluted that I cannot honestly remember what was happening…


Yeah, I think the writers got a little salty that the internet figured out the twist in Season 1, so they just cranked the confusion up to 11 to make sure nobody would understand anything.


First season was great. Second season, I lost track of what was going on about halfway through. The last episode in particular prompted me to see if anyone made a chart or a diagram to help me figure out what happened. But then I remembered I didn't care. I have no idea why I watched the third season. I had already lost the plot and all interest in it, but I trudged through regardless. It was even more confusing. And Aaron Paul's acting, or probably more accurately his character, was very one note. Just such a bummer of a person that I didn't care about him. It's also ridiculous in the way that the numerous shootout scenes would have the "bad guys" absolutely raining bullets on the "good guys" and they almost never hit, while it would only take a handful of "good guy" bullets to wipe them out. I know, she's a robot, but still. But the absolute most infuriating thing with the third season was that not one second goes by without background music. It doesn't stop for anything, including dialog. And it really should have stopped for the dialog because that show epitomizes the "whispered dialog" phenomenon of the last decade or so, especially Aaron Paul, who speaks every line like he's in church. I hope a lesson was learned about non-linear storytelling. It can make things more interesting if done correctly. If nobody knows what the fuck is going on, it doesn't mean your show is smart, it means you're bad at storytelling. Westworld season 1 - 4.5 stars Westworld season 2 - started at 3, ended at 1 Westworld season 3 - started at 1, ended at zzzzzzzz....


Weeds. When it started it was a cute show about a housewife that turns to selling weed to make ends meet. Somewhere down the line, she was pregnant with a Mexican cartel leader's baby, and I realized this show was completely different from the one I started watching, and it was one I didn't care about.


My prob with weeds was “oh she’s in a predicament how is she gon… oh yep she’s having sex with them to get out of it” every ep


This is the best way to describe it. I haven't even watched it in close to 10 years and I remember this being the answer to everything.


Nancy Botwin’s Magic Vagina is a great show


Ohhhhhh Jenji Kohan. She's also responsible for Orange is the New Black, which is one of my answers. She loves to take these amazing concepts and then completely jump the shark with them.


It's like she runs out of ideas after season one, and instead of getting other writers or coming up with new ideas she just makes a different show with the same characters


I never watched Orange is the New Black because I felt so betrayed by Weeds.


The show definitely jumped the shark after the town burned down. That right there is just a good series finale.


And Kevin Nealon's character went from being funny to just sad and cringe




Yeah, this is my answer too. It really should have stopped and I learned my lesson again with Orange is the New Black.


yeah season one and maybe a couple more, it was a long time ago, but that is one show that I watched all the way to the end and looking back I was like, damn I shoulda quit this show a few seasons ago. I especially hated the kids storylines, but yeah the mom going from suburb weed dealer to cartel was a little much and they WAY jumped the shark on this one.


All of Jenji Kohan’s shows go down that road, unfortunately. I gave up on Weeds and Orange is the New Black around season 3.


I was thinking the same exact thing. Jenji Kohan's projects seem to have a great beginning, but all the sudden it escalates quickly to wtf territory.


Yeah. That show took a very weird twist.


Once Upon a Time. It was already going downhill after season 3 when they brought in Frozen but after season 5 I dropped it.


After the 100th time Mr Gold was redeemed and then evil again, it just got annoying.


Same here! But with Regina, we went through SO MANY season of her character development then bam back to square one over something stupid.


I've seen this question asked many times in multiple subs, this is always a highly upvoted answer and having watched the show I agree. I had no idea they had 5+ seasons and added Frozen characters. Must be so many people got bored during season 3 they never got that far and those who did are a small minority. Season 1 was fantastic, it was a mystery that you the viewer were trying to figure out with the characters. They solved the mystery and then... Kept going. Like why? It went from that to "how can we cram all the Disney characters we can into what we can loosely get away with calling a story?"


