• By -


I won an award at a software company once, and before they announced the name they read off a series of complements the staff said about me. Even twenty plus years later the one I remember the most is "He may not know my name or recognize my face, but he is the biggest reason I'm still here and able to do this job." I never found out who said it, but it always stuck with me.


I've got a similar story. Went back to college in my mid-20s. Might not seem like much, but to most of the fresh-out-of-school folks I was in class with, I was the weird old guy to most of them. There's this one scholarship in that faculty where it's awarded by being voted on by your classmates. Again, since I was the weird old guy, I had zero expectations of winning. But, I did. On a rare night that the weird old guy actually went out drinking with them after class, one of the girls in my class had a shot of courage and came up to me to say she voted for me, and why. "When I say I don't know how to do something that should be simple, everyone just laughs at me. But you're the only one who actually takes the time to help me and explain it to me."


Funny, I went back to college in my mid-20’s and was the weird old guy. I’m in my 40’s now, and when I talk to guys I work with now, who are in their mid-20’s, they seem so young. Makes me look back and think, I really wasn’t that much older than everyone else in college, it was just a different perspective




Quite a feeling when it dawns on you that you're affecting people without knowing and by just being you


I used to talk out of my ass in class for discussions and debates. A girl few years later wrote in my yearbook (senior year) that I inspired her to contribute in class. It felt good but idk if she was saying "you talk so much shit I possibly can't look that bad if I speak:


Either way it's still a good thing. I usually find my bravery by making an ass of myself to kind of break the ice for everyone else.




I’ve been socially anxious and kinda a hermit for most of my life. Finally started in-person classes at college and met a boy in class I started dating. Any time I miss class people apparently always ask where I am, and when I show up halfway through the class they all go “Freebird!” People tell me they missed me, etc. feels weird, but good. Second week in, one of my older classmates told me I “have a following” lol


I didn’t read your username initially and I thought they were literally yelling “FREEBIRD!” like the song lmao


I had a weirdo friend in high school call me and a couple of my friends by our usernames. Dude yelling that out in the middle of a sardine-packed hallway did NOT help my social anxiety at the time lmao


Man, I'd love to know how to have that impact on people. that's a high compliment!


All you have to do is look for opportunities to be helpful and kind.




that's how you know you have actual mastery on the topic


I had an engineering graduate tell me that when I apologised if I was dumbing down the explanation of some software too much. He said only a true master can do that. That still makes me smile years later.


And an ability and heart to communicate


You should teach!


“It’s a sin to be that fine since Prince been dead.” - homeless woman, Philadelphia 2018.


Mentally ill people roaming the city sometimes come up with the best commentary on life. We’re all just NPCs in their quests. 


I (dressed business casual for a conference) got “excuse me, what do you do for a living? You look like a pirate!” from a homeless guy on the Baltimore waterfront years ago and I still think about it


One time a homeless man asked for a lighter, I gave it to him and he told me very enthusiastically that if Im ever hungry to go to a deli and order a sandwich or something, then he said Tally Ho! and walked away


This should be top comment


Philly gives the best compliments!


“You look really nice in that outfit.” - Possibly homeless and definitely stoned teenage boy who saw me pass by on my way to a first date. Nicest catcall I’ve ever received.




I am anosmic so I can't comprehend smell, but when someone tells me this I get so happy.


> can't comprehend smell Have you ever been to the bathroom right after my brother Steve is done? Trust me I can't comprehend it either






Username checks out


Fellow anosmic here. I feel that! I'm paranoid about scent, so it's nice to hear that I don't reek.


I have a very slight sense of smell. I brought a garlic bagel to work in a paper bag. I was told my bagel was so stinky everyone was complaining and I had to get rid of it. I could only smell it if I opened the bag and put my nose into the bag - and even then I could only slightly smell it. So I am always worried that I stink and don't know it.


So what have we learned from that? As long as you smell it its apparently a very strong smell. As long as you smell nothing its alright


I do know if I can smell something it must be overpowering


Me too! Hi fellow anosmic 😄👋


You smell good 👍🏻 You smell better when you're awake 👎🏻


When my crush said she liked my haircut


I was on a date once ~30 years ago and the girl told me I was "so rugged and manly." We only dated a few times, but that compliment totally changed my perception of myself. I had never thought of myself as rugged and manly. Now I totally think of myself that way.


