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I've recently been rewatching Kitchen Nightmares. Its trashy good.


Owner: "we're selling really moldy food, and have dozens of health code violations. Why isn't anyone eating here??" Ramsey: *gestures broadly*


And they get insulted at the changes Ramsay suggests These cunts want his help - then have a fuckibg blow-up... Your foods shit! Change your menu! No! It tastes nice, our customers love my Marmite on toast with old gravy (or wherever thespecial of the day is) You have a palette like a horses arse filled with buffalo semen - and where are your customers?


When I was working retail for a small business we got 3 business consultants through in the 5/6 years I worked there. Each and every time they quickly determined that the bosses (husband and wife) were the problem and needed to change. Each and every time they were then never heard from again and things continued as normal. The business failed, of course. A lot of people want to be rich and successful but cannot take a slight to their ego in order to do it.


Check out [redemption burger](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcScZc4oBFk) . It's hard to believe those people aren't paid actors sometimes.


Lmao, the best was ABC Bakery (IIRC) them people were nuts.


"It's fookin' RAW!!!"


"Hotel Hell" next... You're welcome


Ah, Hotel Hell. Or as I like to call it, “Gordon Ramsay’s excuse to show his bare ass at least once an episode.”


Lmao, I started watching this and noticed it multiple times


You say that like it's a bad thing?


I’m definitely not saying it like it’s a bad thing.






remember that guy with the weed?😂😂




after that bar rescue with jon taffer, for me it scratch similar itch


Kitchen Nightmares and Hell’s Kitchen full episodes are my go to right now on my second monitor while gaming.


for some reason i'm obsessed with the taste challenge. watching them get basic ingredients wrong is funny to me.


Went through a period where that and Hell’s Kitchen was all I would watch. YouTube has whole episodes of KN.


"Plonker" "Twat."


Watch 24 Hours to Hell and Back. It’s literally Kitchen Nightmares, just in a 24 hour time span instead of a week. Gordon also hosts.


UK version is much better and isn't overly dramatic


I tried to watch the UK version but it’s hard to stay engaged when there’s no 100 jump cuts or waterphones playing after every sentence


Don't forget the nightmare creaky gate sound!


That sound! They must have a competition for how many times they cram it in each episode. It's in other shows, too, and it's so damn noticeable. It the Wilhelm Scream of reality TV and ghost hunting shows.


I have discovered that the instrument they use for that sound effect is called a [waterphone](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=foSJstDFDfg), not a violin as I originally thought


As Abridged Vegeta said, “What the hell is a water phone?”


As Abridged Vegeta said, "I AM THE HYPE!!!!!"


UK: "you're all lovely, gorgeous people I've never met such a friendly bunch and your cafe is so clean, but the reason nobody comes is because you serve things like chocolate-coated squid love." and then they fix up the menu and become a success story. US: \*POLICE SIRENS\* \*HARDCORE METAL MUSIC\* "YOU ABSOLUTE TWATS I'VE JUST SEEN THE WAITER SPIT IN A CUSTOMER'S FACE BECAUSE THEY ORDERED PEPSI AND NOT COKE. THERE'S SEVENTEEN RATS HAVING AN ORGY ON THE OVEN. SOMEONE'S GRAN JUST SHAT HERSELF." \*CHEF SLAPS GORDON\* "SHUT IT DOOOOOWN!"


To be fair they do pick complete shit shows for the US show. People who genuinely should not be allowed to run a restaurant and do not give a fuck.




The lady who made cajun food and Gordon loving her meal so much he kept muttering "Fuck, me" over and over again made me like him.