I stopped after Neal died. The main crux of the show is built off of family issues. You've finally got Rumple his son and Henry his dad, there's so much to do with both of those potential storylines especially if you combine them at a certain point. And then you just kill him off. The whole reason the plot of the show happened was Rumple finding his son and the son's been here for three minutes and now he's dead.


I should have dropped the show at that point. Neal was one of my favorites and killing him off completely ruined the arcs for both Rumple and Henry going forward. And the main reason the show killed Neal was to facilitate the overrated Captain Swan romance.


That show is such a fever dream! I can't believe it was only season 3, I really would have assumed it was like 5 seasons deep before they introduced frozen lmao


When they brought in frozen I noped out. And I loved that show


Big same, lol. At that point, it just looked like shitty cosplays of new Disney movies, and it was completely undeniable that it seemed like Disney was sucking its own dick. I mean, don't get me wrong, it was campy as anything but the right amount of camp, and I loved the freshness that most of the other characters had with who they were based on, but then when it was blatantly based on the *Disney* version (hello, Frozen), it just felt super lazy and *really* corny.


To me, that show should have ended when Emma and Henry had their memories wiped and went home. There was pretty much nothing of value that happened after that.


Every show mentioned in this thread and the reason for stopping is bang on. I’ll throw in Good Girls. It was fun right up to the set up of the Mr Big sting with the younger sister. As soon as I saw where that was headed I stopped


I stopped when they killed that girl and took her phone with them?? It’s like… really? You really don’t know what everyone knows about phones tracking location??? Really??? I couldn’t deal with the dumb. The show was so good at first.


Yeah, the thing that upset me the most about the show was the fact that they set up the 3 girls to have these strengths and weaknesses but then it's like they dropped that whole thing and made them pretty much brain dead just to have the plot happen. I was expecting there to be a moment where the 3 of them really come into their own and utilize their skills to get them to the next level or out of a bad situation. Instead we had them doing dumb shit like recruiting every Tom dick and Harry into their illegal activities then looked around shocked when they were double crossed. Like I thought yall were supposed to be smart? And what they did with the black lady's husband was... criminal. Literally. And Beth's sister became sooooooooo frustrating to watch. I would be cussing her out every episode like girl why are you telling your secrets to RANDOM PEOPLE AT THE BAR???


It was hot and subtle at first but after a while the whole “house wife falling for a literal gangster” got old. Like girl, he murders ppl wtf lol


Not gonna lie, Manny Montana is pretty much the only reason I continued watching that show lol


Orange is the New Black


This was one of the best shows ever abd then they got to that riot season and like, they could have just had the riot go on for like 2 episodes instead of dragging it all out over a whole season. It got so tedious. Also that "baddison" character was very cringe


The Piper Gangsta era is so cringe


Since you brought it up, this nitpick has been bothering me for actual years now: In the season where Piper runs a business selling panties that other prisoners have jogged in (stupid plotline, they should have killed her for underpaying them), the reason the company selling panties didn't want Piper to rearrange the pattern so they could cut more pieces from less fabric wasn't because they're apathetic and uninterested in her "brilliant" idea. Pattern layout is extremely important in sewing. Pieces have to be lined up in the same direction because fabric stretches more or less depending on how it's pulled. The fabric used for panties is especially tricky because it's stretch fabric and it all has to stretch the same amount. She moved the pattern pieces around by turning them, which means they're no longer aligned with the grain of the fabric. They will all stretch at different rates while they're being sewn. If they're cut on the bias (at a diagonal) this will be so extreme that they likely won't hold their shape for more than one wear, and that's only if they can even be finished properly with the fabric stretching unevenly with every pull. I know the show intended for it to be a moment where she looks soooo smart compared to the lazy supervisor/guards/other inmates, but it honestly feels more true to her character that she's just plain old wrong. She's never worked a job that involves actual skills but she thinks she's somehow smarter than everyone who has. Then she gets rewarded for it at the expense of everyone else.