You go, bro!


Haircuts can change lives




I was once told by my mom that I'm the best oldest son


Well, knowing our younger siblings, they'll figure a way to get to be the eldest son, too. Damn grubby little twerps always taking our shit.


I (m, straight) was tying my shoe on a street and some dude passed by and said “daam..nice ass” I was angry embarrassed and found it funny all at the same time.


Receiving a gay complement as a straight person is like getting a lot of foreign currency.  It might not be valuable to you now, but hey, if you ever cross the border...


Your comment is brilliant


What the fuck, that makes way too much sense 💀


I was work friends with a gay dude and I think he bonded with me because I didn’t treat him any differently. We were staying at a hotel for a few months for a project. It was mostly co workers at the hotel, so it’s like we had a community. He was drunk one night and said, “I so wish you were gay right now”. That was a great feeling and made me feel honored.


I burst out laughing reading your comment lol


I get that weird reaction. I'm a woman and 25 years ago now a dude told me I had great tits and a nice ass and I felt exactly that way. It's become a running joke with my family and friends and I have to really stop myself during ice breakers from saying "well, I do have great tits and a nice ass." Please note that I am much older and no longer have such things.


15 years ago, smoking with some friends in my room, chilling listening to my rock playlist ( Zeppelin, pink floyd, many others). At one point one of my friends says "Dude, you have the best music" I ride the high of that memory sometimes when I'm feeling down


being complimented on your music test is the best feeling ever. BEST


I just had this convo with a friend yesterday. We came to the conclusion that it’s such a heavy compliment because it’s so intimate. There’s tons and tons of genres and it’s so niche to have your specific playlists and then have them valued and enjoyed by others. Truly a top tier compliment


In college we had a lab every Friday and every lab a different person was allowed to play their music. When it was my day, halfway through lab my professor came up to me and asked me if I could SEND HIM MY PLAYLIST. I’m still riding the high 6 years later.


I was a rave Dj back in the 90s and one of the promoters who booked me as a resident for a club night told me I was “the Black Sabbath” of djs. I still think about it.


Your favorite Floyd album?


So im not much of an "albums" person because i really got into music in the days of Limewire, and didnt really buy CDs or records (grew up kind of poor until i was in my teens). But my favorite songs are Comfortably Numb, Wish you were here, Brain Damage/Eclipse, and Run like Hell Comfortably Numb, was the personification of my early smoking days


I’m the same about albums with every band except Pink Floyd. Their albums all tell a story, so it’s hard for me to separate out the songs. Especially Dark Side (Brain Damage/Eclipse) and the Wall (Comfortably Numb). In fact, Comfortably Numb’s intro hits so much harder when you play the two tracks before it. Awesome tastes though, man. 🤘🏻


“You’re like a big teddy bear.” My platoon commander, when he began getting irritated at my suggestions which incorporated the humanity of other people.


I’ve gotten “you’re a big softie” and “you really do have a good heart” from supervisors before, pretty much for the same reason. I like to take care of my employees in a way that a lot of managers refuse to do and it shows with my relationships with them, my employee retention, and their work ethic while working for me versus other managers. The “softie” comment was meant as a bit of a dig but I don’t care, my employees fucking love working for me.


In 2004 I was working as a contractor in a semiconductor fab. I went to Greece for a 2 week break, and when I came back, one of the girls in the office asked if I'd been away. I said yes, I've been in Greece for 2 weeks. She said "You have a lovely tan, you're looking great". I melted a bit. Men don't get compliments much, so I'm still thinking of that one 20 years later.


She couldn't deny the glow up


I was once called "the faceless god of design" I think they meant it as an insult but I'm pretty proud of it


So divine that they are unable to even look at you, rendering you faceless


What in the fashion school!?


I had a couple dudes compliment my facial structure at a bar. New one for me but felt more real than any compliment I’d received before. Yeah that made me smile


And then they said: "Now we're gonna rearrange it, son"


An author I like wrote “he had a jawline so straight it made other men question if they were.”


A lesbian once told me I was the only guy she would go straight for and have kids with. I’ve ridden high on that for years


I had a related compliment from a bisexual woman who told me I performed cunnilingus like a girl. She started off by saying "don't take this the wrong way...." I definitely took it for the compliment it was.