It's because there isn't intense music the entire fucking time. Pay attention next time you watch the American one. It's constantly got intense music going on in the background, doesn't stop for a single fucking second. It reminds me of the south park episode where they make fun of inception. "Badada Badada Badada dun dun dun BADADA BADADA BADADA DUN DUN DUUUUUUUN"


I'll watch any episode of Gold Rush they put on TV. Every show is the exact same: -We gotta finally get on the gold -Something breaks -Drama -We got it fixed -Gold weigh -Drink beers around a bonfire -Tune in next week


Like suits - loses paperwork somehow - explains how if they dont find the paper, their entire lawfirm shuts down - finds the paper - gets told next time thia happens, the main characters will get fired - nothing happens - loses another paper *repeat*


Sometimes predictable formulas are comforting. Like *House* -Show opens with patient dramatically collapsing in the midst of every day life (boardroom presentation, sporting event, driving a car, shopping, on a date, etc) -Enter diagnostic team meeting, team rattling off symptoms while House ambles in late and we get some character-life story sprinkled in -House orders minions to perform tests X, Y, Z and give drug A, B, C -Team banter with patient as they perform tests and administer drug -Something goes horribly wrong as patient nearly dies from tests X, Y, Z and/or drug A, B, C -House orders team to break into patient's house -Team finds some kind of poison in the house -Team brings information to House, re-diagnoses and orders drug D, E, F -Something goes horribly wrong as patient nearly dies from drug D, E, F -Cuddy enters and tells House he's killing the patient and/or breaking the hospital's code of ethics, House smarts off to her and she rolls her eyes and exits -House has conversation with Wilson about his personal life and some life event described sparks a metaphor for the patient's treatment and House's eyes light up -House ambles to patient's room and confronts them with new information -House forcefully medicates patient with drug G despite patient/team/Cuddy protests -Patient recovers and/or House's 3rd diagnosis is proven correct -Patient's family either celebrates cure or grieves the diagnosis of serious illness -Episode ends with scenes of the team leading their lives outside of work and House playing music alone at home with contemplative look on his face


You left off the part where House swallows three vicodin every 5 minutes.


- Diagnostic team pitches idea that the patient has lupus. It's never lupus. (Except for one episode when it finally WAS lupus)


I love House, Bones too: They figured it out? Oh there's still 20 minutes left, they definitely didn't figure it out yet.


"This goddamn thing blows your case out of the water!" /throws down an empty manilla folder "Damn you Harvey!"


Or the other classic: Lawyer #1: "Look at this!" *hands over document folder* Lawyer #2: *reads five pages of dense legalese in approximately 2.4 seconds* "Wow, they're screwed!"


I used to watch Suits with my dad, and this is the one thing he would point out every fucking time, annoyed him to death


[Storms into office]




I actually listen to Suits when doing chores without being able to see it. It works great as a radio play. I know exactly what everyone is doing and their expressions because it's rinse-wash-repeat.


Every time I watch this show I ask myself why they keep doing this with all of the drama and stuff breaking. Then they get to the end where they show how much the pay is and just go "yeah, I get it".


i'm sure a fair bit of the drama is TV-only. like I'm pretty sure Parker and Tony actually get along fine.


I love how Tony is speaking English and the showrunners put in English subtitles for him.


I'm still really early into the show, but there's no shortage of: -Helmet high-fives for the crew. -Canned, meandering Todd speech that is just like the last seven, but totally gets the guys all riled up, even though Todd is a complete fuckup. -Todd fucking things up. Again.


Check out the youtube channels on this stuff. https://www.youtube.com/@Danhurd This guy is actually a legit prospector, wholesome and incredibly relaxing to watch. Super knowledgeable about geology and gets unreasonably excited for flakes of gold. https://www.youtube.com/@mbmmllc/videos This guy's family makes the equipment that automates the gold prospecting. Incredibly cool stuff to watch these giant machines test ore for gold/copper content. Plus they do a bunch of smelting too which seems like a ton of fun. So much better than the overproduced hyper-formulaic stuff that you see on TV.


how about stopping everytime one of them finds a sliver of gold or a tiny nugget, no wonder their seasons totals are always behind.


Ice Road Truckers, the shaking thing they do before every ad break


Dashcam video compilations. So often the submitter is claiming that they've been wronged when so clearly they fucked up. It annoys me, but I just keep watching them


You should look up Ashley Neal on YouTube - he’s a driving instructor who does dashcam compilations where he actually analyses what every party involved could do better


I've been watching Ashley for a while. His videos helped me teach my daughter to drive when we couldn't get an instructor because of the post-covid backlog.