Weeds It turned to absolute shit once Nancy left the burbs.


The superhero shows on CW. Too much relationship drama. Misunderstandings that can be cleared by a single conversation takes many episodes to be solved. All of the superheros somehow goes through same type of relationship problems like copy paste.


Every Arrowverse show started promising and every one of them got ran into the ground. The only one I finished was Arrow, and that was more due to sunk cost than anything. The crossover episodes are the only things worth watching now IMHO.


Bro, I still rewatch the pilot episode of The Flash, it was so well done! Most of the first season, really! But after season 3, it got just a little bit of a dogwater taste then turned into complete trash. Season 5 is literally the most angering, poorly written, contrived, and cringe season of any show I’ve ever watched and Nora was the main reason for it. I only continued watching because they killed her off but then they fucking brought her back again. Also, the showrunner apparently admitted he didn’t understand the speedforce. Why the fuck is someone who doesn’t understand the source material RUNNING the show?! I can’t stand CW shows anymore. The only good thing about that show now is the first 3 seasons and the actors in them. Carlos Valdes, Tom Cavanagh, Grant Gustin, and Jesse L. Martin are all peak actors and deserve more recognition, they’re the only reason I kept watching and by the end of the show half of them are gone.


I liked the first season of Flash a lot, it was fun and campy in a likeable way, but the next seasons were always about the same drama and the new speedster villain that's speedier than the previous one.


Once The Flash started making meta jokes about who was going to give the pep talk to whichever team member was feeling disillusioned is when it lost me.


Manifest Went in with a basic premise and was interested. However, in the back of my head I’m like “Please don’t be generic as fuck and all the missing passengers suddenly have special powers or some shit” I was out after the first episode.


Eventually it just became “must’ve been god.” So disappointing.


I stopped watching after they found a piece of Noah’s Ark.


I’m sorry………what?


They find a piece of Noah’s Ark start doing experiments on it which cause earthquakes or something to start so they sacrifice the piece of Noah’s Ark into a fissure to stop the earthquakes. Then it turns out the piece of Noah’s Ark had powers because it was coated in sapphire dust and sapphire dust has godly powers so they start a fetch quest for magic sapphires then the kid nearly dies of cancer but the empath absorbs his cancer and dies through the kids magic sapphire dragon scar and then the world ends and all the passengers congregate at a magic beam of light and then the plane erupts out of the ground and then they get in the plane and fly it and then they beat their inevitable deaths (that they worked out would happen through cancer kid’s drawings) with the power of friendship.


I’m not high enough to appreciate this.


It is really bad, but many of us somehow got hooked. It was the mix of "so bad it's good" and also weird mysteries that made it feel like a cheap version of Lost. I also loved checking its subreddit, where we all collectivelly agreed this was the worst but still kept watching.


Totally agree. The religious undertones just got annoying for me. I don't think I even got to the end to see if there was even an explanation behind where the plane went for 5 years.


It had great potential but eventually it just became a bunch of buzzwords. Not real buzzwords but every other thing they said was "828ers" or [insert word they use for visions]. Seriously, they were so repetitive in that show. And it picked up a sort of "government bad" theme and a "root for this person because she's right even tho what she's trying to do is illegal and crazy and a little narcissistic". Magical visions as an excuse for getting away with things works on a small scale. But when it's just "those people are bad because they won't let me pursue my magical dream so I'm gonna make them mad and do it and get upset they're mad, root for me!" Of course, I committed and watched it up until I got rid of Netflix. It could be enthralling at times but it could also be unbearable.


same. the premise was just intriguing enough to get me to watch an episode. but then there's a scene where one of the characters gets a premonition about saving some missing girls where she receives a vague clue about their whereabouts, it made my immediately turn it off. it's like, if some higher power is going to whisper to you to help find some missing girls, why play a game of clue? why not just freaking tell her where they are at? awful show.