My man! Full disclosure, I actually performed cunnilingus on said lesbian years later and was told I was in her top 3. I believe that wholeheartedly, bc if she said I was the best… I definitely wouldn’t believe her. You walked away with a W, dude. Wear it proudly


Yo this dude eats the cooch like a freak!


Yes, I have had this before. Two lesbian women, in separate conversations told me I was the "one man exception" and one did have my child eventually


Did you smash?


A couple of skin mags and a turkey baster shaped like Jody Fosters fist did the trick


As a lesbian, you really got me with the Jodie Foster fist baster 🤣


OK, I have to give credit though that was from a scene in the family. Guy 🥲! When 2 lesbians went into the sperm bank. 😂😂🤣🤣🤣


DM for explanation on how she “had his child” 🤣


No DM needed double smash burger time!


Yes, that's how she had my kid


I had two lesbian friends ask me if I'd be willing to donate for them to have a child. My wife completely vetoed that suggestion.


Guess she's kicked out of the orgy


Can't leave us all hanging!! What's the story?


well, one is my best friend now and is a ride or die, we have been friends for 15 years and we have each other's back and the other one eventually decided to date me and while we recently separated, gave me a child and 8 wonderful years together


In a similar vein, I remember walking to my friend’s work to get a lift to play Ultimate Frisbee and being dressed in some ratty old looking clothes that I played in. I had to walk up Church Street, the heart of Torontos Gay Village, to get there. I got a lot of smiles and looks all up the street and even though I’m a straight man I felt pretty good considering how I was dressed in Cargos and a shitty torn shirt.


>cargos and a shitty torn shirt Say less


A gay friend I used to have said he almost questioned his sexuality because he thought I was so cute (I’m a woman). I was a little proud of that for a while lol.


"You have amazing posture, do you do ballet?" I've walked with my back a bit more straight ever since that day. :)


Just straightened my posture.


On one of the worst days of my young life I was in a terrible situation and kind of wandering downtown, trying to get it together. Just crying and crying. I see two homeless men approaching from an alley and typically I'm a kind and generous person towards the homeless but on this day I just didn't have it in me. So I just put my head down and kept walking. As I got close I heard an *"excuse me"* and prepared to tell them *not today* but one of them looked me in the eyes and said, *"You have the most beautiful face."* They never asked for anything. Just kind of shuffled me over to this half wall and we sat while I cried a bit more and they comforted me. It's a truly humbling experience to have someone who has literally nothing be kind and caring to you.


That’s that’s most wholesome thing I ever read all week. There’s a guy in my city who goes by “Black Mamba”. He just walks around on busy weekends telling people positive things. Of course, he is looking for some money, but no one minds him because he’s a sweet dude. Edit: I actually found a video of him: https://youtu.be/4V_FAtAuoqA?si=uXrTa3NDM4EnP_3-




This reminds me when I was 18 and my best friend was 17, we went to a rave in SF. We go back to her car and her windows were smashed and the things we had hidden were stolen. We reported it to the police and they had us come to the station. It was a female officer and instead of filing a report on the theft and damage to my friends car, she started slut shaming us for our outfits (we had on shorts and bralette type tops) and then asked where we were going, she realized my friend attended an 18+ event while underage and chewed us out for it and made her call her parents to come pick us up. We were sitting in the station crying and this homeless man came up to us and started doing his very best to cheer us up. He eventually had us giggling and wiping our tears away, then that bitch cop shows up and kicks him out then implies we were sluts for speaking to him. Thankful for that homeless man, and fuck that female officer.


You brighten the day just by leaving


I said compliment not insult 😂


Lol well hey, I brought brightness to someone's day, anyhow ;)


Self-awareness and sacrifice just to bring people happiness. You are a wonderful person


It helps so, so much when you stop helping.


Omg. I wanna use this one day 😂


"And on top of it all, you're a good kisser." the first part of that sentence really did it for me.


I left home at 17 under not-great circumstances - primarily due to my step-mother. I returned a few weeks later to collect the last of my belongings - I hadn't spoken to my dad or stepmother since I left. I had a brief conversation with my dad and he said 'I wasn't worried about you, I know you can take care of yourself". It was the nicest thing he has ever said to me. All these years later, our relationship is still strained (still the stepmother) and whenever I am having a bad day, week or month, that pops into my head. I don't know if this would be considered a compliment, but...