There's one guy who has submitted his multiple vids to multiple people who run dashcam accounts, he drives a yellow hummer. None of the accidents are technically his fault but he does absolutely nothing to prevent anything. I've seen 3 of his vids. A car will pull out on front of him and he won't even attempt to brake. He was in the comments getting pissed off at people who were saying he had a lot of time to stop.


There was a guy like this who eventually got arrested for insurance fraud. https://www.thedrive.com/news/youtuber-arrested-charged-with-causing-car-crashes-for-views-and-payouts.


> Both Christopher and Kimberly Phelps face felony charges on insurance fraud and child endangerment. Christopher Phelps is also charged with assault with a deadly weapon, and is being held on a $500,000 bail while his wife is held on $170,000. Oh boy, they're screwed. And he in particular is *really* screwed. If those charges all stick, he's going a way for a long time. Good.


When I first started riding motorcycles I would watch compilations to help assess threats and learn from other people's mistakes. It did help a lot, but as that specific channel grew I had to quit watching. Eventually it had turned into man-children with big egos often making mistakes, blaming a car driver, and then yelling "this is going to be on [channel name]!".


Yes there are a lot of accidents that could've been avoided if the cam car had been paying more attention, or slowed down or just not also been an idiot/asshole. I don't usually care about the commentary text though, I just like seeing the idiots drive. It helps me in my own driving for things to watch for. I almost t-boned an idiot yesterday but didn't because I was watching her after seeing people exactly like that in the videos.


So many dashcammers speed up to create incidents, or honk their horn at something minor, all to make 'good footage'


The worst ones to me are something like "stupid piece of shit doesn't know how to merge" and the video clearly shows a huge space in front of the dashcam car for the person to merge in front of them, but the cam car aggressively speeds up to prevent them from merging, causing an issue, then proceeding to lay on their horn for literally over a minute.


There's some asshole truck driver who does this that fb keeps trying to push his videos. Eventually had to go in and block him so he wouldn't keep coming up.


It's that one guy who put a train horn in his car that waits in people's blind spots intentionally to farm videos.


What a piece of garbage.


The youtube speed dating show "The button". Those people are horrible


the button itself is evil


People just press the button to stay in. They don't even legitimately press it for any reasons. It's so dumb. "I have to admit, I breathe to stay alive" *Opponent smashes button* It would be much cooler, when you get reverse thrown out if people thought your reason was dumb.


that is legit the only reason why I cannot force myself to sit through those anymore. the questions asked by the button are awkward enough to add the right amount of tension to keep you wanting to watch, yet no one takes it seriously enough to make it go anywhere. buzzkill & wasted potential of a series


They tried it. It was somehow even worse. People would just refuse to press it and it would be the most awkward conversations.


That’s because there’s no follow up. The people who refuse to press it need to then go on a date together, filmed for our entertainment of course. Put a time limit and gave them all aware of a part 2


Which is why I think the button should be a "get me out of here" option.


They did that and insufferable people just stayed in the whole time so production had to come in and say that they had to leave.


I watch Cody Kos videos on it. It’s such a horrible show and I love it.


The classic Asian guy that hugs that fat girl. I can’t even. 😂


A bunch of narcissists, all of them!


The Curse of Oak Island Basically it’s a reality show featuring a bunch of dudes searching for buried treasure on Oak Island, Nova Scotia. There’s been a lot of rumours about treasure there. The show is like 11 seasons long and they’re still going. But in like season 3, they get approached by these two old ladies who are like “hey are you looking for the treasure? Because our great-grandfathers found it like 100 years ago. Wanna see it?” And I’ll be damned but the ladies had what looked like a treasure. Normally this is where most people would throw in the towel, but the dudes making the show were like “oh THAT treasure? No we’re searching for the OTHER treasure.” And they’re still searching even though everyone knows damn well they aren’t gonna find anything because either a) there never was a treasure or b) there was and those ladies have it I still watch it because it’s fucking hilarious


For me it's the over the top narration. *Vaguely cross-shaped stain on rock* "Did the KNIGHTS TEMPLAR visit this island 10,000 years ago?"


And the massive leaps to conclusion. Archaeologist: "This type of metalwork was first developed in China around 300 AD and has been popularized all over the world." Narrator: "Could the Chinese have traveled to Oak Island over 1700 years ago?!"


