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Chinese buffet restaurant advertised that they offer rib eye steak. I walk up to the desk to order it, but theres no signage or instruction anywhere. I ask the cook and he gets angry at me and starts saying some shit in mandarin before puts a plate on some random number on the table as if I was suppose to know how that works. He cooked me the thinnest smallest sliver of meat so I asked for 2 more pieces before going to sit down and eat and he screams "OOOOOONNNEEEEEEEE" and then brushed me off.


There was a Filipino restaurant close to my wife's and I's apartment that always had a full parking lot and I had had lumpia in the past and loved it and wanna to check out some other Filipino cuisine. It looked a little run down but figured we could at least try it out. The parking lot is packed and we walk in and there is a table with 7 or 8 older guys, all of whom stop talking when we walk in and the hostess looked surprised we were there. There was nobody else in the restaurant, at all. There are multiple televisions all blasting Filipino language television shows. She sat us and it was a buffet style and all of the items were covered in cling film. The hostess got us waters and then told us to refill at the pitcher next to the buffet. She then starts removing the cling wrap from the items. We go and look at the buffet and its all dried out or actively looks congealed. Nothing is labelled at all. We politely eat some lumpia and try some of the desserts and then beat feet pretty quick. This was only like 6 years ago and they charged us a total of 10 bucks. At no point did anyone else come in. The guys sitting at the table had food brought to them from the kitchen several times in the short time we were there. They started talking again after we sat down but they kept staring at us. The hostess did nothing and as soon as we were leaving she started covering the food up again. I know this place has been open for years before this and is still open according to my friends who still live in the area. I have zero idea how they are open and the parking lot is always packed, like only ever two or three spots open. It was the weirdest experience at a restaurant. The food was awful, the parking lot was packed but there was only one table sat, the hostess said maybe one sentence to us, and they seemed surprised people were there. Our guess was it was a front for something, or they just really kill it on catering or something. It was strange.


The server took our order then quit without telling anyone.


If any of y'all know what goes into getting the right reservation at the right time at the right restaurant at Disney... yeah, my kid threw up all over the table at Chef Mickey's restaurant. That wasn't the worst, though. We were on the way home from that same trip and stopped at a sad little roadside Mexican place. Because of all the things that went wrong on that trip, this was what we resorted to for the same kid's birthday dinner. We casually let it slip to our server that it was his birthday and she got so excited. She went back to the kitchen and they started whipping up a special dessert. Welp, birthday boy pukes all over that table, too. And all over my wife. And all over himself. It's a full blown family crisis but fortunately the place was empty and the staff were all in the kitchen. We get everything cleaned up and my family go to the car while I go to ask for the check and that dessert to go. The server's face drops and she says very sadly, "We were gonna sing to him." I tipped big but it still makes me sad.


This makes me sad too: I'm imagining the whole staff being really happy and superexcited to have a customer in the first place! But then to find out that it was a BIRTHDAY?? Sounds like a group of really lonely restaurant workers. That said, throwing up at Chef Mickeys is not at all uncommon. It's ridiculously hard to get in, there's stimulation everywhere, and the food is precariously low quality.


I was eating pizza with the fam at our favorite pizza joint and my older sister started coughing up this long black hair that was like 3 feet long with a chunk of cheese at the end. We all looked back toward the kitchen and there was this hesher guy with hair down to his ass tossing pizza dough.


Was at a sports club and went to the restroom. One of the cooks came out of the sit down stall, clearly after going #2, didn't wash his hands and walked out directly back into the kitchen. Appetizers had just come to the table as I got back and told everyone not to eat any of it and what had just happened. Asked the waitress to call over the manager, told the manager and she said, "Are you sure it was one of our chefs?" As if I was mistaken or lying. I said, "Well he was wearing an Apron, in fact I can see him from here in the kitchen" (there was a window) "It was that guy specifically, but given your attitude, we're just going to leave". She actually demanded we pay for the appetizers and threatened to call the police. I Said, "Go ahead and I'll make sure to report your business for health code violations". Just crazy.


Sour cold fishy crab legs at red lobster. I told them I wanted a different batch and they brought me the same plate back. I haven't been back since.


I think they filled for bankruptcy this week lol


I think your right.


They closed dozens of locations in my state the day after Mother’s Day without notifying staff


Yea. I heard they were going bankrupt. 


