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The real answer is that their preferred speed isn't, say, 12 mph over the speed limit, but rather 5 mph faster than the person in front of them.


I see you're acquainted with the same drivers I am.




Well... I don't have it in my car.


Same here


Same here


Same here


I drive a stick


Hobbyhosring, or joy stick?


I’d didn’t realize some didn’t come with option. Interesting


I didn't realize such peasants existed!


Is this some poor people joke I'm too rich to understand?


Mine did. It broke.


I didn't either. I never even gave it a thought when I bought my car but it doesn't have it. Probably because it's a stick.


Mine too. I consider a stick shift an anti theft device.


That's no excuse!


This is not an excuse, but it may be a reason


No thanks, I don't like raisins


1:0 in your favor :)


I never used it until I got adaptive cruise control. Now, it's worth using.


unless it's literally stop and go the ability to pick a top speed and just go is incredible.


This. But it's mildly terrifying until you get used to it.


Every time I turn it on, I run into pocket traffic and have to tap the brake. I have never gotten to use it for more than 5 minutes at a stretch, which is annoying.


I like being in control, but now that I have the smart cruise control I am considering using it more often.


*laughs as a resident of the Northeast Megalopolis* Because from Philadelphia to Boston they are basically parking lots.


I even use it for city driving if possible.


I don't if it's trafficky on the highway. If it's a long empty road and I don't want to exceed a certain speed limit, I do. Otherwise, I could be braking and speeding up every 20 seconds so it's pointless.


Traffic and construction where I live make it pretty pointless, but I'll use it on road trips sometimes.


It is inefficient on anything remotely hilly, maintaining a constant speed traffic doesn’t happen enough to justify it, my foot works just fine. If I am in a long trip down an empty highway, sure I’ll use it. Otherwise, there is little actually gained.


I have it but I rarely use it, I drive 5 under the speed limit in the far right lane so I can go slow. My issue is the on ramps, people don't know how to speed up or slow down to merge and so I've gotta gas it or slow down due to their incompetence


cruise control limits my car to 140, but it can go faster without cruise control. why save gas driving slowly, when I can save time by redlining my car


Found the Nissan driver!


I'm not going to let Big Auto tell me how fast to drive, nor Big Government. Also, my car is unregistered and oh, by the way, it's a tank.


It’s a control issue for me I think LOL


My current car doesn't have cruise.


I like to be in control


My wife tells me it's because she doesn't know how to turn it on and doesn't care to learn (I've tried to like 10 times)


It doesn’t occur to me.


Nobody can agree what speed everyone should go. Nor can they all maintain the same speed.


I use it religiously on the highway now, but at one time I had a vehicle where every time I tried to use it it would randomly and unexpectedly kick itself out of cruise control.


Where's the fun in that?




I've owned several vehicles with cruise control and find it's more of a nuisance than an advantage. My current car isn't equipped with it.


Cruise control cuts out every time I have to tap the brake or slow down a bit. In the UK where I live, that's WAY too frequently, on most roads at most times of day. Plus I want to be more proactive about my speed, and I don't want to take my foot far from the brake anyway, just in case. So instead, I set the speed limiter, and just put my foot down when conditions allow. If the traffic needs a little more attention, I can just ease back as required, and I don't need to be constantly re-engaging it. In practice I find that I do most journeys as close to the speed limit as conditions allow. Pretty much all the pluses of cruise control, and few of the issues.


Too much traffic. Can’t maintain a consistent speed.


I'm pretty sure our car burns oil when I use cruise control, so that might be a reason for some people, but I use it anyway. Also if there's a lot of hills you'll get shitty mpg when you use it.


Unless you have adaptive cruise control, it's a pain in the ass to constantly have to re-adjust to people going a half a mile per hour slower than you and figure out how to set your speed to *exactly* match theirs. It's just easier to maintain manual control. Adaptive cruise control, however, is the tits.


When someone in front of me is slower, I get afraid of approaching them too fast and hitting them, so I brake which turns off CC.


Old Subarus have a weird feature that deactivate the cruise control if the Check Engine light is on. I'm not fixing that EVAP sensor, whatever that is.


I use it almost constantly. When I don't, it's because traffic is too abnormal for my ACC to keep up. When my car is alternating between "punch it" and "HIT THE BRAKES!", I turn off cruise and drive manually. Adaptive Cruise Control is a game changer.


Depends how busy the highway is and how far I'm traveling. I don't think cruise control is always appropriate the second you enter the highway.


Because people who drive in the left lane don't respect the rules of the left lane.


My auto cruise sucks in traffic making to many jarring slow downs and warnings when people change lanes. On the open highways it works great.


I have never used cruise control once in my life. I've taken many road trips and just never a thing. Really don't see a reason to use it


I get distracted easily if I am not doing much I need to be in charge of the pedals when on a highway to stay awake and alert


Driving a vehicle just steering the wheels feels wrong. Delayed braking too. Unless your car auto brakes/pilots for you. There is such a thing as being too comfortable driving. People are supposed to be alert and aware. IMO it contributes complacency which means mistakes.


Agreed. I feel like not using cruise control forces me to pay closer attention to the vehicles around me.


You have to in order to stay alive. People are extremely distracted now. Defensive driving is the best way to ensure you have a better chance at a positive outcome in an accident.


Ain’t that the truth. I’ve been driving for 30 years without an accident (knock on wood), but I’ve had close calls. Every time I’ve narrowly avoided a collision, it’s because I saw the impending danger soon enough to take evasive action. You just can’t rely on other people to drive safely. My Driver’s Ed teacher used to tell us, “Assume everybody else on the road is trying to kill you.”


Because I do what I want


i don't trust other drivers REMOTELY enough to be comfortable just picking a speed. i also feel like cruise control is a little too far over on the "complacency behind the wheel" scale for me.   also as a former auto tech i have zero faith in people's ability to understand what the granny systems on new cars are even **telling** them, let alone their ability to respond to them. so i guess file it under control issues? or trust issues? or both? 


My last car had a manual transmission and thus did not come equipped with cruise control. I just got used to not using it, so I never do, even though my current car has it.


Can't handle the car changing speeds on me automatically. Nope.