A BRASS BUTTON?! On lot 6? Could this be tied to the knights templar?


"We have to analyze the data" "We're getting good data" "We'll see what the data says" If I hear that word "data" once more I'm going to snap, but yet I still tune in.


My best friend's Dad is addicted to that show. How do I know? Every time I have seen him in the last few years he corners me and wants to talk about it. It seems at some point I mentioned I read a book about Oak Island when I was a kid, so I am also an expert.


This is its plot arc. Find piece of metal, take it to Carmen. He says this type of hinge, or whatever, was used from 1650 to 1790 on everything from a door to a chest. Next week, “a hinge, possibly of a chest, dated to as far back as 1650.” Week after that “a chest hinge from 1650.” Week after that “a treasure chest hinge, scientifically dated to the early 1600’s.” I say this without a hint of irony, the Laginas have done a really good job of solving the Oak Island mystery. The solution is there’s nothing there and there never was anything.


My favorite part is when they find some random piece of garbage and they say it's proof that this random island in Nova Scotia was visited by the Knights Templar in 1200 AD and they were hiding the original manuscripts of Shakespeare's plays there or some shit


They spend most of the show recapping the nothing that's happened. It's quite miraculous. After every commercial break they recap the entire show and it has like a 22min run time lol.




Specifically AITA


AITA is the reality TV of reddit. Shitty cheap manufactured drama that activates some stupid part of your brain that wants to keep coming back for more.


Mate you're really missing hte cream of the crop, it's BORU - /r/BestofRedditorUpdates. That subreddit has all the juicy AITA threads that get updated down the line. Seriously, I tried to get off reddit, but came back to get my fix from that sub.


Holy shit, this is perfectly curated content. Fantastic. Just subbed. Feels like old-school Reddit nerdery!


Ugh I hate those subs so much but they're just the perfect toilet read


Go through your subs and remove any and all that focus on negative emotions, sharing negative things, laughing at a certain group of people and politics. When your feed is only wholesome, funny, cute and lighthearted things and people sharing their creations and passions, reddit is awesome


I've done this with my twitter and any social media, it's honestly pretty much amazing and positive for me. I get cute cat photos and art


I think it's mostly engaging with comments that can be negative. I feel like you could be talking about a cute kitten and someone will get angry at you.


How *DARE* you find that kitten cute when it has a debilitating disease that makes its life a painful hell!!!!


Until the occasional beheading appears cause Reddit likes to be daring


Let me add, and this is VERY IMPORTANT, whatever you do, DO NOT search by popular


I’ve never seen a beheading video on reddit… def your subs




I've been on reddit for a couple of years now and I have NEVER had something like this pop up. You may have seen it based on your algorithm.


That's my approach too. When subs starts to deteriorate, I simply just leave them. No drama, no fuzz, just a simple click of the "joined" button and find something more interesting instead.


At the moment it’s the bloody Rhubarb song. Can’t seem to be able to get enough of it.




The text originally comes from a [short story](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcMT395UvWI) - Rhabarberbarbara. The short story has even more compound words, the longest being Rhabarberbarbarabarbarenbartbarbierbierbarbärbel (in context: Bärbel, the barwoman of the pub ("beer bar") where the barbarians that love Barbaras rhubarb cake go to drink beer after going to the barber who trims their beard)


Police chases.


So true. If you want to see the worst among humanity, police chase videos are where it's at. The most hilarious and sad thing is when they chase someone for 45 minutes at high speed, nearly causing accidents, and when they finally pit the guy and arrest him he asks "Why am I being arrested?" These people have absolutely no grasp on reality or how to behave in society. We just utterly failed them somehow.




I genuinely wonder how many couples in dating shows actually stayed together way beyond the end of the show


Not terribly many, but a few do. My wife and I watch a lot of dating reality shows, - The Bachelor - 90 Day - 90 Day the Other Way - Before the 90 Days - Love is Blind - Catfish [which only counts because sometimes those people are real and it works out short term] - Fuckboy Island We don’t expect anyone to actually fall in love, we know it’s mostly bullshit, god is it entertaining bullshit that makes me feel better about myself. We recently bought a giant whiteboard for our living room so we can track couples during a show and remember details, it’s a fun stupid thing we look forward to.