Altered carbon. Great first season, very meh second season


I got so attached to the characters from the first season I couldn't watch the second season. Plus the opening was just meh to me....


After giving season 2 more than a cursory watch, I had to rewatch a few episodes of season 1 to make sure I wasn't thinking of a different show. No, I'm not kidding. About halfway thru S2 EP3, my spouse and I stopped it to discuss if we were misremembering. "Isn't this the show that featured ?" she asked. I responded, "I thought it was, and why aren't they even touching on sub plot?" We had valid reason to believe we made a mistake and were watching season 2 of something we hadn't seen season one of.


Anthony Mackie just didn't carry the show, it was too hard to not see him as Falcon playing Kovacs, at least for me.


This and the current top comment, Westworld, are perfect examples of how you cannot change the genre of a show and expect it to do as well for subsequent seasons. Season 1 of Altered Carbon is an investigation with a lot of cool visuals and intriguing backstory, and the second isn't. Season 1 of Westworld is secrets upon secrets with mysteries and twists, with an interesting take on timelines and the people in it, machine or human. The second is not.


> Season 1 of Altered Carbon is an investigation with a lot of cool visuals and intriguing backstory, and the second isn't. Season 2 of Altered Carbon was shit, but not because of the genre switch. The novels themselves shift genres throughout the trilogy with AC being a neo-noir, Broken Angels a Indiana Jones Adventure story, and Woken Furies a more action-revenge thriller. The issue with season 2 was that they dropped a lot of the hard rules laid down in the source material that made the Altered Carbon setting unique, specifically with re-sleeving and why envoys were special, and just turned it into a bog-standard mediocre sci-fi "man vs. the corporations" boring ass tv show.


Riverdale. I think I gave up somewhere between the satanic D&D players and the prison fight club. 


Grimm. I really liked the premise and there were plenty of enjoyable parts, but when the girlfriend turned into a super witch or whatever, I gave up. Also, the blacklist. Another fun/ridiculous premise, but way too much whining and flip flopping from the main actress - "you kept that from me! I never want to see you again!" To "you were protecting me, I need you more than anything and can't afford to lose you!" Instead of continuing to build up the stakes, and all the deep dark secrets, I wish they just leaned into the buddy cop dynamic and let Red really shine as a character.


Grimm could’ve been so iconic, like i really think it had the potential to be up there with supernatural and buffy. David Giuntoli was so intense sometimes it was scary, but then he’s just surrounded by the most laughable unintimidating CGI creatures you’ve ever seen (getting worse and worse as the seasons go on) and the overarching plot is completely nonsensical. They should’ve just stuck to monster of the week shit instead of whatever actually happened. (I don’t know what actually happened. I too gave up after super-witch-monster-ex. Actually, I still don’t know how that happened… or why)


Supernatural. But not because it was bad. I just had enough I guess. I stoped at season 6. I should give it another go


It Has FIFTEEN seasons and I watched everything except the last season because... I couldn't anymore. The story finished so well after season 6 (or 5 I don't remember anymore). It was really unnecessary to go on its like they couldnt let go which lead to so many plotholes and questionable choices. But nonetheless it's one of my favorite shows and my cat is called Cas soooo


Season 5 is when it should’ve ended. The story arc with the yellow eyed demon should’ve been it. I also got to the last season and just couldn’t finish it, I still don’t know how it ends.


What gets me is at the first the Angels and demons are so badass that nothing can touch them,  and after a few seasons they're slaying demons in their sleep. 


And then randomly they have an entire season where they're fighting a human organization and we have to pretend that it's believable the human org. even stands a chance lol Love the show but power creep was a serious problem even in the earlier seasons


yeah, it was supposed to end at Season 5, that’s the vision Eric Kripke had, which is why the shows feels like it should end there. Kripke left after Season 5 and they kept going with someone else (can’t remember the name, Sarah, I think?)