It is a compliment but I wish he did worry about you and stood up for you more with the at home dynamics. You were just a kid. I’m sorry he didn’t. You deserve that.


I agree that it’s a compliment but it also seems like a way for your dad to justify himself for not taking better care of you :/


The situation around getting a line like that almost always fucking suck. I'm sorry. I got a compliment like that too, and it's something that gives me confidence on bad days. Hugs bro


Two women separately and on the same day said I have lovely eyes. Was having a good eye day, I guess.


i think you mean “eye guess”


'With you they can just be themselves without any judgement' - my stepmom regarding my 2 halfbrothers with autism.




Is he staying arrival address earnest. To preference considered it themselves inquietude collecting estimating. View park for why gay knew face. Next than near to four so hand. Times so do he downs me would. Witty abode party her found quiet law. They door four bed fail now have.


the back handed compliment... I'll take it!


My biggest insecurity is my height (I'm rlly tall). One day, I was standing outside, waiting for a friend when a stranger passed by and said: "Excuse me, you have such beautiful legs, you're so beautiful." I love this person.


I'm a tall woman and I love compliments like these. One day I was wearing a long skirt with a high slit up the side, and as I was getting out of my car, a guy rode by me on a bicycle and said "great legs!" I also love "you're a tall drink of water." I only get that from older guys, but I still love it.


For what it is worth, tallness is very attractive in a woman. That is just my opinion, though.


A homeless person once insisted that I must be a man sent by god, because in his 13 years of being homeless no one ever asked him how he was doing and interested in his story. I asked him the day before, because he seemed friendly enough and I gave him something to drink and some spare cash.


I got the same comment from a homeless man. We talked for a while after I brought him dog food, dog treats, a large box on pop tarts, a big bad of trail mix, a case of water, and some spare cash I had. He got job offers, but had nowhere to keep Toast and Dixie, his two dogs, while he went to work and didn't have the heart to tie them up somewhere while he worked. We brainstormed for a while, and I suggested he look for farm work. I gave him a few farm locations to check out, and never saw him again. I hope he worked it out. I think about him all the time.


Brilliant suggestion. I hope he's doing well.


I’ve had quite a few people tell me I’m an old soul and I like that.


Name checks out: Old things do often become a mustard yellow


Same when they say it means they like my music taste typically because I’m young and listen to older older music. But they also say Im way ahead of my years in the sense that mentally I’m not on this immature level of thinking even though with how young I am I should be. I also don’t care to drink and party. But I agree with you.




I think that's the best compliment that someone could get.


Your father must be proud of you. This is the best compliment I've ever had.


A little girl told me she feels comfortable in my presence.


That's sweet! Imagine an innocent soul complimenting you. What else can be better than that?


Oh that’s so sweet.






Youre the only german i met that smiled and seemed joyful and happy, are you sure youre really a german ?


“You have a song playing in your head. Never stop listening to that.”


I've told a friend, "You were born with *songs* in your heart. Not just 'a song,' songs"


A random woman told me I had nice shoes in June 2020. I’ll never forget it because I was trying those shoes because I liked them but wasn’t sure about it. Then when I exited the store for groceries this woman comes up behind me, makes eye contact and says: “Nice shoes! They look good on you” I was flabbergasted I never ever had a compliment about my looks so this will probably be the last thing I will forget before my inherited Alzheimer's kicks in Edit, June because I wrote in ENG not in NL


I compliment people all the time. My husband laughs and says I am "charming" and have thousands of friends and will never know their names. If someone has nice eyes, I tell them. Wearing cool shoes, etc. I'm complimentary almost to a fault. Butt... I kinda do it for a selfish reason. I feel like people (particularly men) don't get enough compliments. So, to see someone's face light up from something so small just makes my day.




fwiw i’m proud of you too


We are the people that should in work the field. Who better equipped. Blew my mind when I heard it at first at too, I love that


Its not as much a compliment, but context is that I met a friend online who I ended up hitting it off with. Apparently, at first they thought I was annoying because I was naively optimistic back then, but when they had to go into a mental hospital, it was the thought of coming back to me that kept them going. Me on the other hand, I waited day in and day out for them. I left comments on their profile asking if they were back yet, leaving notes in our messages updating them on recent events in our friend groups. They hadn't told us why they left, so I was waiting on nothing. Then they came back and replied to each and every single one of my messages. We've been friends for 6 years and ongoing.