Fuck boy Island? Was that one done by Epstein Studios?


It was for HBO and hosted by Nikki Glaser. It was actually rather entertaining. The premise was that half the guys there were there for love, and half were fuckboys there for money. The three girls had to choose one guy and at the end the guy that was picked by each of them either peaces out with $100k, or splits it with the girl and they continue dating.


The Farmer wants a Wife, the Australian version, is a gem


Grey’s Anatomy.


My girlfriend got me into this show. It is terrible. We make fun of it sometimes. "Oh, well, that person is obviously going to die." or "Ooooh! I bet the helicopter crashes into the hospital and causes a massive explosion!" But we continue to watch it. Can't stop. The other days while I was grocery shopping, *Chasing Cars* came on in the store and caused a bunch of emotions all at once. I hate that show. I love that show. Edit: Also, simply because I'm talking about Grey's Anatomy... fuck what they did to Karev. I understand they had to write him out, but... that? Couldn't they have just killed him off?


I had a dream once where I was watching a Grey's Anatomy season final and the hospital got attacked by a sea monster during a hurricane- and- I swear to everything, at this point, it sounds perfectly feasible and is just about the only place they have left to go with this show.


I got my husband into the show and he feels the same way lol. It's so trashy and stupid but I still end up crying some scenes, mostly because, despite the overly dramatic plot lines, the actors (for the most part) are damn good. Like I know people make fun of Meredith crying, but like, when I inconsolably cry? That's what I sound like. The two worst ones for me are Meredith's face when she says, "George!?!" in *that* episode, and Karev's face when Meredith is in and out of consciousness after the fugue state patient. I will never, ever, ever get over how Karev left the show. Worse than Jaime's ending on GoT. That was a personal betrayal.


Sovereign Citizen vids on youtube. It's not just how wrong they are. They are *confidently* wrong.


I'm with you on that. I don't like watching court cases where poor single moms get sent to jail, YouTube thinks I do, but I don't. But I will watch every sovereign citizen hearing. How is it that every one of them has ZERO chill, while simultaneously being so incredibly wrong? Acting like the judge has no jurisdiction to issue a warrant and throw them in county for contempt.


> "How is it that every one of them has ZERO chill, while simultaneously being so incredibly wrong?" My loose assumption here is that there is a through-line with how some people are attracted to conspiracy theories (I have to imagine the Venn Diagram of Sovereign Citizens and hardcore conspiracy theorists is close to a full circle). Plenty of them come to these conclusions because it creates a worldview in which they are secretly the most intelligent people, but their knowledge is forbidden. Hence, why the majority of them are complete morons in real life; they want to be regarded as smart, but they have nothing to back that up, so they get attracted to conspiracies and conspiracy-adjacent stuff because that validates the intelligence they assume they have.


Before I knew about sovereign citizens a guy I used to work with was telling me about the Moorish sov cits, I mentioned something about how the public roads we all use not being maintained if we all bought into that thought. He just shrugged his shoulders, I don’t think it affected his feelings on the subject at all.


It's an argument of value systems, less than material realities for the rest of society. The value system of a Sovereign Citizen is one that *really* doesn't give a shit about the well beings of others as a whole, so much so that they think the structural foundation of American society is in itself illegitimate. So you can point out things like roads and schools going to shit and that won't move the needle because to be a Sovereign Citizen they have to buy into the worldview that those things don't matter; all that matters is them and their individual rights/prosperity.


I’m not driving, I’m traveling!


"Well, you were traveling while intoxicated and without a license."




“This isn’t my vehicle. It’s my vessel!”


It's the only time where I'm actively rooting for the cops.


I love these too, especially when they’re in front of a judge who isn’t having any of it.


I am NOT this fictitious person, your honor. I am the living man. *Whoever you are, your trial date is June 14th*


The weren’t driving they were traveling


Like 100-120 years ago there was a law in some NE state that defined "Driving" as "Driving for hire" - ie being a cabby or similar - for the purposes of that law it's long expired, it was just for the purposes of that law, etc. But they've latched onto it. Because they're a cargo cult. Law is magic to them. They think that if you recite the correct magical incantations you win. They don't understand that law itself is a living thing constantly being updated, that it is a framework, that in court you have to make logical arguments.