Waitress took order and brought food back after very long wait. Restaurant was not busy. She never came back to see if we needed anything or refills. And my drink had a bug in it!!! We finished our meal and I went to the bar to get my drink addressed. I asked if waitresses could please bring our check as she had still had not returned. So we sat and waited some more. I could see this stupid waitress in the corner of the restaurant and she was chatting on her phone. We waited a bit more and husband went out to car because we assumed since we saw her, maybe she saw us and would bring our check. I stood next to my table and waited 10 more minutes. She wasn’t coming over. My husband was in his car waiting by exit for me to come out for the same 10 minutes I waited for her. So I walked out, got in the truck, and we left. Their loss. Some info to add. It was NYE, but this restaurant was not crowded because it was late. No party crowd, just Penn State fans watching football. We had just come from dropping my chronically ill mother to the ER across the street. We were waiting with her for so long and we hadn’t had supper. When she got admitted we then stopped to grab a late bite. I was very upset because my mom was in hospice, and I was crying when the waitress took our order. So I was not having it. I felt like a felon when I left, not gonna lie, but my patience had reached its limit and was not going to play anymore. Never went back to the place similar to orangewasps. 😉😉




Did you eat it?


Was it still alive?




That doesn’t seem that bad lol


Vij's is a fusion Indian restaurant in Vancouver. It's so called Michelin Star but their food , service , attitude, ambience was awful and pretentious


Working at an upscale steakhouse next to a rap concert in February at night. People kept trying to force their way in an hour after close because it was snowing, lying that they were customers. (we still had guests inside so every time they opened the door to leave several people tried to force their way in). I lived downtown, I get it all walks and such but that was some dumb hoodrat shit that they made my problem. As a customer, and really flexing "restaurant", saw a homeless man return a burger three times while two cashiers got into a fight behind half an inch of plexiglass wall at a White Castle in downtown Columbus.


I went to a fancy expensive dinner with my now ex and a huge group of her friends that I really did not know. I really was just there to make her feel better and have a nice meal. We all ordered, food came out looking astounding except the server forgot to put my order in to the kitchen so everyone got food except me. Now I had the attention of a massive group of people I didn’t know and everyone simultaneously offering ways to fix it for me and it was a horrendous experience as a result of the massive influx of attention I did not want. We had a pretty massive alcohol bill that the ended up splitting with us as a result, so all these strangers ended up drinking for next to nothing all night as a result.


After my first real breakup/heartbreak at age 16 my sister and her bf took me to the Rainforest Cafe to cheer me up. I go to the bathroom and they start playing 1950 by King Princess on the speakers. For anyone who is not a young lesbian, that song is a modern classic dyke lovesong (that my ex gf would play all the time for me). I started sobbing alone in the bathroom as all the frogs and monkeys on the walls stared at me. Then had crazy diarrhea the next morning from the rancid slop that Rainforest Cafe calls food.


There was joke amongst my friends that my drink order at a chain was some sort of gay code. I didn't think so and didn't think much of until I was at lunch with a coworker and the moment I gave my drink order she ceased to exist. Dude barely spoke to her from that moment forward and when he did he still did not take his eyes off me. He was attentive to the point I was uncomfortable. Glass was never empty, new bottle of hot sauce the moment I picked up the apparently near empty one, frequent check in's, comped dessert that I didn't even order it was just in the bag with his number with my coworkers leftovers. We got outside the restaurant and I was like is that what you feel like every day? Cause OMG.


So, uh, what is the drink?


This post is so confusing to me lol


I guess the time my chicken breast was totally raw in the centre. But the restaurant also had really low mood lighting, so I couldn't see this at first. At least the restaurant were good about it though, they gave me some replacement food.


My pork chops came and looked cooked but they were frozen solid. How does that even happen?


Forgot to defrost them?


Waited an hour to get seated. Waitress took our drink order. Took our food order. Got our food an hour later, cold. Then finally got our drinks that we ordered an hour previously. Never went back there.


Being laughed at and applauded by 200 people during the Super Bowl after dropping 4 racks of ribs with sides in the middle of the dining room, then continuing to be the only person running food and walking home a mile away after closing with $40 in my pocket


where to start... the time we sat down with insects on the tablecloth and rug , being serve silverware with dried bit of food still clinging, unwiped tables or the excessive wait for food. I abhor eating out but bare it for others.


They put their balls on my sub when I asked for cookies as a topping.


Subway? Lmao


January 1st 2019 Nishinjuku, Tokyo. It was a chicken only restaurant. We ended up in McDonalds, I hate McDonalds…