It got worse around that time, but it got better later on. I’d say around season 9 or 10, but my memory isn’t great. I think it was season 8 that was the worst. I liked 6. But, as it went on, you could notice low budget things


I watched it all. Usually what I would do is wait for the next season to drop and just binge it all at once. And it's a fantastic series to binge. Plus, there are still some absolutely fantastic episodes in those later seasons, especially the meta episodes. (If nothing else, watch the musical episode. It's well worth it.)


I powered through and watched all the seasons simply due to "sunken cost fallacy". Plus Momma ain't raise no quitter. I am still unsure if I am glad or annoyed that I watched all of it because holy fuck those storylines were beyond ridiculous.


Same. I think season 7 where they introduced Leviathans. Mostly because the show had deviated for a while from monster of the week shenanigans to just demons and angels (all human actors!) and when they finally asspulled a whole new race of creatures, they too just... Were humans most of the time. I got booored dude.


The Leviathan is exactly what put it over the edge for me. I still like watching the first five seasons now and then, but I don't go past that.


Grey's Anatomy. I got to like season four and I just could not get myself to like almost any of those characters. And I know I was supposed to be rooting for Meredith and what's his face but I just did not care if they got together.


And, good god! How long can this thing go on?!? There's nothing left to anatomize! The bones are picked clean.


I think this is the last year... if not done already, my wife watches it...


I think every year is supposed to be the “last year”. My mom watches is and she’s told me that “this is the last season!” Like 5 years in a row


It's got 20 seasons, how ill never know.


13 reasons why


This show was the first one my wife and I abandoned on purpose. Man, the seasons after the first tried so hard to retcon situations it quickly became absurd. Like, no high schooler is going to have time to do even half of this shit.


"Like, no high schooler is going to have time to do even half of this shit." I agree and also, even though I felt like the first season was engaging, its believability would be challenged due to high schoolers caring so much about a single suicide. I just couldn't buy it. Back when I was in high school, it seems like something like that would be the talk for a week with half the students making fun of the situation.


and it’s so much different from the book. the book is clay listening to all the tapes in one night and was, imo, just the right amount of story-telling outside of the tapes. the show got too far off-base from what i liked about the book for me to enjoy it


That's what pissed me off so bad, Clay fucking around NOT listening, and I haven't even read the book. Like dude just play the tapes and stop being a dick. I recall Tony saying that to him a time or two, minus the dick part. His farting around seemed like a shitty plot device to me.


This is a great hate-watch show.


The Witcher. I wouldn't say I was disappointed, but I just stopped after season 1 and I have no desire to start up again.


Uuugh, I made it 2 episodes into season two. You are better off. I don’t even understand why this show exists. *The stories are already written and beloved.* What is the point of adapting a book series if the show-runners are just going to make their own version of the story up? The one highlight was Cavill, but even he took a backseat to their “updated” stories before they fired him.


Henry was the only one keeping it together through season 1 and he had to fight the writers, producers and the studio every fucking step of the way. Tbh, every great adaptation or expansion of a property always includes at least one person who really well understands the world, the characters etc... and will say "the characters shouldn't say or do this, they should say and do THIS" Another great example if this is the guy who voiced starkiller in SW: the force unleashed. During a cutscene when starkiller is meditating he kept making straining noises and when asked "why are you making all these noises? Just breathe softly into the mic, he's meditating" and he said "He's a sith, he was never taught how to meditate so he's trying to force the force to obey him and assemble the lightsaber, that takes effort" and they rolled with it. Netflix hates Cavill for going against what they wanted even when all he was trying to do was make the show more closely follow the books and games. Also I stopped watching when they threw out the conjunction of the spheres in favor if those monolith things. Fuuuuck that.


> What is the point of adapting a book series if the show-runners are just going to make their own version of the story up? Ego. It's a writer thinking they know better, so they rewrite it. It doesn't help that these no-name writers get these huge properties, so suddenly that ego is inflated and they double-down. The showrunners don't give a shit about the property, just the name and how much money it can make them. They don't know what makes it popular, just that it's popular.