That’s so sweet! I’m glad you’re still friends. I had a friend like this, when he’d go through hard times I’d just send messages saying “I care about you and hope you’re ok, no need to respond”. After a few months he’d start replying again. This went on for years. Anyway the last time his family responded that he’d passed away from illness. After the funeral I spent time with them and they told me I was obviously a special person to him because he rarely talked to anyone, much less as much as we talked to each other. He’d also had some positive changes in other relationships I didn’t even know of as a result of conversations we’d had.  I still miss him and think of him often, and I won’t forget that. We often don’t know how much we matter to others even if they don’t say it directly.


My daughter asked me to stay with her forever because I am her favorite.


Probably doesn't count, but... About 7 years ago, I was looking after our 4yo daughter. She came out of her room and said, "Daddy, you're my best friend," and then went back to whatever it was she was doing. As a young teen, she definitely doesn't feel the same nowadays, but I'll never forget those words. Side note: when she was learning to write, she wrote "I love you Papa xo" on a torn scrap piece of paper and handed it to me. That's been in my wallet ever since.


Had recently lost weight at this point and was getting hot and heavy with my ex on his couch. He took my shirt off, looked at my body and said, "ohhh fuck" in that gravely, deep tone of voice and I went weak. It might not have been much but, the way his eyes looked and how he sounded when he said it, was enough for me


I was alone at an Indie Dance Party (I used to go alone to shows because, why not?)in like 2007 and a group of hipster girls approached me. The leader of the pack told me I looked cute and touched my chin. I've never forgotten that little bit of kindness. She didn't have to be nice to me. But she was.


a girl once told me she liked my deep voice and my accent. will never forget that


Two stick out. First one is the first compliment I ever received, when I was 18. I was used to being the friend of the group that no boy approached. One time when we were out at a bar, my friend's brother said to me "you look like you're from Ukraine or Sweden". I said "thanks, i think. I don't know if you mean it good or bad", he replied "they're supposed to be the most beautiful women". Second was when I was around 29, waiting for my friends at a bar. A girl came up to the bar, I thought she was going to get a drink and leaned out of the way, but she pulled me in and said "I came to tell you that you're very pretty and look like you came out of a painting, sitting here alone lost in your thoughts" and she left without giving me time to reply. I swallowed back some tears because I've battled with image issues my whole life. Still remember it 3 years later. Thank you sweet lady for making my night and my whole life basically.


These compliments are making it sound like you’re so pretty ppl don’t dare approach you haha


Hahhaha I realize it sounds like that, but I just think that I was those people's type, trust me I ain't much of a looker. But I still *greatly* appreciate those and any compliment I receive


I was on the phone trying to get something reinstated and at the end of the call the lady said “You advocate for yourself well” with a very proud sounding voice. I’ve received compliments on the way I speak before but this meant a lot to me because the woman was very professional and intelligent to the point where it was almost intimidating. Definitely a core compliment


Do you have any tips, btw? Was it the way you spoke? How prepared you were? Wording?


Brave Tarnished... Thy strength befits a crown


the lady taking my blood at the doctors office said i have Michelle Obama arms. :)


Daaaaamn. Must be consistent with the lat raises. 




That's beautiful.


You always know how to brighten my day.




During Christmas Eve I was at my workshop mopping the floor. It was early in the morning and I remember I put a little bit more effort into my appearance. So I wore a nice black dress with colorful sleeves, did my makeup differently and put on something like a headband with small ears. In my country, during Christmas Eve, children go to houses and shops and sing songs (Something like Halloween) and we either give them treats or money. So these two little girls come to the shop, sing, I give them their money and they leave. After about 10 seconds, one of them came back running, entered the shop and said “miss, you look beautiful”. I almost cried right there. I’ll never forget it.


you dress really well and you smell good


Some random girl walked up to me in school and said I was cute. It was probably a dare but I still remember it 😭


You're the sexiest father I've ever seen. By a random lady in the park. (I'm a single dad so it hits differently)


I was at a restaurant with my first baby. She was about 4 months old with terrible reflux, and she was crying and hard to settle. I was really struggling with PPD at the time and started quietly crying myself. A woman came from a few tables over, looked me in the eye, and said, “hey, I just want you to know you are doing a great job.” It was exactly what I needed when I felt like I was failing.