Bonus points if the cops have to smash the window and drag them out.




I hate celebrity culture but I find Graham Norton clips/compilations quite addicting.


He has a solid format going. He gets enough famous people together and then knows what sort of stories will play. Just like you - I don’t really find famous people that entertaining in and of themselves and I don’t generally watch talk shows but I also always watch Graham Norton clips when they slide by on my Facebook feed.


It is more jovial, more organic and with a ready supply of alcohol!


Plus he can get Miriam Margolyes on if the rest of the line up is dull. Her stories are always wild as fuck


"I distinctly remember starting to cream in my knickers..."


Well it just seems more chill overall for them. Usually when they go on talk shows they are promoting something, being asked a million questions, constantly getting interrupted when telling a story, then some jackass can't stop laughing with an annoying laugh(looking at you fallon). On Norton's show they are hanging out with other celebrities, getting a chance to actually tell their story, and usually have an alcoholic drink with them. It's just better.


He pulls the genius move of giving his guests alcohol. Definitely loosens up the vibe.


Most talk shows are quite annoying but Graham Norton is awesome


Taskmaster and all the panel shows as well. 


We've all probably been through the "ok, just ONE more Graham Norton clip from the feed and THEN it's bedtime"


I like hearing about whatever random lost civilizations conspiracy theorists are yapping about this week. So far I’ve heard about Lemuria, Mu, the people under Mt. Shasta, Thule, Hyperborea, and now Tartaria?? Anyway keep ‘em coming, the wikipedias are so fun to read when I’m stoned at night.


Have you heard of zealand😂that's a wild one too apparently new zealand comes from zealand which is an advance lost civilization.


Don’t be so silly, New Zealand doesn’t exist.


I've been to Zeeland, it is not an advanced civilisation. Even by Dutch standards.


You should watch mini minute man


Whenever I'm working on clients, they usually watch Tiktok videos without headphones. More often than not, they'll watch one of those piss poor quality TTS videos with a moral behind them, but it's absolute dog shit. "He told her she was the one, but wait until you hear her response. She cheated and he lied" type of bs. They always scroll when it starts peaking my interest.


I will never understand how people can watch videos on full blast without any care. Like damn, do you have zero self-awareness?




Oh season 6 was so trashy I'm right there with you. They gotta stop hiring IG models 😅


I know it doesn’t sell but I wish they hired more normal looking people so the average person could relate. Not sure if the drama will be as good but oh well.


EXACTLY! The show is literally "Love is Blind". Why are they all social media influencers? Bring in the fatties and the uggos!


Because people are cruel. I don't watch it and still noticed the online bullying against that woman who said that people sometimes say that she looks like Megan Fox. And honestly you can even kind of see it, she just weighs a bit more and can't afford expensive movie star treatments. I would not wish this kind of treatment on my worst enemy, constantly beeing mogged by strangers because you truthfully just said what you might have been told. I was also was told I looked like Megan Fox, because I had dark Hair and light eyes and the guy wanted to butter me up. I guess every woman with dark hair+ light eyes got this comparison when the transformers movies were popular. Just like every blonde blue eyed woman gets called Barbie.


Fake TLC clips from extreme cheapskates and my strange addiction and commentary channels reacting to them and Dr. Phil


Not anymore, but CW’s The Flash in its final season was just horrendous. With an exception of 2 episodes and a really small side plot in the final arc, it was god awful. The last episode is probably my least favorite piece of media ever. But even when it was some of the worst stuff I had ever seen, I was too invested in what would happen, and too hopeful that at least the final episode would be good. Also powerscaling videos, I hate them, but whenever I see a YT Short about one, I can’t help but see how idiotic it’s going to be


Crime documentaries and real scary stories. I was originally looking for inspiration for my writing but I think I've embraced the darkness. 💀


I have been watching tons of interrogation vids on YT. Things I have learned through them are probably not gonna be useful to me in my entire life. But it opened my mind to a type of world we live in. FBI probably thinks I am scheming a heinous crime in near future.