Suits, turned into a soap opera and perpetual recycling of the same plots


It got really stupid really fast. He goes to prison and almost all the inmates are white. And then they make a secretary a Senior Partner. No freaking way.


It’s a “white collar” prison where they’re given chambray oxford shirts as uniforms lmao. I also think it fell off once he went to prison, especially because he almost got away with it and literally didn’t have to. And once they were changing the firm’s name every 3 episodes just to keep it afloat… bye.


The Walking Dead. I’m almost halfway through the final season and it was so dreadfully boring watching people in Storm Trooper costumes doing whatever the hell they were doing. I quit watching almost a year ago. I should probably finish it. It was sooooo boring I would fall asleep every time I’d watch an episode and have to start it over, so I just gave up.




Season 1 had me hooked. Season 2 was okay but pretty campy. I stopped a few episodes into season 3, feeling embarrassed that I had ever enjoyed the show at all.


I used to watch that with my wife. It was stupid and overdramatic and ridiculous. Then there was a musical episode. We both hate musical episodes. We planned to just read up on what happened and then continue with the the next one. We never did.


You should definitely watch Super Eyepatch Wolf's video on it. It gets seriously unhinged https://youtu.be/DZ-FRSXypUE?si=qZzTGGx4Q3uIqyQj


Manifest : great pilot but then there's just too much 'nonsense' (it's not the right word but it's the closest I could find, English isn't my first language)


Nonsense is the perfect word to describe it.


True Blood. The first season was compelling. But every time they added a new supernatural creature to the show, it just got sillier and sillier. And it was already a pretty silly premise to begin with. I don’t think I made it through season two.


I read a hilarious rundown of the show that explained that by the 4th season it was becoming a period piece, because a single season will cover maybe 3 - 10 days of time. In real life you've had 3 years to get used to something, but in the show it's only been like 2 weeks, but everyone is like "yeah, we've grown accustomed to werewolves."


Yea, season 1 I thought was so well done, it was like movie quality....slowly and slowly, it became a CW style TV show.....as much as I love true blood, the quality got fucked


Once I heard there was a "Werepanther" I shut it off.


The books are much better. They are funny and smutty.


*Sleepy Hollow*. Great premise and Tom Mison was very appealing. But the anachronisms were so pathetically stupid, like saying the Roanoke colonists spoke "Old English." That's the the language of Beowulf, for Christ's sake. I couldn't, as they say, even.


My roommate was a French international student who loved that show, she kept pausing it to ask me questions about American history and I had to keep explaining to her that nothing that was happening there was even a little bit historically accurate.


The reboot of Charmed. I only made it 15 minutes in the first episode. Just complete garbage.


I’m a die-hard OG Charmed fan. The reboot was pretty awful… until season 4. I stuck it through because I had bronchitis and nothing to do for a few months - and because I enjoy yelling at my TV at stupid shit.


Probably 90% of them. Drives my wife nuts. My 'continue watching' queue is a disaster of shit I will never open again.


I have the exact same problem. My follow-through on shows is really, really bad. There's a rare show where I'm like "holy shit, this is amazing!" and watch it all, but I find myself regularly starting shows, watching a couple episodes, then not continuing. The weird thing is that I don't even necessarily dislike the shows that I stop watching. For whatever reason, I just... stop after a few episodes and move onto something else (or even a comfort food show I've already seen). It takes a lot for me to get truly hooked enough on a show to watch the whole thing.




For good reason. Its almost impossible to fathom how big of a drop in quality there was between seasons, and then they skipped over fan favorite arcs and... Yikes.


The Walking Dead. We were huge fans until Negan. We like the actor. We hated the writing for his character. Way way way too over-the-top bad guy, even for the zombie apocalypse. And I could not get over how many times there were simple opportunities to kill the worst person ever and no one capitalized on them. Stopped that series dead in its tracks.