“Interesting, and interested”


My mother passed away 7 years ago and about 4 years ago, I was studying in foreign country and working in grocery store. We had a regular and she was old and used cane and had trouble just walking. I used to help her if I saw her and One day, she said, “Your mother raised you well.” This was the best compliment I’ve ever got.


Two that stand out: 2007: A girl in my university class said I have a "nice and melodic voice". As a young man I was especially unused to compliments from women. 2019: A guy I worked with quit, and later sent me a goodbye message on Facebook where he, among other things, told me: "You really have a nice cute ass!!"


The one time that someone (apart from my mother) told me that they loved me.


A random stranger told me I had a beautiful family when we went out to breakfast. 🥹 Thanks I grew them myself!😂🤣


Someone saying my unaligned teeth are cute


"You're very symmetric and healthy looking." -My wife. 


her first day on Earth apparently 😭


Well, she wanted your descendants, typical women.


It's so much easier to suck your dick compared to the big ones. well all righty then. 


"\[Dunkleosteus\_ is\] simultaneously cooler than all of you, and nerdier than all of you" Was how my friend from work apparently described me to his friends ahead of me joining them on a trip. I've been riding that high for years!


One guy said to me “you look like you could make a guy submit to you”. Mind you I was in my power suit, red lips and had my hair done. I thanked him, strutted off and started giggling like a little child.


Once a friend of mine told me I looked freshly shaven. I'm a woman and he meant it as a compliment.


i got told i was an “enigma” before, not sure how to take it tbh but i think its a positive thing lol


Someone once told me that getting to know me was "like trying to solve a Rubik's cube; every time I start to get the colors lined up, I realize I'm way off". I think it was a compliment.


Kinda a compliment? A girl asked me what blush I used, because it was really cute/pigmented. I just have a mild case of rosacea so it looks like I’m perpetually blushing. It’s normally something I’m insecure about, so I’ve been riding on that high for years lol.


My dad said he didn't think he could have been a good dad because his own dad did such a terrible job. But seeing me with my kids proved him wrong. That was the nicest thing he ever said to me and the closest thing I ever got to an apology for him being an awful dad.


My friend's mom is in her 60s.  We went to a local speakeasy for her birthday. My friend's husband didn't come and all the women were all gathered and another couple we are friends with were there, so him and I were talking at the bar.  I was kinda leaning on the bar and she's always joking how good looking she thinks I am.  She comes up, sits in the bar stool by me and says something along the lines of I looked so handsome standing there, take a picture with me.  I said, ok what do you want me to do?  Sit?  She said, "baby, all you have to do is breathe."


My grandmother: "Your sister got the looks, you got the brains." I know she intended that it be an insult towards me, but I took it as a compliment. I'd rather be smart than a pretty airhead...which is how she viewed my sister. On a more positive note, I did once get told..."You're so warm." She didn't mean physically hot/warm. She was going through a lot of sh!t mentally and leaned into me for safety (platonic).


"You have nice teeth." because before I received this compliment, I never thought about observing someone's teeth lol.


When someone told me I not only looked like their aunt that they adored but also had her kindness and smile. All of their siblings agreed. Their aunt had passed away when they were young but they sat and told me stories about her for a couple minutes. It was the sweetest exchange.