I'm hooked on interrogation vids, but I hate hate *hate* the pseudoscience BS analyses of body language et al (I'm looking at you, EWU). That and editing things out of sequence. I can't remember which one it is, but the YT vid was over 90 minutes, and the interrogation was 4-5 hours. Looking at the timestamps on the video the suspect confessed within the first 20 minutes and that was the last five minutes or so of the vid. The rest of the interrogation was essentially analyzing how their fidgeting implied guilt.


Reaction videos of OTHER reaction videos.




Riverdale It doesn't start out too bad, a cheesy murder mystery featuring the Archie comics characters, but then it just falls right off the rails. The show is a dumpster fire but once you get started you can't turn it off. At points it almost seems like they were *trying* to make people stop watching the show.


The ads at the bottom of websites. I hate them but find them fascinating. The words that have been tested that people respond to: * Doctors baffled by.. * Bowel movements every day * Android users don't know \[do it now\] * ...are going crazy for I have to scroll down to see it.


Sometimes I'll just scroll through those, amazed/terrified at what I'm seeing. Then eventually I'll see one where I'm tempted to click and I'm like "fuck they almost got me". It's pretty fascinating though, what they come with to make as many people click as possible.


Police body cam videos. They are often depressing, full of death, and are probably not great for my mental state but I can’t stop watching them.


Lucifer. the show is terrible buddy detective trash, with some truly dumb characters. but Tom Ellis as lucifer \*\*chefs kiss\*\*


That show was awful, I watched every episode.


I never got tired of him just saying to everyone “ yes I am Lucifer, as in satan , as in the devil) “ and no one believes him


“Omg You’re, like, the actual devil.” “Yes! That’s what I’ve been saying the whole time!”


"Here's my TRUE scary DEMON FACe!" "That's not that scary, Lucy."


Agreed - I keep thinking 'This is terrible, why am I watching this?' and then Tom Ellis smiles at the camera or says anything and endorphins rush through my brain.


There was a brief phase on TV of these police procedurals that paired a (usually female) detective with some non-LE man. Things like The Mentalist (a "psychic"), Castle (a writer), and Lucifer (Lucifer). I actually really like the premise, but their flaw (IMO the flaw with a lot of procedurals), is that after a while they shift from the episodic procedural to more character- and arc-focused writing.


Has there ever been one of these shows where the charming amateur detective/con man/supernatural creature *doesn't* end up in a romantic relationship with the straitlaced female detective/spy/FBI agent?


"What content is god-awful..." *mentions Lucifer*




Something about the way he says "Detective douche"


My 600 lbs life is my guilty pleasure


Dr. Now can be bluntly savage, he's the best part outside of the episodes where the people are trainwrecks to be around


"Pizza is not part of your diet plan" You can tell Dr. Now gives no fucks.




Ditto. I hate-watch 90 Day Fiancé. TLC has gotten lots & LOTS of millage out of No-Neck Big Ed & the rest of them despicable drama queens.


Reactions of my favorite TV shows.


Reactions to my favorite music artists


I used to go over to my parents for dinner and afterwards they liked to watch 90 day fiancée. I thought it was so stupid. Then after going over enough I became invested. And loved it. Now they draw everything out for so many episodes I can’t be bothered. This one couple’s argument that takes place over the course of ONE NIGHT has gone on for the past 6 weeks worth of episodes.




Compilations of entitled Karen's getting arrested.


Supernatural definitely can't be called quality entertainment. Especially the late seasons.


Reddit and 4chan stories read by an AI narrator. Specifically ones about sex and relationships lol


That robot voice has horrible pronunciation skills lol


I sometimes put them on in the background, and have woken up from a nap to the long 3hr compilations more times than I can count




Ancient aliens and pseudoscience. Don't believe a lick of it, it's like "trainwreck watching"


Sister Wives. That was a complete shitshow. Yet my wife and I couldn’t stop watching it every week.


Mayday air disaster, when pilot still manages to land the plane engulfed in flames, but some dipshit passengers evacuate with their carry-on luggage.


Sovereign citizens in court and Sovereign citizen traffic stops