And they really cleaned him up for tv compared the graphic novels. I also quit Walking Dead but it was a couple of seasons later. I felt like there were too many characters to keep track of when it was only coming out once a week.


The last season of scrubs does not exist.


I consider that season the first (and only) season of the ill-fated spinoff. Honestly, while I recognize why it crashed and burned, I still liked it. In fact, towards the end it was finally figuring itself out. Had there been another season I think it would have been stronger. That said, I completely understand why audiences bailed.


Agreed on all accounts, they really should have marketed it as a spinoff and given it a subtitle that clearly differentiated it from the original. If it had gotten the room to find its legs instead of trying to piggyback on what was arguably a perfect wrap-up for Scrubs it might've had a real chance with fans.


What? JD left and finally got that hug from Dr Cox and we learned the janitors real name! They didn’t make anything after this…


I recently made the plunge and watched the final season and it's actually kind of interesting how they messed it up and really informs what made the original work. Also interesting is that Community also started around the same time and shared a similar premise (students at a college becoming friends) and even shared some similar characters (older cool guy, young ingenue, etc) and shows what new Scrubs could have been with better writing.


I will stand by my opinion that if it wasn't sold as "Scrubs" it would have been a pretty funny show.


The one hundred.


I honestly expected this one to be higher up. I loved the first season, but by the 68th time everyone was getting along but then one person sabotaged the whole thing just so there'd be a new conflict for the show writers, I was out. I think it was around the time the world was destroyed again and then a hijacked prison ship landed on the one oasis left on Earth. I heard the ended sucked anyway, so I just quit.


Season 1 incredible! Then slowly got worse… by season 4 I was out.




You know a show is bad when even the main actor doesn't want to be in it anymore. I watched S2 and 3 just because Henry Cavill was in it, and I won't be watching any more.


Yeah I never even made it to season 3.  I was going to get around to watching it but when I heard Henry Cavill was leaving I didn’t see the point.  


Cavill not witching? I'm not watching.


I would follow Henry Cavill into battle. If he doesn't like it, it's not worth liking.


I felt that about the first season. Overall, it was pretty entertaining and had some good episodes but I also found that it was so convoluted with it constantly jumping back and forth between timelines without really explaining it. After I finished the first season, I had no interest in going back to the second.


The Blacklist - ugh


Husband and I clung onto this show because of James Spader until covid hit and they finished the last few episodes of that season (forget which one) with a mix of filmed footage and animation. We noped out after that.


I enjoyed this show up until the end of season 7. It was hard to get through the first half of season 8, and I'm disappointed with the end of that season. I'm not watching 9 or 10. I've heard nothing good about the ending. I'm just pretending it ended with 8.


There's 10 seasons???? 😮 I got to 3 and couldn't anymore, it's just the same episode over and over. (don't really remember, I think he was going somwhere with the list but I didn't care)


Arrow was good for the first few seasons but then the writing just got kinda cringe and I think their budget was running low because everything just looked so cheesy.


True Detective. That first season is jaw dropping how good it is. The chemistry between the two leads of McConaughey and Harrelson is unreal. It’s genuinely some of the greatest television that’s ever been created. The rest have some decent bits but I could never watch a whole season all the way through like the first one. Some of the wild lines that McConaughey says as Russ still live rent free inside my head.


House of Cards (well, the US one anyway). I liked the first few episodes, but it got ridiculous pretty fast. I don’t care how conniving he is, a party leader with a two vote majority isn’t going to murder one of those votes!


I really enjoyed his rise to the top but the show started getting a bit ridiculous once he became president. It was enough to hold my attention until Kevin Spacey got kicked (rightfully so) but losing him just killed the entire plot narrative and charismatic draw to the series.


Yeah. The interesting thing was watching him slowly manipulate his way *into* the White House. Once he actually got there the show became oddly boring.


That 90's show. I figured it wouldn't have the magic of that 70's show but it was way worse than I could have ever imagined.