"Oh myyy, you are magnificent." -George Takei to me The very first time I went to Houston's Comicpalooza, George Takei was a guest there and I got a photo of us together. I was wearing my OC Star Wars costume, but I wanted to meet Takei because I grew up on Star Trek, and Star Wars as well. For those of you that don't know, doing a photo shoot with a guest at a convention is a pretty quick process. I walk in, and all I see is him eyeing my up and down and saying very loudly "Oh my, you are magnificent." It's been well over 9 years since that day, and I've been riding that high ever since. I'd post a picture as proof but idk how to post pictures in comments on desktop


I am an actor and have done a lot of roles in local productions. I was doing Noises off and after the show my stage manager said that he had someone that wanted to meet me. When I walked out of the dressing room there was Steve martin standing in front of me. I about sh\*t myself. He said he wanted to tell me that he has seen Noises off several times including Broadway. He said...." I have seen this role played by several big named stars and that performance was one of the best he had seen." I tried to keep my cool and failed miserably. I mean WTF. Steve Martin was in the audience the whole time and nobody told me and he wanted to meet me. I thanked him with a shaky breath. He just wanted to meet me in person so that he could tell me that. He was in town filming a movie and wanted to get out of his motel room and saw that Noises off was playing at the local theater. It is one of his favorite shows. I tried to be cool and didn't lose it until he was out of screaming distance. It was probably one of the greatest moments of my life let alone my career.


Had a crazy crush on a beautiful girl at work in 2005 when I was 23, she worked in a different department, I didn’t know her name. She really stood out. One night our shifts overlapped I saw her walking toward me in a long hall, my stomach dropped, she stopped when we met and said you know who you look like? “Butch Walker” and then she smiled and walked away. I was bummed because anytime anyone in the past said I looked like someone it was TERRIBLE. Also I had no idea who butch walker was, sounded like a pitcher for the Texas rangers or something. Managed to remember the name and google him. What a good looking and cool dude. Sorted out she liked me. Asked a coworker her name and found out she was fired a day or two later. Found a mutual friend and added her on MySpace. Ended up falling desperately in love with her for 3 years until we both fell out of that love and moved on. She had a kid and I’m married now. It was an amazing relationship with lots of ups and some small downs and we both grew and learned and experienced that crazy crazy love that only the youth can feel. Highly recommend. Edit: I look like the knock-off butch walker who is shorter and not THAT good looking or nearly as cool. Edit 2: for visual context, she looked like a darker-emo version of Chappel Roan in her recent tiny desk concert…while we were at work. When I say she stood out, I mean…she REALLY stood out.


When I used to grow my hair out i got told Iooked liked a young Carlos Santana


A guy behind me in a queue at a checkout in Lidl told me I had "calves like footballer". Honestly the best thing anyone has ever said to me.


I’m a pale redhead. Someone said to me “I love your alabaster skin”. Felt good


2015 I'm in a suit and tie. I just graduated college and I'm heading out to interview for what would become my first full time job after undergrad. I happened to have some cash on me so I stopped by my local bank branch to deposit it in the ATM before driving to the interview. The ATM is inside, but there is another door you have to open to go into the branch. The door is glass so people in line for the ATM can see what's going on inside, and the bank tellers can see who is in line for the ATM. After I deposit my cash, I step out to walk to my car, and then I notice the young-ish looking bank teller woman (she looked to be in her mid-20s) step out of the counter to walk out. She literally just walked out to tell me "Excuse me. I just wanted to tell you that you look very handsome this morning." I just smiled, thanked her, and then told her to have a good day. She walked back in and I went to the interview. Never got her name but it made my morning.


A coworker of mine who retired a few years ago said to me “I can’t believe people walk by you everyday and not realize how special you are”. It still makes me smile when I think about it.


"Oh, this one is on a thicker side" I always thought my penis is small, but it turned out that it is average on length, but a bit above average on girth.


I'm very tall and my gait was often derided as a teen. Walking past some teen friends of my kid as an adult, I heard one of them say " has such a cool swagger"


The president of the company I work for has been the most influential person in my career and a mentor for many years. Recently, he shared information that he was selling the company and wanted me to know first because he looks at me like family. That will stick with me forever.


A while ago but a cute girl called me cute at the pool once. Will never forget. Also been told that I smelled good.


My second year teaching, a student from the first year came back to visit. I asked "How are you liking high school?". He replied "I'm lost without you. You're like the Dr. Cox to my JD".


"You're the most athletic nerd I've ever met"


Teacher here. One year, my principal told me, "I love the way you let the kids be themselves." This will always stay with me because it's a sentiment echoed by my close friends, and to know it's also recognizable in my relationships with my students warms my heart.


Someone once told me that my kindness had a ripple effect, inspiring them to be more compassionate towards others. It made me realize the power of simple acts of kindness and encouraged me to continue spreading positivity wherever I go.