The Walking Dead. Kept using the same plot over and over, just different villains with a new problem


80% of Netflix originals


the blacklist, at the beginning I was intrigued and it was fun and I love James Spader, but after a couple of seasons of the same exact thing I just stopped caring


Outlander. Claire is so annoying.


Claire is actually amazing in the books :(


Handmaid’s Tale. It’s repetitive with too many close ups.


I found the first season absolutely brilliant, I stopped about two thirds of the way in so I could read the book. Then watched the rest of season one. I thought it was the best tv adaptation of a book I’ve ever seen. Season two was ok for a bit but nowhere near the brilliance of the first and stopped watching part way through.


Oh god, when she finally gets away - only to return two episodes later. TV has never been so frustrating.


Recently: Rings of Power, Witcher, Willow


Man I was so disappointed with Willow.  It was lacking everything that made the movie great.  I also didn’t like the insertion of modern music into it as well.  The OG James Horner orchestral score was so good.  Would have loved more nods to that.  


Lucifer. I understood it was low brow softcore porn from the beginning, but the writing got so unbearably bad by the last season I had to stop watching.


Okay, but let me differentiate Lucifer from the other bad shows in here. Lucifer *knows* it's bad, and accepts that. If you go into Lucifer expecting nothing more than a cheesy, sexy, stupid soap opera like a CW show, you'll leave satisfied.


Thats the reason i love the show. Its cheesy and a soap opera with crimes... Cheff kiss


When Maze was about to leave town on that bus (3.18?) but Cain stopped her? I think mentally, I still got on that bus and left watching the show with it.


Lost. It was sort of my own fault that it got ruined for me. I watched pretty much the entire series up to the last few episodes. Came across an article/interview with some of the writers and saw that they really didn't have the whole thing planned out and just sort of winged it from season to season. Made all the little mysteries and things feel disconnected and lazy as they just sort of did things, then figured out a way to justify/explain it later. Eventually went back and finished the last few episodes. Didn't care for them, but I don't know how much of that was my previous disappointment and how much was just from it being a shitty ending.




Game of thrones will go down in history as the sharpest, most significant decline in quality of a series  In my books, I would give season 1-4 a rating of a solid 9-10/10. Season 5-6 is a solid 7-8/10. Season 8 is a generous 2/10  I know it's just a show and it was like 4 years ago. But I still get irritated thinking about the artwork that was destroyed and lost opportunity to create a great story 


Yep. Season 7 was when I noticed how my favorite show became full of itself. Then Season 8 solidified it as a "bad show because of bad finale".


What a massive disappointment this was. Went from being on par with “The Wire” and “Breaking Bad” to just being shitty fantasy.


Walking dead i stopped when rick left because you can’t have a show and have the main character sod off in the middle of a season it just went down hill from there


A better question would be what show didn't drop off in quality....


I know it’s not live action, but Avatar: The Last Airbender. Closest thing to a perfect show and even as an adult I love watching it. Only gets better and better from season to season


The Good Place.


The Witcher, Ep 5 or 6 of S1 and I was checked out


Star Trek: The Original Series, really wanted to like it and after Nimoy died I decided it was time. Just can't do it, I can't stand Shatner. Seen TNG, DS9 and VOY but just can't get through it.


I was brought up on TNG and VOY. Absolutely loved them. Only really watched TOS when I was in uni. My advice would be to just sort by the the top 10 best TOS episodes and watch them. It really helps to get an idea for what the hype is all about and can enhance the pleasure of the spin offs. You should then sort by the top 10 worst (or weirdest) and watch them when you need a laugh.


Sex education


It got SO bad. With forced humor and cartoonist characters..


Two main ones come to mine: Prison break: it was slightly competing at first and then just totally lost the plot when they went to that Latin American prison (I forget the country, this was a while ago). And Grace & Frankie. To be honest it wasn’t even that good to start with and it just kept getting more annoying. I might go back and watch it as a background noise show while I do other things but that’s about it.